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h1:bJZC9H9iH24zzfZ/41RGcq60oK1F7G282QMXDPYydCw= -sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.1.0/go.mod h1:UJmg0vDUVViEyp3mgSv9WPwZCDxu4rQW1olrI1uml+o= -sigs.k8s.io/yaml v1.2.0/go.mod h1:yfXDCHCao9+ENCvLSE62v9VSji2MKu5jeNfTrofGhJc= diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/LICENSE b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 49d21669aee..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -The MIT License (MIT) - -Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft - -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: - -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -copies or substantial portions of the Software. - -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -SOFTWARE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/osversion/osversion_windows.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/osversion/osversion_windows.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3ab3bcd89a1..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/osversion/osversion_windows.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -package osversion - -import ( - "fmt" - "sync" - - "golang.org/x/sys/windows" -) - -// OSVersion is a wrapper for Windows version information -// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724439(v=vs.85).aspx -type OSVersion struct { - Version uint32 - MajorVersion uint8 - MinorVersion uint8 - Build uint16 -} - -var ( - osv OSVersion - once sync.Once -) - -// Get gets the operating system version on Windows. -// The calling application must be manifested to get the correct version information. -func Get() OSVersion { - once.Do(func() { - var err error - osv = OSVersion{} - osv.Version, err = windows.GetVersion() - if err != nil { - // GetVersion never fails. - panic(err) - } - osv.MajorVersion = uint8(osv.Version & 0xFF) - osv.MinorVersion = uint8(osv.Version >> 8 & 0xFF) - osv.Build = uint16(osv.Version >> 16) - }) - return osv -} - -// Build gets the build-number on Windows -// The calling application must be manifested to get the correct version information. -func Build() uint16 { - return Get().Build -} - -func (osv OSVersion) ToString() string { - return fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d", osv.MajorVersion, osv.MinorVersion, osv.Build) -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/osversion/windowsbuilds.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/osversion/windowsbuilds.go deleted file mode 100644 index 75dce5d821d..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/osversion/windowsbuilds.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -package osversion - -const ( - // RS1 (version 1607, codename "Redstone 1") corresponds to Windows Server - // 2016 (ltsc2016) and Windows 10 (Anniversary Update). - RS1 = 14393 - - // RS2 (version 1703, codename "Redstone 2") was a client-only update, and - // corresponds to Windows 10 (Creators Update). - RS2 = 15063 - - // RS3 (version 1709, codename "Redstone 3") corresponds to Windows Server - // 1709 (Semi-Annual Channel (SAC)), and Windows 10 (Fall Creators Update). - RS3 = 16299 - - // RS4 (version 1803, codename "Redstone 4") corresponds to Windows Server - // 1803 (Semi-Annual Channel (SAC)), and Windows 10 (April 2018 Update). - RS4 = 17134 - - // RS5 (version 1809, codename "Redstone 5") corresponds to Windows Server - // 2019 (ltsc2019), and Windows 10 (October 2018 Update). - RS5 = 17763 - - // V19H1 (version 1903) corresponds to Windows Server 1903 (semi-annual - // channel). - V19H1 = 18362 - - // V19H2 (version 1909) corresponds to Windows Server 1909 (semi-annual - // channel). - V19H2 = 18363 - - // V20H1 (version 2004) corresponds to Windows Server 2004 (semi-annual - // channel). - V20H1 = 19041 - - // V20H2 corresponds to Windows Server 20H2 (semi-annual channel). - V20H2 = 19042 - - // V21H1 corresponds to Windows Server 21H1 (semi-annual channel). - V21H1 = 19043 - - // V21H2Win10 corresponds to Windows 10 (November 2021 Update). - V21H2Win10 = 19044 - - // V21H2Server corresponds to Windows Server 2022 (ltsc2022). - V21H2Server = 20348 - - // V21H2Win11 corresponds to Windows 11 (original release). - V21H2Win11 = 22000 -) diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/AUTHORS b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/AUTHORS index 2ae76d2c2c9..0728bfe18f3 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/AUTHORS +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/AUTHORS @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ -# This file lists all individuals having contributed content to the repository. -# For how it is generated, see `hack/generate-authors.sh`. +# File @generated by hack/generate-authors.sh. DO NOT EDIT. +# This file lists all contributors to the repository. +# See hack/generate-authors.sh to make modifications. Aanand Prasad Aaron Davidson @@ -7,9 +8,8 @@ Aaron Feng Aaron Hnatiw Aaron Huslage Aaron L. Xu -Aaron Lehmann +Aaron Lehmann Aaron Welch -Aaron.L.Xu Abel Muiño Abhijeet Kasurde Abhinandan Prativadi @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ Abhinav Ajgaonkar Abhishek Chanda Abhishek Sharma Abin Shahab +Abirdcfly Ada Mancini Adam Avilla Adam Dobrawy @@ -61,10 +62,11 @@ Alan Scherger Alan Thompson Albert Callarisa Albert Zhang -Albin Kerouanton +Albin Kerouanton Alec Benson Alejandro González Hevia Aleksa Sarai +Aleksandr Chebotov Aleksandrs Fadins Alena Prokharchyk Alessandro Boch @@ -76,6 +78,7 @@ Alex Crawford Alex Ellis Alex Gaynor Alex Goodman +Alex Nordlund Alex Olshansky Alex Samorukov Alex Warhawk @@ -83,7 +86,7 @@ Alexander Artemenko Alexander Boyd Alexander Larsson Alexander Midlash -Alexander Morozov +Alexander Morozov Alexander Polakov Alexander Shopov Alexandre Beslic @@ -159,7 +162,6 @@ Andrey Kolomentsev Andrey Petrov Andrey Stolbovsky André Martins -andy Andy Chambers andy diller Andy Goldstein @@ -168,6 +170,7 @@ Andy Lindeman Andy Rothfusz Andy Smith Andy Wilson +Andy Zhang Anes Hasicic Angel Velazquez Anil Belur @@ -192,19 +195,22 @@ Antony Messerli Anuj Bahuguna Anuj Varma Anusha Ragunathan +Anyu Wang apocas Arash Deshmeh ArikaChen -Arko Dasgupta +Arko Dasgupta Arnaud Lefebvre -Arnaud Porterie +Arnaud Porterie Arnaud Rebillout +Artem Khramov Arthur Barr Arthur Gautier Artur Meyster Arun Gupta Asad Saeeduddin Asbjørn Enge +Austin Vazquez averagehuman Avi Das Avi Kivity @@ -218,6 +224,7 @@ Barnaby Gray Barry Allard Bartłomiej Piotrowski Bastiaan Bakker +Bastien Pascard bdevloed Bearice Ren Ben Bonnefoy @@ -225,6 +232,7 @@ Ben Firshman Ben Golub Ben Gould Ben Hall +Ben Langfeld Ben Sargent Ben Severson Ben Toews @@ -250,9 +258,11 @@ Billy Ridgway Bily Zhang Bin Liu Bingshen Wang +Bjorn Neergaard Blake Geno Boaz Shuster bobby abbott +Bojun Zhu Boqin Qin Boris Pruessmann Boshi Lian @@ -334,6 +344,7 @@ Charlie Drage Charlie Lewis Chase Bolt ChaYoung You +Chee Hau Lim Chen Chao Chen Chuanliang Chen Hanxiao @@ -343,6 +354,7 @@ Chen Qiu Cheng-mean Liu Chengfei Shang Chengguang Xu +Chenyang Yan chenyuzhu Chetan Birajdar Chewey @@ -406,20 +418,23 @@ Colin Walters Collin Guarino Colm Hally companycy +Conor Evans Corbin Coleman Corey Farrell Cory Forsyth +Cory Snider cressie176 -CrimsonGlory Cristian Ariza Cristian Staretu cristiano balducci Cristina Yenyxe Gonzalez Garcia Cruceru Calin-Cristian CUI Wei +cuishuang Cuong Manh Le Cyprian Gracz Cyril F +Da McGrady Daan van Berkel Daehyeok Mun Dafydd Crosby @@ -437,6 +452,7 @@ Dan Hirsch Dan Keder Dan Levy Dan McPherson +Dan Plamadeala Dan Stine Dan Williams Dani Hodovic @@ -457,6 +473,7 @@ Daniel Mizyrycki Daniel Nephin Daniel Norberg Daniel Nordberg +Daniel P. Berrangé Daniel Robinson Daniel S Daniel Sweet @@ -465,6 +482,7 @@ Daniel Watkins Daniel X Moore Daniel YC Lin Daniel Zhang +Daniele Rondina Danny Berger Danny Milosavljevic Danny Yates @@ -530,10 +548,9 @@ Dennis Docter Derek Derek Derek Ch -Derek McGowan +Derek McGowan Deric Crago Deshi Xiao -devmeyster Devon Estes Devvyn Murphy Dharmit Shah @@ -550,9 +567,11 @@ Dimitris Rozakis Dimitry Andric Dinesh Subhraveti Ding Fei +dingwei Diogo Monica DiuDiugirl Djibril Koné +Djordje Lukic dkumor Dmitri Logvinenko Dmitri Shuralyov @@ -601,6 +620,7 @@ Elango Sivanandam Elena Morozova Eli Uriegas Elias Faxö +Elias Koromilas Elias Probst Elijah Zupancic eluck @@ -610,6 +630,7 @@ Emil Hernvall Emily Maier Emily Rose Emir Ozer +Eng Zer Jun Enguerran Eohyung Lee epeterso @@ -634,6 +655,7 @@ Erik Dubbelboer Erik Hollensbe Erik Inge Bolsø Erik Kristensen +Erik Sipsma Erik St. Martin Erik Weathers Erno Hopearuoho @@ -691,6 +713,7 @@ Fengtu Wang Ferenc Szabo Fernando Fero Volar +Feroz Salam Ferran Rodenas Filipe Brandenburger Filipe Oliveira @@ -724,11 +747,14 @@ Frederik Loeffert Frederik Nordahl Jul Sabroe Freek Kalter Frieder Bluemle +frobnicaty <92033765+frobnicaty@users.noreply.github.com> +Frédéric Dalleau Fu JinLin Félix Baylac-Jacqué Félix Cantournet Gabe Rosenhouse Gabor Nagy +Gabriel Goller Gabriel L. Somlo Gabriel Linder Gabriel Monroy @@ -751,6 +777,7 @@ George Kontridze George MacRorie George Xie Georgi Hristozov +Georgy Yakovlev Gereon Frey German DZ Gert van Valkenhoef @@ -762,6 +789,7 @@ Gildas Cuisinier Giovan Isa Musthofa gissehel Giuseppe Mazzotta +Giuseppe Scrivano Gleb Fotengauer-Malinovskiy Gleb M Borisov Glyn Normington @@ -785,6 +813,7 @@ Guilherme Salgado Guillaume Dufour Guillaume J. Charmes Gunadhya S. <6939749+gunadhya@users.noreply.github.com> +Guoqiang QI guoxiuyan Guri Gurjeet Singh @@ -794,12 +823,13 @@ gwx296173 Günter Zöchbauer Haichao Yang haikuoliu +haining.cao Hakan Özler Hamish Hutchings Hannes Ljungberg Hans Kristian Flaatten Hans Rødtang -Hao Shu Wei +Hao Shu Wei Hao Zhang <21521210@zju.edu.cn> Harald Albers Harald Niesche @@ -838,10 +868,9 @@ Hui Kang Hunter Blanks huqun Huu Nguyen -hyeongkyu.lee +Hyeongkyu Lee Hyzhou Zhy Iago López Galeiras -Ian Babrou Ian Bishop Ian Bull Ian Calvert @@ -858,6 +887,7 @@ Igor Dolzhikov Igor Karpovich Iliana Weller Ilkka Laukkanen +Illo Abdulrahim Ilya Dmitrichenko Ilya Gusev Ilya Khlopotov @@ -889,6 +919,7 @@ Jake Champlin Jake Moshenko Jake Sanders Jakub Drahos +Jakub Guzik James Allen James Carey James Carr @@ -900,11 +931,14 @@ James Lal James Mills James Nesbitt James Nugent +James Sanders James Turnbull James Watkins-Harvey Jamie Hannaford Jamshid Afshar +Jan Breig Jan Chren +Jan Götte Jan Keromnes Jan Koprowski Jan Pazdziora @@ -917,7 +951,6 @@ Januar Wayong Jared Biel Jared Hocutt Jaroslaw Zabiello -jaseg Jasmine Hegman Jason A. Donenfeld Jason Divock @@ -932,10 +965,11 @@ Jason Shepherd Jason Smith Jason Sommer Jason Stangroome +Javier Bassi jaxgeller -Jay Jay Jay Kamat +Jay Lim Jean Rouge Jean-Baptiste Barth Jean-Baptiste Dalido @@ -1100,6 +1134,7 @@ Justas Brazauskas Justen Martin Justin Cormack Justin Force +Justin Keller <85903732+jk-vb@users.noreply.github.com> Justin Menga Justin Plock Justin Simonelis @@ -1148,6 +1183,7 @@ Kenjiro Nakayama Kent Johnson Kenta Tada Kevin "qwazerty" Houdebert +Kevin Alvarez Kevin Burke Kevin Clark Kevin Feyrer @@ -1174,6 +1210,7 @@ knappe Kohei Tsuruta Koichi Shiraishi Konrad Kleine +Konrad Ponichtera Konstantin Gribov Konstantin L Konstantin Pelykh @@ -1184,7 +1221,6 @@ Kris-Mikael Krister Kristian Haugene Kristina Zabunova Krystian Wojcicki -Kun Zhang Kunal Kushwaha Kunal Tyagi Kyle Conroy @@ -1212,7 +1248,6 @@ Leandro Siqueira Lee Calcote Lee Chao <932819864@qq.com> Lee, Meng-Han -leeplay Lei Gong Lei Jitang Leiiwang @@ -1239,7 +1274,6 @@ Lifubang Lihua Tang Lily Guo limeidan -limsy Lin Lu LingFaKe Linus Heckemann @@ -1269,6 +1303,7 @@ Lucas Chi Lucas Molas Lucas Silvestre Luciano Mores +Luis Henrique Mulinari Luis Martínez de Bartolomé Izquierdo Luiz Svoboda Lukas Heeren @@ -1317,6 +1352,7 @@ Marius Gundersen Marius Sturm Marius Voila Mark Allen +Mark Feit Mark Jeromin Mark McGranaghan Mark McKinstry @@ -1332,6 +1368,8 @@ Markus Fix Markus Kortlang Martijn Dwars Martijn van Oosterhout +Martin Braun +Martin Dojcak Martin Honermeyer Martin Kelly Martin Mosegaard Amdisen @@ -1348,6 +1386,7 @@ Mathias Monnerville Mathieu Champlon Mathieu Le Marec - Pasquet Mathieu Parent +Mathieu Paturel Matt Apperson Matt Bachmann Matt Bajor @@ -1356,6 +1395,7 @@ Matt Haggard Matt Hoyle Matt McCormick Matt Moore +Matt Morrison <3maven@gmail.com> Matt Richardson Matt Rickard Matt Robenolt @@ -1400,7 +1440,7 @@ Michael Beskin Michael Bridgen Michael Brown Michael Chiang -Michael Crosby +Michael Crosby Michael Currie Michael Friis Michael Gorsuch @@ -1409,6 +1449,7 @@ Michael Holzheu Michael Hudson-Doyle Michael Huettermann Michael Irwin +Michael Kuehn Michael Käufl Michael Neale Michael Nussbaum @@ -1418,6 +1459,7 @@ Michael Spetsiotis Michael Stapelberg Michael Steinert Michael Thies +Michael Weidmann Michael West Michael Zhao Michal Fojtik @@ -1458,6 +1500,7 @@ Mike Snitzer mikelinjie <294893458@qq.com> Mikhail Sobolev Miklos Szegedi +Milas Bowman Milind Chawre Miloslav Trmač mingqing @@ -1533,6 +1576,7 @@ Nicolas Kaiser Nicolas Sterchele Nicolas V Castet Nicolás Hock Isaza +Niel Drummond Nigel Poulton Nik Nyby Nikhil Chawla @@ -1614,6 +1658,7 @@ Pavel Tikhomirov Pavlos Ratis Pavol Vargovcik Pawel Konczalski +Paweł Gronowski Peeyush Gupta Peggy Li Pei Su @@ -1621,6 +1666,7 @@ Peng Tao Penghan Wang Per Weijnitz perhapszzy@sina.com +Pete Woods Peter Bourgon Peter Braden Peter Bücker @@ -1638,7 +1684,8 @@ Peter Waller Petr Švihlík Petros Angelatos Phil -Phil Estes +Phil Estes +Phil Sphicas Phil Spitler Philip Alexander Etling Philip Monroe @@ -1707,9 +1754,9 @@ Renaud Gaubert Rhys Hiltner Ri Xu Ricardo N Feliciano +Rich Horwood Rich Moyse Rich Seymour -Richard Richard Burnison Richard Harvey Richard Mathie @@ -1731,6 +1778,7 @@ Robert Bachmann Robert Bittle Robert Obryk Robert Schneider +Robert Shade Robert Stern Robert Terhaar Robert Wallis @@ -1743,6 +1791,7 @@ Robin Speekenbrink Robin Thoni robpc Rodolfo Carvalho +Rodrigo Campos Rodrigo Vaz Roel Van Nyen Roger Peppe @@ -1757,6 +1806,8 @@ Roma Sokolov Roman Dudin Roman Mazur Roman Strashkin +Roman Volosatovs +Roman Zabaluev Ron Smits Ron Williams Rong Gao @@ -1782,6 +1833,7 @@ Russ Magee Ryan Abrams Ryan Anderson Ryan Aslett +Ryan Barry Ryan Belgrave Ryan Campbell Ryan Detzel @@ -1790,6 +1842,7 @@ Ryan Liu Ryan McLaughlin Ryan O'Donnell Ryan Seto +Ryan Shea Ryan Simmen Ryan Stelly Ryan Thomas @@ -1802,7 +1855,6 @@ Ryo Nakao Ryoga Saito Rémy Greinhofer s. rannou -s00318865 Sabin Basyal Sachin Joshi Sagar Hani @@ -1822,8 +1874,9 @@ Sambuddha Basu Sami Wagiaalla Samuel Andaya Samuel Dion-Girardeau -Samuel Karp +Samuel Karp Samuel PHAN +sanchayanghosh Sandeep Bansal Sankar சங்கர் Sanket Saurav @@ -1852,6 +1905,7 @@ Sean P. Kane Sean Rodman Sebastiaan van Steenis Sebastiaan van Stijn +Sebastian Höffner Sebastian Radloff Sebastien Goasguen Senthil Kumar Selvaraj @@ -1881,6 +1935,7 @@ Shengbo Song Shengjing Zhu Shev Yan Shih-Yuan Lee +Shihao Xia Shijiang Wei Shijun Qin Shishir Mahajan @@ -1889,7 +1944,6 @@ Shourya Sarcar Shu-Wai Chow shuai-z Shukui Yang -Shuwei Hao Sian Lerk Lau Siarhei Rasiukevich Sidhartha Mani @@ -1897,7 +1951,6 @@ sidharthamani Silas Sewell Silvan Jegen Simão Reis -Simei He Simon Barendse Simon Eskildsen Simon Ferquel @@ -1933,6 +1986,7 @@ Stefan S. Stefan Scherer Stefan Staudenmeyer Stefan Weil +Steffen Butzer Stephan Spindler Stephen Benjamin Stephen Crosby @@ -1951,6 +2005,7 @@ Steven Iveson Steven Merrill Steven Richards Steven Taylor +Stéphane Este-Gracias Stig Larsson Su Wang Subhajit Ghosh @@ -1962,15 +2017,16 @@ Sunny Gogoi Suryakumar Sudar Sven Dowideit Swapnil Daingade -Sylvain Baubeau +Sylvain Baubeau Sylvain Bellemare Sébastien Sébastien HOUZÉ Sébastien Luttringer Sébastien Stormacq +Sören Tempel Tabakhase Tadej Janež -TAGOMORI Satoshi +Takuto Sato tang0th Tangi Colin Tatsuki Sugiura @@ -1983,7 +2039,6 @@ Tejaswini Duggaraju Tejesh Mehta Terry Chu terryding77 <550147740@qq.com> -tgic Thatcher Peskens theadactyl Thell 'Bo' Fowler @@ -1996,6 +2051,7 @@ Thomas Gazagnaire Thomas Graf Thomas Grainger Thomas Hansen +Thomas Ledos Thomas Leonard Thomas Léveil Thomas Orozco @@ -2006,6 +2062,7 @@ Thomas Swift Thomas Tanaka Thomas Texier Ti Zhou +Tiago Seabra Tianon Gravi Tianyi Wang Tibor Vass @@ -2064,9 +2121,11 @@ Tomas Tomecek Tomasz Kopczynski Tomasz Lipinski Tomasz Nurkiewicz +Tomek Mańko Tommaso Visconti Tomoya Tabuchi Tomáš Hrčka +tonic Tonny Xu Tony Abboud Tony Daws @@ -2087,6 +2146,7 @@ Trevor Sullivan Trishna Guha Tristan Carel Troy Denton +Tudor Brindus Ty Alexander Tycho Andersen Tyler Brock @@ -2118,7 +2178,7 @@ Viktor Stanchev Viktor Vojnovski VinayRaghavanKS Vincent Batts -Vincent Bernat +Vincent Bernat Vincent Boulineau Vincent Demeester Vincent Giersch @@ -2141,7 +2201,6 @@ VladimirAus Vladislav Kolesnikov Vlastimil Zeman Vojtech Vitek (V-Teq) -waitingkuo Walter Leibbrandt Walter Stanish Wang Chao @@ -2171,7 +2230,6 @@ Wendel Fleming Wenjun Tang Wenkai Yin wenlxie -Wentao Zhang Wenxuan Zhao Wenyu You <21551128@zju.edu.cn> Wenzhi Liang @@ -2196,6 +2254,7 @@ Wolfgang Powisch Wonjun Kim WuLonghui xamyzhao +Xia Wu Xian Chaobo Xianglin Gao Xianjie @@ -2220,6 +2279,7 @@ Xuecong Liao xuzhaokui Yadnyawalkya Tale Yahya +yalpul YAMADA Tsuyoshi Yamasaki Masahide Yan Feng @@ -2228,6 +2288,7 @@ Yang Bai Yang Li Yang Pengfei yangchenliang +Yann Autissier Yanqiang Miao Yao Zaiyong Yash Murty @@ -2247,6 +2308,7 @@ Yosef Fertel You-Sheng Yang (楊有勝) youcai Youcef YEKHLEF +Youfu Zhang Yu Changchun Yu Chengxia Yu Peng @@ -2254,6 +2316,7 @@ Yu-Ju Hong Yuan Sun Yuanhong Peng Yue Zhang +Yufei Xiong Yuhao Fang Yuichiro Kaneko YujiOshima @@ -2298,7 +2361,6 @@ Zou Yu zqh Zuhayr Elahi Zunayed Ali -Álex González Álvaro Lázaro Átila Camurça Alves 尹吉峰 diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/client.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/client.go index 9dd343ad641..97aca023064 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/client.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/client.go @@ -112,10 +112,16 @@ type NetworkListOptions struct { Filters filters.Args } +// NewHijackedResponse intializes a HijackedResponse type +func NewHijackedResponse(conn net.Conn, mediaType string) HijackedResponse { + return HijackedResponse{Conn: conn, Reader: bufio.NewReader(conn), mediaType: mediaType} +} + // HijackedResponse holds connection information for a hijacked request. type HijackedResponse struct { - Conn net.Conn - Reader *bufio.Reader + mediaType string + Conn net.Conn + Reader *bufio.Reader } // Close closes the hijacked connection and reader. @@ -123,6 +129,15 @@ func (h *HijackedResponse) Close() { h.Conn.Close() } +// MediaType let client know if HijackedResponse hold a raw or multiplexed stream. +// returns false if HTTP Content-Type is not relevant, and container must be inspected +func (h *HijackedResponse) MediaType() (string, bool) { + if h.mediaType == "" { + return "", false + } + return h.mediaType, true +} + // CloseWriter is an interface that implements structs // that close input streams to prevent from writing. type CloseWriter interface { @@ -235,10 +250,20 @@ type ImageImportOptions struct { Platform string // Platform is the target platform of the image } -// ImageListOptions holds parameters to filter the list of images with. +// ImageListOptions holds parameters to list images with. type ImageListOptions struct { - All bool + // All controls whether all images in the graph are filtered, or just + // the heads. + All bool + + // Filters is a JSON-encoded set of filter arguments. Filters filters.Args + + // SharedSize indicates whether the shared size of images should be computed. + SharedSize bool + + // ContainerCount indicates whether container count should be computed. + ContainerCount bool } // ImageLoadResponse returns information to the client about a load process. diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/configs.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/configs.go index 3dd133a3a58..7689f38b331 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/configs.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/configs.go @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ type ExecConfig struct { User string // User that will run the command Privileged bool // Is the container in privileged mode Tty bool // Attach standard streams to a tty. + ConsoleSize *[2]uint `json:",omitempty"` // Initial console size [height, width] AttachStdin bool // Attach the standard input, makes possible user interaction AttachStderr bool // Attach the standard error AttachStdout bool // Attach the standard output diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/config.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/config.go index f767195b94b..077583e66c1 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/config.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/config.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ package container // import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container" import ( + "io" "time" "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/strslice" @@ -13,6 +14,24 @@ import ( // Docker interprets it as 3 nanoseconds. const MinimumDuration = 1 * time.Millisecond +// StopOptions holds the options to stop or restart a container. +type StopOptions struct { + // Signal (optional) is the signal to send to the container to (gracefully) + // stop it before forcibly terminating the container with SIGKILL after the + // timeout expires. If not value is set, the default (SIGTERM) is used. + Signal string `json:",omitempty"` + + // Timeout (optional) is the timeout (in seconds) to wait for the container + // to stop gracefully before forcibly terminating it with SIGKILL. + // + // - Use nil to use the default timeout (10 seconds). + // - Use '-1' to wait indefinitely. + // - Use '0' to not wait for the container to exit gracefully, and + // immediately proceeds to forcibly terminating the container. + // - Other positive values are used as timeout (in seconds). + Timeout *int `json:",omitempty"` +} + // HealthConfig holds configuration settings for the HEALTHCHECK feature. type HealthConfig struct { // Test is the test to perform to check that the container is healthy. @@ -34,6 +53,14 @@ type HealthConfig struct { Retries int `json:",omitempty"` } +// ExecStartOptions holds the options to start container's exec. +type ExecStartOptions struct { + Stdin io.Reader + Stdout io.Writer + Stderr io.Writer + ConsoleSize *[2]uint `json:",omitempty"` +} + // Config contains the configuration data about a container. // It should hold only portable information about the container. // Here, "portable" means "independent from the host we are running on". diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_create.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_create.go deleted file mode 100644 index d0c852f84d5..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_create.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -package container // import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container" - -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Code generated by `swagger generate operation`. DO NOT EDIT. -// -// See hack/generate-swagger-api.sh -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -// ContainerCreateCreatedBody OK response to ContainerCreate operation -// swagger:model ContainerCreateCreatedBody -type ContainerCreateCreatedBody struct { - - // The ID of the created container - // Required: true - ID string `json:"Id"` - - // Warnings encountered when creating the container - // Required: true - Warnings []string `json:"Warnings"` -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_wait.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_wait.go deleted file mode 100644 index 49e05ae6694..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/container_wait.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -package container // import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container" - -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -// Code generated by `swagger generate operation`. DO NOT EDIT. -// -// See hack/generate-swagger-api.sh -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -// ContainerWaitOKBodyError container waiting error, if any -// swagger:model ContainerWaitOKBodyError -type ContainerWaitOKBodyError struct { - - // Details of an error - Message string `json:"Message,omitempty"` -} - -// ContainerWaitOKBody OK response to ContainerWait operation -// swagger:model ContainerWaitOKBody -type ContainerWaitOKBody struct { - - // error - // Required: true - Error *ContainerWaitOKBodyError `json:"Error"` - - // Exit code of the container - // Required: true - StatusCode int64 `json:"StatusCode"` -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/create_response.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/create_response.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..aa0e7f7d078 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/create_response.go @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +package container + +// This file was generated by the swagger tool. +// Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command + +// CreateResponse ContainerCreateResponse +// +// OK response to ContainerCreate operation +// swagger:model CreateResponse +type CreateResponse struct { + + // The ID of the created container + // Required: true + ID string `json:"Id"` + + // Warnings encountered when creating the container + // Required: true + Warnings []string `json:"Warnings"` +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/deprecated.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/deprecated.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0cb70e36381 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/deprecated.go @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +package container // import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container" + +// ContainerCreateCreatedBody OK response to ContainerCreate operation +// +// Deprecated: use CreateResponse +type ContainerCreateCreatedBody = CreateResponse + +// ContainerWaitOKBody OK response to ContainerWait operation +// +// Deprecated: use WaitResponse +type ContainerWaitOKBody = WaitResponse + +// ContainerWaitOKBodyError container waiting error, if any +// +// Deprecated: use WaitExitError +type ContainerWaitOKBodyError = WaitExitError diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/host_config.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/host_config.go index 2d1cbaa9abd..100f434ce7f 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/host_config.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/host_config.go @@ -13,19 +13,26 @@ import ( // CgroupnsMode represents the cgroup namespace mode of the container type CgroupnsMode string +// cgroup namespace modes for containers +const ( + CgroupnsModeEmpty CgroupnsMode = "" + CgroupnsModePrivate CgroupnsMode = "private" + CgroupnsModeHost CgroupnsMode = "host" +) + // IsPrivate indicates whether the container uses its own private cgroup namespace func (c CgroupnsMode) IsPrivate() bool { - return c == "private" + return c == CgroupnsModePrivate } // IsHost indicates whether the container shares the host's cgroup namespace func (c CgroupnsMode) IsHost() bool { - return c == "host" + return c == CgroupnsModeHost } // IsEmpty indicates whether the container cgroup namespace mode is unset func (c CgroupnsMode) IsEmpty() bool { - return c == "" + return c == CgroupnsModeEmpty } // Valid indicates whether the cgroup namespace mode is valid @@ -37,60 +44,69 @@ func (c CgroupnsMode) Valid() bool { // values are platform specific type Isolation string +// Isolation modes for containers +const ( + IsolationEmpty Isolation = "" // IsolationEmpty is unspecified (same behavior as default) + IsolationDefault Isolation = "default" // IsolationDefault is the default isolation mode on current daemon + IsolationProcess Isolation = "process" // IsolationProcess is process isolation mode + IsolationHyperV Isolation = "hyperv" // IsolationHyperV is HyperV isolation mode +) + // IsDefault indicates the default isolation technology of a container. On Linux this // is the native driver. On Windows, this is a Windows Server Container. func (i Isolation) IsDefault() bool { - return strings.ToLower(string(i)) == "default" || string(i) == "" + // TODO consider making isolation-mode strict (case-sensitive) + v := Isolation(strings.ToLower(string(i))) + return v == IsolationDefault || v == IsolationEmpty } // IsHyperV indicates the use of a Hyper-V partition for isolation func (i Isolation) IsHyperV() bool { - return strings.ToLower(string(i)) == "hyperv" + // TODO consider making isolation-mode strict (case-sensitive) + return Isolation(strings.ToLower(string(i))) == IsolationHyperV } // IsProcess indicates the use of process isolation func (i Isolation) IsProcess() bool { - return strings.ToLower(string(i)) == "process" + // TODO consider making isolation-mode strict (case-sensitive) + return Isolation(strings.ToLower(string(i))) == IsolationProcess } -const ( - // IsolationEmpty is unspecified (same behavior as default) - IsolationEmpty = Isolation("") - // IsolationDefault is the default isolation mode on current daemon - IsolationDefault = Isolation("default") - // IsolationProcess is process isolation mode - IsolationProcess = Isolation("process") - // IsolationHyperV is HyperV isolation mode - IsolationHyperV = Isolation("hyperv") -) - // IpcMode represents the container ipc stack. type IpcMode string +// IpcMode constants +const ( + IPCModeNone IpcMode = "none" + IPCModeHost IpcMode = "host" + IPCModeContainer IpcMode = "container" + IPCModePrivate IpcMode = "private" + IPCModeShareable IpcMode = "shareable" +) + // IsPrivate indicates whether the container uses its own private ipc namespace which can not be shared. func (n IpcMode) IsPrivate() bool { - return n == "private" + return n == IPCModePrivate } // IsHost indicates whether the container shares the host's ipc namespace. func (n IpcMode) IsHost() bool { - return n == "host" + return n == IPCModeHost } // IsShareable indicates whether the container's ipc namespace can be shared with another container. func (n IpcMode) IsShareable() bool { - return n == "shareable" + return n == IPCModeShareable } // IsContainer indicates whether the container uses another container's ipc namespace. func (n IpcMode) IsContainer() bool { - parts := strings.SplitN(string(n), ":", 2) - return len(parts) > 1 && parts[0] == "container" + return strings.HasPrefix(string(n), string(IPCModeContainer)+":") } // IsNone indicates whether container IpcMode is set to "none". func (n IpcMode) IsNone() bool { - return n == "none" + return n == IPCModeNone } // IsEmpty indicates whether container IpcMode is empty @@ -105,9 +121,8 @@ func (n IpcMode) Valid() bool { // Container returns the name of the container ipc stack is going to be used. func (n IpcMode) Container() string { - parts := strings.SplitN(string(n), ":", 2) - if len(parts) > 1 && parts[0] == "container" { - return parts[1] + if n.IsContainer() { + return strings.TrimPrefix(string(n), string(IPCModeContainer)+":") } return "" } @@ -326,7 +341,7 @@ type LogMode string // Available logging modes const ( - LogModeUnset = "" + LogModeUnset LogMode = "" LogModeBlocking LogMode = "blocking" LogModeNonBlock LogMode = "non-blocking" ) @@ -361,14 +376,17 @@ type Resources struct { Devices []DeviceMapping // List of devices to map inside the container DeviceCgroupRules []string // List of rule to be added to the device cgroup DeviceRequests []DeviceRequest // List of device requests for device drivers - KernelMemory int64 // Kernel memory limit (in bytes), Deprecated: kernel 5.4 deprecated kmem.limit_in_bytes - KernelMemoryTCP int64 // Hard limit for kernel TCP buffer memory (in bytes) - MemoryReservation int64 // Memory soft limit (in bytes) - MemorySwap int64 // Total memory usage (memory + swap); set `-1` to enable unlimited swap - MemorySwappiness *int64 // Tuning container memory swappiness behaviour - OomKillDisable *bool // Whether to disable OOM Killer or not - PidsLimit *int64 // Setting PIDs limit for a container; Set `0` or `-1` for unlimited, or `null` to not change. - Ulimits []*units.Ulimit // List of ulimits to be set in the container + + // KernelMemory specifies the kernel memory limit (in bytes) for the container. + // Deprecated: kernel 5.4 deprecated kmem.limit_in_bytes. + KernelMemory int64 `json:",omitempty"` + KernelMemoryTCP int64 `json:",omitempty"` // Hard limit for kernel TCP buffer memory (in bytes) + MemoryReservation int64 // Memory soft limit (in bytes) + MemorySwap int64 // Total memory usage (memory + swap); set `-1` to enable unlimited swap + MemorySwappiness *int64 // Tuning container memory swappiness behaviour + OomKillDisable *bool // Whether to disable OOM Killer or not + PidsLimit *int64 // Setting PIDs limit for a container; Set `0` or `-1` for unlimited, or `null` to not change. + Ulimits []*units.Ulimit // List of ulimits to be set in the container // Applicable to Windows CPUCount int64 `json:"CpuCount"` // CPU count @@ -399,6 +417,7 @@ type HostConfig struct { AutoRemove bool // Automatically remove container when it exits VolumeDriver string // Name of the volume driver used to mount volumes VolumesFrom []string // List of volumes to take from other container + ConsoleSize [2]uint // Initial console size (height,width) // Applicable to UNIX platforms CapAdd strslice.StrSlice // List of kernel capabilities to add to the container @@ -427,8 +446,7 @@ type HostConfig struct { Runtime string `json:",omitempty"` // Runtime to use with this container // Applicable to Windows - ConsoleSize [2]uint // Initial console size (height,width) - Isolation Isolation // Isolation technology of the container (e.g. default, hyperv) + Isolation Isolation // Isolation technology of the container (e.g. default, hyperv) // Contains container's resources (cgroups, ulimits) Resources diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/hostconfig_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/hostconfig_unix.go index cf6fdf44026..24c4fa8d900 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/hostconfig_unix.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/hostconfig_unix.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !windows // +build !windows package container // import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container" diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/wait_exit_error.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/wait_exit_error.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ab56d4eed8e --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/wait_exit_error.go @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +package container + +// This file was generated by the swagger tool. +// Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command + +// WaitExitError container waiting error, if any +// swagger:model WaitExitError +type WaitExitError struct { + + // Details of an error + Message string `json:"Message,omitempty"` +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/wait_response.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/wait_response.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..84fc6afddc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/container/wait_response.go @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +package container + +// This file was generated by the swagger tool. +// Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command + +// WaitResponse ContainerWaitResponse +// +// OK response to ContainerWait operation +// swagger:model WaitResponse +type WaitResponse struct { + + // error + Error *WaitExitError `json:"Error,omitempty"` + + // Exit code of the container + // Required: true + StatusCode int64 `json:"StatusCode"` +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/deprecated.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/deprecated.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..216d1df0ffa --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/deprecated.go @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +package types // import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types" + +import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume" + +// Volume volume +// +// Deprecated: use github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume.Volume +type Volume = volume.Volume + +// VolumeUsageData Usage details about the volume. This information is used by the +// `GET /system/df` endpoint, and omitted in other endpoints. +// +// Deprecated: use github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume.UsageData +type VolumeUsageData = volume.UsageData diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/filters/parse.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/filters/parse.go index 4bc91cffd6e..f8fe7940741 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/filters/parse.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/filters/parse.go @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -/*Package filters provides tools for encoding a mapping of keys to a set of +/* +Package filters provides tools for encoding a mapping of keys to a set of multiple values. */ package filters // import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/filters" @@ -9,6 +10,7 @@ import ( "strings" "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/versions" + "github.com/pkg/errors" ) // Args stores a mapping of keys to a set of multiple values. @@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ func (args Args) Keys() []string { // MarshalJSON returns a JSON byte representation of the Args func (args Args) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { if len(args.fields) == 0 { - return []byte{}, nil + return []byte("{}"), nil } return json.Marshal(args.fields) } @@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ func FromJSON(p string) (Args, error) { // Fallback to parsing arguments in the legacy slice format deprecated := map[string][]string{} if legacyErr := json.Unmarshal(raw, &deprecated); legacyErr != nil { - return args, err + return args, invalidFilter{errors.Wrap(err, "invalid filter")} } args.fields = deprecatedArgs(deprecated) @@ -106,9 +108,6 @@ func FromJSON(p string) (Args, error) { // UnmarshalJSON populates the Args from JSON encode bytes func (args Args) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error { - if len(raw) == 0 { - return nil - } return json.Unmarshal(raw, &args.fields) } @@ -247,10 +246,10 @@ func (args Args) Contains(field string) bool { return ok } -type invalidFilter string +type invalidFilter struct{ error } func (e invalidFilter) Error() string { - return "Invalid filter '" + string(e) + "'" + return e.error.Error() } func (invalidFilter) InvalidParameter() {} @@ -260,7 +259,7 @@ func (invalidFilter) InvalidParameter() {} func (args Args) Validate(accepted map[string]bool) error { for name := range args.fields { if !accepted[name] { - return invalidFilter(name) + return invalidFilter{errors.New("invalid filter '" + name + "'")} } } return nil diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/graph_driver_data.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/graph_driver_data.go index 4d9bf1c62c8..ce3deb331c5 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/graph_driver_data.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/graph_driver_data.go @@ -3,15 +3,21 @@ package types // This file was generated by the swagger tool. // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command -// GraphDriverData Information about a container's graph driver. +// GraphDriverData Information about the storage driver used to store the container's and +// image's filesystem. +// // swagger:model GraphDriverData type GraphDriverData struct { - // data + // Low-level storage metadata, provided as key/value pairs. + // + // This information is driver-specific, and depends on the storage-driver + // in use, and should be used for informational purposes only. + // // Required: true Data map[string]string `json:"Data"` - // name + // Name of the storage driver. // Required: true Name string `json:"Name"` } diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/image_summary.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/image_summary.go index e145b3dcfcd..90b983a25cc 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/image_summary.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/image_summary.go @@ -7,43 +7,91 @@ package types // swagger:model ImageSummary type ImageSummary struct { - // containers + // Number of containers using this image. Includes both stopped and running + // containers. + // + // This size is not calculated by default, and depends on which API endpoint + // is used. `-1` indicates that the value has not been set / calculated. + // // Required: true Containers int64 `json:"Containers"` - // created + // Date and time at which the image was created as a Unix timestamp + // (number of seconds sinds EPOCH). + // // Required: true Created int64 `json:"Created"` - // Id + // ID is the content-addressable ID of an image. + // + // This identifier is a content-addressable digest calculated from the + // image's configuration (which includes the digests of layers used by + // the image). + // + // Note that this digest differs from the `RepoDigests` below, which + // holds digests of image manifests that reference the image. + // // Required: true ID string `json:"Id"` - // labels + // User-defined key/value metadata. // Required: true Labels map[string]string `json:"Labels"` - // parent Id + // ID of the parent image. + // + // Depending on how the image was created, this field may be empty and + // is only set for images that were built/created locally. This field + // is empty if the image was pulled from an image registry. + // // Required: true ParentID string `json:"ParentId"` - // repo digests + // List of content-addressable digests of locally available image manifests + // that the image is referenced from. Multiple manifests can refer to the + // same image. + // + // These digests are usually only available if the image was either pulled + // from a registry, or if the image was pushed to a registry, which is when + // the manifest is generated and its digest calculated. + // // Required: true RepoDigests []string `json:"RepoDigests"` - // repo tags + // List of image names/tags in the local image cache that reference this + // image. + // + // Multiple image tags can refer to the same image, and this list may be + // empty if no tags reference the image, in which case the image is + // "untagged", in which case it can still be referenced by its ID. + // // Required: true RepoTags []string `json:"RepoTags"` - // shared size + // Total size of image layers that are shared between this image and other + // images. + // + // This size is not calculated by default. `-1` indicates that the value + // has not been set / calculated. + // // Required: true SharedSize int64 `json:"SharedSize"` - // size + // Total size of the image including all layers it is composed of. + // // Required: true Size int64 `json:"Size"` - // virtual size + // Total size of the image including all layers it is composed of. + // + // In versions of Docker before v1.10, this field was calculated from + // the image itself and all of its parent images. Docker v1.10 and up + // store images self-contained, and no longer use a parent-chain, making + // this field an equivalent of the Size field. + // + // This field is kept for backward compatibility, but may be removed in + // a future version of the API. + // // Required: true VirtualSize int64 `json:"VirtualSize"` } diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/mount/mount.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/mount/mount.go index 443b8d07a9f..ac4ce622310 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/mount/mount.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/mount/mount.go @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ const ( TypeTmpfs Type = "tmpfs" // TypeNamedPipe is the type for mounting Windows named pipes TypeNamedPipe Type = "npipe" + // TypeCluster is the type for Swarm Cluster Volumes. + TypeCluster Type = "cluster" ) // Mount represents a mount (volume). @@ -30,9 +32,10 @@ type Mount struct { ReadOnly bool `json:",omitempty"` Consistency Consistency `json:",omitempty"` - BindOptions *BindOptions `json:",omitempty"` - VolumeOptions *VolumeOptions `json:",omitempty"` - TmpfsOptions *TmpfsOptions `json:",omitempty"` + BindOptions *BindOptions `json:",omitempty"` + VolumeOptions *VolumeOptions `json:",omitempty"` + TmpfsOptions *TmpfsOptions `json:",omitempty"` + ClusterOptions *ClusterOptions `json:",omitempty"` } // Propagation represents the propagation of a mount. @@ -79,8 +82,9 @@ const ( // BindOptions defines options specific to mounts of type "bind". type BindOptions struct { - Propagation Propagation `json:",omitempty"` - NonRecursive bool `json:",omitempty"` + Propagation Propagation `json:",omitempty"` + NonRecursive bool `json:",omitempty"` + CreateMountpoint bool `json:",omitempty"` } // VolumeOptions represents the options for a mount of type volume. @@ -129,3 +133,8 @@ type TmpfsOptions struct { // Some of these may be straightforward to add, but others, such as // uid/gid have implications in a clustered system. } + +// ClusterOptions specifies options for a Cluster volume. +type ClusterOptions struct { + // intentionally empty +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/registry/registry.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/registry/registry.go index 53e47084c8d..62a88f5be89 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/registry/registry.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/registry/registry.go @@ -45,31 +45,32 @@ func (ipnet *NetIPNet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) { // IndexInfo contains information about a registry // // RepositoryInfo Examples: -// { -// "Index" : { -// "Name" : "docker.io", -// "Mirrors" : ["https://registry-2.docker.io/v1/", "https://registry-3.docker.io/v1/"], -// "Secure" : true, -// "Official" : true, -// }, -// "RemoteName" : "library/debian", -// "LocalName" : "debian", -// "CanonicalName" : "docker.io/debian" -// "Official" : true, -// } // -// { -// "Index" : { -// "Name" : "", -// "Mirrors" : [], -// "Secure" : false, -// "Official" : false, -// }, -// "RemoteName" : "user/repo", -// "LocalName" : "", -// "CanonicalName" : "", -// "Official" : false, -// } +// { +// "Index" : { +// "Name" : "docker.io", +// "Mirrors" : ["https://registry-2.docker.io/v1/", "https://registry-3.docker.io/v1/"], +// "Secure" : true, +// "Official" : true, +// }, +// "RemoteName" : "library/debian", +// "LocalName" : "debian", +// "CanonicalName" : "docker.io/debian" +// "Official" : true, +// } +// +// { +// "Index" : { +// "Name" : "", +// "Mirrors" : [], +// "Secure" : false, +// "Official" : false, +// }, +// "RemoteName" : "user/repo", +// "LocalName" : "", +// "CanonicalName" : "", +// "Official" : false, +// } type IndexInfo struct { // Name is the name of the registry, such as "docker.io" Name string diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/common.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/common.go index ef020f458bd..5ded7dba8a5 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/common.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/common.go @@ -1,12 +1,20 @@ package swarm // import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm" -import "time" +import ( + "strconv" + "time" +) // Version represents the internal object version. type Version struct { Index uint64 `json:",omitempty"` } +// String implements fmt.Stringer interface. +func (v Version) String() string { + return strconv.FormatUint(v.Index, 10) +} + // Meta is a base object inherited by most of the other once. type Meta struct { Version Version `json:",omitempty"` diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/node.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/node.go index 1e30f5fa10d..bb98d5eedc6 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/node.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/node.go @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ type NodeDescription struct { Resources Resources `json:",omitempty"` Engine EngineDescription `json:",omitempty"` TLSInfo TLSInfo `json:",omitempty"` + CSIInfo []NodeCSIInfo `json:",omitempty"` } // Platform represents the platform (Arch/OS). @@ -68,6 +69,21 @@ type EngineDescription struct { Plugins []PluginDescription `json:",omitempty"` } +// NodeCSIInfo represents information about a CSI plugin available on the node +type NodeCSIInfo struct { + // PluginName is the name of the CSI plugin. + PluginName string `json:",omitempty"` + // NodeID is the ID of the node as reported by the CSI plugin. This is + // different from the swarm node ID. + NodeID string `json:",omitempty"` + // MaxVolumesPerNode is the maximum number of volumes that may be published + // to this node + MaxVolumesPerNode int64 `json:",omitempty"` + // AccessibleTopology indicates the location of this node in the CSI + // plugin's topology + AccessibleTopology *Topology `json:",omitempty"` +} + // PluginDescription represents the description of an engine plugin. type PluginDescription struct { Type string `json:",omitempty"` @@ -113,3 +129,11 @@ const ( // NodeStateDisconnected DISCONNECTED NodeStateDisconnected NodeState = "disconnected" ) + +// Topology defines the CSI topology of this node. This type is a duplicate of +// github.com/docker/docker/api/types.Topology. Because the type definition +// is so simple and to avoid complicated structure or circular imports, we just +// duplicate it here. See that type for full documentation +type Topology struct { + Segments map[string]string `json:",omitempty"` +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/swarm.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/swarm.go index b25f9996462..3eae4b9b297 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/swarm.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/swarm.go @@ -213,6 +213,16 @@ type Info struct { Warnings []string `json:",omitempty"` } +// Status provides information about the current swarm status and role, +// obtained from the "Swarm" header in the API response. +type Status struct { + // NodeState represents the state of the node. + NodeState LocalNodeState + + // ControlAvailable indicates if the node is a swarm manager. + ControlAvailable bool +} + // Peer represents a peer. type Peer struct { NodeID string diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/task.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/task.go index a6f7ab7b5c7..ad3eeca0b7f 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/task.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/task.go @@ -62,6 +62,11 @@ type Task struct { // used to determine which Tasks belong to which run of the job. This field // is absent if the Service mode is Replicated or Global. JobIteration *Version `json:",omitempty"` + + // Volumes is the list of VolumeAttachments for this task. It specifies + // which particular volumes are to be used by this particular task, and + // fulfilling what mounts in the spec. + Volumes []VolumeAttachment } // TaskSpec represents the spec of a task. @@ -204,3 +209,17 @@ type ContainerStatus struct { type PortStatus struct { Ports []PortConfig `json:",omitempty"` } + +// VolumeAttachment contains the associating a Volume to a Task. +type VolumeAttachment struct { + // ID is the Swarmkit ID of the Volume. This is not the CSI VolumeId. + ID string `json:",omitempty"` + + // Source, together with Target, indicates the Mount, as specified in the + // ContainerSpec, that this volume fulfills. + Source string `json:",omitempty"` + + // Target, together with Source, indicates the Mount, as specified + // in the ContainerSpec, that this volume fulfills. + Target string `json:",omitempty"` +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/types.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/types.go index e3a159912e2..036405299ea 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/types.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/types.go @@ -14,43 +14,136 @@ import ( "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/network" "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/registry" "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm" + "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume" "github.com/docker/go-connections/nat" ) +const ( + // MediaTypeRawStream is vendor specific MIME-Type set for raw TTY streams + MediaTypeRawStream = "application/vnd.docker.raw-stream" + + // MediaTypeMultiplexedStream is vendor specific MIME-Type set for stdin/stdout/stderr multiplexed streams + MediaTypeMultiplexedStream = "application/vnd.docker.multiplexed-stream" +) + // RootFS returns Image's RootFS description including the layer IDs. type RootFS struct { - Type string - Layers []string `json:",omitempty"` - BaseLayer string `json:",omitempty"` + Type string `json:",omitempty"` + Layers []string `json:",omitempty"` } // ImageInspect contains response of Engine API: // GET "/images/{name:.*}/json" type ImageInspect struct { - ID string `json:"Id"` - RepoTags []string - RepoDigests []string - Parent string - Comment string - Created string - Container string + // ID is the content-addressable ID of an image. + // + // This identifier is a content-addressable digest calculated from the + // image's configuration (which includes the digests of layers used by + // the image). + // + // Note that this digest differs from the `RepoDigests` below, which + // holds digests of image manifests that reference the image. + ID string `json:"Id"` + + // RepoTags is a list of image names/tags in the local image cache that + // reference this image. + // + // Multiple image tags can refer to the same image, and this list may be + // empty if no tags reference the image, in which case the image is + // "untagged", in which case it can still be referenced by its ID. + RepoTags []string + + // RepoDigests is a list of content-addressable digests of locally available + // image manifests that the image is referenced from. Multiple manifests can + // refer to the same image. + // + // These digests are usually only available if the image was either pulled + // from a registry, or if the image was pushed to a registry, which is when + // the manifest is generated and its digest calculated. + RepoDigests []string + + // Parent is the ID of the parent image. + // + // Depending on how the image was created, this field may be empty and + // is only set for images that were built/created locally. This field + // is empty if the image was pulled from an image registry. + Parent string + + // Comment is an optional message that can be set when committing or + // importing the image. + Comment string + + // Created is the date and time at which the image was created, formatted in + // RFC 3339 nano-seconds (time.RFC3339Nano). + Created string + + // Container is the ID of the container that was used to create the image. + // + // Depending on how the image was created, this field may be empty. + Container string + + // ContainerConfig is an optional field containing the configuration of the + // container that was last committed when creating the image. + // + // Previous versions of Docker builder used this field to store build cache, + // and it is not in active use anymore. ContainerConfig *container.Config - DockerVersion string - Author string - Config *container.Config - Architecture string - Variant string `json:",omitempty"` - Os string - OsVersion string `json:",omitempty"` - Size int64 - VirtualSize int64 - GraphDriver GraphDriverData - RootFS RootFS - Metadata ImageMetadata + + // DockerVersion is the version of Docker that was used to build the image. + // + // Depending on how the image was created, this field may be empty. + DockerVersion string + + // Author is the name of the author that was specified when committing the + // image, or as specified through MAINTAINER (deprecated) in the Dockerfile. + Author string + Config *container.Config + + // Architecture is the hardware CPU architecture that the image runs on. + Architecture string + + // Variant is the CPU architecture variant (presently ARM-only). + Variant string `json:",omitempty"` + + // OS is the Operating System the image is built to run on. + Os string + + // OsVersion is the version of the Operating System the image is built to + // run on (especially for Windows). + OsVersion string `json:",omitempty"` + + // Size is the total size of the image including all layers it is composed of. + Size int64 + + // VirtualSize is the total size of the image including all layers it is + // composed of. + // + // In versions of Docker before v1.10, this field was calculated from + // the image itself and all of its parent images. Docker v1.10 and up + // store images self-contained, and no longer use a parent-chain, making + // this field an equivalent of the Size field. + // + // This field is kept for backward compatibility, but may be removed in + // a future version of the API. + VirtualSize int64 // TODO(thaJeztah): deprecate this field + + // GraphDriver holds information about the storage driver used to store the + // container's and image's filesystem. + GraphDriver GraphDriverData + + // RootFS contains information about the image's RootFS, including the + // layer IDs. + RootFS RootFS + + // Metadata of the image in the local cache. + // + // This information is local to the daemon, and not part of the image itself. + Metadata ImageMetadata } // ImageMetadata contains engine-local data about the image type ImageMetadata struct { + // LastTagTime is the date and time at which the image was last tagged. LastTagTime time.Time `json:",omitempty"` } @@ -107,6 +200,15 @@ type Ping struct { OSType string Experimental bool BuilderVersion BuilderVersion + + // SwarmStatus provides information about the current swarm status of the + // engine, obtained from the "Swarm" header in the API response. + // + // It can be a nil struct if the API version does not provide this header + // in the ping response, or if an error occurred, in which case the client + // should use other ways to get the current swarm status, such as the /swarm + // endpoint. + SwarmStatus *swarm.Status } // ComponentVersion describes the version information for a specific component. @@ -158,8 +260,8 @@ type Info struct { Plugins PluginsInfo MemoryLimit bool SwapLimit bool - KernelMemory bool // Deprecated: kernel 5.4 deprecated kmem.limit_in_bytes - KernelMemoryTCP bool + KernelMemory bool `json:",omitempty"` // Deprecated: kernel 5.4 deprecated kmem.limit_in_bytes + KernelMemoryTCP bool `json:",omitempty"` // KernelMemoryTCP is not supported on cgroups v2. CPUCfsPeriod bool `json:"CpuCfsPeriod"` CPUCfsQuota bool `json:"CpuCfsQuota"` CPUShares bool @@ -212,7 +314,12 @@ type Info struct { SecurityOptions []string ProductLicense string `json:",omitempty"` DefaultAddressPools []NetworkAddressPool `json:",omitempty"` - Warnings []string + + // Warnings contains a slice of warnings that occurred while collecting + // system information. These warnings are intended to be informational + // messages for the user, and are not intended to be parsed / used for + // other purposes, as they do not have a fixed format. + Warnings []string } // KeyValue holds a key/value pair @@ -283,6 +390,8 @@ type ExecStartCheck struct { Detach bool // Check if there's a tty Tty bool + // Terminal size [height, width], unused if Tty == false + ConsoleSize *[2]uint `json:",omitempty"` } // HealthcheckResult stores information about a single run of a healthcheck probe @@ -416,13 +525,44 @@ type DefaultNetworkSettings struct { // MountPoint represents a mount point configuration inside the container. // This is used for reporting the mountpoints in use by a container. type MountPoint struct { - Type mount.Type `json:",omitempty"` - Name string `json:",omitempty"` - Source string + // Type is the type of mount, see `Type` definitions in + // github.com/docker/docker/api/types/mount.Type + Type mount.Type `json:",omitempty"` + + // Name is the name reference to the underlying data defined by `Source` + // e.g., the volume name. + Name string `json:",omitempty"` + + // Source is the source location of the mount. + // + // For volumes, this contains the storage location of the volume (within + // `/var/lib/docker/volumes/`). For bind-mounts, and `npipe`, this contains + // the source (host) part of the bind-mount. For `tmpfs` mount points, this + // field is empty. + Source string + + // Destination is the path relative to the container root (`/`) where the + // Source is mounted inside the container. Destination string - Driver string `json:",omitempty"` - Mode string - RW bool + + // Driver is the volume driver used to create the volume (if it is a volume). + Driver string `json:",omitempty"` + + // Mode is a comma separated list of options supplied by the user when + // creating the bind/volume mount. + // + // The default is platform-specific (`"z"` on Linux, empty on Windows). + Mode string + + // RW indicates whether the mount is mounted writable (read-write). + RW bool + + // Propagation describes how mounts are propagated from the host into the + // mount point, and vice-versa. Refer to the Linux kernel documentation + // for details: + // https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/filesystems/sharedsubtree.txt + // + // This field is not used on Windows. Propagation mount.Propagation } @@ -530,15 +670,36 @@ type ShimConfig struct { Opts interface{} } +// DiskUsageObject represents an object type used for disk usage query filtering. +type DiskUsageObject string + +const ( + // ContainerObject represents a container DiskUsageObject. + ContainerObject DiskUsageObject = "container" + // ImageObject represents an image DiskUsageObject. + ImageObject DiskUsageObject = "image" + // VolumeObject represents a volume DiskUsageObject. + VolumeObject DiskUsageObject = "volume" + // BuildCacheObject represents a build-cache DiskUsageObject. + BuildCacheObject DiskUsageObject = "build-cache" +) + +// DiskUsageOptions holds parameters for system disk usage query. +type DiskUsageOptions struct { + // Types specifies what object types to include in the response. If empty, + // all object types are returned. + Types []DiskUsageObject +} + // DiskUsage contains response of Engine API: // GET "/system/df" type DiskUsage struct { LayersSize int64 Images []*ImageSummary Containers []*Container - Volumes []*Volume + Volumes []*volume.Volume BuildCache []*BuildCache - BuilderSize int64 // deprecated + BuilderSize int64 `json:",omitempty"` // Deprecated: deprecated in API 1.38, and no longer used since API 1.40. } // ContainersPruneReport contains the response for Engine API: @@ -613,18 +774,31 @@ type BuildResult struct { ID string } -// BuildCache contains information about a build cache record +// BuildCache contains information about a build cache record. type BuildCache struct { - ID string - Parent string - Type string + // ID is the unique ID of the build cache record. + ID string + // Parent is the ID of the parent build cache record. + // + // Deprecated: deprecated in API v1.42 and up, as it was deprecated in BuildKit; use Parents instead. + Parent string `json:"Parent,omitempty"` + // Parents is the list of parent build cache record IDs. + Parents []string `json:" Parents,omitempty"` + // Type is the cache record type. + Type string + // Description is a description of the build-step that produced the build cache. Description string - InUse bool - Shared bool - Size int64 - CreatedAt time.Time - LastUsedAt *time.Time - UsageCount int + // InUse indicates if the build cache is in use. + InUse bool + // Shared indicates if the build cache is shared. + Shared bool + // Size is the amount of disk space used by the build cache (in bytes). + Size int64 + // CreatedAt is the date and time at which the build cache was created. + CreatedAt time.Time + // LastUsedAt is the date and time at which the build cache was last used. + LastUsedAt *time.Time + UsageCount int } // BuildCachePruneOptions hold parameters to prune the build cache diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/versions/compare.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/versions/compare.go index 8ccb0aa92eb..489e917ee52 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/versions/compare.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/versions/compare.go @@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ import ( // compare compares two version strings // returns -1 if v1 < v2, 1 if v1 > v2, 0 otherwise. func compare(v1, v2 string) int { + if v1 == v2 { + return 0 + } var ( currTab = strings.Split(v1, ".") otherTab = strings.Split(v2, ".") diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/cluster_volume.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/cluster_volume.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..55fc5d38993 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/cluster_volume.go @@ -0,0 +1,420 @@ +package volume + +import ( + "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm" +) + +// ClusterVolume contains options and information specific to, and only present +// on, Swarm CSI cluster volumes. +type ClusterVolume struct { + // ID is the Swarm ID of the volume. Because cluster volumes are Swarm + // objects, they have an ID, unlike non-cluster volumes, which only have a + // Name. This ID can be used to refer to the cluster volume. + ID string + + // Meta is the swarm metadata about this volume. + swarm.Meta + + // Spec is the cluster-specific options from which this volume is derived. + Spec ClusterVolumeSpec + + // PublishStatus contains the status of the volume as it pertains to its + // publishing on Nodes. + PublishStatus []*PublishStatus `json:",omitempty"` + + // Info is information about the global status of the volume. + Info *Info `json:",omitempty"` +} + +// ClusterVolumeSpec contains the spec used to create this volume. +type ClusterVolumeSpec struct { + // Group defines the volume group of this volume. Volumes belonging to the + // same group can be referred to by group name when creating Services. + // Referring to a volume by group instructs swarm to treat volumes in that + // group interchangeably for the purpose of scheduling. Volumes with an + // empty string for a group technically all belong to the same, emptystring + // group. + Group string `json:",omitempty"` + + // AccessMode defines how the volume is used by tasks. + AccessMode *AccessMode `json:",omitempty"` + + // AccessibilityRequirements specifies where in the cluster a volume must + // be accessible from. + // + // This field must be empty if the plugin does not support + // VOLUME_ACCESSIBILITY_CONSTRAINTS capabilities. If it is present but the + // plugin does not support it, volume will not be created. + // + // If AccessibilityRequirements is empty, but the plugin does support + // VOLUME_ACCESSIBILITY_CONSTRAINTS, then Swarmkit will assume the entire + // cluster is a valid target for the volume. + AccessibilityRequirements *TopologyRequirement `json:",omitempty"` + + // CapacityRange defines the desired capacity that the volume should be + // created with. If nil, the plugin will decide the capacity. + CapacityRange *CapacityRange `json:",omitempty"` + + // Secrets defines Swarm Secrets that are passed to the CSI storage plugin + // when operating on this volume. + Secrets []Secret `json:",omitempty"` + + // Availability is the Volume's desired availability. Analogous to Node + // Availability, this allows the user to take volumes offline in order to + // update or delete them. + Availability Availability `json:",omitempty"` +} + +// Availability specifies the availability of the volume. +type Availability string + +const ( + // AvailabilityActive indicates that the volume is active and fully + // schedulable on the cluster. + AvailabilityActive Availability = "active" + + // AvailabilityPause indicates that no new workloads should use the + // volume, but existing workloads can continue to use it. + AvailabilityPause Availability = "pause" + + // AvailabilityDrain indicates that all workloads using this volume + // should be rescheduled, and the volume unpublished from all nodes. + AvailabilityDrain Availability = "drain" +) + +// AccessMode defines the access mode of a volume. +type AccessMode struct { + // Scope defines the set of nodes this volume can be used on at one time. + Scope Scope `json:",omitempty"` + + // Sharing defines the number and way that different tasks can use this + // volume at one time. + Sharing SharingMode `json:",omitempty"` + + // MountVolume defines options for using this volume as a Mount-type + // volume. + // + // Either BlockVolume or MountVolume, but not both, must be present. + MountVolume *TypeMount `json:",omitempty"` + + // BlockVolume defines options for using this volume as a Block-type + // volume. + // + // Either BlockVolume or MountVolume, but not both, must be present. + BlockVolume *TypeBlock `json:",omitempty"` +} + +// Scope defines the Scope of a Cluster Volume. This is how many nodes a +// Volume can be accessed simultaneously on. +type Scope string + +const ( + // ScopeSingleNode indicates the volume can be used on one node at a + // time. + ScopeSingleNode Scope = "single" + + // ScopeMultiNode indicates the volume can be used on many nodes at + // the same time. + ScopeMultiNode Scope = "multi" +) + +// SharingMode defines the Sharing of a Cluster Volume. This is how Tasks using a +// Volume at the same time can use it. +type SharingMode string + +const ( + // SharingNone indicates that only one Task may use the Volume at a + // time. + SharingNone SharingMode = "none" + + // SharingReadOnly indicates that the Volume may be shared by any + // number of Tasks, but they must be read-only. + SharingReadOnly SharingMode = "readonly" + + // SharingOneWriter indicates that the Volume may be shared by any + // number of Tasks, but all after the first must be read-only. + SharingOneWriter SharingMode = "onewriter" + + // SharingAll means that the Volume may be shared by any number of + // Tasks, as readers or writers. + SharingAll SharingMode = "all" +) + +// TypeBlock defines options for using a volume as a block-type volume. +// +// Intentionally empty. +type TypeBlock struct{} + +// TypeMount contains options for using a volume as a Mount-type +// volume. +type TypeMount struct { + // FsType specifies the filesystem type for the mount volume. Optional. + FsType string `json:",omitempty"` + + // MountFlags defines flags to pass when mounting the volume. Optional. + MountFlags []string `json:",omitempty"` +} + +// TopologyRequirement expresses the user's requirements for a volume's +// accessible topology. +type TopologyRequirement struct { + // Requisite specifies a list of Topologies, at least one of which the + // volume must be accessible from. + // + // Taken verbatim from the CSI Spec: + // + // Specifies the list of topologies the provisioned volume MUST be + // accessible from. + // This field is OPTIONAL. If TopologyRequirement is specified either + // requisite or preferred or both MUST be specified. + // + // If requisite is specified, the provisioned volume MUST be + // accessible from at least one of the requisite topologies. + // + // Given + // x = number of topologies provisioned volume is accessible from + // n = number of requisite topologies + // The CO MUST ensure n >= 1. The SP MUST ensure x >= 1 + // If x==n, then the SP MUST make the provisioned volume available to + // all topologies from the list of requisite topologies. If it is + // unable to do so, the SP MUST fail the CreateVolume call. + // For example, if a volume should be accessible from a single zone, + // and requisite = + // {"region": "R1", "zone": "Z2"} + // then the provisioned volume MUST be accessible from the "region" + // "R1" and the "zone" "Z2". + // Similarly, if a volume should be accessible from two zones, and + // requisite = + // {"region": "R1", "zone": "Z2"}, + // {"region": "R1", "zone": "Z3"} + // then the provisioned volume MUST be accessible from the "region" + // "R1" and both "zone" "Z2" and "zone" "Z3". + // + // If xn, then the SP MUST make the provisioned volume available from + // all topologies from the list of requisite topologies and MAY choose + // the remaining x-n unique topologies from the list of all possible + // topologies. If it is unable to do so, the SP MUST fail the + // CreateVolume call. + // For example, if a volume should be accessible from two zones, and + // requisite = + // {"region": "R1", "zone": "Z2"} + // then the provisioned volume MUST be accessible from the "region" + // "R1" and the "zone" "Z2" and the SP may select the second zone + // independently, e.g. "R1/Z4". + Requisite []Topology `json:",omitempty"` + + // Preferred is a list of Topologies that the volume should attempt to be + // provisioned in. + // + // Taken from the CSI spec: + // + // Specifies the list of topologies the CO would prefer the volume to + // be provisioned in. + // + // This field is OPTIONAL. If TopologyRequirement is specified either + // requisite or preferred or both MUST be specified. + // + // An SP MUST attempt to make the provisioned volume available using + // the preferred topologies in order from first to last. + // + // If requisite is specified, all topologies in preferred list MUST + // also be present in the list of requisite topologies. + // + // If the SP is unable to to make the provisioned volume available + // from any of the preferred topologies, the SP MAY choose a topology + // from the list of requisite topologies. + // If the list of requisite topologies is not specified, then the SP + // MAY choose from the list of all possible topologies. + // If the list of requisite topologies is specified and the SP is + // unable to to make the provisioned volume available from any of the + // requisite topologies it MUST fail the CreateVolume call. + // + // Example 1: + // Given a volume should be accessible from a single zone, and + // requisite = + // {"region": "R1", "zone": "Z2"}, + // {"region": "R1", "zone": "Z3"} + // preferred = + // {"region": "R1", "zone": "Z3"} + // then the the SP SHOULD first attempt to make the provisioned volume + // available from "zone" "Z3" in the "region" "R1" and fall back to + // "zone" "Z2" in the "region" "R1" if that is not possible. + // + // Example 2: + // Given a volume should be accessible from a single zone, and + // requisite = + // {"region": "R1", "zone": "Z2"}, + // {"region": "R1", "zone": "Z3"}, + // {"region": "R1", "zone": "Z4"}, + // {"region": "R1", "zone": "Z5"} + // preferred = + // {"region": "R1", "zone": "Z4"}, + // {"region": "R1", "zone": "Z2"} + // then the the SP SHOULD first attempt to make the provisioned volume + // accessible from "zone" "Z4" in the "region" "R1" and fall back to + // "zone" "Z2" in the "region" "R1" if that is not possible. If that + // is not possible, the SP may choose between either the "zone" + // "Z3" or "Z5" in the "region" "R1". + // + // Example 3: + // Given a volume should be accessible from TWO zones (because an + // opaque parameter in CreateVolumeRequest, for example, specifies + // the volume is accessible from two zones, aka synchronously + // replicated), and + // requisite = + // {"region": "R1", "zone": "Z2"}, + // {"region": "R1", "zone": "Z3"}, + // {"region": "R1", "zone": "Z4"}, + // {"region": "R1", "zone": "Z5"} + // preferred = + // {"region": "R1", "zone": "Z5"}, + // {"region": "R1", "zone": "Z3"} + // then the the SP SHOULD first attempt to make the provisioned volume + // accessible from the combination of the two "zones" "Z5" and "Z3" in + // the "region" "R1". If that's not possible, it should fall back to + // a combination of "Z5" and other possibilities from the list of + // requisite. If that's not possible, it should fall back to a + // combination of "Z3" and other possibilities from the list of + // requisite. If that's not possible, it should fall back to a + // combination of other possibilities from the list of requisite. + Preferred []Topology `json:",omitempty"` +} + +// Topology is a map of topological domains to topological segments. +// +// This description is taken verbatim from the CSI Spec: +// +// A topological domain is a sub-division of a cluster, like "region", +// "zone", "rack", etc. +// A topological segment is a specific instance of a topological domain, +// like "zone3", "rack3", etc. +// For example {"com.company/zone": "Z1", "com.company/rack": "R3"} +// Valid keys have two segments: an OPTIONAL prefix and name, separated +// by a slash (/), for example: "com.company.example/zone". +// The key name segment is REQUIRED. The prefix is OPTIONAL. +// The key name MUST be 63 characters or less, begin and end with an +// alphanumeric character ([a-z0-9A-Z]), and contain only dashes (-), +// underscores (_), dots (.), or alphanumerics in between, for example +// "zone". +// The key prefix MUST be 63 characters or less, begin and end with a +// lower-case alphanumeric character ([a-z0-9]), contain only +// dashes (-), dots (.), or lower-case alphanumerics in between, and +// follow domain name notation format +// (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1035#section-2.3.1). +// The key prefix SHOULD include the plugin's host company name and/or +// the plugin name, to minimize the possibility of collisions with keys +// from other plugins. +// If a key prefix is specified, it MUST be identical across all +// topology keys returned by the SP (across all RPCs). +// Keys MUST be case-insensitive. Meaning the keys "Zone" and "zone" +// MUST not both exist. +// Each value (topological segment) MUST contain 1 or more strings. +// Each string MUST be 63 characters or less and begin and end with an +// alphanumeric character with '-', '_', '.', or alphanumerics in +// between. +type Topology struct { + Segments map[string]string `json:",omitempty"` +} + +// CapacityRange describes the minimum and maximum capacity a volume should be +// created with +type CapacityRange struct { + // RequiredBytes specifies that a volume must be at least this big. The + // value of 0 indicates an unspecified minimum. + RequiredBytes int64 + + // LimitBytes specifies that a volume must not be bigger than this. The + // value of 0 indicates an unspecified maximum + LimitBytes int64 +} + +// Secret represents a Swarm Secret value that must be passed to the CSI +// storage plugin when operating on this Volume. It represents one key-value +// pair of possibly many. +type Secret struct { + // Key is the name of the key of the key-value pair passed to the plugin. + Key string + + // Secret is the swarm Secret object from which to read data. This can be a + // Secret name or ID. The Secret data is retrieved by Swarm and used as the + // value of the key-value pair passed to the plugin. + Secret string +} + +// PublishState represents the state of a Volume as it pertains to its +// use on a particular Node. +type PublishState string + +const ( + // StatePending indicates that the volume should be published on + // this node, but the call to ControllerPublishVolume has not been + // successfully completed yet and the result recorded by swarmkit. + StatePending PublishState = "pending-publish" + + // StatePublished means the volume is published successfully to the node. + StatePublished PublishState = "published" + + // StatePendingNodeUnpublish indicates that the Volume should be + // unpublished on the Node, and we're waiting for confirmation that it has + // done so. After the Node has confirmed that the Volume has been + // unpublished, the state will move to StatePendingUnpublish. + StatePendingNodeUnpublish PublishState = "pending-node-unpublish" + + // StatePendingUnpublish means the volume is still published to the node + // by the controller, awaiting the operation to unpublish it. + StatePendingUnpublish PublishState = "pending-controller-unpublish" +) + +// PublishStatus represents the status of the volume as published to an +// individual node +type PublishStatus struct { + // NodeID is the ID of the swarm node this Volume is published to. + NodeID string `json:",omitempty"` + + // State is the publish state of the volume. + State PublishState `json:",omitempty"` + + // PublishContext is the PublishContext returned by the CSI plugin when + // a volume is published. + PublishContext map[string]string `json:",omitempty"` +} + +// Info contains information about the Volume as a whole as provided by +// the CSI storage plugin. +type Info struct { + // CapacityBytes is the capacity of the volume in bytes. A value of 0 + // indicates that the capacity is unknown. + CapacityBytes int64 `json:",omitempty"` + + // VolumeContext is the context originating from the CSI storage plugin + // when the Volume is created. + VolumeContext map[string]string `json:",omitempty"` + + // VolumeID is the ID of the Volume as seen by the CSI storage plugin. This + // is distinct from the Volume's Swarm ID, which is the ID used by all of + // the Docker Engine to refer to the Volume. If this field is blank, then + // the Volume has not been successfully created yet. + VolumeID string `json:",omitempty"` + + // AccessibleTopolgoy is the topology this volume is actually accessible + // from. + AccessibleTopology []Topology `json:",omitempty"` +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/create_options.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/create_options.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..37c41a60969 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/create_options.go @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +package volume + +// This file was generated by the swagger tool. +// Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command + +// CreateOptions VolumeConfig +// +// Volume configuration +// swagger:model CreateOptions +type CreateOptions struct { + + // cluster volume spec + ClusterVolumeSpec *ClusterVolumeSpec `json:"ClusterVolumeSpec,omitempty"` + + // Name of the volume driver to use. + Driver string `json:"Driver,omitempty"` + + // A mapping of driver options and values. These options are + // passed directly to the driver and are driver specific. + // + DriverOpts map[string]string `json:"DriverOpts,omitempty"` + + // User-defined key/value metadata. + Labels map[string]string `json:"Labels,omitempty"` + + // The new volume's name. If not specified, Docker generates a name. + // + Name string `json:"Name,omitempty"` +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/deprecated.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/deprecated.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ab622d8ccb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/deprecated.go @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +package volume // import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume" + +// VolumeCreateBody Volume configuration +// +// Deprecated: use CreateOptions +type VolumeCreateBody = CreateOptions + +// VolumeListOKBody Volume list response +// +// Deprecated: use ListResponse +type VolumeListOKBody = ListResponse diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/list_response.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/list_response.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ca5192a2a91 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/list_response.go @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +package volume + +// This file was generated by the swagger tool. +// Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command + +// ListResponse VolumeListResponse +// +// Volume list response +// swagger:model ListResponse +type ListResponse struct { + + // List of volumes + Volumes []*Volume `json:"Volumes"` + + // Warnings that occurred when fetching the list of volumes. + // + Warnings []string `json:"Warnings"` +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/options.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/options.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8b0dd138998 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/options.go @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +package volume // import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume" + +import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/filters" + +// ListOptions holds parameters to list volumes. +type ListOptions struct { + Filters filters.Args +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/volume.go similarity index 87% rename from ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume.go rename to ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/volume.go index c69b08448df..ea7d555e5b4 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/volume.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -package types +package volume // This file was generated by the swagger tool. // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command @@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ package types // swagger:model Volume type Volume struct { + // cluster volume + ClusterVolume *ClusterVolume `json:"ClusterVolume,omitempty"` + // Date/Time the volume was created. CreatedAt string `json:"CreatedAt,omitempty"` @@ -47,14 +50,14 @@ type Volume struct { Status map[string]interface{} `json:"Status,omitempty"` // usage data - UsageData *VolumeUsageData `json:"UsageData,omitempty"` + UsageData *UsageData `json:"UsageData,omitempty"` } -// VolumeUsageData Usage details about the volume. This information is used by the +// UsageData Usage details about the volume. This information is used by the // `GET /system/df` endpoint, and omitted in other endpoints. // -// swagger:model VolumeUsageData -type VolumeUsageData struct { +// swagger:model UsageData +type UsageData struct { // The number of containers referencing this volume. This field // is set to `-1` if the reference-count is not available. diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/volume_update.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/volume_update.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f958f80a669 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume/volume_update.go @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +package volume // import "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume" + +// UpdateOptions is configuration to update a Volume with. +type UpdateOptions struct { + // Spec is the ClusterVolumeSpec to update the volume to. + Spec *ClusterVolumeSpec `json:"Spec,omitempty"` +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/libnetwork/ipamutils/utils.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/libnetwork/ipamutils/utils.go index 3fd37cd8840..9be126ff7a3 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/libnetwork/ipamutils/utils.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/libnetwork/ipamutils/utils.go @@ -34,13 +34,11 @@ type NetworkToSplit struct { func init() { var err error if PredefinedGlobalScopeDefaultNetworks, err = splitNetworks(globalScopeDefaultNetworks); err != nil { - //we are going to panic in case of error as we should never get into this state - panic("InitAddressPools failed to initialize the global scope default address pool") + panic("failed to initialize the global scope default address pool: " + err.Error()) } if PredefinedLocalScopeDefaultNetworks, err = splitNetworks(localScopeDefaultNetworks); err != nil { - //we are going to panic in case of error as we should never get into this state - panic("InitAddressPools failed to initialize the local scope default address pool") + panic("failed to initialize the local scope default address pool: " + err.Error()) } } diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/opts/hosts.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/opts/hosts.go index a3123adefe7..8c3d1518529 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/opts/hosts.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/opts/hosts.go @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ package opts // import "github.com/docker/docker/opts" import ( - "fmt" "net" "net/url" "path/filepath" @@ -9,6 +8,7 @@ import ( "strings" "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/homedir" + "github.com/pkg/errors" ) const ( @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ func ParseHost(defaultToTLS, defaultToUnixXDG bool, val string) (string, error) } // parseDaemonHost parses the specified address and returns an address that will be used as the host. -// Depending of the address specified, this may return one of the global Default* strings defined in hosts.go. +// Depending on the address specified, this may return one of the global Default* strings defined in hosts.go. func parseDaemonHost(addr string) (string, error) { addrParts := strings.SplitN(addr, "://", 2) if len(addrParts) == 1 && addrParts[0] != "" { @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ func parseDaemonHost(addr string) (string, error) { switch addrParts[0] { case "tcp": - return ParseTCPAddr(addrParts[1], DefaultTCPHost) + return ParseTCPAddr(addr, DefaultTCPHost) case "unix": return parseSimpleProtoAddr("unix", addrParts[1], DefaultUnixSocket) case "npipe": @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ func parseDaemonHost(addr string) (string, error) { case "fd": return addr, nil default: - return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid bind address format: %s", addr) + return "", errors.Errorf("invalid bind address (%s): unsupported proto '%s'", addr, addrParts[0]) } } @@ -104,12 +104,12 @@ func parseDaemonHost(addr string) (string, error) { func parseSimpleProtoAddr(proto, addr, defaultAddr string) (string, error) { addr = strings.TrimPrefix(addr, proto+"://") if strings.Contains(addr, "://") { - return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid proto, expected %s: %s", proto, addr) + return "", errors.Errorf("invalid proto, expected %s: %s", proto, addr) } if addr == "" { addr = defaultAddr } - return fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", proto, addr), nil + return proto + "://" + addr, nil } // ParseTCPAddr parses and validates that the specified address is a valid TCP @@ -118,51 +118,54 @@ func parseSimpleProtoAddr(proto, addr, defaultAddr string) (string, error) { // tryAddr is expected to have already been Trim()'d // defaultAddr must be in the full `tcp://host:port` form func ParseTCPAddr(tryAddr string, defaultAddr string) (string, error) { - if tryAddr == "" || tryAddr == "tcp://" { - return defaultAddr, nil - } - addr := strings.TrimPrefix(tryAddr, "tcp://") - if strings.Contains(addr, "://") || addr == "" { - return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid proto, expected tcp: %s", tryAddr) + def, err := parseTCPAddr(defaultAddr, true) + if err != nil { + return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid default address (%s)", defaultAddr) } - defaultAddr = strings.TrimPrefix(defaultAddr, "tcp://") - defaultHost, defaultPort, err := net.SplitHostPort(defaultAddr) + addr, err := parseTCPAddr(tryAddr, false) if err != nil { - return "", err - } - // url.Parse fails for trailing colon on IPv6 brackets on Go 1.5, but - // not 1.4. See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/12200 and - // https://github.com/golang/go/issues/6530. - if strings.HasSuffix(addr, "]:") { - addr += defaultPort + return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid bind address (%s)", tryAddr) } - u, err := url.Parse("tcp://" + addr) - if err != nil { - return "", err + host := addr.Hostname() + if host == "" { + host = def.Hostname() } - host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(u.Host) - if err != nil { - // try port addition once - host, port, err = net.SplitHostPort(net.JoinHostPort(u.Host, defaultPort)) + port := addr.Port() + if port == "" { + port = def.Port() } + + return "tcp://" + net.JoinHostPort(host, port), nil +} + +// parseTCPAddr parses the given addr and validates if it is in the expected +// format. If strict is enabled, the address must contain a scheme (tcp://), +// a host (or IP-address) and a port number. +func parseTCPAddr(address string, strict bool) (*url.URL, error) { + if !strict && !strings.Contains(address, "://") { + address = "tcp://" + address + } + parsedURL, err := url.Parse(address) if err != nil { - return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid bind address format: %s", tryAddr) + return nil, err } - - if host == "" { - host = defaultHost + if parsedURL.Scheme != "tcp" { + return nil, errors.Errorf("unsupported proto '%s'", parsedURL.Scheme) } - if port == "" { - port = defaultPort + if parsedURL.Path != "" { + return nil, errors.New("should not contain a path element") } - p, err := strconv.Atoi(port) - if err != nil && p == 0 { - return "", fmt.Errorf("Invalid bind address format: %s", tryAddr) + if strict && parsedURL.Host == "" { + return nil, errors.New("no host or IP address") } - - return fmt.Sprintf("tcp://%s%s", net.JoinHostPort(host, port), u.Path), nil + if parsedURL.Port() != "" || strict { + if p, err := strconv.Atoi(parsedURL.Port()); err != nil || p == 0 { + return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid port: %s", parsedURL.Port()) + } + } + return parsedURL, nil } // ValidateExtraHost validates that the specified string is a valid extrahost and returns it. @@ -171,12 +174,12 @@ func ValidateExtraHost(val string) (string, error) { // allow for IPv6 addresses in extra hosts by only splitting on first ":" arr := strings.SplitN(val, ":", 2) if len(arr) != 2 || len(arr[0]) == 0 { - return "", fmt.Errorf("bad format for add-host: %q", val) + return "", errors.Errorf("bad format for add-host: %q", val) } // Skip IPaddr validation for special "host-gateway" string if arr[1] != HostGatewayName { if _, err := ValidateIPAddress(arr[1]); err != nil { - return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid IP address in add-host: %q", arr[1]) + return "", errors.Errorf("invalid IP address in add-host: %q", arr[1]) } } return val, nil diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/opts/hosts_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/opts/hosts_unix.go index 29864194acb..4b1c8512e23 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/opts/hosts_unix.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/opts/hosts_unix.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !windows // +build !windows package opts // import "github.com/docker/docker/opts" diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/opts/ip.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/opts/ip.go deleted file mode 100644 index cfbff3a9fd6..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/opts/ip.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -package opts // import "github.com/docker/docker/opts" - -import ( - "fmt" - "net" -) - -// IPOpt holds an IP. It is used to store values from CLI flags. -type IPOpt struct { - *net.IP -} - -// NewIPOpt creates a new IPOpt from a reference net.IP and a -// string representation of an IP. If the string is not a valid -// IP it will fallback to the specified reference. -func NewIPOpt(ref *net.IP, defaultVal string) *IPOpt { - o := &IPOpt{ - IP: ref, - } - o.Set(defaultVal) - return o -} - -// Set sets an IPv4 or IPv6 address from a given string. If the given -// string is not parsable as an IP address it returns an error. -func (o *IPOpt) Set(val string) error { - ip := net.ParseIP(val) - if ip == nil { - return fmt.Errorf("%s is not an ip address", val) - } - *o.IP = ip - return nil -} - -// String returns the IP address stored in the IPOpt. If stored IP is a -// nil pointer, it returns an empty string. -func (o *IPOpt) String() string { - if *o.IP == nil { - return "" - } - return o.IP.String() -} - -// Type returns the type of the option -func (o *IPOpt) Type() string { - return "ip" -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/opts/quotedstring.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/opts/quotedstring.go deleted file mode 100644 index 6c889070e82..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/opts/quotedstring.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -package opts // import "github.com/docker/docker/opts" - -// QuotedString is a string that may have extra quotes around the value. The -// quotes are stripped from the value. -type QuotedString struct { - value *string -} - -// Set sets a new value -func (s *QuotedString) Set(val string) error { - *s.value = trimQuotes(val) - return nil -} - -// Type returns the type of the value -func (s *QuotedString) Type() string { - return "string" -} - -func (s *QuotedString) String() string { - return *s.value -} - -func trimQuotes(value string) string { - lastIndex := len(value) - 1 - for _, char := range []byte{'\'', '"'} { - if value[0] == char && value[lastIndex] == char { - return value[1:lastIndex] - } - } - return value -} - -// NewQuotedString returns a new quoted string option -func NewQuotedString(value *string) *QuotedString { - return &QuotedString{value: value} -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive.go index 50b83c62c63..3af7c3a652d 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive.go @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ import ( "compress/bzip2" "compress/gzip" "context" + "encoding/binary" "fmt" "io" - "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime" @@ -18,15 +18,31 @@ import ( "syscall" "time" - "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/fileutils" + "github.com/containerd/containerd/pkg/userns" "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools" "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils" "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/pools" "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" + "github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd" + "github.com/moby/patternmatcher" + "github.com/moby/sys/sequential" + "github.com/pkg/errors" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" exec "golang.org/x/sys/execabs" ) +// ImpliedDirectoryMode represents the mode (Unix permissions) applied to directories that are implied by files in a +// tar, but that do not have their own header entry. +// +// The permissions mask is stored in a constant instead of locally to ensure that magic numbers do not +// proliferate in the codebase. The default value 0755 has been selected based on the default umask of 0022, and +// a convention of mkdir(1) calling mkdir(2) with permissions of 0777, resulting in a final value of 0755. +// +// This value is currently implementation-defined, and not captured in any cross-runtime specification. Thus, it is +// subject to change in Moby at any time -- image authors who require consistent or known directory permissions +// should explicitly control them by ensuring that header entries exist for any applicable path. +const ImpliedDirectoryMode = 0755 + type ( // Compression is the state represents if compressed or not. Compression int @@ -39,8 +55,7 @@ type ( ExcludePatterns []string Compression Compression NoLchown bool - UIDMaps []idtools.IDMap - GIDMaps []idtools.IDMap + IDMap idtools.IdentityMapping ChownOpts *idtools.Identity IncludeSourceDir bool // WhiteoutFormat is the expected on disk format for whiteout files. @@ -62,12 +77,12 @@ type ( // mappings for untar, an Archiver can be created with maps which will then be passed to Untar operations. type Archiver struct { Untar func(io.Reader, string, *TarOptions) error - IDMapping *idtools.IdentityMapping + IDMapping idtools.IdentityMapping } // NewDefaultArchiver returns a new Archiver without any IdentityMapping func NewDefaultArchiver() *Archiver { - return &Archiver{Untar: Untar, IDMapping: &idtools.IdentityMapping{}} + return &Archiver{Untar: Untar} } // breakoutError is used to differentiate errors related to breaking out @@ -84,6 +99,8 @@ const ( Gzip // Xz is xz compression algorithm. Xz + // Zstd is zstd compression algorithm. + Zstd ) const ( @@ -122,18 +139,59 @@ func IsArchivePath(path string) bool { return err == nil } +const ( + zstdMagicSkippableStart = 0x184D2A50 + zstdMagicSkippableMask = 0xFFFFFFF0 +) + +var ( + bzip2Magic = []byte{0x42, 0x5A, 0x68} + gzipMagic = []byte{0x1F, 0x8B, 0x08} + xzMagic = []byte{0xFD, 0x37, 0x7A, 0x58, 0x5A, 0x00} + zstdMagic = []byte{0x28, 0xb5, 0x2f, 0xfd} +) + +type matcher = func([]byte) bool + +func magicNumberMatcher(m []byte) matcher { + return func(source []byte) bool { + return bytes.HasPrefix(source, m) + } +} + +// zstdMatcher detects zstd compression algorithm. +// Zstandard compressed data is made of one or more frames. +// There are two frame formats defined by Zstandard: Zstandard frames and Skippable frames. +// See https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-kucherawy-dispatch-zstd-00.html#rfc.section.2 for more details. +func zstdMatcher() matcher { + return func(source []byte) bool { + if bytes.HasPrefix(source, zstdMagic) { + // Zstandard frame + return true + } + // skippable frame + if len(source) < 8 { + return false + } + // magic number from 0x184D2A50 to 0x184D2A5F. + if binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(source[:4])&zstdMagicSkippableMask == zstdMagicSkippableStart { + return true + } + return false + } +} + // DetectCompression detects the compression algorithm of the source. func DetectCompression(source []byte) Compression { - for compression, m := range map[Compression][]byte{ - Bzip2: {0x42, 0x5A, 0x68}, - Gzip: {0x1F, 0x8B, 0x08}, - Xz: {0xFD, 0x37, 0x7A, 0x58, 0x5A, 0x00}, - } { - if len(source) < len(m) { - logrus.Debug("Len too short") - continue - } - if bytes.Equal(m, source[:len(m)]) { + compressionMap := map[Compression]matcher{ + Bzip2: magicNumberMatcher(bzip2Magic), + Gzip: magicNumberMatcher(gzipMagic), + Xz: magicNumberMatcher(xzMagic), + Zstd: zstdMatcher(), + } + for _, compression := range []Compression{Bzip2, Gzip, Xz, Zstd} { + fn := compressionMap[compression] + if fn(source) { return compression } } @@ -147,20 +205,15 @@ func xzDecompress(ctx context.Context, archive io.Reader) (io.ReadCloser, error) } func gzDecompress(ctx context.Context, buf io.Reader) (io.ReadCloser, error) { - noPigzEnv := os.Getenv("MOBY_DISABLE_PIGZ") - var noPigz bool - - if noPigzEnv != "" { - var err error - noPigz, err = strconv.ParseBool(noPigzEnv) + if noPigzEnv := os.Getenv("MOBY_DISABLE_PIGZ"); noPigzEnv != "" { + noPigz, err := strconv.ParseBool(noPigzEnv) if err != nil { logrus.WithError(err).Warn("invalid value in MOBY_DISABLE_PIGZ env var") } - } - - if noPigz { - logrus.Debugf("Use of pigz is disabled due to MOBY_DISABLE_PIGZ=%s", noPigzEnv) - return gzip.NewReader(buf) + if noPigz { + logrus.Debugf("Use of pigz is disabled due to MOBY_DISABLE_PIGZ=%s", noPigzEnv) + return gzip.NewReader(buf) + } } unpigzPath, err := exec.LookPath("unpigz") @@ -225,6 +278,13 @@ func DecompressStream(archive io.Reader) (io.ReadCloser, error) { } readBufWrapper := p.NewReadCloserWrapper(buf, xzReader) return wrapReadCloser(readBufWrapper, cancel), nil + case Zstd: + zstdReader, err := zstd.NewReader(buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + readBufWrapper := p.NewReadCloserWrapper(buf, zstdReader) + return readBufWrapper, nil default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unsupported compression format %s", (&compression).Extension()) } @@ -278,7 +338,9 @@ func ReplaceFileTarWrapper(inputTarStream io.ReadCloser, mods map[string]TarModi return nil } - header.Name = name + if header.Name == "" { + header.Name = name + } header.Size = int64(len(data)) if err := tarWriter.WriteHeader(header); err != nil { return err @@ -333,7 +395,6 @@ func ReplaceFileTarWrapper(inputTarStream io.ReadCloser, mods map[string]TarModi } pipeWriter.Close() - }() return pipeReader } @@ -349,16 +410,70 @@ func (compression *Compression) Extension() string { return "tar.gz" case Xz: return "tar.xz" + case Zstd: + return "tar.zst" } return "" } +// nosysFileInfo hides the system-dependent info of the wrapped FileInfo to +// prevent tar.FileInfoHeader from introspecting it and potentially calling into +// glibc. +type nosysFileInfo struct { + os.FileInfo +} + +func (fi nosysFileInfo) Sys() interface{} { + // A Sys value of type *tar.Header is safe as it is system-independent. + // The tar.FileInfoHeader function copies the fields into the returned + // header without performing any OS lookups. + if sys, ok := fi.FileInfo.Sys().(*tar.Header); ok { + return sys + } + return nil +} + +// sysStat, if non-nil, populates hdr from system-dependent fields of fi. +var sysStat func(fi os.FileInfo, hdr *tar.Header) error + +// FileInfoHeaderNoLookups creates a partially-populated tar.Header from fi. +// +// Compared to the archive/tar.FileInfoHeader function, this function is safe to +// call from a chrooted process as it does not populate fields which would +// require operating system lookups. It behaves identically to +// tar.FileInfoHeader when fi is a FileInfo value returned from +// tar.Header.FileInfo(). +// +// When fi is a FileInfo for a native file, such as returned from os.Stat() and +// os.Lstat(), the returned Header value differs from one returned from +// tar.FileInfoHeader in the following ways. The Uname and Gname fields are not +// set as OS lookups would be required to populate them. The AccessTime and +// ChangeTime fields are not currently set (not yet implemented) although that +// is subject to change. Callers which require the AccessTime or ChangeTime +// fields to be zeroed should explicitly zero them out in the returned Header +// value to avoid any compatibility issues in the future. +func FileInfoHeaderNoLookups(fi os.FileInfo, link string) (*tar.Header, error) { + hdr, err := tar.FileInfoHeader(nosysFileInfo{fi}, link) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if sysStat != nil { + return hdr, sysStat(fi, hdr) + } + return hdr, nil +} + // FileInfoHeader creates a populated Header from fi. -// Compared to archive pkg this function fills in more information. -// Also, regardless of Go version, this function fills file type bits (e.g. hdr.Mode |= modeISDIR), -// which have been deleted since Go 1.9 archive/tar. +// +// Compared to the archive/tar package, this function fills in less information +// but is safe to call from a chrooted process. The AccessTime and ChangeTime +// fields are not set in the returned header, ModTime is truncated to one-second +// precision, and the Uname and Gname fields are only set when fi is a FileInfo +// value returned from tar.Header.FileInfo(). Also, regardless of Go version, +// this function fills file type bits (e.g. hdr.Mode |= modeISDIR), which have +// been deleted since Go 1.9 archive/tar. func FileInfoHeader(name string, fi os.FileInfo, link string) (*tar.Header, error) { - hdr, err := tar.FileInfoHeader(fi, link) + hdr, err := FileInfoHeaderNoLookups(fi, link) if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -368,9 +483,6 @@ func FileInfoHeader(name string, fi os.FileInfo, link string) (*tar.Header, erro hdr.ChangeTime = time.Time{} hdr.Mode = fillGo18FileTypeBits(int64(chmodTarEntry(os.FileMode(hdr.Mode))), fi) hdr.Name = canonicalTarName(name, fi.IsDir()) - if err := setHeaderForSpecialDevice(hdr, name, fi.Sys()); err != nil { - return nil, err - } return hdr, nil } @@ -435,7 +547,7 @@ type tarAppender struct { // for hardlink mapping SeenFiles map[uint64]string - IdentityMapping *idtools.IdentityMapping + IdentityMapping idtools.IdentityMapping ChownOpts *idtools.Identity // For packing and unpacking whiteout files in the @@ -445,7 +557,7 @@ type tarAppender struct { WhiteoutConverter tarWhiteoutConverter } -func newTarAppender(idMapping *idtools.IdentityMapping, writer io.Writer, chownOpts *idtools.Identity) *tarAppender { +func newTarAppender(idMapping idtools.IdentityMapping, writer io.Writer, chownOpts *idtools.Identity) *tarAppender { return &tarAppender{ SeenFiles: make(map[uint64]string), TarWriter: tar.NewWriter(writer), @@ -560,10 +672,9 @@ func (ta *tarAppender) addTarFile(path, name string) error { } if hdr.Typeflag == tar.TypeReg && hdr.Size > 0 { - // We use system.OpenSequential to ensure we use sequential file - // access on Windows to avoid depleting the standby list. - // On Linux, this equates to a regular os.Open. - file, err := system.OpenSequential(path) + // We use sequential file access to avoid depleting the standby list on + // Windows. On Linux, this equates to a regular os.Open. + file, err := sequential.Open(path) if err != nil { return err } @@ -600,11 +711,10 @@ func createTarFile(path, extractDir string, hdr *tar.Header, reader io.Reader, L } } - case tar.TypeReg, tar.TypeRegA: - // Source is regular file. We use system.OpenFileSequential to use sequential - // file access to avoid depleting the standby list on Windows. - // On Linux, this equates to a regular os.OpenFile - file, err := system.OpenFileSequential(path, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, hdrInfo.Mode()) + case tar.TypeReg: + // Source is regular file. We use sequential file access to avoid depleting + // the standby list on Windows. On Linux, this equates to a regular os.OpenFile. + file, err := sequential.OpenFile(path, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, hdrInfo.Mode()) if err != nil { return err } @@ -630,6 +740,7 @@ func createTarFile(path, extractDir string, hdr *tar.Header, reader io.Reader, L } case tar.TypeLink: + // #nosec G305 -- The target path is checked for path traversal. targetPath := filepath.Join(extractDir, hdr.Linkname) // check for hardlink breakout if !strings.HasPrefix(targetPath, extractDir) { @@ -642,7 +753,7 @@ func createTarFile(path, extractDir string, hdr *tar.Header, reader io.Reader, L case tar.TypeSymlink: // path -> hdr.Linkname = targetPath // e.g. /extractDir/path/to/symlink -> ../2/file = /extractDir/path/2/file - targetPath := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(path), hdr.Linkname) + targetPath := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(path), hdr.Linkname) // #nosec G305 -- The target path is checked for path traversal. // the reason we don't need to check symlinks in the path (with FollowSymlinkInScope) is because // that symlink would first have to be created, which would be caught earlier, at this very check: @@ -667,7 +778,11 @@ func createTarFile(path, extractDir string, hdr *tar.Header, reader io.Reader, L chownOpts = &idtools.Identity{UID: hdr.Uid, GID: hdr.Gid} } if err := os.Lchown(path, chownOpts.UID, chownOpts.GID); err != nil { - return err + msg := "failed to Lchown %q for UID %d, GID %d" + if errors.Is(err, syscall.EINVAL) && userns.RunningInUserNS() { + msg += " (try increasing the number of subordinate IDs in /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid)" + } + return errors.Wrapf(err, msg, path, hdr.Uid, hdr.Gid) } } @@ -686,7 +801,6 @@ func createTarFile(path, extractDir string, hdr *tar.Header, reader io.Reader, L } return err } - } if len(errors) > 0 { @@ -736,12 +850,11 @@ func Tar(path string, compression Compression) (io.ReadCloser, error) { // TarWithOptions creates an archive from the directory at `path`, only including files whose relative // paths are included in `options.IncludeFiles` (if non-nil) or not in `options.ExcludePatterns`. func TarWithOptions(srcPath string, options *TarOptions) (io.ReadCloser, error) { - // Fix the source path to work with long path names. This is a no-op // on platforms other than Windows. srcPath = fixVolumePathPrefix(srcPath) - pm, err := fileutils.NewPatternMatcher(options.ExcludePatterns) + pm, err := patternmatcher.New(options.ExcludePatterns) if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -760,7 +873,7 @@ func TarWithOptions(srcPath string, options *TarOptions) (io.ReadCloser, error) go func() { ta := newTarAppender( - idtools.NewIDMappingsFromMaps(options.UIDMaps, options.GIDMaps), + options.IDMap, compressWriter, options.ChownOpts, ) @@ -815,6 +928,11 @@ func TarWithOptions(srcPath string, options *TarOptions) (io.ReadCloser, error) for _, include := range options.IncludeFiles { rebaseName := options.RebaseNames[include] + var ( + parentMatchInfo []patternmatcher.MatchInfo + parentDirs []string + ) + walkRoot := getWalkRoot(srcPath, include) filepath.Walk(walkRoot, func(filePath string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error { if err != nil { @@ -841,11 +959,30 @@ func TarWithOptions(srcPath string, options *TarOptions) (io.ReadCloser, error) // is asking for that file no matter what - which is true // for some files, like .dockerignore and Dockerfile (sometimes) if include != relFilePath { - skip, err = pm.Matches(relFilePath) + for len(parentDirs) != 0 { + lastParentDir := parentDirs[len(parentDirs)-1] + if strings.HasPrefix(relFilePath, lastParentDir+string(os.PathSeparator)) { + break + } + parentDirs = parentDirs[:len(parentDirs)-1] + parentMatchInfo = parentMatchInfo[:len(parentMatchInfo)-1] + } + + var matchInfo patternmatcher.MatchInfo + if len(parentMatchInfo) != 0 { + skip, matchInfo, err = pm.MatchesUsingParentResults(relFilePath, parentMatchInfo[len(parentMatchInfo)-1]) + } else { + skip, matchInfo, err = pm.MatchesUsingParentResults(relFilePath, patternmatcher.MatchInfo{}) + } if err != nil { logrus.Errorf("Error matching %s: %v", relFilePath, err) return err } + + if f.IsDir() { + parentDirs = append(parentDirs, relFilePath) + parentMatchInfo = append(parentMatchInfo, matchInfo) + } } if skip { @@ -920,8 +1057,6 @@ func Unpack(decompressedArchive io.Reader, dest string, options *TarOptions) err defer pools.BufioReader32KPool.Put(trBuf) var dirs []*tar.Header - idMapping := idtools.NewIDMappingsFromMaps(options.UIDMaps, options.GIDMaps) - rootIDs := idMapping.RootPair() whiteoutConverter, err := getWhiteoutConverter(options.WhiteoutFormat, options.InUserNS) if err != nil { return err @@ -956,21 +1091,13 @@ loop: } } - // After calling filepath.Clean(hdr.Name) above, hdr.Name will now be in - // the filepath format for the OS on which the daemon is running. Hence - // the check for a slash-suffix MUST be done in an OS-agnostic way. - if !strings.HasSuffix(hdr.Name, string(os.PathSeparator)) { - // Not the root directory, ensure that the parent directory exists - parent := filepath.Dir(hdr.Name) - parentPath := filepath.Join(dest, parent) - if _, err := os.Lstat(parentPath); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) { - err = idtools.MkdirAllAndChownNew(parentPath, 0755, rootIDs) - if err != nil { - return err - } - } + // Ensure that the parent directory exists. + err = createImpliedDirectories(dest, hdr, options) + if err != nil { + return err } + // #nosec G305 -- The joined path is checked for path traversal. path := filepath.Join(dest, hdr.Name) rel, err := filepath.Rel(dest, path) if err != nil { @@ -1009,7 +1136,7 @@ loop: } trBuf.Reset(tr) - if err := remapIDs(idMapping, hdr); err != nil { + if err := remapIDs(options.IDMap, hdr); err != nil { return err } @@ -1035,6 +1162,7 @@ loop: } for _, hdr := range dirs { + // #nosec G305 -- The header was checked for path traversal before it was appended to the dirs slice. path := filepath.Join(dest, hdr.Name) if err := system.Chtimes(path, hdr.AccessTime, hdr.ModTime); err != nil { @@ -1044,10 +1172,40 @@ loop: return nil } +// createImpliedDirectories will create all parent directories of the current path with default permissions, if they do +// not already exist. This is possible as the tar format supports 'implicit' directories, where their existence is +// defined by the paths of files in the tar, but there are no header entries for the directories themselves, and thus +// we most both create them and choose metadata like permissions. +// +// The caller should have performed filepath.Clean(hdr.Name), so hdr.Name will now be in the filepath format for the OS +// on which the daemon is running. This precondition is required because this function assumes a OS-specific path +// separator when checking that a path is not the root. +func createImpliedDirectories(dest string, hdr *tar.Header, options *TarOptions) error { + // Not the root directory, ensure that the parent directory exists + if !strings.HasSuffix(hdr.Name, string(os.PathSeparator)) { + parent := filepath.Dir(hdr.Name) + parentPath := filepath.Join(dest, parent) + if _, err := os.Lstat(parentPath); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) { + // RootPair() is confined inside this loop as most cases will not require a call, so we can spend some + // unneeded function calls in the uncommon case to encapsulate logic -- implied directories are a niche + // usage that reduces the portability of an image. + rootIDs := options.IDMap.RootPair() + + err = idtools.MkdirAllAndChownNew(parentPath, ImpliedDirectoryMode, rootIDs) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + + return nil +} + // Untar reads a stream of bytes from `archive`, parses it as a tar archive, // and unpacks it into the directory at `dest`. // The archive may be compressed with one of the following algorithms: -// identity (uncompressed), gzip, bzip2, xz. +// identity (uncompressed), gzip, bzip2, xz. +// // FIXME: specify behavior when target path exists vs. doesn't exist. func Untar(tarArchive io.Reader, dest string, options *TarOptions) error { return untarHandler(tarArchive, dest, options, true) @@ -1089,15 +1247,13 @@ func untarHandler(tarArchive io.Reader, dest string, options *TarOptions, decomp // TarUntar is a convenience function which calls Tar and Untar, with the output of one piped into the other. // If either Tar or Untar fails, TarUntar aborts and returns the error. func (archiver *Archiver) TarUntar(src, dst string) error { - logrus.Debugf("TarUntar(%s %s)", src, dst) archive, err := TarWithOptions(src, &TarOptions{Compression: Uncompressed}) if err != nil { return err } defer archive.Close() options := &TarOptions{ - UIDMaps: archiver.IDMapping.UIDs(), - GIDMaps: archiver.IDMapping.GIDs(), + IDMap: archiver.IDMapping, } return archiver.Untar(archive, dst, options) } @@ -1110,8 +1266,7 @@ func (archiver *Archiver) UntarPath(src, dst string) error { } defer archive.Close() options := &TarOptions{ - UIDMaps: archiver.IDMapping.UIDs(), - GIDMaps: archiver.IDMapping.GIDs(), + IDMap: archiver.IDMapping, } return archiver.Untar(archive, dst, options) } @@ -1134,11 +1289,9 @@ func (archiver *Archiver) CopyWithTar(src, dst string) error { // as owner rootIDs := archiver.IDMapping.RootPair() // Create dst, copy src's content into it - logrus.Debugf("Creating dest directory: %s", dst) if err := idtools.MkdirAllAndChownNew(dst, 0755, rootIDs); err != nil { return err } - logrus.Debugf("Calling TarUntar(%s, %s)", src, dst) return archiver.TarUntar(src, dst) } @@ -1146,7 +1299,6 @@ func (archiver *Archiver) CopyWithTar(src, dst string) error { // for a single file. It copies a regular file from path `src` to // path `dst`, and preserves all its metadata. func (archiver *Archiver) CopyFileWithTar(src, dst string) (err error) { - logrus.Debugf("CopyFileWithTar(%s, %s)", src, dst) srcSt, err := os.Stat(src) if err != nil { return err @@ -1181,7 +1333,7 @@ func (archiver *Archiver) CopyFileWithTar(src, dst string) (err error) { } defer srcF.Close() - hdr, err := tar.FileInfoHeader(srcSt, "") + hdr, err := FileInfoHeaderNoLookups(srcSt, "") if err != nil { return err } @@ -1221,11 +1373,11 @@ func (archiver *Archiver) CopyFileWithTar(src, dst string) (err error) { } // IdentityMapping returns the IdentityMapping of the archiver. -func (archiver *Archiver) IdentityMapping() *idtools.IdentityMapping { +func (archiver *Archiver) IdentityMapping() idtools.IdentityMapping { return archiver.IDMapping } -func remapIDs(idMapping *idtools.IdentityMapping, hdr *tar.Header) error { +func remapIDs(idMapping idtools.IdentityMapping, hdr *tar.Header) error { ids, err := idMapping.ToHost(idtools.Identity{UID: hdr.Uid, GID: hdr.Gid}) hdr.Uid, hdr.Gid = ids.UID, ids.GID return err @@ -1272,7 +1424,7 @@ func cmdStream(cmd *exec.Cmd, input io.Reader) (io.ReadCloser, error) { // of that file as an archive. The archive can only be read once - as soon as reading completes, // the file will be deleted. func NewTempArchive(src io.Reader, dir string) (*TempArchive, error) { - f, err := ioutil.TempFile(dir, "") + f, err := os.CreateTemp(dir, "") if err != nil { return nil, err } diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_linux.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_linux.go index 0a3cc1f92bc..76321a35e38 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_linux.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_linux.go @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ func (overlayWhiteoutConverter) ConvertWrite(hdr *tar.Header, path string, fi os Gname: hdr.Gname, AccessTime: hdr.AccessTime, ChangeTime: hdr.ChangeTime, - } + } //#nosec G305 -- An archive is being created, not extracted. } } diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_other.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_other.go index 2a3dc95398e..28ae2769c5a 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_other.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_other.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !linux // +build !linux package archive // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive" diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_unix.go index 412cd5a3b0c..1a2aea2e65b 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_unix.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/archive_unix.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !windows // +build !windows package archive // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive" @@ -16,6 +17,10 @@ import ( "golang.org/x/sys/unix" ) +func init() { + sysStat = statUnix +} + // fixVolumePathPrefix does platform specific processing to ensure that if // the path being passed in is not in a volume path format, convert it to one. func fixVolumePathPrefix(srcPath string) string { @@ -44,19 +49,24 @@ func chmodTarEntry(perm os.FileMode) os.FileMode { return perm // noop for unix as golang APIs provide perm bits correctly } -func setHeaderForSpecialDevice(hdr *tar.Header, name string, stat interface{}) (err error) { - s, ok := stat.(*syscall.Stat_t) +// statUnix populates hdr from system-dependent fields of fi without performing +// any OS lookups. +func statUnix(fi os.FileInfo, hdr *tar.Header) error { + s, ok := fi.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t) + if !ok { + return nil + } - if ok { - // Currently go does not fill in the major/minors - if s.Mode&unix.S_IFBLK != 0 || - s.Mode&unix.S_IFCHR != 0 { - hdr.Devmajor = int64(unix.Major(uint64(s.Rdev))) //nolint: unconvert - hdr.Devminor = int64(unix.Minor(uint64(s.Rdev))) //nolint: unconvert - } + hdr.Uid = int(s.Uid) + hdr.Gid = int(s.Gid) + + if s.Mode&unix.S_IFBLK != 0 || + s.Mode&unix.S_IFCHR != 0 { + hdr.Devmajor = int64(unix.Major(uint64(s.Rdev))) //nolint: unconvert + hdr.Devminor = int64(unix.Minor(uint64(s.Rdev))) //nolint: unconvert } - return + return nil } func getInodeFromStat(stat interface{}) (inode uint64, err error) { diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes.go index aedb91b0352..7f7242be50e 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes.go @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" - "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "sort" @@ -247,7 +246,6 @@ func (info *FileInfo) path() string { } func (info *FileInfo) addChanges(oldInfo *FileInfo, changes *[]Change) { - sizeAtEntry := len(*changes) if oldInfo == nil { @@ -320,7 +318,6 @@ func (info *FileInfo) addChanges(oldInfo *FileInfo, changes *[]Change) { copy((*changes)[sizeAtEntry+1:], (*changes)[sizeAtEntry:]) (*changes)[sizeAtEntry] = change } - } // Changes add changes to file information. @@ -348,7 +345,7 @@ func ChangesDirs(newDir, oldDir string) ([]Change, error) { oldRoot, newRoot *FileInfo ) if oldDir == "" { - emptyDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "empty") + emptyDir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "empty") if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -395,10 +392,10 @@ func ChangesSize(newDir string, changes []Change) int64 { } // ExportChanges produces an Archive from the provided changes, relative to dir. -func ExportChanges(dir string, changes []Change, uidMaps, gidMaps []idtools.IDMap) (io.ReadCloser, error) { +func ExportChanges(dir string, changes []Change, idMap idtools.IdentityMapping) (io.ReadCloser, error) { reader, writer := io.Pipe() go func() { - ta := newTarAppender(idtools.NewIDMappingsFromMaps(uidMaps, gidMaps), writer, nil) + ta := newTarAppender(idMap, writer, nil) // this buffer is needed for the duration of this piped stream defer pools.BufioWriter32KPool.Put(ta.Buffer) diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes_other.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes_other.go index ba744741cd0..0e4399a43b2 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes_other.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes_other.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !linux // +build !linux package archive // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive" diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes_unix.go index 06217b7161e..54aace970ed 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes_unix.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/changes_unix.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !windows // +build !windows package archive // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive" diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/copy.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/copy.go index 4b9f504d7de..f3111b79b1b 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/copy.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/copy.go @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import ( "archive/tar" "errors" "io" - "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" @@ -30,8 +29,8 @@ var ( // clean path already ends in the separator, then another is not added. func PreserveTrailingDotOrSeparator(cleanedPath string, originalPath string, sep byte) string { // Ensure paths are in platform semantics - cleanedPath = strings.Replace(cleanedPath, "/", string(sep), -1) - originalPath = strings.Replace(originalPath, "/", string(sep), -1) + cleanedPath = strings.ReplaceAll(cleanedPath, "/", string(sep)) + originalPath = strings.ReplaceAll(originalPath, "/", string(sep)) if !specifiesCurrentDir(cleanedPath) && specifiesCurrentDir(originalPath) { if !hasTrailingPathSeparator(cleanedPath, sep) { @@ -261,7 +260,7 @@ func PrepareArchiveCopy(srcContent io.Reader, srcInfo, dstInfo CopyInfo) (dstDir // The destination exists as a directory. No alteration // to srcContent is needed as its contents can be // simply extracted to the destination directory. - return dstInfo.Path, ioutil.NopCloser(srcContent), nil + return dstInfo.Path, io.NopCloser(srcContent), nil case dstInfo.Exists && srcInfo.IsDir: // The destination exists as some type of file and the source // content is a directory. This is an error condition since @@ -304,7 +303,6 @@ func PrepareArchiveCopy(srcContent io.Reader, srcInfo, dstInfo CopyInfo) (dstDir } return dstDir, RebaseArchiveEntries(srcContent, srcBase, dstBase), nil } - } // RebaseArchiveEntries rewrites the given srcContent archive replacing @@ -374,9 +372,6 @@ func RebaseArchiveEntries(srcContent io.Reader, oldBase, newBase string) io.Read return rebased } -// TODO @gupta-ak. These might have to be changed in the future to be -// continuity driver aware as well to support LCOW. - // CopyResource performs an archive copy from the given source path to the // given destination path. The source path MUST exist and the destination // path's parent directory must exist. diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/copy_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/copy_unix.go index 3958364f5ba..2ac7729f4cf 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/copy_unix.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/copy_unix.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !windows // +build !windows package archive // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive" diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/diff.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/diff.go index 27897e6ab73..8eeccb608b7 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/diff.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/diff.go @@ -4,13 +4,11 @@ import ( "archive/tar" "fmt" "io" - "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" - "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools" "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/pools" "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" @@ -33,7 +31,6 @@ func UnpackLayer(dest string, layer io.Reader, options *TarOptions) (size int64, if options.ExcludePatterns == nil { options.ExcludePatterns = []string{} } - idMapping := idtools.NewIDMappingsFromMaps(options.UIDMaps, options.GIDMaps) aufsTempdir := "" aufsHardlinks := make(map[string]*tar.Header) @@ -75,20 +72,10 @@ func UnpackLayer(dest string, layer io.Reader, options *TarOptions) (size int64, } } - // Note as these operations are platform specific, so must the slash be. - if !strings.HasSuffix(hdr.Name, string(os.PathSeparator)) { - // Not the root directory, ensure that the parent directory exists. - // This happened in some tests where an image had a tarfile without any - // parent directories. - parent := filepath.Dir(hdr.Name) - parentPath := filepath.Join(dest, parent) - - if _, err := os.Lstat(parentPath); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) { - err = system.MkdirAll(parentPath, 0600) - if err != nil { - return 0, err - } - } + // Ensure that the parent directory exists. + err = createImpliedDirectories(dest, hdr, options) + if err != nil { + return 0, err } // Skip AUFS metadata dirs @@ -100,7 +87,7 @@ func UnpackLayer(dest string, layer io.Reader, options *TarOptions) (size int64, basename := filepath.Base(hdr.Name) aufsHardlinks[basename] = hdr if aufsTempdir == "" { - if aufsTempdir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "dockerplnk"); err != nil { + if aufsTempdir, err = os.MkdirTemp("", "dockerplnk"); err != nil { return 0, err } defer os.RemoveAll(aufsTempdir) @@ -114,6 +101,7 @@ func UnpackLayer(dest string, layer io.Reader, options *TarOptions) (size int64, continue } } + //#nosec G305 -- The joined path is guarded against path traversal. path := filepath.Join(dest, hdr.Name) rel, err := filepath.Rel(dest, path) if err != nil { @@ -192,7 +180,7 @@ func UnpackLayer(dest string, layer io.Reader, options *TarOptions) (size int64, srcData = tmpFile } - if err := remapIDs(idMapping, srcHdr); err != nil { + if err := remapIDs(options.IDMap, srcHdr); err != nil { return 0, err } @@ -210,6 +198,7 @@ func UnpackLayer(dest string, layer io.Reader, options *TarOptions) (size int64, } for _, hdr := range dirs { + //#nosec G305 -- The header was checked for path traversal before it was appended to the dirs slice. path := filepath.Join(dest, hdr.Name) if err := system.Chtimes(path, hdr.AccessTime, hdr.ModTime); err != nil { return 0, err @@ -240,13 +229,8 @@ func applyLayerHandler(dest string, layer io.Reader, options *TarOptions, decomp dest = filepath.Clean(dest) // We need to be able to set any perms - if runtime.GOOS != "windows" { - oldmask, err := system.Umask(0) - if err != nil { - return 0, err - } - defer system.Umask(oldmask) - } + restore := overrideUmask(0) + defer restore() if decompress { decompLayer, err := DecompressStream(layer) diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/diff_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/diff_unix.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d7f806445e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/diff_unix.go @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +//go:build !windows +// +build !windows + +package archive + +import "golang.org/x/sys/unix" + +// overrideUmask sets current process's file mode creation mask to newmask +// and returns a function to restore it. +// +// WARNING for readers stumbling upon this code. Changing umask in a multi- +// threaded environment isn't safe. Don't use this without understanding the +// risks, and don't export this function for others to use (we shouldn't even +// be using this ourself). +// +// FIXME(thaJeztah): we should get rid of these hacks if possible. +func overrideUmask(newMask int) func() { + oldMask := unix.Umask(newMask) + return func() { + unix.Umask(oldMask) + } +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/diff_windows.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/diff_windows.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d28f5b2dfdd --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/diff_windows.go @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +package archive + +// overrideUmask is a no-op on windows. +func overrideUmask(newmask int) func() { + return func() {} +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/time_unsupported.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/time_unsupported.go index f58bf227fd3..d0877968617 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/time_unsupported.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/time_unsupported.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !linux // +build !linux package archive // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive" diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/wrap.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/wrap.go index 85435694cff..032db82cea8 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/wrap.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive/wrap.go @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ import ( // Generate("foo.txt", "hello world", "emptyfile") // // The above call will return an archive with 2 files: -// * ./foo.txt with content "hello world" -// * ./empty with empty content +// - ./foo.txt with content "hello world" +// - ./empty with empty content // // FIXME: stream content instead of buffering // FIXME: specify permissions and other archive metadata diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/fileutils/deprecated.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/fileutils/deprecated.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a4fc2d05e2b --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/fileutils/deprecated.go @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +package fileutils + +import "github.com/moby/patternmatcher" + +type ( + // PatternMatcher allows checking paths against a list of patterns. + // + // Deprecated: use github.com/moby/patternmatcher.PatternMatcher + PatternMatcher = patternmatcher.PatternMatcher + + // MatchInfo tracks information about parent dir matches while traversing a + // filesystem. + // + // Deprecated: use github.com/moby/patternmatcher.MatchInfo + MatchInfo = patternmatcher.MatchInfo + + // Pattern defines a single regexp used to filter file paths. + // + // Deprecated: use github.com/moby/patternmatcher.Pattern + Pattern = patternmatcher.Pattern +) + +var ( + // NewPatternMatcher creates a new matcher object for specific patterns that can + // be used later to match against patterns against paths + // + // Deprecated: use github.com/moby/patternmatcher.New + NewPatternMatcher = patternmatcher.New + + // Matches returns true if file matches any of the patterns + // and isn't excluded by any of the subsequent patterns. + // + // This implementation is buggy (it only checks a single parent dir against the + // pattern) and will be removed soon. Use MatchesOrParentMatches instead. + // + // Deprecated: use github.com/moby/patternmatcher.Matches + Matches = patternmatcher.Matches + + // MatchesOrParentMatches returns true if file matches any of the patterns + // and isn't excluded by any of the subsequent patterns. + // + // Deprecated: use github.com/moby/patternmatcher.MatchesOrParentMatches + MatchesOrParentMatches = patternmatcher.MatchesOrParentMatches +) diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/fileutils/fileutils.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/fileutils/fileutils.go index fd4fb7f08fd..7c607efc64c 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/fileutils/fileutils.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/fileutils/fileutils.go @@ -1,230 +1,12 @@ package fileutils // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/fileutils" import ( - "errors" "fmt" "io" "os" "path/filepath" - "regexp" - "strings" - "text/scanner" ) -// PatternMatcher allows checking paths against a list of patterns -type PatternMatcher struct { - patterns []*Pattern - exclusions bool -} - -// NewPatternMatcher creates a new matcher object for specific patterns that can -// be used later to match against patterns against paths -func NewPatternMatcher(patterns []string) (*PatternMatcher, error) { - pm := &PatternMatcher{ - patterns: make([]*Pattern, 0, len(patterns)), - } - for _, p := range patterns { - // Eliminate leading and trailing whitespace. - p = strings.TrimSpace(p) - if p == "" { - continue - } - p = filepath.Clean(p) - newp := &Pattern{} - if p[0] == '!' { - if len(p) == 1 { - return nil, errors.New("illegal exclusion pattern: \"!\"") - } - newp.exclusion = true - p = p[1:] - pm.exclusions = true - } - // Do some syntax checking on the pattern. - // filepath's Match() has some really weird rules that are inconsistent - // so instead of trying to dup their logic, just call Match() for its - // error state and if there is an error in the pattern return it. - // If this becomes an issue we can remove this since its really only - // needed in the error (syntax) case - which isn't really critical. - if _, err := filepath.Match(p, "."); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - newp.cleanedPattern = p - newp.dirs = strings.Split(p, string(os.PathSeparator)) - pm.patterns = append(pm.patterns, newp) - } - return pm, nil -} - -// Matches matches path against all the patterns. Matches is not safe to be -// called concurrently -func (pm *PatternMatcher) Matches(file string) (bool, error) { - matched := false - file = filepath.FromSlash(file) - parentPath := filepath.Dir(file) - parentPathDirs := strings.Split(parentPath, string(os.PathSeparator)) - - for _, pattern := range pm.patterns { - negative := false - - if pattern.exclusion { - negative = true - } - - match, err := pattern.match(file) - if err != nil { - return false, err - } - - if !match && parentPath != "." { - // Check to see if the pattern matches one of our parent dirs. - if len(pattern.dirs) <= len(parentPathDirs) { - match, _ = pattern.match(strings.Join(parentPathDirs[:len(pattern.dirs)], string(os.PathSeparator))) - } - } - - if match { - matched = !negative - } - } - - return matched, nil -} - -// Exclusions returns true if any of the patterns define exclusions -func (pm *PatternMatcher) Exclusions() bool { - return pm.exclusions -} - -// Patterns returns array of active patterns -func (pm *PatternMatcher) Patterns() []*Pattern { - return pm.patterns -} - -// Pattern defines a single regexp used to filter file paths. -type Pattern struct { - cleanedPattern string - dirs []string - regexp *regexp.Regexp - exclusion bool -} - -func (p *Pattern) String() string { - return p.cleanedPattern -} - -// Exclusion returns true if this pattern defines exclusion -func (p *Pattern) Exclusion() bool { - return p.exclusion -} - -func (p *Pattern) match(path string) (bool, error) { - - if p.regexp == nil { - if err := p.compile(); err != nil { - return false, filepath.ErrBadPattern - } - } - - b := p.regexp.MatchString(path) - - return b, nil -} - -func (p *Pattern) compile() error { - regStr := "^" - pattern := p.cleanedPattern - // Go through the pattern and convert it to a regexp. - // We use a scanner so we can support utf-8 chars. - var scan scanner.Scanner - scan.Init(strings.NewReader(pattern)) - - sl := string(os.PathSeparator) - escSL := sl - if sl == `\` { - escSL += `\` - } - - for scan.Peek() != scanner.EOF { - ch := scan.Next() - - if ch == '*' { - if scan.Peek() == '*' { - // is some flavor of "**" - scan.Next() - - // Treat **/ as ** so eat the "/" - if string(scan.Peek()) == sl { - scan.Next() - } - - if scan.Peek() == scanner.EOF { - // is "**EOF" - to align with .gitignore just accept all - regStr += ".*" - } else { - // is "**" - // Note that this allows for any # of /'s (even 0) because - // the .* will eat everything, even /'s - regStr += "(.*" + escSL + ")?" - } - } else { - // is "*" so map it to anything but "/" - regStr += "[^" + escSL + "]*" - } - } else if ch == '?' { - // "?" is any char except "/" - regStr += "[^" + escSL + "]" - } else if ch == '.' || ch == '$' { - // Escape some regexp special chars that have no meaning - // in golang's filepath.Match - regStr += `\` + string(ch) - } else if ch == '\\' { - // escape next char. Note that a trailing \ in the pattern - // will be left alone (but need to escape it) - if sl == `\` { - // On windows map "\" to "\\", meaning an escaped backslash, - // and then just continue because filepath.Match on - // Windows doesn't allow escaping at all - regStr += escSL - continue - } - if scan.Peek() != scanner.EOF { - regStr += `\` + string(scan.Next()) - } else { - regStr += `\` - } - } else { - regStr += string(ch) - } - } - - regStr += "$" - - re, err := regexp.Compile(regStr) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - p.regexp = re - return nil -} - -// Matches returns true if file matches any of the patterns -// and isn't excluded by any of the subsequent patterns. -func Matches(file string, patterns []string) (bool, error) { - pm, err := NewPatternMatcher(patterns) - if err != nil { - return false, err - } - file = filepath.Clean(file) - - if file == "." { - // Don't let them exclude everything, kind of silly. - return false, nil - } - - return pm.Matches(file) -} - // CopyFile copies from src to dst until either EOF is reached // on src or an error occurs. It verifies src exists and removes // the dst if it exists. diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/fileutils/fileutils_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/fileutils/fileutils_unix.go index 565396f1c7f..f782b4266aa 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/fileutils/fileutils_unix.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/fileutils/fileutils_unix.go @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ +//go:build linux || freebsd // +build linux freebsd package fileutils // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/fileutils" import ( "fmt" - "io/ioutil" "os" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import ( // GetTotalUsedFds Returns the number of used File Descriptors by // reading it via /proc filesystem. func GetTotalUsedFds() int { - if fds, err := ioutil.ReadDir(fmt.Sprintf("/proc/%d/fd", os.Getpid())); err != nil { + if fds, err := os.ReadDir(fmt.Sprintf("/proc/%d/fd", os.Getpid())); err != nil { logrus.Errorf("Error opening /proc/%d/fd: %s", os.Getpid(), err) } else { return len(fds) diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/homedir/homedir_linux.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/homedir/homedir_linux.go index 5e6310fdcd6..7df039b4cf7 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/homedir/homedir_linux.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/homedir/homedir_linux.go @@ -91,3 +91,12 @@ func GetConfigHome() (string, error) { } return filepath.Join(home, ".config"), nil } + +// GetLibHome returns $HOME/.local/lib +func GetLibHome() (string, error) { + home := os.Getenv("HOME") + if home == "" { + return "", errors.New("could not get HOME") + } + return filepath.Join(home, ".local/lib"), nil +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/homedir/homedir_others.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/homedir/homedir_others.go index 67ab9e9b31e..11f1bec9858 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/homedir/homedir_others.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/homedir/homedir_others.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !linux // +build !linux package homedir // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/homedir" @@ -25,3 +26,8 @@ func GetDataHome() (string, error) { func GetConfigHome() (string, error) { return "", errors.New("homedir.GetConfigHome() is not supported on this system") } + +// GetLibHome is unsupported on non-linux system. +func GetLibHome() (string, error) { + return "", errors.New("homedir.GetLibHome() is not supported on this system") +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/homedir/homedir_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/homedir/homedir_unix.go index 441bd727b60..d1732dee52f 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/homedir/homedir_unix.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/homedir/homedir_unix.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !windows // +build !windows package homedir // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/homedir" diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/idtools.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/idtools.go index 25a57b231e0..1e0a89004a9 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/idtools.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/idtools.go @@ -108,70 +108,72 @@ type Identity struct { SID string } -// IdentityMapping contains a mappings of UIDs and GIDs -type IdentityMapping struct { - uids []IDMap - gids []IDMap +// Chown changes the numeric uid and gid of the named file to id.UID and id.GID. +func (id Identity) Chown(name string) error { + return os.Chown(name, id.UID, id.GID) } -// NewIDMappingsFromMaps creates a new mapping from two slices -// Deprecated: this is a temporary shim while transitioning to IDMapping -func NewIDMappingsFromMaps(uids []IDMap, gids []IDMap) *IdentityMapping { - return &IdentityMapping{uids: uids, gids: gids} +// IdentityMapping contains a mappings of UIDs and GIDs. +// The zero value represents an empty mapping. +type IdentityMapping struct { + UIDMaps []IDMap `json:"UIDMaps"` + GIDMaps []IDMap `json:"GIDMaps"` } // RootPair returns a uid and gid pair for the root user. The error is ignored // because a root user always exists, and the defaults are correct when the uid // and gid maps are empty. -func (i *IdentityMapping) RootPair() Identity { - uid, gid, _ := GetRootUIDGID(i.uids, i.gids) +func (i IdentityMapping) RootPair() Identity { + uid, gid, _ := GetRootUIDGID(i.UIDMaps, i.GIDMaps) return Identity{UID: uid, GID: gid} } // ToHost returns the host UID and GID for the container uid, gid. // Remapping is only performed if the ids aren't already the remapped root ids -func (i *IdentityMapping) ToHost(pair Identity) (Identity, error) { +func (i IdentityMapping) ToHost(pair Identity) (Identity, error) { var err error target := i.RootPair() if pair.UID != target.UID { - target.UID, err = toHost(pair.UID, i.uids) + target.UID, err = toHost(pair.UID, i.UIDMaps) if err != nil { return target, err } } if pair.GID != target.GID { - target.GID, err = toHost(pair.GID, i.gids) + target.GID, err = toHost(pair.GID, i.GIDMaps) } return target, err } // ToContainer returns the container UID and GID for the host uid and gid -func (i *IdentityMapping) ToContainer(pair Identity) (int, int, error) { - uid, err := toContainer(pair.UID, i.uids) +func (i IdentityMapping) ToContainer(pair Identity) (int, int, error) { + uid, err := toContainer(pair.UID, i.UIDMaps) if err != nil { return -1, -1, err } - gid, err := toContainer(pair.GID, i.gids) + gid, err := toContainer(pair.GID, i.GIDMaps) return uid, gid, err } // Empty returns true if there are no id mappings -func (i *IdentityMapping) Empty() bool { - return len(i.uids) == 0 && len(i.gids) == 0 +func (i IdentityMapping) Empty() bool { + return len(i.UIDMaps) == 0 && len(i.GIDMaps) == 0 } -// UIDs return the UID mapping -// TODO: remove this once everything has been refactored to use pairs -func (i *IdentityMapping) UIDs() []IDMap { - return i.uids +// UIDs returns the mapping for UID. +// +// Deprecated: reference the UIDMaps field directly. +func (i IdentityMapping) UIDs() []IDMap { + return i.UIDMaps } -// GIDs return the UID mapping -// TODO: remove this once everything has been refactored to use pairs -func (i *IdentityMapping) GIDs() []IDMap { - return i.gids +// GIDs returns the mapping for GID. +// +// Deprecated: reference the GIDMaps field directly. +func (i IdentityMapping) GIDs() []IDMap { + return i.GIDMaps } func createIDMap(subidRanges ranges) []IDMap { diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/idtools_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/idtools_unix.go index e7d25ee4713..03846b0307e 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/idtools_unix.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/idtools_unix.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !windows // +build !windows package idtools // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools" @@ -7,6 +8,7 @@ import ( "fmt" "io" "os" + "os/exec" "path/filepath" "strconv" "sync" @@ -29,6 +31,10 @@ func mkdirAs(path string, mode os.FileMode, owner Identity, mkAll, chownExisting // chown the full directory path if it exists var paths []string + path, err := filepath.Abs(path) + if err != nil { + return err + } stat, err := system.Stat(path) if err == nil { @@ -194,7 +200,7 @@ func callGetent(database, key string) (io.Reader, error) { } out, err := execCmd(getentCmd, database, key) if err != nil { - exitCode, errC := system.GetExitCode(err) + exitCode, errC := getExitCode(err) if errC != nil { return nil, err } @@ -208,11 +214,22 @@ func callGetent(database, key string) (io.Reader, error) { default: return nil, err } - } return bytes.NewReader(out), nil } +// getExitCode returns the ExitStatus of the specified error if its type is +// exec.ExitError, returns 0 and an error otherwise. +func getExitCode(err error) (int, error) { + exitCode := 0 + if exiterr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok { + if procExit, ok := exiterr.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus); ok { + return procExit.ExitStatus(), nil + } + } + return exitCode, fmt.Errorf("failed to get exit code") +} + // setPermissions performs a chown/chmod only if the uid/gid don't match what's requested // Normally a Chown is a no-op if uid/gid match, but in some cases this can still cause an error, e.g. if the // dir is on an NFS share, so don't call chown unless we absolutely must. @@ -239,24 +256,37 @@ func setPermissions(p string, mode os.FileMode, uid, gid int, stat *system.StatT // NewIdentityMapping takes a requested username and // using the data from /etc/sub{uid,gid} ranges, creates the // proper uid and gid remapping ranges for that user/group pair +// +// Deprecated: Use LoadIdentityMapping. func NewIdentityMapping(name string) (*IdentityMapping, error) { + m, err := LoadIdentityMapping(name) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &m, err +} + +// LoadIdentityMapping takes a requested username and +// using the data from /etc/sub{uid,gid} ranges, creates the +// proper uid and gid remapping ranges for that user/group pair +func LoadIdentityMapping(name string) (IdentityMapping, error) { usr, err := LookupUser(name) if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not get user for username %s: %v", name, err) + return IdentityMapping{}, fmt.Errorf("Could not get user for username %s: %v", name, err) } subuidRanges, err := lookupSubUIDRanges(usr) if err != nil { - return nil, err + return IdentityMapping{}, err } subgidRanges, err := lookupSubGIDRanges(usr) if err != nil { - return nil, err + return IdentityMapping{}, err } - return &IdentityMapping{ - uids: subuidRanges, - gids: subgidRanges, + return IdentityMapping{ + UIDMaps: subuidRanges, + GIDMaps: subgidRanges, }, nil } diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/idtools_windows.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/idtools_windows.go index 35ede0fffa7..0f5aadd4961 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/idtools_windows.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/idtools_windows.go @@ -6,6 +6,15 @@ import ( "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" ) +const ( + SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege = "SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege" +) + +const ( + ContainerAdministratorSidString = "S-1-5-93-2-1" + ContainerUserSidString = "S-1-5-93-2-2" +) + // This is currently a wrapper around MkdirAll, however, since currently // permissions aren't set through this path, the identity isn't utilized. // Ownership is handled elsewhere, but in the future could be support here diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/usergroupadd_linux.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/usergroupadd_linux.go index bf7ae0564ba..3ad9255df27 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/usergroupadd_linux.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/usergroupadd_linux.go @@ -88,7 +88,6 @@ func addUser(name string) error { } func createSubordinateRanges(name string) error { - // first, we should verify that ranges weren't automatically created // by the distro tooling ranges, err := parseSubuid(name) diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/usergroupadd_unsupported.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/usergroupadd_unsupported.go index e7c4d63118c..5e24577e2c2 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/usergroupadd_unsupported.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/usergroupadd_unsupported.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !linux // +build !linux package idtools // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools" diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/utils_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/utils_unix.go index 1e2d4a7a75a..540672af5af 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/utils_unix.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools/utils_unix.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !windows // +build !windows package idtools // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/idtools" diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils/bytespipe.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils/bytespipe.go index 87514b643d7..c1cfa62fd27 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils/bytespipe.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils/bytespipe.go @@ -29,11 +29,12 @@ var ( // and releases new byte slices to adjust to current needs, so the buffer // won't be overgrown after peak loads. type BytesPipe struct { - mu sync.Mutex - wait *sync.Cond - buf []*fixedBuffer - bufLen int - closeErr error // error to return from next Read. set to nil if not closed. + mu sync.Mutex + wait *sync.Cond + buf []*fixedBuffer + bufLen int + closeErr error // error to return from next Read. set to nil if not closed. + readBlock bool // check read BytesPipe is Wait() or not } // NewBytesPipe creates new BytesPipe, initialized by specified slice. @@ -50,12 +51,12 @@ func NewBytesPipe() *BytesPipe { // It can allocate new []byte slices in a process of writing. func (bp *BytesPipe) Write(p []byte) (int, error) { bp.mu.Lock() + defer bp.mu.Unlock() written := 0 loop0: for { if bp.closeErr != nil { - bp.mu.Unlock() return written, ErrClosed } @@ -72,7 +73,6 @@ loop0: // errBufferFull is an error we expect to get if the buffer is full if err != nil && err != errBufferFull { bp.wait.Broadcast() - bp.mu.Unlock() return written, err } @@ -86,6 +86,9 @@ loop0: // make sure the buffer doesn't grow too big from this write for bp.bufLen >= blockThreshold { + if bp.readBlock { + bp.wait.Broadcast() + } bp.wait.Wait() if bp.closeErr != nil { continue loop0 @@ -100,7 +103,6 @@ loop0: bp.buf = append(bp.buf, getBuffer(nextCap)) } bp.wait.Broadcast() - bp.mu.Unlock() return written, nil } @@ -126,17 +128,16 @@ func (bp *BytesPipe) Close() error { // Data could be read only once. func (bp *BytesPipe) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { bp.mu.Lock() + defer bp.mu.Unlock() if bp.bufLen == 0 { if bp.closeErr != nil { - err := bp.closeErr - bp.mu.Unlock() - return 0, err + return 0, bp.closeErr } + bp.readBlock = true bp.wait.Wait() + bp.readBlock = false if bp.bufLen == 0 && bp.closeErr != nil { - err := bp.closeErr - bp.mu.Unlock() - return 0, err + return 0, bp.closeErr } } @@ -161,7 +162,6 @@ func (bp *BytesPipe) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { } bp.wait.Broadcast() - bp.mu.Unlock() return } diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils/fswriters.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils/fswriters.go index 534d66ac268..82671d8cd55 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils/fswriters.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils/fswriters.go @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package ioutils // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils" import ( "io" - "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" ) @@ -11,7 +10,7 @@ import ( // temporary file and closing it atomically changes the temporary file to // destination path. Writing and closing concurrently is not allowed. func NewAtomicFileWriter(filename string, perm os.FileMode) (io.WriteCloser, error) { - f, err := ioutil.TempFile(filepath.Dir(filename), ".tmp-"+filepath.Base(filename)) + f, err := os.CreateTemp(filepath.Dir(filename), ".tmp-"+filepath.Base(filename)) if err != nil { return nil, err } @@ -94,7 +93,7 @@ type AtomicWriteSet struct { // commit. If no temporary directory is given the system // default is used. func NewAtomicWriteSet(tmpDir string) (*AtomicWriteSet, error) { - td, err := ioutil.TempDir(tmpDir, "write-set-") + td, err := os.MkdirTemp(tmpDir, "write-set-") if err != nil { return nil, err } diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils/readers.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils/readers.go index 1f657bd3dca..de00b95e3f6 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils/readers.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils/readers.go @@ -2,9 +2,12 @@ package ioutils // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils" import ( "context" - "crypto/sha256" - "encoding/hex" "io" + + // make sure crypto.SHA256, crypto.sha512 and crypto.SHA384 are registered + // TODO remove once https://github.com/opencontainers/go-digest/pull/64 is merged. + _ "crypto/sha256" + _ "crypto/sha512" ) // ReadCloserWrapper wraps an io.Reader, and implements an io.ReadCloser @@ -49,15 +52,6 @@ func NewReaderErrWrapper(r io.Reader, closer func()) io.Reader { } } -// HashData returns the sha256 sum of src. -func HashData(src io.Reader) (string, error) { - h := sha256.New() - if _, err := io.Copy(h, src); err != nil { - return "", err - } - return "sha256:" + hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)), nil -} - // OnEOFReader wraps an io.ReadCloser and a function // the function will run at the end of file or close the file. type OnEOFReader struct { diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils/temp_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils/temp_unix.go index dc894f91314..74891223098 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils/temp_unix.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils/temp_unix.go @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ +//go:build !windows // +build !windows package ioutils // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils" -import "io/ioutil" +import "os" -// TempDir on Unix systems is equivalent to ioutil.TempDir. +// TempDir on Unix systems is equivalent to os.MkdirTemp. func TempDir(dir, prefix string) (string, error) { - return ioutil.TempDir(dir, prefix) + return os.MkdirTemp(dir, prefix) } diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils/temp_windows.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils/temp_windows.go index ecaba2e36d2..a57fd9af6a8 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils/temp_windows.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils/temp_windows.go @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ package ioutils // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/ioutils" import ( - "io/ioutil" + "os" "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/longpath" ) -// TempDir is the equivalent of ioutil.TempDir, except that the result is in Windows longpath format. +// TempDir is the equivalent of os.MkdirTemp, except that the result is in Windows longpath format. func TempDir(dir, prefix string) (string, error) { - tempDir, err := ioutil.TempDir(dir, prefix) + tempDir, err := os.MkdirTemp(dir, prefix) if err != nil { return "", err } diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/chtimes_nowindows.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/chtimes_nowindows.go index d5fab96f9d1..84ae1570513 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/chtimes_nowindows.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/chtimes_nowindows.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !windows // +build !windows package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/exitcode.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/exitcode.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4ba8fe35bfd..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/exitcode.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" - -import ( - "fmt" - "os/exec" - "syscall" -) - -// GetExitCode returns the ExitStatus of the specified error if its type is -// exec.ExitError, returns 0 and an error otherwise. -func GetExitCode(err error) (int, error) { - exitCode := 0 - if exiterr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok { - if procExit, ok := exiterr.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus); ok { - return procExit.ExitStatus(), nil - } - } - return exitCode, fmt.Errorf("failed to get exit code") -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/filesys.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/filesys.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ce5990c914f --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/filesys.go @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +package system + +import ( + "os" + "path/filepath" + "strings" +) + +// IsAbs is a platform-agnostic wrapper for filepath.IsAbs. +// +// On Windows, golang filepath.IsAbs does not consider a path \windows\system32 +// as absolute as it doesn't start with a drive-letter/colon combination. However, +// in docker we need to verify things such as WORKDIR /windows/system32 in +// a Dockerfile (which gets translated to \windows\system32 when being processed +// by the daemon). This SHOULD be treated as absolute from a docker processing +// perspective. +func IsAbs(path string) bool { + return filepath.IsAbs(path) || strings.HasPrefix(path, string(os.PathSeparator)) +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/filesys_deprecated.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/filesys_deprecated.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b2ee006314a --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/filesys_deprecated.go @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +package system + +import ( + "os" + + "github.com/moby/sys/sequential" +) + +// CreateSequential is deprecated. +// +// Deprecated: use os.Create or github.com/moby/sys/sequential.Create() +func CreateSequential(name string) (*os.File, error) { + return sequential.Create(name) +} + +// OpenSequential is deprecated. +// +// Deprecated: use os.Open or github.com/moby/sys/sequential.Open +func OpenSequential(name string) (*os.File, error) { + return sequential.Open(name) +} + +// OpenFileSequential is deprecated. +// +// Deprecated: use github.com/moby/sys/sequential.OpenFile() +func OpenFileSequential(name string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (*os.File, error) { + return sequential.OpenFile(name, flag, perm) +} + +// TempFileSequential is deprecated. +// +// Deprecated: use os.CreateTemp or github.com/moby/sys/sequential.CreateTemp +func TempFileSequential(dir, prefix string) (f *os.File, err error) { + return sequential.CreateTemp(dir, prefix) +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/filesys_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/filesys_unix.go index dcee3e9f984..38011294049 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/filesys_unix.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/filesys_unix.go @@ -1,12 +1,9 @@ +//go:build !windows // +build !windows package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" -import ( - "io/ioutil" - "os" - "path/filepath" -) +import "os" // MkdirAllWithACL is a wrapper for os.MkdirAll on unix systems. func MkdirAllWithACL(path string, perm os.FileMode, sddl string) error { @@ -18,50 +15,3 @@ func MkdirAllWithACL(path string, perm os.FileMode, sddl string) error { func MkdirAll(path string, perm os.FileMode) error { return os.MkdirAll(path, perm) } - -// IsAbs is a platform-specific wrapper for filepath.IsAbs. -func IsAbs(path string) bool { - return filepath.IsAbs(path) -} - -// The functions below here are wrappers for the equivalents in the os and ioutils packages. -// They are passthrough on Unix platforms, and only relevant on Windows. - -// CreateSequential creates the named file with mode 0666 (before umask), truncating -// it if it already exists. If successful, methods on the returned -// File can be used for I/O; the associated file descriptor has mode -// O_RDWR. -// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError. -func CreateSequential(name string) (*os.File, error) { - return os.Create(name) -} - -// OpenSequential opens the named file for reading. If successful, methods on -// the returned file can be used for reading; the associated file -// descriptor has mode O_RDONLY. -// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError. -func OpenSequential(name string) (*os.File, error) { - return os.Open(name) -} - -// OpenFileSequential is the generalized open call; most users will use Open -// or Create instead. It opens the named file with specified flag -// (O_RDONLY etc.) and perm, (0666 etc.) if applicable. If successful, -// methods on the returned File can be used for I/O. -// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError. -func OpenFileSequential(name string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (*os.File, error) { - return os.OpenFile(name, flag, perm) -} - -// TempFileSequential creates a new temporary file in the directory dir -// with a name beginning with prefix, opens the file for reading -// and writing, and returns the resulting *os.File. -// If dir is the empty string, TempFile uses the default directory -// for temporary files (see os.TempDir). -// Multiple programs calling TempFile simultaneously -// will not choose the same file. The caller can use f.Name() -// to find the pathname of the file. It is the caller's responsibility -// to remove the file when no longer needed. -func TempFileSequential(dir, prefix string) (f *os.File, err error) { - return ioutil.TempFile(dir, prefix) -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/filesys_windows.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/filesys_windows.go index b4646277abf..e3fa9f731ce 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/filesys_windows.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/filesys_windows.go @@ -2,13 +2,8 @@ package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" import ( "os" - "path/filepath" "regexp" - "strconv" - "strings" - "sync" "syscall" - "time" "unsafe" "golang.org/x/sys/windows" @@ -121,172 +116,3 @@ func mkdirWithACL(name string, sddl string) error { } return nil } - -// IsAbs is a platform-specific wrapper for filepath.IsAbs. On Windows, -// golang filepath.IsAbs does not consider a path \windows\system32 as absolute -// as it doesn't start with a drive-letter/colon combination. However, in -// docker we need to verify things such as WORKDIR /windows/system32 in -// a Dockerfile (which gets translated to \windows\system32 when being processed -// by the daemon. This SHOULD be treated as absolute from a docker processing -// perspective. -func IsAbs(path string) bool { - if filepath.IsAbs(path) || strings.HasPrefix(path, string(os.PathSeparator)) { - return true - } - return false -} - -// The origin of the functions below here are the golang OS and windows packages, -// slightly modified to only cope with files, not directories due to the -// specific use case. -// -// The alteration is to allow a file on Windows to be opened with -// FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN (particular for docker load), to avoid eating -// the standby list, particularly when accessing large files such as layer.tar. - -// CreateSequential creates the named file with mode 0666 (before umask), truncating -// it if it already exists. If successful, methods on the returned -// File can be used for I/O; the associated file descriptor has mode -// O_RDWR. -// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError. -func CreateSequential(name string) (*os.File, error) { - return OpenFileSequential(name, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0) -} - -// OpenSequential opens the named file for reading. If successful, methods on -// the returned file can be used for reading; the associated file -// descriptor has mode O_RDONLY. -// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError. -func OpenSequential(name string) (*os.File, error) { - return OpenFileSequential(name, os.O_RDONLY, 0) -} - -// OpenFileSequential is the generalized open call; most users will use Open -// or Create instead. -// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError. -func OpenFileSequential(name string, flag int, _ os.FileMode) (*os.File, error) { - if name == "" { - return nil, &os.PathError{Op: "open", Path: name, Err: syscall.ENOENT} - } - r, errf := windowsOpenFileSequential(name, flag, 0) - if errf == nil { - return r, nil - } - return nil, &os.PathError{Op: "open", Path: name, Err: errf} -} - -func windowsOpenFileSequential(name string, flag int, _ os.FileMode) (file *os.File, err error) { - r, e := windowsOpenSequential(name, flag|windows.O_CLOEXEC, 0) - if e != nil { - return nil, e - } - return os.NewFile(uintptr(r), name), nil -} - -func makeInheritSa() *windows.SecurityAttributes { - var sa windows.SecurityAttributes - sa.Length = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(sa)) - sa.InheritHandle = 1 - return &sa -} - -func windowsOpenSequential(path string, mode int, _ uint32) (fd windows.Handle, err error) { - if len(path) == 0 { - return windows.InvalidHandle, windows.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND - } - pathp, err := windows.UTF16PtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return windows.InvalidHandle, err - } - var access uint32 - switch mode & (windows.O_RDONLY | windows.O_WRONLY | windows.O_RDWR) { - case windows.O_RDONLY: - access = windows.GENERIC_READ - case windows.O_WRONLY: - access = windows.GENERIC_WRITE - case windows.O_RDWR: - access = windows.GENERIC_READ | windows.GENERIC_WRITE - } - if mode&windows.O_CREAT != 0 { - access |= windows.GENERIC_WRITE - } - if mode&windows.O_APPEND != 0 { - access &^= windows.GENERIC_WRITE - access |= windows.FILE_APPEND_DATA - } - sharemode := uint32(windows.FILE_SHARE_READ | windows.FILE_SHARE_WRITE) - var sa *windows.SecurityAttributes - if mode&windows.O_CLOEXEC == 0 { - sa = makeInheritSa() - } - var createmode uint32 - switch { - case mode&(windows.O_CREAT|windows.O_EXCL) == (windows.O_CREAT | windows.O_EXCL): - createmode = windows.CREATE_NEW - case mode&(windows.O_CREAT|windows.O_TRUNC) == (windows.O_CREAT | windows.O_TRUNC): - createmode = windows.CREATE_ALWAYS - case mode&windows.O_CREAT == windows.O_CREAT: - createmode = windows.OPEN_ALWAYS - case mode&windows.O_TRUNC == windows.O_TRUNC: - createmode = windows.TRUNCATE_EXISTING - default: - createmode = windows.OPEN_EXISTING - } - // Use FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN rather than FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL as implemented in golang. - // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa363858(v=vs.85).aspx - const fileFlagSequentialScan = 0x08000000 // FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN - h, e := windows.CreateFile(pathp, access, sharemode, sa, createmode, fileFlagSequentialScan, 0) - return h, e -} - -// Helpers for TempFileSequential -var rand uint32 -var randmu sync.Mutex - -func reseed() uint32 { - return uint32(time.Now().UnixNano() + int64(os.Getpid())) -} -func nextSuffix() string { - randmu.Lock() - r := rand - if r == 0 { - r = reseed() - } - r = r*1664525 + 1013904223 // constants from Numerical Recipes - rand = r - randmu.Unlock() - return strconv.Itoa(int(1e9 + r%1e9))[1:] -} - -// TempFileSequential is a copy of ioutil.TempFile, modified to use sequential -// file access. Below is the original comment from golang: -// TempFile creates a new temporary file in the directory dir -// with a name beginning with prefix, opens the file for reading -// and writing, and returns the resulting *os.File. -// If dir is the empty string, TempFile uses the default directory -// for temporary files (see os.TempDir). -// Multiple programs calling TempFile simultaneously -// will not choose the same file. The caller can use f.Name() -// to find the pathname of the file. It is the caller's responsibility -// to remove the file when no longer needed. -func TempFileSequential(dir, prefix string) (f *os.File, err error) { - if dir == "" { - dir = os.TempDir() - } - - nconflict := 0 - for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ { - name := filepath.Join(dir, prefix+nextSuffix()) - f, err = OpenFileSequential(name, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, 0600) - if os.IsExist(err) { - if nconflict++; nconflict > 10 { - randmu.Lock() - rand = reseed() - randmu.Unlock() - } - continue - } - break - } - return -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/lcow_unsupported.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/image_os.go similarity index 67% rename from ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/lcow_unsupported.go rename to ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/image_os.go index 09150f1282a..e3de86be292 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/lcow_unsupported.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/image_os.go @@ -4,11 +4,6 @@ import ( "strings" ) -// LCOWSupported returns true if Linux containers on Windows are supported. -func LCOWSupported() bool { - return false -} - // IsOSSupported determines if an operating system is supported by the host. func IsOSSupported(os string) bool { return strings.EqualFold(runtime.GOOS, os) diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/init_windows.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/init_windows.go index a91288c60b1..3c2a43ddbd3 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/init_windows.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/init_windows.go @@ -1,29 +1,18 @@ package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" -import ( - "os" - - "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" -) - var ( - // containerdRuntimeSupported determines if ContainerD should be the runtime. - // As of March 2019, this is an experimental feature. + // containerdRuntimeSupported determines if containerd should be the runtime. containerdRuntimeSupported = false ) -// InitContainerdRuntime sets whether to use ContainerD for runtime -// on Windows. This is an experimental feature still in development, and -// also requires an environment variable to be set (so as not to turn the -// feature on from simply experimental which would also mean LCOW. -func InitContainerdRuntime(experimental bool, cdPath string) { - if experimental && len(cdPath) > 0 && len(os.Getenv("DOCKER_WINDOWS_CONTAINERD_RUNTIME")) > 0 { - logrus.Warnf("Using ContainerD runtime. This feature is experimental") +// InitContainerdRuntime sets whether to use containerd for runtime on Windows. +func InitContainerdRuntime(cdPath string) { + if len(cdPath) > 0 { containerdRuntimeSupported = true } } -// ContainerdRuntimeSupported returns true if the use of ContainerD runtime is supported. +// ContainerdRuntimeSupported returns true if the use of containerd runtime is supported. func ContainerdRuntimeSupported() bool { return containerdRuntimeSupported } diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/lstat_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/lstat_unix.go index de5a1c0fb26..654b9f2c9e6 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/lstat_unix.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/lstat_unix.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !windows // +build !windows package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/meminfo_linux.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/meminfo_linux.go index cd060eff24d..02a7377c1fe 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/meminfo_linux.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/meminfo_linux.go @@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ import ( "os" "strconv" "strings" - - units "github.com/docker/go-units" ) // ReadMemInfo retrieves memory statistics of the host system and returns a @@ -42,7 +40,8 @@ func parseMemInfo(reader io.Reader) (*MemInfo, error) { if err != nil { continue } - bytes := int64(size) * units.KiB + // Convert to KiB + bytes := int64(size) * 1024 switch parts[0] { case "MemTotal:": @@ -56,7 +55,6 @@ func parseMemInfo(reader io.Reader) (*MemInfo, error) { case "SwapFree:": meminfo.SwapFree = bytes } - } if memAvailable != -1 { meminfo.MemFree = memAvailable diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/meminfo_unsupported.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/meminfo_unsupported.go index 56f44942680..207ee58ee6c 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/meminfo_unsupported.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/meminfo_unsupported.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !linux && !windows // +build !linux,!windows package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/meminfo_windows.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/meminfo_windows.go index 6ed93f2fe26..124d2c502dc 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/meminfo_windows.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/meminfo_windows.go @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ type memorystatusex struct { } // ReadMemInfo retrieves memory statistics of the host system and returns a -// MemInfo type. +// MemInfo type. func ReadMemInfo() (*MemInfo, error) { msi := &memorystatusex{ dwLength: 64, diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/mknod.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/mknod.go index b132482e038..d27152c0f5b 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/mknod.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/mknod.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !windows // +build !windows package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" @@ -6,12 +7,6 @@ import ( "golang.org/x/sys/unix" ) -// Mknod creates a filesystem node (file, device special file or named pipe) named path -// with attributes specified by mode and dev. -func Mknod(path string, mode uint32, dev int) error { - return unix.Mknod(path, mode, dev) -} - // Mkdev is used to build the value of linux devices (in /dev/) which specifies major // and minor number of the newly created device special file. // Linux device nodes are a bit weird due to backwards compat with 16 bit device nodes. diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/mknod_freebsd.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/mknod_freebsd.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c890be116f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/mknod_freebsd.go @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +//go:build freebsd +// +build freebsd + +package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" + +import ( + "golang.org/x/sys/unix" +) + +// Mknod creates a filesystem node (file, device special file or named pipe) named path +// with attributes specified by mode and dev. +func Mknod(path string, mode uint32, dev int) error { + return unix.Mknod(path, mode, uint64(dev)) +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/mknod_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/mknod_unix.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4586aad19e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/mknod_unix.go @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +//go:build !freebsd && !windows +// +build !freebsd,!windows + +package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" + +import ( + "golang.org/x/sys/unix" +) + +// Mknod creates a filesystem node (file, device special file or named pipe) named path +// with attributes specified by mode and dev. +func Mknod(path string, mode uint32, dev int) error { + return unix.Mknod(path, mode, dev) +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/path.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/path.go index 4d81906b9d2..818b20efee7 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/path.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/path.go @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ func DefaultPathEnv(os string) string { return "" } return defaultUnixPathEnv - } // PathVerifier defines the subset of a PathDriver that CheckSystemDriveAndRemoveDriveLetter diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/path_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/path_unix.go index 19681985da6..197a37a219d 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/path_unix.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/path_unix.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !windows // +build !windows package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/process_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/process_unix.go index 79aebb5272a..1c2c6a3096e 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/process_unix.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/process_unix.go @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ +//go:build linux || freebsd || darwin // +build linux freebsd darwin package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" import ( "fmt" - "io/ioutil" + "os" "strings" "syscall" @@ -30,8 +31,9 @@ func KillProcess(pid int) { // http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/proc.5.html func IsProcessZombie(pid int) (bool, error) { statPath := fmt.Sprintf("/proc/%d/stat", pid) - dataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(statPath) + dataBytes, err := os.ReadFile(statPath) if err != nil { + // TODO(thaJeztah) should we ignore os.IsNotExist() here? ("/proc//stat" will be gone if the process exited) return false, err } data := string(dataBytes) diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/rm.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/rm.go deleted file mode 100644 index c5d80ebda16..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/rm.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -// +build !darwin,!windows - -package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" - -import ( - "os" - "syscall" - "time" - - "github.com/moby/sys/mount" - "github.com/pkg/errors" -) - -// EnsureRemoveAll wraps `os.RemoveAll` to check for specific errors that can -// often be remedied. -// Only use `EnsureRemoveAll` if you really want to make every effort to remove -// a directory. -// -// Because of the way `os.Remove` (and by extension `os.RemoveAll`) works, there -// can be a race between reading directory entries and then actually attempting -// to remove everything in the directory. -// These types of errors do not need to be returned since it's ok for the dir to -// be gone we can just retry the remove operation. -// -// This should not return a `os.ErrNotExist` kind of error under any circumstances -func EnsureRemoveAll(dir string) error { - notExistErr := make(map[string]bool) - - // track retries - exitOnErr := make(map[string]int) - maxRetry := 50 - - // Attempt to unmount anything beneath this dir first - mount.RecursiveUnmount(dir) - - for { - err := os.RemoveAll(dir) - if err == nil { - return nil - } - - pe, ok := err.(*os.PathError) - if !ok { - return err - } - - if os.IsNotExist(err) { - if notExistErr[pe.Path] { - return err - } - notExistErr[pe.Path] = true - - // There is a race where some subdir can be removed but after the parent - // dir entries have been read. - // So the path could be from `os.Remove(subdir)` - // If the reported non-existent path is not the passed in `dir` we - // should just retry, but otherwise return with no error. - if pe.Path == dir { - return nil - } - continue - } - - if pe.Err != syscall.EBUSY { - return err - } - - if e := mount.Unmount(pe.Path); e != nil { - return errors.Wrapf(e, "error while removing %s", dir) - } - - if exitOnErr[pe.Path] == maxRetry { - return err - } - exitOnErr[pe.Path]++ - time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) - } -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/rm_windows.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/rm_windows.go deleted file mode 100644 index ed9c5dcb8ae..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/rm_windows.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -package system - -import "os" - -// EnsureRemoveAll is an alias to os.RemoveAll on Windows -var EnsureRemoveAll = os.RemoveAll diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/stat_bsd.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/stat_bsd.go index ea55c3dbb5e..8e61d820f02 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/stat_bsd.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/stat_bsd.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build freebsd || netbsd // +build freebsd netbsd package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/stat_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/stat_unix.go index 86bb6dd55e6..a45ffddf750 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/stat_unix.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/stat_unix.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !windows // +build !windows package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/stat_windows.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/stat_windows.go index b2456cb8870..0ff3af2fa17 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/stat_windows.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/stat_windows.go @@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ func (s StatT) Size() int64 { // Mode returns file's permission mode. func (s StatT) Mode() os.FileMode { - return os.FileMode(s.mode) + return s.mode } // Mtim returns file's last modification time. func (s StatT) Mtim() time.Time { - return time.Time(s.mtim) + return s.mtim } // Stat takes a path to a file and returns diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/syscall_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/syscall_unix.go deleted file mode 100644 index 905d10f1532..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/syscall_unix.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -// +build linux freebsd - -package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" - -import "golang.org/x/sys/unix" - -// Unmount is a platform-specific helper function to call -// the unmount syscall. -func Unmount(dest string) error { - return unix.Unmount(dest, 0) -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/syscall_windows.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/syscall_windows.go deleted file mode 100644 index 1588aa3ef9f..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/syscall_windows.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,136 +0,0 @@ -package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" - -import ( - "syscall" - "unsafe" - - "github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/osversion" - "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" - "golang.org/x/sys/windows" -) - -const ( - OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION = windows.OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION - GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION = windows.GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION - DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION = windows.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION - SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION = windows.SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION - LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION = windows.LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION - ATTRIBUTE_SECURITY_INFORMATION = windows.ATTRIBUTE_SECURITY_INFORMATION // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.ATTRIBUTE_SECURITY_INFORMATION - SCOPE_SECURITY_INFORMATION = windows.SCOPE_SECURITY_INFORMATION // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.SCOPE_SECURITY_INFORMATION - PROCESS_TRUST_LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION = 0x00000080 - ACCESS_FILTER_SECURITY_INFORMATION = 0x00000100 - BACKUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION = windows.BACKUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.BACKUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION - PROTECTED_DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION = windows.PROTECTED_DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.PROTECTED_DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION - PROTECTED_SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION = windows.PROTECTED_SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.PROTECTED_SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION - UNPROTECTED_DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION = windows.UNPROTECTED_DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.UNPROTECTED_DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION - UNPROTECTED_SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION = windows.UNPROTECTED_SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.UNPROTECTED_SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION -) - -const ( - SE_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_TYPE = windows.SE_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_TYPE // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.SE_UNKNOWN_OBJECT_TYPE - SE_FILE_OBJECT = windows.SE_FILE_OBJECT // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.SE_FILE_OBJECT - SE_SERVICE = windows.SE_SERVICE // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.SE_SERVICE - SE_PRINTER = windows.SE_PRINTER // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.SE_PRINTER - SE_REGISTRY_KEY = windows.SE_REGISTRY_KEY // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.SE_REGISTRY_KEY - SE_LMSHARE = windows.SE_LMSHARE // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.SE_LMSHARE - SE_KERNEL_OBJECT = windows.SE_KERNEL_OBJECT // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.SE_KERNEL_OBJECT - SE_WINDOW_OBJECT = windows.SE_WINDOW_OBJECT // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.SE_WINDOW_OBJECT - SE_DS_OBJECT = windows.SE_DS_OBJECT // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.SE_DS_OBJECT - SE_DS_OBJECT_ALL = windows.SE_DS_OBJECT_ALL // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.SE_DS_OBJECT_ALL - SE_PROVIDER_DEFINED_OBJECT = windows.SE_PROVIDER_DEFINED_OBJECT // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.SE_PROVIDER_DEFINED_OBJECT - SE_WMIGUID_OBJECT = windows.SE_WMIGUID_OBJECT // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.SE_WMIGUID_OBJECT - SE_REGISTRY_WOW64_32KEY = windows.SE_REGISTRY_WOW64_32KEY // Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.SE_REGISTRY_WOW64_32KEY -) - -const ( - SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege = "SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege" -) - -const ( - ContainerAdministratorSidString = "S-1-5-93-2-1" - ContainerUserSidString = "S-1-5-93-2-2" -) - -var ( - ntuserApiset = windows.NewLazyDLL("ext-ms-win-ntuser-window-l1-1-0") - modadvapi32 = windows.NewLazySystemDLL("advapi32.dll") - procGetVersionExW = modkernel32.NewProc("GetVersionExW") - procSetNamedSecurityInfo = modadvapi32.NewProc("SetNamedSecurityInfoW") - procGetSecurityDescriptorDacl = modadvapi32.NewProc("GetSecurityDescriptorDacl") -) - -// OSVersion is a wrapper for Windows version information -// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724439(v=vs.85).aspx -type OSVersion = osversion.OSVersion - -// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724833(v=vs.85).aspx -// TODO: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.OsVersionInfoEx (needs OSVersionInfoSize to be exported) -type osVersionInfoEx struct { - OSVersionInfoSize uint32 - MajorVersion uint32 - MinorVersion uint32 - BuildNumber uint32 - PlatformID uint32 - CSDVersion [128]uint16 - ServicePackMajor uint16 - ServicePackMinor uint16 - SuiteMask uint16 - ProductType byte - Reserve byte -} - -// GetOSVersion gets the operating system version on Windows. Note that -// dockerd.exe must be manifested to get the correct version information. -// Deprecated: use github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/osversion.Get() instead -func GetOSVersion() OSVersion { - return osversion.Get() -} - -// IsWindowsClient returns true if the SKU is client -func IsWindowsClient() bool { - osviex := &osVersionInfoEx{OSVersionInfoSize: 284} - r1, _, err := procGetVersionExW.Call(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(osviex))) - if r1 == 0 { - logrus.Warnf("GetVersionExW failed - assuming server SKU: %v", err) - return false - } - const verNTWorkstation = 0x00000001 - return osviex.ProductType == verNTWorkstation -} - -// Unmount is a platform-specific helper function to call -// the unmount syscall. Not supported on Windows -func Unmount(_ string) error { - return nil -} - -// HasWin32KSupport determines whether containers that depend on win32k can -// run on this machine. Win32k is the driver used to implement windowing. -func HasWin32KSupport() bool { - // For now, check for ntuser API support on the host. In the future, a host - // may support win32k in containers even if the host does not support ntuser - // APIs. - return ntuserApiset.Load() == nil -} - -// Deprecated: use golang.org/x/sys/windows.SetNamedSecurityInfo() -func SetNamedSecurityInfo(objectName *uint16, objectType uint32, securityInformation uint32, sidOwner *windows.SID, sidGroup *windows.SID, dacl *byte, sacl *byte) (result error) { - r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall9(procSetNamedSecurityInfo.Addr(), 7, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(objectName)), uintptr(objectType), uintptr(securityInformation), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sidOwner)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sidGroup)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dacl)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sacl)), 0, 0) - if r0 != 0 { - result = syscall.Errno(r0) - } - return -} - -// Deprecated: uses golang.org/x/sys/windows.SecurityDescriptorFromString() and golang.org/x/sys/windows.SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR.DACL() -func GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(securityDescriptor *byte, daclPresent *uint32, dacl **byte, daclDefaulted *uint32) (result error) { - r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procGetSecurityDescriptorDacl.Addr(), 4, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(securityDescriptor)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(daclPresent)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dacl)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(daclDefaulted)), 0, 0) - if r1 == 0 { - if e1 != 0 { - result = e1 - } else { - result = syscall.EINVAL - } - } - return -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/umask.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/umask.go deleted file mode 100644 index 9912a2babb3..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/umask.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -// +build !windows - -package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" - -import ( - "golang.org/x/sys/unix" -) - -// Umask sets current process's file mode creation mask to newmask -// and returns oldmask. -func Umask(newmask int) (oldmask int, err error) { - return unix.Umask(newmask), nil -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/umask_windows.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/umask_windows.go deleted file mode 100644 index fc62388c389..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/umask_windows.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" - -// Umask is not supported on the windows platform. -func Umask(newmask int) (oldmask int, err error) { - // should not be called on cli code path - return 0, ErrNotSupportedPlatform -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/utimes_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/utimes_unix.go index 61ba8c474c3..2768750a00b 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/utimes_unix.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/utimes_unix.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build linux || freebsd // +build linux freebsd package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/utimes_unsupported.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/utimes_unsupported.go index 095e072e1df..bfed4af0325 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/utimes_unsupported.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/utimes_unsupported.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !linux && !freebsd // +build !linux,!freebsd package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/xattrs_unsupported.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/xattrs_unsupported.go index d780a90cd38..b165a5dbfe9 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/xattrs_unsupported.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system/xattrs_unsupported.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build !linux // +build !linux package system // import "github.com/docker/docker/pkg/system" diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/LICENSE b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1eb75ef68e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +Copyright (c) 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +Copyright (c) 2019 Klaus Post. All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are +met: + + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer +in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the +distribution. + * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its +contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from +this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS +"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT +LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR +A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT +OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, +SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT +LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, +DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY +THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE +OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse/README.md b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ea7324da671 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +# Finite State Entropy + +This package provides Finite State Entropy encoding and decoding. + +Finite State Entropy (also referenced as [tANS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asymmetric_numeral_systems#tANS)) +encoding provides a fast near-optimal symbol encoding/decoding +for byte blocks as implemented in [zstandard](https://github.com/facebook/zstd). + +This can be used for compressing input with a lot of similar input values to the smallest number of bytes. +This does not perform any multi-byte [dictionary coding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dictionary_coder) as LZ coders, +but it can be used as a secondary step to compressors (like Snappy) that does not do entropy encoding. + +* [Godoc documentation](https://godoc.org/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse) + +## News + + * Feb 2018: First implementation released. Consider this beta software for now. + +# Usage + +This package provides a low level interface that allows to compress single independent blocks. + +Each block is separate, and there is no built in integrity checks. +This means that the caller should keep track of block sizes and also do checksums if needed. + +Compressing a block is done via the [`Compress`](https://godoc.org/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse#Compress) function. +You must provide input and will receive the output and maybe an error. + +These error values can be returned: + +| Error | Description | +|---------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| `` | Everything ok, output is returned | +| `ErrIncompressible` | Returned when input is judged to be too hard to compress | +| `ErrUseRLE` | Returned from the compressor when the input is a single byte value repeated | +| `(error)` | An internal error occurred. | + +As can be seen above there are errors that will be returned even under normal operation so it is important to handle these. + +To reduce allocations you can provide a [`Scratch`](https://godoc.org/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse#Scratch) object +that can be re-used for successive calls. Both compression and decompression accepts a `Scratch` object, and the same +object can be used for both. + +Be aware, that when re-using a `Scratch` object that the *output* buffer is also re-used, so if you are still using this +you must set the `Out` field in the scratch to nil. The same buffer is used for compression and decompression output. + +Decompressing is done by calling the [`Decompress`](https://godoc.org/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse#Decompress) function. +You must provide the output from the compression stage, at exactly the size you got back. If you receive an error back +your input was likely corrupted. + +It is important to note that a successful decoding does *not* mean your output matches your original input. +There are no integrity checks, so relying on errors from the decompressor does not assure your data is valid. + +For more detailed usage, see examples in the [godoc documentation](https://godoc.org/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse#pkg-examples). + +# Performance + +A lot of factors are affecting speed. Block sizes and compressibility of the material are primary factors. +All compression functions are currently only running on the calling goroutine so only one core will be used per block. + +The compressor is significantly faster if symbols are kept as small as possible. The highest byte value of the input +is used to reduce some of the processing, so if all your input is above byte value 64 for instance, it may be +beneficial to transpose all your input values down by 64. + +With moderate block sizes around 64k speed are typically 200MB/s per core for compression and +around 300MB/s decompression speed. + +The same hardware typically does Huffman (deflate) encoding at 125MB/s and decompression at 100MB/s. + +# Plans + +At one point, more internals will be exposed to facilitate more "expert" usage of the components. + +A streaming interface is also likely to be implemented. Likely compatible with [FSE stream format](https://github.com/Cyan4973/FiniteStateEntropy/blob/dev/programs/fileio.c#L261). + +# Contributing + +Contributions are always welcome. Be aware that adding public functions will require good justification and breaking +changes will likely not be accepted. If in doubt open an issue before writing the PR. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse/bitreader.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse/bitreader.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f65eb3909cf --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse/bitreader.go @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +// Copyright 2018 Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work Copyright (c) 2013, Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package fse + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "errors" + "io" +) + +// bitReader reads a bitstream in reverse. +// The last set bit indicates the start of the stream and is used +// for aligning the input. +type bitReader struct { + in []byte + off uint // next byte to read is at in[off - 1] + value uint64 + bitsRead uint8 +} + +// init initializes and resets the bit reader. +func (b *bitReader) init(in []byte) error { + if len(in) < 1 { + return errors.New("corrupt stream: too short") + } + b.in = in + b.off = uint(len(in)) + // The highest bit of the last byte indicates where to start + v := in[len(in)-1] + if v == 0 { + return errors.New("corrupt stream, did not find end of stream") + } + b.bitsRead = 64 + b.value = 0 + if len(in) >= 8 { + b.fillFastStart() + } else { + b.fill() + b.fill() + } + b.bitsRead += 8 - uint8(highBits(uint32(v))) + return nil +} + +// getBits will return n bits. n can be 0. +func (b *bitReader) getBits(n uint8) uint16 { + if n == 0 || b.bitsRead >= 64 { + return 0 + } + return b.getBitsFast(n) +} + +// getBitsFast requires that at least one bit is requested every time. +// There are no checks if the buffer is filled. +func (b *bitReader) getBitsFast(n uint8) uint16 { + const regMask = 64 - 1 + v := uint16((b.value << (b.bitsRead & regMask)) >> ((regMask + 1 - n) & regMask)) + b.bitsRead += n + return v +} + +// fillFast() will make sure at least 32 bits are available. +// There must be at least 4 bytes available. +func (b *bitReader) fillFast() { + if b.bitsRead < 32 { + return + } + // 2 bounds checks. + v := b.in[b.off-4:] + v = v[:4] + low := (uint32(v[0])) | (uint32(v[1]) << 8) | (uint32(v[2]) << 16) | (uint32(v[3]) << 24) + b.value = (b.value << 32) | uint64(low) + b.bitsRead -= 32 + b.off -= 4 +} + +// fill() will make sure at least 32 bits are available. +func (b *bitReader) fill() { + if b.bitsRead < 32 { + return + } + if b.off > 4 { + v := b.in[b.off-4:] + v = v[:4] + low := (uint32(v[0])) | (uint32(v[1]) << 8) | (uint32(v[2]) << 16) | (uint32(v[3]) << 24) + b.value = (b.value << 32) | uint64(low) + b.bitsRead -= 32 + b.off -= 4 + return + } + for b.off > 0 { + b.value = (b.value << 8) | uint64(b.in[b.off-1]) + b.bitsRead -= 8 + b.off-- + } +} + +// fillFastStart() assumes the bitreader is empty and there is at least 8 bytes to read. +func (b *bitReader) fillFastStart() { + // Do single re-slice to avoid bounds checks. + b.value = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b.in[b.off-8:]) + b.bitsRead = 0 + b.off -= 8 +} + +// finished returns true if all bits have been read from the bit stream. +func (b *bitReader) finished() bool { + return b.bitsRead >= 64 && b.off == 0 +} + +// close the bitstream and returns an error if out-of-buffer reads occurred. +func (b *bitReader) close() error { + // Release reference. + b.in = nil + if b.bitsRead > 64 { + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + return nil +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse/bitwriter.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse/bitwriter.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..43e463611b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse/bitwriter.go @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +// Copyright 2018 Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work Copyright (c) 2013, Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package fse + +import "fmt" + +// bitWriter will write bits. +// First bit will be LSB of the first byte of output. +type bitWriter struct { + bitContainer uint64 + nBits uint8 + out []byte +} + +// bitMask16 is bitmasks. Has extra to avoid bounds check. +var bitMask16 = [32]uint16{ + 0, 1, 3, 7, 0xF, 0x1F, + 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0x1FF, 0x3FF, 0x7FF, + 0xFFF, 0x1FFF, 0x3FFF, 0x7FFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, + 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, + 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF} /* up to 16 bits */ + +// addBits16NC will add up to 16 bits. +// It will not check if there is space for them, +// so the caller must ensure that it has flushed recently. +func (b *bitWriter) addBits16NC(value uint16, bits uint8) { + b.bitContainer |= uint64(value&bitMask16[bits&31]) << (b.nBits & 63) + b.nBits += bits +} + +// addBits16Clean will add up to 16 bits. value may not contain more set bits than indicated. +// It will not check if there is space for them, so the caller must ensure that it has flushed recently. +func (b *bitWriter) addBits16Clean(value uint16, bits uint8) { + b.bitContainer |= uint64(value) << (b.nBits & 63) + b.nBits += bits +} + +// addBits16ZeroNC will add up to 16 bits. +// It will not check if there is space for them, +// so the caller must ensure that it has flushed recently. +// This is fastest if bits can be zero. +func (b *bitWriter) addBits16ZeroNC(value uint16, bits uint8) { + if bits == 0 { + return + } + value <<= (16 - bits) & 15 + value >>= (16 - bits) & 15 + b.bitContainer |= uint64(value) << (b.nBits & 63) + b.nBits += bits +} + +// flush will flush all pending full bytes. +// There will be at least 56 bits available for writing when this has been called. +// Using flush32 is faster, but leaves less space for writing. +func (b *bitWriter) flush() { + v := b.nBits >> 3 + switch v { + case 0: + case 1: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + ) + case 2: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + ) + case 3: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + byte(b.bitContainer>>16), + ) + case 4: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + byte(b.bitContainer>>16), + byte(b.bitContainer>>24), + ) + case 5: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + byte(b.bitContainer>>16), + byte(b.bitContainer>>24), + byte(b.bitContainer>>32), + ) + case 6: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + byte(b.bitContainer>>16), + byte(b.bitContainer>>24), + byte(b.bitContainer>>32), + byte(b.bitContainer>>40), + ) + case 7: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + byte(b.bitContainer>>16), + byte(b.bitContainer>>24), + byte(b.bitContainer>>32), + byte(b.bitContainer>>40), + byte(b.bitContainer>>48), + ) + case 8: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + byte(b.bitContainer>>16), + byte(b.bitContainer>>24), + byte(b.bitContainer>>32), + byte(b.bitContainer>>40), + byte(b.bitContainer>>48), + byte(b.bitContainer>>56), + ) + default: + panic(fmt.Errorf("bits (%d) > 64", b.nBits)) + } + b.bitContainer >>= v << 3 + b.nBits &= 7 +} + +// flush32 will flush out, so there are at least 32 bits available for writing. +func (b *bitWriter) flush32() { + if b.nBits < 32 { + return + } + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + byte(b.bitContainer>>16), + byte(b.bitContainer>>24)) + b.nBits -= 32 + b.bitContainer >>= 32 +} + +// flushAlign will flush remaining full bytes and align to next byte boundary. +func (b *bitWriter) flushAlign() { + nbBytes := (b.nBits + 7) >> 3 + for i := uint8(0); i < nbBytes; i++ { + b.out = append(b.out, byte(b.bitContainer>>(i*8))) + } + b.nBits = 0 + b.bitContainer = 0 +} + +// close will write the alignment bit and write the final byte(s) +// to the output. +func (b *bitWriter) close() error { + // End mark + b.addBits16Clean(1, 1) + // flush until next byte. + b.flushAlign() + return nil +} + +// reset and continue writing by appending to out. +func (b *bitWriter) reset(out []byte) { + b.bitContainer = 0 + b.nBits = 0 + b.out = out +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse/bytereader.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse/bytereader.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..abade2d6052 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse/bytereader.go @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +// Copyright 2018 Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work Copyright (c) 2013, Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package fse + +// byteReader provides a byte reader that reads +// little endian values from a byte stream. +// The input stream is manually advanced. +// The reader performs no bounds checks. +type byteReader struct { + b []byte + off int +} + +// init will initialize the reader and set the input. +func (b *byteReader) init(in []byte) { + b.b = in + b.off = 0 +} + +// advance the stream b n bytes. +func (b *byteReader) advance(n uint) { + b.off += int(n) +} + +// Uint32 returns a little endian uint32 starting at current offset. +func (b byteReader) Uint32() uint32 { + b2 := b.b[b.off:] + b2 = b2[:4] + v3 := uint32(b2[3]) + v2 := uint32(b2[2]) + v1 := uint32(b2[1]) + v0 := uint32(b2[0]) + return v0 | (v1 << 8) | (v2 << 16) | (v3 << 24) +} + +// unread returns the unread portion of the input. +func (b byteReader) unread() []byte { + return b.b[b.off:] +} + +// remain will return the number of bytes remaining. +func (b byteReader) remain() int { + return len(b.b) - b.off +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse/compress.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse/compress.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0d31f5ebc9a --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse/compress.go @@ -0,0 +1,684 @@ +// Copyright 2018 Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work Copyright (c) 2013, Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package fse + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" +) + +// Compress the input bytes. Input must be < 2GB. +// Provide a Scratch buffer to avoid memory allocations. +// Note that the output is also kept in the scratch buffer. +// If input is too hard to compress, ErrIncompressible is returned. +// If input is a single byte value repeated ErrUseRLE is returned. +func Compress(in []byte, s *Scratch) ([]byte, error) { + if len(in) <= 1 { + return nil, ErrIncompressible + } + if len(in) > (2<<30)-1 { + return nil, errors.New("input too big, must be < 2GB") + } + s, err := s.prepare(in) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + // Create histogram, if none was provided. + maxCount := s.maxCount + if maxCount == 0 { + maxCount = s.countSimple(in) + } + // Reset for next run. + s.clearCount = true + s.maxCount = 0 + if maxCount == len(in) { + // One symbol, use RLE + return nil, ErrUseRLE + } + if maxCount == 1 || maxCount < (len(in)>>7) { + // Each symbol present maximum once or too well distributed. + return nil, ErrIncompressible + } + s.optimalTableLog() + err = s.normalizeCount() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + err = s.writeCount() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + if false { + err = s.validateNorm() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + + err = s.buildCTable() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + err = s.compress(in) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + s.Out = s.bw.out + // Check if we compressed. + if len(s.Out) >= len(in) { + return nil, ErrIncompressible + } + return s.Out, nil +} + +// cState contains the compression state of a stream. +type cState struct { + bw *bitWriter + stateTable []uint16 + state uint16 +} + +// init will initialize the compression state to the first symbol of the stream. +func (c *cState) init(bw *bitWriter, ct *cTable, tableLog uint8, first symbolTransform) { + c.bw = bw + c.stateTable = ct.stateTable + + nbBitsOut := (first.deltaNbBits + (1 << 15)) >> 16 + im := int32((nbBitsOut << 16) - first.deltaNbBits) + lu := (im >> nbBitsOut) + first.deltaFindState + c.state = c.stateTable[lu] + return +} + +// encode the output symbol provided and write it to the bitstream. +func (c *cState) encode(symbolTT symbolTransform) { + nbBitsOut := (uint32(c.state) + symbolTT.deltaNbBits) >> 16 + dstState := int32(c.state>>(nbBitsOut&15)) + symbolTT.deltaFindState + c.bw.addBits16NC(c.state, uint8(nbBitsOut)) + c.state = c.stateTable[dstState] +} + +// encode the output symbol provided and write it to the bitstream. +func (c *cState) encodeZero(symbolTT symbolTransform) { + nbBitsOut := (uint32(c.state) + symbolTT.deltaNbBits) >> 16 + dstState := int32(c.state>>(nbBitsOut&15)) + symbolTT.deltaFindState + c.bw.addBits16ZeroNC(c.state, uint8(nbBitsOut)) + c.state = c.stateTable[dstState] +} + +// flush will write the tablelog to the output and flush the remaining full bytes. +func (c *cState) flush(tableLog uint8) { + c.bw.flush32() + c.bw.addBits16NC(c.state, tableLog) + c.bw.flush() +} + +// compress is the main compression loop that will encode the input from the last byte to the first. +func (s *Scratch) compress(src []byte) error { + if len(src) <= 2 { + return errors.New("compress: src too small") + } + tt := s.ct.symbolTT[:256] + s.bw.reset(s.Out) + + // Our two states each encodes every second byte. + // Last byte encoded (first byte decoded) will always be encoded by c1. + var c1, c2 cState + + // Encode so remaining size is divisible by 4. + ip := len(src) + if ip&1 == 1 { + c1.init(&s.bw, &s.ct, s.actualTableLog, tt[src[ip-1]]) + c2.init(&s.bw, &s.ct, s.actualTableLog, tt[src[ip-2]]) + c1.encodeZero(tt[src[ip-3]]) + ip -= 3 + } else { + c2.init(&s.bw, &s.ct, s.actualTableLog, tt[src[ip-1]]) + c1.init(&s.bw, &s.ct, s.actualTableLog, tt[src[ip-2]]) + ip -= 2 + } + if ip&2 != 0 { + c2.encodeZero(tt[src[ip-1]]) + c1.encodeZero(tt[src[ip-2]]) + ip -= 2 + } + + // Main compression loop. + switch { + case !s.zeroBits && s.actualTableLog <= 8: + // We can encode 4 symbols without requiring a flush. + // We do not need to check if any output is 0 bits. + for ip >= 4 { + s.bw.flush32() + v3, v2, v1, v0 := src[ip-4], src[ip-3], src[ip-2], src[ip-1] + c2.encode(tt[v0]) + c1.encode(tt[v1]) + c2.encode(tt[v2]) + c1.encode(tt[v3]) + ip -= 4 + } + case !s.zeroBits: + // We do not need to check if any output is 0 bits. + for ip >= 4 { + s.bw.flush32() + v3, v2, v1, v0 := src[ip-4], src[ip-3], src[ip-2], src[ip-1] + c2.encode(tt[v0]) + c1.encode(tt[v1]) + s.bw.flush32() + c2.encode(tt[v2]) + c1.encode(tt[v3]) + ip -= 4 + } + case s.actualTableLog <= 8: + // We can encode 4 symbols without requiring a flush + for ip >= 4 { + s.bw.flush32() + v3, v2, v1, v0 := src[ip-4], src[ip-3], src[ip-2], src[ip-1] + c2.encodeZero(tt[v0]) + c1.encodeZero(tt[v1]) + c2.encodeZero(tt[v2]) + c1.encodeZero(tt[v3]) + ip -= 4 + } + default: + for ip >= 4 { + s.bw.flush32() + v3, v2, v1, v0 := src[ip-4], src[ip-3], src[ip-2], src[ip-1] + c2.encodeZero(tt[v0]) + c1.encodeZero(tt[v1]) + s.bw.flush32() + c2.encodeZero(tt[v2]) + c1.encodeZero(tt[v3]) + ip -= 4 + } + } + + // Flush final state. + // Used to initialize state when decoding. + c2.flush(s.actualTableLog) + c1.flush(s.actualTableLog) + + return s.bw.close() +} + +// writeCount will write the normalized histogram count to header. +// This is read back by readNCount. +func (s *Scratch) writeCount() error { + var ( + tableLog = s.actualTableLog + tableSize = 1 << tableLog + previous0 bool + charnum uint16 + + maxHeaderSize = ((int(s.symbolLen) * int(tableLog)) >> 3) + 3 + + // Write Table Size + bitStream = uint32(tableLog - minTablelog) + bitCount = uint(4) + remaining = int16(tableSize + 1) /* +1 for extra accuracy */ + threshold = int16(tableSize) + nbBits = uint(tableLog + 1) + ) + if cap(s.Out) < maxHeaderSize { + s.Out = make([]byte, 0, s.br.remain()+maxHeaderSize) + } + outP := uint(0) + out := s.Out[:maxHeaderSize] + + // stops at 1 + for remaining > 1 { + if previous0 { + start := charnum + for s.norm[charnum] == 0 { + charnum++ + } + for charnum >= start+24 { + start += 24 + bitStream += uint32(0xFFFF) << bitCount + out[outP] = byte(bitStream) + out[outP+1] = byte(bitStream >> 8) + outP += 2 + bitStream >>= 16 + } + for charnum >= start+3 { + start += 3 + bitStream += 3 << bitCount + bitCount += 2 + } + bitStream += uint32(charnum-start) << bitCount + bitCount += 2 + if bitCount > 16 { + out[outP] = byte(bitStream) + out[outP+1] = byte(bitStream >> 8) + outP += 2 + bitStream >>= 16 + bitCount -= 16 + } + } + + count := s.norm[charnum] + charnum++ + max := (2*threshold - 1) - remaining + if count < 0 { + remaining += count + } else { + remaining -= count + } + count++ // +1 for extra accuracy + if count >= threshold { + count += max // [0..max[ [max..threshold[ (...) [threshold+max 2*threshold[ + } + bitStream += uint32(count) << bitCount + bitCount += nbBits + if count < max { + bitCount-- + } + + previous0 = count == 1 + if remaining < 1 { + return errors.New("internal error: remaining<1") + } + for remaining < threshold { + nbBits-- + threshold >>= 1 + } + + if bitCount > 16 { + out[outP] = byte(bitStream) + out[outP+1] = byte(bitStream >> 8) + outP += 2 + bitStream >>= 16 + bitCount -= 16 + } + } + + out[outP] = byte(bitStream) + out[outP+1] = byte(bitStream >> 8) + outP += (bitCount + 7) / 8 + + if charnum > s.symbolLen { + return errors.New("internal error: charnum > s.symbolLen") + } + s.Out = out[:outP] + return nil +} + +// symbolTransform contains the state transform for a symbol. +type symbolTransform struct { + deltaFindState int32 + deltaNbBits uint32 +} + +// String prints values as a human readable string. +func (s symbolTransform) String() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("dnbits: %08x, fs:%d", s.deltaNbBits, s.deltaFindState) +} + +// cTable contains tables used for compression. +type cTable struct { + tableSymbol []byte + stateTable []uint16 + symbolTT []symbolTransform +} + +// allocCtable will allocate tables needed for compression. +// If existing tables a re big enough, they are simply re-used. +func (s *Scratch) allocCtable() { + tableSize := 1 << s.actualTableLog + // get tableSymbol that is big enough. + if cap(s.ct.tableSymbol) < tableSize { + s.ct.tableSymbol = make([]byte, tableSize) + } + s.ct.tableSymbol = s.ct.tableSymbol[:tableSize] + + ctSize := tableSize + if cap(s.ct.stateTable) < ctSize { + s.ct.stateTable = make([]uint16, ctSize) + } + s.ct.stateTable = s.ct.stateTable[:ctSize] + + if cap(s.ct.symbolTT) < 256 { + s.ct.symbolTT = make([]symbolTransform, 256) + } + s.ct.symbolTT = s.ct.symbolTT[:256] +} + +// buildCTable will populate the compression table so it is ready to be used. +func (s *Scratch) buildCTable() error { + tableSize := uint32(1 << s.actualTableLog) + highThreshold := tableSize - 1 + var cumul [maxSymbolValue + 2]int16 + + s.allocCtable() + tableSymbol := s.ct.tableSymbol[:tableSize] + // symbol start positions + { + cumul[0] = 0 + for ui, v := range s.norm[:s.symbolLen-1] { + u := byte(ui) // one less than reference + if v == -1 { + // Low proba symbol + cumul[u+1] = cumul[u] + 1 + tableSymbol[highThreshold] = u + highThreshold-- + } else { + cumul[u+1] = cumul[u] + v + } + } + // Encode last symbol separately to avoid overflowing u + u := int(s.symbolLen - 1) + v := s.norm[s.symbolLen-1] + if v == -1 { + // Low proba symbol + cumul[u+1] = cumul[u] + 1 + tableSymbol[highThreshold] = byte(u) + highThreshold-- + } else { + cumul[u+1] = cumul[u] + v + } + if uint32(cumul[s.symbolLen]) != tableSize { + return fmt.Errorf("internal error: expected cumul[s.symbolLen] (%d) == tableSize (%d)", cumul[s.symbolLen], tableSize) + } + cumul[s.symbolLen] = int16(tableSize) + 1 + } + // Spread symbols + s.zeroBits = false + { + step := tableStep(tableSize) + tableMask := tableSize - 1 + var position uint32 + // if any symbol > largeLimit, we may have 0 bits output. + largeLimit := int16(1 << (s.actualTableLog - 1)) + for ui, v := range s.norm[:s.symbolLen] { + symbol := byte(ui) + if v > largeLimit { + s.zeroBits = true + } + for nbOccurrences := int16(0); nbOccurrences < v; nbOccurrences++ { + tableSymbol[position] = symbol + position = (position + step) & tableMask + for position > highThreshold { + position = (position + step) & tableMask + } /* Low proba area */ + } + } + + // Check if we have gone through all positions + if position != 0 { + return errors.New("position!=0") + } + } + + // Build table + table := s.ct.stateTable + { + tsi := int(tableSize) + for u, v := range tableSymbol { + // TableU16 : sorted by symbol order; gives next state value + table[cumul[v]] = uint16(tsi + u) + cumul[v]++ + } + } + + // Build Symbol Transformation Table + { + total := int16(0) + symbolTT := s.ct.symbolTT[:s.symbolLen] + tableLog := s.actualTableLog + tl := (uint32(tableLog) << 16) - (1 << tableLog) + for i, v := range s.norm[:s.symbolLen] { + switch v { + case 0: + case -1, 1: + symbolTT[i].deltaNbBits = tl + symbolTT[i].deltaFindState = int32(total - 1) + total++ + default: + maxBitsOut := uint32(tableLog) - highBits(uint32(v-1)) + minStatePlus := uint32(v) << maxBitsOut + symbolTT[i].deltaNbBits = (maxBitsOut << 16) - minStatePlus + symbolTT[i].deltaFindState = int32(total - v) + total += v + } + } + if total != int16(tableSize) { + return fmt.Errorf("total mismatch %d (got) != %d (want)", total, tableSize) + } + } + return nil +} + +// countSimple will create a simple histogram in s.count. +// Returns the biggest count. +// Does not update s.clearCount. +func (s *Scratch) countSimple(in []byte) (max int) { + for _, v := range in { + s.count[v]++ + } + m := uint32(0) + for i, v := range s.count[:] { + if v > m { + m = v + } + if v > 0 { + s.symbolLen = uint16(i) + 1 + } + } + return int(m) +} + +// minTableLog provides the minimum logSize to safely represent a distribution. +func (s *Scratch) minTableLog() uint8 { + minBitsSrc := highBits(uint32(s.br.remain()-1)) + 1 + minBitsSymbols := highBits(uint32(s.symbolLen-1)) + 2 + if minBitsSrc < minBitsSymbols { + return uint8(minBitsSrc) + } + return uint8(minBitsSymbols) +} + +// optimalTableLog calculates and sets the optimal tableLog in s.actualTableLog +func (s *Scratch) optimalTableLog() { + tableLog := s.TableLog + minBits := s.minTableLog() + maxBitsSrc := uint8(highBits(uint32(s.br.remain()-1))) - 2 + if maxBitsSrc < tableLog { + // Accuracy can be reduced + tableLog = maxBitsSrc + } + if minBits > tableLog { + tableLog = minBits + } + // Need a minimum to safely represent all symbol values + if tableLog < minTablelog { + tableLog = minTablelog + } + if tableLog > maxTableLog { + tableLog = maxTableLog + } + s.actualTableLog = tableLog +} + +var rtbTable = [...]uint32{0, 473195, 504333, 520860, 550000, 700000, 750000, 830000} + +// normalizeCount will normalize the count of the symbols so +// the total is equal to the table size. +func (s *Scratch) normalizeCount() error { + var ( + tableLog = s.actualTableLog + scale = 62 - uint64(tableLog) + step = (1 << 62) / uint64(s.br.remain()) + vStep = uint64(1) << (scale - 20) + stillToDistribute = int16(1 << tableLog) + largest int + largestP int16 + lowThreshold = (uint32)(s.br.remain() >> tableLog) + ) + + for i, cnt := range s.count[:s.symbolLen] { + // already handled + // if (count[s] == s.length) return 0; /* rle special case */ + + if cnt == 0 { + s.norm[i] = 0 + continue + } + if cnt <= lowThreshold { + s.norm[i] = -1 + stillToDistribute-- + } else { + proba := (int16)((uint64(cnt) * step) >> scale) + if proba < 8 { + restToBeat := vStep * uint64(rtbTable[proba]) + v := uint64(cnt)*step - (uint64(proba) << scale) + if v > restToBeat { + proba++ + } + } + if proba > largestP { + largestP = proba + largest = i + } + s.norm[i] = proba + stillToDistribute -= proba + } + } + + if -stillToDistribute >= (s.norm[largest] >> 1) { + // corner case, need another normalization method + return s.normalizeCount2() + } + s.norm[largest] += stillToDistribute + return nil +} + +// Secondary normalization method. +// To be used when primary method fails. +func (s *Scratch) normalizeCount2() error { + const notYetAssigned = -2 + var ( + distributed uint32 + total = uint32(s.br.remain()) + tableLog = s.actualTableLog + lowThreshold = total >> tableLog + lowOne = (total * 3) >> (tableLog + 1) + ) + for i, cnt := range s.count[:s.symbolLen] { + if cnt == 0 { + s.norm[i] = 0 + continue + } + if cnt <= lowThreshold { + s.norm[i] = -1 + distributed++ + total -= cnt + continue + } + if cnt <= lowOne { + s.norm[i] = 1 + distributed++ + total -= cnt + continue + } + s.norm[i] = notYetAssigned + } + toDistribute := (1 << tableLog) - distributed + + if (total / toDistribute) > lowOne { + // risk of rounding to zero + lowOne = (total * 3) / (toDistribute * 2) + for i, cnt := range s.count[:s.symbolLen] { + if (s.norm[i] == notYetAssigned) && (cnt <= lowOne) { + s.norm[i] = 1 + distributed++ + total -= cnt + continue + } + } + toDistribute = (1 << tableLog) - distributed + } + if distributed == uint32(s.symbolLen)+1 { + // all values are pretty poor; + // probably incompressible data (should have already been detected); + // find max, then give all remaining points to max + var maxV int + var maxC uint32 + for i, cnt := range s.count[:s.symbolLen] { + if cnt > maxC { + maxV = i + maxC = cnt + } + } + s.norm[maxV] += int16(toDistribute) + return nil + } + + if total == 0 { + // all of the symbols were low enough for the lowOne or lowThreshold + for i := uint32(0); toDistribute > 0; i = (i + 1) % (uint32(s.symbolLen)) { + if s.norm[i] > 0 { + toDistribute-- + s.norm[i]++ + } + } + return nil + } + + var ( + vStepLog = 62 - uint64(tableLog) + mid = uint64((1 << (vStepLog - 1)) - 1) + rStep = (((1 << vStepLog) * uint64(toDistribute)) + mid) / uint64(total) // scale on remaining + tmpTotal = mid + ) + for i, cnt := range s.count[:s.symbolLen] { + if s.norm[i] == notYetAssigned { + var ( + end = tmpTotal + uint64(cnt)*rStep + sStart = uint32(tmpTotal >> vStepLog) + sEnd = uint32(end >> vStepLog) + weight = sEnd - sStart + ) + if weight < 1 { + return errors.New("weight < 1") + } + s.norm[i] = int16(weight) + tmpTotal = end + } + } + return nil +} + +// validateNorm validates the normalized histogram table. +func (s *Scratch) validateNorm() (err error) { + var total int + for _, v := range s.norm[:s.symbolLen] { + if v >= 0 { + total += int(v) + } else { + total -= int(v) + } + } + defer func() { + if err == nil { + return + } + fmt.Printf("selected TableLog: %d, Symbol length: %d\n", s.actualTableLog, s.symbolLen) + for i, v := range s.norm[:s.symbolLen] { + fmt.Printf("%3d: %5d -> %4d \n", i, s.count[i], v) + } + }() + if total != (1 << s.actualTableLog) { + return fmt.Errorf("warning: Total == %d != %d", total, 1< tablelogAbsoluteMax { + return errors.New("tableLog too large") + } + bitStream >>= 4 + bitCount := uint(4) + + s.actualTableLog = uint8(nbBits) + remaining := int32((1 << nbBits) + 1) + threshold := int32(1 << nbBits) + gotTotal := int32(0) + nbBits++ + + for remaining > 1 { + if previous0 { + n0 := charnum + for (bitStream & 0xFFFF) == 0xFFFF { + n0 += 24 + if b.off < iend-5 { + b.advance(2) + bitStream = b.Uint32() >> bitCount + } else { + bitStream >>= 16 + bitCount += 16 + } + } + for (bitStream & 3) == 3 { + n0 += 3 + bitStream >>= 2 + bitCount += 2 + } + n0 += uint16(bitStream & 3) + bitCount += 2 + if n0 > maxSymbolValue { + return errors.New("maxSymbolValue too small") + } + for charnum < n0 { + s.norm[charnum&0xff] = 0 + charnum++ + } + + if b.off <= iend-7 || b.off+int(bitCount>>3) <= iend-4 { + b.advance(bitCount >> 3) + bitCount &= 7 + bitStream = b.Uint32() >> bitCount + } else { + bitStream >>= 2 + } + } + + max := (2*(threshold) - 1) - (remaining) + var count int32 + + if (int32(bitStream) & (threshold - 1)) < max { + count = int32(bitStream) & (threshold - 1) + bitCount += nbBits - 1 + } else { + count = int32(bitStream) & (2*threshold - 1) + if count >= threshold { + count -= max + } + bitCount += nbBits + } + + count-- // extra accuracy + if count < 0 { + // -1 means +1 + remaining += count + gotTotal -= count + } else { + remaining -= count + gotTotal += count + } + s.norm[charnum&0xff] = int16(count) + charnum++ + previous0 = count == 0 + for remaining < threshold { + nbBits-- + threshold >>= 1 + } + if b.off <= iend-7 || b.off+int(bitCount>>3) <= iend-4 { + b.advance(bitCount >> 3) + bitCount &= 7 + } else { + bitCount -= (uint)(8 * (len(b.b) - 4 - b.off)) + b.off = len(b.b) - 4 + } + bitStream = b.Uint32() >> (bitCount & 31) + } + s.symbolLen = charnum + + if s.symbolLen <= 1 { + return fmt.Errorf("symbolLen (%d) too small", s.symbolLen) + } + if s.symbolLen > maxSymbolValue+1 { + return fmt.Errorf("symbolLen (%d) too big", s.symbolLen) + } + if remaining != 1 { + return fmt.Errorf("corruption detected (remaining %d != 1)", remaining) + } + if bitCount > 32 { + return fmt.Errorf("corruption detected (bitCount %d > 32)", bitCount) + } + if gotTotal != 1<> 3) + return nil +} + +// decSymbol contains information about a state entry, +// Including the state offset base, the output symbol and +// the number of bits to read for the low part of the destination state. +type decSymbol struct { + newState uint16 + symbol uint8 + nbBits uint8 +} + +// allocDtable will allocate decoding tables if they are not big enough. +func (s *Scratch) allocDtable() { + tableSize := 1 << s.actualTableLog + if cap(s.decTable) < tableSize { + s.decTable = make([]decSymbol, tableSize) + } + s.decTable = s.decTable[:tableSize] + + if cap(s.ct.tableSymbol) < 256 { + s.ct.tableSymbol = make([]byte, 256) + } + s.ct.tableSymbol = s.ct.tableSymbol[:256] + + if cap(s.ct.stateTable) < 256 { + s.ct.stateTable = make([]uint16, 256) + } + s.ct.stateTable = s.ct.stateTable[:256] +} + +// buildDtable will build the decoding table. +func (s *Scratch) buildDtable() error { + tableSize := uint32(1 << s.actualTableLog) + highThreshold := tableSize - 1 + s.allocDtable() + symbolNext := s.ct.stateTable[:256] + + // Init, lay down lowprob symbols + s.zeroBits = false + { + largeLimit := int16(1 << (s.actualTableLog - 1)) + for i, v := range s.norm[:s.symbolLen] { + if v == -1 { + s.decTable[highThreshold].symbol = uint8(i) + highThreshold-- + symbolNext[i] = 1 + } else { + if v >= largeLimit { + s.zeroBits = true + } + symbolNext[i] = uint16(v) + } + } + } + // Spread symbols + { + tableMask := tableSize - 1 + step := tableStep(tableSize) + position := uint32(0) + for ss, v := range s.norm[:s.symbolLen] { + for i := 0; i < int(v); i++ { + s.decTable[position].symbol = uint8(ss) + position = (position + step) & tableMask + for position > highThreshold { + // lowprob area + position = (position + step) & tableMask + } + } + } + if position != 0 { + // position must reach all cells once, otherwise normalizedCounter is incorrect + return errors.New("corrupted input (position != 0)") + } + } + + // Build Decoding table + { + tableSize := uint16(1 << s.actualTableLog) + for u, v := range s.decTable { + symbol := v.symbol + nextState := symbolNext[symbol] + symbolNext[symbol] = nextState + 1 + nBits := s.actualTableLog - byte(highBits(uint32(nextState))) + s.decTable[u].nbBits = nBits + newState := (nextState << nBits) - tableSize + if newState >= tableSize { + return fmt.Errorf("newState (%d) outside table size (%d)", newState, tableSize) + } + if newState == uint16(u) && nBits == 0 { + // Seems weird that this is possible with nbits > 0. + return fmt.Errorf("newState (%d) == oldState (%d) and no bits", newState, u) + } + s.decTable[u].newState = newState + } + } + return nil +} + +// decompress will decompress the bitstream. +// If the buffer is over-read an error is returned. +func (s *Scratch) decompress() error { + br := &s.bits + br.init(s.br.unread()) + + var s1, s2 decoder + // Initialize and decode first state and symbol. + s1.init(br, s.decTable, s.actualTableLog) + s2.init(br, s.decTable, s.actualTableLog) + + // Use temp table to avoid bound checks/append penalty. + var tmp = s.ct.tableSymbol[:256] + var off uint8 + + // Main part + if !s.zeroBits { + for br.off >= 8 { + br.fillFast() + tmp[off+0] = s1.nextFast() + tmp[off+1] = s2.nextFast() + br.fillFast() + tmp[off+2] = s1.nextFast() + tmp[off+3] = s2.nextFast() + off += 4 + // When off is 0, we have overflowed and should write. + if off == 0 { + s.Out = append(s.Out, tmp...) + if len(s.Out) >= s.DecompressLimit { + return fmt.Errorf("output size (%d) > DecompressLimit (%d)", len(s.Out), s.DecompressLimit) + } + } + } + } else { + for br.off >= 8 { + br.fillFast() + tmp[off+0] = s1.next() + tmp[off+1] = s2.next() + br.fillFast() + tmp[off+2] = s1.next() + tmp[off+3] = s2.next() + off += 4 + if off == 0 { + s.Out = append(s.Out, tmp...) + // When off is 0, we have overflowed and should write. + if len(s.Out) >= s.DecompressLimit { + return fmt.Errorf("output size (%d) > DecompressLimit (%d)", len(s.Out), s.DecompressLimit) + } + } + } + } + s.Out = append(s.Out, tmp[:off]...) + + // Final bits, a bit more expensive check + for { + if s1.finished() { + s.Out = append(s.Out, s1.final(), s2.final()) + break + } + br.fill() + s.Out = append(s.Out, s1.next()) + if s2.finished() { + s.Out = append(s.Out, s2.final(), s1.final()) + break + } + s.Out = append(s.Out, s2.next()) + if len(s.Out) >= s.DecompressLimit { + return fmt.Errorf("output size (%d) > DecompressLimit (%d)", len(s.Out), s.DecompressLimit) + } + } + return br.close() +} + +// decoder keeps track of the current state and updates it from the bitstream. +type decoder struct { + state uint16 + br *bitReader + dt []decSymbol +} + +// init will initialize the decoder and read the first state from the stream. +func (d *decoder) init(in *bitReader, dt []decSymbol, tableLog uint8) { + d.dt = dt + d.br = in + d.state = in.getBits(tableLog) +} + +// next returns the next symbol and sets the next state. +// At least tablelog bits must be available in the bit reader. +func (d *decoder) next() uint8 { + n := &d.dt[d.state] + lowBits := d.br.getBits(n.nbBits) + d.state = n.newState + lowBits + return n.symbol +} + +// finished returns true if all bits have been read from the bitstream +// and the next state would require reading bits from the input. +func (d *decoder) finished() bool { + return d.br.finished() && d.dt[d.state].nbBits > 0 +} + +// final returns the current state symbol without decoding the next. +func (d *decoder) final() uint8 { + return d.dt[d.state].symbol +} + +// nextFast returns the next symbol and sets the next state. +// This can only be used if no symbols are 0 bits. +// At least tablelog bits must be available in the bit reader. +func (d *decoder) nextFast() uint8 { + n := d.dt[d.state] + lowBits := d.br.getBitsFast(n.nbBits) + d.state = n.newState + lowBits + return n.symbol +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse/fse.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse/fse.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..535cbadfdea --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/fse/fse.go @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +// Copyright 2018 Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work Copyright (c) 2013, Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +// Package fse provides Finite State Entropy encoding and decoding. +// +// Finite State Entropy encoding provides a fast near-optimal symbol encoding/decoding +// for byte blocks as implemented in zstd. +// +// See https://github.com/klauspost/compress/tree/master/fse for more information. +package fse + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + "math/bits" +) + +const ( + /*!MEMORY_USAGE : + * Memory usage formula : N->2^N Bytes (examples : 10 -> 1KB; 12 -> 4KB ; 16 -> 64KB; 20 -> 1MB; etc.) + * Increasing memory usage improves compression ratio + * Reduced memory usage can improve speed, due to cache effect + * Recommended max value is 14, for 16KB, which nicely fits into Intel x86 L1 cache */ + maxMemoryUsage = 14 + defaultMemoryUsage = 13 + + maxTableLog = maxMemoryUsage - 2 + maxTablesize = 1 << maxTableLog + defaultTablelog = defaultMemoryUsage - 2 + minTablelog = 5 + maxSymbolValue = 255 +) + +var ( + // ErrIncompressible is returned when input is judged to be too hard to compress. + ErrIncompressible = errors.New("input is not compressible") + + // ErrUseRLE is returned from the compressor when the input is a single byte value repeated. + ErrUseRLE = errors.New("input is single value repeated") +) + +// Scratch provides temporary storage for compression and decompression. +type Scratch struct { + // Private + count [maxSymbolValue + 1]uint32 + norm [maxSymbolValue + 1]int16 + br byteReader + bits bitReader + bw bitWriter + ct cTable // Compression tables. + decTable []decSymbol // Decompression table. + maxCount int // count of the most probable symbol + + // Per block parameters. + // These can be used to override compression parameters of the block. + // Do not touch, unless you know what you are doing. + + // Out is output buffer. + // If the scratch is re-used before the caller is done processing the output, + // set this field to nil. + // Otherwise the output buffer will be re-used for next Compression/Decompression step + // and allocation will be avoided. + Out []byte + + // DecompressLimit limits the maximum decoded size acceptable. + // If > 0 decompression will stop when approximately this many bytes + // has been decoded. + // If 0, maximum size will be 2GB. + DecompressLimit int + + symbolLen uint16 // Length of active part of the symbol table. + actualTableLog uint8 // Selected tablelog. + zeroBits bool // no bits has prob > 50%. + clearCount bool // clear count + + // MaxSymbolValue will override the maximum symbol value of the next block. + MaxSymbolValue uint8 + + // TableLog will attempt to override the tablelog for the next block. + TableLog uint8 +} + +// Histogram allows to populate the histogram and skip that step in the compression, +// It otherwise allows to inspect the histogram when compression is done. +// To indicate that you have populated the histogram call HistogramFinished +// with the value of the highest populated symbol, as well as the number of entries +// in the most populated entry. These are accepted at face value. +// The returned slice will always be length 256. +func (s *Scratch) Histogram() []uint32 { + return s.count[:] +} + +// HistogramFinished can be called to indicate that the histogram has been populated. +// maxSymbol is the index of the highest set symbol of the next data segment. +// maxCount is the number of entries in the most populated entry. +// These are accepted at face value. +func (s *Scratch) HistogramFinished(maxSymbol uint8, maxCount int) { + s.maxCount = maxCount + s.symbolLen = uint16(maxSymbol) + 1 + s.clearCount = maxCount != 0 +} + +// prepare will prepare and allocate scratch tables used for both compression and decompression. +func (s *Scratch) prepare(in []byte) (*Scratch, error) { + if s == nil { + s = &Scratch{} + } + if s.MaxSymbolValue == 0 { + s.MaxSymbolValue = 255 + } + if s.TableLog == 0 { + s.TableLog = defaultTablelog + } + if s.TableLog > maxTableLog { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("tableLog (%d) > maxTableLog (%d)", s.TableLog, maxTableLog) + } + if cap(s.Out) == 0 { + s.Out = make([]byte, 0, len(in)) + } + if s.clearCount && s.maxCount == 0 { + for i := range s.count { + s.count[i] = 0 + } + s.clearCount = false + } + s.br.init(in) + if s.DecompressLimit == 0 { + // Max size 2GB. + s.DecompressLimit = (2 << 30) - 1 + } + + return s, nil +} + +// tableStep returns the next table index. +func tableStep(tableSize uint32) uint32 { + return (tableSize >> 1) + (tableSize >> 3) + 3 +} + +func highBits(val uint32) (n uint32) { + return uint32(bits.Len32(val) - 1) +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/.gitignore b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b3d262958f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/huff0-fuzz.zip diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/README.md b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8b6e5c66383 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +# Huff0 entropy compression + +This package provides Huff0 encoding and decoding as used in zstd. + +[Huff0](https://github.com/Cyan4973/FiniteStateEntropy#new-generation-entropy-coders), +a Huffman codec designed for modern CPU, featuring OoO (Out of Order) operations on multiple ALU +(Arithmetic Logic Unit), achieving extremely fast compression and decompression speeds. + +This can be used for compressing input with a lot of similar input values to the smallest number of bytes. +This does not perform any multi-byte [dictionary coding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dictionary_coder) as LZ coders, +but it can be used as a secondary step to compressors (like Snappy) that does not do entropy encoding. + +* [Godoc documentation](https://godoc.org/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0) + +## News + +This is used as part of the [zstandard](https://github.com/klauspost/compress/tree/master/zstd#zstd) compression and decompression package. + +This ensures that most functionality is well tested. + +# Usage + +This package provides a low level interface that allows to compress single independent blocks. + +Each block is separate, and there is no built in integrity checks. +This means that the caller should keep track of block sizes and also do checksums if needed. + +Compressing a block is done via the [`Compress1X`](https://godoc.org/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0#Compress1X) and +[`Compress4X`](https://godoc.org/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0#Compress4X) functions. +You must provide input and will receive the output and maybe an error. + +These error values can be returned: + +| Error | Description | +|---------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| `` | Everything ok, output is returned | +| `ErrIncompressible` | Returned when input is judged to be too hard to compress | +| `ErrUseRLE` | Returned from the compressor when the input is a single byte value repeated | +| `ErrTooBig` | Returned if the input block exceeds the maximum allowed size (128 Kib) | +| `(error)` | An internal error occurred. | + + +As can be seen above some of there are errors that will be returned even under normal operation so it is important to handle these. + +To reduce allocations you can provide a [`Scratch`](https://godoc.org/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0#Scratch) object +that can be re-used for successive calls. Both compression and decompression accepts a `Scratch` object, and the same +object can be used for both. + +Be aware, that when re-using a `Scratch` object that the *output* buffer is also re-used, so if you are still using this +you must set the `Out` field in the scratch to nil. The same buffer is used for compression and decompression output. + +The `Scratch` object will retain state that allows to re-use previous tables for encoding and decoding. + +## Tables and re-use + +Huff0 allows for reusing tables from the previous block to save space if that is expected to give better/faster results. + +The Scratch object allows you to set a [`ReusePolicy`](https://godoc.org/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0#ReusePolicy) +that controls this behaviour. See the documentation for details. This can be altered between each block. + +Do however note that this information is *not* stored in the output block and it is up to the users of the package to +record whether [`ReadTable`](https://godoc.org/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0#ReadTable) should be called, +based on the boolean reported back from the CompressXX call. + +If you want to store the table separate from the data, you can access them as `OutData` and `OutTable` on the +[`Scratch`](https://godoc.org/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0#Scratch) object. + +## Decompressing + +The first part of decoding is to initialize the decoding table through [`ReadTable`](https://godoc.org/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0#ReadTable). +This will initialize the decoding tables. +You can supply the complete block to `ReadTable` and it will return the data part of the block +which can be given to the decompressor. + +Decompressing is done by calling the [`Decompress1X`](https://godoc.org/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0#Scratch.Decompress1X) +or [`Decompress4X`](https://godoc.org/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0#Scratch.Decompress4X) function. + +For concurrently decompressing content with a fixed table a stateless [`Decoder`](https://godoc.org/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0#Decoder) can be requested which will remain correct as long as the scratch is unchanged. The capacity of the provided slice indicates the expected output size. + +You must provide the output from the compression stage, at exactly the size you got back. If you receive an error back +your input was likely corrupted. + +It is important to note that a successful decoding does *not* mean your output matches your original input. +There are no integrity checks, so relying on errors from the decompressor does not assure your data is valid. + +# Contributing + +Contributions are always welcome. Be aware that adding public functions will require good justification and breaking +changes will likely not be accepted. If in doubt open an issue before writing the PR. diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/bitreader.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/bitreader.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a4979e8868a --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/bitreader.go @@ -0,0 +1,329 @@ +// Copyright 2018 Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work Copyright (c) 2013, Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package huff0 + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "errors" + "io" +) + +// bitReader reads a bitstream in reverse. +// The last set bit indicates the start of the stream and is used +// for aligning the input. +type bitReader struct { + in []byte + off uint // next byte to read is at in[off - 1] + value uint64 + bitsRead uint8 +} + +// init initializes and resets the bit reader. +func (b *bitReader) init(in []byte) error { + if len(in) < 1 { + return errors.New("corrupt stream: too short") + } + b.in = in + b.off = uint(len(in)) + // The highest bit of the last byte indicates where to start + v := in[len(in)-1] + if v == 0 { + return errors.New("corrupt stream, did not find end of stream") + } + b.bitsRead = 64 + b.value = 0 + if len(in) >= 8 { + b.fillFastStart() + } else { + b.fill() + b.fill() + } + b.bitsRead += 8 - uint8(highBit32(uint32(v))) + return nil +} + +// peekBitsFast requires that at least one bit is requested every time. +// There are no checks if the buffer is filled. +func (b *bitReader) peekBitsFast(n uint8) uint16 { + const regMask = 64 - 1 + v := uint16((b.value << (b.bitsRead & regMask)) >> ((regMask + 1 - n) & regMask)) + return v +} + +// fillFast() will make sure at least 32 bits are available. +// There must be at least 4 bytes available. +func (b *bitReader) fillFast() { + if b.bitsRead < 32 { + return + } + + // 2 bounds checks. + v := b.in[b.off-4 : b.off] + v = v[:4] + low := (uint32(v[0])) | (uint32(v[1]) << 8) | (uint32(v[2]) << 16) | (uint32(v[3]) << 24) + b.value = (b.value << 32) | uint64(low) + b.bitsRead -= 32 + b.off -= 4 +} + +func (b *bitReader) advance(n uint8) { + b.bitsRead += n +} + +// fillFastStart() assumes the bitreader is empty and there is at least 8 bytes to read. +func (b *bitReader) fillFastStart() { + // Do single re-slice to avoid bounds checks. + b.value = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b.in[b.off-8:]) + b.bitsRead = 0 + b.off -= 8 +} + +// fill() will make sure at least 32 bits are available. +func (b *bitReader) fill() { + if b.bitsRead < 32 { + return + } + if b.off > 4 { + v := b.in[b.off-4:] + v = v[:4] + low := (uint32(v[0])) | (uint32(v[1]) << 8) | (uint32(v[2]) << 16) | (uint32(v[3]) << 24) + b.value = (b.value << 32) | uint64(low) + b.bitsRead -= 32 + b.off -= 4 + return + } + for b.off > 0 { + b.value = (b.value << 8) | uint64(b.in[b.off-1]) + b.bitsRead -= 8 + b.off-- + } +} + +// finished returns true if all bits have been read from the bit stream. +func (b *bitReader) finished() bool { + return b.off == 0 && b.bitsRead >= 64 +} + +// close the bitstream and returns an error if out-of-buffer reads occurred. +func (b *bitReader) close() error { + // Release reference. + b.in = nil + if b.bitsRead > 64 { + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + return nil +} + +// bitReader reads a bitstream in reverse. +// The last set bit indicates the start of the stream and is used +// for aligning the input. +type bitReaderBytes struct { + in []byte + off uint // next byte to read is at in[off - 1] + value uint64 + bitsRead uint8 +} + +// init initializes and resets the bit reader. +func (b *bitReaderBytes) init(in []byte) error { + if len(in) < 1 { + return errors.New("corrupt stream: too short") + } + b.in = in + b.off = uint(len(in)) + // The highest bit of the last byte indicates where to start + v := in[len(in)-1] + if v == 0 { + return errors.New("corrupt stream, did not find end of stream") + } + b.bitsRead = 64 + b.value = 0 + if len(in) >= 8 { + b.fillFastStart() + } else { + b.fill() + b.fill() + } + b.advance(8 - uint8(highBit32(uint32(v)))) + return nil +} + +// peekBitsFast requires that at least one bit is requested every time. +// There are no checks if the buffer is filled. +func (b *bitReaderBytes) peekByteFast() uint8 { + got := uint8(b.value >> 56) + return got +} + +func (b *bitReaderBytes) advance(n uint8) { + b.bitsRead += n + b.value <<= n & 63 +} + +// fillFast() will make sure at least 32 bits are available. +// There must be at least 4 bytes available. +func (b *bitReaderBytes) fillFast() { + if b.bitsRead < 32 { + return + } + + // 2 bounds checks. + v := b.in[b.off-4 : b.off] + v = v[:4] + low := (uint32(v[0])) | (uint32(v[1]) << 8) | (uint32(v[2]) << 16) | (uint32(v[3]) << 24) + b.value |= uint64(low) << (b.bitsRead - 32) + b.bitsRead -= 32 + b.off -= 4 +} + +// fillFastStart() assumes the bitReaderBytes is empty and there is at least 8 bytes to read. +func (b *bitReaderBytes) fillFastStart() { + // Do single re-slice to avoid bounds checks. + b.value = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b.in[b.off-8:]) + b.bitsRead = 0 + b.off -= 8 +} + +// fill() will make sure at least 32 bits are available. +func (b *bitReaderBytes) fill() { + if b.bitsRead < 32 { + return + } + if b.off > 4 { + v := b.in[b.off-4:] + v = v[:4] + low := (uint32(v[0])) | (uint32(v[1]) << 8) | (uint32(v[2]) << 16) | (uint32(v[3]) << 24) + b.value |= uint64(low) << (b.bitsRead - 32) + b.bitsRead -= 32 + b.off -= 4 + return + } + for b.off > 0 { + b.value |= uint64(b.in[b.off-1]) << (b.bitsRead - 8) + b.bitsRead -= 8 + b.off-- + } +} + +// finished returns true if all bits have been read from the bit stream. +func (b *bitReaderBytes) finished() bool { + return b.off == 0 && b.bitsRead >= 64 +} + +// close the bitstream and returns an error if out-of-buffer reads occurred. +func (b *bitReaderBytes) close() error { + // Release reference. + b.in = nil + if b.bitsRead > 64 { + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + return nil +} + +// bitReaderShifted reads a bitstream in reverse. +// The last set bit indicates the start of the stream and is used +// for aligning the input. +type bitReaderShifted struct { + in []byte + off uint // next byte to read is at in[off - 1] + value uint64 + bitsRead uint8 +} + +// init initializes and resets the bit reader. +func (b *bitReaderShifted) init(in []byte) error { + if len(in) < 1 { + return errors.New("corrupt stream: too short") + } + b.in = in + b.off = uint(len(in)) + // The highest bit of the last byte indicates where to start + v := in[len(in)-1] + if v == 0 { + return errors.New("corrupt stream, did not find end of stream") + } + b.bitsRead = 64 + b.value = 0 + if len(in) >= 8 { + b.fillFastStart() + } else { + b.fill() + b.fill() + } + b.advance(8 - uint8(highBit32(uint32(v)))) + return nil +} + +// peekBitsFast requires that at least one bit is requested every time. +// There are no checks if the buffer is filled. +func (b *bitReaderShifted) peekBitsFast(n uint8) uint16 { + return uint16(b.value >> ((64 - n) & 63)) +} + +func (b *bitReaderShifted) advance(n uint8) { + b.bitsRead += n + b.value <<= n & 63 +} + +// fillFast() will make sure at least 32 bits are available. +// There must be at least 4 bytes available. +func (b *bitReaderShifted) fillFast() { + if b.bitsRead < 32 { + return + } + + // 2 bounds checks. + v := b.in[b.off-4 : b.off] + v = v[:4] + low := (uint32(v[0])) | (uint32(v[1]) << 8) | (uint32(v[2]) << 16) | (uint32(v[3]) << 24) + b.value |= uint64(low) << ((b.bitsRead - 32) & 63) + b.bitsRead -= 32 + b.off -= 4 +} + +// fillFastStart() assumes the bitReaderShifted is empty and there is at least 8 bytes to read. +func (b *bitReaderShifted) fillFastStart() { + // Do single re-slice to avoid bounds checks. + b.value = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b.in[b.off-8:]) + b.bitsRead = 0 + b.off -= 8 +} + +// fill() will make sure at least 32 bits are available. +func (b *bitReaderShifted) fill() { + if b.bitsRead < 32 { + return + } + if b.off > 4 { + v := b.in[b.off-4:] + v = v[:4] + low := (uint32(v[0])) | (uint32(v[1]) << 8) | (uint32(v[2]) << 16) | (uint32(v[3]) << 24) + b.value |= uint64(low) << ((b.bitsRead - 32) & 63) + b.bitsRead -= 32 + b.off -= 4 + return + } + for b.off > 0 { + b.value |= uint64(b.in[b.off-1]) << ((b.bitsRead - 8) & 63) + b.bitsRead -= 8 + b.off-- + } +} + +// finished returns true if all bits have been read from the bit stream. +func (b *bitReaderShifted) finished() bool { + return b.off == 0 && b.bitsRead >= 64 +} + +// close the bitstream and returns an error if out-of-buffer reads occurred. +func (b *bitReaderShifted) close() error { + // Release reference. + b.in = nil + if b.bitsRead > 64 { + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + return nil +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/bitwriter.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/bitwriter.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6bce4e87d4f --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/bitwriter.go @@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ +// Copyright 2018 Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work Copyright (c) 2013, Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package huff0 + +import "fmt" + +// bitWriter will write bits. +// First bit will be LSB of the first byte of output. +type bitWriter struct { + bitContainer uint64 + nBits uint8 + out []byte +} + +// bitMask16 is bitmasks. Has extra to avoid bounds check. +var bitMask16 = [32]uint16{ + 0, 1, 3, 7, 0xF, 0x1F, + 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0x1FF, 0x3FF, 0x7FF, + 0xFFF, 0x1FFF, 0x3FFF, 0x7FFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, + 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, + 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF} /* up to 16 bits */ + +// addBits16NC will add up to 16 bits. +// It will not check if there is space for them, +// so the caller must ensure that it has flushed recently. +func (b *bitWriter) addBits16NC(value uint16, bits uint8) { + b.bitContainer |= uint64(value&bitMask16[bits&31]) << (b.nBits & 63) + b.nBits += bits +} + +// addBits16Clean will add up to 16 bits. value may not contain more set bits than indicated. +// It will not check if there is space for them, so the caller must ensure that it has flushed recently. +func (b *bitWriter) addBits16Clean(value uint16, bits uint8) { + b.bitContainer |= uint64(value) << (b.nBits & 63) + b.nBits += bits +} + +// encSymbol will add up to 16 bits. value may not contain more set bits than indicated. +// It will not check if there is space for them, so the caller must ensure that it has flushed recently. +func (b *bitWriter) encSymbol(ct cTable, symbol byte) { + enc := ct[symbol] + b.bitContainer |= uint64(enc.val) << (b.nBits & 63) + if false { + if enc.nBits == 0 { + panic("nbits 0") + } + } + b.nBits += enc.nBits +} + +// encTwoSymbols will add up to 32 bits. value may not contain more set bits than indicated. +// It will not check if there is space for them, so the caller must ensure that it has flushed recently. +func (b *bitWriter) encTwoSymbols(ct cTable, av, bv byte) { + encA := ct[av] + encB := ct[bv] + sh := b.nBits & 63 + combined := uint64(encA.val) | (uint64(encB.val) << (encA.nBits & 63)) + b.bitContainer |= combined << sh + if false { + if encA.nBits == 0 { + panic("nbitsA 0") + } + if encB.nBits == 0 { + panic("nbitsB 0") + } + } + b.nBits += encA.nBits + encB.nBits +} + +// addBits16ZeroNC will add up to 16 bits. +// It will not check if there is space for them, +// so the caller must ensure that it has flushed recently. +// This is fastest if bits can be zero. +func (b *bitWriter) addBits16ZeroNC(value uint16, bits uint8) { + if bits == 0 { + return + } + value <<= (16 - bits) & 15 + value >>= (16 - bits) & 15 + b.bitContainer |= uint64(value) << (b.nBits & 63) + b.nBits += bits +} + +// flush will flush all pending full bytes. +// There will be at least 56 bits available for writing when this has been called. +// Using flush32 is faster, but leaves less space for writing. +func (b *bitWriter) flush() { + v := b.nBits >> 3 + switch v { + case 0: + return + case 1: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + ) + b.bitContainer >>= 1 << 3 + case 2: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + ) + b.bitContainer >>= 2 << 3 + case 3: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + byte(b.bitContainer>>16), + ) + b.bitContainer >>= 3 << 3 + case 4: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + byte(b.bitContainer>>16), + byte(b.bitContainer>>24), + ) + b.bitContainer >>= 4 << 3 + case 5: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + byte(b.bitContainer>>16), + byte(b.bitContainer>>24), + byte(b.bitContainer>>32), + ) + b.bitContainer >>= 5 << 3 + case 6: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + byte(b.bitContainer>>16), + byte(b.bitContainer>>24), + byte(b.bitContainer>>32), + byte(b.bitContainer>>40), + ) + b.bitContainer >>= 6 << 3 + case 7: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + byte(b.bitContainer>>16), + byte(b.bitContainer>>24), + byte(b.bitContainer>>32), + byte(b.bitContainer>>40), + byte(b.bitContainer>>48), + ) + b.bitContainer >>= 7 << 3 + case 8: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + byte(b.bitContainer>>16), + byte(b.bitContainer>>24), + byte(b.bitContainer>>32), + byte(b.bitContainer>>40), + byte(b.bitContainer>>48), + byte(b.bitContainer>>56), + ) + b.bitContainer = 0 + b.nBits = 0 + return + default: + panic(fmt.Errorf("bits (%d) > 64", b.nBits)) + } + b.nBits &= 7 +} + +// flush32 will flush out, so there are at least 32 bits available for writing. +func (b *bitWriter) flush32() { + if b.nBits < 32 { + return + } + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + byte(b.bitContainer>>16), + byte(b.bitContainer>>24)) + b.nBits -= 32 + b.bitContainer >>= 32 +} + +// flushAlign will flush remaining full bytes and align to next byte boundary. +func (b *bitWriter) flushAlign() { + nbBytes := (b.nBits + 7) >> 3 + for i := uint8(0); i < nbBytes; i++ { + b.out = append(b.out, byte(b.bitContainer>>(i*8))) + } + b.nBits = 0 + b.bitContainer = 0 +} + +// close will write the alignment bit and write the final byte(s) +// to the output. +func (b *bitWriter) close() error { + // End mark + b.addBits16Clean(1, 1) + // flush until next byte. + b.flushAlign() + return nil +} + +// reset and continue writing by appending to out. +func (b *bitWriter) reset(out []byte) { + b.bitContainer = 0 + b.nBits = 0 + b.out = out +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/bytereader.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/bytereader.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..50bcdf6ea99 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/bytereader.go @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +// Copyright 2018 Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work Copyright (c) 2013, Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package huff0 + +// byteReader provides a byte reader that reads +// little endian values from a byte stream. +// The input stream is manually advanced. +// The reader performs no bounds checks. +type byteReader struct { + b []byte + off int +} + +// init will initialize the reader and set the input. +func (b *byteReader) init(in []byte) { + b.b = in + b.off = 0 +} + +// advance the stream b n bytes. +func (b *byteReader) advance(n uint) { + b.off += int(n) +} + +// Int32 returns a little endian int32 starting at current offset. +func (b byteReader) Int32() int32 { + v3 := int32(b.b[b.off+3]) + v2 := int32(b.b[b.off+2]) + v1 := int32(b.b[b.off+1]) + v0 := int32(b.b[b.off]) + return (v3 << 24) | (v2 << 16) | (v1 << 8) | v0 +} + +// Uint32 returns a little endian uint32 starting at current offset. +func (b byteReader) Uint32() uint32 { + v3 := uint32(b.b[b.off+3]) + v2 := uint32(b.b[b.off+2]) + v1 := uint32(b.b[b.off+1]) + v0 := uint32(b.b[b.off]) + return (v3 << 24) | (v2 << 16) | (v1 << 8) | v0 +} + +// unread returns the unread portion of the input. +func (b byteReader) unread() []byte { + return b.b[b.off:] +} + +// remain will return the number of bytes remaining. +func (b byteReader) remain() int { + return len(b.b) - b.off +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/compress.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/compress.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..dea115b3341 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/compress.go @@ -0,0 +1,657 @@ +package huff0 + +import ( + "fmt" + "runtime" + "sync" +) + +// Compress1X will compress the input. +// The output can be decoded using Decompress1X. +// Supply a Scratch object. The scratch object contains state about re-use, +// So when sharing across independent encodes, be sure to set the re-use policy. +func Compress1X(in []byte, s *Scratch) (out []byte, reUsed bool, err error) { + s, err = s.prepare(in) + if err != nil { + return nil, false, err + } + return compress(in, s, s.compress1X) +} + +// Compress4X will compress the input. The input is split into 4 independent blocks +// and compressed similar to Compress1X. +// The output can be decoded using Decompress4X. +// Supply a Scratch object. The scratch object contains state about re-use, +// So when sharing across independent encodes, be sure to set the re-use policy. +func Compress4X(in []byte, s *Scratch) (out []byte, reUsed bool, err error) { + s, err = s.prepare(in) + if err != nil { + return nil, false, err + } + if false { + // TODO: compress4Xp only slightly faster. + const parallelThreshold = 8 << 10 + if len(in) < parallelThreshold || runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) == 1 { + return compress(in, s, s.compress4X) + } + return compress(in, s, s.compress4Xp) + } + return compress(in, s, s.compress4X) +} + +func compress(in []byte, s *Scratch, compressor func(src []byte) ([]byte, error)) (out []byte, reUsed bool, err error) { + // Nuke previous table if we cannot reuse anyway. + if s.Reuse == ReusePolicyNone { + s.prevTable = s.prevTable[:0] + } + + // Create histogram, if none was provided. + maxCount := s.maxCount + var canReuse = false + if maxCount == 0 { + maxCount, canReuse = s.countSimple(in) + } else { + canReuse = s.canUseTable(s.prevTable) + } + + // We want the output size to be less than this: + wantSize := len(in) + if s.WantLogLess > 0 { + wantSize -= wantSize >> s.WantLogLess + } + + // Reset for next run. + s.clearCount = true + s.maxCount = 0 + if maxCount >= len(in) { + if maxCount > len(in) { + return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("maxCount (%d) > length (%d)", maxCount, len(in)) + } + if len(in) == 1 { + return nil, false, ErrIncompressible + } + // One symbol, use RLE + return nil, false, ErrUseRLE + } + if maxCount == 1 || maxCount < (len(in)>>7) { + // Each symbol present maximum once or too well distributed. + return nil, false, ErrIncompressible + } + if s.Reuse == ReusePolicyMust && !canReuse { + // We must reuse, but we can't. + return nil, false, ErrIncompressible + } + if (s.Reuse == ReusePolicyPrefer || s.Reuse == ReusePolicyMust) && canReuse { + keepTable := s.cTable + keepTL := s.actualTableLog + s.cTable = s.prevTable + s.actualTableLog = s.prevTableLog + s.Out, err = compressor(in) + s.cTable = keepTable + s.actualTableLog = keepTL + if err == nil && len(s.Out) < wantSize { + s.OutData = s.Out + return s.Out, true, nil + } + if s.Reuse == ReusePolicyMust { + return nil, false, ErrIncompressible + } + // Do not attempt to re-use later. + s.prevTable = s.prevTable[:0] + } + + // Calculate new table. + err = s.buildCTable() + if err != nil { + return nil, false, err + } + + if false && !s.canUseTable(s.cTable) { + panic("invalid table generated") + } + + if s.Reuse == ReusePolicyAllow && canReuse { + hSize := len(s.Out) + oldSize := s.prevTable.estimateSize(s.count[:s.symbolLen]) + newSize := s.cTable.estimateSize(s.count[:s.symbolLen]) + if oldSize <= hSize+newSize || hSize+12 >= wantSize { + // Retain cTable even if we re-use. + keepTable := s.cTable + keepTL := s.actualTableLog + + s.cTable = s.prevTable + s.actualTableLog = s.prevTableLog + s.Out, err = compressor(in) + + // Restore ctable. + s.cTable = keepTable + s.actualTableLog = keepTL + if err != nil { + return nil, false, err + } + if len(s.Out) >= wantSize { + return nil, false, ErrIncompressible + } + s.OutData = s.Out + return s.Out, true, nil + } + } + + // Use new table + err = s.cTable.write(s) + if err != nil { + s.OutTable = nil + return nil, false, err + } + s.OutTable = s.Out + + // Compress using new table + s.Out, err = compressor(in) + if err != nil { + s.OutTable = nil + return nil, false, err + } + if len(s.Out) >= wantSize { + s.OutTable = nil + return nil, false, ErrIncompressible + } + // Move current table into previous. + s.prevTable, s.prevTableLog, s.cTable = s.cTable, s.actualTableLog, s.prevTable[:0] + s.OutData = s.Out[len(s.OutTable):] + return s.Out, false, nil +} + +func (s *Scratch) compress1X(src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return s.compress1xDo(s.Out, src) +} + +func (s *Scratch) compress1xDo(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + var bw = bitWriter{out: dst} + + // N is length divisible by 4. + n := len(src) + n -= n & 3 + cTable := s.cTable[:256] + + // Encode last bytes. + for i := len(src) & 3; i > 0; i-- { + bw.encSymbol(cTable, src[n+i-1]) + } + n -= 4 + if s.actualTableLog <= 8 { + for ; n >= 0; n -= 4 { + tmp := src[n : n+4] + // tmp should be len 4 + bw.flush32() + bw.encTwoSymbols(cTable, tmp[3], tmp[2]) + bw.encTwoSymbols(cTable, tmp[1], tmp[0]) + } + } else { + for ; n >= 0; n -= 4 { + tmp := src[n : n+4] + // tmp should be len 4 + bw.flush32() + bw.encTwoSymbols(cTable, tmp[3], tmp[2]) + bw.flush32() + bw.encTwoSymbols(cTable, tmp[1], tmp[0]) + } + } + err := bw.close() + return bw.out, err +} + +var sixZeros [6]byte + +func (s *Scratch) compress4X(src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + if len(src) < 12 { + return nil, ErrIncompressible + } + segmentSize := (len(src) + 3) / 4 + + // Add placeholder for output length + offsetIdx := len(s.Out) + s.Out = append(s.Out, sixZeros[:]...) + + for i := 0; i < 4; i++ { + toDo := src + if len(toDo) > segmentSize { + toDo = toDo[:segmentSize] + } + src = src[len(toDo):] + + var err error + idx := len(s.Out) + s.Out, err = s.compress1xDo(s.Out, toDo) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + // Write compressed length as little endian before block. + if i < 3 { + // Last length is not written. + length := len(s.Out) - idx + s.Out[i*2+offsetIdx] = byte(length) + s.Out[i*2+offsetIdx+1] = byte(length >> 8) + } + } + + return s.Out, nil +} + +// compress4Xp will compress 4 streams using separate goroutines. +func (s *Scratch) compress4Xp(src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + if len(src) < 12 { + return nil, ErrIncompressible + } + // Add placeholder for output length + s.Out = s.Out[:6] + + segmentSize := (len(src) + 3) / 4 + var wg sync.WaitGroup + var errs [4]error + wg.Add(4) + for i := 0; i < 4; i++ { + toDo := src + if len(toDo) > segmentSize { + toDo = toDo[:segmentSize] + } + src = src[len(toDo):] + + // Separate goroutine for each block. + go func(i int) { + s.tmpOut[i], errs[i] = s.compress1xDo(s.tmpOut[i][:0], toDo) + wg.Done() + }(i) + } + wg.Wait() + for i := 0; i < 4; i++ { + if errs[i] != nil { + return nil, errs[i] + } + o := s.tmpOut[i] + // Write compressed length as little endian before block. + if i < 3 { + // Last length is not written. + s.Out[i*2] = byte(len(o)) + s.Out[i*2+1] = byte(len(o) >> 8) + } + + // Write output. + s.Out = append(s.Out, o...) + } + return s.Out, nil +} + +// countSimple will create a simple histogram in s.count. +// Returns the biggest count. +// Does not update s.clearCount. +func (s *Scratch) countSimple(in []byte) (max int, reuse bool) { + reuse = true + for _, v := range in { + s.count[v]++ + } + m := uint32(0) + if len(s.prevTable) > 0 { + for i, v := range s.count[:] { + if v > m { + m = v + } + if v > 0 { + s.symbolLen = uint16(i) + 1 + if i >= len(s.prevTable) { + reuse = false + } else { + if s.prevTable[i].nBits == 0 { + reuse = false + } + } + } + } + return int(m), reuse + } + for i, v := range s.count[:] { + if v > m { + m = v + } + if v > 0 { + s.symbolLen = uint16(i) + 1 + } + } + return int(m), false +} + +func (s *Scratch) canUseTable(c cTable) bool { + if len(c) < int(s.symbolLen) { + return false + } + for i, v := range s.count[:s.symbolLen] { + if v != 0 && c[i].nBits == 0 { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +func (s *Scratch) validateTable(c cTable) bool { + if len(c) < int(s.symbolLen) { + return false + } + for i, v := range s.count[:s.symbolLen] { + if v != 0 { + if c[i].nBits == 0 { + return false + } + if c[i].nBits > s.actualTableLog { + return false + } + } + } + return true +} + +// minTableLog provides the minimum logSize to safely represent a distribution. +func (s *Scratch) minTableLog() uint8 { + minBitsSrc := highBit32(uint32(s.br.remain())) + 1 + minBitsSymbols := highBit32(uint32(s.symbolLen-1)) + 2 + if minBitsSrc < minBitsSymbols { + return uint8(minBitsSrc) + } + return uint8(minBitsSymbols) +} + +// optimalTableLog calculates and sets the optimal tableLog in s.actualTableLog +func (s *Scratch) optimalTableLog() { + tableLog := s.TableLog + minBits := s.minTableLog() + maxBitsSrc := uint8(highBit32(uint32(s.br.remain()-1))) - 1 + if maxBitsSrc < tableLog { + // Accuracy can be reduced + tableLog = maxBitsSrc + } + if minBits > tableLog { + tableLog = minBits + } + // Need a minimum to safely represent all symbol values + if tableLog < minTablelog { + tableLog = minTablelog + } + if tableLog > tableLogMax { + tableLog = tableLogMax + } + s.actualTableLog = tableLog +} + +type cTableEntry struct { + val uint16 + nBits uint8 + // We have 8 bits extra +} + +const huffNodesMask = huffNodesLen - 1 + +func (s *Scratch) buildCTable() error { + s.optimalTableLog() + s.huffSort() + if cap(s.cTable) < maxSymbolValue+1 { + s.cTable = make([]cTableEntry, s.symbolLen, maxSymbolValue+1) + } else { + s.cTable = s.cTable[:s.symbolLen] + for i := range s.cTable { + s.cTable[i] = cTableEntry{} + } + } + + var startNode = int16(s.symbolLen) + nonNullRank := s.symbolLen - 1 + + nodeNb := startNode + huffNode := s.nodes[1 : huffNodesLen+1] + + // This overlays the slice above, but allows "-1" index lookups. + // Different from reference implementation. + huffNode0 := s.nodes[0 : huffNodesLen+1] + + for huffNode[nonNullRank].count == 0 { + nonNullRank-- + } + + lowS := int16(nonNullRank) + nodeRoot := nodeNb + lowS - 1 + lowN := nodeNb + huffNode[nodeNb].count = huffNode[lowS].count + huffNode[lowS-1].count + huffNode[lowS].parent, huffNode[lowS-1].parent = uint16(nodeNb), uint16(nodeNb) + nodeNb++ + lowS -= 2 + for n := nodeNb; n <= nodeRoot; n++ { + huffNode[n].count = 1 << 30 + } + // fake entry, strong barrier + huffNode0[0].count = 1 << 31 + + // create parents + for nodeNb <= nodeRoot { + var n1, n2 int16 + if huffNode0[lowS+1].count < huffNode0[lowN+1].count { + n1 = lowS + lowS-- + } else { + n1 = lowN + lowN++ + } + if huffNode0[lowS+1].count < huffNode0[lowN+1].count { + n2 = lowS + lowS-- + } else { + n2 = lowN + lowN++ + } + + huffNode[nodeNb].count = huffNode0[n1+1].count + huffNode0[n2+1].count + huffNode0[n1+1].parent, huffNode0[n2+1].parent = uint16(nodeNb), uint16(nodeNb) + nodeNb++ + } + + // distribute weights (unlimited tree height) + huffNode[nodeRoot].nbBits = 0 + for n := nodeRoot - 1; n >= startNode; n-- { + huffNode[n].nbBits = huffNode[huffNode[n].parent].nbBits + 1 + } + for n := uint16(0); n <= nonNullRank; n++ { + huffNode[n].nbBits = huffNode[huffNode[n].parent].nbBits + 1 + } + s.actualTableLog = s.setMaxHeight(int(nonNullRank)) + maxNbBits := s.actualTableLog + + // fill result into tree (val, nbBits) + if maxNbBits > tableLogMax { + return fmt.Errorf("internal error: maxNbBits (%d) > tableLogMax (%d)", maxNbBits, tableLogMax) + } + var nbPerRank [tableLogMax + 1]uint16 + var valPerRank [16]uint16 + for _, v := range huffNode[:nonNullRank+1] { + nbPerRank[v.nbBits]++ + } + // determine stating value per rank + { + min := uint16(0) + for n := maxNbBits; n > 0; n-- { + // get starting value within each rank + valPerRank[n] = min + min += nbPerRank[n] + min >>= 1 + } + } + + // push nbBits per symbol, symbol order + for _, v := range huffNode[:nonNullRank+1] { + s.cTable[v.symbol].nBits = v.nbBits + } + + // assign value within rank, symbol order + t := s.cTable[:s.symbolLen] + for n, val := range t { + nbits := val.nBits & 15 + v := valPerRank[nbits] + t[n].val = v + valPerRank[nbits] = v + 1 + } + + return nil +} + +// huffSort will sort symbols, decreasing order. +func (s *Scratch) huffSort() { + type rankPos struct { + base uint32 + current uint32 + } + + // Clear nodes + nodes := s.nodes[:huffNodesLen+1] + s.nodes = nodes + nodes = nodes[1 : huffNodesLen+1] + + // Sort into buckets based on length of symbol count. + var rank [32]rankPos + for _, v := range s.count[:s.symbolLen] { + r := highBit32(v+1) & 31 + rank[r].base++ + } + // maxBitLength is log2(BlockSizeMax) + 1 + const maxBitLength = 18 + 1 + for n := maxBitLength; n > 0; n-- { + rank[n-1].base += rank[n].base + } + for n := range rank[:maxBitLength] { + rank[n].current = rank[n].base + } + for n, c := range s.count[:s.symbolLen] { + r := (highBit32(c+1) + 1) & 31 + pos := rank[r].current + rank[r].current++ + prev := nodes[(pos-1)&huffNodesMask] + for pos > rank[r].base && c > prev.count { + nodes[pos&huffNodesMask] = prev + pos-- + prev = nodes[(pos-1)&huffNodesMask] + } + nodes[pos&huffNodesMask] = nodeElt{count: c, symbol: byte(n)} + } + return +} + +func (s *Scratch) setMaxHeight(lastNonNull int) uint8 { + maxNbBits := s.actualTableLog + huffNode := s.nodes[1 : huffNodesLen+1] + //huffNode = huffNode[: huffNodesLen] + + largestBits := huffNode[lastNonNull].nbBits + + // early exit : no elt > maxNbBits + if largestBits <= maxNbBits { + return largestBits + } + totalCost := int(0) + baseCost := int(1) << (largestBits - maxNbBits) + n := uint32(lastNonNull) + + for huffNode[n].nbBits > maxNbBits { + totalCost += baseCost - (1 << (largestBits - huffNode[n].nbBits)) + huffNode[n].nbBits = maxNbBits + n-- + } + // n stops at huffNode[n].nbBits <= maxNbBits + + for huffNode[n].nbBits == maxNbBits { + n-- + } + // n end at index of smallest symbol using < maxNbBits + + // renorm totalCost + totalCost >>= largestBits - maxNbBits /* note : totalCost is necessarily a multiple of baseCost */ + + // repay normalized cost + { + const noSymbol = 0xF0F0F0F0 + var rankLast [tableLogMax + 2]uint32 + + for i := range rankLast[:] { + rankLast[i] = noSymbol + } + + // Get pos of last (smallest) symbol per rank + { + currentNbBits := maxNbBits + for pos := int(n); pos >= 0; pos-- { + if huffNode[pos].nbBits >= currentNbBits { + continue + } + currentNbBits = huffNode[pos].nbBits // < maxNbBits + rankLast[maxNbBits-currentNbBits] = uint32(pos) + } + } + + for totalCost > 0 { + nBitsToDecrease := uint8(highBit32(uint32(totalCost))) + 1 + + for ; nBitsToDecrease > 1; nBitsToDecrease-- { + highPos := rankLast[nBitsToDecrease] + lowPos := rankLast[nBitsToDecrease-1] + if highPos == noSymbol { + continue + } + if lowPos == noSymbol { + break + } + highTotal := huffNode[highPos].count + lowTotal := 2 * huffNode[lowPos].count + if highTotal <= lowTotal { + break + } + } + // only triggered when no more rank 1 symbol left => find closest one (note : there is necessarily at least one !) + // HUF_MAX_TABLELOG test just to please gcc 5+; but it should not be necessary + // FIXME: try to remove + for (nBitsToDecrease <= tableLogMax) && (rankLast[nBitsToDecrease] == noSymbol) { + nBitsToDecrease++ + } + totalCost -= 1 << (nBitsToDecrease - 1) + if rankLast[nBitsToDecrease-1] == noSymbol { + // this rank is no longer empty + rankLast[nBitsToDecrease-1] = rankLast[nBitsToDecrease] + } + huffNode[rankLast[nBitsToDecrease]].nbBits++ + if rankLast[nBitsToDecrease] == 0 { + /* special case, reached largest symbol */ + rankLast[nBitsToDecrease] = noSymbol + } else { + rankLast[nBitsToDecrease]-- + if huffNode[rankLast[nBitsToDecrease]].nbBits != maxNbBits-nBitsToDecrease { + rankLast[nBitsToDecrease] = noSymbol /* this rank is now empty */ + } + } + } + + for totalCost < 0 { /* Sometimes, cost correction overshoot */ + if rankLast[1] == noSymbol { /* special case : no rank 1 symbol (using maxNbBits-1); let's create one from largest rank 0 (using maxNbBits) */ + for huffNode[n].nbBits == maxNbBits { + n-- + } + huffNode[n+1].nbBits-- + rankLast[1] = n + 1 + totalCost++ + continue + } + huffNode[rankLast[1]+1].nbBits-- + rankLast[1]++ + totalCost++ + } + } + return maxNbBits +} + +type nodeElt struct { + count uint32 + parent uint16 + symbol byte + nbBits uint8 +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/decompress.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/decompress.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..41703bba4d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/decompress.go @@ -0,0 +1,1164 @@ +package huff0 + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + "io" + + "github.com/klauspost/compress/fse" +) + +type dTable struct { + single []dEntrySingle + double []dEntryDouble +} + +// single-symbols decoding +type dEntrySingle struct { + entry uint16 +} + +// double-symbols decoding +type dEntryDouble struct { + seq uint16 + nBits uint8 + len uint8 +} + +// Uses special code for all tables that are < 8 bits. +const use8BitTables = true + +// ReadTable will read a table from the input. +// The size of the input may be larger than the table definition. +// Any content remaining after the table definition will be returned. +// If no Scratch is provided a new one is allocated. +// The returned Scratch can be used for encoding or decoding input using this table. +func ReadTable(in []byte, s *Scratch) (s2 *Scratch, remain []byte, err error) { + s, err = s.prepare(in) + if err != nil { + return s, nil, err + } + if len(in) <= 1 { + return s, nil, errors.New("input too small for table") + } + iSize := in[0] + in = in[1:] + if iSize >= 128 { + // Uncompressed + oSize := iSize - 127 + iSize = (oSize + 1) / 2 + if int(iSize) > len(in) { + return s, nil, errors.New("input too small for table") + } + for n := uint8(0); n < oSize; n += 2 { + v := in[n/2] + s.huffWeight[n] = v >> 4 + s.huffWeight[n+1] = v & 15 + } + s.symbolLen = uint16(oSize) + in = in[iSize:] + } else { + if len(in) < int(iSize) { + return s, nil, fmt.Errorf("input too small for table, want %d bytes, have %d", iSize, len(in)) + } + // FSE compressed weights + s.fse.DecompressLimit = 255 + hw := s.huffWeight[:] + s.fse.Out = hw + b, err := fse.Decompress(in[:iSize], s.fse) + s.fse.Out = nil + if err != nil { + return s, nil, err + } + if len(b) > 255 { + return s, nil, errors.New("corrupt input: output table too large") + } + s.symbolLen = uint16(len(b)) + in = in[iSize:] + } + + // collect weight stats + var rankStats [16]uint32 + weightTotal := uint32(0) + for _, v := range s.huffWeight[:s.symbolLen] { + if v > tableLogMax { + return s, nil, errors.New("corrupt input: weight too large") + } + v2 := v & 15 + rankStats[v2]++ + // (1 << (v2-1)) is slower since the compiler cannot prove that v2 isn't 0. + weightTotal += (1 << v2) >> 1 + } + if weightTotal == 0 { + return s, nil, errors.New("corrupt input: weights zero") + } + + // get last non-null symbol weight (implied, total must be 2^n) + { + tableLog := highBit32(weightTotal) + 1 + if tableLog > tableLogMax { + return s, nil, errors.New("corrupt input: tableLog too big") + } + s.actualTableLog = uint8(tableLog) + // determine last weight + { + total := uint32(1) << tableLog + rest := total - weightTotal + verif := uint32(1) << highBit32(rest) + lastWeight := highBit32(rest) + 1 + if verif != rest { + // last value must be a clean power of 2 + return s, nil, errors.New("corrupt input: last value not power of two") + } + s.huffWeight[s.symbolLen] = uint8(lastWeight) + s.symbolLen++ + rankStats[lastWeight]++ + } + } + + if (rankStats[1] < 2) || (rankStats[1]&1 != 0) { + // by construction : at least 2 elts of rank 1, must be even + return s, nil, errors.New("corrupt input: min elt size, even check failed ") + } + + // TODO: Choose between single/double symbol decoding + + // Calculate starting value for each rank + { + var nextRankStart uint32 + for n := uint8(1); n < s.actualTableLog+1; n++ { + current := nextRankStart + nextRankStart += rankStats[n] << (n - 1) + rankStats[n] = current + } + } + + // fill DTable (always full size) + tSize := 1 << tableLogMax + if len(s.dt.single) != tSize { + s.dt.single = make([]dEntrySingle, tSize) + } + cTable := s.prevTable + if cap(cTable) < maxSymbolValue+1 { + cTable = make([]cTableEntry, 0, maxSymbolValue+1) + } + cTable = cTable[:maxSymbolValue+1] + s.prevTable = cTable[:s.symbolLen] + s.prevTableLog = s.actualTableLog + + for n, w := range s.huffWeight[:s.symbolLen] { + if w == 0 { + cTable[n] = cTableEntry{ + val: 0, + nBits: 0, + } + continue + } + length := (uint32(1) << w) >> 1 + d := dEntrySingle{ + entry: uint16(s.actualTableLog+1-w) | (uint16(n) << 8), + } + + rank := &rankStats[w] + cTable[n] = cTableEntry{ + val: uint16(*rank >> (w - 1)), + nBits: uint8(d.entry), + } + + single := s.dt.single[*rank : *rank+length] + for i := range single { + single[i] = d + } + *rank += length + } + + return s, in, nil +} + +// Decompress1X will decompress a 1X encoded stream. +// The length of the supplied input must match the end of a block exactly. +// Before this is called, the table must be initialized with ReadTable unless +// the encoder re-used the table. +// deprecated: Use the stateless Decoder() to get a concurrent version. +func (s *Scratch) Decompress1X(in []byte) (out []byte, err error) { + if cap(s.Out) < s.MaxDecodedSize { + s.Out = make([]byte, s.MaxDecodedSize) + } + s.Out = s.Out[:0:s.MaxDecodedSize] + s.Out, err = s.Decoder().Decompress1X(s.Out, in) + return s.Out, err +} + +// Decompress4X will decompress a 4X encoded stream. +// Before this is called, the table must be initialized with ReadTable unless +// the encoder re-used the table. +// The length of the supplied input must match the end of a block exactly. +// The destination size of the uncompressed data must be known and provided. +// deprecated: Use the stateless Decoder() to get a concurrent version. +func (s *Scratch) Decompress4X(in []byte, dstSize int) (out []byte, err error) { + if dstSize > s.MaxDecodedSize { + return nil, ErrMaxDecodedSizeExceeded + } + if cap(s.Out) < dstSize { + s.Out = make([]byte, s.MaxDecodedSize) + } + s.Out = s.Out[:0:dstSize] + s.Out, err = s.Decoder().Decompress4X(s.Out, in) + return s.Out, err +} + +// Decoder will return a stateless decoder that can be used by multiple +// decompressors concurrently. +// Before this is called, the table must be initialized with ReadTable. +// The Decoder is still linked to the scratch buffer so that cannot be reused. +// However, it is safe to discard the scratch. +func (s *Scratch) Decoder() *Decoder { + return &Decoder{ + dt: s.dt, + actualTableLog: s.actualTableLog, + } +} + +// Decoder provides stateless decoding. +type Decoder struct { + dt dTable + actualTableLog uint8 +} + +// Decompress1X will decompress a 1X encoded stream. +// The cap of the output buffer will be the maximum decompressed size. +// The length of the supplied input must match the end of a block exactly. +func (d *Decoder) Decompress1X(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + if len(d.dt.single) == 0 { + return nil, errors.New("no table loaded") + } + if use8BitTables && d.actualTableLog <= 8 { + return d.decompress1X8Bit(dst, src) + } + var br bitReaderShifted + err := br.init(src) + if err != nil { + return dst, err + } + maxDecodedSize := cap(dst) + dst = dst[:0] + + // Avoid bounds check by always having full sized table. + const tlSize = 1 << tableLogMax + const tlMask = tlSize - 1 + dt := d.dt.single[:tlSize] + + // Use temp table to avoid bound checks/append penalty. + var buf [256]byte + var off uint8 + + for br.off >= 8 { + br.fillFast() + v := dt[br.peekBitsFast(d.actualTableLog)&tlMask] + br.advance(uint8(v.entry)) + buf[off+0] = uint8(v.entry >> 8) + + v = dt[br.peekBitsFast(d.actualTableLog)&tlMask] + br.advance(uint8(v.entry)) + buf[off+1] = uint8(v.entry >> 8) + + // Refill + br.fillFast() + + v = dt[br.peekBitsFast(d.actualTableLog)&tlMask] + br.advance(uint8(v.entry)) + buf[off+2] = uint8(v.entry >> 8) + + v = dt[br.peekBitsFast(d.actualTableLog)&tlMask] + br.advance(uint8(v.entry)) + buf[off+3] = uint8(v.entry >> 8) + + off += 4 + if off == 0 { + if len(dst)+256 > maxDecodedSize { + br.close() + return nil, ErrMaxDecodedSizeExceeded + } + dst = append(dst, buf[:]...) + } + } + + if len(dst)+int(off) > maxDecodedSize { + br.close() + return nil, ErrMaxDecodedSizeExceeded + } + dst = append(dst, buf[:off]...) + + // br < 8, so uint8 is fine + bitsLeft := uint8(br.off)*8 + 64 - br.bitsRead + for bitsLeft > 0 { + br.fill() + if false && br.bitsRead >= 32 { + if br.off >= 4 { + v := br.in[br.off-4:] + v = v[:4] + low := (uint32(v[0])) | (uint32(v[1]) << 8) | (uint32(v[2]) << 16) | (uint32(v[3]) << 24) + br.value = (br.value << 32) | uint64(low) + br.bitsRead -= 32 + br.off -= 4 + } else { + for br.off > 0 { + br.value = (br.value << 8) | uint64(br.in[br.off-1]) + br.bitsRead -= 8 + br.off-- + } + } + } + if len(dst) >= maxDecodedSize { + br.close() + return nil, ErrMaxDecodedSizeExceeded + } + v := d.dt.single[br.peekBitsFast(d.actualTableLog)&tlMask] + nBits := uint8(v.entry) + br.advance(nBits) + bitsLeft -= nBits + dst = append(dst, uint8(v.entry>>8)) + } + return dst, br.close() +} + +// decompress1X8Bit will decompress a 1X encoded stream with tablelog <= 8. +// The cap of the output buffer will be the maximum decompressed size. +// The length of the supplied input must match the end of a block exactly. +func (d *Decoder) decompress1X8Bit(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + if d.actualTableLog == 8 { + return d.decompress1X8BitExactly(dst, src) + } + var br bitReaderBytes + err := br.init(src) + if err != nil { + return dst, err + } + maxDecodedSize := cap(dst) + dst = dst[:0] + + // Avoid bounds check by always having full sized table. + dt := d.dt.single[:256] + + // Use temp table to avoid bound checks/append penalty. + var buf [256]byte + var off uint8 + + shift := (8 - d.actualTableLog) & 7 + + //fmt.Printf("mask: %b, tl:%d\n", mask, d.actualTableLog) + for br.off >= 4 { + br.fillFast() + v := dt[br.peekByteFast()>>shift] + br.advance(uint8(v.entry)) + buf[off+0] = uint8(v.entry >> 8) + + v = dt[br.peekByteFast()>>shift] + br.advance(uint8(v.entry)) + buf[off+1] = uint8(v.entry >> 8) + + v = dt[br.peekByteFast()>>shift] + br.advance(uint8(v.entry)) + buf[off+2] = uint8(v.entry >> 8) + + v = dt[br.peekByteFast()>>shift] + br.advance(uint8(v.entry)) + buf[off+3] = uint8(v.entry >> 8) + + off += 4 + if off == 0 { + if len(dst)+256 > maxDecodedSize { + br.close() + return nil, ErrMaxDecodedSizeExceeded + } + dst = append(dst, buf[:]...) + } + } + + if len(dst)+int(off) > maxDecodedSize { + br.close() + return nil, ErrMaxDecodedSizeExceeded + } + dst = append(dst, buf[:off]...) + + // br < 4, so uint8 is fine + bitsLeft := int8(uint8(br.off)*8 + (64 - br.bitsRead)) + for bitsLeft > 0 { + if br.bitsRead >= 64-8 { + for br.off > 0 { + br.value |= uint64(br.in[br.off-1]) << (br.bitsRead - 8) + br.bitsRead -= 8 + br.off-- + } + } + if len(dst) >= maxDecodedSize { + br.close() + return nil, ErrMaxDecodedSizeExceeded + } + v := dt[br.peekByteFast()>>shift] + nBits := uint8(v.entry) + br.advance(nBits) + bitsLeft -= int8(nBits) + dst = append(dst, uint8(v.entry>>8)) + } + return dst, br.close() +} + +// decompress1X8Bit will decompress a 1X encoded stream with tablelog <= 8. +// The cap of the output buffer will be the maximum decompressed size. +// The length of the supplied input must match the end of a block exactly. +func (d *Decoder) decompress1X8BitExactly(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + var br bitReaderBytes + err := br.init(src) + if err != nil { + return dst, err + } + maxDecodedSize := cap(dst) + dst = dst[:0] + + // Avoid bounds check by always having full sized table. + dt := d.dt.single[:256] + + // Use temp table to avoid bound checks/append penalty. + var buf [256]byte + var off uint8 + + const shift = 0 + + //fmt.Printf("mask: %b, tl:%d\n", mask, d.actualTableLog) + for br.off >= 4 { + br.fillFast() + v := dt[br.peekByteFast()>>shift] + br.advance(uint8(v.entry)) + buf[off+0] = uint8(v.entry >> 8) + + v = dt[br.peekByteFast()>>shift] + br.advance(uint8(v.entry)) + buf[off+1] = uint8(v.entry >> 8) + + v = dt[br.peekByteFast()>>shift] + br.advance(uint8(v.entry)) + buf[off+2] = uint8(v.entry >> 8) + + v = dt[br.peekByteFast()>>shift] + br.advance(uint8(v.entry)) + buf[off+3] = uint8(v.entry >> 8) + + off += 4 + if off == 0 { + if len(dst)+256 > maxDecodedSize { + br.close() + return nil, ErrMaxDecodedSizeExceeded + } + dst = append(dst, buf[:]...) + } + } + + if len(dst)+int(off) > maxDecodedSize { + br.close() + return nil, ErrMaxDecodedSizeExceeded + } + dst = append(dst, buf[:off]...) + + // br < 4, so uint8 is fine + bitsLeft := int8(uint8(br.off)*8 + (64 - br.bitsRead)) + for bitsLeft > 0 { + if br.bitsRead >= 64-8 { + for br.off > 0 { + br.value |= uint64(br.in[br.off-1]) << (br.bitsRead - 8) + br.bitsRead -= 8 + br.off-- + } + } + if len(dst) >= maxDecodedSize { + br.close() + return nil, ErrMaxDecodedSizeExceeded + } + v := dt[br.peekByteFast()>>shift] + nBits := uint8(v.entry) + br.advance(nBits) + bitsLeft -= int8(nBits) + dst = append(dst, uint8(v.entry>>8)) + } + return dst, br.close() +} + +// Decompress4X will decompress a 4X encoded stream. +// The length of the supplied input must match the end of a block exactly. +// The *capacity* of the dst slice must match the destination size of +// the uncompressed data exactly. +func (d *Decoder) Decompress4X(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + if len(d.dt.single) == 0 { + return nil, errors.New("no table loaded") + } + if len(src) < 6+(4*1) { + return nil, errors.New("input too small") + } + if use8BitTables && d.actualTableLog <= 8 { + return d.decompress4X8bit(dst, src) + } + + var br [4]bitReaderShifted + start := 6 + for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { + length := int(src[i*2]) | (int(src[i*2+1]) << 8) + if start+length >= len(src) { + return nil, errors.New("truncated input (or invalid offset)") + } + err := br[i].init(src[start : start+length]) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + start += length + } + err := br[3].init(src[start:]) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + // destination, offset to match first output + dstSize := cap(dst) + dst = dst[:dstSize] + out := dst + dstEvery := (dstSize + 3) / 4 + + const tlSize = 1 << tableLogMax + const tlMask = tlSize - 1 + single := d.dt.single[:tlSize] + + // Use temp table to avoid bound checks/append penalty. + var buf [256]byte + var off uint8 + var decoded int + + // Decode 2 values from each decoder/loop. + const bufoff = 256 / 4 + for { + if br[0].off < 4 || br[1].off < 4 || br[2].off < 4 || br[3].off < 4 { + break + } + + { + const stream = 0 + const stream2 = 1 + br[stream].fillFast() + br[stream2].fillFast() + + val := br[stream].peekBitsFast(d.actualTableLog) + v := single[val&tlMask] + br[stream].advance(uint8(v.entry)) + buf[off+bufoff*stream] = uint8(v.entry >> 8) + + val2 := br[stream2].peekBitsFast(d.actualTableLog) + v2 := single[val2&tlMask] + br[stream2].advance(uint8(v2.entry)) + buf[off+bufoff*stream2] = uint8(v2.entry >> 8) + + val = br[stream].peekBitsFast(d.actualTableLog) + v = single[val&tlMask] + br[stream].advance(uint8(v.entry)) + buf[off+bufoff*stream+1] = uint8(v.entry >> 8) + + val2 = br[stream2].peekBitsFast(d.actualTableLog) + v2 = single[val2&tlMask] + br[stream2].advance(uint8(v2.entry)) + buf[off+bufoff*stream2+1] = uint8(v2.entry >> 8) + } + + { + const stream = 2 + const stream2 = 3 + br[stream].fillFast() + br[stream2].fillFast() + + val := br[stream].peekBitsFast(d.actualTableLog) + v := single[val&tlMask] + br[stream].advance(uint8(v.entry)) + buf[off+bufoff*stream] = uint8(v.entry >> 8) + + val2 := br[stream2].peekBitsFast(d.actualTableLog) + v2 := single[val2&tlMask] + br[stream2].advance(uint8(v2.entry)) + buf[off+bufoff*stream2] = uint8(v2.entry >> 8) + + val = br[stream].peekBitsFast(d.actualTableLog) + v = single[val&tlMask] + br[stream].advance(uint8(v.entry)) + buf[off+bufoff*stream+1] = uint8(v.entry >> 8) + + val2 = br[stream2].peekBitsFast(d.actualTableLog) + v2 = single[val2&tlMask] + br[stream2].advance(uint8(v2.entry)) + buf[off+bufoff*stream2+1] = uint8(v2.entry >> 8) + } + + off += 2 + + if off == bufoff { + if bufoff > dstEvery { + return nil, errors.New("corruption detected: stream overrun 1") + } + copy(out, buf[:bufoff]) + copy(out[dstEvery:], buf[bufoff:bufoff*2]) + copy(out[dstEvery*2:], buf[bufoff*2:bufoff*3]) + copy(out[dstEvery*3:], buf[bufoff*3:bufoff*4]) + off = 0 + out = out[bufoff:] + decoded += 256 + // There must at least be 3 buffers left. + if len(out) < dstEvery*3 { + return nil, errors.New("corruption detected: stream overrun 2") + } + } + } + if off > 0 { + ioff := int(off) + if len(out) < dstEvery*3+ioff { + return nil, errors.New("corruption detected: stream overrun 3") + } + copy(out, buf[:off]) + copy(out[dstEvery:dstEvery+ioff], buf[bufoff:bufoff*2]) + copy(out[dstEvery*2:dstEvery*2+ioff], buf[bufoff*2:bufoff*3]) + copy(out[dstEvery*3:dstEvery*3+ioff], buf[bufoff*3:bufoff*4]) + decoded += int(off) * 4 + out = out[off:] + } + + // Decode remaining. + for i := range br { + offset := dstEvery * i + br := &br[i] + bitsLeft := br.off*8 + uint(64-br.bitsRead) + for bitsLeft > 0 { + br.fill() + if false && br.bitsRead >= 32 { + if br.off >= 4 { + v := br.in[br.off-4:] + v = v[:4] + low := (uint32(v[0])) | (uint32(v[1]) << 8) | (uint32(v[2]) << 16) | (uint32(v[3]) << 24) + br.value = (br.value << 32) | uint64(low) + br.bitsRead -= 32 + br.off -= 4 + } else { + for br.off > 0 { + br.value = (br.value << 8) | uint64(br.in[br.off-1]) + br.bitsRead -= 8 + br.off-- + } + } + } + // end inline... + if offset >= len(out) { + return nil, errors.New("corruption detected: stream overrun 4") + } + + // Read value and increment offset. + val := br.peekBitsFast(d.actualTableLog) + v := single[val&tlMask].entry + nBits := uint8(v) + br.advance(nBits) + bitsLeft -= uint(nBits) + out[offset] = uint8(v >> 8) + offset++ + } + decoded += offset - dstEvery*i + err = br.close() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + if dstSize != decoded { + return nil, errors.New("corruption detected: short output block") + } + return dst, nil +} + +// Decompress4X will decompress a 4X encoded stream. +// The length of the supplied input must match the end of a block exactly. +// The *capacity* of the dst slice must match the destination size of +// the uncompressed data exactly. +func (d *Decoder) decompress4X8bit(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + if d.actualTableLog == 8 { + return d.decompress4X8bitExactly(dst, src) + } + + var br [4]bitReaderBytes + start := 6 + for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { + length := int(src[i*2]) | (int(src[i*2+1]) << 8) + if start+length >= len(src) { + return nil, errors.New("truncated input (or invalid offset)") + } + err := br[i].init(src[start : start+length]) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + start += length + } + err := br[3].init(src[start:]) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + // destination, offset to match first output + dstSize := cap(dst) + dst = dst[:dstSize] + out := dst + dstEvery := (dstSize + 3) / 4 + + shift := (8 - d.actualTableLog) & 7 + + const tlSize = 1 << 8 + const tlMask = tlSize - 1 + single := d.dt.single[:tlSize] + + // Use temp table to avoid bound checks/append penalty. + var buf [256]byte + var off uint8 + var decoded int + + // Decode 4 values from each decoder/loop. + const bufoff = 256 / 4 + for { + if br[0].off < 4 || br[1].off < 4 || br[2].off < 4 || br[3].off < 4 { + break + } + + { + // Interleave 2 decodes. + const stream = 0 + const stream2 = 1 + br[stream].fillFast() + br[stream2].fillFast() + + v := single[br[stream].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream] = uint8(v >> 8) + br[stream].advance(uint8(v)) + + v2 := single[br[stream2].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream2] = uint8(v2 >> 8) + br[stream2].advance(uint8(v2)) + + v = single[br[stream].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream+1] = uint8(v >> 8) + br[stream].advance(uint8(v)) + + v2 = single[br[stream2].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream2+1] = uint8(v2 >> 8) + br[stream2].advance(uint8(v2)) + + v = single[br[stream].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream+2] = uint8(v >> 8) + br[stream].advance(uint8(v)) + + v2 = single[br[stream2].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream2+2] = uint8(v2 >> 8) + br[stream2].advance(uint8(v2)) + + v = single[br[stream].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream+3] = uint8(v >> 8) + br[stream].advance(uint8(v)) + + v2 = single[br[stream2].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream2+3] = uint8(v2 >> 8) + br[stream2].advance(uint8(v2)) + } + + { + const stream = 2 + const stream2 = 3 + br[stream].fillFast() + br[stream2].fillFast() + + v := single[br[stream].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream] = uint8(v >> 8) + br[stream].advance(uint8(v)) + + v2 := single[br[stream2].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream2] = uint8(v2 >> 8) + br[stream2].advance(uint8(v2)) + + v = single[br[stream].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream+1] = uint8(v >> 8) + br[stream].advance(uint8(v)) + + v2 = single[br[stream2].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream2+1] = uint8(v2 >> 8) + br[stream2].advance(uint8(v2)) + + v = single[br[stream].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream+2] = uint8(v >> 8) + br[stream].advance(uint8(v)) + + v2 = single[br[stream2].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream2+2] = uint8(v2 >> 8) + br[stream2].advance(uint8(v2)) + + v = single[br[stream].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream+3] = uint8(v >> 8) + br[stream].advance(uint8(v)) + + v2 = single[br[stream2].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream2+3] = uint8(v2 >> 8) + br[stream2].advance(uint8(v2)) + } + + off += 4 + + if off == bufoff { + if bufoff > dstEvery { + return nil, errors.New("corruption detected: stream overrun 1") + } + copy(out, buf[:bufoff]) + copy(out[dstEvery:], buf[bufoff:bufoff*2]) + copy(out[dstEvery*2:], buf[bufoff*2:bufoff*3]) + copy(out[dstEvery*3:], buf[bufoff*3:bufoff*4]) + off = 0 + out = out[bufoff:] + decoded += 256 + // There must at least be 3 buffers left. + if len(out) < dstEvery*3 { + return nil, errors.New("corruption detected: stream overrun 2") + } + } + } + if off > 0 { + ioff := int(off) + if len(out) < dstEvery*3+ioff { + return nil, errors.New("corruption detected: stream overrun 3") + } + copy(out, buf[:off]) + copy(out[dstEvery:dstEvery+ioff], buf[bufoff:bufoff*2]) + copy(out[dstEvery*2:dstEvery*2+ioff], buf[bufoff*2:bufoff*3]) + copy(out[dstEvery*3:dstEvery*3+ioff], buf[bufoff*3:bufoff*4]) + decoded += int(off) * 4 + out = out[off:] + } + + // Decode remaining. + for i := range br { + offset := dstEvery * i + br := &br[i] + bitsLeft := int(br.off*8) + int(64-br.bitsRead) + for bitsLeft > 0 { + if br.finished() { + return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + if br.bitsRead >= 56 { + if br.off >= 4 { + v := br.in[br.off-4:] + v = v[:4] + low := (uint32(v[0])) | (uint32(v[1]) << 8) | (uint32(v[2]) << 16) | (uint32(v[3]) << 24) + br.value |= uint64(low) << (br.bitsRead - 32) + br.bitsRead -= 32 + br.off -= 4 + } else { + for br.off > 0 { + br.value |= uint64(br.in[br.off-1]) << (br.bitsRead - 8) + br.bitsRead -= 8 + br.off-- + } + } + } + // end inline... + if offset >= len(out) { + return nil, errors.New("corruption detected: stream overrun 4") + } + + // Read value and increment offset. + v := single[br.peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + nBits := uint8(v) + br.advance(nBits) + bitsLeft -= int(nBits) + out[offset] = uint8(v >> 8) + offset++ + } + decoded += offset - dstEvery*i + err = br.close() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + if dstSize != decoded { + return nil, errors.New("corruption detected: short output block") + } + return dst, nil +} + +// Decompress4X will decompress a 4X encoded stream. +// The length of the supplied input must match the end of a block exactly. +// The *capacity* of the dst slice must match the destination size of +// the uncompressed data exactly. +func (d *Decoder) decompress4X8bitExactly(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + var br [4]bitReaderBytes + start := 6 + for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { + length := int(src[i*2]) | (int(src[i*2+1]) << 8) + if start+length >= len(src) { + return nil, errors.New("truncated input (or invalid offset)") + } + err := br[i].init(src[start : start+length]) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + start += length + } + err := br[3].init(src[start:]) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + // destination, offset to match first output + dstSize := cap(dst) + dst = dst[:dstSize] + out := dst + dstEvery := (dstSize + 3) / 4 + + const shift = 0 + const tlSize = 1 << 8 + const tlMask = tlSize - 1 + single := d.dt.single[:tlSize] + + // Use temp table to avoid bound checks/append penalty. + var buf [256]byte + var off uint8 + var decoded int + + // Decode 4 values from each decoder/loop. + const bufoff = 256 / 4 + for { + if br[0].off < 4 || br[1].off < 4 || br[2].off < 4 || br[3].off < 4 { + break + } + + { + // Interleave 2 decodes. + const stream = 0 + const stream2 = 1 + br[stream].fillFast() + br[stream2].fillFast() + + v := single[br[stream].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream] = uint8(v >> 8) + br[stream].advance(uint8(v)) + + v2 := single[br[stream2].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream2] = uint8(v2 >> 8) + br[stream2].advance(uint8(v2)) + + v = single[br[stream].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream+1] = uint8(v >> 8) + br[stream].advance(uint8(v)) + + v2 = single[br[stream2].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream2+1] = uint8(v2 >> 8) + br[stream2].advance(uint8(v2)) + + v = single[br[stream].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream+2] = uint8(v >> 8) + br[stream].advance(uint8(v)) + + v2 = single[br[stream2].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream2+2] = uint8(v2 >> 8) + br[stream2].advance(uint8(v2)) + + v = single[br[stream].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream+3] = uint8(v >> 8) + br[stream].advance(uint8(v)) + + v2 = single[br[stream2].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream2+3] = uint8(v2 >> 8) + br[stream2].advance(uint8(v2)) + } + + { + const stream = 2 + const stream2 = 3 + br[stream].fillFast() + br[stream2].fillFast() + + v := single[br[stream].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream] = uint8(v >> 8) + br[stream].advance(uint8(v)) + + v2 := single[br[stream2].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream2] = uint8(v2 >> 8) + br[stream2].advance(uint8(v2)) + + v = single[br[stream].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream+1] = uint8(v >> 8) + br[stream].advance(uint8(v)) + + v2 = single[br[stream2].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream2+1] = uint8(v2 >> 8) + br[stream2].advance(uint8(v2)) + + v = single[br[stream].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream+2] = uint8(v >> 8) + br[stream].advance(uint8(v)) + + v2 = single[br[stream2].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream2+2] = uint8(v2 >> 8) + br[stream2].advance(uint8(v2)) + + v = single[br[stream].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream+3] = uint8(v >> 8) + br[stream].advance(uint8(v)) + + v2 = single[br[stream2].peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + buf[off+bufoff*stream2+3] = uint8(v2 >> 8) + br[stream2].advance(uint8(v2)) + } + + off += 4 + + if off == bufoff { + if bufoff > dstEvery { + return nil, errors.New("corruption detected: stream overrun 1") + } + copy(out, buf[:bufoff]) + copy(out[dstEvery:], buf[bufoff:bufoff*2]) + copy(out[dstEvery*2:], buf[bufoff*2:bufoff*3]) + copy(out[dstEvery*3:], buf[bufoff*3:bufoff*4]) + off = 0 + out = out[bufoff:] + decoded += 256 + // There must at least be 3 buffers left. + if len(out) < dstEvery*3 { + return nil, errors.New("corruption detected: stream overrun 2") + } + } + } + if off > 0 { + ioff := int(off) + if len(out) < dstEvery*3+ioff { + return nil, errors.New("corruption detected: stream overrun 3") + } + copy(out, buf[:off]) + copy(out[dstEvery:dstEvery+ioff], buf[bufoff:bufoff*2]) + copy(out[dstEvery*2:dstEvery*2+ioff], buf[bufoff*2:bufoff*3]) + copy(out[dstEvery*3:dstEvery*3+ioff], buf[bufoff*3:bufoff*4]) + decoded += int(off) * 4 + out = out[off:] + } + + // Decode remaining. + for i := range br { + offset := dstEvery * i + br := &br[i] + bitsLeft := int(br.off*8) + int(64-br.bitsRead) + for bitsLeft > 0 { + if br.finished() { + return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + if br.bitsRead >= 56 { + if br.off >= 4 { + v := br.in[br.off-4:] + v = v[:4] + low := (uint32(v[0])) | (uint32(v[1]) << 8) | (uint32(v[2]) << 16) | (uint32(v[3]) << 24) + br.value |= uint64(low) << (br.bitsRead - 32) + br.bitsRead -= 32 + br.off -= 4 + } else { + for br.off > 0 { + br.value |= uint64(br.in[br.off-1]) << (br.bitsRead - 8) + br.bitsRead -= 8 + br.off-- + } + } + } + // end inline... + if offset >= len(out) { + return nil, errors.New("corruption detected: stream overrun 4") + } + + // Read value and increment offset. + v := single[br.peekByteFast()>>shift].entry + nBits := uint8(v) + br.advance(nBits) + bitsLeft -= int(nBits) + out[offset] = uint8(v >> 8) + offset++ + } + decoded += offset - dstEvery*i + err = br.close() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + if dstSize != decoded { + return nil, errors.New("corruption detected: short output block") + } + return dst, nil +} + +// matches will compare a decoding table to a coding table. +// Errors are written to the writer. +// Nothing will be written if table is ok. +func (s *Scratch) matches(ct cTable, w io.Writer) { + if s == nil || len(s.dt.single) == 0 { + return + } + dt := s.dt.single[:1<>8) == byte(sym) { + fmt.Fprintf(w, "symbol %x has decoder, but no encoder\n", sym) + errs++ + break + } + } + if errs == 0 { + broken-- + } + continue + } + // Unused bits in input + ub := tablelog - enc.nBits + top := enc.val << ub + // decoder looks at top bits. + dec := dt[top] + if uint8(dec.entry) != enc.nBits { + fmt.Fprintf(w, "symbol 0x%x bit size mismatch (enc: %d, dec:%d).\n", sym, enc.nBits, uint8(dec.entry)) + errs++ + } + if uint8(dec.entry>>8) != uint8(sym) { + fmt.Fprintf(w, "symbol 0x%x decoder output mismatch (enc: %d, dec:%d).\n", sym, sym, uint8(dec.entry>>8)) + errs++ + } + if errs > 0 { + fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d errros in base, stopping\n", errs) + continue + } + // Ensure that all combinations are covered. + for i := uint16(0); i < (1 << ub); i++ { + vval := top | i + dec := dt[vval] + if uint8(dec.entry) != enc.nBits { + fmt.Fprintf(w, "symbol 0x%x bit size mismatch (enc: %d, dec:%d).\n", vval, enc.nBits, uint8(dec.entry)) + errs++ + } + if uint8(dec.entry>>8) != uint8(sym) { + fmt.Fprintf(w, "symbol 0x%x decoder output mismatch (enc: %d, dec:%d).\n", vval, sym, uint8(dec.entry>>8)) + errs++ + } + if errs > 20 { + fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d errros, stopping\n", errs) + break + } + } + if errs == 0 { + ok++ + broken-- + } + } + if broken > 0 { + fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d broken, %d ok\n", broken, ok) + } +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/huff0.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/huff0.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7ec2022b650 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0/huff0.go @@ -0,0 +1,273 @@ +// Package huff0 provides fast huffman encoding as used in zstd. +// +// See README.md at https://github.com/klauspost/compress/tree/master/huff0 for details. +package huff0 + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + "math" + "math/bits" + + "github.com/klauspost/compress/fse" +) + +const ( + maxSymbolValue = 255 + + // zstandard limits tablelog to 11, see: + // https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/dev/doc/zstd_compression_format.md#huffman-tree-description + tableLogMax = 11 + tableLogDefault = 11 + minTablelog = 5 + huffNodesLen = 512 + + // BlockSizeMax is maximum input size for a single block uncompressed. + BlockSizeMax = 1<<18 - 1 +) + +var ( + // ErrIncompressible is returned when input is judged to be too hard to compress. + ErrIncompressible = errors.New("input is not compressible") + + // ErrUseRLE is returned from the compressor when the input is a single byte value repeated. + ErrUseRLE = errors.New("input is single value repeated") + + // ErrTooBig is return if input is too large for a single block. + ErrTooBig = errors.New("input too big") + + // ErrMaxDecodedSizeExceeded is return if input is too large for a single block. + ErrMaxDecodedSizeExceeded = errors.New("maximum output size exceeded") +) + +type ReusePolicy uint8 + +const ( + // ReusePolicyAllow will allow reuse if it produces smaller output. + ReusePolicyAllow ReusePolicy = iota + + // ReusePolicyPrefer will re-use aggressively if possible. + // This will not check if a new table will produce smaller output, + // except if the current table is impossible to use or + // compressed output is bigger than input. + ReusePolicyPrefer + + // ReusePolicyNone will disable re-use of tables. + // This is slightly faster than ReusePolicyAllow but may produce larger output. + ReusePolicyNone + + // ReusePolicyMust must allow reuse and produce smaller output. + ReusePolicyMust +) + +type Scratch struct { + count [maxSymbolValue + 1]uint32 + + // Per block parameters. + // These can be used to override compression parameters of the block. + // Do not touch, unless you know what you are doing. + + // Out is output buffer. + // If the scratch is re-used before the caller is done processing the output, + // set this field to nil. + // Otherwise the output buffer will be re-used for next Compression/Decompression step + // and allocation will be avoided. + Out []byte + + // OutTable will contain the table data only, if a new table has been generated. + // Slice of the returned data. + OutTable []byte + + // OutData will contain the compressed data. + // Slice of the returned data. + OutData []byte + + // MaxDecodedSize will set the maximum allowed output size. + // This value will automatically be set to BlockSizeMax if not set. + // Decoders will return ErrMaxDecodedSizeExceeded is this limit is exceeded. + MaxDecodedSize int + + br byteReader + + // MaxSymbolValue will override the maximum symbol value of the next block. + MaxSymbolValue uint8 + + // TableLog will attempt to override the tablelog for the next block. + // Must be <= 11 and >= 5. + TableLog uint8 + + // Reuse will specify the reuse policy + Reuse ReusePolicy + + // WantLogLess allows to specify a log 2 reduction that should at least be achieved, + // otherwise the block will be returned as incompressible. + // The reduction should then at least be (input size >> WantLogLess) + // If WantLogLess == 0 any improvement will do. + WantLogLess uint8 + + symbolLen uint16 // Length of active part of the symbol table. + maxCount int // count of the most probable symbol + clearCount bool // clear count + actualTableLog uint8 // Selected tablelog. + prevTableLog uint8 // Tablelog for previous table + prevTable cTable // Table used for previous compression. + cTable cTable // compression table + dt dTable // decompression table + nodes []nodeElt + tmpOut [4][]byte + fse *fse.Scratch + huffWeight [maxSymbolValue + 1]byte +} + +// TransferCTable will transfer the previously used compression table. +func (s *Scratch) TransferCTable(src *Scratch) { + if cap(s.prevTable) < len(src.prevTable) { + s.prevTable = make(cTable, 0, maxSymbolValue+1) + } + s.prevTable = s.prevTable[:len(src.prevTable)] + copy(s.prevTable, src.prevTable) + s.prevTableLog = src.prevTableLog +} + +func (s *Scratch) prepare(in []byte) (*Scratch, error) { + if len(in) > BlockSizeMax { + return nil, ErrTooBig + } + if s == nil { + s = &Scratch{} + } + if s.MaxSymbolValue == 0 { + s.MaxSymbolValue = maxSymbolValue + } + if s.TableLog == 0 { + s.TableLog = tableLogDefault + } + if s.TableLog > tableLogMax || s.TableLog < minTablelog { + return nil, fmt.Errorf(" invalid tableLog %d (%d -> %d)", s.TableLog, minTablelog, tableLogMax) + } + if s.MaxDecodedSize <= 0 || s.MaxDecodedSize > BlockSizeMax { + s.MaxDecodedSize = BlockSizeMax + } + if s.clearCount && s.maxCount == 0 { + for i := range s.count { + s.count[i] = 0 + } + s.clearCount = false + } + if cap(s.Out) == 0 { + s.Out = make([]byte, 0, len(in)) + } + s.Out = s.Out[:0] + + s.OutTable = nil + s.OutData = nil + if cap(s.nodes) < huffNodesLen+1 { + s.nodes = make([]nodeElt, 0, huffNodesLen+1) + } + s.nodes = s.nodes[:0] + if s.fse == nil { + s.fse = &fse.Scratch{} + } + s.br.init(in) + + return s, nil +} + +type cTable []cTableEntry + +func (c cTable) write(s *Scratch) error { + var ( + // precomputed conversion table + bitsToWeight [tableLogMax + 1]byte + huffLog = s.actualTableLog + // last weight is not saved. + maxSymbolValue = uint8(s.symbolLen - 1) + huffWeight = s.huffWeight[:256] + ) + const ( + maxFSETableLog = 6 + ) + // convert to weight + bitsToWeight[0] = 0 + for n := uint8(1); n < huffLog+1; n++ { + bitsToWeight[n] = huffLog + 1 - n + } + + // Acquire histogram for FSE. + hist := s.fse.Histogram() + hist = hist[:256] + for i := range hist[:16] { + hist[i] = 0 + } + for n := uint8(0); n < maxSymbolValue; n++ { + v := bitsToWeight[c[n].nBits] & 15 + huffWeight[n] = v + hist[v]++ + } + + // FSE compress if feasible. + if maxSymbolValue >= 2 { + huffMaxCnt := uint32(0) + huffMax := uint8(0) + for i, v := range hist[:16] { + if v == 0 { + continue + } + huffMax = byte(i) + if v > huffMaxCnt { + huffMaxCnt = v + } + } + s.fse.HistogramFinished(huffMax, int(huffMaxCnt)) + s.fse.TableLog = maxFSETableLog + b, err := fse.Compress(huffWeight[:maxSymbolValue], s.fse) + if err == nil && len(b) < int(s.symbolLen>>1) { + s.Out = append(s.Out, uint8(len(b))) + s.Out = append(s.Out, b...) + return nil + } + // Unable to compress (RLE/uncompressible) + } + // write raw values as 4-bits (max : 15) + if maxSymbolValue > (256 - 128) { + // should not happen : likely means source cannot be compressed + return ErrIncompressible + } + op := s.Out + // special case, pack weights 4 bits/weight. + op = append(op, 128|(maxSymbolValue-1)) + // be sure it doesn't cause msan issue in final combination + huffWeight[maxSymbolValue] = 0 + for n := uint16(0); n < uint16(maxSymbolValue); n += 2 { + op = append(op, (huffWeight[n]<<4)|huffWeight[n+1]) + } + s.Out = op + return nil +} + +// estimateSize returns the estimated size in bytes of the input represented in the +// histogram supplied. +func (c cTable) estimateSize(hist []uint32) int { + nbBits := uint32(7) + for i, v := range c[:len(hist)] { + nbBits += uint32(v.nBits) * hist[i] + } + return int(nbBits >> 3) +} + +// minSize returns the minimum possible size considering the shannon limit. +func (s *Scratch) minSize(total int) int { + nbBits := float64(7) + fTotal := float64(total) + for _, v := range s.count[:s.symbolLen] { + n := float64(v) + if n > 0 { + nbBits += math.Log2(fTotal/n) * n + } + } + return int(nbBits) >> 3 +} + +func highBit32(val uint32) (n uint32) { + return uint32(bits.Len32(val) - 1) +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/.gitignore b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..042091d9b3b --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +cmd/snappytool/snappytool +testdata/bench + +# These explicitly listed benchmark data files are for an obsolete version of +# snappy_test.go. +testdata/alice29.txt +testdata/asyoulik.txt +testdata/fireworks.jpeg +testdata/geo.protodata +testdata/html +testdata/html_x_4 +testdata/kppkn.gtb +testdata/lcet10.txt +testdata/paper-100k.pdf +testdata/plrabn12.txt +testdata/urls.10K diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/AUTHORS b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/AUTHORS new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..bcfa19520af --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/AUTHORS @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# This is the official list of Snappy-Go authors for copyright purposes. +# This file is distinct from the CONTRIBUTORS files. +# See the latter for an explanation. + +# Names should be added to this file as +# Name or Organization +# The email address is not required for organizations. + +# Please keep the list sorted. + +Damian Gryski +Google Inc. +Jan Mercl <0xjnml@gmail.com> +Rodolfo Carvalho +Sebastien Binet diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/CONTRIBUTORS b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/CONTRIBUTORS new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..931ae31606f --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/CONTRIBUTORS @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# This is the official list of people who can contribute +# (and typically have contributed) code to the Snappy-Go repository. +# The AUTHORS file lists the copyright holders; this file +# lists people. For example, Google employees are listed here +# but not in AUTHORS, because Google holds the copyright. +# +# The submission process automatically checks to make sure +# that people submitting code are listed in this file (by email address). +# +# Names should be added to this file only after verifying that +# the individual or the individual's organization has agreed to +# the appropriate Contributor License Agreement, found here: +# +# http://code.google.com/legal/individual-cla-v1.0.html +# http://code.google.com/legal/corporate-cla-v1.0.html +# +# The agreement for individuals can be filled out on the web. +# +# When adding J Random Contributor's name to this file, +# either J's name or J's organization's name should be +# added to the AUTHORS file, depending on whether the +# individual or corporate CLA was used. + +# Names should be added to this file like so: +# Name + +# Please keep the list sorted. + +Damian Gryski +Jan Mercl <0xjnml@gmail.com> +Kai Backman +Marc-Antoine Ruel +Nigel Tao +Rob Pike +Rodolfo Carvalho +Russ Cox +Sebastien Binet diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/LICENSE b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6050c10f4c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +Copyright (c) 2011 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are +met: + + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer +in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the +distribution. + * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its +contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from +this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS +"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT +LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR +A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT +OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, +SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT +LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, +DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY +THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE +OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/README b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..cea12879a0e --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/README @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +The Snappy compression format in the Go programming language. + +To download and install from source: +$ go get github.com/golang/snappy + +Unless otherwise noted, the Snappy-Go source files are distributed +under the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file. + + + +Benchmarks. + +The golang/snappy benchmarks include compressing (Z) and decompressing (U) ten +or so files, the same set used by the C++ Snappy code (github.com/google/snappy +and note the "google", not "golang"). On an "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ +3.40GHz", Go's GOARCH=amd64 numbers as of 2016-05-29: + +"go test -test.bench=." + +_UFlat0-8 2.19GB/s ± 0% html +_UFlat1-8 1.41GB/s ± 0% urls +_UFlat2-8 23.5GB/s ± 2% jpg +_UFlat3-8 1.91GB/s ± 0% jpg_200 +_UFlat4-8 14.0GB/s ± 1% pdf +_UFlat5-8 1.97GB/s ± 0% html4 +_UFlat6-8 814MB/s ± 0% txt1 +_UFlat7-8 785MB/s ± 0% txt2 +_UFlat8-8 857MB/s ± 0% txt3 +_UFlat9-8 719MB/s ± 1% txt4 +_UFlat10-8 2.84GB/s ± 0% pb +_UFlat11-8 1.05GB/s ± 0% gaviota + +_ZFlat0-8 1.04GB/s ± 0% html +_ZFlat1-8 534MB/s ± 0% urls +_ZFlat2-8 15.7GB/s ± 1% jpg +_ZFlat3-8 740MB/s ± 3% jpg_200 +_ZFlat4-8 9.20GB/s ± 1% pdf +_ZFlat5-8 991MB/s ± 0% html4 +_ZFlat6-8 379MB/s ± 0% txt1 +_ZFlat7-8 352MB/s ± 0% txt2 +_ZFlat8-8 396MB/s ± 1% txt3 +_ZFlat9-8 327MB/s ± 1% txt4 +_ZFlat10-8 1.33GB/s ± 1% pb +_ZFlat11-8 605MB/s ± 1% gaviota + + + +"go test -test.bench=. -tags=noasm" + +_UFlat0-8 621MB/s ± 2% html +_UFlat1-8 494MB/s ± 1% urls +_UFlat2-8 23.2GB/s ± 1% jpg +_UFlat3-8 1.12GB/s ± 1% jpg_200 +_UFlat4-8 4.35GB/s ± 1% pdf +_UFlat5-8 609MB/s ± 0% html4 +_UFlat6-8 296MB/s ± 0% txt1 +_UFlat7-8 288MB/s ± 0% txt2 +_UFlat8-8 309MB/s ± 1% txt3 +_UFlat9-8 280MB/s ± 1% txt4 +_UFlat10-8 753MB/s ± 0% pb +_UFlat11-8 400MB/s ± 0% gaviota + +_ZFlat0-8 409MB/s ± 1% html +_ZFlat1-8 250MB/s ± 1% urls +_ZFlat2-8 12.3GB/s ± 1% jpg +_ZFlat3-8 132MB/s ± 0% jpg_200 +_ZFlat4-8 2.92GB/s ± 0% pdf +_ZFlat5-8 405MB/s ± 1% html4 +_ZFlat6-8 179MB/s ± 1% txt1 +_ZFlat7-8 170MB/s ± 1% txt2 +_ZFlat8-8 189MB/s ± 1% txt3 +_ZFlat9-8 164MB/s ± 1% txt4 +_ZFlat10-8 479MB/s ± 1% pb +_ZFlat11-8 270MB/s ± 1% gaviota + + + +For comparison (Go's encoded output is byte-for-byte identical to C++'s), here +are the numbers from C++ Snappy's + +make CXXFLAGS="-O2 -DNDEBUG -g" clean snappy_unittest.log && cat snappy_unittest.log + +BM_UFlat/0 2.4GB/s html +BM_UFlat/1 1.4GB/s urls +BM_UFlat/2 21.8GB/s jpg +BM_UFlat/3 1.5GB/s jpg_200 +BM_UFlat/4 13.3GB/s pdf +BM_UFlat/5 2.1GB/s html4 +BM_UFlat/6 1.0GB/s txt1 +BM_UFlat/7 959.4MB/s txt2 +BM_UFlat/8 1.0GB/s txt3 +BM_UFlat/9 864.5MB/s txt4 +BM_UFlat/10 2.9GB/s pb +BM_UFlat/11 1.2GB/s gaviota + +BM_ZFlat/0 944.3MB/s html (22.31 %) +BM_ZFlat/1 501.6MB/s urls (47.78 %) +BM_ZFlat/2 14.3GB/s jpg (99.95 %) +BM_ZFlat/3 538.3MB/s jpg_200 (73.00 %) +BM_ZFlat/4 8.3GB/s pdf (83.30 %) +BM_ZFlat/5 903.5MB/s html4 (22.52 %) +BM_ZFlat/6 336.0MB/s txt1 (57.88 %) +BM_ZFlat/7 312.3MB/s txt2 (61.91 %) +BM_ZFlat/8 353.1MB/s txt3 (54.99 %) +BM_ZFlat/9 289.9MB/s txt4 (66.26 %) +BM_ZFlat/10 1.2GB/s pb (19.68 %) +BM_ZFlat/11 527.4MB/s gaviota (37.72 %) diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/decode.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/decode.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..72efb0353dd --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/decode.go @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ +// Copyright 2011 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package snappy + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "errors" + "io" +) + +var ( + // ErrCorrupt reports that the input is invalid. + ErrCorrupt = errors.New("snappy: corrupt input") + // ErrTooLarge reports that the uncompressed length is too large. + ErrTooLarge = errors.New("snappy: decoded block is too large") + // ErrUnsupported reports that the input isn't supported. + ErrUnsupported = errors.New("snappy: unsupported input") + + errUnsupportedLiteralLength = errors.New("snappy: unsupported literal length") +) + +// DecodedLen returns the length of the decoded block. +func DecodedLen(src []byte) (int, error) { + v, _, err := decodedLen(src) + return v, err +} + +// decodedLen returns the length of the decoded block and the number of bytes +// that the length header occupied. +func decodedLen(src []byte) (blockLen, headerLen int, err error) { + v, n := binary.Uvarint(src) + if n <= 0 || v > 0xffffffff { + return 0, 0, ErrCorrupt + } + + const wordSize = 32 << (^uint(0) >> 32 & 1) + if wordSize == 32 && v > 0x7fffffff { + return 0, 0, ErrTooLarge + } + return int(v), n, nil +} + +const ( + decodeErrCodeCorrupt = 1 + decodeErrCodeUnsupportedLiteralLength = 2 +) + +// Decode returns the decoded form of src. The returned slice may be a sub- +// slice of dst if dst was large enough to hold the entire decoded block. +// Otherwise, a newly allocated slice will be returned. +// +// The dst and src must not overlap. It is valid to pass a nil dst. +func Decode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + dLen, s, err := decodedLen(src) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if dLen <= len(dst) { + dst = dst[:dLen] + } else { + dst = make([]byte, dLen) + } + switch decode(dst, src[s:]) { + case 0: + return dst, nil + case decodeErrCodeUnsupportedLiteralLength: + return nil, errUnsupportedLiteralLength + } + return nil, ErrCorrupt +} + +// NewReader returns a new Reader that decompresses from r, using the framing +// format described at +// https://github.com/google/snappy/blob/master/framing_format.txt +func NewReader(r io.Reader) *Reader { + return &Reader{ + r: r, + decoded: make([]byte, maxBlockSize), + buf: make([]byte, maxEncodedLenOfMaxBlockSize+checksumSize), + } +} + +// Reader is an io.Reader that can read Snappy-compressed bytes. +type Reader struct { + r io.Reader + err error + decoded []byte + buf []byte + // decoded[i:j] contains decoded bytes that have not yet been passed on. + i, j int + readHeader bool +} + +// Reset discards any buffered data, resets all state, and switches the Snappy +// reader to read from r. This permits reusing a Reader rather than allocating +// a new one. +func (r *Reader) Reset(reader io.Reader) { + r.r = reader + r.err = nil + r.i = 0 + r.j = 0 + r.readHeader = false +} + +func (r *Reader) readFull(p []byte, allowEOF bool) (ok bool) { + if _, r.err = io.ReadFull(r.r, p); r.err != nil { + if r.err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF || (r.err == io.EOF && !allowEOF) { + r.err = ErrCorrupt + } + return false + } + return true +} + +// Read satisfies the io.Reader interface. +func (r *Reader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) { + if r.err != nil { + return 0, r.err + } + for { + if r.i < r.j { + n := copy(p, r.decoded[r.i:r.j]) + r.i += n + return n, nil + } + if !r.readFull(r.buf[:4], true) { + return 0, r.err + } + chunkType := r.buf[0] + if !r.readHeader { + if chunkType != chunkTypeStreamIdentifier { + r.err = ErrCorrupt + return 0, r.err + } + r.readHeader = true + } + chunkLen := int(r.buf[1]) | int(r.buf[2])<<8 | int(r.buf[3])<<16 + if chunkLen > len(r.buf) { + r.err = ErrUnsupported + return 0, r.err + } + + // The chunk types are specified at + // https://github.com/google/snappy/blob/master/framing_format.txt + switch chunkType { + case chunkTypeCompressedData: + // Section 4.2. Compressed data (chunk type 0x00). + if chunkLen < checksumSize { + r.err = ErrCorrupt + return 0, r.err + } + buf := r.buf[:chunkLen] + if !r.readFull(buf, false) { + return 0, r.err + } + checksum := uint32(buf[0]) | uint32(buf[1])<<8 | uint32(buf[2])<<16 | uint32(buf[3])<<24 + buf = buf[checksumSize:] + + n, err := DecodedLen(buf) + if err != nil { + r.err = err + return 0, r.err + } + if n > len(r.decoded) { + r.err = ErrCorrupt + return 0, r.err + } + if _, err := Decode(r.decoded, buf); err != nil { + r.err = err + return 0, r.err + } + if crc(r.decoded[:n]) != checksum { + r.err = ErrCorrupt + return 0, r.err + } + r.i, r.j = 0, n + continue + + case chunkTypeUncompressedData: + // Section 4.3. Uncompressed data (chunk type 0x01). + if chunkLen < checksumSize { + r.err = ErrCorrupt + return 0, r.err + } + buf := r.buf[:checksumSize] + if !r.readFull(buf, false) { + return 0, r.err + } + checksum := uint32(buf[0]) | uint32(buf[1])<<8 | uint32(buf[2])<<16 | uint32(buf[3])<<24 + // Read directly into r.decoded instead of via r.buf. + n := chunkLen - checksumSize + if n > len(r.decoded) { + r.err = ErrCorrupt + return 0, r.err + } + if !r.readFull(r.decoded[:n], false) { + return 0, r.err + } + if crc(r.decoded[:n]) != checksum { + r.err = ErrCorrupt + return 0, r.err + } + r.i, r.j = 0, n + continue + + case chunkTypeStreamIdentifier: + // Section 4.1. Stream identifier (chunk type 0xff). + if chunkLen != len(magicBody) { + r.err = ErrCorrupt + return 0, r.err + } + if !r.readFull(r.buf[:len(magicBody)], false) { + return 0, r.err + } + for i := 0; i < len(magicBody); i++ { + if r.buf[i] != magicBody[i] { + r.err = ErrCorrupt + return 0, r.err + } + } + continue + } + + if chunkType <= 0x7f { + // Section 4.5. Reserved unskippable chunks (chunk types 0x02-0x7f). + r.err = ErrUnsupported + return 0, r.err + } + // Section 4.4 Padding (chunk type 0xfe). + // Section 4.6. Reserved skippable chunks (chunk types 0x80-0xfd). + if !r.readFull(r.buf[:chunkLen], false) { + return 0, r.err + } + } +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/decode_amd64.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/decode_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..fcd192b849e --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/decode_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +// Copyright 2016 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build !appengine +// +build gc +// +build !noasm + +package snappy + +// decode has the same semantics as in decode_other.go. +// +//go:noescape +func decode(dst, src []byte) int diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/decode_amd64.s b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/decode_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1c66e37234d --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/decode_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,482 @@ +// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build !appengine +// +build gc +// +build !noasm + +#include "textflag.h" + +// The asm code generally follows the pure Go code in decode_other.go, except +// where marked with a "!!!". + +// func decode(dst, src []byte) int +// +// All local variables fit into registers. The non-zero stack size is only to +// spill registers and push args when issuing a CALL. The register allocation: +// - AX scratch +// - BX scratch +// - CX length or x +// - DX offset +// - SI &src[s] +// - DI &dst[d] +// + R8 dst_base +// + R9 dst_len +// + R10 dst_base + dst_len +// + R11 src_base +// + R12 src_len +// + R13 src_base + src_len +// - R14 used by doCopy +// - R15 used by doCopy +// +// The registers R8-R13 (marked with a "+") are set at the start of the +// function, and after a CALL returns, and are not otherwise modified. +// +// The d variable is implicitly DI - R8, and len(dst)-d is R10 - DI. +// The s variable is implicitly SI - R11, and len(src)-s is R13 - SI. +TEXT ·decode(SB), NOSPLIT, $48-56 + // Initialize SI, DI and R8-R13. + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), R8 + MOVQ dst_len+8(FP), R9 + MOVQ R8, DI + MOVQ R8, R10 + ADDQ R9, R10 + MOVQ src_base+24(FP), R11 + MOVQ src_len+32(FP), R12 + MOVQ R11, SI + MOVQ R11, R13 + ADDQ R12, R13 + +loop: + // for s < len(src) + CMPQ SI, R13 + JEQ end + + // CX = uint32(src[s]) + // + // switch src[s] & 0x03 + MOVBLZX (SI), CX + MOVL CX, BX + ANDL $3, BX + CMPL BX, $1 + JAE tagCopy + + // ---------------------------------------- + // The code below handles literal tags. + + // case tagLiteral: + // x := uint32(src[s] >> 2) + // switch + SHRL $2, CX + CMPL CX, $60 + JAE tagLit60Plus + + // case x < 60: + // s++ + INCQ SI + +doLit: + // This is the end of the inner "switch", when we have a literal tag. + // + // We assume that CX == x and x fits in a uint32, where x is the variable + // used in the pure Go decode_other.go code. + + // length = int(x) + 1 + // + // Unlike the pure Go code, we don't need to check if length <= 0 because + // CX can hold 64 bits, so the increment cannot overflow. + INCQ CX + + // Prepare to check if copying length bytes will run past the end of dst or + // src. + // + // AX = len(dst) - d + // BX = len(src) - s + MOVQ R10, AX + SUBQ DI, AX + MOVQ R13, BX + SUBQ SI, BX + + // !!! Try a faster technique for short (16 or fewer bytes) copies. + // + // if length > 16 || len(dst)-d < 16 || len(src)-s < 16 { + // goto callMemmove // Fall back on calling runtime·memmove. + // } + // + // The C++ snappy code calls this TryFastAppend. It also checks len(src)-s + // against 21 instead of 16, because it cannot assume that all of its input + // is contiguous in memory and so it needs to leave enough source bytes to + // read the next tag without refilling buffers, but Go's Decode assumes + // contiguousness (the src argument is a []byte). + CMPQ CX, $16 + JGT callMemmove + CMPQ AX, $16 + JLT callMemmove + CMPQ BX, $16 + JLT callMemmove + + // !!! Implement the copy from src to dst as a 16-byte load and store. + // (Decode's documentation says that dst and src must not overlap.) + // + // This always copies 16 bytes, instead of only length bytes, but that's + // OK. If the input is a valid Snappy encoding then subsequent iterations + // will fix up the overrun. Otherwise, Decode returns a nil []byte (and a + // non-nil error), so the overrun will be ignored. + // + // Note that on amd64, it is legal and cheap to issue unaligned 8-byte or + // 16-byte loads and stores. This technique probably wouldn't be as + // effective on architectures that are fussier about alignment. + MOVOU 0(SI), X0 + MOVOU X0, 0(DI) + + // d += length + // s += length + ADDQ CX, DI + ADDQ CX, SI + JMP loop + +callMemmove: + // if length > len(dst)-d || length > len(src)-s { etc } + CMPQ CX, AX + JGT errCorrupt + CMPQ CX, BX + JGT errCorrupt + + // copy(dst[d:], src[s:s+length]) + // + // This means calling runtime·memmove(&dst[d], &src[s], length), so we push + // DI, SI and CX as arguments. Coincidentally, we also need to spill those + // three registers to the stack, to save local variables across the CALL. + MOVQ DI, 0(SP) + MOVQ SI, 8(SP) + MOVQ CX, 16(SP) + MOVQ DI, 24(SP) + MOVQ SI, 32(SP) + MOVQ CX, 40(SP) + CALL runtime·memmove(SB) + + // Restore local variables: unspill registers from the stack and + // re-calculate R8-R13. + MOVQ 24(SP), DI + MOVQ 32(SP), SI + MOVQ 40(SP), CX + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), R8 + MOVQ dst_len+8(FP), R9 + MOVQ R8, R10 + ADDQ R9, R10 + MOVQ src_base+24(FP), R11 + MOVQ src_len+32(FP), R12 + MOVQ R11, R13 + ADDQ R12, R13 + + // d += length + // s += length + ADDQ CX, DI + ADDQ CX, SI + JMP loop + +tagLit60Plus: + // !!! This fragment does the + // + // s += x - 58; if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { etc } + // + // checks. In the asm version, we code it once instead of once per switch case. + ADDQ CX, SI + SUBQ $58, SI + CMPQ SI, R13 + JA errCorrupt + + // case x == 60: + CMPL CX, $61 + JEQ tagLit61 + JA tagLit62Plus + + // x = uint32(src[s-1]) + MOVBLZX -1(SI), CX + JMP doLit + +tagLit61: + // case x == 61: + // x = uint32(src[s-2]) | uint32(src[s-1])<<8 + MOVWLZX -2(SI), CX + JMP doLit + +tagLit62Plus: + CMPL CX, $62 + JA tagLit63 + + // case x == 62: + // x = uint32(src[s-3]) | uint32(src[s-2])<<8 | uint32(src[s-1])<<16 + MOVWLZX -3(SI), CX + MOVBLZX -1(SI), BX + SHLL $16, BX + ORL BX, CX + JMP doLit + +tagLit63: + // case x == 63: + // x = uint32(src[s-4]) | uint32(src[s-3])<<8 | uint32(src[s-2])<<16 | uint32(src[s-1])<<24 + MOVL -4(SI), CX + JMP doLit + +// The code above handles literal tags. +// ---------------------------------------- +// The code below handles copy tags. + +tagCopy4: + // case tagCopy4: + // s += 5 + ADDQ $5, SI + + // if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { etc } + CMPQ SI, R13 + JA errCorrupt + + // length = 1 + int(src[s-5])>>2 + SHRQ $2, CX + INCQ CX + + // offset = int(uint32(src[s-4]) | uint32(src[s-3])<<8 | uint32(src[s-2])<<16 | uint32(src[s-1])<<24) + MOVLQZX -4(SI), DX + JMP doCopy + +tagCopy2: + // case tagCopy2: + // s += 3 + ADDQ $3, SI + + // if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { etc } + CMPQ SI, R13 + JA errCorrupt + + // length = 1 + int(src[s-3])>>2 + SHRQ $2, CX + INCQ CX + + // offset = int(uint32(src[s-2]) | uint32(src[s-1])<<8) + MOVWQZX -2(SI), DX + JMP doCopy + +tagCopy: + // We have a copy tag. We assume that: + // - BX == src[s] & 0x03 + // - CX == src[s] + CMPQ BX, $2 + JEQ tagCopy2 + JA tagCopy4 + + // case tagCopy1: + // s += 2 + ADDQ $2, SI + + // if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { etc } + CMPQ SI, R13 + JA errCorrupt + + // offset = int(uint32(src[s-2])&0xe0<<3 | uint32(src[s-1])) + MOVQ CX, DX + ANDQ $0xe0, DX + SHLQ $3, DX + MOVBQZX -1(SI), BX + ORQ BX, DX + + // length = 4 + int(src[s-2])>>2&0x7 + SHRQ $2, CX + ANDQ $7, CX + ADDQ $4, CX + +doCopy: + // This is the end of the outer "switch", when we have a copy tag. + // + // We assume that: + // - CX == length && CX > 0 + // - DX == offset + + // if offset <= 0 { etc } + CMPQ DX, $0 + JLE errCorrupt + + // if d < offset { etc } + MOVQ DI, BX + SUBQ R8, BX + CMPQ BX, DX + JLT errCorrupt + + // if length > len(dst)-d { etc } + MOVQ R10, BX + SUBQ DI, BX + CMPQ CX, BX + JGT errCorrupt + + // forwardCopy(dst[d:d+length], dst[d-offset:]); d += length + // + // Set: + // - R14 = len(dst)-d + // - R15 = &dst[d-offset] + MOVQ R10, R14 + SUBQ DI, R14 + MOVQ DI, R15 + SUBQ DX, R15 + + // !!! Try a faster technique for short (16 or fewer bytes) forward copies. + // + // First, try using two 8-byte load/stores, similar to the doLit technique + // above. Even if dst[d:d+length] and dst[d-offset:] can overlap, this is + // still OK if offset >= 8. Note that this has to be two 8-byte load/stores + // and not one 16-byte load/store, and the first store has to be before the + // second load, due to the overlap if offset is in the range [8, 16). + // + // if length > 16 || offset < 8 || len(dst)-d < 16 { + // goto slowForwardCopy + // } + // copy 16 bytes + // d += length + CMPQ CX, $16 + JGT slowForwardCopy + CMPQ DX, $8 + JLT slowForwardCopy + CMPQ R14, $16 + JLT slowForwardCopy + MOVQ 0(R15), AX + MOVQ AX, 0(DI) + MOVQ 8(R15), BX + MOVQ BX, 8(DI) + ADDQ CX, DI + JMP loop + +slowForwardCopy: + // !!! If the forward copy is longer than 16 bytes, or if offset < 8, we + // can still try 8-byte load stores, provided we can overrun up to 10 extra + // bytes. As above, the overrun will be fixed up by subsequent iterations + // of the outermost loop. + // + // The C++ snappy code calls this technique IncrementalCopyFastPath. Its + // commentary says: + // + // ---- + // + // The main part of this loop is a simple copy of eight bytes at a time + // until we've copied (at least) the requested amount of bytes. However, + // if d and d-offset are less than eight bytes apart (indicating a + // repeating pattern of length < 8), we first need to expand the pattern in + // order to get the correct results. For instance, if the buffer looks like + // this, with the eight-byte and patterns marked as + // intervals: + // + // abxxxxxxxxxxxx + // [------] d-offset + // [------] d + // + // a single eight-byte copy from to will repeat the pattern + // once, after which we can move two bytes without moving : + // + // ababxxxxxxxxxx + // [------] d-offset + // [------] d + // + // and repeat the exercise until the two no longer overlap. + // + // This allows us to do very well in the special case of one single byte + // repeated many times, without taking a big hit for more general cases. + // + // The worst case of extra writing past the end of the match occurs when + // offset == 1 and length == 1; the last copy will read from byte positions + // [0..7] and write to [4..11], whereas it was only supposed to write to + // position 1. Thus, ten excess bytes. + // + // ---- + // + // That "10 byte overrun" worst case is confirmed by Go's + // TestSlowForwardCopyOverrun, which also tests the fixUpSlowForwardCopy + // and finishSlowForwardCopy algorithm. + // + // if length > len(dst)-d-10 { + // goto verySlowForwardCopy + // } + SUBQ $10, R14 + CMPQ CX, R14 + JGT verySlowForwardCopy + +makeOffsetAtLeast8: + // !!! As above, expand the pattern so that offset >= 8 and we can use + // 8-byte load/stores. + // + // for offset < 8 { + // copy 8 bytes from dst[d-offset:] to dst[d:] + // length -= offset + // d += offset + // offset += offset + // // The two previous lines together means that d-offset, and therefore + // // R15, is unchanged. + // } + CMPQ DX, $8 + JGE fixUpSlowForwardCopy + MOVQ (R15), BX + MOVQ BX, (DI) + SUBQ DX, CX + ADDQ DX, DI + ADDQ DX, DX + JMP makeOffsetAtLeast8 + +fixUpSlowForwardCopy: + // !!! Add length (which might be negative now) to d (implied by DI being + // &dst[d]) so that d ends up at the right place when we jump back to the + // top of the loop. Before we do that, though, we save DI to AX so that, if + // length is positive, copying the remaining length bytes will write to the + // right place. + MOVQ DI, AX + ADDQ CX, DI + +finishSlowForwardCopy: + // !!! Repeat 8-byte load/stores until length <= 0. Ending with a negative + // length means that we overrun, but as above, that will be fixed up by + // subsequent iterations of the outermost loop. + CMPQ CX, $0 + JLE loop + MOVQ (R15), BX + MOVQ BX, (AX) + ADDQ $8, R15 + ADDQ $8, AX + SUBQ $8, CX + JMP finishSlowForwardCopy + +verySlowForwardCopy: + // verySlowForwardCopy is a simple implementation of forward copy. In C + // parlance, this is a do/while loop instead of a while loop, since we know + // that length > 0. In Go syntax: + // + // for { + // dst[d] = dst[d - offset] + // d++ + // length-- + // if length == 0 { + // break + // } + // } + MOVB (R15), BX + MOVB BX, (DI) + INCQ R15 + INCQ DI + DECQ CX + JNZ verySlowForwardCopy + JMP loop + +// The code above handles copy tags. +// ---------------------------------------- + +end: + // This is the end of the "for s < len(src)". + // + // if d != len(dst) { etc } + CMPQ DI, R10 + JNE errCorrupt + + // return 0 + MOVQ $0, ret+48(FP) + RET + +errCorrupt: + // return decodeErrCodeCorrupt + MOVQ $1, ret+48(FP) + RET diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/decode_other.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/decode_other.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..94a96c5d7b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/decode_other.go @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +// Copyright 2016 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build !amd64 appengine !gc noasm + +package snappy + +// decode writes the decoding of src to dst. It assumes that the varint-encoded +// length of the decompressed bytes has already been read, and that len(dst) +// equals that length. +// +// It returns 0 on success or a decodeErrCodeXxx error code on failure. +func decode(dst, src []byte) int { + var d, s, offset, length int + for s < len(src) { + switch src[s] & 0x03 { + case tagLiteral: + x := uint32(src[s] >> 2) + switch { + case x < 60: + s++ + case x == 60: + s += 2 + if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line. + return decodeErrCodeCorrupt + } + x = uint32(src[s-1]) + case x == 61: + s += 3 + if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line. + return decodeErrCodeCorrupt + } + x = uint32(src[s-2]) | uint32(src[s-1])<<8 + case x == 62: + s += 4 + if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line. + return decodeErrCodeCorrupt + } + x = uint32(src[s-3]) | uint32(src[s-2])<<8 | uint32(src[s-1])<<16 + case x == 63: + s += 5 + if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line. + return decodeErrCodeCorrupt + } + x = uint32(src[s-4]) | uint32(src[s-3])<<8 | uint32(src[s-2])<<16 | uint32(src[s-1])<<24 + } + length = int(x) + 1 + if length <= 0 { + return decodeErrCodeUnsupportedLiteralLength + } + if length > len(dst)-d || length > len(src)-s { + return decodeErrCodeCorrupt + } + copy(dst[d:], src[s:s+length]) + d += length + s += length + continue + + case tagCopy1: + s += 2 + if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line. + return decodeErrCodeCorrupt + } + length = 4 + int(src[s-2])>>2&0x7 + offset = int(uint32(src[s-2])&0xe0<<3 | uint32(src[s-1])) + + case tagCopy2: + s += 3 + if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line. + return decodeErrCodeCorrupt + } + length = 1 + int(src[s-3])>>2 + offset = int(uint32(src[s-2]) | uint32(src[s-1])<<8) + + case tagCopy4: + s += 5 + if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line. + return decodeErrCodeCorrupt + } + length = 1 + int(src[s-5])>>2 + offset = int(uint32(src[s-4]) | uint32(src[s-3])<<8 | uint32(src[s-2])<<16 | uint32(src[s-1])<<24) + } + + if offset <= 0 || d < offset || length > len(dst)-d { + return decodeErrCodeCorrupt + } + // Copy from an earlier sub-slice of dst to a later sub-slice. + // If no overlap, use the built-in copy: + if offset > length { + copy(dst[d:d+length], dst[d-offset:]) + d += length + continue + } + + // Unlike the built-in copy function, this byte-by-byte copy always runs + // forwards, even if the slices overlap. Conceptually, this is: + // + // d += forwardCopy(dst[d:d+length], dst[d-offset:]) + // + // We align the slices into a and b and show the compiler they are the same size. + // This allows the loop to run without bounds checks. + a := dst[d : d+length] + b := dst[d-offset:] + b = b[:len(a)] + for i := range a { + a[i] = b[i] + } + d += length + } + if d != len(dst) { + return decodeErrCodeCorrupt + } + return 0 +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/encode.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/encode.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8d393e904bb --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/encode.go @@ -0,0 +1,285 @@ +// Copyright 2011 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package snappy + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "errors" + "io" +) + +// Encode returns the encoded form of src. The returned slice may be a sub- +// slice of dst if dst was large enough to hold the entire encoded block. +// Otherwise, a newly allocated slice will be returned. +// +// The dst and src must not overlap. It is valid to pass a nil dst. +func Encode(dst, src []byte) []byte { + if n := MaxEncodedLen(len(src)); n < 0 { + panic(ErrTooLarge) + } else if len(dst) < n { + dst = make([]byte, n) + } + + // The block starts with the varint-encoded length of the decompressed bytes. + d := binary.PutUvarint(dst, uint64(len(src))) + + for len(src) > 0 { + p := src + src = nil + if len(p) > maxBlockSize { + p, src = p[:maxBlockSize], p[maxBlockSize:] + } + if len(p) < minNonLiteralBlockSize { + d += emitLiteral(dst[d:], p) + } else { + d += encodeBlock(dst[d:], p) + } + } + return dst[:d] +} + +// inputMargin is the minimum number of extra input bytes to keep, inside +// encodeBlock's inner loop. On some architectures, this margin lets us +// implement a fast path for emitLiteral, where the copy of short (<= 16 byte) +// literals can be implemented as a single load to and store from a 16-byte +// register. That literal's actual length can be as short as 1 byte, so this +// can copy up to 15 bytes too much, but that's OK as subsequent iterations of +// the encoding loop will fix up the copy overrun, and this inputMargin ensures +// that we don't overrun the dst and src buffers. +const inputMargin = 16 - 1 + +// minNonLiteralBlockSize is the minimum size of the input to encodeBlock that +// could be encoded with a copy tag. This is the minimum with respect to the +// algorithm used by encodeBlock, not a minimum enforced by the file format. +// +// The encoded output must start with at least a 1 byte literal, as there are +// no previous bytes to copy. A minimal (1 byte) copy after that, generated +// from an emitCopy call in encodeBlock's main loop, would require at least +// another inputMargin bytes, for the reason above: we want any emitLiteral +// calls inside encodeBlock's main loop to use the fast path if possible, which +// requires being able to overrun by inputMargin bytes. Thus, +// minNonLiteralBlockSize equals 1 + 1 + inputMargin. +// +// The C++ code doesn't use this exact threshold, but it could, as discussed at +// https://groups.google.com/d/topic/snappy-compression/oGbhsdIJSJ8/discussion +// The difference between Go (2+inputMargin) and C++ (inputMargin) is purely an +// optimization. It should not affect the encoded form. This is tested by +// TestSameEncodingAsCppShortCopies. +const minNonLiteralBlockSize = 1 + 1 + inputMargin + +// MaxEncodedLen returns the maximum length of a snappy block, given its +// uncompressed length. +// +// It will return a negative value if srcLen is too large to encode. +func MaxEncodedLen(srcLen int) int { + n := uint64(srcLen) + if n > 0xffffffff { + return -1 + } + // Compressed data can be defined as: + // compressed := item* literal* + // item := literal* copy + // + // The trailing literal sequence has a space blowup of at most 62/60 + // since a literal of length 60 needs one tag byte + one extra byte + // for length information. + // + // Item blowup is trickier to measure. Suppose the "copy" op copies + // 4 bytes of data. Because of a special check in the encoding code, + // we produce a 4-byte copy only if the offset is < 65536. Therefore + // the copy op takes 3 bytes to encode, and this type of item leads + // to at most the 62/60 blowup for representing literals. + // + // Suppose the "copy" op copies 5 bytes of data. If the offset is big + // enough, it will take 5 bytes to encode the copy op. Therefore the + // worst case here is a one-byte literal followed by a five-byte copy. + // That is, 6 bytes of input turn into 7 bytes of "compressed" data. + // + // This last factor dominates the blowup, so the final estimate is: + n = 32 + n + n/6 + if n > 0xffffffff { + return -1 + } + return int(n) +} + +var errClosed = errors.New("snappy: Writer is closed") + +// NewWriter returns a new Writer that compresses to w. +// +// The Writer returned does not buffer writes. There is no need to Flush or +// Close such a Writer. +// +// Deprecated: the Writer returned is not suitable for many small writes, only +// for few large writes. Use NewBufferedWriter instead, which is efficient +// regardless of the frequency and shape of the writes, and remember to Close +// that Writer when done. +func NewWriter(w io.Writer) *Writer { + return &Writer{ + w: w, + obuf: make([]byte, obufLen), + } +} + +// NewBufferedWriter returns a new Writer that compresses to w, using the +// framing format described at +// https://github.com/google/snappy/blob/master/framing_format.txt +// +// The Writer returned buffers writes. Users must call Close to guarantee all +// data has been forwarded to the underlying io.Writer. They may also call +// Flush zero or more times before calling Close. +func NewBufferedWriter(w io.Writer) *Writer { + return &Writer{ + w: w, + ibuf: make([]byte, 0, maxBlockSize), + obuf: make([]byte, obufLen), + } +} + +// Writer is an io.Writer that can write Snappy-compressed bytes. +type Writer struct { + w io.Writer + err error + + // ibuf is a buffer for the incoming (uncompressed) bytes. + // + // Its use is optional. For backwards compatibility, Writers created by the + // NewWriter function have ibuf == nil, do not buffer incoming bytes, and + // therefore do not need to be Flush'ed or Close'd. + ibuf []byte + + // obuf is a buffer for the outgoing (compressed) bytes. + obuf []byte + + // wroteStreamHeader is whether we have written the stream header. + wroteStreamHeader bool +} + +// Reset discards the writer's state and switches the Snappy writer to write to +// w. This permits reusing a Writer rather than allocating a new one. +func (w *Writer) Reset(writer io.Writer) { + w.w = writer + w.err = nil + if w.ibuf != nil { + w.ibuf = w.ibuf[:0] + } + w.wroteStreamHeader = false +} + +// Write satisfies the io.Writer interface. +func (w *Writer) Write(p []byte) (nRet int, errRet error) { + if w.ibuf == nil { + // Do not buffer incoming bytes. This does not perform or compress well + // if the caller of Writer.Write writes many small slices. This + // behavior is therefore deprecated, but still supported for backwards + // compatibility with code that doesn't explicitly Flush or Close. + return w.write(p) + } + + // The remainder of this method is based on bufio.Writer.Write from the + // standard library. + + for len(p) > (cap(w.ibuf)-len(w.ibuf)) && w.err == nil { + var n int + if len(w.ibuf) == 0 { + // Large write, empty buffer. + // Write directly from p to avoid copy. + n, _ = w.write(p) + } else { + n = copy(w.ibuf[len(w.ibuf):cap(w.ibuf)], p) + w.ibuf = w.ibuf[:len(w.ibuf)+n] + w.Flush() + } + nRet += n + p = p[n:] + } + if w.err != nil { + return nRet, w.err + } + n := copy(w.ibuf[len(w.ibuf):cap(w.ibuf)], p) + w.ibuf = w.ibuf[:len(w.ibuf)+n] + nRet += n + return nRet, nil +} + +func (w *Writer) write(p []byte) (nRet int, errRet error) { + if w.err != nil { + return 0, w.err + } + for len(p) > 0 { + obufStart := len(magicChunk) + if !w.wroteStreamHeader { + w.wroteStreamHeader = true + copy(w.obuf, magicChunk) + obufStart = 0 + } + + var uncompressed []byte + if len(p) > maxBlockSize { + uncompressed, p = p[:maxBlockSize], p[maxBlockSize:] + } else { + uncompressed, p = p, nil + } + checksum := crc(uncompressed) + + // Compress the buffer, discarding the result if the improvement + // isn't at least 12.5%. + compressed := Encode(w.obuf[obufHeaderLen:], uncompressed) + chunkType := uint8(chunkTypeCompressedData) + chunkLen := 4 + len(compressed) + obufEnd := obufHeaderLen + len(compressed) + if len(compressed) >= len(uncompressed)-len(uncompressed)/8 { + chunkType = chunkTypeUncompressedData + chunkLen = 4 + len(uncompressed) + obufEnd = obufHeaderLen + } + + // Fill in the per-chunk header that comes before the body. + w.obuf[len(magicChunk)+0] = chunkType + w.obuf[len(magicChunk)+1] = uint8(chunkLen >> 0) + w.obuf[len(magicChunk)+2] = uint8(chunkLen >> 8) + w.obuf[len(magicChunk)+3] = uint8(chunkLen >> 16) + w.obuf[len(magicChunk)+4] = uint8(checksum >> 0) + w.obuf[len(magicChunk)+5] = uint8(checksum >> 8) + w.obuf[len(magicChunk)+6] = uint8(checksum >> 16) + w.obuf[len(magicChunk)+7] = uint8(checksum >> 24) + + if _, err := w.w.Write(w.obuf[obufStart:obufEnd]); err != nil { + w.err = err + return nRet, err + } + if chunkType == chunkTypeUncompressedData { + if _, err := w.w.Write(uncompressed); err != nil { + w.err = err + return nRet, err + } + } + nRet += len(uncompressed) + } + return nRet, nil +} + +// Flush flushes the Writer to its underlying io.Writer. +func (w *Writer) Flush() error { + if w.err != nil { + return w.err + } + if len(w.ibuf) == 0 { + return nil + } + w.write(w.ibuf) + w.ibuf = w.ibuf[:0] + return w.err +} + +// Close calls Flush and then closes the Writer. +func (w *Writer) Close() error { + w.Flush() + ret := w.err + if w.err == nil { + w.err = errClosed + } + return ret +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/encode_amd64.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/encode_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..150d91bc8be --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/encode_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +// Copyright 2016 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build !appengine +// +build gc +// +build !noasm + +package snappy + +// emitLiteral has the same semantics as in encode_other.go. +// +//go:noescape +func emitLiteral(dst, lit []byte) int + +// emitCopy has the same semantics as in encode_other.go. +// +//go:noescape +func emitCopy(dst []byte, offset, length int) int + +// extendMatch has the same semantics as in encode_other.go. +// +//go:noescape +func extendMatch(src []byte, i, j int) int + +// encodeBlock has the same semantics as in encode_other.go. +// +//go:noescape +func encodeBlock(dst, src []byte) (d int) diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/encode_amd64.s b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/encode_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..adfd979fe27 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/encode_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,730 @@ +// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build !appengine +// +build gc +// +build !noasm + +#include "textflag.h" + +// The XXX lines assemble on Go 1.4, 1.5 and 1.7, but not 1.6, due to a +// Go toolchain regression. See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/15426 and +// https://github.com/golang/snappy/issues/29 +// +// As a workaround, the package was built with a known good assembler, and +// those instructions were disassembled by "objdump -d" to yield the +// 4e 0f b7 7c 5c 78 movzwq 0x78(%rsp,%r11,2),%r15 +// style comments, in AT&T asm syntax. Note that rsp here is a physical +// register, not Go/asm's SP pseudo-register (see https://golang.org/doc/asm). +// The instructions were then encoded as "BYTE $0x.." sequences, which assemble +// fine on Go 1.6. + +// The asm code generally follows the pure Go code in encode_other.go, except +// where marked with a "!!!". + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +// func emitLiteral(dst, lit []byte) int +// +// All local variables fit into registers. The register allocation: +// - AX len(lit) +// - BX n +// - DX return value +// - DI &dst[i] +// - R10 &lit[0] +// +// The 24 bytes of stack space is to call runtime·memmove. +// +// The unusual register allocation of local variables, such as R10 for the +// source pointer, matches the allocation used at the call site in encodeBlock, +// which makes it easier to manually inline this function. +TEXT ·emitLiteral(SB), NOSPLIT, $24-56 + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), DI + MOVQ lit_base+24(FP), R10 + MOVQ lit_len+32(FP), AX + MOVQ AX, DX + MOVL AX, BX + SUBL $1, BX + + CMPL BX, $60 + JLT oneByte + CMPL BX, $256 + JLT twoBytes + +threeBytes: + MOVB $0xf4, 0(DI) + MOVW BX, 1(DI) + ADDQ $3, DI + ADDQ $3, DX + JMP memmove + +twoBytes: + MOVB $0xf0, 0(DI) + MOVB BX, 1(DI) + ADDQ $2, DI + ADDQ $2, DX + JMP memmove + +oneByte: + SHLB $2, BX + MOVB BX, 0(DI) + ADDQ $1, DI + ADDQ $1, DX + +memmove: + MOVQ DX, ret+48(FP) + + // copy(dst[i:], lit) + // + // This means calling runtime·memmove(&dst[i], &lit[0], len(lit)), so we push + // DI, R10 and AX as arguments. + MOVQ DI, 0(SP) + MOVQ R10, 8(SP) + MOVQ AX, 16(SP) + CALL runtime·memmove(SB) + RET + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +// func emitCopy(dst []byte, offset, length int) int +// +// All local variables fit into registers. The register allocation: +// - AX length +// - SI &dst[0] +// - DI &dst[i] +// - R11 offset +// +// The unusual register allocation of local variables, such as R11 for the +// offset, matches the allocation used at the call site in encodeBlock, which +// makes it easier to manually inline this function. +TEXT ·emitCopy(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-48 + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), DI + MOVQ DI, SI + MOVQ offset+24(FP), R11 + MOVQ length+32(FP), AX + +loop0: + // for length >= 68 { etc } + CMPL AX, $68 + JLT step1 + + // Emit a length 64 copy, encoded as 3 bytes. + MOVB $0xfe, 0(DI) + MOVW R11, 1(DI) + ADDQ $3, DI + SUBL $64, AX + JMP loop0 + +step1: + // if length > 64 { etc } + CMPL AX, $64 + JLE step2 + + // Emit a length 60 copy, encoded as 3 bytes. + MOVB $0xee, 0(DI) + MOVW R11, 1(DI) + ADDQ $3, DI + SUBL $60, AX + +step2: + // if length >= 12 || offset >= 2048 { goto step3 } + CMPL AX, $12 + JGE step3 + CMPL R11, $2048 + JGE step3 + + // Emit the remaining copy, encoded as 2 bytes. + MOVB R11, 1(DI) + SHRL $8, R11 + SHLB $5, R11 + SUBB $4, AX + SHLB $2, AX + ORB AX, R11 + ORB $1, R11 + MOVB R11, 0(DI) + ADDQ $2, DI + + // Return the number of bytes written. + SUBQ SI, DI + MOVQ DI, ret+40(FP) + RET + +step3: + // Emit the remaining copy, encoded as 3 bytes. + SUBL $1, AX + SHLB $2, AX + ORB $2, AX + MOVB AX, 0(DI) + MOVW R11, 1(DI) + ADDQ $3, DI + + // Return the number of bytes written. + SUBQ SI, DI + MOVQ DI, ret+40(FP) + RET + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +// func extendMatch(src []byte, i, j int) int +// +// All local variables fit into registers. The register allocation: +// - DX &src[0] +// - SI &src[j] +// - R13 &src[len(src) - 8] +// - R14 &src[len(src)] +// - R15 &src[i] +// +// The unusual register allocation of local variables, such as R15 for a source +// pointer, matches the allocation used at the call site in encodeBlock, which +// makes it easier to manually inline this function. +TEXT ·extendMatch(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-48 + MOVQ src_base+0(FP), DX + MOVQ src_len+8(FP), R14 + MOVQ i+24(FP), R15 + MOVQ j+32(FP), SI + ADDQ DX, R14 + ADDQ DX, R15 + ADDQ DX, SI + MOVQ R14, R13 + SUBQ $8, R13 + +cmp8: + // As long as we are 8 or more bytes before the end of src, we can load and + // compare 8 bytes at a time. If those 8 bytes are equal, repeat. + CMPQ SI, R13 + JA cmp1 + MOVQ (R15), AX + MOVQ (SI), BX + CMPQ AX, BX + JNE bsf + ADDQ $8, R15 + ADDQ $8, SI + JMP cmp8 + +bsf: + // If those 8 bytes were not equal, XOR the two 8 byte values, and return + // the index of the first byte that differs. The BSF instruction finds the + // least significant 1 bit, the amd64 architecture is little-endian, and + // the shift by 3 converts a bit index to a byte index. + XORQ AX, BX + BSFQ BX, BX + SHRQ $3, BX + ADDQ BX, SI + + // Convert from &src[ret] to ret. + SUBQ DX, SI + MOVQ SI, ret+40(FP) + RET + +cmp1: + // In src's tail, compare 1 byte at a time. + CMPQ SI, R14 + JAE extendMatchEnd + MOVB (R15), AX + MOVB (SI), BX + CMPB AX, BX + JNE extendMatchEnd + ADDQ $1, R15 + ADDQ $1, SI + JMP cmp1 + +extendMatchEnd: + // Convert from &src[ret] to ret. + SUBQ DX, SI + MOVQ SI, ret+40(FP) + RET + +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +// func encodeBlock(dst, src []byte) (d int) +// +// All local variables fit into registers, other than "var table". The register +// allocation: +// - AX . . +// - BX . . +// - CX 56 shift (note that amd64 shifts by non-immediates must use CX). +// - DX 64 &src[0], tableSize +// - SI 72 &src[s] +// - DI 80 &dst[d] +// - R9 88 sLimit +// - R10 . &src[nextEmit] +// - R11 96 prevHash, currHash, nextHash, offset +// - R12 104 &src[base], skip +// - R13 . &src[nextS], &src[len(src) - 8] +// - R14 . len(src), bytesBetweenHashLookups, &src[len(src)], x +// - R15 112 candidate +// +// The second column (56, 64, etc) is the stack offset to spill the registers +// when calling other functions. We could pack this slightly tighter, but it's +// simpler to have a dedicated spill map independent of the function called. +// +// "var table [maxTableSize]uint16" takes up 32768 bytes of stack space. An +// extra 56 bytes, to call other functions, and an extra 64 bytes, to spill +// local variables (registers) during calls gives 32768 + 56 + 64 = 32888. +TEXT ·encodeBlock(SB), 0, $32888-56 + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), DI + MOVQ src_base+24(FP), SI + MOVQ src_len+32(FP), R14 + + // shift, tableSize := uint32(32-8), 1<<8 + MOVQ $24, CX + MOVQ $256, DX + +calcShift: + // for ; tableSize < maxTableSize && tableSize < len(src); tableSize *= 2 { + // shift-- + // } + CMPQ DX, $16384 + JGE varTable + CMPQ DX, R14 + JGE varTable + SUBQ $1, CX + SHLQ $1, DX + JMP calcShift + +varTable: + // var table [maxTableSize]uint16 + // + // In the asm code, unlike the Go code, we can zero-initialize only the + // first tableSize elements. Each uint16 element is 2 bytes and each MOVOU + // writes 16 bytes, so we can do only tableSize/8 writes instead of the + // 2048 writes that would zero-initialize all of table's 32768 bytes. + SHRQ $3, DX + LEAQ table-32768(SP), BX + PXOR X0, X0 + +memclr: + MOVOU X0, 0(BX) + ADDQ $16, BX + SUBQ $1, DX + JNZ memclr + + // !!! DX = &src[0] + MOVQ SI, DX + + // sLimit := len(src) - inputMargin + MOVQ R14, R9 + SUBQ $15, R9 + + // !!! Pre-emptively spill CX, DX and R9 to the stack. Their values don't + // change for the rest of the function. + MOVQ CX, 56(SP) + MOVQ DX, 64(SP) + MOVQ R9, 88(SP) + + // nextEmit := 0 + MOVQ DX, R10 + + // s := 1 + ADDQ $1, SI + + // nextHash := hash(load32(src, s), shift) + MOVL 0(SI), R11 + IMULL $0x1e35a7bd, R11 + SHRL CX, R11 + +outer: + // for { etc } + + // skip := 32 + MOVQ $32, R12 + + // nextS := s + MOVQ SI, R13 + + // candidate := 0 + MOVQ $0, R15 + +inner0: + // for { etc } + + // s := nextS + MOVQ R13, SI + + // bytesBetweenHashLookups := skip >> 5 + MOVQ R12, R14 + SHRQ $5, R14 + + // nextS = s + bytesBetweenHashLookups + ADDQ R14, R13 + + // skip += bytesBetweenHashLookups + ADDQ R14, R12 + + // if nextS > sLimit { goto emitRemainder } + MOVQ R13, AX + SUBQ DX, AX + CMPQ AX, R9 + JA emitRemainder + + // candidate = int(table[nextHash]) + // XXX: MOVWQZX table-32768(SP)(R11*2), R15 + // XXX: 4e 0f b7 7c 5c 78 movzwq 0x78(%rsp,%r11,2),%r15 + BYTE $0x4e + BYTE $0x0f + BYTE $0xb7 + BYTE $0x7c + BYTE $0x5c + BYTE $0x78 + + // table[nextHash] = uint16(s) + MOVQ SI, AX + SUBQ DX, AX + + // XXX: MOVW AX, table-32768(SP)(R11*2) + // XXX: 66 42 89 44 5c 78 mov %ax,0x78(%rsp,%r11,2) + BYTE $0x66 + BYTE $0x42 + BYTE $0x89 + BYTE $0x44 + BYTE $0x5c + BYTE $0x78 + + // nextHash = hash(load32(src, nextS), shift) + MOVL 0(R13), R11 + IMULL $0x1e35a7bd, R11 + SHRL CX, R11 + + // if load32(src, s) != load32(src, candidate) { continue } break + MOVL 0(SI), AX + MOVL (DX)(R15*1), BX + CMPL AX, BX + JNE inner0 + +fourByteMatch: + // As per the encode_other.go code: + // + // A 4-byte match has been found. We'll later see etc. + + // !!! Jump to a fast path for short (<= 16 byte) literals. See the comment + // on inputMargin in encode.go. + MOVQ SI, AX + SUBQ R10, AX + CMPQ AX, $16 + JLE emitLiteralFastPath + + // ---------------------------------------- + // Begin inline of the emitLiteral call. + // + // d += emitLiteral(dst[d:], src[nextEmit:s]) + + MOVL AX, BX + SUBL $1, BX + + CMPL BX, $60 + JLT inlineEmitLiteralOneByte + CMPL BX, $256 + JLT inlineEmitLiteralTwoBytes + +inlineEmitLiteralThreeBytes: + MOVB $0xf4, 0(DI) + MOVW BX, 1(DI) + ADDQ $3, DI + JMP inlineEmitLiteralMemmove + +inlineEmitLiteralTwoBytes: + MOVB $0xf0, 0(DI) + MOVB BX, 1(DI) + ADDQ $2, DI + JMP inlineEmitLiteralMemmove + +inlineEmitLiteralOneByte: + SHLB $2, BX + MOVB BX, 0(DI) + ADDQ $1, DI + +inlineEmitLiteralMemmove: + // Spill local variables (registers) onto the stack; call; unspill. + // + // copy(dst[i:], lit) + // + // This means calling runtime·memmove(&dst[i], &lit[0], len(lit)), so we push + // DI, R10 and AX as arguments. + MOVQ DI, 0(SP) + MOVQ R10, 8(SP) + MOVQ AX, 16(SP) + ADDQ AX, DI // Finish the "d +=" part of "d += emitLiteral(etc)". + MOVQ SI, 72(SP) + MOVQ DI, 80(SP) + MOVQ R15, 112(SP) + CALL runtime·memmove(SB) + MOVQ 56(SP), CX + MOVQ 64(SP), DX + MOVQ 72(SP), SI + MOVQ 80(SP), DI + MOVQ 88(SP), R9 + MOVQ 112(SP), R15 + JMP inner1 + +inlineEmitLiteralEnd: + // End inline of the emitLiteral call. + // ---------------------------------------- + +emitLiteralFastPath: + // !!! Emit the 1-byte encoding "uint8(len(lit)-1)<<2". + MOVB AX, BX + SUBB $1, BX + SHLB $2, BX + MOVB BX, (DI) + ADDQ $1, DI + + // !!! Implement the copy from lit to dst as a 16-byte load and store. + // (Encode's documentation says that dst and src must not overlap.) + // + // This always copies 16 bytes, instead of only len(lit) bytes, but that's + // OK. Subsequent iterations will fix up the overrun. + // + // Note that on amd64, it is legal and cheap to issue unaligned 8-byte or + // 16-byte loads and stores. This technique probably wouldn't be as + // effective on architectures that are fussier about alignment. + MOVOU 0(R10), X0 + MOVOU X0, 0(DI) + ADDQ AX, DI + +inner1: + // for { etc } + + // base := s + MOVQ SI, R12 + + // !!! offset := base - candidate + MOVQ R12, R11 + SUBQ R15, R11 + SUBQ DX, R11 + + // ---------------------------------------- + // Begin inline of the extendMatch call. + // + // s = extendMatch(src, candidate+4, s+4) + + // !!! R14 = &src[len(src)] + MOVQ src_len+32(FP), R14 + ADDQ DX, R14 + + // !!! R13 = &src[len(src) - 8] + MOVQ R14, R13 + SUBQ $8, R13 + + // !!! R15 = &src[candidate + 4] + ADDQ $4, R15 + ADDQ DX, R15 + + // !!! s += 4 + ADDQ $4, SI + +inlineExtendMatchCmp8: + // As long as we are 8 or more bytes before the end of src, we can load and + // compare 8 bytes at a time. If those 8 bytes are equal, repeat. + CMPQ SI, R13 + JA inlineExtendMatchCmp1 + MOVQ (R15), AX + MOVQ (SI), BX + CMPQ AX, BX + JNE inlineExtendMatchBSF + ADDQ $8, R15 + ADDQ $8, SI + JMP inlineExtendMatchCmp8 + +inlineExtendMatchBSF: + // If those 8 bytes were not equal, XOR the two 8 byte values, and return + // the index of the first byte that differs. The BSF instruction finds the + // least significant 1 bit, the amd64 architecture is little-endian, and + // the shift by 3 converts a bit index to a byte index. + XORQ AX, BX + BSFQ BX, BX + SHRQ $3, BX + ADDQ BX, SI + JMP inlineExtendMatchEnd + +inlineExtendMatchCmp1: + // In src's tail, compare 1 byte at a time. + CMPQ SI, R14 + JAE inlineExtendMatchEnd + MOVB (R15), AX + MOVB (SI), BX + CMPB AX, BX + JNE inlineExtendMatchEnd + ADDQ $1, R15 + ADDQ $1, SI + JMP inlineExtendMatchCmp1 + +inlineExtendMatchEnd: + // End inline of the extendMatch call. + // ---------------------------------------- + + // ---------------------------------------- + // Begin inline of the emitCopy call. + // + // d += emitCopy(dst[d:], base-candidate, s-base) + + // !!! length := s - base + MOVQ SI, AX + SUBQ R12, AX + +inlineEmitCopyLoop0: + // for length >= 68 { etc } + CMPL AX, $68 + JLT inlineEmitCopyStep1 + + // Emit a length 64 copy, encoded as 3 bytes. + MOVB $0xfe, 0(DI) + MOVW R11, 1(DI) + ADDQ $3, DI + SUBL $64, AX + JMP inlineEmitCopyLoop0 + +inlineEmitCopyStep1: + // if length > 64 { etc } + CMPL AX, $64 + JLE inlineEmitCopyStep2 + + // Emit a length 60 copy, encoded as 3 bytes. + MOVB $0xee, 0(DI) + MOVW R11, 1(DI) + ADDQ $3, DI + SUBL $60, AX + +inlineEmitCopyStep2: + // if length >= 12 || offset >= 2048 { goto inlineEmitCopyStep3 } + CMPL AX, $12 + JGE inlineEmitCopyStep3 + CMPL R11, $2048 + JGE inlineEmitCopyStep3 + + // Emit the remaining copy, encoded as 2 bytes. + MOVB R11, 1(DI) + SHRL $8, R11 + SHLB $5, R11 + SUBB $4, AX + SHLB $2, AX + ORB AX, R11 + ORB $1, R11 + MOVB R11, 0(DI) + ADDQ $2, DI + JMP inlineEmitCopyEnd + +inlineEmitCopyStep3: + // Emit the remaining copy, encoded as 3 bytes. + SUBL $1, AX + SHLB $2, AX + ORB $2, AX + MOVB AX, 0(DI) + MOVW R11, 1(DI) + ADDQ $3, DI + +inlineEmitCopyEnd: + // End inline of the emitCopy call. + // ---------------------------------------- + + // nextEmit = s + MOVQ SI, R10 + + // if s >= sLimit { goto emitRemainder } + MOVQ SI, AX + SUBQ DX, AX + CMPQ AX, R9 + JAE emitRemainder + + // As per the encode_other.go code: + // + // We could immediately etc. + + // x := load64(src, s-1) + MOVQ -1(SI), R14 + + // prevHash := hash(uint32(x>>0), shift) + MOVL R14, R11 + IMULL $0x1e35a7bd, R11 + SHRL CX, R11 + + // table[prevHash] = uint16(s-1) + MOVQ SI, AX + SUBQ DX, AX + SUBQ $1, AX + + // XXX: MOVW AX, table-32768(SP)(R11*2) + // XXX: 66 42 89 44 5c 78 mov %ax,0x78(%rsp,%r11,2) + BYTE $0x66 + BYTE $0x42 + BYTE $0x89 + BYTE $0x44 + BYTE $0x5c + BYTE $0x78 + + // currHash := hash(uint32(x>>8), shift) + SHRQ $8, R14 + MOVL R14, R11 + IMULL $0x1e35a7bd, R11 + SHRL CX, R11 + + // candidate = int(table[currHash]) + // XXX: MOVWQZX table-32768(SP)(R11*2), R15 + // XXX: 4e 0f b7 7c 5c 78 movzwq 0x78(%rsp,%r11,2),%r15 + BYTE $0x4e + BYTE $0x0f + BYTE $0xb7 + BYTE $0x7c + BYTE $0x5c + BYTE $0x78 + + // table[currHash] = uint16(s) + ADDQ $1, AX + + // XXX: MOVW AX, table-32768(SP)(R11*2) + // XXX: 66 42 89 44 5c 78 mov %ax,0x78(%rsp,%r11,2) + BYTE $0x66 + BYTE $0x42 + BYTE $0x89 + BYTE $0x44 + BYTE $0x5c + BYTE $0x78 + + // if uint32(x>>8) == load32(src, candidate) { continue } + MOVL (DX)(R15*1), BX + CMPL R14, BX + JEQ inner1 + + // nextHash = hash(uint32(x>>16), shift) + SHRQ $8, R14 + MOVL R14, R11 + IMULL $0x1e35a7bd, R11 + SHRL CX, R11 + + // s++ + ADDQ $1, SI + + // break out of the inner1 for loop, i.e. continue the outer loop. + JMP outer + +emitRemainder: + // if nextEmit < len(src) { etc } + MOVQ src_len+32(FP), AX + ADDQ DX, AX + CMPQ R10, AX + JEQ encodeBlockEnd + + // d += emitLiteral(dst[d:], src[nextEmit:]) + // + // Push args. + MOVQ DI, 0(SP) + MOVQ $0, 8(SP) // Unnecessary, as the callee ignores it, but conservative. + MOVQ $0, 16(SP) // Unnecessary, as the callee ignores it, but conservative. + MOVQ R10, 24(SP) + SUBQ R10, AX + MOVQ AX, 32(SP) + MOVQ AX, 40(SP) // Unnecessary, as the callee ignores it, but conservative. + + // Spill local variables (registers) onto the stack; call; unspill. + MOVQ DI, 80(SP) + CALL ·emitLiteral(SB) + MOVQ 80(SP), DI + + // Finish the "d +=" part of "d += emitLiteral(etc)". + ADDQ 48(SP), DI + +encodeBlockEnd: + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + SUBQ AX, DI + MOVQ DI, d+48(FP) + RET diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/encode_other.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/encode_other.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..dbcae905e6e --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/encode_other.go @@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ +// Copyright 2016 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build !amd64 appengine !gc noasm + +package snappy + +func load32(b []byte, i int) uint32 { + b = b[i : i+4 : len(b)] // Help the compiler eliminate bounds checks on the next line. + return uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24 +} + +func load64(b []byte, i int) uint64 { + b = b[i : i+8 : len(b)] // Help the compiler eliminate bounds checks on the next line. + return uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | + uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56 +} + +// emitLiteral writes a literal chunk and returns the number of bytes written. +// +// It assumes that: +// dst is long enough to hold the encoded bytes +// 1 <= len(lit) && len(lit) <= 65536 +func emitLiteral(dst, lit []byte) int { + i, n := 0, uint(len(lit)-1) + switch { + case n < 60: + dst[0] = uint8(n)<<2 | tagLiteral + i = 1 + case n < 1<<8: + dst[0] = 60<<2 | tagLiteral + dst[1] = uint8(n) + i = 2 + default: + dst[0] = 61<<2 | tagLiteral + dst[1] = uint8(n) + dst[2] = uint8(n >> 8) + i = 3 + } + return i + copy(dst[i:], lit) +} + +// emitCopy writes a copy chunk and returns the number of bytes written. +// +// It assumes that: +// dst is long enough to hold the encoded bytes +// 1 <= offset && offset <= 65535 +// 4 <= length && length <= 65535 +func emitCopy(dst []byte, offset, length int) int { + i := 0 + // The maximum length for a single tagCopy1 or tagCopy2 op is 64 bytes. The + // threshold for this loop is a little higher (at 68 = 64 + 4), and the + // length emitted down below is is a little lower (at 60 = 64 - 4), because + // it's shorter to encode a length 67 copy as a length 60 tagCopy2 followed + // by a length 7 tagCopy1 (which encodes as 3+2 bytes) than to encode it as + // a length 64 tagCopy2 followed by a length 3 tagCopy2 (which encodes as + // 3+3 bytes). The magic 4 in the 64±4 is because the minimum length for a + // tagCopy1 op is 4 bytes, which is why a length 3 copy has to be an + // encodes-as-3-bytes tagCopy2 instead of an encodes-as-2-bytes tagCopy1. + for length >= 68 { + // Emit a length 64 copy, encoded as 3 bytes. + dst[i+0] = 63<<2 | tagCopy2 + dst[i+1] = uint8(offset) + dst[i+2] = uint8(offset >> 8) + i += 3 + length -= 64 + } + if length > 64 { + // Emit a length 60 copy, encoded as 3 bytes. + dst[i+0] = 59<<2 | tagCopy2 + dst[i+1] = uint8(offset) + dst[i+2] = uint8(offset >> 8) + i += 3 + length -= 60 + } + if length >= 12 || offset >= 2048 { + // Emit the remaining copy, encoded as 3 bytes. + dst[i+0] = uint8(length-1)<<2 | tagCopy2 + dst[i+1] = uint8(offset) + dst[i+2] = uint8(offset >> 8) + return i + 3 + } + // Emit the remaining copy, encoded as 2 bytes. + dst[i+0] = uint8(offset>>8)<<5 | uint8(length-4)<<2 | tagCopy1 + dst[i+1] = uint8(offset) + return i + 2 +} + +// extendMatch returns the largest k such that k <= len(src) and that +// src[i:i+k-j] and src[j:k] have the same contents. +// +// It assumes that: +// 0 <= i && i < j && j <= len(src) +func extendMatch(src []byte, i, j int) int { + for ; j < len(src) && src[i] == src[j]; i, j = i+1, j+1 { + } + return j +} + +func hash(u, shift uint32) uint32 { + return (u * 0x1e35a7bd) >> shift +} + +// encodeBlock encodes a non-empty src to a guaranteed-large-enough dst. It +// assumes that the varint-encoded length of the decompressed bytes has already +// been written. +// +// It also assumes that: +// len(dst) >= MaxEncodedLen(len(src)) && +// minNonLiteralBlockSize <= len(src) && len(src) <= maxBlockSize +func encodeBlock(dst, src []byte) (d int) { + // Initialize the hash table. Its size ranges from 1<<8 to 1<<14 inclusive. + // The table element type is uint16, as s < sLimit and sLimit < len(src) + // and len(src) <= maxBlockSize and maxBlockSize == 65536. + const ( + maxTableSize = 1 << 14 + // tableMask is redundant, but helps the compiler eliminate bounds + // checks. + tableMask = maxTableSize - 1 + ) + shift := uint32(32 - 8) + for tableSize := 1 << 8; tableSize < maxTableSize && tableSize < len(src); tableSize *= 2 { + shift-- + } + // In Go, all array elements are zero-initialized, so there is no advantage + // to a smaller tableSize per se. However, it matches the C++ algorithm, + // and in the asm versions of this code, we can get away with zeroing only + // the first tableSize elements. + var table [maxTableSize]uint16 + + // sLimit is when to stop looking for offset/length copies. The inputMargin + // lets us use a fast path for emitLiteral in the main loop, while we are + // looking for copies. + sLimit := len(src) - inputMargin + + // nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from. + nextEmit := 0 + + // The encoded form must start with a literal, as there are no previous + // bytes to copy, so we start looking for hash matches at s == 1. + s := 1 + nextHash := hash(load32(src, s), shift) + + for { + // Copied from the C++ snappy implementation: + // + // Heuristic match skipping: If 32 bytes are scanned with no matches + // found, start looking only at every other byte. If 32 more bytes are + // scanned (or skipped), look at every third byte, etc.. When a match + // is found, immediately go back to looking at every byte. This is a + // small loss (~5% performance, ~0.1% density) for compressible data + // due to more bookkeeping, but for non-compressible data (such as + // JPEG) it's a huge win since the compressor quickly "realizes" the + // data is incompressible and doesn't bother looking for matches + // everywhere. + // + // The "skip" variable keeps track of how many bytes there are since + // the last match; dividing it by 32 (ie. right-shifting by five) gives + // the number of bytes to move ahead for each iteration. + skip := 32 + + nextS := s + candidate := 0 + for { + s = nextS + bytesBetweenHashLookups := skip >> 5 + nextS = s + bytesBetweenHashLookups + skip += bytesBetweenHashLookups + if nextS > sLimit { + goto emitRemainder + } + candidate = int(table[nextHash&tableMask]) + table[nextHash&tableMask] = uint16(s) + nextHash = hash(load32(src, nextS), shift) + if load32(src, s) == load32(src, candidate) { + break + } + } + + // A 4-byte match has been found. We'll later see if more than 4 bytes + // match. But, prior to the match, src[nextEmit:s] are unmatched. Emit + // them as literal bytes. + d += emitLiteral(dst[d:], src[nextEmit:s]) + + // Call emitCopy, and then see if another emitCopy could be our next + // move. Repeat until we find no match for the input immediately after + // what was consumed by the last emitCopy call. + // + // If we exit this loop normally then we need to call emitLiteral next, + // though we don't yet know how big the literal will be. We handle that + // by proceeding to the next iteration of the main loop. We also can + // exit this loop via goto if we get close to exhausting the input. + for { + // Invariant: we have a 4-byte match at s, and no need to emit any + // literal bytes prior to s. + base := s + + // Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible. + // + // This is an inlined version of: + // s = extendMatch(src, candidate+4, s+4) + s += 4 + for i := candidate + 4; s < len(src) && src[i] == src[s]; i, s = i+1, s+1 { + } + + d += emitCopy(dst[d:], base-candidate, s-base) + nextEmit = s + if s >= sLimit { + goto emitRemainder + } + + // We could immediately start working at s now, but to improve + // compression we first update the hash table at s-1 and at s. If + // another emitCopy is not our next move, also calculate nextHash + // at s+1. At least on GOARCH=amd64, these three hash calculations + // are faster as one load64 call (with some shifts) instead of + // three load32 calls. + x := load64(src, s-1) + prevHash := hash(uint32(x>>0), shift) + table[prevHash&tableMask] = uint16(s - 1) + currHash := hash(uint32(x>>8), shift) + candidate = int(table[currHash&tableMask]) + table[currHash&tableMask] = uint16(s) + if uint32(x>>8) != load32(src, candidate) { + nextHash = hash(uint32(x>>16), shift) + s++ + break + } + } + } + +emitRemainder: + if nextEmit < len(src) { + d += emitLiteral(dst[d:], src[nextEmit:]) + } + return d +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/runbench.cmd b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/runbench.cmd new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d24eb4b47c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/runbench.cmd @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +del old.txt +go test -bench=. >>old.txt && go test -bench=. >>old.txt && go test -bench=. >>old.txt && benchstat -delta-test=ttest old.txt new.txt diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/snappy.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/snappy.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ea58ced8824 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/snappy.go @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +// Copyright 2011 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package snappy implements the Snappy compression format. It aims for very +// high speeds and reasonable compression. +// +// There are actually two Snappy formats: block and stream. They are related, +// but different: trying to decompress block-compressed data as a Snappy stream +// will fail, and vice versa. The block format is the Decode and Encode +// functions and the stream format is the Reader and Writer types. +// +// The block format, the more common case, is used when the complete size (the +// number of bytes) of the original data is known upfront, at the time +// compression starts. The stream format, also known as the framing format, is +// for when that isn't always true. +// +// The canonical, C++ implementation is at https://github.com/google/snappy and +// it only implements the block format. +package snappy + +import ( + "hash/crc32" +) + +/* +Each encoded block begins with the varint-encoded length of the decoded data, +followed by a sequence of chunks. Chunks begin and end on byte boundaries. The +first byte of each chunk is broken into its 2 least and 6 most significant bits +called l and m: l ranges in [0, 4) and m ranges in [0, 64). l is the chunk tag. +Zero means a literal tag. All other values mean a copy tag. + +For literal tags: + - If m < 60, the next 1 + m bytes are literal bytes. + - Otherwise, let n be the little-endian unsigned integer denoted by the next + m - 59 bytes. The next 1 + n bytes after that are literal bytes. + +For copy tags, length bytes are copied from offset bytes ago, in the style of +Lempel-Ziv compression algorithms. In particular: + - For l == 1, the offset ranges in [0, 1<<11) and the length in [4, 12). + The length is 4 + the low 3 bits of m. The high 3 bits of m form bits 8-10 + of the offset. The next byte is bits 0-7 of the offset. + - For l == 2, the offset ranges in [0, 1<<16) and the length in [1, 65). + The length is 1 + m. The offset is the little-endian unsigned integer + denoted by the next 2 bytes. + - For l == 3, this tag is a legacy format that is no longer issued by most + encoders. Nonetheless, the offset ranges in [0, 1<<32) and the length in + [1, 65). The length is 1 + m. The offset is the little-endian unsigned + integer denoted by the next 4 bytes. +*/ +const ( + tagLiteral = 0x00 + tagCopy1 = 0x01 + tagCopy2 = 0x02 + tagCopy4 = 0x03 +) + +const ( + checksumSize = 4 + chunkHeaderSize = 4 + magicChunk = "\xff\x06\x00\x00" + magicBody + magicBody = "sNaPpY" + + // maxBlockSize is the maximum size of the input to encodeBlock. It is not + // part of the wire format per se, but some parts of the encoder assume + // that an offset fits into a uint16. + // + // Also, for the framing format (Writer type instead of Encode function), + // https://github.com/google/snappy/blob/master/framing_format.txt says + // that "the uncompressed data in a chunk must be no longer than 65536 + // bytes". + maxBlockSize = 65536 + + // maxEncodedLenOfMaxBlockSize equals MaxEncodedLen(maxBlockSize), but is + // hard coded to be a const instead of a variable, so that obufLen can also + // be a const. Their equivalence is confirmed by + // TestMaxEncodedLenOfMaxBlockSize. + maxEncodedLenOfMaxBlockSize = 76490 + + obufHeaderLen = len(magicChunk) + checksumSize + chunkHeaderSize + obufLen = obufHeaderLen + maxEncodedLenOfMaxBlockSize +) + +const ( + chunkTypeCompressedData = 0x00 + chunkTypeUncompressedData = 0x01 + chunkTypePadding = 0xfe + chunkTypeStreamIdentifier = 0xff +) + +var crcTable = crc32.MakeTable(crc32.Castagnoli) + +// crc implements the checksum specified in section 3 of +// https://github.com/google/snappy/blob/master/framing_format.txt +func crc(b []byte) uint32 { + c := crc32.Update(0, crcTable, b) + return c>>15 | c<<17 + 0xa282ead8 +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/README.md b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7680bfe1dd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,417 @@ +# zstd + +[Zstandard](https://facebook.github.io/zstd/) is a real-time compression algorithm, providing high compression ratios. +It offers a very wide range of compression / speed trade-off, while being backed by a very fast decoder. +A high performance compression algorithm is implemented. For now focused on speed. + +This package provides [compression](#Compressor) to and [decompression](#Decompressor) of Zstandard content. + +This package is pure Go and without use of "unsafe". + +The `zstd` package is provided as open source software using a Go standard license. + +Currently the package is heavily optimized for 64 bit processors and will be significantly slower on 32 bit processors. + +## Installation + +Install using `go get -u github.com/klauspost/compress`. The package is located in `github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd`. + +Godoc Documentation: https://godoc.org/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd + + +## Compressor + +### Status: + +STABLE - there may always be subtle bugs, a wide variety of content has been tested and the library is actively +used by several projects. This library is being [fuzz-tested](https://github.com/klauspost/compress-fuzz) for all updates. + +There may still be specific combinations of data types/size/settings that could lead to edge cases, +so as always, testing is recommended. + +For now, a high speed (fastest) and medium-fast (default) compressor has been implemented. + +* The "Fastest" compression ratio is roughly equivalent to zstd level 1. +* The "Default" compression ratio is roughly equivalent to zstd level 3 (default). +* The "Better" compression ratio is roughly equivalent to zstd level 7. +* The "Best" compression ratio is roughly equivalent to zstd level 11. + +In terms of speed, it is typically 2x as fast as the stdlib deflate/gzip in its fastest mode. +The compression ratio compared to stdlib is around level 3, but usually 3x as fast. + + +### Usage + +An Encoder can be used for either compressing a stream via the +`io.WriteCloser` interface supported by the Encoder or as multiple independent +tasks via the `EncodeAll` function. +Smaller encodes are encouraged to use the EncodeAll function. +Use `NewWriter` to create a new instance that can be used for both. + +To create a writer with default options, do like this: + +```Go +// Compress input to output. +func Compress(in io.Reader, out io.Writer) error { + enc, err := zstd.NewWriter(out) + if err != nil { + return err + } + _, err = io.Copy(enc, in) + if err != nil { + enc.Close() + return err + } + return enc.Close() +} +``` + +Now you can encode by writing data to `enc`. The output will be finished writing when `Close()` is called. +Even if your encode fails, you should still call `Close()` to release any resources that may be held up. + +The above is fine for big encodes. However, whenever possible try to *reuse* the writer. + +To reuse the encoder, you can use the `Reset(io.Writer)` function to change to another output. +This will allow the encoder to reuse all resources and avoid wasteful allocations. + +Currently stream encoding has 'light' concurrency, meaning up to 2 goroutines can be working on part +of a stream. This is independent of the `WithEncoderConcurrency(n)`, but that is likely to change +in the future. So if you want to limit concurrency for future updates, specify the concurrency +you would like. + +You can specify your desired compression level using `WithEncoderLevel()` option. Currently only pre-defined +compression settings can be specified. + +#### Future Compatibility Guarantees + +This will be an evolving project. When using this package it is important to note that both the compression efficiency and speed may change. + +The goal will be to keep the default efficiency at the default zstd (level 3). +However the encoding should never be assumed to remain the same, +and you should not use hashes of compressed output for similarity checks. + +The Encoder can be assumed to produce the same output from the exact same code version. +However, the may be modes in the future that break this, +although they will not be enabled without an explicit option. + +This encoder is not designed to (and will probably never) output the exact same bitstream as the reference encoder. + +Also note, that the cgo decompressor currently does not [report all errors on invalid input](https://github.com/DataDog/zstd/issues/59), +[omits error checks](https://github.com/DataDog/zstd/issues/61), [ignores checksums](https://github.com/DataDog/zstd/issues/43) +and seems to ignore concatenated streams, even though [it is part of the spec](https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/dev/doc/zstd_compression_format.md#frames). + +#### Blocks + +For compressing small blocks, the returned encoder has a function called `EncodeAll(src, dst []byte) []byte`. + +`EncodeAll` will encode all input in src and append it to dst. +This function can be called concurrently, but each call will only run on a single goroutine. + +Encoded blocks can be concatenated and the result will be the combined input stream. +Data compressed with EncodeAll can be decoded with the Decoder, using either a stream or `DecodeAll`. + +Especially when encoding blocks you should take special care to reuse the encoder. +This will effectively make it run without allocations after a warmup period. +To make it run completely without allocations, supply a destination buffer with space for all content. + +```Go +import "github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd" + +// Create a writer that caches compressors. +// For this operation type we supply a nil Reader. +var encoder, _ = zstd.NewWriter(nil) + +// Compress a buffer. +// If you have a destination buffer, the allocation in the call can also be eliminated. +func Compress(src []byte) []byte { + return encoder.EncodeAll(src, make([]byte, 0, len(src))) +} +``` + +You can control the maximum number of concurrent encodes using the `WithEncoderConcurrency(n)` +option when creating the writer. + +Using the Encoder for both a stream and individual blocks concurrently is safe. + +### Performance + +I have collected some speed examples to compare speed and compression against other compressors. + +* `file` is the input file. +* `out` is the compressor used. `zskp` is this package. `zstd` is the Datadog cgo library. `gzstd/gzkp` is gzip standard and this library. +* `level` is the compression level used. For `zskp` level 1 is "fastest", level 2 is "default"; 3 is "better", 4 is "best". +* `insize`/`outsize` is the input/output size. +* `millis` is the number of milliseconds used for compression. +* `mb/s` is megabytes (2^20 bytes) per second. + +``` +Silesia Corpus: +http://sun.aei.polsl.pl/~sdeor/corpus/silesia.zip + +This package: +file out level insize outsize millis mb/s +silesia.tar zskp 1 211947520 73101992 643 313.87 +silesia.tar zskp 2 211947520 67504318 969 208.38 +silesia.tar zskp 3 211947520 65177448 1899 106.44 +silesia.tar zskp 4 211947520 61381950 8115 24.91 + +cgo zstd: +silesia.tar zstd 1 211947520 73605392 543 371.56 +silesia.tar zstd 3 211947520 66793289 864 233.68 +silesia.tar zstd 6 211947520 62916450 1913 105.66 +silesia.tar zstd 9 211947520 60212393 5063 39.92 + +gzip, stdlib/this package: +silesia.tar gzstd 1 211947520 80007735 1654 122.21 +silesia.tar gzkp 1 211947520 80369488 1168 173.06 + +GOB stream of binary data. Highly compressible. +https://files.klauspost.com/compress/gob-stream.7z + +file out level insize outsize millis mb/s +gob-stream zskp 1 1911399616 235022249 3088 590.30 +gob-stream zskp 2 1911399616 205669791 3786 481.34 +gob-stream zskp 3 1911399616 185792019 9324 195.48 +gob-stream zskp 4 1911399616 171537212 32113 56.76 +gob-stream zstd 1 1911399616 249810424 2637 691.26 +gob-stream zstd 3 1911399616 208192146 3490 522.31 +gob-stream zstd 6 1911399616 193632038 6687 272.56 +gob-stream zstd 9 1911399616 177620386 16175 112.70 +gob-stream gzstd 1 1911399616 357382641 10251 177.82 +gob-stream gzkp 1 1911399616 362156523 5695 320.08 + +The test data for the Large Text Compression Benchmark is the first +10^9 bytes of the English Wikipedia dump on Mar. 3, 2006. +http://mattmahoney.net/dc/textdata.html + +file out level insize outsize millis mb/s +enwik9 zskp 1 1000000000 343848582 3609 264.18 +enwik9 zskp 2 1000000000 317276632 5746 165.97 +enwik9 zskp 3 1000000000 294540704 11725 81.34 +enwik9 zskp 4 1000000000 276609671 44029 21.66 +enwik9 zstd 1 1000000000 358072021 3110 306.65 +enwik9 zstd 3 1000000000 313734672 4784 199.35 +enwik9 zstd 6 1000000000 295138875 10290 92.68 +enwik9 zstd 9 1000000000 278348700 28549 33.40 +enwik9 gzstd 1 1000000000 382578136 9604 99.30 +enwik9 gzkp 1 1000000000 383825945 6544 145.73 + +Highly compressible JSON file. +https://files.klauspost.com/compress/github-june-2days-2019.json.zst + +file out level insize outsize millis mb/s +github-june-2days-2019.json zskp 1 6273951764 699045015 10620 563.40 +github-june-2days-2019.json zskp 2 6273951764 617881763 11687 511.96 +github-june-2days-2019.json zskp 3 6273951764 537511906 29252 204.54 +github-june-2days-2019.json zskp 4 6273951764 512796117 97791 61.18 +github-june-2days-2019.json zstd 1 6273951764 766284037 8450 708.00 +github-june-2days-2019.json zstd 3 6273951764 661889476 10927 547.57 +github-june-2days-2019.json zstd 6 6273951764 642756859 22996 260.18 +github-june-2days-2019.json zstd 9 6273951764 601974523 52413 114.16 +github-june-2days-2019.json gzstd 1 6273951764 1164400847 29948 199.79 +github-june-2days-2019.json gzkp 1 6273951764 1128755542 19236 311.03 + +VM Image, Linux mint with a few installed applications: +https://files.klauspost.com/compress/rawstudio-mint14.7z + +file out level insize outsize millis mb/s +rawstudio-mint14.tar zskp 1 8558382592 3667489370 20210 403.84 +rawstudio-mint14.tar zskp 2 8558382592 3364592300 31873 256.07 +rawstudio-mint14.tar zskp 3 8558382592 3224594213 71751 113.75 +rawstudio-mint14.tar zskp 4 8558382592 3027332295 486243 16.79 +rawstudio-mint14.tar zstd 1 8558382592 3609250104 17136 476.27 +rawstudio-mint14.tar zstd 3 8558382592 3341679997 29262 278.92 +rawstudio-mint14.tar zstd 6 8558382592 3235846406 77904 104.77 +rawstudio-mint14.tar zstd 9 8558382592 3160778861 140946 57.91 +rawstudio-mint14.tar gzstd 1 8558382592 3926257486 57722 141.40 +rawstudio-mint14.tar gzkp 1 8558382592 3970463184 41749 195.49 + +CSV data: +https://files.klauspost.com/compress/nyc-taxi-data-10M.csv.zst + +file out level insize outsize millis mb/s +nyc-taxi-data-10M.csv zskp 1 3325605752 641339945 8925 355.35 +nyc-taxi-data-10M.csv zskp 2 3325605752 591748091 11268 281.44 +nyc-taxi-data-10M.csv zskp 3 3325605752 538490114 19880 159.53 +nyc-taxi-data-10M.csv zskp 4 3325605752 495986829 89368 35.49 +nyc-taxi-data-10M.csv zstd 1 3325605752 687399637 8233 385.18 +nyc-taxi-data-10M.csv zstd 3 3325605752 598514411 10065 315.07 +nyc-taxi-data-10M.csv zstd 6 3325605752 570522953 20038 158.27 +nyc-taxi-data-10M.csv zstd 9 3325605752 517554797 64565 49.12 +nyc-taxi-data-10M.csv gzstd 1 3325605752 928656485 23876 132.83 +nyc-taxi-data-10M.csv gzkp 1 3325605752 924718719 16388 193.53 +``` + +## Decompressor + +Staus: STABLE - there may still be subtle bugs, but a wide variety of content has been tested. + +This library is being continuously [fuzz-tested](https://github.com/klauspost/compress-fuzz), +kindly supplied by [fuzzit.dev](https://fuzzit.dev/). +The main purpose of the fuzz testing is to ensure that it is not possible to crash the decoder, +or run it past its limits with ANY input provided. + +### Usage + +The package has been designed for two main usages, big streams of data and smaller in-memory buffers. +There are two main usages of the package for these. Both of them are accessed by creating a `Decoder`. + +For streaming use a simple setup could look like this: + +```Go +import "github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd" + +func Decompress(in io.Reader, out io.Writer) error { + d, err := zstd.NewReader(in) + if err != nil { + return err + } + defer d.Close() + + // Copy content... + _, err = io.Copy(out, d) + return err +} +``` + +It is important to use the "Close" function when you no longer need the Reader to stop running goroutines. +See "Allocation-less operation" below. + +For decoding buffers, it could look something like this: + +```Go +import "github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd" + +// Create a reader that caches decompressors. +// For this operation type we supply a nil Reader. +var decoder, _ = zstd.NewReader(nil) + +// Decompress a buffer. We don't supply a destination buffer, +// so it will be allocated by the decoder. +func Decompress(src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return decoder.DecodeAll(src, nil) +} +``` + +Both of these cases should provide the functionality needed. +The decoder can be used for *concurrent* decompression of multiple buffers. +It will only allow a certain number of concurrent operations to run. +To tweak that yourself use the `WithDecoderConcurrency(n)` option when creating the decoder. + +### Dictionaries + +Data compressed with [dictionaries](https://github.com/facebook/zstd#the-case-for-small-data-compression) can be decompressed. + +Dictionaries are added individually to Decoders. +Dictionaries are generated by the `zstd --train` command and contains an initial state for the decoder. +To add a dictionary use the `WithDecoderDicts(dicts ...[]byte)` option with the dictionary data. +Several dictionaries can be added at once. + +The dictionary will be used automatically for the data that specifies them. +A re-used Decoder will still contain the dictionaries registered. + +When registering multiple dictionaries with the same ID, the last one will be used. + +It is possible to use dictionaries when compressing data. + +To enable a dictionary use `WithEncoderDict(dict []byte)`. Here only one dictionary will be used +and it will likely be used even if it doesn't improve compression. + +The used dictionary must be used to decompress the content. + +For any real gains, the dictionary should be built with similar data. +If an unsuitable dictionary is used the output may be slightly larger than using no dictionary. +Use the [zstd commandline tool](https://github.com/facebook/zstd/releases) to build a dictionary from sample data. +For information see [zstd dictionary information](https://github.com/facebook/zstd#the-case-for-small-data-compression). + +For now there is a fixed startup performance penalty for compressing content with dictionaries. +This will likely be improved over time. Just be aware to test performance when implementing. + +### Allocation-less operation + +The decoder has been designed to operate without allocations after a warmup. + +This means that you should *store* the decoder for best performance. +To re-use a stream decoder, use the `Reset(r io.Reader) error` to switch to another stream. +A decoder can safely be re-used even if the previous stream failed. + +To release the resources, you must call the `Close()` function on a decoder. +After this it can *no longer be reused*, but all running goroutines will be stopped. +So you *must* use this if you will no longer need the Reader. + +For decompressing smaller buffers a single decoder can be used. +When decoding buffers, you can supply a destination slice with length 0 and your expected capacity. +In this case no unneeded allocations should be made. + +### Concurrency + +The buffer decoder does everything on the same goroutine and does nothing concurrently. +It can however decode several buffers concurrently. Use `WithDecoderConcurrency(n)` to limit that. + +The stream decoder operates on + +* One goroutine reads input and splits the input to several block decoders. +* A number of decoders will decode blocks. +* A goroutine coordinates these blocks and sends history from one to the next. + +So effectively this also means the decoder will "read ahead" and prepare data to always be available for output. + +Since "blocks" are quite dependent on the output of the previous block stream decoding will only have limited concurrency. + +In practice this means that concurrency is often limited to utilizing about 2 cores effectively. + + +### Benchmarks + +These are some examples of performance compared to [datadog cgo library](https://github.com/DataDog/zstd). + +The first two are streaming decodes and the last are smaller inputs. + +``` +BenchmarkDecoderSilesia-8 3 385000067 ns/op 550.51 MB/s 5498 B/op 8 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoderSilesiaCgo-8 6 197666567 ns/op 1072.25 MB/s 270672 B/op 8 allocs/op + +BenchmarkDecoderEnwik9-8 1 2027001600 ns/op 493.34 MB/s 10496 B/op 18 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoderEnwik9Cgo-8 2 979499200 ns/op 1020.93 MB/s 270672 B/op 8 allocs/op + +Concurrent performance: + +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallel/kppkn.gtb.zst-16 28915 42469 ns/op 4340.07 MB/s 114 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallel/geo.protodata.zst-16 116505 9965 ns/op 11900.16 MB/s 16 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallel/plrabn12.txt.zst-16 8952 134272 ns/op 3588.70 MB/s 915 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallel/lcet10.txt.zst-16 11820 102538 ns/op 4161.90 MB/s 594 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallel/asyoulik.txt.zst-16 34782 34184 ns/op 3661.88 MB/s 60 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallel/alice29.txt.zst-16 27712 43447 ns/op 3500.58 MB/s 99 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallel/html_x_4.zst-16 62826 18750 ns/op 21845.10 MB/s 104 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallel/paper-100k.pdf.zst-16 631545 1794 ns/op 57078.74 MB/s 2 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallel/fireworks.jpeg.zst-16 1690140 712 ns/op 172938.13 MB/s 1 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallel/urls.10K.zst-16 10432 113593 ns/op 6180.73 MB/s 1143 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallel/html.zst-16 113206 10671 ns/op 9596.27 MB/s 15 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallel/comp-data.bin.zst-16 1530615 779 ns/op 5229.49 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op + +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallelCgo/kppkn.gtb.zst-16 65217 16192 ns/op 11383.34 MB/s 46 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallelCgo/geo.protodata.zst-16 292671 4039 ns/op 29363.19 MB/s 6 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallelCgo/plrabn12.txt.zst-16 26314 46021 ns/op 10470.43 MB/s 293 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallelCgo/lcet10.txt.zst-16 33897 34900 ns/op 12227.96 MB/s 205 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallelCgo/asyoulik.txt.zst-16 104348 11433 ns/op 10949.01 MB/s 20 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallelCgo/alice29.txt.zst-16 75949 15510 ns/op 9805.60 MB/s 32 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallelCgo/html_x_4.zst-16 173910 6756 ns/op 60624.29 MB/s 37 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallelCgo/paper-100k.pdf.zst-16 923076 1339 ns/op 76474.87 MB/s 1 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallelCgo/fireworks.jpeg.zst-16 922920 1351 ns/op 91102.57 MB/s 2 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallelCgo/urls.10K.zst-16 27649 43618 ns/op 16096.19 MB/s 407 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallelCgo/html.zst-16 279073 4160 ns/op 24614.18 MB/s 6 B/op 0 allocs/op +BenchmarkDecoder_DecodeAllParallelCgo/comp-data.bin.zst-16 749938 1579 ns/op 2581.71 MB/s 0 B/op 0 allocs/op +``` + +This reflects the performance around May 2020, but this may be out of date. + +# Contributions + +Contributions are always welcome. +For new features/fixes, remember to add tests and for performance enhancements include benchmarks. + +For sending files for reproducing errors use a service like [goobox](https://goobox.io/#/upload) or similar to share your files. + +For general feedback and experience reports, feel free to open an issue or write me on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/sh0dan). + +This package includes the excellent [`github.com/cespare/xxhash`](https://github.com/cespare/xxhash) package Copyright (c) 2016 Caleb Spare. diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/bitreader.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/bitreader.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..85445853715 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/bitreader.go @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "errors" + "io" + "math/bits" +) + +// bitReader reads a bitstream in reverse. +// The last set bit indicates the start of the stream and is used +// for aligning the input. +type bitReader struct { + in []byte + off uint // next byte to read is at in[off - 1] + value uint64 // Maybe use [16]byte, but shifting is awkward. + bitsRead uint8 +} + +// init initializes and resets the bit reader. +func (b *bitReader) init(in []byte) error { + if len(in) < 1 { + return errors.New("corrupt stream: too short") + } + b.in = in + b.off = uint(len(in)) + // The highest bit of the last byte indicates where to start + v := in[len(in)-1] + if v == 0 { + return errors.New("corrupt stream, did not find end of stream") + } + b.bitsRead = 64 + b.value = 0 + if len(in) >= 8 { + b.fillFastStart() + } else { + b.fill() + b.fill() + } + b.bitsRead += 8 - uint8(highBits(uint32(v))) + return nil +} + +// getBits will return n bits. n can be 0. +func (b *bitReader) getBits(n uint8) int { + if n == 0 /*|| b.bitsRead >= 64 */ { + return 0 + } + return b.getBitsFast(n) +} + +// getBitsFast requires that at least one bit is requested every time. +// There are no checks if the buffer is filled. +func (b *bitReader) getBitsFast(n uint8) int { + const regMask = 64 - 1 + v := uint32((b.value << (b.bitsRead & regMask)) >> ((regMask + 1 - n) & regMask)) + b.bitsRead += n + return int(v) +} + +// fillFast() will make sure at least 32 bits are available. +// There must be at least 4 bytes available. +func (b *bitReader) fillFast() { + if b.bitsRead < 32 { + return + } + // 2 bounds checks. + v := b.in[b.off-4:] + v = v[:4] + low := (uint32(v[0])) | (uint32(v[1]) << 8) | (uint32(v[2]) << 16) | (uint32(v[3]) << 24) + b.value = (b.value << 32) | uint64(low) + b.bitsRead -= 32 + b.off -= 4 +} + +// fillFastStart() assumes the bitreader is empty and there is at least 8 bytes to read. +func (b *bitReader) fillFastStart() { + // Do single re-slice to avoid bounds checks. + b.value = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b.in[b.off-8:]) + b.bitsRead = 0 + b.off -= 8 +} + +// fill() will make sure at least 32 bits are available. +func (b *bitReader) fill() { + if b.bitsRead < 32 { + return + } + if b.off >= 4 { + v := b.in[b.off-4:] + v = v[:4] + low := (uint32(v[0])) | (uint32(v[1]) << 8) | (uint32(v[2]) << 16) | (uint32(v[3]) << 24) + b.value = (b.value << 32) | uint64(low) + b.bitsRead -= 32 + b.off -= 4 + return + } + for b.off > 0 { + b.value = (b.value << 8) | uint64(b.in[b.off-1]) + b.bitsRead -= 8 + b.off-- + } +} + +// finished returns true if all bits have been read from the bit stream. +func (b *bitReader) finished() bool { + return b.off == 0 && b.bitsRead >= 64 +} + +// overread returns true if more bits have been requested than is on the stream. +func (b *bitReader) overread() bool { + return b.bitsRead > 64 +} + +// remain returns the number of bits remaining. +func (b *bitReader) remain() uint { + return b.off*8 + 64 - uint(b.bitsRead) +} + +// close the bitstream and returns an error if out-of-buffer reads occurred. +func (b *bitReader) close() error { + // Release reference. + b.in = nil + if b.bitsRead > 64 { + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + return nil +} + +func highBits(val uint32) (n uint32) { + return uint32(bits.Len32(val) - 1) +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/bitwriter.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/bitwriter.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..303ae90f944 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/bitwriter.go @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +// Copyright 2018 Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work Copyright (c) 2013, Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +import "fmt" + +// bitWriter will write bits. +// First bit will be LSB of the first byte of output. +type bitWriter struct { + bitContainer uint64 + nBits uint8 + out []byte +} + +// bitMask16 is bitmasks. Has extra to avoid bounds check. +var bitMask16 = [32]uint16{ + 0, 1, 3, 7, 0xF, 0x1F, + 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0x1FF, 0x3FF, 0x7FF, + 0xFFF, 0x1FFF, 0x3FFF, 0x7FFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, + 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, + 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF} /* up to 16 bits */ + +var bitMask32 = [32]uint32{ + 0, 1, 3, 7, 0xF, 0x1F, 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xFF, + 0x1FF, 0x3FF, 0x7FF, 0xFFF, 0x1FFF, 0x3FFF, 0x7FFF, 0xFFFF, + 0x1ffff, 0x3ffff, 0x7FFFF, 0xfFFFF, 0x1fFFFF, 0x3fFFFF, 0x7fFFFF, 0xffFFFF, + 0x1ffFFFF, 0x3ffFFFF, 0x7ffFFFF, 0xfffFFFF, 0x1fffFFFF, 0x3fffFFFF, 0x7fffFFFF, +} // up to 32 bits + +// addBits16NC will add up to 16 bits. +// It will not check if there is space for them, +// so the caller must ensure that it has flushed recently. +func (b *bitWriter) addBits16NC(value uint16, bits uint8) { + b.bitContainer |= uint64(value&bitMask16[bits&31]) << (b.nBits & 63) + b.nBits += bits +} + +// addBits32NC will add up to 32 bits. +// It will not check if there is space for them, +// so the caller must ensure that it has flushed recently. +func (b *bitWriter) addBits32NC(value uint32, bits uint8) { + b.bitContainer |= uint64(value&bitMask32[bits&31]) << (b.nBits & 63) + b.nBits += bits +} + +// addBits16Clean will add up to 16 bits. value may not contain more set bits than indicated. +// It will not check if there is space for them, so the caller must ensure that it has flushed recently. +func (b *bitWriter) addBits16Clean(value uint16, bits uint8) { + b.bitContainer |= uint64(value) << (b.nBits & 63) + b.nBits += bits +} + +// flush will flush all pending full bytes. +// There will be at least 56 bits available for writing when this has been called. +// Using flush32 is faster, but leaves less space for writing. +func (b *bitWriter) flush() { + v := b.nBits >> 3 + switch v { + case 0: + case 1: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + ) + case 2: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + ) + case 3: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + byte(b.bitContainer>>16), + ) + case 4: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + byte(b.bitContainer>>16), + byte(b.bitContainer>>24), + ) + case 5: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + byte(b.bitContainer>>16), + byte(b.bitContainer>>24), + byte(b.bitContainer>>32), + ) + case 6: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + byte(b.bitContainer>>16), + byte(b.bitContainer>>24), + byte(b.bitContainer>>32), + byte(b.bitContainer>>40), + ) + case 7: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + byte(b.bitContainer>>16), + byte(b.bitContainer>>24), + byte(b.bitContainer>>32), + byte(b.bitContainer>>40), + byte(b.bitContainer>>48), + ) + case 8: + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + byte(b.bitContainer>>16), + byte(b.bitContainer>>24), + byte(b.bitContainer>>32), + byte(b.bitContainer>>40), + byte(b.bitContainer>>48), + byte(b.bitContainer>>56), + ) + default: + panic(fmt.Errorf("bits (%d) > 64", b.nBits)) + } + b.bitContainer >>= v << 3 + b.nBits &= 7 +} + +// flush32 will flush out, so there are at least 32 bits available for writing. +func (b *bitWriter) flush32() { + if b.nBits < 32 { + return + } + b.out = append(b.out, + byte(b.bitContainer), + byte(b.bitContainer>>8), + byte(b.bitContainer>>16), + byte(b.bitContainer>>24)) + b.nBits -= 32 + b.bitContainer >>= 32 +} + +// flushAlign will flush remaining full bytes and align to next byte boundary. +func (b *bitWriter) flushAlign() { + nbBytes := (b.nBits + 7) >> 3 + for i := uint8(0); i < nbBytes; i++ { + b.out = append(b.out, byte(b.bitContainer>>(i*8))) + } + b.nBits = 0 + b.bitContainer = 0 +} + +// close will write the alignment bit and write the final byte(s) +// to the output. +func (b *bitWriter) close() error { + // End mark + b.addBits16Clean(1, 1) + // flush until next byte. + b.flushAlign() + return nil +} + +// reset and continue writing by appending to out. +func (b *bitWriter) reset(out []byte) { + b.bitContainer = 0 + b.nBits = 0 + b.out = out +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/blockdec.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/blockdec.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b51d922bda6 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/blockdec.go @@ -0,0 +1,739 @@ +// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + "io" + "sync" + + "github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0" + "github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash" +) + +type blockType uint8 + +//go:generate stringer -type=blockType,literalsBlockType,seqCompMode,tableIndex + +const ( + blockTypeRaw blockType = iota + blockTypeRLE + blockTypeCompressed + blockTypeReserved +) + +type literalsBlockType uint8 + +const ( + literalsBlockRaw literalsBlockType = iota + literalsBlockRLE + literalsBlockCompressed + literalsBlockTreeless +) + +const ( + // maxCompressedBlockSize is the biggest allowed compressed block size (128KB) + maxCompressedBlockSize = 128 << 10 + + // Maximum possible block size (all Raw+Uncompressed). + maxBlockSize = (1 << 21) - 1 + + // https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/dev/doc/zstd_compression_format.md#literals_section_header + maxCompressedLiteralSize = 1 << 18 + maxRLELiteralSize = 1 << 20 + maxMatchLen = 131074 + maxSequences = 0x7f00 + 0xffff + + // We support slightly less than the reference decoder to be able to + // use ints on 32 bit archs. + maxOffsetBits = 30 +) + +var ( + huffDecoderPool = sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} { + return &huff0.Scratch{} + }} + + fseDecoderPool = sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} { + return &fseDecoder{} + }} +) + +type blockDec struct { + // Raw source data of the block. + data []byte + dataStorage []byte + + // Destination of the decoded data. + dst []byte + + // Buffer for literals data. + literalBuf []byte + + // Window size of the block. + WindowSize uint64 + + history chan *history + input chan struct{} + result chan decodeOutput + sequenceBuf []seq + err error + decWG sync.WaitGroup + + // Frame to use for singlethreaded decoding. + // Should not be used by the decoder itself since parent may be another frame. + localFrame *frameDec + + // Block is RLE, this is the size. + RLESize uint32 + tmp [4]byte + + Type blockType + + // Is this the last block of a frame? + Last bool + + // Use less memory + lowMem bool +} + +func (b *blockDec) String() string { + if b == nil { + return "" + } + return fmt.Sprintf("Steam Size: %d, Type: %v, Last: %t, Window: %d", len(b.data), b.Type, b.Last, b.WindowSize) +} + +func newBlockDec(lowMem bool) *blockDec { + b := blockDec{ + lowMem: lowMem, + result: make(chan decodeOutput, 1), + input: make(chan struct{}, 1), + history: make(chan *history, 1), + } + b.decWG.Add(1) + go b.startDecoder() + return &b +} + +// reset will reset the block. +// Input must be a start of a block and will be at the end of the block when returned. +func (b *blockDec) reset(br byteBuffer, windowSize uint64) error { + b.WindowSize = windowSize + tmp := br.readSmall(3) + if tmp == nil { + if debug { + println("Reading block header:", io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) + } + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + bh := uint32(tmp[0]) | (uint32(tmp[1]) << 8) | (uint32(tmp[2]) << 16) + b.Last = bh&1 != 0 + b.Type = blockType((bh >> 1) & 3) + // find size. + cSize := int(bh >> 3) + maxSize := maxBlockSize + switch b.Type { + case blockTypeReserved: + return ErrReservedBlockType + case blockTypeRLE: + b.RLESize = uint32(cSize) + if b.lowMem { + maxSize = cSize + } + cSize = 1 + case blockTypeCompressed: + if debug { + println("Data size on stream:", cSize) + } + b.RLESize = 0 + maxSize = maxCompressedBlockSize + if windowSize < maxCompressedBlockSize && b.lowMem { + maxSize = int(windowSize) + } + if cSize > maxCompressedBlockSize || uint64(cSize) > b.WindowSize { + if debug { + printf("compressed block too big: csize:%d block: %+v\n", uint64(cSize), b) + } + return ErrCompressedSizeTooBig + } + case blockTypeRaw: + b.RLESize = 0 + // We do not need a destination for raw blocks. + maxSize = -1 + default: + panic("Invalid block type") + } + + // Read block data. + if cap(b.dataStorage) < cSize { + if b.lowMem { + b.dataStorage = make([]byte, 0, cSize) + } else { + b.dataStorage = make([]byte, 0, maxBlockSize) + } + } + if cap(b.dst) <= maxSize { + b.dst = make([]byte, 0, maxSize+1) + } + var err error + b.data, err = br.readBig(cSize, b.dataStorage) + if err != nil { + if debug { + println("Reading block:", err, "(", cSize, ")", len(b.data)) + printf("%T", br) + } + return err + } + return nil +} + +// sendEOF will make the decoder send EOF on this frame. +func (b *blockDec) sendErr(err error) { + b.Last = true + b.Type = blockTypeReserved + b.err = err + b.input <- struct{}{} +} + +// Close will release resources. +// Closed blockDec cannot be reset. +func (b *blockDec) Close() { + close(b.input) + close(b.history) + close(b.result) + b.decWG.Wait() +} + +// decodeAsync will prepare decoding the block when it receives input. +// This will separate output and history. +func (b *blockDec) startDecoder() { + defer b.decWG.Done() + for range b.input { + //println("blockDec: Got block input") + switch b.Type { + case blockTypeRLE: + if cap(b.dst) < int(b.RLESize) { + if b.lowMem { + b.dst = make([]byte, b.RLESize) + } else { + b.dst = make([]byte, maxBlockSize) + } + } + o := decodeOutput{ + d: b, + b: b.dst[:b.RLESize], + err: nil, + } + v := b.data[0] + for i := range o.b { + o.b[i] = v + } + hist := <-b.history + hist.append(o.b) + b.result <- o + case blockTypeRaw: + o := decodeOutput{ + d: b, + b: b.data, + err: nil, + } + hist := <-b.history + hist.append(o.b) + b.result <- o + case blockTypeCompressed: + b.dst = b.dst[:0] + err := b.decodeCompressed(nil) + o := decodeOutput{ + d: b, + b: b.dst, + err: err, + } + if debug { + println("Decompressed to", len(b.dst), "bytes, error:", err) + } + b.result <- o + case blockTypeReserved: + // Used for returning errors. + <-b.history + b.result <- decodeOutput{ + d: b, + b: nil, + err: b.err, + } + default: + panic("Invalid block type") + } + if debug { + println("blockDec: Finished block") + } + } +} + +// decodeAsync will prepare decoding the block when it receives the history. +// If history is provided, it will not fetch it from the channel. +func (b *blockDec) decodeBuf(hist *history) error { + switch b.Type { + case blockTypeRLE: + if cap(b.dst) < int(b.RLESize) { + if b.lowMem { + b.dst = make([]byte, b.RLESize) + } else { + b.dst = make([]byte, maxBlockSize) + } + } + b.dst = b.dst[:b.RLESize] + v := b.data[0] + for i := range b.dst { + b.dst[i] = v + } + hist.appendKeep(b.dst) + return nil + case blockTypeRaw: + hist.appendKeep(b.data) + return nil + case blockTypeCompressed: + saved := b.dst + b.dst = hist.b + hist.b = nil + err := b.decodeCompressed(hist) + if debug { + println("Decompressed to total", len(b.dst), "bytes, hash:", xxhash.Sum64(b.dst), "error:", err) + } + hist.b = b.dst + b.dst = saved + return err + case blockTypeReserved: + // Used for returning errors. + return b.err + default: + panic("Invalid block type") + } +} + +// decodeCompressed will start decompressing a block. +// If no history is supplied the decoder will decodeAsync as much as possible +// before fetching from blockDec.history +func (b *blockDec) decodeCompressed(hist *history) error { + in := b.data + delayedHistory := hist == nil + + if delayedHistory { + // We must always grab history. + defer func() { + if hist == nil { + <-b.history + } + }() + } + // There must be at least one byte for Literals_Block_Type and one for Sequences_Section_Header + if len(in) < 2 { + return ErrBlockTooSmall + } + litType := literalsBlockType(in[0] & 3) + var litRegenSize int + var litCompSize int + sizeFormat := (in[0] >> 2) & 3 + var fourStreams bool + switch litType { + case literalsBlockRaw, literalsBlockRLE: + switch sizeFormat { + case 0, 2: + // Regenerated_Size uses 5 bits (0-31). Literals_Section_Header uses 1 byte. + litRegenSize = int(in[0] >> 3) + in = in[1:] + case 1: + // Regenerated_Size uses 12 bits (0-4095). Literals_Section_Header uses 2 bytes. + litRegenSize = int(in[0]>>4) + (int(in[1]) << 4) + in = in[2:] + case 3: + // Regenerated_Size uses 20 bits (0-1048575). Literals_Section_Header uses 3 bytes. + if len(in) < 3 { + println("too small: litType:", litType, " sizeFormat", sizeFormat, len(in)) + return ErrBlockTooSmall + } + litRegenSize = int(in[0]>>4) + (int(in[1]) << 4) + (int(in[2]) << 12) + in = in[3:] + } + case literalsBlockCompressed, literalsBlockTreeless: + switch sizeFormat { + case 0, 1: + // Both Regenerated_Size and Compressed_Size use 10 bits (0-1023). + if len(in) < 3 { + println("too small: litType:", litType, " sizeFormat", sizeFormat, len(in)) + return ErrBlockTooSmall + } + n := uint64(in[0]>>4) + (uint64(in[1]) << 4) + (uint64(in[2]) << 12) + litRegenSize = int(n & 1023) + litCompSize = int(n >> 10) + fourStreams = sizeFormat == 1 + in = in[3:] + case 2: + fourStreams = true + if len(in) < 4 { + println("too small: litType:", litType, " sizeFormat", sizeFormat, len(in)) + return ErrBlockTooSmall + } + n := uint64(in[0]>>4) + (uint64(in[1]) << 4) + (uint64(in[2]) << 12) + (uint64(in[3]) << 20) + litRegenSize = int(n & 16383) + litCompSize = int(n >> 14) + in = in[4:] + case 3: + fourStreams = true + if len(in) < 5 { + println("too small: litType:", litType, " sizeFormat", sizeFormat, len(in)) + return ErrBlockTooSmall + } + n := uint64(in[0]>>4) + (uint64(in[1]) << 4) + (uint64(in[2]) << 12) + (uint64(in[3]) << 20) + (uint64(in[4]) << 28) + litRegenSize = int(n & 262143) + litCompSize = int(n >> 18) + in = in[5:] + } + } + if debug { + println("literals type:", litType, "litRegenSize:", litRegenSize, "litCompSize:", litCompSize, "sizeFormat:", sizeFormat, "4X:", fourStreams) + } + var literals []byte + var huff *huff0.Scratch + switch litType { + case literalsBlockRaw: + if len(in) < litRegenSize { + println("too small: litType:", litType, " sizeFormat", sizeFormat, "remain:", len(in), "want:", litRegenSize) + return ErrBlockTooSmall + } + literals = in[:litRegenSize] + in = in[litRegenSize:] + //printf("Found %d uncompressed literals\n", litRegenSize) + case literalsBlockRLE: + if len(in) < 1 { + println("too small: litType:", litType, " sizeFormat", sizeFormat, "remain:", len(in), "want:", 1) + return ErrBlockTooSmall + } + if cap(b.literalBuf) < litRegenSize { + if b.lowMem { + b.literalBuf = make([]byte, litRegenSize) + } else { + if litRegenSize > maxCompressedLiteralSize { + // Exceptional + b.literalBuf = make([]byte, litRegenSize) + } else { + b.literalBuf = make([]byte, litRegenSize, maxCompressedLiteralSize) + + } + } + } + literals = b.literalBuf[:litRegenSize] + v := in[0] + for i := range literals { + literals[i] = v + } + in = in[1:] + if debug { + printf("Found %d RLE compressed literals\n", litRegenSize) + } + case literalsBlockTreeless: + if len(in) < litCompSize { + println("too small: litType:", litType, " sizeFormat", sizeFormat, "remain:", len(in), "want:", litCompSize) + return ErrBlockTooSmall + } + // Store compressed literals, so we defer decoding until we get history. + literals = in[:litCompSize] + in = in[litCompSize:] + if debug { + printf("Found %d compressed literals\n", litCompSize) + } + case literalsBlockCompressed: + if len(in) < litCompSize { + println("too small: litType:", litType, " sizeFormat", sizeFormat, "remain:", len(in), "want:", litCompSize) + return ErrBlockTooSmall + } + literals = in[:litCompSize] + in = in[litCompSize:] + huff = huffDecoderPool.Get().(*huff0.Scratch) + var err error + // Ensure we have space to store it. + if cap(b.literalBuf) < litRegenSize { + if b.lowMem { + b.literalBuf = make([]byte, 0, litRegenSize) + } else { + b.literalBuf = make([]byte, 0, maxCompressedLiteralSize) + } + } + if huff == nil { + huff = &huff0.Scratch{} + } + huff, literals, err = huff0.ReadTable(literals, huff) + if err != nil { + println("reading huffman table:", err) + return err + } + // Use our out buffer. + if fourStreams { + literals, err = huff.Decoder().Decompress4X(b.literalBuf[:0:litRegenSize], literals) + } else { + literals, err = huff.Decoder().Decompress1X(b.literalBuf[:0:litRegenSize], literals) + } + if err != nil { + println("decoding compressed literals:", err) + return err + } + // Make sure we don't leak our literals buffer + if len(literals) != litRegenSize { + return fmt.Errorf("literal output size mismatch want %d, got %d", litRegenSize, len(literals)) + } + if debug { + printf("Decompressed %d literals into %d bytes\n", litCompSize, litRegenSize) + } + } + + // Decode Sequences + // https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/dev/doc/zstd_compression_format.md#sequences-section + if len(in) < 1 { + return ErrBlockTooSmall + } + seqHeader := in[0] + nSeqs := 0 + switch { + case seqHeader == 0: + in = in[1:] + case seqHeader < 128: + nSeqs = int(seqHeader) + in = in[1:] + case seqHeader < 255: + if len(in) < 2 { + return ErrBlockTooSmall + } + nSeqs = int(seqHeader-128)<<8 | int(in[1]) + in = in[2:] + case seqHeader == 255: + if len(in) < 3 { + return ErrBlockTooSmall + } + nSeqs = 0x7f00 + int(in[1]) + (int(in[2]) << 8) + in = in[3:] + } + // Allocate sequences + if cap(b.sequenceBuf) < nSeqs { + if b.lowMem { + b.sequenceBuf = make([]seq, nSeqs) + } else { + // Allocate max + b.sequenceBuf = make([]seq, nSeqs, maxSequences) + } + } else { + // Reuse buffer + b.sequenceBuf = b.sequenceBuf[:nSeqs] + } + var seqs = &sequenceDecs{} + if nSeqs > 0 { + if len(in) < 1 { + return ErrBlockTooSmall + } + br := byteReader{b: in, off: 0} + compMode := br.Uint8() + br.advance(1) + if debug { + printf("Compression modes: 0b%b", compMode) + } + for i := uint(0); i < 3; i++ { + mode := seqCompMode((compMode >> (6 - i*2)) & 3) + if debug { + println("Table", tableIndex(i), "is", mode) + } + var seq *sequenceDec + switch tableIndex(i) { + case tableLiteralLengths: + seq = &seqs.litLengths + case tableOffsets: + seq = &seqs.offsets + case tableMatchLengths: + seq = &seqs.matchLengths + default: + panic("unknown table") + } + switch mode { + case compModePredefined: + seq.fse = &fsePredef[i] + case compModeRLE: + if br.remain() < 1 { + return ErrBlockTooSmall + } + v := br.Uint8() + br.advance(1) + dec := fseDecoderPool.Get().(*fseDecoder) + symb, err := decSymbolValue(v, symbolTableX[i]) + if err != nil { + printf("RLE Transform table (%v) error: %v", tableIndex(i), err) + return err + } + dec.setRLE(symb) + seq.fse = dec + if debug { + printf("RLE set to %+v, code: %v", symb, v) + } + case compModeFSE: + println("Reading table for", tableIndex(i)) + dec := fseDecoderPool.Get().(*fseDecoder) + err := dec.readNCount(&br, uint16(maxTableSymbol[i])) + if err != nil { + println("Read table error:", err) + return err + } + err = dec.transform(symbolTableX[i]) + if err != nil { + println("Transform table error:", err) + return err + } + if debug { + println("Read table ok", "symbolLen:", dec.symbolLen) + } + seq.fse = dec + case compModeRepeat: + seq.repeat = true + } + if br.overread() { + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + } + in = br.unread() + } + + // Wait for history. + // All time spent after this is critical since it is strictly sequential. + if hist == nil { + hist = <-b.history + if hist.error { + return ErrDecoderClosed + } + } + + // Decode treeless literal block. + if litType == literalsBlockTreeless { + // TODO: We could send the history early WITHOUT the stream history. + // This would allow decoding treeless literals before the byte history is available. + // Silencia stats: Treeless 4393, with: 32775, total: 37168, 11% treeless. + // So not much obvious gain here. + + if hist.huffTree == nil { + return errors.New("literal block was treeless, but no history was defined") + } + // Ensure we have space to store it. + if cap(b.literalBuf) < litRegenSize { + if b.lowMem { + b.literalBuf = make([]byte, 0, litRegenSize) + } else { + b.literalBuf = make([]byte, 0, maxCompressedLiteralSize) + } + } + var err error + // Use our out buffer. + huff = hist.huffTree + if fourStreams { + literals, err = huff.Decoder().Decompress4X(b.literalBuf[:0:litRegenSize], literals) + } else { + literals, err = huff.Decoder().Decompress1X(b.literalBuf[:0:litRegenSize], literals) + } + // Make sure we don't leak our literals buffer + if err != nil { + println("decompressing literals:", err) + return err + } + if len(literals) != litRegenSize { + return fmt.Errorf("literal output size mismatch want %d, got %d", litRegenSize, len(literals)) + } + } else { + if hist.huffTree != nil && huff != nil { + if hist.dict == nil || hist.dict.litEnc != hist.huffTree { + huffDecoderPool.Put(hist.huffTree) + } + hist.huffTree = nil + } + } + if huff != nil { + hist.huffTree = huff + } + if debug { + println("Final literals:", len(literals), "hash:", xxhash.Sum64(literals), "and", nSeqs, "sequences.") + } + + if nSeqs == 0 { + // Decompressed content is defined entirely as Literals Section content. + b.dst = append(b.dst, literals...) + if delayedHistory { + hist.append(literals) + } + return nil + } + + seqs, err := seqs.mergeHistory(&hist.decoders) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if debug { + println("History merged ok") + } + br := &bitReader{} + if err := br.init(in); err != nil { + return err + } + + // TODO: Investigate if sending history without decoders are faster. + // This would allow the sequences to be decoded async and only have to construct stream history. + // If only recent offsets were not transferred, this would be an obvious win. + // Also, if first 3 sequences don't reference recent offsets, all sequences can be decoded. + + hbytes := hist.b + if len(hbytes) > hist.windowSize { + hbytes = hbytes[len(hbytes)-hist.windowSize:] + // We do not need history any more. + if hist.dict != nil { + hist.dict.content = nil + } + } + + if err := seqs.initialize(br, hist, literals, b.dst); err != nil { + println("initializing sequences:", err) + return err + } + + err = seqs.decode(nSeqs, br, hbytes) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if !br.finished() { + return fmt.Errorf("%d extra bits on block, should be 0", br.remain()) + } + + err = br.close() + if err != nil { + printf("Closing sequences: %v, %+v\n", err, *br) + } + if len(b.data) > maxCompressedBlockSize { + return fmt.Errorf("compressed block size too large (%d)", len(b.data)) + } + // Set output and release references. + b.dst = seqs.out + seqs.out, seqs.literals, seqs.hist = nil, nil, nil + + if !delayedHistory { + // If we don't have delayed history, no need to update. + hist.recentOffsets = seqs.prevOffset + return nil + } + if b.Last { + // if last block we don't care about history. + println("Last block, no history returned") + hist.b = hist.b[:0] + return nil + } + hist.append(b.dst) + hist.recentOffsets = seqs.prevOffset + if debug { + println("Finished block with literals:", len(literals), "and", nSeqs, "sequences.") + } + + return nil +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/blockenc.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/blockenc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9647c64e53a --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/blockenc.go @@ -0,0 +1,871 @@ +// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + "math" + "math/bits" + + "github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0" +) + +type blockEnc struct { + size int + literals []byte + sequences []seq + coders seqCoders + litEnc *huff0.Scratch + dictLitEnc *huff0.Scratch + wr bitWriter + + extraLits int + output []byte + recentOffsets [3]uint32 + prevRecentOffsets [3]uint32 + + last bool + lowMem bool +} + +// init should be used once the block has been created. +// If called more than once, the effect is the same as calling reset. +func (b *blockEnc) init() { + if b.lowMem { + // 1K literals + if cap(b.literals) < 1<<10 { + b.literals = make([]byte, 0, 1<<10) + } + const defSeqs = 20 + if cap(b.sequences) < defSeqs { + b.sequences = make([]seq, 0, defSeqs) + } + // 1K + if cap(b.output) < 1<<10 { + b.output = make([]byte, 0, 1<<10) + } + } else { + if cap(b.literals) < maxCompressedBlockSize { + b.literals = make([]byte, 0, maxCompressedBlockSize) + } + const defSeqs = 200 + if cap(b.sequences) < defSeqs { + b.sequences = make([]seq, 0, defSeqs) + } + if cap(b.output) < maxCompressedBlockSize { + b.output = make([]byte, 0, maxCompressedBlockSize) + } + } + + if b.coders.mlEnc == nil { + b.coders.mlEnc = &fseEncoder{} + b.coders.mlPrev = &fseEncoder{} + b.coders.ofEnc = &fseEncoder{} + b.coders.ofPrev = &fseEncoder{} + b.coders.llEnc = &fseEncoder{} + b.coders.llPrev = &fseEncoder{} + } + b.litEnc = &huff0.Scratch{WantLogLess: 4} + b.reset(nil) +} + +// initNewEncode can be used to reset offsets and encoders to the initial state. +func (b *blockEnc) initNewEncode() { + b.recentOffsets = [3]uint32{1, 4, 8} + b.litEnc.Reuse = huff0.ReusePolicyNone + b.coders.setPrev(nil, nil, nil) +} + +// reset will reset the block for a new encode, but in the same stream, +// meaning that state will be carried over, but the block content is reset. +// If a previous block is provided, the recent offsets are carried over. +func (b *blockEnc) reset(prev *blockEnc) { + b.extraLits = 0 + b.literals = b.literals[:0] + b.size = 0 + b.sequences = b.sequences[:0] + b.output = b.output[:0] + b.last = false + if prev != nil { + b.recentOffsets = prev.prevRecentOffsets + } + b.dictLitEnc = nil +} + +// reset will reset the block for a new encode, but in the same stream, +// meaning that state will be carried over, but the block content is reset. +// If a previous block is provided, the recent offsets are carried over. +func (b *blockEnc) swapEncoders(prev *blockEnc) { + b.coders.swap(&prev.coders) + b.litEnc, prev.litEnc = prev.litEnc, b.litEnc +} + +// blockHeader contains the information for a block header. +type blockHeader uint32 + +// setLast sets the 'last' indicator on a block. +func (h *blockHeader) setLast(b bool) { + if b { + *h = *h | 1 + } else { + const mask = (1 << 24) - 2 + *h = *h & mask + } +} + +// setSize will store the compressed size of a block. +func (h *blockHeader) setSize(v uint32) { + const mask = 7 + *h = (*h)&mask | blockHeader(v<<3) +} + +// setType sets the block type. +func (h *blockHeader) setType(t blockType) { + const mask = 1 | (((1 << 24) - 1) ^ 7) + *h = (*h & mask) | blockHeader(t<<1) +} + +// appendTo will append the block header to a slice. +func (h blockHeader) appendTo(b []byte) []byte { + return append(b, uint8(h), uint8(h>>8), uint8(h>>16)) +} + +// String returns a string representation of the block. +func (h blockHeader) String() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("Type: %d, Size: %d, Last:%t", (h>>1)&3, h>>3, h&1 == 1) +} + +// literalsHeader contains literals header information. +type literalsHeader uint64 + +// setType can be used to set the type of literal block. +func (h *literalsHeader) setType(t literalsBlockType) { + const mask = math.MaxUint64 - 3 + *h = (*h & mask) | literalsHeader(t) +} + +// setSize can be used to set a single size, for uncompressed and RLE content. +func (h *literalsHeader) setSize(regenLen int) { + inBits := bits.Len32(uint32(regenLen)) + // Only retain 2 bits + const mask = 3 + lh := uint64(*h & mask) + switch { + case inBits < 5: + lh |= (uint64(regenLen) << 3) | (1 << 60) + if debug { + got := int(lh>>3) & 0xff + if got != regenLen { + panic(fmt.Sprint("litRegenSize = ", regenLen, "(want) != ", got, "(got)")) + } + } + case inBits < 12: + lh |= (1 << 2) | (uint64(regenLen) << 4) | (2 << 60) + case inBits < 20: + lh |= (3 << 2) | (uint64(regenLen) << 4) | (3 << 60) + default: + panic(fmt.Errorf("internal error: block too big (%d)", regenLen)) + } + *h = literalsHeader(lh) +} + +// setSizes will set the size of a compressed literals section and the input length. +func (h *literalsHeader) setSizes(compLen, inLen int, single bool) { + compBits, inBits := bits.Len32(uint32(compLen)), bits.Len32(uint32(inLen)) + // Only retain 2 bits + const mask = 3 + lh := uint64(*h & mask) + switch { + case compBits <= 10 && inBits <= 10: + if !single { + lh |= 1 << 2 + } + lh |= (uint64(inLen) << 4) | (uint64(compLen) << (10 + 4)) | (3 << 60) + if debug { + const mmask = (1 << 24) - 1 + n := (lh >> 4) & mmask + if int(n&1023) != inLen { + panic(fmt.Sprint("regensize:", int(n&1023), "!=", inLen, inBits)) + } + if int(n>>10) != compLen { + panic(fmt.Sprint("compsize:", int(n>>10), "!=", compLen, compBits)) + } + } + case compBits <= 14 && inBits <= 14: + lh |= (2 << 2) | (uint64(inLen) << 4) | (uint64(compLen) << (14 + 4)) | (4 << 60) + if single { + panic("single stream used with more than 10 bits length.") + } + case compBits <= 18 && inBits <= 18: + lh |= (3 << 2) | (uint64(inLen) << 4) | (uint64(compLen) << (18 + 4)) | (5 << 60) + if single { + panic("single stream used with more than 10 bits length.") + } + default: + panic("internal error: block too big") + } + *h = literalsHeader(lh) +} + +// appendTo will append the literals header to a byte slice. +func (h literalsHeader) appendTo(b []byte) []byte { + size := uint8(h >> 60) + switch size { + case 1: + b = append(b, uint8(h)) + case 2: + b = append(b, uint8(h), uint8(h>>8)) + case 3: + b = append(b, uint8(h), uint8(h>>8), uint8(h>>16)) + case 4: + b = append(b, uint8(h), uint8(h>>8), uint8(h>>16), uint8(h>>24)) + case 5: + b = append(b, uint8(h), uint8(h>>8), uint8(h>>16), uint8(h>>24), uint8(h>>32)) + default: + panic(fmt.Errorf("internal error: literalsHeader has invalid size (%d)", size)) + } + return b +} + +// size returns the output size with currently set values. +func (h literalsHeader) size() int { + return int(h >> 60) +} + +func (h literalsHeader) String() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("Type: %d, SizeFormat: %d, Size: 0x%d, Bytes:%d", literalsBlockType(h&3), (h>>2)&3, h&((1<<60)-1)>>4, h>>60) +} + +// pushOffsets will push the recent offsets to the backup store. +func (b *blockEnc) pushOffsets() { + b.prevRecentOffsets = b.recentOffsets +} + +// pushOffsets will push the recent offsets to the backup store. +func (b *blockEnc) popOffsets() { + b.recentOffsets = b.prevRecentOffsets +} + +// matchOffset will adjust recent offsets and return the adjusted one, +// if it matches a previous offset. +func (b *blockEnc) matchOffset(offset, lits uint32) uint32 { + // Check if offset is one of the recent offsets. + // Adjusts the output offset accordingly. + // Gives a tiny bit of compression, typically around 1%. + if true { + if lits > 0 { + switch offset { + case b.recentOffsets[0]: + offset = 1 + case b.recentOffsets[1]: + b.recentOffsets[1] = b.recentOffsets[0] + b.recentOffsets[0] = offset + offset = 2 + case b.recentOffsets[2]: + b.recentOffsets[2] = b.recentOffsets[1] + b.recentOffsets[1] = b.recentOffsets[0] + b.recentOffsets[0] = offset + offset = 3 + default: + b.recentOffsets[2] = b.recentOffsets[1] + b.recentOffsets[1] = b.recentOffsets[0] + b.recentOffsets[0] = offset + offset += 3 + } + } else { + switch offset { + case b.recentOffsets[1]: + b.recentOffsets[1] = b.recentOffsets[0] + b.recentOffsets[0] = offset + offset = 1 + case b.recentOffsets[2]: + b.recentOffsets[2] = b.recentOffsets[1] + b.recentOffsets[1] = b.recentOffsets[0] + b.recentOffsets[0] = offset + offset = 2 + case b.recentOffsets[0] - 1: + b.recentOffsets[2] = b.recentOffsets[1] + b.recentOffsets[1] = b.recentOffsets[0] + b.recentOffsets[0] = offset + offset = 3 + default: + b.recentOffsets[2] = b.recentOffsets[1] + b.recentOffsets[1] = b.recentOffsets[0] + b.recentOffsets[0] = offset + offset += 3 + } + } + } else { + offset += 3 + } + return offset +} + +// encodeRaw can be used to set the output to a raw representation of supplied bytes. +func (b *blockEnc) encodeRaw(a []byte) { + var bh blockHeader + bh.setLast(b.last) + bh.setSize(uint32(len(a))) + bh.setType(blockTypeRaw) + b.output = bh.appendTo(b.output[:0]) + b.output = append(b.output, a...) + if debug { + println("Adding RAW block, length", len(a), "last:", b.last) + } +} + +// encodeRaw can be used to set the output to a raw representation of supplied bytes. +func (b *blockEnc) encodeRawTo(dst, src []byte) []byte { + var bh blockHeader + bh.setLast(b.last) + bh.setSize(uint32(len(src))) + bh.setType(blockTypeRaw) + dst = bh.appendTo(dst) + dst = append(dst, src...) + if debug { + println("Adding RAW block, length", len(src), "last:", b.last) + } + return dst +} + +// encodeLits can be used if the block is only litLen. +func (b *blockEnc) encodeLits(lits []byte, raw bool) error { + var bh blockHeader + bh.setLast(b.last) + bh.setSize(uint32(len(lits))) + + // Don't compress extremely small blocks + if len(lits) < 8 || (len(lits) < 32 && b.dictLitEnc == nil) || raw { + if debug { + println("Adding RAW block, length", len(lits), "last:", b.last) + } + bh.setType(blockTypeRaw) + b.output = bh.appendTo(b.output) + b.output = append(b.output, lits...) + return nil + } + + var ( + out []byte + reUsed, single bool + err error + ) + if b.dictLitEnc != nil { + b.litEnc.TransferCTable(b.dictLitEnc) + b.litEnc.Reuse = huff0.ReusePolicyAllow + b.dictLitEnc = nil + } + if len(lits) >= 1024 { + // Use 4 Streams. + out, reUsed, err = huff0.Compress4X(lits, b.litEnc) + } else if len(lits) > 32 { + // Use 1 stream + single = true + out, reUsed, err = huff0.Compress1X(lits, b.litEnc) + } else { + err = huff0.ErrIncompressible + } + + switch err { + case huff0.ErrIncompressible: + if debug { + println("Adding RAW block, length", len(lits), "last:", b.last) + } + bh.setType(blockTypeRaw) + b.output = bh.appendTo(b.output) + b.output = append(b.output, lits...) + return nil + case huff0.ErrUseRLE: + if debug { + println("Adding RLE block, length", len(lits)) + } + bh.setType(blockTypeRLE) + b.output = bh.appendTo(b.output) + b.output = append(b.output, lits[0]) + return nil + default: + return err + case nil: + } + // Compressed... + // Now, allow reuse + b.litEnc.Reuse = huff0.ReusePolicyAllow + bh.setType(blockTypeCompressed) + var lh literalsHeader + if reUsed { + if debug { + println("Reused tree, compressed to", len(out)) + } + lh.setType(literalsBlockTreeless) + } else { + if debug { + println("New tree, compressed to", len(out), "tree size:", len(b.litEnc.OutTable)) + } + lh.setType(literalsBlockCompressed) + } + // Set sizes + lh.setSizes(len(out), len(lits), single) + bh.setSize(uint32(len(out) + lh.size() + 1)) + + // Write block headers. + b.output = bh.appendTo(b.output) + b.output = lh.appendTo(b.output) + // Add compressed data. + b.output = append(b.output, out...) + // No sequences. + b.output = append(b.output, 0) + return nil +} + +// fuzzFseEncoder can be used to fuzz the FSE encoder. +func fuzzFseEncoder(data []byte) int { + if len(data) > maxSequences || len(data) < 2 { + return 0 + } + enc := fseEncoder{} + hist := enc.Histogram()[:256] + maxSym := uint8(0) + for i, v := range data { + v = v & 63 + data[i] = v + hist[v]++ + if v > maxSym { + maxSym = v + } + } + if maxSym == 0 { + // All 0 + return 0 + } + maxCount := func(a []uint32) int { + var max uint32 + for _, v := range a { + if v > max { + max = v + } + } + return int(max) + } + cnt := maxCount(hist[:maxSym]) + if cnt == len(data) { + // RLE + return 0 + } + enc.HistogramFinished(maxSym, cnt) + err := enc.normalizeCount(len(data)) + if err != nil { + return 0 + } + _, err = enc.writeCount(nil) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return 1 +} + +// encode will encode the block and append the output in b.output. +// Previous offset codes must be pushed if more blocks are expected. +func (b *blockEnc) encode(org []byte, raw, rawAllLits bool) error { + if len(b.sequences) == 0 { + return b.encodeLits(b.literals, rawAllLits) + } + // We want some difference to at least account for the headers. + saved := b.size - len(b.literals) - (b.size >> 5) + if saved < 16 { + if org == nil { + return errIncompressible + } + b.popOffsets() + return b.encodeLits(org, rawAllLits) + } + + var bh blockHeader + var lh literalsHeader + bh.setLast(b.last) + bh.setType(blockTypeCompressed) + // Store offset of the block header. Needed when we know the size. + bhOffset := len(b.output) + b.output = bh.appendTo(b.output) + + var ( + out []byte + reUsed, single bool + err error + ) + if b.dictLitEnc != nil { + b.litEnc.TransferCTable(b.dictLitEnc) + b.litEnc.Reuse = huff0.ReusePolicyAllow + b.dictLitEnc = nil + } + if len(b.literals) >= 1024 && !raw { + // Use 4 Streams. + out, reUsed, err = huff0.Compress4X(b.literals, b.litEnc) + } else if len(b.literals) > 32 && !raw { + // Use 1 stream + single = true + out, reUsed, err = huff0.Compress1X(b.literals, b.litEnc) + } else { + err = huff0.ErrIncompressible + } + + switch err { + case huff0.ErrIncompressible: + lh.setType(literalsBlockRaw) + lh.setSize(len(b.literals)) + b.output = lh.appendTo(b.output) + b.output = append(b.output, b.literals...) + if debug { + println("Adding literals RAW, length", len(b.literals)) + } + case huff0.ErrUseRLE: + lh.setType(literalsBlockRLE) + lh.setSize(len(b.literals)) + b.output = lh.appendTo(b.output) + b.output = append(b.output, b.literals[0]) + if debug { + println("Adding literals RLE") + } + default: + if debug { + println("Adding literals ERROR:", err) + } + return err + case nil: + // Compressed litLen... + if reUsed { + if debug { + println("reused tree") + } + lh.setType(literalsBlockTreeless) + } else { + if debug { + println("new tree, size:", len(b.litEnc.OutTable)) + } + lh.setType(literalsBlockCompressed) + if debug { + _, _, err := huff0.ReadTable(out, nil) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + } + } + lh.setSizes(len(out), len(b.literals), single) + if debug { + printf("Compressed %d literals to %d bytes", len(b.literals), len(out)) + println("Adding literal header:", lh) + } + b.output = lh.appendTo(b.output) + b.output = append(b.output, out...) + b.litEnc.Reuse = huff0.ReusePolicyAllow + if debug { + println("Adding literals compressed") + } + } + // Sequence compression + + // Write the number of sequences + switch { + case len(b.sequences) < 128: + b.output = append(b.output, uint8(len(b.sequences))) + case len(b.sequences) < 0x7f00: // TODO: this could be wrong + n := len(b.sequences) + b.output = append(b.output, 128+uint8(n>>8), uint8(n)) + default: + n := len(b.sequences) - 0x7f00 + b.output = append(b.output, 255, uint8(n), uint8(n>>8)) + } + if debug { + println("Encoding", len(b.sequences), "sequences") + } + b.genCodes() + llEnc := b.coders.llEnc + ofEnc := b.coders.ofEnc + mlEnc := b.coders.mlEnc + err = llEnc.normalizeCount(len(b.sequences)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + err = ofEnc.normalizeCount(len(b.sequences)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + err = mlEnc.normalizeCount(len(b.sequences)) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + // Choose the best compression mode for each type. + // Will evaluate the new vs predefined and previous. + chooseComp := func(cur, prev, preDef *fseEncoder) (*fseEncoder, seqCompMode) { + // See if predefined/previous is better + hist := cur.count[:cur.symbolLen] + nSize := cur.approxSize(hist) + cur.maxHeaderSize() + predefSize := preDef.approxSize(hist) + prevSize := prev.approxSize(hist) + + // Add a small penalty for new encoders. + // Don't bother with extremely small (<2 byte gains). + nSize = nSize + (nSize+2*8*16)>>4 + switch { + case predefSize <= prevSize && predefSize <= nSize || forcePreDef: + if debug { + println("Using predefined", predefSize>>3, "<=", nSize>>3) + } + return preDef, compModePredefined + case prevSize <= nSize: + if debug { + println("Using previous", prevSize>>3, "<=", nSize>>3) + } + return prev, compModeRepeat + default: + if debug { + println("Using new, predef", predefSize>>3, ". previous:", prevSize>>3, ">", nSize>>3, "header max:", cur.maxHeaderSize()>>3, "bytes") + println("tl:", cur.actualTableLog, "symbolLen:", cur.symbolLen, "norm:", cur.norm[:cur.symbolLen], "hist", cur.count[:cur.symbolLen]) + } + return cur, compModeFSE + } + } + + // Write compression mode + var mode uint8 + if llEnc.useRLE { + mode |= uint8(compModeRLE) << 6 + llEnc.setRLE(b.sequences[0].llCode) + if debug { + println("llEnc.useRLE") + } + } else { + var m seqCompMode + llEnc, m = chooseComp(llEnc, b.coders.llPrev, &fsePredefEnc[tableLiteralLengths]) + mode |= uint8(m) << 6 + } + if ofEnc.useRLE { + mode |= uint8(compModeRLE) << 4 + ofEnc.setRLE(b.sequences[0].ofCode) + if debug { + println("ofEnc.useRLE") + } + } else { + var m seqCompMode + ofEnc, m = chooseComp(ofEnc, b.coders.ofPrev, &fsePredefEnc[tableOffsets]) + mode |= uint8(m) << 4 + } + + if mlEnc.useRLE { + mode |= uint8(compModeRLE) << 2 + mlEnc.setRLE(b.sequences[0].mlCode) + if debug { + println("mlEnc.useRLE, code: ", b.sequences[0].mlCode, "value", b.sequences[0].matchLen) + } + } else { + var m seqCompMode + mlEnc, m = chooseComp(mlEnc, b.coders.mlPrev, &fsePredefEnc[tableMatchLengths]) + mode |= uint8(m) << 2 + } + b.output = append(b.output, mode) + if debug { + printf("Compression modes: 0b%b", mode) + } + b.output, err = llEnc.writeCount(b.output) + if err != nil { + return err + } + start := len(b.output) + b.output, err = ofEnc.writeCount(b.output) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if false { + println("block:", b.output[start:], "tablelog", ofEnc.actualTableLog, "maxcount:", ofEnc.maxCount) + fmt.Printf("selected TableLog: %d, Symbol length: %d\n", ofEnc.actualTableLog, ofEnc.symbolLen) + for i, v := range ofEnc.norm[:ofEnc.symbolLen] { + fmt.Printf("%3d: %5d -> %4d \n", i, ofEnc.count[i], v) + } + } + b.output, err = mlEnc.writeCount(b.output) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + // Maybe in block? + wr := &b.wr + wr.reset(b.output) + + var ll, of, ml cState + + // Current sequence + seq := len(b.sequences) - 1 + s := b.sequences[seq] + llEnc.setBits(llBitsTable[:]) + mlEnc.setBits(mlBitsTable[:]) + ofEnc.setBits(nil) + + llTT, ofTT, mlTT := llEnc.ct.symbolTT[:256], ofEnc.ct.symbolTT[:256], mlEnc.ct.symbolTT[:256] + + // We have 3 bounds checks here (and in the loop). + // Since we are iterating backwards it is kinda hard to avoid. + llB, ofB, mlB := llTT[s.llCode], ofTT[s.ofCode], mlTT[s.mlCode] + ll.init(wr, &llEnc.ct, llB) + of.init(wr, &ofEnc.ct, ofB) + wr.flush32() + ml.init(wr, &mlEnc.ct, mlB) + + // Each of these lookups also generates a bounds check. + wr.addBits32NC(s.litLen, llB.outBits) + wr.addBits32NC(s.matchLen, mlB.outBits) + wr.flush32() + wr.addBits32NC(s.offset, ofB.outBits) + if debugSequences { + println("Encoded seq", seq, s, "codes:", s.llCode, s.mlCode, s.ofCode, "states:", ll.state, ml.state, of.state, "bits:", llB, mlB, ofB) + } + seq-- + if llEnc.maxBits+mlEnc.maxBits+ofEnc.maxBits <= 32 { + // No need to flush (common) + for seq >= 0 { + s = b.sequences[seq] + wr.flush32() + llB, ofB, mlB := llTT[s.llCode], ofTT[s.ofCode], mlTT[s.mlCode] + // tabelog max is 8 for all. + of.encode(ofB) + ml.encode(mlB) + ll.encode(llB) + wr.flush32() + + // We checked that all can stay within 32 bits + wr.addBits32NC(s.litLen, llB.outBits) + wr.addBits32NC(s.matchLen, mlB.outBits) + wr.addBits32NC(s.offset, ofB.outBits) + + if debugSequences { + println("Encoded seq", seq, s) + } + + seq-- + } + } else { + for seq >= 0 { + s = b.sequences[seq] + wr.flush32() + llB, ofB, mlB := llTT[s.llCode], ofTT[s.ofCode], mlTT[s.mlCode] + // tabelog max is below 8 for each. + of.encode(ofB) + ml.encode(mlB) + ll.encode(llB) + wr.flush32() + + // ml+ll = max 32 bits total + wr.addBits32NC(s.litLen, llB.outBits) + wr.addBits32NC(s.matchLen, mlB.outBits) + wr.flush32() + wr.addBits32NC(s.offset, ofB.outBits) + + if debugSequences { + println("Encoded seq", seq, s) + } + + seq-- + } + } + ml.flush(mlEnc.actualTableLog) + of.flush(ofEnc.actualTableLog) + ll.flush(llEnc.actualTableLog) + err = wr.close() + if err != nil { + return err + } + b.output = wr.out + + if len(b.output)-3-bhOffset >= b.size { + // Maybe even add a bigger margin. + b.litEnc.Reuse = huff0.ReusePolicyNone + return errIncompressible + } + + // Size is output minus block header. + bh.setSize(uint32(len(b.output)-bhOffset) - 3) + if debug { + println("Rewriting block header", bh) + } + _ = bh.appendTo(b.output[bhOffset:bhOffset]) + b.coders.setPrev(llEnc, mlEnc, ofEnc) + return nil +} + +var errIncompressible = errors.New("incompressible") + +func (b *blockEnc) genCodes() { + if len(b.sequences) == 0 { + // nothing to do + return + } + + if len(b.sequences) > math.MaxUint16 { + panic("can only encode up to 64K sequences") + } + // No bounds checks after here: + llH := b.coders.llEnc.Histogram()[:256] + ofH := b.coders.ofEnc.Histogram()[:256] + mlH := b.coders.mlEnc.Histogram()[:256] + for i := range llH { + llH[i] = 0 + } + for i := range ofH { + ofH[i] = 0 + } + for i := range mlH { + mlH[i] = 0 + } + + var llMax, ofMax, mlMax uint8 + for i, seq := range b.sequences { + v := llCode(seq.litLen) + seq.llCode = v + llH[v]++ + if v > llMax { + llMax = v + } + + v = ofCode(seq.offset) + seq.ofCode = v + ofH[v]++ + if v > ofMax { + ofMax = v + } + + v = mlCode(seq.matchLen) + seq.mlCode = v + mlH[v]++ + if v > mlMax { + mlMax = v + if debugAsserts && mlMax > maxMatchLengthSymbol { + panic(fmt.Errorf("mlMax > maxMatchLengthSymbol (%d), matchlen: %d", mlMax, seq.matchLen)) + } + } + b.sequences[i] = seq + } + maxCount := func(a []uint32) int { + var max uint32 + for _, v := range a { + if v > max { + max = v + } + } + return int(max) + } + if debugAsserts && mlMax > maxMatchLengthSymbol { + panic(fmt.Errorf("mlMax > maxMatchLengthSymbol (%d)", mlMax)) + } + if debugAsserts && ofMax > maxOffsetBits { + panic(fmt.Errorf("ofMax > maxOffsetBits (%d)", ofMax)) + } + if debugAsserts && llMax > maxLiteralLengthSymbol { + panic(fmt.Errorf("llMax > maxLiteralLengthSymbol (%d)", llMax)) + } + + b.coders.mlEnc.HistogramFinished(mlMax, maxCount(mlH[:mlMax+1])) + b.coders.ofEnc.HistogramFinished(ofMax, maxCount(ofH[:ofMax+1])) + b.coders.llEnc.HistogramFinished(llMax, maxCount(llH[:llMax+1])) +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/blocktype_string.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/blocktype_string.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..01a01e486e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/blocktype_string.go @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +// Code generated by "stringer -type=blockType,literalsBlockType,seqCompMode,tableIndex"; DO NOT EDIT. + +package zstd + +import "strconv" + +func _() { + // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. + // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. + var x [1]struct{} + _ = x[blockTypeRaw-0] + _ = x[blockTypeRLE-1] + _ = x[blockTypeCompressed-2] + _ = x[blockTypeReserved-3] +} + +const _blockType_name = "blockTypeRawblockTypeRLEblockTypeCompressedblockTypeReserved" + +var _blockType_index = [...]uint8{0, 12, 24, 43, 60} + +func (i blockType) String() string { + if i >= blockType(len(_blockType_index)-1) { + return "blockType(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" + } + return _blockType_name[_blockType_index[i]:_blockType_index[i+1]] +} +func _() { + // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. + // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. + var x [1]struct{} + _ = x[literalsBlockRaw-0] + _ = x[literalsBlockRLE-1] + _ = x[literalsBlockCompressed-2] + _ = x[literalsBlockTreeless-3] +} + +const _literalsBlockType_name = "literalsBlockRawliteralsBlockRLEliteralsBlockCompressedliteralsBlockTreeless" + +var _literalsBlockType_index = [...]uint8{0, 16, 32, 55, 76} + +func (i literalsBlockType) String() string { + if i >= literalsBlockType(len(_literalsBlockType_index)-1) { + return "literalsBlockType(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" + } + return _literalsBlockType_name[_literalsBlockType_index[i]:_literalsBlockType_index[i+1]] +} +func _() { + // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. + // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. + var x [1]struct{} + _ = x[compModePredefined-0] + _ = x[compModeRLE-1] + _ = x[compModeFSE-2] + _ = x[compModeRepeat-3] +} + +const _seqCompMode_name = "compModePredefinedcompModeRLEcompModeFSEcompModeRepeat" + +var _seqCompMode_index = [...]uint8{0, 18, 29, 40, 54} + +func (i seqCompMode) String() string { + if i >= seqCompMode(len(_seqCompMode_index)-1) { + return "seqCompMode(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" + } + return _seqCompMode_name[_seqCompMode_index[i]:_seqCompMode_index[i+1]] +} +func _() { + // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. + // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. + var x [1]struct{} + _ = x[tableLiteralLengths-0] + _ = x[tableOffsets-1] + _ = x[tableMatchLengths-2] +} + +const _tableIndex_name = "tableLiteralLengthstableOffsetstableMatchLengths" + +var _tableIndex_index = [...]uint8{0, 19, 31, 48} + +func (i tableIndex) String() string { + if i >= tableIndex(len(_tableIndex_index)-1) { + return "tableIndex(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" + } + return _tableIndex_name[_tableIndex_index[i]:_tableIndex_index[i+1]] +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/bytebuf.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/bytebuf.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..658ef78380e --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/bytebuf.go @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +import ( + "fmt" + "io" + "io/ioutil" +) + +type byteBuffer interface { + // Read up to 8 bytes. + // Returns nil if no more input is available. + readSmall(n int) []byte + + // Read >8 bytes. + // MAY use the destination slice. + readBig(n int, dst []byte) ([]byte, error) + + // Read a single byte. + readByte() (byte, error) + + // Skip n bytes. + skipN(n int) error +} + +// in-memory buffer +type byteBuf []byte + +func (b *byteBuf) readSmall(n int) []byte { + if debugAsserts && n > 8 { + panic(fmt.Errorf("small read > 8 (%d). use readBig", n)) + } + bb := *b + if len(bb) < n { + return nil + } + r := bb[:n] + *b = bb[n:] + return r +} + +func (b *byteBuf) readBig(n int, dst []byte) ([]byte, error) { + bb := *b + if len(bb) < n { + return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + r := bb[:n] + *b = bb[n:] + return r, nil +} + +func (b *byteBuf) remain() []byte { + return *b +} + +func (b *byteBuf) readByte() (byte, error) { + bb := *b + if len(bb) < 1 { + return 0, nil + } + r := bb[0] + *b = bb[1:] + return r, nil +} + +func (b *byteBuf) skipN(n int) error { + bb := *b + if len(bb) < n { + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + *b = bb[n:] + return nil +} + +// wrapper around a reader. +type readerWrapper struct { + r io.Reader + tmp [8]byte +} + +func (r *readerWrapper) readSmall(n int) []byte { + if debugAsserts && n > 8 { + panic(fmt.Errorf("small read > 8 (%d). use readBig", n)) + } + n2, err := io.ReadFull(r.r, r.tmp[:n]) + // We only really care about the actual bytes read. + if n2 != n { + if debug { + println("readSmall: got", n2, "want", n, "err", err) + } + return nil + } + return r.tmp[:n] +} + +func (r *readerWrapper) readBig(n int, dst []byte) ([]byte, error) { + if cap(dst) < n { + dst = make([]byte, n) + } + n2, err := io.ReadFull(r.r, dst[:n]) + if err == io.EOF && n > 0 { + err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + return dst[:n2], err +} + +func (r *readerWrapper) readByte() (byte, error) { + n2, err := r.r.Read(r.tmp[:1]) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + if n2 != 1 { + return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + return r.tmp[0], nil +} + +func (r *readerWrapper) skipN(n int) error { + n2, err := io.CopyN(ioutil.Discard, r.r, int64(n)) + if n2 != int64(n) { + err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + return err +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/bytereader.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/bytereader.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2c4fca17fa1 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/bytereader.go @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +// byteReader provides a byte reader that reads +// little endian values from a byte stream. +// The input stream is manually advanced. +// The reader performs no bounds checks. +type byteReader struct { + b []byte + off int +} + +// init will initialize the reader and set the input. +func (b *byteReader) init(in []byte) { + b.b = in + b.off = 0 +} + +// advance the stream b n bytes. +func (b *byteReader) advance(n uint) { + b.off += int(n) +} + +// overread returns whether we have advanced too far. +func (b *byteReader) overread() bool { + return b.off > len(b.b) +} + +// Int32 returns a little endian int32 starting at current offset. +func (b byteReader) Int32() int32 { + b2 := b.b[b.off:] + b2 = b2[:4] + v3 := int32(b2[3]) + v2 := int32(b2[2]) + v1 := int32(b2[1]) + v0 := int32(b2[0]) + return v0 | (v1 << 8) | (v2 << 16) | (v3 << 24) +} + +// Uint8 returns the next byte +func (b *byteReader) Uint8() uint8 { + v := b.b[b.off] + return v +} + +// Uint32 returns a little endian uint32 starting at current offset. +func (b byteReader) Uint32() uint32 { + if r := b.remain(); r < 4 { + // Very rare + v := uint32(0) + for i := 1; i <= r; i++ { + v = (v << 8) | uint32(b.b[len(b.b)-i]) + } + return v + } + b2 := b.b[b.off:] + b2 = b2[:4] + v3 := uint32(b2[3]) + v2 := uint32(b2[2]) + v1 := uint32(b2[1]) + v0 := uint32(b2[0]) + return v0 | (v1 << 8) | (v2 << 16) | (v3 << 24) +} + +// Uint32NC returns a little endian uint32 starting at current offset. +// The caller must be sure if there are at least 4 bytes left. +func (b byteReader) Uint32NC() uint32 { + b2 := b.b[b.off:] + b2 = b2[:4] + v3 := uint32(b2[3]) + v2 := uint32(b2[2]) + v1 := uint32(b2[1]) + v0 := uint32(b2[0]) + return v0 | (v1 << 8) | (v2 << 16) | (v3 << 24) +} + +// unread returns the unread portion of the input. +func (b byteReader) unread() []byte { + return b.b[b.off:] +} + +// remain will return the number of bytes remaining. +func (b byteReader) remain() int { + return len(b.b) - b.off +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/decodeheader.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/decodeheader.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..87896c5eaa7 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/decodeheader.go @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ +// Copyright 2020+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package zstd + +import ( + "bytes" + "errors" + "io" +) + +// HeaderMaxSize is the maximum size of a Frame and Block Header. +// If less is sent to Header.Decode it *may* still contain enough information. +const HeaderMaxSize = 14 + 3 + +// Header contains information about the first frame and block within that. +type Header struct { + // Window Size the window of data to keep while decoding. + // Will only be set if HasFCS is false. + WindowSize uint64 + + // Frame content size. + // Expected size of the entire frame. + FrameContentSize uint64 + + // Dictionary ID. + // If 0, no dictionary. + DictionaryID uint32 + + // First block information. + FirstBlock struct { + // OK will be set if first block could be decoded. + OK bool + + // Is this the last block of a frame? + Last bool + + // Is the data compressed? + // If true CompressedSize will be populated. + // Unfortunately DecompressedSize cannot be determined + // without decoding the blocks. + Compressed bool + + // DecompressedSize is the expected decompressed size of the block. + // Will be 0 if it cannot be determined. + DecompressedSize int + + // CompressedSize of the data in the block. + // Does not include the block header. + // Will be equal to DecompressedSize if not Compressed. + CompressedSize int + } + + // Skippable will be true if the frame is meant to be skipped. + // No other information will be populated. + Skippable bool + + // If set there is a checksum present for the block content. + HasCheckSum bool + + // If this is true FrameContentSize will have a valid value + HasFCS bool + + SingleSegment bool +} + +// Decode the header from the beginning of the stream. +// This will decode the frame header and the first block header if enough bytes are provided. +// It is recommended to provide at least HeaderMaxSize bytes. +// If the frame header cannot be read an error will be returned. +// If there isn't enough input, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF is returned. +// The FirstBlock.OK will indicate if enough information was available to decode the first block header. +func (h *Header) Decode(in []byte) error { + if len(in) < 4 { + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + b, in := in[:4], in[4:] + if !bytes.Equal(b, frameMagic) { + if !bytes.Equal(b[1:4], skippableFrameMagic) || b[0]&0xf0 != 0x50 { + return ErrMagicMismatch + } + *h = Header{Skippable: true} + return nil + } + if len(in) < 1 { + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + + // Clear output + *h = Header{} + fhd, in := in[0], in[1:] + h.SingleSegment = fhd&(1<<5) != 0 + h.HasCheckSum = fhd&(1<<2) != 0 + + if fhd&(1<<3) != 0 { + return errors.New("Reserved bit set on frame header") + } + + // Read Window_Descriptor + // https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/dev/doc/zstd_compression_format.md#window_descriptor + if !h.SingleSegment { + if len(in) < 1 { + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + var wd byte + wd, in = in[0], in[1:] + windowLog := 10 + (wd >> 3) + windowBase := uint64(1) << windowLog + windowAdd := (windowBase / 8) * uint64(wd&0x7) + h.WindowSize = windowBase + windowAdd + } + + // Read Dictionary_ID + // https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/dev/doc/zstd_compression_format.md#dictionary_id + if size := fhd & 3; size != 0 { + if size == 3 { + size = 4 + } + if len(in) < int(size) { + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + b, in = in[:size], in[size:] + if b == nil { + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + switch size { + case 1: + h.DictionaryID = uint32(b[0]) + case 2: + h.DictionaryID = uint32(b[0]) | (uint32(b[1]) << 8) + case 4: + h.DictionaryID = uint32(b[0]) | (uint32(b[1]) << 8) | (uint32(b[2]) << 16) | (uint32(b[3]) << 24) + } + } + + // Read Frame_Content_Size + // https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/dev/doc/zstd_compression_format.md#frame_content_size + var fcsSize int + v := fhd >> 6 + switch v { + case 0: + if h.SingleSegment { + fcsSize = 1 + } + default: + fcsSize = 1 << v + } + + if fcsSize > 0 { + h.HasFCS = true + if len(in) < fcsSize { + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + b, in = in[:fcsSize], in[fcsSize:] + if b == nil { + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + switch fcsSize { + case 1: + h.FrameContentSize = uint64(b[0]) + case 2: + // When FCS_Field_Size is 2, the offset of 256 is added. + h.FrameContentSize = uint64(b[0]) | (uint64(b[1]) << 8) + 256 + case 4: + h.FrameContentSize = uint64(b[0]) | (uint64(b[1]) << 8) | (uint64(b[2]) << 16) | (uint64(b[3]) << 24) + case 8: + d1 := uint32(b[0]) | (uint32(b[1]) << 8) | (uint32(b[2]) << 16) | (uint32(b[3]) << 24) + d2 := uint32(b[4]) | (uint32(b[5]) << 8) | (uint32(b[6]) << 16) | (uint32(b[7]) << 24) + h.FrameContentSize = uint64(d1) | (uint64(d2) << 32) + } + } + + // Frame Header done, we will not fail from now on. + if len(in) < 3 { + return nil + } + tmp, in := in[:3], in[3:] + bh := uint32(tmp[0]) | (uint32(tmp[1]) << 8) | (uint32(tmp[2]) << 16) + h.FirstBlock.Last = bh&1 != 0 + blockType := blockType((bh >> 1) & 3) + // find size. + cSize := int(bh >> 3) + switch blockType { + case blockTypeReserved: + return nil + case blockTypeRLE: + h.FirstBlock.Compressed = true + h.FirstBlock.DecompressedSize = cSize + h.FirstBlock.CompressedSize = 1 + case blockTypeCompressed: + h.FirstBlock.Compressed = true + h.FirstBlock.CompressedSize = cSize + case blockTypeRaw: + h.FirstBlock.DecompressedSize = cSize + h.FirstBlock.CompressedSize = cSize + default: + panic("Invalid block type") + } + + h.FirstBlock.OK = true + return nil +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/decoder.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/decoder.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1d41c25d292 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/decoder.go @@ -0,0 +1,561 @@ +// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +import ( + "errors" + "io" + "sync" +) + +// Decoder provides decoding of zstandard streams. +// The decoder has been designed to operate without allocations after a warmup. +// This means that you should store the decoder for best performance. +// To re-use a stream decoder, use the Reset(r io.Reader) error to switch to another stream. +// A decoder can safely be re-used even if the previous stream failed. +// To release the resources, you must call the Close() function on a decoder. +type Decoder struct { + o decoderOptions + + // Unreferenced decoders, ready for use. + decoders chan *blockDec + + // Streams ready to be decoded. + stream chan decodeStream + + // Current read position used for Reader functionality. + current decoderState + + // Custom dictionaries. + // Always uses copies. + dicts map[uint32]dict + + // streamWg is the waitgroup for all streams + streamWg sync.WaitGroup +} + +// decoderState is used for maintaining state when the decoder +// is used for streaming. +type decoderState struct { + // current block being written to stream. + decodeOutput + + // output in order to be written to stream. + output chan decodeOutput + + // cancel remaining output. + cancel chan struct{} + + flushed bool +} + +var ( + // Check the interfaces we want to support. + _ = io.WriterTo(&Decoder{}) + _ = io.Reader(&Decoder{}) +) + +// NewReader creates a new decoder. +// A nil Reader can be provided in which case Reset can be used to start a decode. +// +// A Decoder can be used in two modes: +// +// 1) As a stream, or +// 2) For stateless decoding using DecodeAll. +// +// Only a single stream can be decoded concurrently, but the same decoder +// can run multiple concurrent stateless decodes. It is even possible to +// use stateless decodes while a stream is being decoded. +// +// The Reset function can be used to initiate a new stream, which is will considerably +// reduce the allocations normally caused by NewReader. +func NewReader(r io.Reader, opts ...DOption) (*Decoder, error) { + initPredefined() + var d Decoder + d.o.setDefault() + for _, o := range opts { + err := o(&d.o) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + d.current.output = make(chan decodeOutput, d.o.concurrent) + d.current.flushed = true + + if r == nil { + d.current.err = ErrDecoderNilInput + } + + // Transfer option dicts. + d.dicts = make(map[uint32]dict, len(d.o.dicts)) + for _, dc := range d.o.dicts { + d.dicts[dc.id] = dc + } + d.o.dicts = nil + + // Create decoders + d.decoders = make(chan *blockDec, d.o.concurrent) + for i := 0; i < d.o.concurrent; i++ { + dec := newBlockDec(d.o.lowMem) + dec.localFrame = newFrameDec(d.o) + d.decoders <- dec + } + + if r == nil { + return &d, nil + } + return &d, d.Reset(r) +} + +// Read bytes from the decompressed stream into p. +// Returns the number of bytes written and any error that occurred. +// When the stream is done, io.EOF will be returned. +func (d *Decoder) Read(p []byte) (int, error) { + if d.stream == nil { + return 0, ErrDecoderNilInput + } + var n int + for { + if len(d.current.b) > 0 { + filled := copy(p, d.current.b) + p = p[filled:] + d.current.b = d.current.b[filled:] + n += filled + } + if len(p) == 0 { + break + } + if len(d.current.b) == 0 { + // We have an error and no more data + if d.current.err != nil { + break + } + if !d.nextBlock(n == 0) { + return n, nil + } + } + } + if len(d.current.b) > 0 { + if debug { + println("returning", n, "still bytes left:", len(d.current.b)) + } + // Only return error at end of block + return n, nil + } + if d.current.err != nil { + d.drainOutput() + } + if debug { + println("returning", n, d.current.err, len(d.decoders)) + } + return n, d.current.err +} + +// Reset will reset the decoder the supplied stream after the current has finished processing. +// Note that this functionality cannot be used after Close has been called. +// Reset can be called with a nil reader to release references to the previous reader. +// After being called with a nil reader, no other operations than Reset or DecodeAll or Close +// should be used. +func (d *Decoder) Reset(r io.Reader) error { + if d.current.err == ErrDecoderClosed { + return d.current.err + } + + d.drainOutput() + + if r == nil { + d.current.err = ErrDecoderNilInput + d.current.flushed = true + return nil + } + + if d.stream == nil { + d.stream = make(chan decodeStream, 1) + d.streamWg.Add(1) + go d.startStreamDecoder(d.stream) + } + + // If bytes buffer and < 1MB, do sync decoding anyway. + if bb, ok := r.(byter); ok && bb.Len() < 1<<20 { + var bb2 byter + bb2 = bb + if debug { + println("*bytes.Buffer detected, doing sync decode, len:", bb.Len()) + } + b := bb2.Bytes() + var dst []byte + if cap(d.current.b) > 0 { + dst = d.current.b + } + + dst, err := d.DecodeAll(b, dst[:0]) + if err == nil { + err = io.EOF + } + d.current.b = dst + d.current.err = err + d.current.flushed = true + if debug { + println("sync decode to", len(dst), "bytes, err:", err) + } + return nil + } + + // Remove current block. + d.current.decodeOutput = decodeOutput{} + d.current.err = nil + d.current.cancel = make(chan struct{}) + d.current.flushed = false + d.current.d = nil + + d.stream <- decodeStream{ + r: r, + output: d.current.output, + cancel: d.current.cancel, + } + return nil +} + +// drainOutput will drain the output until errEndOfStream is sent. +func (d *Decoder) drainOutput() { + if d.current.cancel != nil { + println("cancelling current") + close(d.current.cancel) + d.current.cancel = nil + } + if d.current.d != nil { + if debug { + printf("re-adding current decoder %p, decoders: %d", d.current.d, len(d.decoders)) + } + d.decoders <- d.current.d + d.current.d = nil + d.current.b = nil + } + if d.current.output == nil || d.current.flushed { + println("current already flushed") + return + } + for { + select { + case v := <-d.current.output: + if v.d != nil { + if debug { + printf("re-adding decoder %p", v.d) + } + d.decoders <- v.d + } + if v.err == errEndOfStream { + println("current flushed") + d.current.flushed = true + return + } + } + } +} + +// WriteTo writes data to w until there's no more data to write or when an error occurs. +// The return value n is the number of bytes written. +// Any error encountered during the write is also returned. +func (d *Decoder) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) { + if d.stream == nil { + return 0, ErrDecoderNilInput + } + var n int64 + for { + if len(d.current.b) > 0 { + n2, err2 := w.Write(d.current.b) + n += int64(n2) + if err2 != nil && d.current.err == nil { + d.current.err = err2 + break + } + } + if d.current.err != nil { + break + } + d.nextBlock(true) + } + err := d.current.err + if err != nil { + d.drainOutput() + } + if err == io.EOF { + err = nil + } + return n, err +} + +// DecodeAll allows stateless decoding of a blob of bytes. +// Output will be appended to dst, so if the destination size is known +// you can pre-allocate the destination slice to avoid allocations. +// DecodeAll can be used concurrently. +// The Decoder concurrency limits will be respected. +func (d *Decoder) DecodeAll(input, dst []byte) ([]byte, error) { + if d.current.err == ErrDecoderClosed { + return dst, ErrDecoderClosed + } + + // Grab a block decoder and frame decoder. + block := <-d.decoders + frame := block.localFrame + defer func() { + if debug { + printf("re-adding decoder: %p", block) + } + frame.rawInput = nil + frame.bBuf = nil + d.decoders <- block + }() + frame.bBuf = input + + for { + frame.history.reset() + err := frame.reset(&frame.bBuf) + if err == io.EOF { + if debug { + println("frame reset return EOF") + } + return dst, nil + } + if frame.DictionaryID != nil { + dict, ok := d.dicts[*frame.DictionaryID] + if !ok { + return nil, ErrUnknownDictionary + } + frame.history.setDict(&dict) + } + if err != nil { + return dst, err + } + if frame.FrameContentSize > d.o.maxDecodedSize-uint64(len(dst)) { + return dst, ErrDecoderSizeExceeded + } + if frame.FrameContentSize > 0 && frame.FrameContentSize < 1<<30 { + // Never preallocate moe than 1 GB up front. + if cap(dst)-len(dst) < int(frame.FrameContentSize) { + dst2 := make([]byte, len(dst), len(dst)+int(frame.FrameContentSize)) + copy(dst2, dst) + dst = dst2 + } + } + if cap(dst) == 0 { + // Allocate len(input) * 2 by default if nothing is provided + // and we didn't get frame content size. + size := len(input) * 2 + // Cap to 1 MB. + if size > 1<<20 { + size = 1 << 20 + } + if uint64(size) > d.o.maxDecodedSize { + size = int(d.o.maxDecodedSize) + } + dst = make([]byte, 0, size) + } + + dst, err = frame.runDecoder(dst, block) + if err != nil { + return dst, err + } + if len(frame.bBuf) == 0 { + if debug { + println("frame dbuf empty") + } + break + } + } + return dst, nil +} + +// nextBlock returns the next block. +// If an error occurs d.err will be set. +// Optionally the function can block for new output. +// If non-blocking mode is used the returned boolean will be false +// if no data was available without blocking. +func (d *Decoder) nextBlock(blocking bool) (ok bool) { + if d.current.d != nil { + if debug { + printf("re-adding current decoder %p", d.current.d) + } + d.decoders <- d.current.d + d.current.d = nil + } + if d.current.err != nil { + // Keep error state. + return blocking + } + + if blocking { + d.current.decodeOutput = <-d.current.output + } else { + select { + case d.current.decodeOutput = <-d.current.output: + default: + return false + } + } + if debug { + println("got", len(d.current.b), "bytes, error:", d.current.err) + } + return true +} + +// Close will release all resources. +// It is NOT possible to reuse the decoder after this. +func (d *Decoder) Close() { + if d.current.err == ErrDecoderClosed { + return + } + d.drainOutput() + if d.stream != nil { + close(d.stream) + d.streamWg.Wait() + d.stream = nil + } + if d.decoders != nil { + close(d.decoders) + for dec := range d.decoders { + dec.Close() + } + d.decoders = nil + } + if d.current.d != nil { + d.current.d.Close() + d.current.d = nil + } + d.current.err = ErrDecoderClosed +} + +// IOReadCloser returns the decoder as an io.ReadCloser for convenience. +// Any changes to the decoder will be reflected, so the returned ReadCloser +// can be reused along with the decoder. +// io.WriterTo is also supported by the returned ReadCloser. +func (d *Decoder) IOReadCloser() io.ReadCloser { + return closeWrapper{d: d} +} + +// closeWrapper wraps a function call as a closer. +type closeWrapper struct { + d *Decoder +} + +// WriteTo forwards WriteTo calls to the decoder. +func (c closeWrapper) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error) { + return c.d.WriteTo(w) +} + +// Read forwards read calls to the decoder. +func (c closeWrapper) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { + return c.d.Read(p) +} + +// Close closes the decoder. +func (c closeWrapper) Close() error { + c.d.Close() + return nil +} + +type decodeOutput struct { + d *blockDec + b []byte + err error +} + +type decodeStream struct { + r io.Reader + + // Blocks ready to be written to output. + output chan decodeOutput + + // cancel reading from the input + cancel chan struct{} +} + +// errEndOfStream indicates that everything from the stream was read. +var errEndOfStream = errors.New("end-of-stream") + +// Create Decoder: +// Spawn n block decoders. These accept tasks to decode a block. +// Create goroutine that handles stream processing, this will send history to decoders as they are available. +// Decoders update the history as they decode. +// When a block is returned: +// a) history is sent to the next decoder, +// b) content written to CRC. +// c) return data to WRITER. +// d) wait for next block to return data. +// Once WRITTEN, the decoders reused by the writer frame decoder for re-use. +func (d *Decoder) startStreamDecoder(inStream chan decodeStream) { + defer d.streamWg.Done() + frame := newFrameDec(d.o) + for stream := range inStream { + if debug { + println("got new stream") + } + br := readerWrapper{r: stream.r} + decodeStream: + for { + frame.history.reset() + err := frame.reset(&br) + if debug && err != nil { + println("Frame decoder returned", err) + } + if err == nil && frame.DictionaryID != nil { + dict, ok := d.dicts[*frame.DictionaryID] + if !ok { + err = ErrUnknownDictionary + } else { + frame.history.setDict(&dict) + } + } + if err != nil { + stream.output <- decodeOutput{ + err: err, + } + break + } + if debug { + println("starting frame decoder") + } + + // This goroutine will forward history between frames. + frame.frameDone.Add(1) + frame.initAsync() + + go frame.startDecoder(stream.output) + decodeFrame: + // Go through all blocks of the frame. + for { + dec := <-d.decoders + select { + case <-stream.cancel: + if !frame.sendErr(dec, io.EOF) { + // To not let the decoder dangle, send it back. + stream.output <- decodeOutput{d: dec} + } + break decodeStream + default: + } + err := frame.next(dec) + switch err { + case io.EOF: + // End of current frame, no error + println("EOF on next block") + break decodeFrame + case nil: + continue + default: + println("block decoder returned", err) + break decodeStream + } + } + // All blocks have started decoding, check if there are more frames. + println("waiting for done") + frame.frameDone.Wait() + println("done waiting...") + } + frame.frameDone.Wait() + println("Sending EOS") + stream.output <- decodeOutput{err: errEndOfStream} + } +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/decoder_options.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/decoder_options.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..284d384492b --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/decoder_options.go @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + "runtime" +) + +// DOption is an option for creating a decoder. +type DOption func(*decoderOptions) error + +// options retains accumulated state of multiple options. +type decoderOptions struct { + lowMem bool + concurrent int + maxDecodedSize uint64 + dicts []dict +} + +func (o *decoderOptions) setDefault() { + *o = decoderOptions{ + // use less ram: true for now, but may change. + lowMem: true, + concurrent: runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0), + } + o.maxDecodedSize = 1 << 63 +} + +// WithDecoderLowmem will set whether to use a lower amount of memory, +// but possibly have to allocate more while running. +func WithDecoderLowmem(b bool) DOption { + return func(o *decoderOptions) error { o.lowMem = b; return nil } +} + +// WithDecoderConcurrency will set the concurrency, +// meaning the maximum number of decoders to run concurrently. +// The value supplied must be at least 1. +// By default this will be set to GOMAXPROCS. +func WithDecoderConcurrency(n int) DOption { + return func(o *decoderOptions) error { + if n <= 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("Concurrency must be at least 1") + } + o.concurrent = n + return nil + } +} + +// WithDecoderMaxMemory allows to set a maximum decoded size for in-memory +// non-streaming operations or maximum window size for streaming operations. +// This can be used to control memory usage of potentially hostile content. +// For streaming operations, the maximum window size is capped at 1<<30 bytes. +// Maximum and default is 1 << 63 bytes. +func WithDecoderMaxMemory(n uint64) DOption { + return func(o *decoderOptions) error { + if n == 0 { + return errors.New("WithDecoderMaxMemory must be at least 1") + } + if n > 1<<63 { + return fmt.Errorf("WithDecoderMaxmemory must be less than 1 << 63") + } + o.maxDecodedSize = n + return nil + } +} + +// WithDecoderDicts allows to register one or more dictionaries for the decoder. +// If several dictionaries with the same ID is provided the last one will be used. +func WithDecoderDicts(dicts ...[]byte) DOption { + return func(o *decoderOptions) error { + for _, b := range dicts { + d, err := loadDict(b) + if err != nil { + return err + } + o.dicts = append(o.dicts, *d) + } + return nil + } +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/dict.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/dict.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..fa25a18d864 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/dict.go @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +package zstd + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/binary" + "errors" + "fmt" + "io" + + "github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0" +) + +type dict struct { + id uint32 + + litEnc *huff0.Scratch + llDec, ofDec, mlDec sequenceDec + //llEnc, ofEnc, mlEnc []*fseEncoder + offsets [3]int + content []byte +} + +var dictMagic = [4]byte{0x37, 0xa4, 0x30, 0xec} + +// ID returns the dictionary id or 0 if d is nil. +func (d *dict) ID() uint32 { + if d == nil { + return 0 + } + return d.id +} + +// DictContentSize returns the dictionary content size or 0 if d is nil. +func (d *dict) DictContentSize() int { + if d == nil { + return 0 + } + return len(d.content) +} + +// Load a dictionary as described in +// https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/master/doc/zstd_compression_format.md#dictionary-format +func loadDict(b []byte) (*dict, error) { + // Check static field size. + if len(b) <= 8+(3*4) { + return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + d := dict{ + llDec: sequenceDec{fse: &fseDecoder{}}, + ofDec: sequenceDec{fse: &fseDecoder{}}, + mlDec: sequenceDec{fse: &fseDecoder{}}, + } + if !bytes.Equal(b[:4], dictMagic[:]) { + return nil, ErrMagicMismatch + } + d.id = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b[4:8]) + if d.id == 0 { + return nil, errors.New("dictionaries cannot have ID 0") + } + + // Read literal table + var err error + d.litEnc, b, err = huff0.ReadTable(b[8:], nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + d.litEnc.Reuse = huff0.ReusePolicyMust + + br := byteReader{ + b: b, + off: 0, + } + readDec := func(i tableIndex, dec *fseDecoder) error { + if err := dec.readNCount(&br, uint16(maxTableSymbol[i])); err != nil { + return err + } + if br.overread() { + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + err = dec.transform(symbolTableX[i]) + if err != nil { + println("Transform table error:", err) + return err + } + if debug { + println("Read table ok", "symbolLen:", dec.symbolLen) + } + // Set decoders as predefined so they aren't reused. + dec.preDefined = true + return nil + } + + if err := readDec(tableOffsets, d.ofDec.fse); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if err := readDec(tableMatchLengths, d.mlDec.fse); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if err := readDec(tableLiteralLengths, d.llDec.fse); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if br.remain() < 12 { + return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + + d.offsets[0] = int(br.Uint32()) + br.advance(4) + d.offsets[1] = int(br.Uint32()) + br.advance(4) + d.offsets[2] = int(br.Uint32()) + br.advance(4) + if d.offsets[0] <= 0 || d.offsets[1] <= 0 || d.offsets[2] <= 0 { + return nil, errors.New("invalid offset in dictionary") + } + d.content = make([]byte, br.remain()) + copy(d.content, br.unread()) + if d.offsets[0] > len(d.content) || d.offsets[1] > len(d.content) || d.offsets[2] > len(d.content) { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("initial offset bigger than dictionary content size %d, offsets: %v", len(d.content), d.offsets) + } + + return &d, nil +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/enc_base.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/enc_base.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2d4d893eb91 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/enc_base.go @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +package zstd + +import ( + "fmt" + "math/bits" + + "github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash" +) + +const ( + dictShardBits = 6 +) + +type fastBase struct { + // cur is the offset at the start of hist + cur int32 + // maximum offset. Should be at least 2x block size. + maxMatchOff int32 + hist []byte + crc *xxhash.Digest + tmp [8]byte + blk *blockEnc + lastDictID uint32 + lowMem bool +} + +// CRC returns the underlying CRC writer. +func (e *fastBase) CRC() *xxhash.Digest { + return e.crc +} + +// AppendCRC will append the CRC to the destination slice and return it. +func (e *fastBase) AppendCRC(dst []byte) []byte { + crc := e.crc.Sum(e.tmp[:0]) + dst = append(dst, crc[7], crc[6], crc[5], crc[4]) + return dst +} + +// WindowSize returns the window size of the encoder, +// or a window size small enough to contain the input size, if > 0. +func (e *fastBase) WindowSize(size int) int32 { + if size > 0 && size < int(e.maxMatchOff) { + b := int32(1) << uint(bits.Len(uint(size))) + // Keep minimum window. + if b < 1024 { + b = 1024 + } + return b + } + return e.maxMatchOff +} + +// Block returns the current block. +func (e *fastBase) Block() *blockEnc { + return e.blk +} + +func (e *fastBase) addBlock(src []byte) int32 { + if debugAsserts && e.cur > bufferReset { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("ecur (%d) > buffer reset (%d)", e.cur, bufferReset)) + } + // check if we have space already + if len(e.hist)+len(src) > cap(e.hist) { + if cap(e.hist) == 0 { + e.ensureHist(len(src)) + } else { + if cap(e.hist) < int(e.maxMatchOff+maxCompressedBlockSize) { + panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected buffer cap %d, want at least %d with window %d", cap(e.hist), e.maxMatchOff+maxCompressedBlockSize, e.maxMatchOff)) + } + // Move down + offset := int32(len(e.hist)) - e.maxMatchOff + copy(e.hist[0:e.maxMatchOff], e.hist[offset:]) + e.cur += offset + e.hist = e.hist[:e.maxMatchOff] + } + } + s := int32(len(e.hist)) + e.hist = append(e.hist, src...) + return s +} + +// ensureHist will ensure that history can keep at least this many bytes. +func (e *fastBase) ensureHist(n int) { + if cap(e.hist) >= n { + return + } + l := e.maxMatchOff + if (e.lowMem && e.maxMatchOff > maxCompressedBlockSize) || e.maxMatchOff <= maxCompressedBlockSize { + l += maxCompressedBlockSize + } else { + l += e.maxMatchOff + } + // Make it at least 1MB. + if l < 1<<20 && !e.lowMem { + l = 1 << 20 + } + // Make it at least the requested size. + if l < int32(n) { + l = int32(n) + } + e.hist = make([]byte, 0, l) +} + +// useBlock will replace the block with the provided one, +// but transfer recent offsets from the previous. +func (e *fastBase) UseBlock(enc *blockEnc) { + enc.reset(e.blk) + e.blk = enc +} + +func (e *fastBase) matchlenNoHist(s, t int32, src []byte) int32 { + // Extend the match to be as long as possible. + return int32(matchLen(src[s:], src[t:])) +} + +func (e *fastBase) matchlen(s, t int32, src []byte) int32 { + if debugAsserts { + if s < 0 { + err := fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) < 0", s) + panic(err) + } + if t < 0 { + err := fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) < 0", s) + panic(err) + } + if s-t > e.maxMatchOff { + err := fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) - t (%d) > maxMatchOff (%d)", s, t, e.maxMatchOff) + panic(err) + } + if len(src)-int(s) > maxCompressedBlockSize { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("len(src)-s (%d) > maxCompressedBlockSize (%d)", len(src)-int(s), maxCompressedBlockSize)) + } + } + + // Extend the match to be as long as possible. + return int32(matchLen(src[s:], src[t:])) +} + +// Reset the encoding table. +func (e *fastBase) resetBase(d *dict, singleBlock bool) { + if e.blk == nil { + e.blk = &blockEnc{lowMem: e.lowMem} + e.blk.init() + } else { + e.blk.reset(nil) + } + e.blk.initNewEncode() + if e.crc == nil { + e.crc = xxhash.New() + } else { + e.crc.Reset() + } + if (!singleBlock || d.DictContentSize() > 0) && cap(e.hist) < int(e.maxMatchOff*2)+d.DictContentSize() { + l := e.maxMatchOff*2 + int32(d.DictContentSize()) + // Make it at least 1MB. + if l < 1<<20 { + l = 1 << 20 + } + e.hist = make([]byte, 0, l) + } + // We offset current position so everything will be out of reach. + // If above reset line, history will be purged. + if e.cur < bufferReset { + e.cur += e.maxMatchOff + int32(len(e.hist)) + } + e.hist = e.hist[:0] + if d != nil { + // Set offsets (currently not used) + for i, off := range d.offsets { + e.blk.recentOffsets[i] = uint32(off) + e.blk.prevRecentOffsets[i] = e.blk.recentOffsets[i] + } + // Transfer litenc. + e.blk.dictLitEnc = d.litEnc + e.hist = append(e.hist, d.content...) + } +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/enc_best.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/enc_best.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..fe3625c5f5e --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/enc_best.go @@ -0,0 +1,487 @@ +// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +import ( + "fmt" + "math/bits" +) + +const ( + bestLongTableBits = 20 // Bits used in the long match table + bestLongTableSize = 1 << bestLongTableBits // Size of the table + + // Note: Increasing the short table bits or making the hash shorter + // can actually lead to compression degradation since it will 'steal' more from the + // long match table and match offsets are quite big. + // This greatly depends on the type of input. + bestShortTableBits = 16 // Bits used in the short match table + bestShortTableSize = 1 << bestShortTableBits // Size of the table +) + +// bestFastEncoder uses 2 tables, one for short matches (5 bytes) and one for long matches. +// The long match table contains the previous entry with the same hash, +// effectively making it a "chain" of length 2. +// When we find a long match we choose between the two values and select the longest. +// When we find a short match, after checking the long, we check if we can find a long at n+1 +// and that it is longer (lazy matching). +type bestFastEncoder struct { + fastBase + table [bestShortTableSize]prevEntry + longTable [bestLongTableSize]prevEntry + dictTable []prevEntry + dictLongTable []prevEntry +} + +// Encode improves compression... +func (e *bestFastEncoder) Encode(blk *blockEnc, src []byte) { + const ( + // Input margin is the number of bytes we read (8) + // and the maximum we will read ahead (2) + inputMargin = 8 + 4 + minNonLiteralBlockSize = 16 + ) + + // Protect against e.cur wraparound. + for e.cur >= bufferReset { + if len(e.hist) == 0 { + for i := range e.table[:] { + e.table[i] = prevEntry{} + } + for i := range e.longTable[:] { + e.longTable[i] = prevEntry{} + } + e.cur = e.maxMatchOff + break + } + // Shift down everything in the table that isn't already too far away. + minOff := e.cur + int32(len(e.hist)) - e.maxMatchOff + for i := range e.table[:] { + v := e.table[i].offset + v2 := e.table[i].prev + if v < minOff { + v = 0 + v2 = 0 + } else { + v = v - e.cur + e.maxMatchOff + if v2 < minOff { + v2 = 0 + } else { + v2 = v2 - e.cur + e.maxMatchOff + } + } + e.table[i] = prevEntry{ + offset: v, + prev: v2, + } + } + for i := range e.longTable[:] { + v := e.longTable[i].offset + v2 := e.longTable[i].prev + if v < minOff { + v = 0 + v2 = 0 + } else { + v = v - e.cur + e.maxMatchOff + if v2 < minOff { + v2 = 0 + } else { + v2 = v2 - e.cur + e.maxMatchOff + } + } + e.longTable[i] = prevEntry{ + offset: v, + prev: v2, + } + } + e.cur = e.maxMatchOff + break + } + + s := e.addBlock(src) + blk.size = len(src) + if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize { + blk.extraLits = len(src) + blk.literals = blk.literals[:len(src)] + copy(blk.literals, src) + return + } + + // Override src + src = e.hist + sLimit := int32(len(src)) - inputMargin + const kSearchStrength = 10 + + // nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from. + nextEmit := s + cv := load6432(src, s) + + // Relative offsets + offset1 := int32(blk.recentOffsets[0]) + offset2 := int32(blk.recentOffsets[1]) + offset3 := int32(blk.recentOffsets[2]) + + addLiterals := func(s *seq, until int32) { + if until == nextEmit { + return + } + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:until]...) + s.litLen = uint32(until - nextEmit) + } + _ = addLiterals + + if debug { + println("recent offsets:", blk.recentOffsets) + } + +encodeLoop: + for { + // We allow the encoder to optionally turn off repeat offsets across blocks + canRepeat := len(blk.sequences) > 2 + + if debugAsserts && canRepeat && offset1 == 0 { + panic("offset0 was 0") + } + + type match struct { + offset int32 + s int32 + length int32 + rep int32 + } + matchAt := func(offset int32, s int32, first uint32, rep int32) match { + if s-offset >= e.maxMatchOff || load3232(src, offset) != first { + return match{offset: offset, s: s} + } + return match{offset: offset, s: s, length: 4 + e.matchlen(s+4, offset+4, src), rep: rep} + } + + bestOf := func(a, b match) match { + aScore := b.s - a.s + a.length + bScore := a.s - b.s + b.length + if a.rep < 0 { + aScore = aScore - int32(bits.Len32(uint32(a.offset)))/8 + } + if b.rep < 0 { + bScore = bScore - int32(bits.Len32(uint32(b.offset)))/8 + } + if aScore >= bScore { + return a + } + return b + } + const goodEnough = 100 + + nextHashL := hash8(cv, bestLongTableBits) + nextHashS := hash4x64(cv, bestShortTableBits) + candidateL := e.longTable[nextHashL] + candidateS := e.table[nextHashS] + + best := bestOf(matchAt(candidateL.offset-e.cur, s, uint32(cv), -1), matchAt(candidateL.prev-e.cur, s, uint32(cv), -1)) + best = bestOf(best, matchAt(candidateS.offset-e.cur, s, uint32(cv), -1)) + best = bestOf(best, matchAt(candidateS.prev-e.cur, s, uint32(cv), -1)) + if canRepeat && best.length < goodEnough { + best = bestOf(best, matchAt(s-offset1+1, s+1, uint32(cv>>8), 1)) + best = bestOf(best, matchAt(s-offset2+1, s+1, uint32(cv>>8), 2)) + best = bestOf(best, matchAt(s-offset3+1, s+1, uint32(cv>>8), 3)) + if best.length > 0 { + best = bestOf(best, matchAt(s-offset1+3, s+3, uint32(cv>>24), 1)) + best = bestOf(best, matchAt(s-offset2+3, s+3, uint32(cv>>24), 2)) + best = bestOf(best, matchAt(s-offset3+3, s+3, uint32(cv>>24), 3)) + } + } + // Load next and check... + e.longTable[nextHashL] = prevEntry{offset: s + e.cur, prev: candidateL.offset} + e.table[nextHashS] = prevEntry{offset: s + e.cur, prev: candidateS.offset} + + // Look far ahead, unless we have a really long match already... + if best.length < goodEnough { + // No match found, move forward on input, no need to check forward... + if best.length < 4 { + s += 1 + (s-nextEmit)>>(kSearchStrength-1) + if s >= sLimit { + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + continue + } + + s++ + candidateS = e.table[hash4x64(cv>>8, bestShortTableBits)] + cv = load6432(src, s) + cv2 := load6432(src, s+1) + candidateL = e.longTable[hash8(cv, bestLongTableBits)] + candidateL2 := e.longTable[hash8(cv2, bestLongTableBits)] + + best = bestOf(best, matchAt(candidateS.offset-e.cur, s, uint32(cv), -1)) + best = bestOf(best, matchAt(candidateL.offset-e.cur, s, uint32(cv), -1)) + best = bestOf(best, matchAt(candidateL.prev-e.cur, s, uint32(cv), -1)) + best = bestOf(best, matchAt(candidateL2.offset-e.cur, s+1, uint32(cv2), -1)) + best = bestOf(best, matchAt(candidateL2.prev-e.cur, s+1, uint32(cv2), -1)) + } + + // We have a match, we can store the forward value + if best.rep > 0 { + s = best.s + var seq seq + seq.matchLen = uint32(best.length - zstdMinMatch) + + // We might be able to match backwards. + // Extend as long as we can. + start := best.s + // We end the search early, so we don't risk 0 literals + // and have to do special offset treatment. + startLimit := nextEmit + 1 + + tMin := s - e.maxMatchOff + if tMin < 0 { + tMin = 0 + } + repIndex := best.offset + for repIndex > tMin && start > startLimit && src[repIndex-1] == src[start-1] && seq.matchLen < maxMatchLength-zstdMinMatch-1 { + repIndex-- + start-- + seq.matchLen++ + } + addLiterals(&seq, start) + + // rep 0 + seq.offset = uint32(best.rep) + if debugSequences { + println("repeat sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + + // Index match start+1 (long) -> s - 1 + index0 := s + s = best.s + best.length + + nextEmit = s + if s >= sLimit { + if debug { + println("repeat ended", s, best.length) + + } + break encodeLoop + } + // Index skipped... + off := index0 + e.cur + for index0 < s-1 { + cv0 := load6432(src, index0) + h0 := hash8(cv0, bestLongTableBits) + h1 := hash4x64(cv0, bestShortTableBits) + e.longTable[h0] = prevEntry{offset: off, prev: e.longTable[h0].offset} + e.table[h1] = prevEntry{offset: off, prev: e.table[h1].offset} + off++ + index0++ + } + switch best.rep { + case 2: + offset1, offset2 = offset2, offset1 + case 3: + offset1, offset2, offset3 = offset3, offset1, offset2 + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + continue + } + + // A 4-byte match has been found. Update recent offsets. + // We'll later see if more than 4 bytes. + s = best.s + t := best.offset + offset1, offset2, offset3 = s-t, offset1, offset2 + + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + + if debugAsserts && canRepeat && int(offset1) > len(src) { + panic("invalid offset") + } + + // Extend the n-byte match as long as possible. + l := best.length + + // Extend backwards + tMin := s - e.maxMatchOff + if tMin < 0 { + tMin = 0 + } + for t > tMin && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] && l < maxMatchLength { + s-- + t-- + l++ + } + + // Write our sequence + var seq seq + seq.litLen = uint32(s - nextEmit) + seq.matchLen = uint32(l - zstdMinMatch) + if seq.litLen > 0 { + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:s]...) + } + seq.offset = uint32(s-t) + 3 + s += l + if debugSequences { + println("sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + nextEmit = s + if s >= sLimit { + break encodeLoop + } + + // Index match start+1 (long) -> s - 1 + index0 := s - l + 1 + // every entry + for index0 < s-1 { + cv0 := load6432(src, index0) + h0 := hash8(cv0, bestLongTableBits) + h1 := hash4x64(cv0, bestShortTableBits) + off := index0 + e.cur + e.longTable[h0] = prevEntry{offset: off, prev: e.longTable[h0].offset} + e.table[h1] = prevEntry{offset: off, prev: e.table[h1].offset} + index0++ + } + + cv = load6432(src, s) + if !canRepeat { + continue + } + + // Check offset 2 + for { + o2 := s - offset2 + if load3232(src, o2) != uint32(cv) { + // Do regular search + break + } + + // Store this, since we have it. + nextHashS := hash4x64(cv, bestShortTableBits) + nextHashL := hash8(cv, bestLongTableBits) + + // We have at least 4 byte match. + // No need to check backwards. We come straight from a match + l := 4 + e.matchlen(s+4, o2+4, src) + + e.longTable[nextHashL] = prevEntry{offset: s + e.cur, prev: e.longTable[nextHashL].offset} + e.table[nextHashS] = prevEntry{offset: s + e.cur, prev: e.table[nextHashS].offset} + seq.matchLen = uint32(l) - zstdMinMatch + seq.litLen = 0 + + // Since litlen is always 0, this is offset 1. + seq.offset = 1 + s += l + nextEmit = s + if debugSequences { + println("sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + + // Swap offset 1 and 2. + offset1, offset2 = offset2, offset1 + if s >= sLimit { + // Finished + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + } + } + + if int(nextEmit) < len(src) { + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:]...) + blk.extraLits = len(src) - int(nextEmit) + } + blk.recentOffsets[0] = uint32(offset1) + blk.recentOffsets[1] = uint32(offset2) + blk.recentOffsets[2] = uint32(offset3) + if debug { + println("returning, recent offsets:", blk.recentOffsets, "extra literals:", blk.extraLits) + } +} + +// EncodeNoHist will encode a block with no history and no following blocks. +// Most notable difference is that src will not be copied for history and +// we do not need to check for max match length. +func (e *bestFastEncoder) EncodeNoHist(blk *blockEnc, src []byte) { + e.ensureHist(len(src)) + e.Encode(blk, src) +} + +// ResetDict will reset and set a dictionary if not nil +func (e *bestFastEncoder) Reset(d *dict, singleBlock bool) { + e.resetBase(d, singleBlock) + if d == nil { + return + } + // Init or copy dict table + if len(e.dictTable) != len(e.table) || d.id != e.lastDictID { + if len(e.dictTable) != len(e.table) { + e.dictTable = make([]prevEntry, len(e.table)) + } + end := int32(len(d.content)) - 8 + e.maxMatchOff + for i := e.maxMatchOff; i < end; i += 4 { + const hashLog = bestShortTableBits + + cv := load6432(d.content, i-e.maxMatchOff) + nextHash := hash4x64(cv, hashLog) // 0 -> 4 + nextHash1 := hash4x64(cv>>8, hashLog) // 1 -> 5 + nextHash2 := hash4x64(cv>>16, hashLog) // 2 -> 6 + nextHash3 := hash4x64(cv>>24, hashLog) // 3 -> 7 + e.dictTable[nextHash] = prevEntry{ + prev: e.dictTable[nextHash].offset, + offset: i, + } + e.dictTable[nextHash1] = prevEntry{ + prev: e.dictTable[nextHash1].offset, + offset: i + 1, + } + e.dictTable[nextHash2] = prevEntry{ + prev: e.dictTable[nextHash2].offset, + offset: i + 2, + } + e.dictTable[nextHash3] = prevEntry{ + prev: e.dictTable[nextHash3].offset, + offset: i + 3, + } + } + e.lastDictID = d.id + } + + // Init or copy dict table + if len(e.dictLongTable) != len(e.longTable) || d.id != e.lastDictID { + if len(e.dictLongTable) != len(e.longTable) { + e.dictLongTable = make([]prevEntry, len(e.longTable)) + } + if len(d.content) >= 8 { + cv := load6432(d.content, 0) + h := hash8(cv, bestLongTableBits) + e.dictLongTable[h] = prevEntry{ + offset: e.maxMatchOff, + prev: e.dictLongTable[h].offset, + } + + end := int32(len(d.content)) - 8 + e.maxMatchOff + off := 8 // First to read + for i := e.maxMatchOff + 1; i < end; i++ { + cv = cv>>8 | (uint64(d.content[off]) << 56) + h := hash8(cv, bestLongTableBits) + e.dictLongTable[h] = prevEntry{ + offset: i, + prev: e.dictLongTable[h].offset, + } + off++ + } + } + e.lastDictID = d.id + } + // Reset table to initial state + copy(e.longTable[:], e.dictLongTable) + + e.cur = e.maxMatchOff + // Reset table to initial state + copy(e.table[:], e.dictTable) +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/enc_better.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/enc_better.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c2ce4a2bac5 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/enc_better.go @@ -0,0 +1,1170 @@ +// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +import "fmt" + +const ( + betterLongTableBits = 19 // Bits used in the long match table + betterLongTableSize = 1 << betterLongTableBits // Size of the table + + // Note: Increasing the short table bits or making the hash shorter + // can actually lead to compression degradation since it will 'steal' more from the + // long match table and match offsets are quite big. + // This greatly depends on the type of input. + betterShortTableBits = 13 // Bits used in the short match table + betterShortTableSize = 1 << betterShortTableBits // Size of the table + + betterLongTableShardCnt = 1 << (betterLongTableBits - dictShardBits) // Number of shards in the table + betterLongTableShardSize = betterLongTableSize / betterLongTableShardCnt // Size of an individual shard + + betterShortTableShardCnt = 1 << (betterShortTableBits - dictShardBits) // Number of shards in the table + betterShortTableShardSize = betterShortTableSize / betterShortTableShardCnt // Size of an individual shard +) + +type prevEntry struct { + offset int32 + prev int32 +} + +// betterFastEncoder uses 2 tables, one for short matches (5 bytes) and one for long matches. +// The long match table contains the previous entry with the same hash, +// effectively making it a "chain" of length 2. +// When we find a long match we choose between the two values and select the longest. +// When we find a short match, after checking the long, we check if we can find a long at n+1 +// and that it is longer (lazy matching). +type betterFastEncoder struct { + fastBase + table [betterShortTableSize]tableEntry + longTable [betterLongTableSize]prevEntry +} + +type betterFastEncoderDict struct { + betterFastEncoder + dictTable []tableEntry + dictLongTable []prevEntry + shortTableShardDirty [betterShortTableShardCnt]bool + longTableShardDirty [betterLongTableShardCnt]bool + allDirty bool +} + +// Encode improves compression... +func (e *betterFastEncoder) Encode(blk *blockEnc, src []byte) { + const ( + // Input margin is the number of bytes we read (8) + // and the maximum we will read ahead (2) + inputMargin = 8 + 2 + minNonLiteralBlockSize = 16 + ) + + // Protect against e.cur wraparound. + for e.cur >= bufferReset { + if len(e.hist) == 0 { + for i := range e.table[:] { + e.table[i] = tableEntry{} + } + for i := range e.longTable[:] { + e.longTable[i] = prevEntry{} + } + e.cur = e.maxMatchOff + break + } + // Shift down everything in the table that isn't already too far away. + minOff := e.cur + int32(len(e.hist)) - e.maxMatchOff + for i := range e.table[:] { + v := e.table[i].offset + if v < minOff { + v = 0 + } else { + v = v - e.cur + e.maxMatchOff + } + e.table[i].offset = v + } + for i := range e.longTable[:] { + v := e.longTable[i].offset + v2 := e.longTable[i].prev + if v < minOff { + v = 0 + v2 = 0 + } else { + v = v - e.cur + e.maxMatchOff + if v2 < minOff { + v2 = 0 + } else { + v2 = v2 - e.cur + e.maxMatchOff + } + } + e.longTable[i] = prevEntry{ + offset: v, + prev: v2, + } + } + e.cur = e.maxMatchOff + break + } + + s := e.addBlock(src) + blk.size = len(src) + if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize { + blk.extraLits = len(src) + blk.literals = blk.literals[:len(src)] + copy(blk.literals, src) + return + } + + // Override src + src = e.hist + sLimit := int32(len(src)) - inputMargin + // stepSize is the number of bytes to skip on every main loop iteration. + // It should be >= 1. + const stepSize = 1 + + const kSearchStrength = 9 + + // nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from. + nextEmit := s + cv := load6432(src, s) + + // Relative offsets + offset1 := int32(blk.recentOffsets[0]) + offset2 := int32(blk.recentOffsets[1]) + + addLiterals := func(s *seq, until int32) { + if until == nextEmit { + return + } + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:until]...) + s.litLen = uint32(until - nextEmit) + } + if debug { + println("recent offsets:", blk.recentOffsets) + } + +encodeLoop: + for { + var t int32 + // We allow the encoder to optionally turn off repeat offsets across blocks + canRepeat := len(blk.sequences) > 2 + var matched int32 + + for { + if debugAsserts && canRepeat && offset1 == 0 { + panic("offset0 was 0") + } + + nextHashS := hash5(cv, betterShortTableBits) + nextHashL := hash8(cv, betterLongTableBits) + candidateL := e.longTable[nextHashL] + candidateS := e.table[nextHashS] + + const repOff = 1 + repIndex := s - offset1 + repOff + off := s + e.cur + e.longTable[nextHashL] = prevEntry{offset: off, prev: candidateL.offset} + e.table[nextHashS] = tableEntry{offset: off, val: uint32(cv)} + + if canRepeat { + if repIndex >= 0 && load3232(src, repIndex) == uint32(cv>>(repOff*8)) { + // Consider history as well. + var seq seq + lenght := 4 + e.matchlen(s+4+repOff, repIndex+4, src) + + seq.matchLen = uint32(lenght - zstdMinMatch) + + // We might be able to match backwards. + // Extend as long as we can. + start := s + repOff + // We end the search early, so we don't risk 0 literals + // and have to do special offset treatment. + startLimit := nextEmit + 1 + + tMin := s - e.maxMatchOff + if tMin < 0 { + tMin = 0 + } + for repIndex > tMin && start > startLimit && src[repIndex-1] == src[start-1] && seq.matchLen < maxMatchLength-zstdMinMatch-1 { + repIndex-- + start-- + seq.matchLen++ + } + addLiterals(&seq, start) + + // rep 0 + seq.offset = 1 + if debugSequences { + println("repeat sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + + // Index match start+1 (long) -> s - 1 + index0 := s + repOff + s += lenght + repOff + + nextEmit = s + if s >= sLimit { + if debug { + println("repeat ended", s, lenght) + + } + break encodeLoop + } + // Index skipped... + for index0 < s-1 { + cv0 := load6432(src, index0) + cv1 := cv0 >> 8 + h0 := hash8(cv0, betterLongTableBits) + off := index0 + e.cur + e.longTable[h0] = prevEntry{offset: off, prev: e.longTable[h0].offset} + e.table[hash5(cv1, betterShortTableBits)] = tableEntry{offset: off + 1, val: uint32(cv1)} + index0 += 2 + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + continue + } + const repOff2 = 1 + + // We deviate from the reference encoder and also check offset 2. + // Still slower and not much better, so disabled. + // repIndex = s - offset2 + repOff2 + if false && repIndex >= 0 && load6432(src, repIndex) == load6432(src, s+repOff) { + // Consider history as well. + var seq seq + lenght := 8 + e.matchlen(s+8+repOff2, repIndex+8, src) + + seq.matchLen = uint32(lenght - zstdMinMatch) + + // We might be able to match backwards. + // Extend as long as we can. + start := s + repOff2 + // We end the search early, so we don't risk 0 literals + // and have to do special offset treatment. + startLimit := nextEmit + 1 + + tMin := s - e.maxMatchOff + if tMin < 0 { + tMin = 0 + } + for repIndex > tMin && start > startLimit && src[repIndex-1] == src[start-1] && seq.matchLen < maxMatchLength-zstdMinMatch-1 { + repIndex-- + start-- + seq.matchLen++ + } + addLiterals(&seq, start) + + // rep 2 + seq.offset = 2 + if debugSequences { + println("repeat sequence 2", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + + index0 := s + repOff2 + s += lenght + repOff2 + nextEmit = s + if s >= sLimit { + if debug { + println("repeat ended", s, lenght) + + } + break encodeLoop + } + + // Index skipped... + for index0 < s-1 { + cv0 := load6432(src, index0) + cv1 := cv0 >> 8 + h0 := hash8(cv0, betterLongTableBits) + off := index0 + e.cur + e.longTable[h0] = prevEntry{offset: off, prev: e.longTable[h0].offset} + e.table[hash5(cv1, betterShortTableBits)] = tableEntry{offset: off + 1, val: uint32(cv1)} + index0 += 2 + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + // Swap offsets + offset1, offset2 = offset2, offset1 + continue + } + } + // Find the offsets of our two matches. + coffsetL := candidateL.offset - e.cur + coffsetLP := candidateL.prev - e.cur + + // Check if we have a long match. + if s-coffsetL < e.maxMatchOff && cv == load6432(src, coffsetL) { + // Found a long match, at least 8 bytes. + matched = e.matchlen(s+8, coffsetL+8, src) + 8 + t = coffsetL + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + if debugAsserts && s-t > e.maxMatchOff { + panic("s - t >e.maxMatchOff") + } + if debugMatches { + println("long match") + } + + if s-coffsetLP < e.maxMatchOff && cv == load6432(src, coffsetLP) { + // Found a long match, at least 8 bytes. + prevMatch := e.matchlen(s+8, coffsetLP+8, src) + 8 + if prevMatch > matched { + matched = prevMatch + t = coffsetLP + } + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + if debugAsserts && s-t > e.maxMatchOff { + panic("s - t >e.maxMatchOff") + } + if debugMatches { + println("long match") + } + } + break + } + + // Check if we have a long match on prev. + if s-coffsetLP < e.maxMatchOff && cv == load6432(src, coffsetLP) { + // Found a long match, at least 8 bytes. + matched = e.matchlen(s+8, coffsetLP+8, src) + 8 + t = coffsetLP + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + if debugAsserts && s-t > e.maxMatchOff { + panic("s - t >e.maxMatchOff") + } + if debugMatches { + println("long match") + } + break + } + + coffsetS := candidateS.offset - e.cur + + // Check if we have a short match. + if s-coffsetS < e.maxMatchOff && uint32(cv) == candidateS.val { + // found a regular match + matched = e.matchlen(s+4, coffsetS+4, src) + 4 + + // See if we can find a long match at s+1 + const checkAt = 1 + cv := load6432(src, s+checkAt) + nextHashL = hash8(cv, betterLongTableBits) + candidateL = e.longTable[nextHashL] + coffsetL = candidateL.offset - e.cur + + // We can store it, since we have at least a 4 byte match. + e.longTable[nextHashL] = prevEntry{offset: s + checkAt + e.cur, prev: candidateL.offset} + if s-coffsetL < e.maxMatchOff && cv == load6432(src, coffsetL) { + // Found a long match, at least 8 bytes. + matchedNext := e.matchlen(s+8+checkAt, coffsetL+8, src) + 8 + if matchedNext > matched { + t = coffsetL + s += checkAt + matched = matchedNext + if debugMatches { + println("long match (after short)") + } + break + } + } + + // Check prev long... + coffsetL = candidateL.prev - e.cur + if s-coffsetL < e.maxMatchOff && cv == load6432(src, coffsetL) { + // Found a long match, at least 8 bytes. + matchedNext := e.matchlen(s+8+checkAt, coffsetL+8, src) + 8 + if matchedNext > matched { + t = coffsetL + s += checkAt + matched = matchedNext + if debugMatches { + println("prev long match (after short)") + } + break + } + } + t = coffsetS + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + if debugAsserts && s-t > e.maxMatchOff { + panic("s - t >e.maxMatchOff") + } + if debugAsserts && t < 0 { + panic("t<0") + } + if debugMatches { + println("short match") + } + break + } + + // No match found, move forward in input. + s += stepSize + ((s - nextEmit) >> (kSearchStrength - 1)) + if s >= sLimit { + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + } + + // A 4-byte match has been found. Update recent offsets. + // We'll later see if more than 4 bytes. + offset2 = offset1 + offset1 = s - t + + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + + if debugAsserts && canRepeat && int(offset1) > len(src) { + panic("invalid offset") + } + + // Extend the n-byte match as long as possible. + l := matched + + // Extend backwards + tMin := s - e.maxMatchOff + if tMin < 0 { + tMin = 0 + } + for t > tMin && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] && l < maxMatchLength { + s-- + t-- + l++ + } + + // Write our sequence + var seq seq + seq.litLen = uint32(s - nextEmit) + seq.matchLen = uint32(l - zstdMinMatch) + if seq.litLen > 0 { + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:s]...) + } + seq.offset = uint32(s-t) + 3 + s += l + if debugSequences { + println("sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + nextEmit = s + if s >= sLimit { + break encodeLoop + } + + // Index match start+1 (long) -> s - 1 + index0 := s - l + 1 + for index0 < s-1 { + cv0 := load6432(src, index0) + cv1 := cv0 >> 8 + h0 := hash8(cv0, betterLongTableBits) + off := index0 + e.cur + e.longTable[h0] = prevEntry{offset: off, prev: e.longTable[h0].offset} + e.table[hash5(cv1, betterShortTableBits)] = tableEntry{offset: off + 1, val: uint32(cv1)} + index0 += 2 + } + + cv = load6432(src, s) + if !canRepeat { + continue + } + + // Check offset 2 + for { + o2 := s - offset2 + if load3232(src, o2) != uint32(cv) { + // Do regular search + break + } + + // Store this, since we have it. + nextHashS := hash5(cv, betterShortTableBits) + nextHashL := hash8(cv, betterLongTableBits) + + // We have at least 4 byte match. + // No need to check backwards. We come straight from a match + l := 4 + e.matchlen(s+4, o2+4, src) + + e.longTable[nextHashL] = prevEntry{offset: s + e.cur, prev: e.longTable[nextHashL].offset} + e.table[nextHashS] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)} + seq.matchLen = uint32(l) - zstdMinMatch + seq.litLen = 0 + + // Since litlen is always 0, this is offset 1. + seq.offset = 1 + s += l + nextEmit = s + if debugSequences { + println("sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + + // Swap offset 1 and 2. + offset1, offset2 = offset2, offset1 + if s >= sLimit { + // Finished + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + } + } + + if int(nextEmit) < len(src) { + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:]...) + blk.extraLits = len(src) - int(nextEmit) + } + blk.recentOffsets[0] = uint32(offset1) + blk.recentOffsets[1] = uint32(offset2) + if debug { + println("returning, recent offsets:", blk.recentOffsets, "extra literals:", blk.extraLits) + } +} + +// EncodeNoHist will encode a block with no history and no following blocks. +// Most notable difference is that src will not be copied for history and +// we do not need to check for max match length. +func (e *betterFastEncoder) EncodeNoHist(blk *blockEnc, src []byte) { + e.ensureHist(len(src)) + e.Encode(blk, src) +} + +// Encode improves compression... +func (e *betterFastEncoderDict) Encode(blk *blockEnc, src []byte) { + const ( + // Input margin is the number of bytes we read (8) + // and the maximum we will read ahead (2) + inputMargin = 8 + 2 + minNonLiteralBlockSize = 16 + ) + + // Protect against e.cur wraparound. + for e.cur >= bufferReset { + if len(e.hist) == 0 { + for i := range e.table[:] { + e.table[i] = tableEntry{} + } + for i := range e.longTable[:] { + e.longTable[i] = prevEntry{} + } + e.cur = e.maxMatchOff + e.allDirty = true + break + } + // Shift down everything in the table that isn't already too far away. + minOff := e.cur + int32(len(e.hist)) - e.maxMatchOff + for i := range e.table[:] { + v := e.table[i].offset + if v < minOff { + v = 0 + } else { + v = v - e.cur + e.maxMatchOff + } + e.table[i].offset = v + } + for i := range e.longTable[:] { + v := e.longTable[i].offset + v2 := e.longTable[i].prev + if v < minOff { + v = 0 + v2 = 0 + } else { + v = v - e.cur + e.maxMatchOff + if v2 < minOff { + v2 = 0 + } else { + v2 = v2 - e.cur + e.maxMatchOff + } + } + e.longTable[i] = prevEntry{ + offset: v, + prev: v2, + } + } + e.allDirty = true + e.cur = e.maxMatchOff + break + } + + s := e.addBlock(src) + blk.size = len(src) + if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize { + blk.extraLits = len(src) + blk.literals = blk.literals[:len(src)] + copy(blk.literals, src) + return + } + + // Override src + src = e.hist + sLimit := int32(len(src)) - inputMargin + // stepSize is the number of bytes to skip on every main loop iteration. + // It should be >= 1. + const stepSize = 1 + + const kSearchStrength = 9 + + // nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from. + nextEmit := s + cv := load6432(src, s) + + // Relative offsets + offset1 := int32(blk.recentOffsets[0]) + offset2 := int32(blk.recentOffsets[1]) + + addLiterals := func(s *seq, until int32) { + if until == nextEmit { + return + } + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:until]...) + s.litLen = uint32(until - nextEmit) + } + if debug { + println("recent offsets:", blk.recentOffsets) + } + +encodeLoop: + for { + var t int32 + // We allow the encoder to optionally turn off repeat offsets across blocks + canRepeat := len(blk.sequences) > 2 + var matched int32 + + for { + if debugAsserts && canRepeat && offset1 == 0 { + panic("offset0 was 0") + } + + nextHashS := hash5(cv, betterShortTableBits) + nextHashL := hash8(cv, betterLongTableBits) + candidateL := e.longTable[nextHashL] + candidateS := e.table[nextHashS] + + const repOff = 1 + repIndex := s - offset1 + repOff + off := s + e.cur + e.longTable[nextHashL] = prevEntry{offset: off, prev: candidateL.offset} + e.markLongShardDirty(nextHashL) + e.table[nextHashS] = tableEntry{offset: off, val: uint32(cv)} + e.markShortShardDirty(nextHashS) + + if canRepeat { + if repIndex >= 0 && load3232(src, repIndex) == uint32(cv>>(repOff*8)) { + // Consider history as well. + var seq seq + lenght := 4 + e.matchlen(s+4+repOff, repIndex+4, src) + + seq.matchLen = uint32(lenght - zstdMinMatch) + + // We might be able to match backwards. + // Extend as long as we can. + start := s + repOff + // We end the search early, so we don't risk 0 literals + // and have to do special offset treatment. + startLimit := nextEmit + 1 + + tMin := s - e.maxMatchOff + if tMin < 0 { + tMin = 0 + } + for repIndex > tMin && start > startLimit && src[repIndex-1] == src[start-1] && seq.matchLen < maxMatchLength-zstdMinMatch-1 { + repIndex-- + start-- + seq.matchLen++ + } + addLiterals(&seq, start) + + // rep 0 + seq.offset = 1 + if debugSequences { + println("repeat sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + + // Index match start+1 (long) -> s - 1 + index0 := s + repOff + s += lenght + repOff + + nextEmit = s + if s >= sLimit { + if debug { + println("repeat ended", s, lenght) + + } + break encodeLoop + } + // Index skipped... + for index0 < s-1 { + cv0 := load6432(src, index0) + cv1 := cv0 >> 8 + h0 := hash8(cv0, betterLongTableBits) + off := index0 + e.cur + e.longTable[h0] = prevEntry{offset: off, prev: e.longTable[h0].offset} + e.markLongShardDirty(h0) + h1 := hash5(cv1, betterShortTableBits) + e.table[h1] = tableEntry{offset: off + 1, val: uint32(cv1)} + e.markShortShardDirty(h1) + index0 += 2 + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + continue + } + const repOff2 = 1 + + // We deviate from the reference encoder and also check offset 2. + // Still slower and not much better, so disabled. + // repIndex = s - offset2 + repOff2 + if false && repIndex >= 0 && load6432(src, repIndex) == load6432(src, s+repOff) { + // Consider history as well. + var seq seq + lenght := 8 + e.matchlen(s+8+repOff2, repIndex+8, src) + + seq.matchLen = uint32(lenght - zstdMinMatch) + + // We might be able to match backwards. + // Extend as long as we can. + start := s + repOff2 + // We end the search early, so we don't risk 0 literals + // and have to do special offset treatment. + startLimit := nextEmit + 1 + + tMin := s - e.maxMatchOff + if tMin < 0 { + tMin = 0 + } + for repIndex > tMin && start > startLimit && src[repIndex-1] == src[start-1] && seq.matchLen < maxMatchLength-zstdMinMatch-1 { + repIndex-- + start-- + seq.matchLen++ + } + addLiterals(&seq, start) + + // rep 2 + seq.offset = 2 + if debugSequences { + println("repeat sequence 2", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + + index0 := s + repOff2 + s += lenght + repOff2 + nextEmit = s + if s >= sLimit { + if debug { + println("repeat ended", s, lenght) + + } + break encodeLoop + } + + // Index skipped... + for index0 < s-1 { + cv0 := load6432(src, index0) + cv1 := cv0 >> 8 + h0 := hash8(cv0, betterLongTableBits) + off := index0 + e.cur + e.longTable[h0] = prevEntry{offset: off, prev: e.longTable[h0].offset} + e.markLongShardDirty(h0) + h1 := hash5(cv1, betterShortTableBits) + e.table[h1] = tableEntry{offset: off + 1, val: uint32(cv1)} + e.markShortShardDirty(h1) + index0 += 2 + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + // Swap offsets + offset1, offset2 = offset2, offset1 + continue + } + } + // Find the offsets of our two matches. + coffsetL := candidateL.offset - e.cur + coffsetLP := candidateL.prev - e.cur + + // Check if we have a long match. + if s-coffsetL < e.maxMatchOff && cv == load6432(src, coffsetL) { + // Found a long match, at least 8 bytes. + matched = e.matchlen(s+8, coffsetL+8, src) + 8 + t = coffsetL + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + if debugAsserts && s-t > e.maxMatchOff { + panic("s - t >e.maxMatchOff") + } + if debugMatches { + println("long match") + } + + if s-coffsetLP < e.maxMatchOff && cv == load6432(src, coffsetLP) { + // Found a long match, at least 8 bytes. + prevMatch := e.matchlen(s+8, coffsetLP+8, src) + 8 + if prevMatch > matched { + matched = prevMatch + t = coffsetLP + } + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + if debugAsserts && s-t > e.maxMatchOff { + panic("s - t >e.maxMatchOff") + } + if debugMatches { + println("long match") + } + } + break + } + + // Check if we have a long match on prev. + if s-coffsetLP < e.maxMatchOff && cv == load6432(src, coffsetLP) { + // Found a long match, at least 8 bytes. + matched = e.matchlen(s+8, coffsetLP+8, src) + 8 + t = coffsetLP + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + if debugAsserts && s-t > e.maxMatchOff { + panic("s - t >e.maxMatchOff") + } + if debugMatches { + println("long match") + } + break + } + + coffsetS := candidateS.offset - e.cur + + // Check if we have a short match. + if s-coffsetS < e.maxMatchOff && uint32(cv) == candidateS.val { + // found a regular match + matched = e.matchlen(s+4, coffsetS+4, src) + 4 + + // See if we can find a long match at s+1 + const checkAt = 1 + cv := load6432(src, s+checkAt) + nextHashL = hash8(cv, betterLongTableBits) + candidateL = e.longTable[nextHashL] + coffsetL = candidateL.offset - e.cur + + // We can store it, since we have at least a 4 byte match. + e.longTable[nextHashL] = prevEntry{offset: s + checkAt + e.cur, prev: candidateL.offset} + e.markLongShardDirty(nextHashL) + if s-coffsetL < e.maxMatchOff && cv == load6432(src, coffsetL) { + // Found a long match, at least 8 bytes. + matchedNext := e.matchlen(s+8+checkAt, coffsetL+8, src) + 8 + if matchedNext > matched { + t = coffsetL + s += checkAt + matched = matchedNext + if debugMatches { + println("long match (after short)") + } + break + } + } + + // Check prev long... + coffsetL = candidateL.prev - e.cur + if s-coffsetL < e.maxMatchOff && cv == load6432(src, coffsetL) { + // Found a long match, at least 8 bytes. + matchedNext := e.matchlen(s+8+checkAt, coffsetL+8, src) + 8 + if matchedNext > matched { + t = coffsetL + s += checkAt + matched = matchedNext + if debugMatches { + println("prev long match (after short)") + } + break + } + } + t = coffsetS + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + if debugAsserts && s-t > e.maxMatchOff { + panic("s - t >e.maxMatchOff") + } + if debugAsserts && t < 0 { + panic("t<0") + } + if debugMatches { + println("short match") + } + break + } + + // No match found, move forward in input. + s += stepSize + ((s - nextEmit) >> (kSearchStrength - 1)) + if s >= sLimit { + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + } + + // A 4-byte match has been found. Update recent offsets. + // We'll later see if more than 4 bytes. + offset2 = offset1 + offset1 = s - t + + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + + if debugAsserts && canRepeat && int(offset1) > len(src) { + panic("invalid offset") + } + + // Extend the n-byte match as long as possible. + l := matched + + // Extend backwards + tMin := s - e.maxMatchOff + if tMin < 0 { + tMin = 0 + } + for t > tMin && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] && l < maxMatchLength { + s-- + t-- + l++ + } + + // Write our sequence + var seq seq + seq.litLen = uint32(s - nextEmit) + seq.matchLen = uint32(l - zstdMinMatch) + if seq.litLen > 0 { + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:s]...) + } + seq.offset = uint32(s-t) + 3 + s += l + if debugSequences { + println("sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + nextEmit = s + if s >= sLimit { + break encodeLoop + } + + // Index match start+1 (long) -> s - 1 + index0 := s - l + 1 + for index0 < s-1 { + cv0 := load6432(src, index0) + cv1 := cv0 >> 8 + h0 := hash8(cv0, betterLongTableBits) + off := index0 + e.cur + e.longTable[h0] = prevEntry{offset: off, prev: e.longTable[h0].offset} + e.markLongShardDirty(h0) + h1 := hash5(cv1, betterShortTableBits) + e.table[h1] = tableEntry{offset: off + 1, val: uint32(cv1)} + e.markShortShardDirty(h1) + index0 += 2 + } + + cv = load6432(src, s) + if !canRepeat { + continue + } + + // Check offset 2 + for { + o2 := s - offset2 + if load3232(src, o2) != uint32(cv) { + // Do regular search + break + } + + // Store this, since we have it. + nextHashS := hash5(cv, betterShortTableBits) + nextHashL := hash8(cv, betterLongTableBits) + + // We have at least 4 byte match. + // No need to check backwards. We come straight from a match + l := 4 + e.matchlen(s+4, o2+4, src) + + e.longTable[nextHashL] = prevEntry{offset: s + e.cur, prev: e.longTable[nextHashL].offset} + e.markLongShardDirty(nextHashL) + e.table[nextHashS] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)} + e.markShortShardDirty(nextHashS) + seq.matchLen = uint32(l) - zstdMinMatch + seq.litLen = 0 + + // Since litlen is always 0, this is offset 1. + seq.offset = 1 + s += l + nextEmit = s + if debugSequences { + println("sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + + // Swap offset 1 and 2. + offset1, offset2 = offset2, offset1 + if s >= sLimit { + // Finished + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + } + } + + if int(nextEmit) < len(src) { + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:]...) + blk.extraLits = len(src) - int(nextEmit) + } + blk.recentOffsets[0] = uint32(offset1) + blk.recentOffsets[1] = uint32(offset2) + if debug { + println("returning, recent offsets:", blk.recentOffsets, "extra literals:", blk.extraLits) + } +} + +// ResetDict will reset and set a dictionary if not nil +func (e *betterFastEncoder) Reset(d *dict, singleBlock bool) { + e.resetBase(d, singleBlock) + if d != nil { + panic("betterFastEncoder: Reset with dict") + } +} + +// ResetDict will reset and set a dictionary if not nil +func (e *betterFastEncoderDict) Reset(d *dict, singleBlock bool) { + e.resetBase(d, singleBlock) + if d == nil { + return + } + // Init or copy dict table + if len(e.dictTable) != len(e.table) || d.id != e.lastDictID { + if len(e.dictTable) != len(e.table) { + e.dictTable = make([]tableEntry, len(e.table)) + } + end := int32(len(d.content)) - 8 + e.maxMatchOff + for i := e.maxMatchOff; i < end; i += 4 { + const hashLog = betterShortTableBits + + cv := load6432(d.content, i-e.maxMatchOff) + nextHash := hash5(cv, hashLog) // 0 -> 4 + nextHash1 := hash5(cv>>8, hashLog) // 1 -> 5 + nextHash2 := hash5(cv>>16, hashLog) // 2 -> 6 + nextHash3 := hash5(cv>>24, hashLog) // 3 -> 7 + e.dictTable[nextHash] = tableEntry{ + val: uint32(cv), + offset: i, + } + e.dictTable[nextHash1] = tableEntry{ + val: uint32(cv >> 8), + offset: i + 1, + } + e.dictTable[nextHash2] = tableEntry{ + val: uint32(cv >> 16), + offset: i + 2, + } + e.dictTable[nextHash3] = tableEntry{ + val: uint32(cv >> 24), + offset: i + 3, + } + } + e.lastDictID = d.id + e.allDirty = true + } + + // Init or copy dict table + if len(e.dictLongTable) != len(e.longTable) || d.id != e.lastDictID { + if len(e.dictLongTable) != len(e.longTable) { + e.dictLongTable = make([]prevEntry, len(e.longTable)) + } + if len(d.content) >= 8 { + cv := load6432(d.content, 0) + h := hash8(cv, betterLongTableBits) + e.dictLongTable[h] = prevEntry{ + offset: e.maxMatchOff, + prev: e.dictLongTable[h].offset, + } + + end := int32(len(d.content)) - 8 + e.maxMatchOff + off := 8 // First to read + for i := e.maxMatchOff + 1; i < end; i++ { + cv = cv>>8 | (uint64(d.content[off]) << 56) + h := hash8(cv, betterLongTableBits) + e.dictLongTable[h] = prevEntry{ + offset: i, + prev: e.dictLongTable[h].offset, + } + off++ + } + } + e.lastDictID = d.id + e.allDirty = true + } + + // Reset table to initial state + { + dirtyShardCnt := 0 + if !e.allDirty { + for i := range e.shortTableShardDirty { + if e.shortTableShardDirty[i] { + dirtyShardCnt++ + } + } + } + const shardCnt = betterShortTableShardCnt + const shardSize = betterShortTableShardSize + if e.allDirty || dirtyShardCnt > shardCnt*4/6 { + copy(e.table[:], e.dictTable) + for i := range e.shortTableShardDirty { + e.shortTableShardDirty[i] = false + } + } else { + for i := range e.shortTableShardDirty { + if !e.shortTableShardDirty[i] { + continue + } + + copy(e.table[i*shardSize:(i+1)*shardSize], e.dictTable[i*shardSize:(i+1)*shardSize]) + e.shortTableShardDirty[i] = false + } + } + } + { + dirtyShardCnt := 0 + if !e.allDirty { + for i := range e.shortTableShardDirty { + if e.shortTableShardDirty[i] { + dirtyShardCnt++ + } + } + } + const shardCnt = betterLongTableShardCnt + const shardSize = betterLongTableShardSize + if e.allDirty || dirtyShardCnt > shardCnt*4/6 { + copy(e.longTable[:], e.dictLongTable) + for i := range e.longTableShardDirty { + e.longTableShardDirty[i] = false + } + } else { + for i := range e.longTableShardDirty { + if !e.longTableShardDirty[i] { + continue + } + + copy(e.longTable[i*shardSize:(i+1)*shardSize], e.dictLongTable[i*shardSize:(i+1)*shardSize]) + e.longTableShardDirty[i] = false + } + } + } + e.cur = e.maxMatchOff + e.allDirty = false +} + +func (e *betterFastEncoderDict) markLongShardDirty(entryNum uint32) { + e.longTableShardDirty[entryNum/betterLongTableShardSize] = true +} + +func (e *betterFastEncoderDict) markShortShardDirty(entryNum uint32) { + e.shortTableShardDirty[entryNum/betterShortTableShardSize] = true +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/enc_dfast.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/enc_dfast.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8629d43d868 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/enc_dfast.go @@ -0,0 +1,1121 @@ +// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +import "fmt" + +const ( + dFastLongTableBits = 17 // Bits used in the long match table + dFastLongTableSize = 1 << dFastLongTableBits // Size of the table + dFastLongTableMask = dFastLongTableSize - 1 // Mask for table indices. Redundant, but can eliminate bounds checks. + + dLongTableShardCnt = 1 << (dFastLongTableBits - dictShardBits) // Number of shards in the table + dLongTableShardSize = dFastLongTableSize / tableShardCnt // Size of an individual shard + + dFastShortTableBits = tableBits // Bits used in the short match table + dFastShortTableSize = 1 << dFastShortTableBits // Size of the table + dFastShortTableMask = dFastShortTableSize - 1 // Mask for table indices. Redundant, but can eliminate bounds checks. +) + +type doubleFastEncoder struct { + fastEncoder + longTable [dFastLongTableSize]tableEntry +} + +type doubleFastEncoderDict struct { + fastEncoderDict + longTable [dFastLongTableSize]tableEntry + dictLongTable []tableEntry + longTableShardDirty [dLongTableShardCnt]bool +} + +// Encode mimmics functionality in zstd_dfast.c +func (e *doubleFastEncoder) Encode(blk *blockEnc, src []byte) { + const ( + // Input margin is the number of bytes we read (8) + // and the maximum we will read ahead (2) + inputMargin = 8 + 2 + minNonLiteralBlockSize = 16 + ) + + // Protect against e.cur wraparound. + for e.cur >= bufferReset { + if len(e.hist) == 0 { + for i := range e.table[:] { + e.table[i] = tableEntry{} + } + for i := range e.longTable[:] { + e.longTable[i] = tableEntry{} + } + e.cur = e.maxMatchOff + break + } + // Shift down everything in the table that isn't already too far away. + minOff := e.cur + int32(len(e.hist)) - e.maxMatchOff + for i := range e.table[:] { + v := e.table[i].offset + if v < minOff { + v = 0 + } else { + v = v - e.cur + e.maxMatchOff + } + e.table[i].offset = v + } + for i := range e.longTable[:] { + v := e.longTable[i].offset + if v < minOff { + v = 0 + } else { + v = v - e.cur + e.maxMatchOff + } + e.longTable[i].offset = v + } + e.cur = e.maxMatchOff + break + } + + s := e.addBlock(src) + blk.size = len(src) + if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize { + blk.extraLits = len(src) + blk.literals = blk.literals[:len(src)] + copy(blk.literals, src) + return + } + + // Override src + src = e.hist + sLimit := int32(len(src)) - inputMargin + // stepSize is the number of bytes to skip on every main loop iteration. + // It should be >= 1. + const stepSize = 1 + + const kSearchStrength = 8 + + // nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from. + nextEmit := s + cv := load6432(src, s) + + // Relative offsets + offset1 := int32(blk.recentOffsets[0]) + offset2 := int32(blk.recentOffsets[1]) + + addLiterals := func(s *seq, until int32) { + if until == nextEmit { + return + } + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:until]...) + s.litLen = uint32(until - nextEmit) + } + if debug { + println("recent offsets:", blk.recentOffsets) + } + +encodeLoop: + for { + var t int32 + // We allow the encoder to optionally turn off repeat offsets across blocks + canRepeat := len(blk.sequences) > 2 + + for { + if debugAsserts && canRepeat && offset1 == 0 { + panic("offset0 was 0") + } + + nextHashS := hash5(cv, dFastShortTableBits) + nextHashL := hash8(cv, dFastLongTableBits) + candidateL := e.longTable[nextHashL] + candidateS := e.table[nextHashS] + + const repOff = 1 + repIndex := s - offset1 + repOff + entry := tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)} + e.longTable[nextHashL] = entry + e.table[nextHashS] = entry + + if canRepeat { + if repIndex >= 0 && load3232(src, repIndex) == uint32(cv>>(repOff*8)) { + // Consider history as well. + var seq seq + lenght := 4 + e.matchlen(s+4+repOff, repIndex+4, src) + + seq.matchLen = uint32(lenght - zstdMinMatch) + + // We might be able to match backwards. + // Extend as long as we can. + start := s + repOff + // We end the search early, so we don't risk 0 literals + // and have to do special offset treatment. + startLimit := nextEmit + 1 + + tMin := s - e.maxMatchOff + if tMin < 0 { + tMin = 0 + } + for repIndex > tMin && start > startLimit && src[repIndex-1] == src[start-1] && seq.matchLen < maxMatchLength-zstdMinMatch-1 { + repIndex-- + start-- + seq.matchLen++ + } + addLiterals(&seq, start) + + // rep 0 + seq.offset = 1 + if debugSequences { + println("repeat sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + s += lenght + repOff + nextEmit = s + if s >= sLimit { + if debug { + println("repeat ended", s, lenght) + + } + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + continue + } + } + // Find the offsets of our two matches. + coffsetL := s - (candidateL.offset - e.cur) + coffsetS := s - (candidateS.offset - e.cur) + + // Check if we have a long match. + if coffsetL < e.maxMatchOff && uint32(cv) == candidateL.val { + // Found a long match, likely at least 8 bytes. + // Reference encoder checks all 8 bytes, we only check 4, + // but the likelihood of both the first 4 bytes and the hash matching should be enough. + t = candidateL.offset - e.cur + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + if debugAsserts && s-t > e.maxMatchOff { + panic("s - t >e.maxMatchOff") + } + if debugMatches { + println("long match") + } + break + } + + // Check if we have a short match. + if coffsetS < e.maxMatchOff && uint32(cv) == candidateS.val { + // found a regular match + // See if we can find a long match at s+1 + const checkAt = 1 + cv := load6432(src, s+checkAt) + nextHashL = hash8(cv, dFastLongTableBits) + candidateL = e.longTable[nextHashL] + coffsetL = s - (candidateL.offset - e.cur) + checkAt + + // We can store it, since we have at least a 4 byte match. + e.longTable[nextHashL] = tableEntry{offset: s + checkAt + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)} + if coffsetL < e.maxMatchOff && uint32(cv) == candidateL.val { + // Found a long match, likely at least 8 bytes. + // Reference encoder checks all 8 bytes, we only check 4, + // but the likelihood of both the first 4 bytes and the hash matching should be enough. + t = candidateL.offset - e.cur + s += checkAt + if debugMatches { + println("long match (after short)") + } + break + } + + t = candidateS.offset - e.cur + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + if debugAsserts && s-t > e.maxMatchOff { + panic("s - t >e.maxMatchOff") + } + if debugAsserts && t < 0 { + panic("t<0") + } + if debugMatches { + println("short match") + } + break + } + + // No match found, move forward in input. + s += stepSize + ((s - nextEmit) >> (kSearchStrength - 1)) + if s >= sLimit { + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + } + + // A 4-byte match has been found. Update recent offsets. + // We'll later see if more than 4 bytes. + offset2 = offset1 + offset1 = s - t + + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + + if debugAsserts && canRepeat && int(offset1) > len(src) { + panic("invalid offset") + } + + // Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible. + l := e.matchlen(s+4, t+4, src) + 4 + + // Extend backwards + tMin := s - e.maxMatchOff + if tMin < 0 { + tMin = 0 + } + for t > tMin && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] && l < maxMatchLength { + s-- + t-- + l++ + } + + // Write our sequence + var seq seq + seq.litLen = uint32(s - nextEmit) + seq.matchLen = uint32(l - zstdMinMatch) + if seq.litLen > 0 { + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:s]...) + } + seq.offset = uint32(s-t) + 3 + s += l + if debugSequences { + println("sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + nextEmit = s + if s >= sLimit { + break encodeLoop + } + + // Index match start+1 (long) and start+2 (short) + index0 := s - l + 1 + // Index match end-2 (long) and end-1 (short) + index1 := s - 2 + + cv0 := load6432(src, index0) + cv1 := load6432(src, index1) + te0 := tableEntry{offset: index0 + e.cur, val: uint32(cv0)} + te1 := tableEntry{offset: index1 + e.cur, val: uint32(cv1)} + e.longTable[hash8(cv0, dFastLongTableBits)] = te0 + e.longTable[hash8(cv1, dFastLongTableBits)] = te1 + cv0 >>= 8 + cv1 >>= 8 + te0.offset++ + te1.offset++ + te0.val = uint32(cv0) + te1.val = uint32(cv1) + e.table[hash5(cv0, dFastShortTableBits)] = te0 + e.table[hash5(cv1, dFastShortTableBits)] = te1 + + cv = load6432(src, s) + + if !canRepeat { + continue + } + + // Check offset 2 + for { + o2 := s - offset2 + if load3232(src, o2) != uint32(cv) { + // Do regular search + break + } + + // Store this, since we have it. + nextHashS := hash5(cv, dFastShortTableBits) + nextHashL := hash8(cv, dFastLongTableBits) + + // We have at least 4 byte match. + // No need to check backwards. We come straight from a match + l := 4 + e.matchlen(s+4, o2+4, src) + + entry := tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)} + e.longTable[nextHashL] = entry + e.table[nextHashS] = entry + seq.matchLen = uint32(l) - zstdMinMatch + seq.litLen = 0 + + // Since litlen is always 0, this is offset 1. + seq.offset = 1 + s += l + nextEmit = s + if debugSequences { + println("sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + + // Swap offset 1 and 2. + offset1, offset2 = offset2, offset1 + if s >= sLimit { + // Finished + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + } + } + + if int(nextEmit) < len(src) { + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:]...) + blk.extraLits = len(src) - int(nextEmit) + } + blk.recentOffsets[0] = uint32(offset1) + blk.recentOffsets[1] = uint32(offset2) + if debug { + println("returning, recent offsets:", blk.recentOffsets, "extra literals:", blk.extraLits) + } +} + +// EncodeNoHist will encode a block with no history and no following blocks. +// Most notable difference is that src will not be copied for history and +// we do not need to check for max match length. +func (e *doubleFastEncoder) EncodeNoHist(blk *blockEnc, src []byte) { + const ( + // Input margin is the number of bytes we read (8) + // and the maximum we will read ahead (2) + inputMargin = 8 + 2 + minNonLiteralBlockSize = 16 + ) + + // Protect against e.cur wraparound. + if e.cur >= bufferReset { + for i := range e.table[:] { + e.table[i] = tableEntry{} + } + for i := range e.longTable[:] { + e.longTable[i] = tableEntry{} + } + e.cur = e.maxMatchOff + } + + s := int32(0) + blk.size = len(src) + if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize { + blk.extraLits = len(src) + blk.literals = blk.literals[:len(src)] + copy(blk.literals, src) + return + } + + // Override src + sLimit := int32(len(src)) - inputMargin + // stepSize is the number of bytes to skip on every main loop iteration. + // It should be >= 1. + const stepSize = 1 + + const kSearchStrength = 8 + + // nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from. + nextEmit := s + cv := load6432(src, s) + + // Relative offsets + offset1 := int32(blk.recentOffsets[0]) + offset2 := int32(blk.recentOffsets[1]) + + addLiterals := func(s *seq, until int32) { + if until == nextEmit { + return + } + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:until]...) + s.litLen = uint32(until - nextEmit) + } + if debug { + println("recent offsets:", blk.recentOffsets) + } + +encodeLoop: + for { + var t int32 + for { + + nextHashS := hash5(cv, dFastShortTableBits) + nextHashL := hash8(cv, dFastLongTableBits) + candidateL := e.longTable[nextHashL] + candidateS := e.table[nextHashS] + + const repOff = 1 + repIndex := s - offset1 + repOff + entry := tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)} + e.longTable[nextHashL] = entry + e.table[nextHashS] = entry + + if len(blk.sequences) > 2 { + if load3232(src, repIndex) == uint32(cv>>(repOff*8)) { + // Consider history as well. + var seq seq + //length := 4 + e.matchlen(s+4+repOff, repIndex+4, src) + length := 4 + int32(matchLen(src[s+4+repOff:], src[repIndex+4:])) + + seq.matchLen = uint32(length - zstdMinMatch) + + // We might be able to match backwards. + // Extend as long as we can. + start := s + repOff + // We end the search early, so we don't risk 0 literals + // and have to do special offset treatment. + startLimit := nextEmit + 1 + + tMin := s - e.maxMatchOff + if tMin < 0 { + tMin = 0 + } + for repIndex > tMin && start > startLimit && src[repIndex-1] == src[start-1] { + repIndex-- + start-- + seq.matchLen++ + } + addLiterals(&seq, start) + + // rep 0 + seq.offset = 1 + if debugSequences { + println("repeat sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + s += length + repOff + nextEmit = s + if s >= sLimit { + if debug { + println("repeat ended", s, length) + + } + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + continue + } + } + // Find the offsets of our two matches. + coffsetL := s - (candidateL.offset - e.cur) + coffsetS := s - (candidateS.offset - e.cur) + + // Check if we have a long match. + if coffsetL < e.maxMatchOff && uint32(cv) == candidateL.val { + // Found a long match, likely at least 8 bytes. + // Reference encoder checks all 8 bytes, we only check 4, + // but the likelihood of both the first 4 bytes and the hash matching should be enough. + t = candidateL.offset - e.cur + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d). cur: %d", s, t, e.cur)) + } + if debugAsserts && s-t > e.maxMatchOff { + panic("s - t >e.maxMatchOff") + } + if debugMatches { + println("long match") + } + break + } + + // Check if we have a short match. + if coffsetS < e.maxMatchOff && uint32(cv) == candidateS.val { + // found a regular match + // See if we can find a long match at s+1 + const checkAt = 1 + cv := load6432(src, s+checkAt) + nextHashL = hash8(cv, dFastLongTableBits) + candidateL = e.longTable[nextHashL] + coffsetL = s - (candidateL.offset - e.cur) + checkAt + + // We can store it, since we have at least a 4 byte match. + e.longTable[nextHashL] = tableEntry{offset: s + checkAt + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)} + if coffsetL < e.maxMatchOff && uint32(cv) == candidateL.val { + // Found a long match, likely at least 8 bytes. + // Reference encoder checks all 8 bytes, we only check 4, + // but the likelihood of both the first 4 bytes and the hash matching should be enough. + t = candidateL.offset - e.cur + s += checkAt + if debugMatches { + println("long match (after short)") + } + break + } + + t = candidateS.offset - e.cur + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + if debugAsserts && s-t > e.maxMatchOff { + panic("s - t >e.maxMatchOff") + } + if debugAsserts && t < 0 { + panic("t<0") + } + if debugMatches { + println("short match") + } + break + } + + // No match found, move forward in input. + s += stepSize + ((s - nextEmit) >> (kSearchStrength - 1)) + if s >= sLimit { + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + } + + // A 4-byte match has been found. Update recent offsets. + // We'll later see if more than 4 bytes. + offset2 = offset1 + offset1 = s - t + + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + + // Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible. + //l := e.matchlen(s+4, t+4, src) + 4 + l := int32(matchLen(src[s+4:], src[t+4:])) + 4 + + // Extend backwards + tMin := s - e.maxMatchOff + if tMin < 0 { + tMin = 0 + } + for t > tMin && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] { + s-- + t-- + l++ + } + + // Write our sequence + var seq seq + seq.litLen = uint32(s - nextEmit) + seq.matchLen = uint32(l - zstdMinMatch) + if seq.litLen > 0 { + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:s]...) + } + seq.offset = uint32(s-t) + 3 + s += l + if debugSequences { + println("sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + nextEmit = s + if s >= sLimit { + break encodeLoop + } + + // Index match start+1 (long) and start+2 (short) + index0 := s - l + 1 + // Index match end-2 (long) and end-1 (short) + index1 := s - 2 + + cv0 := load6432(src, index0) + cv1 := load6432(src, index1) + te0 := tableEntry{offset: index0 + e.cur, val: uint32(cv0)} + te1 := tableEntry{offset: index1 + e.cur, val: uint32(cv1)} + e.longTable[hash8(cv0, dFastLongTableBits)] = te0 + e.longTable[hash8(cv1, dFastLongTableBits)] = te1 + cv0 >>= 8 + cv1 >>= 8 + te0.offset++ + te1.offset++ + te0.val = uint32(cv0) + te1.val = uint32(cv1) + e.table[hash5(cv0, dFastShortTableBits)] = te0 + e.table[hash5(cv1, dFastShortTableBits)] = te1 + + cv = load6432(src, s) + + if len(blk.sequences) <= 2 { + continue + } + + // Check offset 2 + for { + o2 := s - offset2 + if load3232(src, o2) != uint32(cv) { + // Do regular search + break + } + + // Store this, since we have it. + nextHashS := hash5(cv1>>8, dFastShortTableBits) + nextHashL := hash8(cv, dFastLongTableBits) + + // We have at least 4 byte match. + // No need to check backwards. We come straight from a match + //l := 4 + e.matchlen(s+4, o2+4, src) + l := 4 + int32(matchLen(src[s+4:], src[o2+4:])) + + entry := tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)} + e.longTable[nextHashL] = entry + e.table[nextHashS] = entry + seq.matchLen = uint32(l) - zstdMinMatch + seq.litLen = 0 + + // Since litlen is always 0, this is offset 1. + seq.offset = 1 + s += l + nextEmit = s + if debugSequences { + println("sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + + // Swap offset 1 and 2. + offset1, offset2 = offset2, offset1 + if s >= sLimit { + // Finished + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + } + } + + if int(nextEmit) < len(src) { + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:]...) + blk.extraLits = len(src) - int(nextEmit) + } + if debug { + println("returning, recent offsets:", blk.recentOffsets, "extra literals:", blk.extraLits) + } + + // We do not store history, so we must offset e.cur to avoid false matches for next user. + if e.cur < bufferReset { + e.cur += int32(len(src)) + } +} + +// Encode will encode the content, with a dictionary if initialized for it. +func (e *doubleFastEncoderDict) Encode(blk *blockEnc, src []byte) { + const ( + // Input margin is the number of bytes we read (8) + // and the maximum we will read ahead (2) + inputMargin = 8 + 2 + minNonLiteralBlockSize = 16 + ) + + // Protect against e.cur wraparound. + for e.cur >= bufferReset { + if len(e.hist) == 0 { + for i := range e.table[:] { + e.table[i] = tableEntry{} + } + for i := range e.longTable[:] { + e.longTable[i] = tableEntry{} + } + e.markAllShardsDirty() + e.cur = e.maxMatchOff + break + } + // Shift down everything in the table that isn't already too far away. + minOff := e.cur + int32(len(e.hist)) - e.maxMatchOff + for i := range e.table[:] { + v := e.table[i].offset + if v < minOff { + v = 0 + } else { + v = v - e.cur + e.maxMatchOff + } + e.table[i].offset = v + } + for i := range e.longTable[:] { + v := e.longTable[i].offset + if v < minOff { + v = 0 + } else { + v = v - e.cur + e.maxMatchOff + } + e.longTable[i].offset = v + } + e.markAllShardsDirty() + e.cur = e.maxMatchOff + break + } + + s := e.addBlock(src) + blk.size = len(src) + if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize { + blk.extraLits = len(src) + blk.literals = blk.literals[:len(src)] + copy(blk.literals, src) + return + } + + // Override src + src = e.hist + sLimit := int32(len(src)) - inputMargin + // stepSize is the number of bytes to skip on every main loop iteration. + // It should be >= 1. + const stepSize = 1 + + const kSearchStrength = 8 + + // nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from. + nextEmit := s + cv := load6432(src, s) + + // Relative offsets + offset1 := int32(blk.recentOffsets[0]) + offset2 := int32(blk.recentOffsets[1]) + + addLiterals := func(s *seq, until int32) { + if until == nextEmit { + return + } + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:until]...) + s.litLen = uint32(until - nextEmit) + } + if debug { + println("recent offsets:", blk.recentOffsets) + } + +encodeLoop: + for { + var t int32 + // We allow the encoder to optionally turn off repeat offsets across blocks + canRepeat := len(blk.sequences) > 2 + + for { + if debugAsserts && canRepeat && offset1 == 0 { + panic("offset0 was 0") + } + + nextHashS := hash5(cv, dFastShortTableBits) + nextHashL := hash8(cv, dFastLongTableBits) + candidateL := e.longTable[nextHashL] + candidateS := e.table[nextHashS] + + const repOff = 1 + repIndex := s - offset1 + repOff + entry := tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)} + e.longTable[nextHashL] = entry + e.markLongShardDirty(nextHashL) + e.table[nextHashS] = entry + e.markShardDirty(nextHashS) + + if canRepeat { + if repIndex >= 0 && load3232(src, repIndex) == uint32(cv>>(repOff*8)) { + // Consider history as well. + var seq seq + lenght := 4 + e.matchlen(s+4+repOff, repIndex+4, src) + + seq.matchLen = uint32(lenght - zstdMinMatch) + + // We might be able to match backwards. + // Extend as long as we can. + start := s + repOff + // We end the search early, so we don't risk 0 literals + // and have to do special offset treatment. + startLimit := nextEmit + 1 + + tMin := s - e.maxMatchOff + if tMin < 0 { + tMin = 0 + } + for repIndex > tMin && start > startLimit && src[repIndex-1] == src[start-1] && seq.matchLen < maxMatchLength-zstdMinMatch-1 { + repIndex-- + start-- + seq.matchLen++ + } + addLiterals(&seq, start) + + // rep 0 + seq.offset = 1 + if debugSequences { + println("repeat sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + s += lenght + repOff + nextEmit = s + if s >= sLimit { + if debug { + println("repeat ended", s, lenght) + + } + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + continue + } + } + // Find the offsets of our two matches. + coffsetL := s - (candidateL.offset - e.cur) + coffsetS := s - (candidateS.offset - e.cur) + + // Check if we have a long match. + if coffsetL < e.maxMatchOff && uint32(cv) == candidateL.val { + // Found a long match, likely at least 8 bytes. + // Reference encoder checks all 8 bytes, we only check 4, + // but the likelihood of both the first 4 bytes and the hash matching should be enough. + t = candidateL.offset - e.cur + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + if debugAsserts && s-t > e.maxMatchOff { + panic("s - t >e.maxMatchOff") + } + if debugMatches { + println("long match") + } + break + } + + // Check if we have a short match. + if coffsetS < e.maxMatchOff && uint32(cv) == candidateS.val { + // found a regular match + // See if we can find a long match at s+1 + const checkAt = 1 + cv := load6432(src, s+checkAt) + nextHashL = hash8(cv, dFastLongTableBits) + candidateL = e.longTable[nextHashL] + coffsetL = s - (candidateL.offset - e.cur) + checkAt + + // We can store it, since we have at least a 4 byte match. + e.longTable[nextHashL] = tableEntry{offset: s + checkAt + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)} + e.markLongShardDirty(nextHashL) + if coffsetL < e.maxMatchOff && uint32(cv) == candidateL.val { + // Found a long match, likely at least 8 bytes. + // Reference encoder checks all 8 bytes, we only check 4, + // but the likelihood of both the first 4 bytes and the hash matching should be enough. + t = candidateL.offset - e.cur + s += checkAt + if debugMatches { + println("long match (after short)") + } + break + } + + t = candidateS.offset - e.cur + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + if debugAsserts && s-t > e.maxMatchOff { + panic("s - t >e.maxMatchOff") + } + if debugAsserts && t < 0 { + panic("t<0") + } + if debugMatches { + println("short match") + } + break + } + + // No match found, move forward in input. + s += stepSize + ((s - nextEmit) >> (kSearchStrength - 1)) + if s >= sLimit { + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + } + + // A 4-byte match has been found. Update recent offsets. + // We'll later see if more than 4 bytes. + offset2 = offset1 + offset1 = s - t + + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + + if debugAsserts && canRepeat && int(offset1) > len(src) { + panic("invalid offset") + } + + // Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible. + l := e.matchlen(s+4, t+4, src) + 4 + + // Extend backwards + tMin := s - e.maxMatchOff + if tMin < 0 { + tMin = 0 + } + for t > tMin && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] && l < maxMatchLength { + s-- + t-- + l++ + } + + // Write our sequence + var seq seq + seq.litLen = uint32(s - nextEmit) + seq.matchLen = uint32(l - zstdMinMatch) + if seq.litLen > 0 { + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:s]...) + } + seq.offset = uint32(s-t) + 3 + s += l + if debugSequences { + println("sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + nextEmit = s + if s >= sLimit { + break encodeLoop + } + + // Index match start+1 (long) and start+2 (short) + index0 := s - l + 1 + // Index match end-2 (long) and end-1 (short) + index1 := s - 2 + + cv0 := load6432(src, index0) + cv1 := load6432(src, index1) + te0 := tableEntry{offset: index0 + e.cur, val: uint32(cv0)} + te1 := tableEntry{offset: index1 + e.cur, val: uint32(cv1)} + longHash1 := hash8(cv0, dFastLongTableBits) + longHash2 := hash8(cv0, dFastLongTableBits) + e.longTable[longHash1] = te0 + e.longTable[longHash2] = te1 + e.markLongShardDirty(longHash1) + e.markLongShardDirty(longHash2) + cv0 >>= 8 + cv1 >>= 8 + te0.offset++ + te1.offset++ + te0.val = uint32(cv0) + te1.val = uint32(cv1) + hashVal1 := hash5(cv0, dFastShortTableBits) + hashVal2 := hash5(cv1, dFastShortTableBits) + e.table[hashVal1] = te0 + e.markShardDirty(hashVal1) + e.table[hashVal2] = te1 + e.markShardDirty(hashVal2) + + cv = load6432(src, s) + + if !canRepeat { + continue + } + + // Check offset 2 + for { + o2 := s - offset2 + if load3232(src, o2) != uint32(cv) { + // Do regular search + break + } + + // Store this, since we have it. + nextHashS := hash5(cv, dFastShortTableBits) + nextHashL := hash8(cv, dFastLongTableBits) + + // We have at least 4 byte match. + // No need to check backwards. We come straight from a match + l := 4 + e.matchlen(s+4, o2+4, src) + + entry := tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)} + e.longTable[nextHashL] = entry + e.markLongShardDirty(nextHashL) + e.table[nextHashS] = entry + e.markShardDirty(nextHashS) + seq.matchLen = uint32(l) - zstdMinMatch + seq.litLen = 0 + + // Since litlen is always 0, this is offset 1. + seq.offset = 1 + s += l + nextEmit = s + if debugSequences { + println("sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + + // Swap offset 1 and 2. + offset1, offset2 = offset2, offset1 + if s >= sLimit { + // Finished + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + } + } + + if int(nextEmit) < len(src) { + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:]...) + blk.extraLits = len(src) - int(nextEmit) + } + blk.recentOffsets[0] = uint32(offset1) + blk.recentOffsets[1] = uint32(offset2) + if debug { + println("returning, recent offsets:", blk.recentOffsets, "extra literals:", blk.extraLits) + } + // If we encoded more than 64K mark all dirty. + if len(src) > 64<<10 { + e.markAllShardsDirty() + } +} + +// ResetDict will reset and set a dictionary if not nil +func (e *doubleFastEncoder) Reset(d *dict, singleBlock bool) { + e.fastEncoder.Reset(d, singleBlock) + if d != nil { + panic("doubleFastEncoder: Reset with dict not supported") + } +} + +// ResetDict will reset and set a dictionary if not nil +func (e *doubleFastEncoderDict) Reset(d *dict, singleBlock bool) { + allDirty := e.allDirty + e.fastEncoderDict.Reset(d, singleBlock) + if d == nil { + return + } + + // Init or copy dict table + if len(e.dictLongTable) != len(e.longTable) || d.id != e.lastDictID { + if len(e.dictLongTable) != len(e.longTable) { + e.dictLongTable = make([]tableEntry, len(e.longTable)) + } + if len(d.content) >= 8 { + cv := load6432(d.content, 0) + e.dictLongTable[hash8(cv, dFastLongTableBits)] = tableEntry{ + val: uint32(cv), + offset: e.maxMatchOff, + } + end := int32(len(d.content)) - 8 + e.maxMatchOff + for i := e.maxMatchOff + 1; i < end; i++ { + cv = cv>>8 | (uint64(d.content[i-e.maxMatchOff+7]) << 56) + e.dictLongTable[hash8(cv, dFastLongTableBits)] = tableEntry{ + val: uint32(cv), + offset: i, + } + } + } + e.lastDictID = d.id + e.allDirty = true + } + // Reset table to initial state + e.cur = e.maxMatchOff + + dirtyShardCnt := 0 + if !allDirty { + for i := range e.longTableShardDirty { + if e.longTableShardDirty[i] { + dirtyShardCnt++ + } + } + } + + if allDirty || dirtyShardCnt > dLongTableShardCnt/2 { + copy(e.longTable[:], e.dictLongTable) + for i := range e.longTableShardDirty { + e.longTableShardDirty[i] = false + } + return + } + for i := range e.longTableShardDirty { + if !e.longTableShardDirty[i] { + continue + } + + copy(e.longTable[i*dLongTableShardSize:(i+1)*dLongTableShardSize], e.dictLongTable[i*dLongTableShardSize:(i+1)*dLongTableShardSize]) + e.longTableShardDirty[i] = false + } +} + +func (e *doubleFastEncoderDict) markLongShardDirty(entryNum uint32) { + e.longTableShardDirty[entryNum/dLongTableShardSize] = true +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/enc_fast.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/enc_fast.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ba4a17e1064 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/enc_fast.go @@ -0,0 +1,1018 @@ +// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +import ( + "fmt" + "math" + "math/bits" +) + +const ( + tableBits = 15 // Bits used in the table + tableSize = 1 << tableBits // Size of the table + tableShardCnt = 1 << (tableBits - dictShardBits) // Number of shards in the table + tableShardSize = tableSize / tableShardCnt // Size of an individual shard + tableMask = tableSize - 1 // Mask for table indices. Redundant, but can eliminate bounds checks. + maxMatchLength = 131074 +) + +type tableEntry struct { + val uint32 + offset int32 +} + +type fastEncoder struct { + fastBase + table [tableSize]tableEntry +} + +type fastEncoderDict struct { + fastEncoder + dictTable []tableEntry + tableShardDirty [tableShardCnt]bool + allDirty bool +} + +// Encode mimmics functionality in zstd_fast.c +func (e *fastEncoder) Encode(blk *blockEnc, src []byte) { + const ( + inputMargin = 8 + minNonLiteralBlockSize = 1 + 1 + inputMargin + ) + + // Protect against e.cur wraparound. + for e.cur >= bufferReset { + if len(e.hist) == 0 { + for i := range e.table[:] { + e.table[i] = tableEntry{} + } + e.cur = e.maxMatchOff + break + } + // Shift down everything in the table that isn't already too far away. + minOff := e.cur + int32(len(e.hist)) - e.maxMatchOff + for i := range e.table[:] { + v := e.table[i].offset + if v < minOff { + v = 0 + } else { + v = v - e.cur + e.maxMatchOff + } + e.table[i].offset = v + } + e.cur = e.maxMatchOff + break + } + + s := e.addBlock(src) + blk.size = len(src) + if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize { + blk.extraLits = len(src) + blk.literals = blk.literals[:len(src)] + copy(blk.literals, src) + return + } + + // Override src + src = e.hist + sLimit := int32(len(src)) - inputMargin + // stepSize is the number of bytes to skip on every main loop iteration. + // It should be >= 2. + const stepSize = 2 + + // TEMPLATE + const hashLog = tableBits + // seems global, but would be nice to tweak. + const kSearchStrength = 7 + + // nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from. + nextEmit := s + cv := load6432(src, s) + + // Relative offsets + offset1 := int32(blk.recentOffsets[0]) + offset2 := int32(blk.recentOffsets[1]) + + addLiterals := func(s *seq, until int32) { + if until == nextEmit { + return + } + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:until]...) + s.litLen = uint32(until - nextEmit) + } + if debug { + println("recent offsets:", blk.recentOffsets) + } + +encodeLoop: + for { + // t will contain the match offset when we find one. + // When existing the search loop, we have already checked 4 bytes. + var t int32 + + // We will not use repeat offsets across blocks. + // By not using them for the first 3 matches + canRepeat := len(blk.sequences) > 2 + + for { + if debugAsserts && canRepeat && offset1 == 0 { + panic("offset0 was 0") + } + + nextHash := hash6(cv, hashLog) + nextHash2 := hash6(cv>>8, hashLog) + candidate := e.table[nextHash] + candidate2 := e.table[nextHash2] + repIndex := s - offset1 + 2 + + e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)} + e.table[nextHash2] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur + 1, val: uint32(cv >> 8)} + + if canRepeat && repIndex >= 0 && load3232(src, repIndex) == uint32(cv>>16) { + // Consider history as well. + var seq seq + var length int32 + // length = 4 + e.matchlen(s+6, repIndex+4, src) + { + a := src[s+6:] + b := src[repIndex+4:] + endI := len(a) & (math.MaxInt32 - 7) + length = int32(endI) + 4 + for i := 0; i < endI; i += 8 { + if diff := load64(a, i) ^ load64(b, i); diff != 0 { + length = int32(i+bits.TrailingZeros64(diff)>>3) + 4 + break + } + } + } + + seq.matchLen = uint32(length - zstdMinMatch) + + // We might be able to match backwards. + // Extend as long as we can. + start := s + 2 + // We end the search early, so we don't risk 0 literals + // and have to do special offset treatment. + startLimit := nextEmit + 1 + + sMin := s - e.maxMatchOff + if sMin < 0 { + sMin = 0 + } + for repIndex > sMin && start > startLimit && src[repIndex-1] == src[start-1] && seq.matchLen < maxMatchLength-zstdMinMatch { + repIndex-- + start-- + seq.matchLen++ + } + addLiterals(&seq, start) + + // rep 0 + seq.offset = 1 + if debugSequences { + println("repeat sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + s += length + 2 + nextEmit = s + if s >= sLimit { + if debug { + println("repeat ended", s, length) + + } + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + continue + } + coffset0 := s - (candidate.offset - e.cur) + coffset1 := s - (candidate2.offset - e.cur) + 1 + if coffset0 < e.maxMatchOff && uint32(cv) == candidate.val { + // found a regular match + t = candidate.offset - e.cur + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + if debugAsserts && s-t > e.maxMatchOff { + panic("s - t >e.maxMatchOff") + } + break + } + + if coffset1 < e.maxMatchOff && uint32(cv>>8) == candidate2.val { + // found a regular match + t = candidate2.offset - e.cur + s++ + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + if debugAsserts && s-t > e.maxMatchOff { + panic("s - t >e.maxMatchOff") + } + if debugAsserts && t < 0 { + panic("t<0") + } + break + } + s += stepSize + ((s - nextEmit) >> (kSearchStrength - 1)) + if s >= sLimit { + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + } + // A 4-byte match has been found. We'll later see if more than 4 bytes. + offset2 = offset1 + offset1 = s - t + + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + + if debugAsserts && canRepeat && int(offset1) > len(src) { + panic("invalid offset") + } + + // Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible. + //l := e.matchlen(s+4, t+4, src) + 4 + var l int32 + { + a := src[s+4:] + b := src[t+4:] + endI := len(a) & (math.MaxInt32 - 7) + l = int32(endI) + 4 + for i := 0; i < endI; i += 8 { + if diff := load64(a, i) ^ load64(b, i); diff != 0 { + l = int32(i+bits.TrailingZeros64(diff)>>3) + 4 + break + } + } + } + + // Extend backwards + tMin := s - e.maxMatchOff + if tMin < 0 { + tMin = 0 + } + for t > tMin && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] && l < maxMatchLength { + s-- + t-- + l++ + } + + // Write our sequence. + var seq seq + seq.litLen = uint32(s - nextEmit) + seq.matchLen = uint32(l - zstdMinMatch) + if seq.litLen > 0 { + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:s]...) + } + // Don't use repeat offsets + seq.offset = uint32(s-t) + 3 + s += l + if debugSequences { + println("sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + nextEmit = s + if s >= sLimit { + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + + // Check offset 2 + if o2 := s - offset2; canRepeat && load3232(src, o2) == uint32(cv) { + // We have at least 4 byte match. + // No need to check backwards. We come straight from a match + //l := 4 + e.matchlen(s+4, o2+4, src) + var l int32 + { + a := src[s+4:] + b := src[o2+4:] + endI := len(a) & (math.MaxInt32 - 7) + l = int32(endI) + 4 + for i := 0; i < endI; i += 8 { + if diff := load64(a, i) ^ load64(b, i); diff != 0 { + l = int32(i+bits.TrailingZeros64(diff)>>3) + 4 + break + } + } + } + + // Store this, since we have it. + nextHash := hash6(cv, hashLog) + e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)} + seq.matchLen = uint32(l) - zstdMinMatch + seq.litLen = 0 + // Since litlen is always 0, this is offset 1. + seq.offset = 1 + s += l + nextEmit = s + if debugSequences { + println("sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + + // Swap offset 1 and 2. + offset1, offset2 = offset2, offset1 + if s >= sLimit { + break encodeLoop + } + // Prepare next loop. + cv = load6432(src, s) + } + } + + if int(nextEmit) < len(src) { + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:]...) + blk.extraLits = len(src) - int(nextEmit) + } + blk.recentOffsets[0] = uint32(offset1) + blk.recentOffsets[1] = uint32(offset2) + if debug { + println("returning, recent offsets:", blk.recentOffsets, "extra literals:", blk.extraLits) + } +} + +// EncodeNoHist will encode a block with no history and no following blocks. +// Most notable difference is that src will not be copied for history and +// we do not need to check for max match length. +func (e *fastEncoder) EncodeNoHist(blk *blockEnc, src []byte) { + const ( + inputMargin = 8 + minNonLiteralBlockSize = 1 + 1 + inputMargin + ) + if debug { + if len(src) > maxBlockSize { + panic("src too big") + } + } + + // Protect against e.cur wraparound. + if e.cur >= bufferReset { + for i := range e.table[:] { + e.table[i] = tableEntry{} + } + e.cur = e.maxMatchOff + } + + s := int32(0) + blk.size = len(src) + if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize { + blk.extraLits = len(src) + blk.literals = blk.literals[:len(src)] + copy(blk.literals, src) + return + } + + sLimit := int32(len(src)) - inputMargin + // stepSize is the number of bytes to skip on every main loop iteration. + // It should be >= 2. + const stepSize = 2 + + // TEMPLATE + const hashLog = tableBits + // seems global, but would be nice to tweak. + const kSearchStrength = 8 + + // nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from. + nextEmit := s + cv := load6432(src, s) + + // Relative offsets + offset1 := int32(blk.recentOffsets[0]) + offset2 := int32(blk.recentOffsets[1]) + + addLiterals := func(s *seq, until int32) { + if until == nextEmit { + return + } + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:until]...) + s.litLen = uint32(until - nextEmit) + } + if debug { + println("recent offsets:", blk.recentOffsets) + } + +encodeLoop: + for { + // t will contain the match offset when we find one. + // When existing the search loop, we have already checked 4 bytes. + var t int32 + + // We will not use repeat offsets across blocks. + // By not using them for the first 3 matches + + for { + nextHash := hash6(cv, hashLog) + nextHash2 := hash6(cv>>8, hashLog) + candidate := e.table[nextHash] + candidate2 := e.table[nextHash2] + repIndex := s - offset1 + 2 + + e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)} + e.table[nextHash2] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur + 1, val: uint32(cv >> 8)} + + if len(blk.sequences) > 2 && load3232(src, repIndex) == uint32(cv>>16) { + // Consider history as well. + var seq seq + // length := 4 + e.matchlen(s+6, repIndex+4, src) + // length := 4 + int32(matchLen(src[s+6:], src[repIndex+4:])) + var length int32 + { + a := src[s+6:] + b := src[repIndex+4:] + endI := len(a) & (math.MaxInt32 - 7) + length = int32(endI) + 4 + for i := 0; i < endI; i += 8 { + if diff := load64(a, i) ^ load64(b, i); diff != 0 { + length = int32(i+bits.TrailingZeros64(diff)>>3) + 4 + break + } + } + } + + seq.matchLen = uint32(length - zstdMinMatch) + + // We might be able to match backwards. + // Extend as long as we can. + start := s + 2 + // We end the search early, so we don't risk 0 literals + // and have to do special offset treatment. + startLimit := nextEmit + 1 + + sMin := s - e.maxMatchOff + if sMin < 0 { + sMin = 0 + } + for repIndex > sMin && start > startLimit && src[repIndex-1] == src[start-1] { + repIndex-- + start-- + seq.matchLen++ + } + addLiterals(&seq, start) + + // rep 0 + seq.offset = 1 + if debugSequences { + println("repeat sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + s += length + 2 + nextEmit = s + if s >= sLimit { + if debug { + println("repeat ended", s, length) + + } + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + continue + } + coffset0 := s - (candidate.offset - e.cur) + coffset1 := s - (candidate2.offset - e.cur) + 1 + if coffset0 < e.maxMatchOff && uint32(cv) == candidate.val { + // found a regular match + t = candidate.offset - e.cur + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + if debugAsserts && s-t > e.maxMatchOff { + panic("s - t >e.maxMatchOff") + } + if debugAsserts && t < 0 { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("t (%d) < 0, candidate.offset: %d, e.cur: %d, coffset0: %d, e.maxMatchOff: %d", t, candidate.offset, e.cur, coffset0, e.maxMatchOff)) + } + break + } + + if coffset1 < e.maxMatchOff && uint32(cv>>8) == candidate2.val { + // found a regular match + t = candidate2.offset - e.cur + s++ + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + if debugAsserts && s-t > e.maxMatchOff { + panic("s - t >e.maxMatchOff") + } + if debugAsserts && t < 0 { + panic("t<0") + } + break + } + s += stepSize + ((s - nextEmit) >> (kSearchStrength - 1)) + if s >= sLimit { + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + } + // A 4-byte match has been found. We'll later see if more than 4 bytes. + offset2 = offset1 + offset1 = s - t + + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + + if debugAsserts && t < 0 { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("t (%d) < 0 ", t)) + } + // Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible. + //l := e.matchlenNoHist(s+4, t+4, src) + 4 + // l := int32(matchLen(src[s+4:], src[t+4:])) + 4 + var l int32 + { + a := src[s+4:] + b := src[t+4:] + endI := len(a) & (math.MaxInt32 - 7) + l = int32(endI) + 4 + for i := 0; i < endI; i += 8 { + if diff := load64(a, i) ^ load64(b, i); diff != 0 { + l = int32(i+bits.TrailingZeros64(diff)>>3) + 4 + break + } + } + } + + // Extend backwards + tMin := s - e.maxMatchOff + if tMin < 0 { + tMin = 0 + } + for t > tMin && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] { + s-- + t-- + l++ + } + + // Write our sequence. + var seq seq + seq.litLen = uint32(s - nextEmit) + seq.matchLen = uint32(l - zstdMinMatch) + if seq.litLen > 0 { + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:s]...) + } + // Don't use repeat offsets + seq.offset = uint32(s-t) + 3 + s += l + if debugSequences { + println("sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + nextEmit = s + if s >= sLimit { + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + + // Check offset 2 + if o2 := s - offset2; len(blk.sequences) > 2 && load3232(src, o2) == uint32(cv) { + // We have at least 4 byte match. + // No need to check backwards. We come straight from a match + //l := 4 + e.matchlenNoHist(s+4, o2+4, src) + // l := 4 + int32(matchLen(src[s+4:], src[o2+4:])) + var l int32 + { + a := src[s+4:] + b := src[o2+4:] + endI := len(a) & (math.MaxInt32 - 7) + l = int32(endI) + 4 + for i := 0; i < endI; i += 8 { + if diff := load64(a, i) ^ load64(b, i); diff != 0 { + l = int32(i+bits.TrailingZeros64(diff)>>3) + 4 + break + } + } + } + + // Store this, since we have it. + nextHash := hash6(cv, hashLog) + e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)} + seq.matchLen = uint32(l) - zstdMinMatch + seq.litLen = 0 + // Since litlen is always 0, this is offset 1. + seq.offset = 1 + s += l + nextEmit = s + if debugSequences { + println("sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + + // Swap offset 1 and 2. + offset1, offset2 = offset2, offset1 + if s >= sLimit { + break encodeLoop + } + // Prepare next loop. + cv = load6432(src, s) + } + } + + if int(nextEmit) < len(src) { + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:]...) + blk.extraLits = len(src) - int(nextEmit) + } + if debug { + println("returning, recent offsets:", blk.recentOffsets, "extra literals:", blk.extraLits) + } + // We do not store history, so we must offset e.cur to avoid false matches for next user. + if e.cur < bufferReset { + e.cur += int32(len(src)) + } +} + +// Encode will encode the content, with a dictionary if initialized for it. +func (e *fastEncoderDict) Encode(blk *blockEnc, src []byte) { + const ( + inputMargin = 8 + minNonLiteralBlockSize = 1 + 1 + inputMargin + ) + if e.allDirty || len(src) > 32<<10 { + e.fastEncoder.Encode(blk, src) + e.allDirty = true + return + } + // Protect against e.cur wraparound. + for e.cur >= bufferReset { + if len(e.hist) == 0 { + for i := range e.table[:] { + e.table[i] = tableEntry{} + } + e.cur = e.maxMatchOff + break + } + // Shift down everything in the table that isn't already too far away. + minOff := e.cur + int32(len(e.hist)) - e.maxMatchOff + for i := range e.table[:] { + v := e.table[i].offset + if v < minOff { + v = 0 + } else { + v = v - e.cur + e.maxMatchOff + } + e.table[i].offset = v + } + e.cur = e.maxMatchOff + break + } + + s := e.addBlock(src) + blk.size = len(src) + if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize { + blk.extraLits = len(src) + blk.literals = blk.literals[:len(src)] + copy(blk.literals, src) + return + } + + // Override src + src = e.hist + sLimit := int32(len(src)) - inputMargin + // stepSize is the number of bytes to skip on every main loop iteration. + // It should be >= 2. + const stepSize = 2 + + // TEMPLATE + const hashLog = tableBits + // seems global, but would be nice to tweak. + const kSearchStrength = 7 + + // nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from. + nextEmit := s + cv := load6432(src, s) + + // Relative offsets + offset1 := int32(blk.recentOffsets[0]) + offset2 := int32(blk.recentOffsets[1]) + + addLiterals := func(s *seq, until int32) { + if until == nextEmit { + return + } + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:until]...) + s.litLen = uint32(until - nextEmit) + } + if debug { + println("recent offsets:", blk.recentOffsets) + } + +encodeLoop: + for { + // t will contain the match offset when we find one. + // When existing the search loop, we have already checked 4 bytes. + var t int32 + + // We will not use repeat offsets across blocks. + // By not using them for the first 3 matches + canRepeat := len(blk.sequences) > 2 + + for { + if debugAsserts && canRepeat && offset1 == 0 { + panic("offset0 was 0") + } + + nextHash := hash6(cv, hashLog) + nextHash2 := hash6(cv>>8, hashLog) + candidate := e.table[nextHash] + candidate2 := e.table[nextHash2] + repIndex := s - offset1 + 2 + + e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)} + e.markShardDirty(nextHash) + e.table[nextHash2] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur + 1, val: uint32(cv >> 8)} + e.markShardDirty(nextHash2) + + if canRepeat && repIndex >= 0 && load3232(src, repIndex) == uint32(cv>>16) { + // Consider history as well. + var seq seq + var length int32 + // length = 4 + e.matchlen(s+6, repIndex+4, src) + { + a := src[s+6:] + b := src[repIndex+4:] + endI := len(a) & (math.MaxInt32 - 7) + length = int32(endI) + 4 + for i := 0; i < endI; i += 8 { + if diff := load64(a, i) ^ load64(b, i); diff != 0 { + length = int32(i+bits.TrailingZeros64(diff)>>3) + 4 + break + } + } + } + + seq.matchLen = uint32(length - zstdMinMatch) + + // We might be able to match backwards. + // Extend as long as we can. + start := s + 2 + // We end the search early, so we don't risk 0 literals + // and have to do special offset treatment. + startLimit := nextEmit + 1 + + sMin := s - e.maxMatchOff + if sMin < 0 { + sMin = 0 + } + for repIndex > sMin && start > startLimit && src[repIndex-1] == src[start-1] && seq.matchLen < maxMatchLength-zstdMinMatch { + repIndex-- + start-- + seq.matchLen++ + } + addLiterals(&seq, start) + + // rep 0 + seq.offset = 1 + if debugSequences { + println("repeat sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + s += length + 2 + nextEmit = s + if s >= sLimit { + if debug { + println("repeat ended", s, length) + + } + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + continue + } + coffset0 := s - (candidate.offset - e.cur) + coffset1 := s - (candidate2.offset - e.cur) + 1 + if coffset0 < e.maxMatchOff && uint32(cv) == candidate.val { + // found a regular match + t = candidate.offset - e.cur + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + if debugAsserts && s-t > e.maxMatchOff { + panic("s - t >e.maxMatchOff") + } + break + } + + if coffset1 < e.maxMatchOff && uint32(cv>>8) == candidate2.val { + // found a regular match + t = candidate2.offset - e.cur + s++ + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + if debugAsserts && s-t > e.maxMatchOff { + panic("s - t >e.maxMatchOff") + } + if debugAsserts && t < 0 { + panic("t<0") + } + break + } + s += stepSize + ((s - nextEmit) >> (kSearchStrength - 1)) + if s >= sLimit { + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + } + // A 4-byte match has been found. We'll later see if more than 4 bytes. + offset2 = offset1 + offset1 = s - t + + if debugAsserts && s <= t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("s (%d) <= t (%d)", s, t)) + } + + if debugAsserts && canRepeat && int(offset1) > len(src) { + panic("invalid offset") + } + + // Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible. + //l := e.matchlen(s+4, t+4, src) + 4 + var l int32 + { + a := src[s+4:] + b := src[t+4:] + endI := len(a) & (math.MaxInt32 - 7) + l = int32(endI) + 4 + for i := 0; i < endI; i += 8 { + if diff := load64(a, i) ^ load64(b, i); diff != 0 { + l = int32(i+bits.TrailingZeros64(diff)>>3) + 4 + break + } + } + } + + // Extend backwards + tMin := s - e.maxMatchOff + if tMin < 0 { + tMin = 0 + } + for t > tMin && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] && l < maxMatchLength { + s-- + t-- + l++ + } + + // Write our sequence. + var seq seq + seq.litLen = uint32(s - nextEmit) + seq.matchLen = uint32(l - zstdMinMatch) + if seq.litLen > 0 { + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:s]...) + } + // Don't use repeat offsets + seq.offset = uint32(s-t) + 3 + s += l + if debugSequences { + println("sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + nextEmit = s + if s >= sLimit { + break encodeLoop + } + cv = load6432(src, s) + + // Check offset 2 + if o2 := s - offset2; canRepeat && load3232(src, o2) == uint32(cv) { + // We have at least 4 byte match. + // No need to check backwards. We come straight from a match + //l := 4 + e.matchlen(s+4, o2+4, src) + var l int32 + { + a := src[s+4:] + b := src[o2+4:] + endI := len(a) & (math.MaxInt32 - 7) + l = int32(endI) + 4 + for i := 0; i < endI; i += 8 { + if diff := load64(a, i) ^ load64(b, i); diff != 0 { + l = int32(i+bits.TrailingZeros64(diff)>>3) + 4 + break + } + } + } + + // Store this, since we have it. + nextHash := hash6(cv, hashLog) + e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur, val: uint32(cv)} + e.markShardDirty(nextHash) + seq.matchLen = uint32(l) - zstdMinMatch + seq.litLen = 0 + // Since litlen is always 0, this is offset 1. + seq.offset = 1 + s += l + nextEmit = s + if debugSequences { + println("sequence", seq, "next s:", s) + } + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq) + + // Swap offset 1 and 2. + offset1, offset2 = offset2, offset1 + if s >= sLimit { + break encodeLoop + } + // Prepare next loop. + cv = load6432(src, s) + } + } + + if int(nextEmit) < len(src) { + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[nextEmit:]...) + blk.extraLits = len(src) - int(nextEmit) + } + blk.recentOffsets[0] = uint32(offset1) + blk.recentOffsets[1] = uint32(offset2) + if debug { + println("returning, recent offsets:", blk.recentOffsets, "extra literals:", blk.extraLits) + } +} + +// ResetDict will reset and set a dictionary if not nil +func (e *fastEncoder) Reset(d *dict, singleBlock bool) { + e.resetBase(d, singleBlock) + if d != nil { + panic("fastEncoder: Reset with dict") + } +} + +// ResetDict will reset and set a dictionary if not nil +func (e *fastEncoderDict) Reset(d *dict, singleBlock bool) { + e.resetBase(d, singleBlock) + if d == nil { + return + } + + // Init or copy dict table + if len(e.dictTable) != len(e.table) || d.id != e.lastDictID { + if len(e.dictTable) != len(e.table) { + e.dictTable = make([]tableEntry, len(e.table)) + } + if true { + end := e.maxMatchOff + int32(len(d.content)) - 8 + for i := e.maxMatchOff; i < end; i += 3 { + const hashLog = tableBits + + cv := load6432(d.content, i-e.maxMatchOff) + nextHash := hash6(cv, hashLog) // 0 -> 5 + nextHash1 := hash6(cv>>8, hashLog) // 1 -> 6 + nextHash2 := hash6(cv>>16, hashLog) // 2 -> 7 + e.dictTable[nextHash] = tableEntry{ + val: uint32(cv), + offset: i, + } + e.dictTable[nextHash1] = tableEntry{ + val: uint32(cv >> 8), + offset: i + 1, + } + e.dictTable[nextHash2] = tableEntry{ + val: uint32(cv >> 16), + offset: i + 2, + } + } + } + e.lastDictID = d.id + e.allDirty = true + } + + e.cur = e.maxMatchOff + dirtyShardCnt := 0 + if !e.allDirty { + for i := range e.tableShardDirty { + if e.tableShardDirty[i] { + dirtyShardCnt++ + } + } + } + + const shardCnt = tableShardCnt + const shardSize = tableShardSize + if e.allDirty || dirtyShardCnt > shardCnt*4/6 { + copy(e.table[:], e.dictTable) + for i := range e.tableShardDirty { + e.tableShardDirty[i] = false + } + e.allDirty = false + return + } + for i := range e.tableShardDirty { + if !e.tableShardDirty[i] { + continue + } + + copy(e.table[i*shardSize:(i+1)*shardSize], e.dictTable[i*shardSize:(i+1)*shardSize]) + e.tableShardDirty[i] = false + } + e.allDirty = false +} + +func (e *fastEncoderDict) markAllShardsDirty() { + e.allDirty = true +} + +func (e *fastEncoderDict) markShardDirty(entryNum uint32) { + e.tableShardDirty[entryNum/tableShardSize] = true +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/encoder.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/encoder.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6f0265099ec --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/encoder.go @@ -0,0 +1,576 @@ +// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +import ( + "crypto/rand" + "fmt" + "io" + rdebug "runtime/debug" + "sync" + + "github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash" +) + +// Encoder provides encoding to Zstandard. +// An Encoder can be used for either compressing a stream via the +// io.WriteCloser interface supported by the Encoder or as multiple independent +// tasks via the EncodeAll function. +// Smaller encodes are encouraged to use the EncodeAll function. +// Use NewWriter to create a new instance. +type Encoder struct { + o encoderOptions + encoders chan encoder + state encoderState + init sync.Once +} + +type encoder interface { + Encode(blk *blockEnc, src []byte) + EncodeNoHist(blk *blockEnc, src []byte) + Block() *blockEnc + CRC() *xxhash.Digest + AppendCRC([]byte) []byte + WindowSize(size int) int32 + UseBlock(*blockEnc) + Reset(d *dict, singleBlock bool) +} + +type encoderState struct { + w io.Writer + filling []byte + current []byte + previous []byte + encoder encoder + writing *blockEnc + err error + writeErr error + nWritten int64 + headerWritten bool + eofWritten bool + fullFrameWritten bool + + // This waitgroup indicates an encode is running. + wg sync.WaitGroup + // This waitgroup indicates we have a block encoding/writing. + wWg sync.WaitGroup +} + +// NewWriter will create a new Zstandard encoder. +// If the encoder will be used for encoding blocks a nil writer can be used. +func NewWriter(w io.Writer, opts ...EOption) (*Encoder, error) { + initPredefined() + var e Encoder + e.o.setDefault() + for _, o := range opts { + err := o(&e.o) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + if w != nil { + e.Reset(w) + } + return &e, nil +} + +func (e *Encoder) initialize() { + if e.o.concurrent == 0 { + e.o.setDefault() + } + e.encoders = make(chan encoder, e.o.concurrent) + for i := 0; i < e.o.concurrent; i++ { + enc := e.o.encoder() + e.encoders <- enc + } +} + +// Reset will re-initialize the writer and new writes will encode to the supplied writer +// as a new, independent stream. +func (e *Encoder) Reset(w io.Writer) { + s := &e.state + s.wg.Wait() + s.wWg.Wait() + if cap(s.filling) == 0 { + s.filling = make([]byte, 0, e.o.blockSize) + } + if cap(s.current) == 0 { + s.current = make([]byte, 0, e.o.blockSize) + } + if cap(s.previous) == 0 { + s.previous = make([]byte, 0, e.o.blockSize) + } + if s.encoder == nil { + s.encoder = e.o.encoder() + } + if s.writing == nil { + s.writing = &blockEnc{lowMem: e.o.lowMem} + s.writing.init() + } + s.writing.initNewEncode() + s.filling = s.filling[:0] + s.current = s.current[:0] + s.previous = s.previous[:0] + s.encoder.Reset(e.o.dict, false) + s.headerWritten = false + s.eofWritten = false + s.fullFrameWritten = false + s.w = w + s.err = nil + s.nWritten = 0 + s.writeErr = nil +} + +// Write data to the encoder. +// Input data will be buffered and as the buffer fills up +// content will be compressed and written to the output. +// When done writing, use Close to flush the remaining output +// and write CRC if requested. +func (e *Encoder) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { + s := &e.state + for len(p) > 0 { + if len(p)+len(s.filling) < e.o.blockSize { + if e.o.crc { + _, _ = s.encoder.CRC().Write(p) + } + s.filling = append(s.filling, p...) + return n + len(p), nil + } + add := p + if len(p)+len(s.filling) > e.o.blockSize { + add = add[:e.o.blockSize-len(s.filling)] + } + if e.o.crc { + _, _ = s.encoder.CRC().Write(add) + } + s.filling = append(s.filling, add...) + p = p[len(add):] + n += len(add) + if len(s.filling) < e.o.blockSize { + return n, nil + } + err := e.nextBlock(false) + if err != nil { + return n, err + } + if debugAsserts && len(s.filling) > 0 { + panic(len(s.filling)) + } + } + return n, nil +} + +// nextBlock will synchronize and start compressing input in e.state.filling. +// If an error has occurred during encoding it will be returned. +func (e *Encoder) nextBlock(final bool) error { + s := &e.state + // Wait for current block. + s.wg.Wait() + if s.err != nil { + return s.err + } + if len(s.filling) > e.o.blockSize { + return fmt.Errorf("block > maxStoreBlockSize") + } + if !s.headerWritten { + // If we have a single block encode, do a sync compression. + if final && len(s.filling) == 0 && !e.o.fullZero { + s.headerWritten = true + s.fullFrameWritten = true + s.eofWritten = true + return nil + } + if final && len(s.filling) > 0 { + s.current = e.EncodeAll(s.filling, s.current[:0]) + var n2 int + n2, s.err = s.w.Write(s.current) + if s.err != nil { + return s.err + } + s.nWritten += int64(n2) + s.current = s.current[:0] + s.filling = s.filling[:0] + s.headerWritten = true + s.fullFrameWritten = true + s.eofWritten = true + return nil + } + + var tmp [maxHeaderSize]byte + fh := frameHeader{ + ContentSize: 0, + WindowSize: uint32(s.encoder.WindowSize(0)), + SingleSegment: false, + Checksum: e.o.crc, + DictID: e.o.dict.ID(), + } + + dst, err := fh.appendTo(tmp[:0]) + if err != nil { + return err + } + s.headerWritten = true + s.wWg.Wait() + var n2 int + n2, s.err = s.w.Write(dst) + if s.err != nil { + return s.err + } + s.nWritten += int64(n2) + } + if s.eofWritten { + // Ensure we only write it once. + final = false + } + + if len(s.filling) == 0 { + // Final block, but no data. + if final { + enc := s.encoder + blk := enc.Block() + blk.reset(nil) + blk.last = true + blk.encodeRaw(nil) + s.wWg.Wait() + _, s.err = s.w.Write(blk.output) + s.nWritten += int64(len(blk.output)) + s.eofWritten = true + } + return s.err + } + + // Move blocks forward. + s.filling, s.current, s.previous = s.previous[:0], s.filling, s.current + s.wg.Add(1) + go func(src []byte) { + if debug { + println("Adding block,", len(src), "bytes, final:", final) + } + defer func() { + if r := recover(); r != nil { + s.err = fmt.Errorf("panic while encoding: %v", r) + rdebug.PrintStack() + } + s.wg.Done() + }() + enc := s.encoder + blk := enc.Block() + enc.Encode(blk, src) + blk.last = final + if final { + s.eofWritten = true + } + // Wait for pending writes. + s.wWg.Wait() + if s.writeErr != nil { + s.err = s.writeErr + return + } + // Transfer encoders from previous write block. + blk.swapEncoders(s.writing) + // Transfer recent offsets to next. + enc.UseBlock(s.writing) + s.writing = blk + s.wWg.Add(1) + go func() { + defer func() { + if r := recover(); r != nil { + s.writeErr = fmt.Errorf("panic while encoding/writing: %v", r) + rdebug.PrintStack() + } + s.wWg.Done() + }() + err := errIncompressible + // If we got the exact same number of literals as input, + // assume the literals cannot be compressed. + if len(src) != len(blk.literals) || len(src) != e.o.blockSize { + err = blk.encode(src, e.o.noEntropy, !e.o.allLitEntropy) + } + switch err { + case errIncompressible: + if debug { + println("Storing incompressible block as raw") + } + blk.encodeRaw(src) + // In fast mode, we do not transfer offsets, so we don't have to deal with changing the. + case nil: + default: + s.writeErr = err + return + } + _, s.writeErr = s.w.Write(blk.output) + s.nWritten += int64(len(blk.output)) + }() + }(s.current) + return nil +} + +// ReadFrom reads data from r until EOF or error. +// The return value n is the number of bytes read. +// Any error except io.EOF encountered during the read is also returned. +// +// The Copy function uses ReaderFrom if available. +func (e *Encoder) ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (n int64, err error) { + if debug { + println("Using ReadFrom") + } + + // Flush any current writes. + if len(e.state.filling) > 0 { + if err := e.nextBlock(false); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + e.state.filling = e.state.filling[:e.o.blockSize] + src := e.state.filling + for { + n2, err := r.Read(src) + if e.o.crc { + _, _ = e.state.encoder.CRC().Write(src[:n2]) + } + // src is now the unfilled part... + src = src[n2:] + n += int64(n2) + switch err { + case io.EOF: + e.state.filling = e.state.filling[:len(e.state.filling)-len(src)] + if debug { + println("ReadFrom: got EOF final block:", len(e.state.filling)) + } + return n, nil + default: + if debug { + println("ReadFrom: got error:", err) + } + e.state.err = err + return n, err + case nil: + } + if len(src) > 0 { + if debug { + println("ReadFrom: got space left in source:", len(src)) + } + continue + } + err = e.nextBlock(false) + if err != nil { + return n, err + } + e.state.filling = e.state.filling[:e.o.blockSize] + src = e.state.filling + } +} + +// Flush will send the currently written data to output +// and block until everything has been written. +// This should only be used on rare occasions where pushing the currently queued data is critical. +func (e *Encoder) Flush() error { + s := &e.state + if len(s.filling) > 0 { + err := e.nextBlock(false) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + s.wg.Wait() + s.wWg.Wait() + if s.err != nil { + return s.err + } + return s.writeErr +} + +// Close will flush the final output and close the stream. +// The function will block until everything has been written. +// The Encoder can still be re-used after calling this. +func (e *Encoder) Close() error { + s := &e.state + if s.encoder == nil { + return nil + } + err := e.nextBlock(true) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if e.state.fullFrameWritten { + return s.err + } + s.wg.Wait() + s.wWg.Wait() + + if s.err != nil { + return s.err + } + if s.writeErr != nil { + return s.writeErr + } + + // Write CRC + if e.o.crc && s.err == nil { + // heap alloc. + var tmp [4]byte + _, s.err = s.w.Write(s.encoder.AppendCRC(tmp[:0])) + s.nWritten += 4 + } + + // Add padding with content from crypto/rand.Reader + if s.err == nil && e.o.pad > 0 { + add := calcSkippableFrame(s.nWritten, int64(e.o.pad)) + frame, err := skippableFrame(s.filling[:0], add, rand.Reader) + if err != nil { + return err + } + _, s.err = s.w.Write(frame) + } + return s.err +} + +// EncodeAll will encode all input in src and append it to dst. +// This function can be called concurrently, but each call will only run on a single goroutine. +// If empty input is given, nothing is returned, unless WithZeroFrames is specified. +// Encoded blocks can be concatenated and the result will be the combined input stream. +// Data compressed with EncodeAll can be decoded with the Decoder, +// using either a stream or DecodeAll. +func (e *Encoder) EncodeAll(src, dst []byte) []byte { + if len(src) == 0 { + if e.o.fullZero { + // Add frame header. + fh := frameHeader{ + ContentSize: 0, + WindowSize: MinWindowSize, + SingleSegment: true, + // Adding a checksum would be a waste of space. + Checksum: false, + DictID: 0, + } + dst, _ = fh.appendTo(dst) + + // Write raw block as last one only. + var blk blockHeader + blk.setSize(0) + blk.setType(blockTypeRaw) + blk.setLast(true) + dst = blk.appendTo(dst) + } + return dst + } + e.init.Do(e.initialize) + enc := <-e.encoders + defer func() { + // Release encoder reference to last block. + // If a non-single block is needed the encoder will reset again. + e.encoders <- enc + }() + // Use single segments when above minimum window and below 1MB. + single := len(src) < 1<<20 && len(src) > MinWindowSize + if e.o.single != nil { + single = *e.o.single + } + fh := frameHeader{ + ContentSize: uint64(len(src)), + WindowSize: uint32(enc.WindowSize(len(src))), + SingleSegment: single, + Checksum: e.o.crc, + DictID: e.o.dict.ID(), + } + + // If less than 1MB, allocate a buffer up front. + if len(dst) == 0 && cap(dst) == 0 && len(src) < 1<<20 && !e.o.lowMem { + dst = make([]byte, 0, len(src)) + } + dst, err := fh.appendTo(dst) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + // If we can do everything in one block, prefer that. + if len(src) <= maxCompressedBlockSize { + enc.Reset(e.o.dict, true) + // Slightly faster with no history and everything in one block. + if e.o.crc { + _, _ = enc.CRC().Write(src) + } + blk := enc.Block() + blk.last = true + if e.o.dict == nil { + enc.EncodeNoHist(blk, src) + } else { + enc.Encode(blk, src) + } + + // If we got the exact same number of literals as input, + // assume the literals cannot be compressed. + err := errIncompressible + oldout := blk.output + if len(blk.literals) != len(src) || len(src) != e.o.blockSize { + // Output directly to dst + blk.output = dst + err = blk.encode(src, e.o.noEntropy, !e.o.allLitEntropy) + } + + switch err { + case errIncompressible: + if debug { + println("Storing incompressible block as raw") + } + dst = blk.encodeRawTo(dst, src) + case nil: + dst = blk.output + default: + panic(err) + } + blk.output = oldout + } else { + enc.Reset(e.o.dict, false) + blk := enc.Block() + for len(src) > 0 { + todo := src + if len(todo) > e.o.blockSize { + todo = todo[:e.o.blockSize] + } + src = src[len(todo):] + if e.o.crc { + _, _ = enc.CRC().Write(todo) + } + blk.pushOffsets() + enc.Encode(blk, todo) + if len(src) == 0 { + blk.last = true + } + err := errIncompressible + // If we got the exact same number of literals as input, + // assume the literals cannot be compressed. + if len(blk.literals) != len(todo) || len(todo) != e.o.blockSize { + err = blk.encode(todo, e.o.noEntropy, !e.o.allLitEntropy) + } + + switch err { + case errIncompressible: + if debug { + println("Storing incompressible block as raw") + } + dst = blk.encodeRawTo(dst, todo) + blk.popOffsets() + case nil: + dst = append(dst, blk.output...) + default: + panic(err) + } + blk.reset(nil) + } + } + if e.o.crc { + dst = enc.AppendCRC(dst) + } + // Add padding with content from crypto/rand.Reader + if e.o.pad > 0 { + add := calcSkippableFrame(int64(len(dst)), int64(e.o.pad)) + dst, err = skippableFrame(dst, add, rand.Reader) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + } + return dst +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/encoder_options.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/encoder_options.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..18a47eb03e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/encoder_options.go @@ -0,0 +1,312 @@ +package zstd + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + "runtime" + "strings" +) + +// EOption is an option for creating a encoder. +type EOption func(*encoderOptions) error + +// options retains accumulated state of multiple options. +type encoderOptions struct { + concurrent int + level EncoderLevel + single *bool + pad int + blockSize int + windowSize int + crc bool + fullZero bool + noEntropy bool + allLitEntropy bool + customWindow bool + customALEntropy bool + lowMem bool + dict *dict +} + +func (o *encoderOptions) setDefault() { + *o = encoderOptions{ + concurrent: runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0), + crc: true, + single: nil, + blockSize: 1 << 16, + windowSize: 8 << 20, + level: SpeedDefault, + allLitEntropy: true, + lowMem: false, + } +} + +// encoder returns an encoder with the selected options. +func (o encoderOptions) encoder() encoder { + switch o.level { + case SpeedFastest: + if o.dict != nil { + return &fastEncoderDict{fastEncoder: fastEncoder{fastBase: fastBase{maxMatchOff: int32(o.windowSize), lowMem: o.lowMem}}} + } + return &fastEncoder{fastBase: fastBase{maxMatchOff: int32(o.windowSize), lowMem: o.lowMem}} + + case SpeedDefault: + if o.dict != nil { + return &doubleFastEncoderDict{fastEncoderDict: fastEncoderDict{fastEncoder: fastEncoder{fastBase: fastBase{maxMatchOff: int32(o.windowSize), lowMem: o.lowMem}}}} + } + return &doubleFastEncoder{fastEncoder: fastEncoder{fastBase: fastBase{maxMatchOff: int32(o.windowSize), lowMem: o.lowMem}}} + case SpeedBetterCompression: + if o.dict != nil { + return &betterFastEncoderDict{betterFastEncoder: betterFastEncoder{fastBase: fastBase{maxMatchOff: int32(o.windowSize), lowMem: o.lowMem}}} + } + return &betterFastEncoder{fastBase: fastBase{maxMatchOff: int32(o.windowSize), lowMem: o.lowMem}} + case SpeedBestCompression: + return &bestFastEncoder{fastBase: fastBase{maxMatchOff: int32(o.windowSize), lowMem: o.lowMem}} + } + panic("unknown compression level") +} + +// WithEncoderCRC will add CRC value to output. +// Output will be 4 bytes larger. +func WithEncoderCRC(b bool) EOption { + return func(o *encoderOptions) error { o.crc = b; return nil } +} + +// WithEncoderConcurrency will set the concurrency, +// meaning the maximum number of decoders to run concurrently. +// The value supplied must be at least 1. +// By default this will be set to GOMAXPROCS. +func WithEncoderConcurrency(n int) EOption { + return func(o *encoderOptions) error { + if n <= 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("concurrency must be at least 1") + } + o.concurrent = n + return nil + } +} + +// WithWindowSize will set the maximum allowed back-reference distance. +// The value must be a power of two between MinWindowSize and MaxWindowSize. +// A larger value will enable better compression but allocate more memory and, +// for above-default values, take considerably longer. +// The default value is determined by the compression level. +func WithWindowSize(n int) EOption { + return func(o *encoderOptions) error { + switch { + case n < MinWindowSize: + return fmt.Errorf("window size must be at least %d", MinWindowSize) + case n > MaxWindowSize: + return fmt.Errorf("window size must be at most %d", MaxWindowSize) + case (n & (n - 1)) != 0: + return errors.New("window size must be a power of 2") + } + + o.windowSize = n + o.customWindow = true + if o.blockSize > o.windowSize { + o.blockSize = o.windowSize + } + return nil + } +} + +// WithEncoderPadding will add padding to all output so the size will be a multiple of n. +// This can be used to obfuscate the exact output size or make blocks of a certain size. +// The contents will be a skippable frame, so it will be invisible by the decoder. +// n must be > 0 and <= 1GB, 1<<30 bytes. +// The padded area will be filled with data from crypto/rand.Reader. +// If `EncodeAll` is used with data already in the destination, the total size will be multiple of this. +func WithEncoderPadding(n int) EOption { + return func(o *encoderOptions) error { + if n <= 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("padding must be at least 1") + } + // No need to waste our time. + if n == 1 { + o.pad = 0 + } + if n > 1<<30 { + return fmt.Errorf("padding must less than 1GB (1<<30 bytes) ") + } + o.pad = n + return nil + } +} + +// EncoderLevel predefines encoder compression levels. +// Only use the constants made available, since the actual mapping +// of these values are very likely to change and your compression could change +// unpredictably when upgrading the library. +type EncoderLevel int + +const ( + speedNotSet EncoderLevel = iota + + // SpeedFastest will choose the fastest reasonable compression. + // This is roughly equivalent to the fastest Zstandard mode. + SpeedFastest + + // SpeedDefault is the default "pretty fast" compression option. + // This is roughly equivalent to the default Zstandard mode (level 3). + SpeedDefault + + // SpeedBetterCompression will yield better compression than the default. + // Currently it is about zstd level 7-8 with ~ 2x-3x the default CPU usage. + // By using this, notice that CPU usage may go up in the future. + SpeedBetterCompression + + // SpeedBestCompression will choose the best available compression option. + // This will offer the best compression no matter the CPU cost. + SpeedBestCompression + + // speedLast should be kept as the last actual compression option. + // The is not for external usage, but is used to keep track of the valid options. + speedLast +) + +// EncoderLevelFromString will convert a string representation of an encoding level back +// to a compression level. The compare is not case sensitive. +// If the string wasn't recognized, (false, SpeedDefault) will be returned. +func EncoderLevelFromString(s string) (bool, EncoderLevel) { + for l := speedNotSet + 1; l < speedLast; l++ { + if strings.EqualFold(s, l.String()) { + return true, l + } + } + return false, SpeedDefault +} + +// EncoderLevelFromZstd will return an encoder level that closest matches the compression +// ratio of a specific zstd compression level. +// Many input values will provide the same compression level. +func EncoderLevelFromZstd(level int) EncoderLevel { + switch { + case level < 3: + return SpeedFastest + case level >= 3 && level < 6: + return SpeedDefault + case level >= 6 && level < 10: + return SpeedBetterCompression + case level >= 10: + return SpeedBetterCompression + } + return SpeedDefault +} + +// String provides a string representation of the compression level. +func (e EncoderLevel) String() string { + switch e { + case SpeedFastest: + return "fastest" + case SpeedDefault: + return "default" + case SpeedBetterCompression: + return "better" + case SpeedBestCompression: + return "best" + default: + return "invalid" + } +} + +// WithEncoderLevel specifies a predefined compression level. +func WithEncoderLevel(l EncoderLevel) EOption { + return func(o *encoderOptions) error { + switch { + case l <= speedNotSet || l >= speedLast: + return fmt.Errorf("unknown encoder level") + } + o.level = l + if !o.customWindow { + switch o.level { + case SpeedFastest: + o.windowSize = 4 << 20 + case SpeedDefault: + o.windowSize = 8 << 20 + case SpeedBetterCompression: + o.windowSize = 16 << 20 + case SpeedBestCompression: + o.windowSize = 32 << 20 + } + } + if !o.customALEntropy { + o.allLitEntropy = l > SpeedFastest + } + + return nil + } +} + +// WithZeroFrames will encode 0 length input as full frames. +// This can be needed for compatibility with zstandard usage, +// but is not needed for this package. +func WithZeroFrames(b bool) EOption { + return func(o *encoderOptions) error { + o.fullZero = b + return nil + } +} + +// WithAllLitEntropyCompression will apply entropy compression if no matches are found. +// Disabling this will skip incompressible data faster, but in cases with no matches but +// skewed character distribution compression is lost. +// Default value depends on the compression level selected. +func WithAllLitEntropyCompression(b bool) EOption { + return func(o *encoderOptions) error { + o.customALEntropy = true + o.allLitEntropy = b + return nil + } +} + +// WithNoEntropyCompression will always skip entropy compression of literals. +// This can be useful if content has matches, but unlikely to benefit from entropy +// compression. Usually the slight speed improvement is not worth enabling this. +func WithNoEntropyCompression(b bool) EOption { + return func(o *encoderOptions) error { + o.noEntropy = b + return nil + } +} + +// WithSingleSegment will set the "single segment" flag when EncodeAll is used. +// If this flag is set, data must be regenerated within a single continuous memory segment. +// In this case, Window_Descriptor byte is skipped, but Frame_Content_Size is necessarily present. +// As a consequence, the decoder must allocate a memory segment of size equal or larger than size of your content. +// In order to preserve the decoder from unreasonable memory requirements, +// a decoder is allowed to reject a compressed frame which requests a memory size beyond decoder's authorized range. +// For broader compatibility, decoders are recommended to support memory sizes of at least 8 MB. +// This is only a recommendation, each decoder is free to support higher or lower limits, depending on local limitations. +// If this is not specified, block encodes will automatically choose this based on the input size. +// This setting has no effect on streamed encodes. +func WithSingleSegment(b bool) EOption { + return func(o *encoderOptions) error { + o.single = &b + return nil + } +} + +// WithLowerEncoderMem will trade in some memory cases trade less memory usage for +// slower encoding speed. +// This will not change the window size which is the primary function for reducing +// memory usage. See WithWindowSize. +func WithLowerEncoderMem(b bool) EOption { + return func(o *encoderOptions) error { + o.lowMem = b + return nil + } +} + +// WithEncoderDict allows to register a dictionary that will be used for the encode. +// The encoder *may* choose to use no dictionary instead for certain payloads. +func WithEncoderDict(dict []byte) EOption { + return func(o *encoderOptions) error { + d, err := loadDict(dict) + if err != nil { + return err + } + o.dict = d + return nil + } +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/framedec.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/framedec.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..fc4a566d39a --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/framedec.go @@ -0,0 +1,494 @@ +// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/hex" + "errors" + "hash" + "io" + "sync" + + "github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash" +) + +type frameDec struct { + o decoderOptions + crc hash.Hash64 + offset int64 + + WindowSize uint64 + + // maxWindowSize is the maximum windows size to support. + // should never be bigger than max-int. + maxWindowSize uint64 + + // In order queue of blocks being decoded. + decoding chan *blockDec + + // Frame history passed between blocks + history history + + rawInput byteBuffer + + // Byte buffer that can be reused for small input blocks. + bBuf byteBuf + + FrameContentSize uint64 + frameDone sync.WaitGroup + + DictionaryID *uint32 + HasCheckSum bool + SingleSegment bool + + // asyncRunning indicates whether the async routine processes input on 'decoding'. + asyncRunningMu sync.Mutex + asyncRunning bool +} + +const ( + // The minimum Window_Size is 1 KB. + MinWindowSize = 1 << 10 + MaxWindowSize = 1 << 29 +) + +var ( + frameMagic = []byte{0x28, 0xb5, 0x2f, 0xfd} + skippableFrameMagic = []byte{0x2a, 0x4d, 0x18} +) + +func newFrameDec(o decoderOptions) *frameDec { + d := frameDec{ + o: o, + maxWindowSize: MaxWindowSize, + } + if d.maxWindowSize > o.maxDecodedSize { + d.maxWindowSize = o.maxDecodedSize + } + return &d +} + +// reset will read the frame header and prepare for block decoding. +// If nothing can be read from the input, io.EOF will be returned. +// Any other error indicated that the stream contained data, but +// there was a problem. +func (d *frameDec) reset(br byteBuffer) error { + d.HasCheckSum = false + d.WindowSize = 0 + var b []byte + for { + b = br.readSmall(4) + if b == nil { + return io.EOF + } + if !bytes.Equal(b[1:4], skippableFrameMagic) || b[0]&0xf0 != 0x50 { + if debug { + println("Not skippable", hex.EncodeToString(b), hex.EncodeToString(skippableFrameMagic)) + } + // Break if not skippable frame. + break + } + // Read size to skip + b = br.readSmall(4) + if b == nil { + println("Reading Frame Size EOF") + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + n := uint32(b[0]) | (uint32(b[1]) << 8) | (uint32(b[2]) << 16) | (uint32(b[3]) << 24) + println("Skipping frame with", n, "bytes.") + err := br.skipN(int(n)) + if err != nil { + if debug { + println("Reading discarded frame", err) + } + return err + } + } + if !bytes.Equal(b, frameMagic) { + println("Got magic numbers: ", b, "want:", frameMagic) + return ErrMagicMismatch + } + + // Read Frame_Header_Descriptor + fhd, err := br.readByte() + if err != nil { + println("Reading Frame_Header_Descriptor", err) + return err + } + d.SingleSegment = fhd&(1<<5) != 0 + + if fhd&(1<<3) != 0 { + return errors.New("Reserved bit set on frame header") + } + + // Read Window_Descriptor + // https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/dev/doc/zstd_compression_format.md#window_descriptor + d.WindowSize = 0 + if !d.SingleSegment { + wd, err := br.readByte() + if err != nil { + println("Reading Window_Descriptor", err) + return err + } + printf("raw: %x, mantissa: %d, exponent: %d\n", wd, wd&7, wd>>3) + windowLog := 10 + (wd >> 3) + windowBase := uint64(1) << windowLog + windowAdd := (windowBase / 8) * uint64(wd&0x7) + d.WindowSize = windowBase + windowAdd + } + + // Read Dictionary_ID + // https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/dev/doc/zstd_compression_format.md#dictionary_id + d.DictionaryID = nil + if size := fhd & 3; size != 0 { + if size == 3 { + size = 4 + } + b = br.readSmall(int(size)) + if b == nil { + if debug { + println("Reading Dictionary_ID", io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) + } + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + var id uint32 + switch size { + case 1: + id = uint32(b[0]) + case 2: + id = uint32(b[0]) | (uint32(b[1]) << 8) + case 4: + id = uint32(b[0]) | (uint32(b[1]) << 8) | (uint32(b[2]) << 16) | (uint32(b[3]) << 24) + } + if debug { + println("Dict size", size, "ID:", id) + } + if id > 0 { + // ID 0 means "sorry, no dictionary anyway". + // https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/dev/doc/zstd_compression_format.md#dictionary-format + d.DictionaryID = &id + } + } + + // Read Frame_Content_Size + // https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/dev/doc/zstd_compression_format.md#frame_content_size + var fcsSize int + v := fhd >> 6 + switch v { + case 0: + if d.SingleSegment { + fcsSize = 1 + } + default: + fcsSize = 1 << v + } + d.FrameContentSize = 0 + if fcsSize > 0 { + b := br.readSmall(fcsSize) + if b == nil { + println("Reading Frame content", io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + switch fcsSize { + case 1: + d.FrameContentSize = uint64(b[0]) + case 2: + // When FCS_Field_Size is 2, the offset of 256 is added. + d.FrameContentSize = uint64(b[0]) | (uint64(b[1]) << 8) + 256 + case 4: + d.FrameContentSize = uint64(b[0]) | (uint64(b[1]) << 8) | (uint64(b[2]) << 16) | (uint64(b[3]) << 24) + case 8: + d1 := uint32(b[0]) | (uint32(b[1]) << 8) | (uint32(b[2]) << 16) | (uint32(b[3]) << 24) + d2 := uint32(b[4]) | (uint32(b[5]) << 8) | (uint32(b[6]) << 16) | (uint32(b[7]) << 24) + d.FrameContentSize = uint64(d1) | (uint64(d2) << 32) + } + if debug { + println("field size bits:", v, "fcsSize:", fcsSize, "FrameContentSize:", d.FrameContentSize, hex.EncodeToString(b[:fcsSize]), "singleseg:", d.SingleSegment, "window:", d.WindowSize) + } + } + // Move this to shared. + d.HasCheckSum = fhd&(1<<2) != 0 + if d.HasCheckSum { + if d.crc == nil { + d.crc = xxhash.New() + } + d.crc.Reset() + } + + if d.WindowSize == 0 && d.SingleSegment { + // We may not need window in this case. + d.WindowSize = d.FrameContentSize + if d.WindowSize < MinWindowSize { + d.WindowSize = MinWindowSize + } + } + + if d.WindowSize > d.maxWindowSize { + printf("window size %d > max %d\n", d.WindowSize, d.maxWindowSize) + return ErrWindowSizeExceeded + } + // The minimum Window_Size is 1 KB. + if d.WindowSize < MinWindowSize { + println("got window size: ", d.WindowSize) + return ErrWindowSizeTooSmall + } + d.history.windowSize = int(d.WindowSize) + if d.o.lowMem && d.history.windowSize < maxBlockSize { + d.history.maxSize = d.history.windowSize * 2 + } else { + d.history.maxSize = d.history.windowSize + maxBlockSize + } + // history contains input - maybe we do something + d.rawInput = br + return nil +} + +// next will start decoding the next block from stream. +func (d *frameDec) next(block *blockDec) error { + if debug { + printf("decoding new block %p:%p", block, block.data) + } + err := block.reset(d.rawInput, d.WindowSize) + if err != nil { + println("block error:", err) + // Signal the frame decoder we have a problem. + d.sendErr(block, err) + return err + } + block.input <- struct{}{} + if debug { + println("next block:", block) + } + d.asyncRunningMu.Lock() + defer d.asyncRunningMu.Unlock() + if !d.asyncRunning { + return nil + } + if block.Last { + // We indicate the frame is done by sending io.EOF + d.decoding <- block + return io.EOF + } + d.decoding <- block + return nil +} + +// sendEOF will queue an error block on the frame. +// This will cause the frame decoder to return when it encounters the block. +// Returns true if the decoder was added. +func (d *frameDec) sendErr(block *blockDec, err error) bool { + d.asyncRunningMu.Lock() + defer d.asyncRunningMu.Unlock() + if !d.asyncRunning { + return false + } + + println("sending error", err.Error()) + block.sendErr(err) + d.decoding <- block + return true +} + +// checkCRC will check the checksum if the frame has one. +// Will return ErrCRCMismatch if crc check failed, otherwise nil. +func (d *frameDec) checkCRC() error { + if !d.HasCheckSum { + return nil + } + var tmp [4]byte + got := d.crc.Sum64() + // Flip to match file order. + tmp[0] = byte(got >> 0) + tmp[1] = byte(got >> 8) + tmp[2] = byte(got >> 16) + tmp[3] = byte(got >> 24) + + // We can overwrite upper tmp now + want := d.rawInput.readSmall(4) + if want == nil { + println("CRC missing?") + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + + if !bytes.Equal(tmp[:], want) { + if debug { + println("CRC Check Failed:", tmp[:], "!=", want) + } + return ErrCRCMismatch + } + if debug { + println("CRC ok", tmp[:]) + } + return nil +} + +func (d *frameDec) initAsync() { + if !d.o.lowMem && !d.SingleSegment { + // set max extra size history to 10MB. + d.history.maxSize = d.history.windowSize + maxBlockSize*5 + } + // re-alloc if more than one extra block size. + if d.o.lowMem && cap(d.history.b) > d.history.maxSize+maxBlockSize { + d.history.b = make([]byte, 0, d.history.maxSize) + } + if cap(d.history.b) < d.history.maxSize { + d.history.b = make([]byte, 0, d.history.maxSize) + } + if cap(d.decoding) < d.o.concurrent { + d.decoding = make(chan *blockDec, d.o.concurrent) + } + if debug { + h := d.history + printf("history init. len: %d, cap: %d", len(h.b), cap(h.b)) + } + d.asyncRunningMu.Lock() + d.asyncRunning = true + d.asyncRunningMu.Unlock() +} + +// startDecoder will start decoding blocks and write them to the writer. +// The decoder will stop as soon as an error occurs or at end of frame. +// When the frame has finished decoding the *bufio.Reader +// containing the remaining input will be sent on frameDec.frameDone. +func (d *frameDec) startDecoder(output chan decodeOutput) { + written := int64(0) + + defer func() { + d.asyncRunningMu.Lock() + d.asyncRunning = false + d.asyncRunningMu.Unlock() + + // Drain the currently decoding. + d.history.error = true + flushdone: + for { + select { + case b := <-d.decoding: + b.history <- &d.history + output <- <-b.result + default: + break flushdone + } + } + println("frame decoder done, signalling done") + d.frameDone.Done() + }() + // Get decoder for first block. + block := <-d.decoding + block.history <- &d.history + for { + var next *blockDec + // Get result + r := <-block.result + if r.err != nil { + println("Result contained error", r.err) + output <- r + return + } + if debug { + println("got result, from ", d.offset, "to", d.offset+int64(len(r.b))) + d.offset += int64(len(r.b)) + } + if !block.Last { + // Send history to next block + select { + case next = <-d.decoding: + if debug { + println("Sending ", len(d.history.b), "bytes as history") + } + next.history <- &d.history + default: + // Wait until we have sent the block, so + // other decoders can potentially get the decoder. + next = nil + } + } + + // Add checksum, async to decoding. + if d.HasCheckSum { + n, err := d.crc.Write(r.b) + if err != nil { + r.err = err + if n != len(r.b) { + r.err = io.ErrShortWrite + } + output <- r + return + } + } + written += int64(len(r.b)) + if d.SingleSegment && uint64(written) > d.FrameContentSize { + println("runDecoder: single segment and", uint64(written), ">", d.FrameContentSize) + r.err = ErrFrameSizeExceeded + output <- r + return + } + if block.Last { + r.err = d.checkCRC() + output <- r + return + } + output <- r + if next == nil { + // There was no decoder available, we wait for one now that we have sent to the writer. + if debug { + println("Sending ", len(d.history.b), " bytes as history") + } + next = <-d.decoding + next.history <- &d.history + } + block = next + } +} + +// runDecoder will create a sync decoder that will decode a block of data. +func (d *frameDec) runDecoder(dst []byte, dec *blockDec) ([]byte, error) { + saved := d.history.b + + // We use the history for output to avoid copying it. + d.history.b = dst + // Store input length, so we only check new data. + crcStart := len(dst) + var err error + for { + err = dec.reset(d.rawInput, d.WindowSize) + if err != nil { + break + } + if debug { + println("next block:", dec) + } + err = dec.decodeBuf(&d.history) + if err != nil || dec.Last { + break + } + if uint64(len(d.history.b)) > d.o.maxDecodedSize { + err = ErrDecoderSizeExceeded + break + } + if d.SingleSegment && uint64(len(d.history.b)) > d.o.maxDecodedSize { + println("runDecoder: single segment and", uint64(len(d.history.b)), ">", d.o.maxDecodedSize) + err = ErrFrameSizeExceeded + break + } + } + dst = d.history.b + if err == nil { + if d.HasCheckSum { + var n int + n, err = d.crc.Write(dst[crcStart:]) + if err == nil { + if n != len(dst)-crcStart { + err = io.ErrShortWrite + } else { + err = d.checkCRC() + } + } + } + } + d.history.b = saved + return dst, err +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/frameenc.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/frameenc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4ef7f5a3e3d --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/frameenc.go @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "io" + "math" + "math/bits" +) + +type frameHeader struct { + ContentSize uint64 + WindowSize uint32 + SingleSegment bool + Checksum bool + DictID uint32 +} + +const maxHeaderSize = 14 + +func (f frameHeader) appendTo(dst []byte) ([]byte, error) { + dst = append(dst, frameMagic...) + var fhd uint8 + if f.Checksum { + fhd |= 1 << 2 + } + if f.SingleSegment { + fhd |= 1 << 5 + } + + var dictIDContent []byte + if f.DictID > 0 { + var tmp [4]byte + if f.DictID < 256 { + fhd |= 1 + tmp[0] = uint8(f.DictID) + dictIDContent = tmp[:1] + } else if f.DictID < 1<<16 { + fhd |= 2 + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(tmp[:2], uint16(f.DictID)) + dictIDContent = tmp[:2] + } else { + fhd |= 3 + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(tmp[:4], f.DictID) + dictIDContent = tmp[:4] + } + } + var fcs uint8 + if f.ContentSize >= 256 { + fcs++ + } + if f.ContentSize >= 65536+256 { + fcs++ + } + if f.ContentSize >= 0xffffffff { + fcs++ + } + + fhd |= fcs << 6 + + dst = append(dst, fhd) + if !f.SingleSegment { + const winLogMin = 10 + windowLog := (bits.Len32(f.WindowSize-1) - winLogMin) << 3 + dst = append(dst, uint8(windowLog)) + } + if f.DictID > 0 { + dst = append(dst, dictIDContent...) + } + switch fcs { + case 0: + if f.SingleSegment { + dst = append(dst, uint8(f.ContentSize)) + } + // Unless SingleSegment is set, framessizes < 256 are nto stored. + case 1: + f.ContentSize -= 256 + dst = append(dst, uint8(f.ContentSize), uint8(f.ContentSize>>8)) + case 2: + dst = append(dst, uint8(f.ContentSize), uint8(f.ContentSize>>8), uint8(f.ContentSize>>16), uint8(f.ContentSize>>24)) + case 3: + dst = append(dst, uint8(f.ContentSize), uint8(f.ContentSize>>8), uint8(f.ContentSize>>16), uint8(f.ContentSize>>24), + uint8(f.ContentSize>>32), uint8(f.ContentSize>>40), uint8(f.ContentSize>>48), uint8(f.ContentSize>>56)) + default: + panic("invalid fcs") + } + return dst, nil +} + +const skippableFrameHeader = 4 + 4 + +// calcSkippableFrame will return a total size to be added for written +// to be divisible by multiple. +// The value will always be > skippableFrameHeader. +// The function will panic if written < 0 or wantMultiple <= 0. +func calcSkippableFrame(written, wantMultiple int64) int { + if wantMultiple <= 0 { + panic("wantMultiple <= 0") + } + if written < 0 { + panic("written < 0") + } + leftOver := written % wantMultiple + if leftOver == 0 { + return 0 + } + toAdd := wantMultiple - leftOver + for toAdd < skippableFrameHeader { + toAdd += wantMultiple + } + return int(toAdd) +} + +// skippableFrame will add a skippable frame with a total size of bytes. +// total should be >= skippableFrameHeader and < math.MaxUint32. +func skippableFrame(dst []byte, total int, r io.Reader) ([]byte, error) { + if total == 0 { + return dst, nil + } + if total < skippableFrameHeader { + return dst, fmt.Errorf("requested skippable frame (%d) < 8", total) + } + if int64(total) > math.MaxUint32 { + return dst, fmt.Errorf("requested skippable frame (%d) > max uint32", total) + } + dst = append(dst, 0x50, 0x2a, 0x4d, 0x18) + f := uint32(total - skippableFrameHeader) + dst = append(dst, uint8(f), uint8(f>>8), uint8(f>>16), uint8(f>>24)) + start := len(dst) + dst = append(dst, make([]byte, f)...) + _, err := io.ReadFull(r, dst[start:]) + return dst, err +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/fse_decoder.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/fse_decoder.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e6d3d49b39c --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/fse_decoder.go @@ -0,0 +1,385 @@ +// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" +) + +const ( + tablelogAbsoluteMax = 9 +) + +const ( + /*!MEMORY_USAGE : + * Memory usage formula : N->2^N Bytes (examples : 10 -> 1KB; 12 -> 4KB ; 16 -> 64KB; 20 -> 1MB; etc.) + * Increasing memory usage improves compression ratio + * Reduced memory usage can improve speed, due to cache effect + * Recommended max value is 14, for 16KB, which nicely fits into Intel x86 L1 cache */ + maxMemoryUsage = tablelogAbsoluteMax + 2 + + maxTableLog = maxMemoryUsage - 2 + maxTablesize = 1 << maxTableLog + maxTableMask = (1 << maxTableLog) - 1 + minTablelog = 5 + maxSymbolValue = 255 +) + +// fseDecoder provides temporary storage for compression and decompression. +type fseDecoder struct { + dt [maxTablesize]decSymbol // Decompression table. + symbolLen uint16 // Length of active part of the symbol table. + actualTableLog uint8 // Selected tablelog. + maxBits uint8 // Maximum number of additional bits + + // used for table creation to avoid allocations. + stateTable [256]uint16 + norm [maxSymbolValue + 1]int16 + preDefined bool +} + +// tableStep returns the next table index. +func tableStep(tableSize uint32) uint32 { + return (tableSize >> 1) + (tableSize >> 3) + 3 +} + +// readNCount will read the symbol distribution so decoding tables can be constructed. +func (s *fseDecoder) readNCount(b *byteReader, maxSymbol uint16) error { + var ( + charnum uint16 + previous0 bool + ) + if b.remain() < 4 { + return errors.New("input too small") + } + bitStream := b.Uint32NC() + nbBits := uint((bitStream & 0xF) + minTablelog) // extract tableLog + if nbBits > tablelogAbsoluteMax { + println("Invalid tablelog:", nbBits) + return errors.New("tableLog too large") + } + bitStream >>= 4 + bitCount := uint(4) + + s.actualTableLog = uint8(nbBits) + remaining := int32((1 << nbBits) + 1) + threshold := int32(1 << nbBits) + gotTotal := int32(0) + nbBits++ + + for remaining > 1 && charnum <= maxSymbol { + if previous0 { + //println("prev0") + n0 := charnum + for (bitStream & 0xFFFF) == 0xFFFF { + //println("24 x 0") + n0 += 24 + if r := b.remain(); r > 5 { + b.advance(2) + // The check above should make sure we can read 32 bits + bitStream = b.Uint32NC() >> bitCount + } else { + // end of bit stream + bitStream >>= 16 + bitCount += 16 + } + } + //printf("bitstream: %d, 0b%b", bitStream&3, bitStream) + for (bitStream & 3) == 3 { + n0 += 3 + bitStream >>= 2 + bitCount += 2 + } + n0 += uint16(bitStream & 3) + bitCount += 2 + + if n0 > maxSymbolValue { + return errors.New("maxSymbolValue too small") + } + //println("inserting ", n0-charnum, "zeroes from idx", charnum, "ending before", n0) + for charnum < n0 { + s.norm[uint8(charnum)] = 0 + charnum++ + } + + if r := b.remain(); r >= 7 || r-int(bitCount>>3) >= 4 { + b.advance(bitCount >> 3) + bitCount &= 7 + // The check above should make sure we can read 32 bits + bitStream = b.Uint32NC() >> bitCount + } else { + bitStream >>= 2 + } + } + + max := (2*threshold - 1) - remaining + var count int32 + + if int32(bitStream)&(threshold-1) < max { + count = int32(bitStream) & (threshold - 1) + if debugAsserts && nbBits < 1 { + panic("nbBits underflow") + } + bitCount += nbBits - 1 + } else { + count = int32(bitStream) & (2*threshold - 1) + if count >= threshold { + count -= max + } + bitCount += nbBits + } + + // extra accuracy + count-- + if count < 0 { + // -1 means +1 + remaining += count + gotTotal -= count + } else { + remaining -= count + gotTotal += count + } + s.norm[charnum&0xff] = int16(count) + charnum++ + previous0 = count == 0 + for remaining < threshold { + nbBits-- + threshold >>= 1 + } + + if r := b.remain(); r >= 7 || r-int(bitCount>>3) >= 4 { + b.advance(bitCount >> 3) + bitCount &= 7 + // The check above should make sure we can read 32 bits + bitStream = b.Uint32NC() >> (bitCount & 31) + } else { + bitCount -= (uint)(8 * (len(b.b) - 4 - b.off)) + b.off = len(b.b) - 4 + bitStream = b.Uint32() >> (bitCount & 31) + } + } + s.symbolLen = charnum + if s.symbolLen <= 1 { + return fmt.Errorf("symbolLen (%d) too small", s.symbolLen) + } + if s.symbolLen > maxSymbolValue+1 { + return fmt.Errorf("symbolLen (%d) too big", s.symbolLen) + } + if remaining != 1 { + return fmt.Errorf("corruption detected (remaining %d != 1)", remaining) + } + if bitCount > 32 { + return fmt.Errorf("corruption detected (bitCount %d > 32)", bitCount) + } + if gotTotal != 1<> 3) + // println(s.norm[:s.symbolLen], s.symbolLen) + return s.buildDtable() +} + +// decSymbol contains information about a state entry, +// Including the state offset base, the output symbol and +// the number of bits to read for the low part of the destination state. +// Using a composite uint64 is faster than a struct with separate members. +type decSymbol uint64 + +func newDecSymbol(nbits, addBits uint8, newState uint16, baseline uint32) decSymbol { + return decSymbol(nbits) | (decSymbol(addBits) << 8) | (decSymbol(newState) << 16) | (decSymbol(baseline) << 32) +} + +func (d decSymbol) nbBits() uint8 { + return uint8(d) +} + +func (d decSymbol) addBits() uint8 { + return uint8(d >> 8) +} + +func (d decSymbol) newState() uint16 { + return uint16(d >> 16) +} + +func (d decSymbol) baseline() uint32 { + return uint32(d >> 32) +} + +func (d decSymbol) baselineInt() int { + return int(d >> 32) +} + +func (d *decSymbol) set(nbits, addBits uint8, newState uint16, baseline uint32) { + *d = decSymbol(nbits) | (decSymbol(addBits) << 8) | (decSymbol(newState) << 16) | (decSymbol(baseline) << 32) +} + +func (d *decSymbol) setNBits(nBits uint8) { + const mask = 0xffffffffffffff00 + *d = (*d & mask) | decSymbol(nBits) +} + +func (d *decSymbol) setAddBits(addBits uint8) { + const mask = 0xffffffffffff00ff + *d = (*d & mask) | (decSymbol(addBits) << 8) +} + +func (d *decSymbol) setNewState(state uint16) { + const mask = 0xffffffff0000ffff + *d = (*d & mask) | decSymbol(state)<<16 +} + +func (d *decSymbol) setBaseline(baseline uint32) { + const mask = 0xffffffff + *d = (*d & mask) | decSymbol(baseline)<<32 +} + +func (d *decSymbol) setExt(addBits uint8, baseline uint32) { + const mask = 0xffff00ff + *d = (*d & mask) | (decSymbol(addBits) << 8) | (decSymbol(baseline) << 32) +} + +// decSymbolValue returns the transformed decSymbol for the given symbol. +func decSymbolValue(symb uint8, t []baseOffset) (decSymbol, error) { + if int(symb) >= len(t) { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("rle symbol %d >= max %d", symb, len(t)) + } + lu := t[symb] + return newDecSymbol(0, lu.addBits, 0, lu.baseLine), nil +} + +// setRLE will set the decoder til RLE mode. +func (s *fseDecoder) setRLE(symbol decSymbol) { + s.actualTableLog = 0 + s.maxBits = symbol.addBits() + s.dt[0] = symbol +} + +// buildDtable will build the decoding table. +func (s *fseDecoder) buildDtable() error { + tableSize := uint32(1 << s.actualTableLog) + highThreshold := tableSize - 1 + symbolNext := s.stateTable[:256] + + // Init, lay down lowprob symbols + { + for i, v := range s.norm[:s.symbolLen] { + if v == -1 { + s.dt[highThreshold].setAddBits(uint8(i)) + highThreshold-- + symbolNext[i] = 1 + } else { + symbolNext[i] = uint16(v) + } + } + } + // Spread symbols + { + tableMask := tableSize - 1 + step := tableStep(tableSize) + position := uint32(0) + for ss, v := range s.norm[:s.symbolLen] { + for i := 0; i < int(v); i++ { + s.dt[position].setAddBits(uint8(ss)) + position = (position + step) & tableMask + for position > highThreshold { + // lowprob area + position = (position + step) & tableMask + } + } + } + if position != 0 { + // position must reach all cells once, otherwise normalizedCounter is incorrect + return errors.New("corrupted input (position != 0)") + } + } + + // Build Decoding table + { + tableSize := uint16(1 << s.actualTableLog) + for u, v := range s.dt[:tableSize] { + symbol := v.addBits() + nextState := symbolNext[symbol] + symbolNext[symbol] = nextState + 1 + nBits := s.actualTableLog - byte(highBits(uint32(nextState))) + s.dt[u&maxTableMask].setNBits(nBits) + newState := (nextState << nBits) - tableSize + if newState > tableSize { + return fmt.Errorf("newState (%d) outside table size (%d)", newState, tableSize) + } + if newState == uint16(u) && nBits == 0 { + // Seems weird that this is possible with nbits > 0. + return fmt.Errorf("newState (%d) == oldState (%d) and no bits", newState, u) + } + s.dt[u&maxTableMask].setNewState(newState) + } + } + return nil +} + +// transform will transform the decoder table into a table usable for +// decoding without having to apply the transformation while decoding. +// The state will contain the base value and the number of bits to read. +func (s *fseDecoder) transform(t []baseOffset) error { + tableSize := uint16(1 << s.actualTableLog) + s.maxBits = 0 + for i, v := range s.dt[:tableSize] { + add := v.addBits() + if int(add) >= len(t) { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid decoding table entry %d, symbol %d >= max (%d)", i, v.addBits(), len(t)) + } + lu := t[add] + if lu.addBits > s.maxBits { + s.maxBits = lu.addBits + } + v.setExt(lu.addBits, lu.baseLine) + s.dt[i] = v + } + return nil +} + +type fseState struct { + dt []decSymbol + state decSymbol +} + +// Initialize and decodeAsync first state and symbol. +func (s *fseState) init(br *bitReader, tableLog uint8, dt []decSymbol) { + s.dt = dt + br.fill() + s.state = dt[br.getBits(tableLog)] +} + +// next returns the current symbol and sets the next state. +// At least tablelog bits must be available in the bit reader. +func (s *fseState) next(br *bitReader) { + lowBits := uint16(br.getBits(s.state.nbBits())) + s.state = s.dt[s.state.newState()+lowBits] +} + +// finished returns true if all bits have been read from the bitstream +// and the next state would require reading bits from the input. +func (s *fseState) finished(br *bitReader) bool { + return br.finished() && s.state.nbBits() > 0 +} + +// final returns the current state symbol without decoding the next. +func (s *fseState) final() (int, uint8) { + return s.state.baselineInt(), s.state.addBits() +} + +// final returns the current state symbol without decoding the next. +func (s decSymbol) final() (int, uint8) { + return s.baselineInt(), s.addBits() +} + +// nextFast returns the next symbol and sets the next state. +// This can only be used if no symbols are 0 bits. +// At least tablelog bits must be available in the bit reader. +func (s *fseState) nextFast(br *bitReader) (uint32, uint8) { + lowBits := uint16(br.getBitsFast(s.state.nbBits())) + s.state = s.dt[s.state.newState()+lowBits] + return s.state.baseline(), s.state.addBits() +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/fse_encoder.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/fse_encoder.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b80709d5ea8 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/fse_encoder.go @@ -0,0 +1,726 @@ +// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + "math" +) + +const ( + // For encoding we only support up to + maxEncTableLog = 8 + maxEncTablesize = 1 << maxTableLog + maxEncTableMask = (1 << maxTableLog) - 1 + minEncTablelog = 5 + maxEncSymbolValue = maxMatchLengthSymbol +) + +// Scratch provides temporary storage for compression and decompression. +type fseEncoder struct { + symbolLen uint16 // Length of active part of the symbol table. + actualTableLog uint8 // Selected tablelog. + ct cTable // Compression tables. + maxCount int // count of the most probable symbol + zeroBits bool // no bits has prob > 50%. + clearCount bool // clear count + useRLE bool // This encoder is for RLE + preDefined bool // This encoder is predefined. + reUsed bool // Set to know when the encoder has been reused. + rleVal uint8 // RLE Symbol + maxBits uint8 // Maximum output bits after transform. + + // TODO: Technically zstd should be fine with 64 bytes. + count [256]uint32 + norm [256]int16 +} + +// cTable contains tables used for compression. +type cTable struct { + tableSymbol []byte + stateTable []uint16 + symbolTT []symbolTransform +} + +// symbolTransform contains the state transform for a symbol. +type symbolTransform struct { + deltaNbBits uint32 + deltaFindState int16 + outBits uint8 +} + +// String prints values as a human readable string. +func (s symbolTransform) String() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("{deltabits: %08x, findstate:%d outbits:%d}", s.deltaNbBits, s.deltaFindState, s.outBits) +} + +// Histogram allows to populate the histogram and skip that step in the compression, +// It otherwise allows to inspect the histogram when compression is done. +// To indicate that you have populated the histogram call HistogramFinished +// with the value of the highest populated symbol, as well as the number of entries +// in the most populated entry. These are accepted at face value. +// The returned slice will always be length 256. +func (s *fseEncoder) Histogram() []uint32 { + return s.count[:] +} + +// HistogramFinished can be called to indicate that the histogram has been populated. +// maxSymbol is the index of the highest set symbol of the next data segment. +// maxCount is the number of entries in the most populated entry. +// These are accepted at face value. +func (s *fseEncoder) HistogramFinished(maxSymbol uint8, maxCount int) { + s.maxCount = maxCount + s.symbolLen = uint16(maxSymbol) + 1 + s.clearCount = maxCount != 0 +} + +// prepare will prepare and allocate scratch tables used for both compression and decompression. +func (s *fseEncoder) prepare() (*fseEncoder, error) { + if s == nil { + s = &fseEncoder{} + } + s.useRLE = false + if s.clearCount && s.maxCount == 0 { + for i := range s.count { + s.count[i] = 0 + } + s.clearCount = false + } + return s, nil +} + +// allocCtable will allocate tables needed for compression. +// If existing tables a re big enough, they are simply re-used. +func (s *fseEncoder) allocCtable() { + tableSize := 1 << s.actualTableLog + // get tableSymbol that is big enough. + if cap(s.ct.tableSymbol) < tableSize { + s.ct.tableSymbol = make([]byte, tableSize) + } + s.ct.tableSymbol = s.ct.tableSymbol[:tableSize] + + ctSize := tableSize + if cap(s.ct.stateTable) < ctSize { + s.ct.stateTable = make([]uint16, ctSize) + } + s.ct.stateTable = s.ct.stateTable[:ctSize] + + if cap(s.ct.symbolTT) < 256 { + s.ct.symbolTT = make([]symbolTransform, 256) + } + s.ct.symbolTT = s.ct.symbolTT[:256] +} + +// buildCTable will populate the compression table so it is ready to be used. +func (s *fseEncoder) buildCTable() error { + tableSize := uint32(1 << s.actualTableLog) + highThreshold := tableSize - 1 + var cumul [256]int16 + + s.allocCtable() + tableSymbol := s.ct.tableSymbol[:tableSize] + // symbol start positions + { + cumul[0] = 0 + for ui, v := range s.norm[:s.symbolLen-1] { + u := byte(ui) // one less than reference + if v == -1 { + // Low proba symbol + cumul[u+1] = cumul[u] + 1 + tableSymbol[highThreshold] = u + highThreshold-- + } else { + cumul[u+1] = cumul[u] + v + } + } + // Encode last symbol separately to avoid overflowing u + u := int(s.symbolLen - 1) + v := s.norm[s.symbolLen-1] + if v == -1 { + // Low proba symbol + cumul[u+1] = cumul[u] + 1 + tableSymbol[highThreshold] = byte(u) + highThreshold-- + } else { + cumul[u+1] = cumul[u] + v + } + if uint32(cumul[s.symbolLen]) != tableSize { + return fmt.Errorf("internal error: expected cumul[s.symbolLen] (%d) == tableSize (%d)", cumul[s.symbolLen], tableSize) + } + cumul[s.symbolLen] = int16(tableSize) + 1 + } + // Spread symbols + s.zeroBits = false + { + step := tableStep(tableSize) + tableMask := tableSize - 1 + var position uint32 + // if any symbol > largeLimit, we may have 0 bits output. + largeLimit := int16(1 << (s.actualTableLog - 1)) + for ui, v := range s.norm[:s.symbolLen] { + symbol := byte(ui) + if v > largeLimit { + s.zeroBits = true + } + for nbOccurrences := int16(0); nbOccurrences < v; nbOccurrences++ { + tableSymbol[position] = symbol + position = (position + step) & tableMask + for position > highThreshold { + position = (position + step) & tableMask + } /* Low proba area */ + } + } + + // Check if we have gone through all positions + if position != 0 { + return errors.New("position!=0") + } + } + + // Build table + table := s.ct.stateTable + { + tsi := int(tableSize) + for u, v := range tableSymbol { + // TableU16 : sorted by symbol order; gives next state value + table[cumul[v]] = uint16(tsi + u) + cumul[v]++ + } + } + + // Build Symbol Transformation Table + { + total := int16(0) + symbolTT := s.ct.symbolTT[:s.symbolLen] + tableLog := s.actualTableLog + tl := (uint32(tableLog) << 16) - (1 << tableLog) + for i, v := range s.norm[:s.symbolLen] { + switch v { + case 0: + case -1, 1: + symbolTT[i].deltaNbBits = tl + symbolTT[i].deltaFindState = total - 1 + total++ + default: + maxBitsOut := uint32(tableLog) - highBit(uint32(v-1)) + minStatePlus := uint32(v) << maxBitsOut + symbolTT[i].deltaNbBits = (maxBitsOut << 16) - minStatePlus + symbolTT[i].deltaFindState = total - v + total += v + } + } + if total != int16(tableSize) { + return fmt.Errorf("total mismatch %d (got) != %d (want)", total, tableSize) + } + } + return nil +} + +var rtbTable = [...]uint32{0, 473195, 504333, 520860, 550000, 700000, 750000, 830000} + +func (s *fseEncoder) setRLE(val byte) { + s.allocCtable() + s.actualTableLog = 0 + s.ct.stateTable = s.ct.stateTable[:1] + s.ct.symbolTT[val] = symbolTransform{ + deltaFindState: 0, + deltaNbBits: 0, + } + if debug { + println("setRLE: val", val, "symbolTT", s.ct.symbolTT[val]) + } + s.rleVal = val + s.useRLE = true +} + +// setBits will set output bits for the transform. +// if nil is provided, the number of bits is equal to the index. +func (s *fseEncoder) setBits(transform []byte) { + if s.reUsed || s.preDefined { + return + } + if s.useRLE { + if transform == nil { + s.ct.symbolTT[s.rleVal].outBits = s.rleVal + s.maxBits = s.rleVal + return + } + s.maxBits = transform[s.rleVal] + s.ct.symbolTT[s.rleVal].outBits = s.maxBits + return + } + if transform == nil { + for i := range s.ct.symbolTT[:s.symbolLen] { + s.ct.symbolTT[i].outBits = uint8(i) + } + s.maxBits = uint8(s.symbolLen - 1) + return + } + s.maxBits = 0 + for i, v := range transform[:s.symbolLen] { + s.ct.symbolTT[i].outBits = v + if v > s.maxBits { + // We could assume bits always going up, but we play safe. + s.maxBits = v + } + } +} + +// normalizeCount will normalize the count of the symbols so +// the total is equal to the table size. +// If successful, compression tables will also be made ready. +func (s *fseEncoder) normalizeCount(length int) error { + if s.reUsed { + return nil + } + s.optimalTableLog(length) + var ( + tableLog = s.actualTableLog + scale = 62 - uint64(tableLog) + step = (1 << 62) / uint64(length) + vStep = uint64(1) << (scale - 20) + stillToDistribute = int16(1 << tableLog) + largest int + largestP int16 + lowThreshold = (uint32)(length >> tableLog) + ) + if s.maxCount == length { + s.useRLE = true + return nil + } + s.useRLE = false + for i, cnt := range s.count[:s.symbolLen] { + // already handled + // if (count[s] == s.length) return 0; /* rle special case */ + + if cnt == 0 { + s.norm[i] = 0 + continue + } + if cnt <= lowThreshold { + s.norm[i] = -1 + stillToDistribute-- + } else { + proba := (int16)((uint64(cnt) * step) >> scale) + if proba < 8 { + restToBeat := vStep * uint64(rtbTable[proba]) + v := uint64(cnt)*step - (uint64(proba) << scale) + if v > restToBeat { + proba++ + } + } + if proba > largestP { + largestP = proba + largest = i + } + s.norm[i] = proba + stillToDistribute -= proba + } + } + + if -stillToDistribute >= (s.norm[largest] >> 1) { + // corner case, need another normalization method + err := s.normalizeCount2(length) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if debugAsserts { + err = s.validateNorm() + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + return s.buildCTable() + } + s.norm[largest] += stillToDistribute + if debugAsserts { + err := s.validateNorm() + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + return s.buildCTable() +} + +// Secondary normalization method. +// To be used when primary method fails. +func (s *fseEncoder) normalizeCount2(length int) error { + const notYetAssigned = -2 + var ( + distributed uint32 + total = uint32(length) + tableLog = s.actualTableLog + lowThreshold = total >> tableLog + lowOne = (total * 3) >> (tableLog + 1) + ) + for i, cnt := range s.count[:s.symbolLen] { + if cnt == 0 { + s.norm[i] = 0 + continue + } + if cnt <= lowThreshold { + s.norm[i] = -1 + distributed++ + total -= cnt + continue + } + if cnt <= lowOne { + s.norm[i] = 1 + distributed++ + total -= cnt + continue + } + s.norm[i] = notYetAssigned + } + toDistribute := (1 << tableLog) - distributed + + if (total / toDistribute) > lowOne { + // risk of rounding to zero + lowOne = (total * 3) / (toDistribute * 2) + for i, cnt := range s.count[:s.symbolLen] { + if (s.norm[i] == notYetAssigned) && (cnt <= lowOne) { + s.norm[i] = 1 + distributed++ + total -= cnt + continue + } + } + toDistribute = (1 << tableLog) - distributed + } + if distributed == uint32(s.symbolLen)+1 { + // all values are pretty poor; + // probably incompressible data (should have already been detected); + // find max, then give all remaining points to max + var maxV int + var maxC uint32 + for i, cnt := range s.count[:s.symbolLen] { + if cnt > maxC { + maxV = i + maxC = cnt + } + } + s.norm[maxV] += int16(toDistribute) + return nil + } + + if total == 0 { + // all of the symbols were low enough for the lowOne or lowThreshold + for i := uint32(0); toDistribute > 0; i = (i + 1) % (uint32(s.symbolLen)) { + if s.norm[i] > 0 { + toDistribute-- + s.norm[i]++ + } + } + return nil + } + + var ( + vStepLog = 62 - uint64(tableLog) + mid = uint64((1 << (vStepLog - 1)) - 1) + rStep = (((1 << vStepLog) * uint64(toDistribute)) + mid) / uint64(total) // scale on remaining + tmpTotal = mid + ) + for i, cnt := range s.count[:s.symbolLen] { + if s.norm[i] == notYetAssigned { + var ( + end = tmpTotal + uint64(cnt)*rStep + sStart = uint32(tmpTotal >> vStepLog) + sEnd = uint32(end >> vStepLog) + weight = sEnd - sStart + ) + if weight < 1 { + return errors.New("weight < 1") + } + s.norm[i] = int16(weight) + tmpTotal = end + } + } + return nil +} + +// optimalTableLog calculates and sets the optimal tableLog in s.actualTableLog +func (s *fseEncoder) optimalTableLog(length int) { + tableLog := uint8(maxEncTableLog) + minBitsSrc := highBit(uint32(length)) + 1 + minBitsSymbols := highBit(uint32(s.symbolLen-1)) + 2 + minBits := uint8(minBitsSymbols) + if minBitsSrc < minBitsSymbols { + minBits = uint8(minBitsSrc) + } + + maxBitsSrc := uint8(highBit(uint32(length-1))) - 2 + if maxBitsSrc < tableLog { + // Accuracy can be reduced + tableLog = maxBitsSrc + } + if minBits > tableLog { + tableLog = minBits + } + // Need a minimum to safely represent all symbol values + if tableLog < minEncTablelog { + tableLog = minEncTablelog + } + if tableLog > maxEncTableLog { + tableLog = maxEncTableLog + } + s.actualTableLog = tableLog +} + +// validateNorm validates the normalized histogram table. +func (s *fseEncoder) validateNorm() (err error) { + var total int + for _, v := range s.norm[:s.symbolLen] { + if v >= 0 { + total += int(v) + } else { + total -= int(v) + } + } + defer func() { + if err == nil { + return + } + fmt.Printf("selected TableLog: %d, Symbol length: %d\n", s.actualTableLog, s.symbolLen) + for i, v := range s.norm[:s.symbolLen] { + fmt.Printf("%3d: %5d -> %4d \n", i, s.count[i], v) + } + }() + if total != (1 << s.actualTableLog) { + return fmt.Errorf("warning: Total == %d != %d", total, 1<> 3) + 3 + 2 + + // Write Table Size + bitStream = uint32(tableLog - minEncTablelog) + bitCount = uint(4) + remaining = int16(tableSize + 1) /* +1 for extra accuracy */ + threshold = int16(tableSize) + nbBits = uint(tableLog + 1) + outP = len(out) + ) + if cap(out) < outP+maxHeaderSize { + out = append(out, make([]byte, maxHeaderSize*3)...) + out = out[:len(out)-maxHeaderSize*3] + } + out = out[:outP+maxHeaderSize] + + // stops at 1 + for remaining > 1 { + if previous0 { + start := charnum + for s.norm[charnum] == 0 { + charnum++ + } + for charnum >= start+24 { + start += 24 + bitStream += uint32(0xFFFF) << bitCount + out[outP] = byte(bitStream) + out[outP+1] = byte(bitStream >> 8) + outP += 2 + bitStream >>= 16 + } + for charnum >= start+3 { + start += 3 + bitStream += 3 << bitCount + bitCount += 2 + } + bitStream += uint32(charnum-start) << bitCount + bitCount += 2 + if bitCount > 16 { + out[outP] = byte(bitStream) + out[outP+1] = byte(bitStream >> 8) + outP += 2 + bitStream >>= 16 + bitCount -= 16 + } + } + + count := s.norm[charnum] + charnum++ + max := (2*threshold - 1) - remaining + if count < 0 { + remaining += count + } else { + remaining -= count + } + count++ // +1 for extra accuracy + if count >= threshold { + count += max // [0..max[ [max..threshold[ (...) [threshold+max 2*threshold[ + } + bitStream += uint32(count) << bitCount + bitCount += nbBits + if count < max { + bitCount-- + } + + previous0 = count == 1 + if remaining < 1 { + return nil, errors.New("internal error: remaining < 1") + } + for remaining < threshold { + nbBits-- + threshold >>= 1 + } + + if bitCount > 16 { + out[outP] = byte(bitStream) + out[outP+1] = byte(bitStream >> 8) + outP += 2 + bitStream >>= 16 + bitCount -= 16 + } + } + + if outP+2 > len(out) { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("internal error: %d > %d, maxheader: %d, sl: %d, tl: %d, normcount: %v", outP+2, len(out), maxHeaderSize, s.symbolLen, int(tableLog), s.norm[:s.symbolLen]) + } + out[outP] = byte(bitStream) + out[outP+1] = byte(bitStream >> 8) + outP += int((bitCount + 7) / 8) + + if charnum > s.symbolLen { + return nil, errors.New("internal error: charnum > s.symbolLen") + } + return out[:outP], nil +} + +// Approximate symbol cost, as fractional value, using fixed-point format (accuracyLog fractional bits) +// note 1 : assume symbolValue is valid (<= maxSymbolValue) +// note 2 : if freq[symbolValue]==0, @return a fake cost of tableLog+1 bits * +func (s *fseEncoder) bitCost(symbolValue uint8, accuracyLog uint32) uint32 { + minNbBits := s.ct.symbolTT[symbolValue].deltaNbBits >> 16 + threshold := (minNbBits + 1) << 16 + if debugAsserts { + if !(s.actualTableLog < 16) { + panic("!s.actualTableLog < 16") + } + // ensure enough room for renormalization double shift + if !(uint8(accuracyLog) < 31-s.actualTableLog) { + panic("!uint8(accuracyLog) < 31-s.actualTableLog") + } + } + tableSize := uint32(1) << s.actualTableLog + deltaFromThreshold := threshold - (s.ct.symbolTT[symbolValue].deltaNbBits + tableSize) + // linear interpolation (very approximate) + normalizedDeltaFromThreshold := (deltaFromThreshold << accuracyLog) >> s.actualTableLog + bitMultiplier := uint32(1) << accuracyLog + if debugAsserts { + if s.ct.symbolTT[symbolValue].deltaNbBits+tableSize > threshold { + panic("s.ct.symbolTT[symbolValue].deltaNbBits+tableSize > threshold") + } + if normalizedDeltaFromThreshold > bitMultiplier { + panic("normalizedDeltaFromThreshold > bitMultiplier") + } + } + return (minNbBits+1)*bitMultiplier - normalizedDeltaFromThreshold +} + +// Returns the cost in bits of encoding the distribution in count using ctable. +// Histogram should only be up to the last non-zero symbol. +// Returns an -1 if ctable cannot represent all the symbols in count. +func (s *fseEncoder) approxSize(hist []uint32) uint32 { + if int(s.symbolLen) < len(hist) { + // More symbols than we have. + return math.MaxUint32 + } + if s.useRLE { + // We will never reuse RLE encoders. + return math.MaxUint32 + } + const kAccuracyLog = 8 + badCost := (uint32(s.actualTableLog) + 1) << kAccuracyLog + var cost uint32 + for i, v := range hist { + if v == 0 { + continue + } + if s.norm[i] == 0 { + return math.MaxUint32 + } + bitCost := s.bitCost(uint8(i), kAccuracyLog) + if bitCost > badCost { + return math.MaxUint32 + } + cost += v * bitCost + } + return cost >> kAccuracyLog +} + +// maxHeaderSize returns the maximum header size in bits. +// This is not exact size, but we want a penalty for new tables anyway. +func (s *fseEncoder) maxHeaderSize() uint32 { + if s.preDefined { + return 0 + } + if s.useRLE { + return 8 + } + return (((uint32(s.symbolLen) * uint32(s.actualTableLog)) >> 3) + 3) * 8 +} + +// cState contains the compression state of a stream. +type cState struct { + bw *bitWriter + stateTable []uint16 + state uint16 +} + +// init will initialize the compression state to the first symbol of the stream. +func (c *cState) init(bw *bitWriter, ct *cTable, first symbolTransform) { + c.bw = bw + c.stateTable = ct.stateTable + if len(c.stateTable) == 1 { + // RLE + c.stateTable[0] = uint16(0) + c.state = 0 + return + } + nbBitsOut := (first.deltaNbBits + (1 << 15)) >> 16 + im := int32((nbBitsOut << 16) - first.deltaNbBits) + lu := (im >> nbBitsOut) + int32(first.deltaFindState) + c.state = c.stateTable[lu] + return +} + +// encode the output symbol provided and write it to the bitstream. +func (c *cState) encode(symbolTT symbolTransform) { + nbBitsOut := (uint32(c.state) + symbolTT.deltaNbBits) >> 16 + dstState := int32(c.state>>(nbBitsOut&15)) + int32(symbolTT.deltaFindState) + c.bw.addBits16NC(c.state, uint8(nbBitsOut)) + c.state = c.stateTable[dstState] +} + +// flush will write the tablelog to the output and flush the remaining full bytes. +func (c *cState) flush(tableLog uint8) { + c.bw.flush32() + c.bw.addBits16NC(c.state, tableLog) +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/fse_predefined.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/fse_predefined.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6c17dc17f4f --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/fse_predefined.go @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +import ( + "fmt" + "math" + "sync" +) + +var ( + // fsePredef are the predefined fse tables as defined here: + // https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/dev/doc/zstd_compression_format.md#default-distributions + // These values are already transformed. + fsePredef [3]fseDecoder + + // fsePredefEnc are the predefined encoder based on fse tables as defined here: + // https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/dev/doc/zstd_compression_format.md#default-distributions + // These values are already transformed. + fsePredefEnc [3]fseEncoder + + // symbolTableX contain the transformations needed for each type as defined in + // https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/dev/doc/zstd_compression_format.md#the-codes-for-literals-lengths-match-lengths-and-offsets + symbolTableX [3][]baseOffset + + // maxTableSymbol is the biggest supported symbol for each table type + // https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/dev/doc/zstd_compression_format.md#the-codes-for-literals-lengths-match-lengths-and-offsets + maxTableSymbol = [3]uint8{tableLiteralLengths: maxLiteralLengthSymbol, tableOffsets: maxOffsetLengthSymbol, tableMatchLengths: maxMatchLengthSymbol} + + // bitTables is the bits table for each table. + bitTables = [3][]byte{tableLiteralLengths: llBitsTable[:], tableOffsets: nil, tableMatchLengths: mlBitsTable[:]} +) + +type tableIndex uint8 + +const ( + // indexes for fsePredef and symbolTableX + tableLiteralLengths tableIndex = 0 + tableOffsets tableIndex = 1 + tableMatchLengths tableIndex = 2 + + maxLiteralLengthSymbol = 35 + maxOffsetLengthSymbol = 30 + maxMatchLengthSymbol = 52 +) + +// baseOffset is used for calculating transformations. +type baseOffset struct { + baseLine uint32 + addBits uint8 +} + +// fillBase will precalculate base offsets with the given bit distributions. +func fillBase(dst []baseOffset, base uint32, bits ...uint8) { + if len(bits) != len(dst) { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("len(dst) (%d) != len(bits) (%d)", len(dst), len(bits))) + } + for i, bit := range bits { + if base > math.MaxInt32 { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid decoding table, base overflows int32")) + } + + dst[i] = baseOffset{ + baseLine: base, + addBits: bit, + } + base += 1 << bit + } +} + +var predef sync.Once + +func initPredefined() { + predef.Do(func() { + // Literals length codes + tmp := make([]baseOffset, 36) + for i := range tmp[:16] { + tmp[i] = baseOffset{ + baseLine: uint32(i), + addBits: 0, + } + } + fillBase(tmp[16:], 16, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) + symbolTableX[tableLiteralLengths] = tmp + + // Match length codes + tmp = make([]baseOffset, 53) + for i := range tmp[:32] { + tmp[i] = baseOffset{ + // The transformation adds the 3 length. + baseLine: uint32(i) + 3, + addBits: 0, + } + } + fillBase(tmp[32:], 35, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) + symbolTableX[tableMatchLengths] = tmp + + // Offset codes + tmp = make([]baseOffset, maxOffsetBits+1) + tmp[1] = baseOffset{ + baseLine: 1, + addBits: 1, + } + fillBase(tmp[2:], 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30) + symbolTableX[tableOffsets] = tmp + + // Fill predefined tables and transform them. + // https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/dev/doc/zstd_compression_format.md#default-distributions + for i := range fsePredef[:] { + f := &fsePredef[i] + switch tableIndex(i) { + case tableLiteralLengths: + // https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/ededcfca57366461021c922720878c81a5854a0a/lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c#L243 + f.actualTableLog = 6 + copy(f.norm[:], []int16{4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, + 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + -1, -1, -1, -1}) + f.symbolLen = 36 + case tableOffsets: + // https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/ededcfca57366461021c922720878c81a5854a0a/lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c#L281 + f.actualTableLog = 5 + copy(f.norm[:], []int16{ + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}) + f.symbolLen = 29 + case tableMatchLengths: + //https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/ededcfca57366461021c922720878c81a5854a0a/lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c#L304 + f.actualTableLog = 6 + copy(f.norm[:], []int16{ + 1, 4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, + -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}) + f.symbolLen = 53 + } + if err := f.buildDtable(); err != nil { + panic(fmt.Errorf("building table %v: %v", tableIndex(i), err)) + } + if err := f.transform(symbolTableX[i]); err != nil { + panic(fmt.Errorf("building table %v: %v", tableIndex(i), err)) + } + f.preDefined = true + + // Create encoder as well + enc := &fsePredefEnc[i] + copy(enc.norm[:], f.norm[:]) + enc.symbolLen = f.symbolLen + enc.actualTableLog = f.actualTableLog + if err := enc.buildCTable(); err != nil { + panic(fmt.Errorf("building encoding table %v: %v", tableIndex(i), err)) + } + enc.setBits(bitTables[i]) + enc.preDefined = true + } + }) +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/hash.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/hash.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4a752067fc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/hash.go @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +const ( + prime3bytes = 506832829 + prime4bytes = 2654435761 + prime5bytes = 889523592379 + prime6bytes = 227718039650203 + prime7bytes = 58295818150454627 + prime8bytes = 0xcf1bbcdcb7a56463 +) + +// hashLen returns a hash of the lowest l bytes of u for a size size of h bytes. +// l must be >=4 and <=8. Any other value will return hash for 4 bytes. +// h should always be <32. +// Preferably h and l should be a constant. +// FIXME: This does NOT get resolved, if 'mls' is constant, +// so this cannot be used. +func hashLen(u uint64, hashLog, mls uint8) uint32 { + switch mls { + case 5: + return hash5(u, hashLog) + case 6: + return hash6(u, hashLog) + case 7: + return hash7(u, hashLog) + case 8: + return hash8(u, hashLog) + default: + return hash4x64(u, hashLog) + } +} + +// hash3 returns the hash of the lower 3 bytes of u to fit in a hash table with h bits. +// Preferably h should be a constant and should always be <32. +func hash3(u uint32, h uint8) uint32 { + return ((u << (32 - 24)) * prime3bytes) >> ((32 - h) & 31) +} + +// hash4 returns the hash of u to fit in a hash table with h bits. +// Preferably h should be a constant and should always be <32. +func hash4(u uint32, h uint8) uint32 { + return (u * prime4bytes) >> ((32 - h) & 31) +} + +// hash4x64 returns the hash of the lowest 4 bytes of u to fit in a hash table with h bits. +// Preferably h should be a constant and should always be <32. +func hash4x64(u uint64, h uint8) uint32 { + return (uint32(u) * prime4bytes) >> ((32 - h) & 31) +} + +// hash5 returns the hash of the lowest 5 bytes of u to fit in a hash table with h bits. +// Preferably h should be a constant and should always be <64. +func hash5(u uint64, h uint8) uint32 { + return uint32(((u << (64 - 40)) * prime5bytes) >> ((64 - h) & 63)) +} + +// hash6 returns the hash of the lowest 6 bytes of u to fit in a hash table with h bits. +// Preferably h should be a constant and should always be <64. +func hash6(u uint64, h uint8) uint32 { + return uint32(((u << (64 - 48)) * prime6bytes) >> ((64 - h) & 63)) +} + +// hash7 returns the hash of the lowest 7 bytes of u to fit in a hash table with h bits. +// Preferably h should be a constant and should always be <64. +func hash7(u uint64, h uint8) uint32 { + return uint32(((u << (64 - 56)) * prime7bytes) >> ((64 - h) & 63)) +} + +// hash8 returns the hash of u to fit in a hash table with h bits. +// Preferably h should be a constant and should always be <64. +func hash8(u uint64, h uint8) uint32 { + return uint32((u * prime8bytes) >> ((64 - h) & 63)) +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/history.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/history.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f783e32d251 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/history.go @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +import ( + "github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0" +) + +// history contains the information transferred between blocks. +type history struct { + b []byte + huffTree *huff0.Scratch + recentOffsets [3]int + decoders sequenceDecs + windowSize int + maxSize int + error bool + dict *dict +} + +// reset will reset the history to initial state of a frame. +// The history must already have been initialized to the desired size. +func (h *history) reset() { + h.b = h.b[:0] + h.error = false + h.recentOffsets = [3]int{1, 4, 8} + if f := h.decoders.litLengths.fse; f != nil && !f.preDefined { + fseDecoderPool.Put(f) + } + if f := h.decoders.offsets.fse; f != nil && !f.preDefined { + fseDecoderPool.Put(f) + } + if f := h.decoders.matchLengths.fse; f != nil && !f.preDefined { + fseDecoderPool.Put(f) + } + h.decoders = sequenceDecs{} + if h.huffTree != nil { + if h.dict == nil || h.dict.litEnc != h.huffTree { + huffDecoderPool.Put(h.huffTree) + } + } + h.huffTree = nil + h.dict = nil + //printf("history created: %+v (l: %d, c: %d)", *h, len(h.b), cap(h.b)) +} + +func (h *history) setDict(dict *dict) { + if dict == nil { + return + } + h.dict = dict + h.decoders.litLengths = dict.llDec + h.decoders.offsets = dict.ofDec + h.decoders.matchLengths = dict.mlDec + h.recentOffsets = dict.offsets + h.huffTree = dict.litEnc +} + +// append bytes to history. +// This function will make sure there is space for it, +// if the buffer has been allocated with enough extra space. +func (h *history) append(b []byte) { + if len(b) >= h.windowSize { + // Discard all history by simply overwriting + h.b = h.b[:h.windowSize] + copy(h.b, b[len(b)-h.windowSize:]) + return + } + + // If there is space, append it. + if len(b) < cap(h.b)-len(h.b) { + h.b = append(h.b, b...) + return + } + + // Move data down so we only have window size left. + // We know we have less than window size in b at this point. + discard := len(b) + len(h.b) - h.windowSize + copy(h.b, h.b[discard:]) + h.b = h.b[:h.windowSize] + copy(h.b[h.windowSize-len(b):], b) +} + +// append bytes to history without ever discarding anything. +func (h *history) appendKeep(b []byte) { + h.b = append(h.b, b...) +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash/LICENSE.txt b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash/LICENSE.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..24b53065f40 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash/LICENSE.txt @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +Copyright (c) 2016 Caleb Spare + +MIT License + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE +LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION +OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION +WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash/README.md b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..69aa3bb587c --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +# xxhash + +VENDORED: Go to [github.com/cespare/xxhash](https://github.com/cespare/xxhash) for original package. + + +[![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/cespare/xxhash?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/cespare/xxhash) +[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/cespare/xxhash.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/cespare/xxhash) + +xxhash is a Go implementation of the 64-bit +[xxHash](http://cyan4973.github.io/xxHash/) algorithm, XXH64. This is a +high-quality hashing algorithm that is much faster than anything in the Go +standard library. + +This package provides a straightforward API: + +``` +func Sum64(b []byte) uint64 +func Sum64String(s string) uint64 +type Digest struct{ ... } + func New() *Digest +``` + +The `Digest` type implements hash.Hash64. Its key methods are: + +``` +func (*Digest) Write([]byte) (int, error) +func (*Digest) WriteString(string) (int, error) +func (*Digest) Sum64() uint64 +``` + +This implementation provides a fast pure-Go implementation and an even faster +assembly implementation for amd64. + +## Benchmarks + +Here are some quick benchmarks comparing the pure-Go and assembly +implementations of Sum64. + +| input size | purego | asm | +| --- | --- | --- | +| 5 B | 979.66 MB/s | 1291.17 MB/s | +| 100 B | 7475.26 MB/s | 7973.40 MB/s | +| 4 KB | 17573.46 MB/s | 17602.65 MB/s | +| 10 MB | 17131.46 MB/s | 17142.16 MB/s | + +These numbers were generated on Ubuntu 18.04 with an Intel i7-8700K CPU using +the following commands under Go 1.11.2: + +``` +$ go test -tags purego -benchtime 10s -bench '/xxhash,direct,bytes' +$ go test -benchtime 10s -bench '/xxhash,direct,bytes' +``` + +## Projects using this package + +- [InfluxDB](https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb) +- [Prometheus](https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus) +- [FreeCache](https://github.com/coocood/freecache) diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash/xxhash.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash/xxhash.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..426b9cac786 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash/xxhash.go @@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ +// Package xxhash implements the 64-bit variant of xxHash (XXH64) as described +// at http://cyan4973.github.io/xxHash/. +// THIS IS VENDORED: Go to github.com/cespare/xxhash for original package. + +package xxhash + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "errors" + "math/bits" +) + +const ( + prime1 uint64 = 11400714785074694791 + prime2 uint64 = 14029467366897019727 + prime3 uint64 = 1609587929392839161 + prime4 uint64 = 9650029242287828579 + prime5 uint64 = 2870177450012600261 +) + +// NOTE(caleb): I'm using both consts and vars of the primes. Using consts where +// possible in the Go code is worth a small (but measurable) performance boost +// by avoiding some MOVQs. Vars are needed for the asm and also are useful for +// convenience in the Go code in a few places where we need to intentionally +// avoid constant arithmetic (e.g., v1 := prime1 + prime2 fails because the +// result overflows a uint64). +var ( + prime1v = prime1 + prime2v = prime2 + prime3v = prime3 + prime4v = prime4 + prime5v = prime5 +) + +// Digest implements hash.Hash64. +type Digest struct { + v1 uint64 + v2 uint64 + v3 uint64 + v4 uint64 + total uint64 + mem [32]byte + n int // how much of mem is used +} + +// New creates a new Digest that computes the 64-bit xxHash algorithm. +func New() *Digest { + var d Digest + d.Reset() + return &d +} + +// Reset clears the Digest's state so that it can be reused. +func (d *Digest) Reset() { + d.v1 = prime1v + prime2 + d.v2 = prime2 + d.v3 = 0 + d.v4 = -prime1v + d.total = 0 + d.n = 0 +} + +// Size always returns 8 bytes. +func (d *Digest) Size() int { return 8 } + +// BlockSize always returns 32 bytes. +func (d *Digest) BlockSize() int { return 32 } + +// Write adds more data to d. It always returns len(b), nil. +func (d *Digest) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) { + n = len(b) + d.total += uint64(n) + + if d.n+n < 32 { + // This new data doesn't even fill the current block. + copy(d.mem[d.n:], b) + d.n += n + return + } + + if d.n > 0 { + // Finish off the partial block. + copy(d.mem[d.n:], b) + d.v1 = round(d.v1, u64(d.mem[0:8])) + d.v2 = round(d.v2, u64(d.mem[8:16])) + d.v3 = round(d.v3, u64(d.mem[16:24])) + d.v4 = round(d.v4, u64(d.mem[24:32])) + b = b[32-d.n:] + d.n = 0 + } + + if len(b) >= 32 { + // One or more full blocks left. + nw := writeBlocks(d, b) + b = b[nw:] + } + + // Store any remaining partial block. + copy(d.mem[:], b) + d.n = len(b) + + return +} + +// Sum appends the current hash to b and returns the resulting slice. +func (d *Digest) Sum(b []byte) []byte { + s := d.Sum64() + return append( + b, + byte(s>>56), + byte(s>>48), + byte(s>>40), + byte(s>>32), + byte(s>>24), + byte(s>>16), + byte(s>>8), + byte(s), + ) +} + +// Sum64 returns the current hash. +func (d *Digest) Sum64() uint64 { + var h uint64 + + if d.total >= 32 { + v1, v2, v3, v4 := d.v1, d.v2, d.v3, d.v4 + h = rol1(v1) + rol7(v2) + rol12(v3) + rol18(v4) + h = mergeRound(h, v1) + h = mergeRound(h, v2) + h = mergeRound(h, v3) + h = mergeRound(h, v4) + } else { + h = d.v3 + prime5 + } + + h += d.total + + i, end := 0, d.n + for ; i+8 <= end; i += 8 { + k1 := round(0, u64(d.mem[i:i+8])) + h ^= k1 + h = rol27(h)*prime1 + prime4 + } + if i+4 <= end { + h ^= uint64(u32(d.mem[i:i+4])) * prime1 + h = rol23(h)*prime2 + prime3 + i += 4 + } + for i < end { + h ^= uint64(d.mem[i]) * prime5 + h = rol11(h) * prime1 + i++ + } + + h ^= h >> 33 + h *= prime2 + h ^= h >> 29 + h *= prime3 + h ^= h >> 32 + + return h +} + +const ( + magic = "xxh\x06" + marshaledSize = len(magic) + 8*5 + 32 +) + +// MarshalBinary implements the encoding.BinaryMarshaler interface. +func (d *Digest) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) { + b := make([]byte, 0, marshaledSize) + b = append(b, magic...) + b = appendUint64(b, d.v1) + b = appendUint64(b, d.v2) + b = appendUint64(b, d.v3) + b = appendUint64(b, d.v4) + b = appendUint64(b, d.total) + b = append(b, d.mem[:d.n]...) + b = b[:len(b)+len(d.mem)-d.n] + return b, nil +} + +// UnmarshalBinary implements the encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler interface. +func (d *Digest) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error { + if len(b) < len(magic) || string(b[:len(magic)]) != magic { + return errors.New("xxhash: invalid hash state identifier") + } + if len(b) != marshaledSize { + return errors.New("xxhash: invalid hash state size") + } + b = b[len(magic):] + b, d.v1 = consumeUint64(b) + b, d.v2 = consumeUint64(b) + b, d.v3 = consumeUint64(b) + b, d.v4 = consumeUint64(b) + b, d.total = consumeUint64(b) + copy(d.mem[:], b) + b = b[len(d.mem):] + d.n = int(d.total % uint64(len(d.mem))) + return nil +} + +func appendUint64(b []byte, x uint64) []byte { + var a [8]byte + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(a[:], x) + return append(b, a[:]...) +} + +func consumeUint64(b []byte) ([]byte, uint64) { + x := u64(b) + return b[8:], x +} + +func u64(b []byte) uint64 { return binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b) } +func u32(b []byte) uint32 { return binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b) } + +func round(acc, input uint64) uint64 { + acc += input * prime2 + acc = rol31(acc) + acc *= prime1 + return acc +} + +func mergeRound(acc, val uint64) uint64 { + val = round(0, val) + acc ^= val + acc = acc*prime1 + prime4 + return acc +} + +func rol1(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 1) } +func rol7(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 7) } +func rol11(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 11) } +func rol12(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 12) } +func rol18(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 18) } +func rol23(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 23) } +func rol27(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 27) } +func rol31(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 31) } diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash/xxhash_amd64.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash/xxhash_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..35318d7c46c --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash/xxhash_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +// +build !appengine +// +build gc +// +build !purego + +package xxhash + +// Sum64 computes the 64-bit xxHash digest of b. +// +//go:noescape +func Sum64(b []byte) uint64 + +//go:noescape +func writeBlocks(*Digest, []byte) int diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash/xxhash_amd64.s b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash/xxhash_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2c9c5357a14 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash/xxhash_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +// +build !appengine +// +build gc +// +build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +// Register allocation: +// AX h +// CX pointer to advance through b +// DX n +// BX loop end +// R8 v1, k1 +// R9 v2 +// R10 v3 +// R11 v4 +// R12 tmp +// R13 prime1v +// R14 prime2v +// R15 prime4v + +// round reads from and advances the buffer pointer in CX. +// It assumes that R13 has prime1v and R14 has prime2v. +#define round(r) \ + MOVQ (CX), R12 \ + ADDQ $8, CX \ + IMULQ R14, R12 \ + ADDQ R12, r \ + ROLQ $31, r \ + IMULQ R13, r + +// mergeRound applies a merge round on the two registers acc and val. +// It assumes that R13 has prime1v, R14 has prime2v, and R15 has prime4v. +#define mergeRound(acc, val) \ + IMULQ R14, val \ + ROLQ $31, val \ + IMULQ R13, val \ + XORQ val, acc \ + IMULQ R13, acc \ + ADDQ R15, acc + +// func Sum64(b []byte) uint64 +TEXT ·Sum64(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-32 + // Load fixed primes. + MOVQ ·prime1v(SB), R13 + MOVQ ·prime2v(SB), R14 + MOVQ ·prime4v(SB), R15 + + // Load slice. + MOVQ b_base+0(FP), CX + MOVQ b_len+8(FP), DX + LEAQ (CX)(DX*1), BX + + // The first loop limit will be len(b)-32. + SUBQ $32, BX + + // Check whether we have at least one block. + CMPQ DX, $32 + JLT noBlocks + + // Set up initial state (v1, v2, v3, v4). + MOVQ R13, R8 + ADDQ R14, R8 + MOVQ R14, R9 + XORQ R10, R10 + XORQ R11, R11 + SUBQ R13, R11 + + // Loop until CX > BX. +blockLoop: + round(R8) + round(R9) + round(R10) + round(R11) + + CMPQ CX, BX + JLE blockLoop + + MOVQ R8, AX + ROLQ $1, AX + MOVQ R9, R12 + ROLQ $7, R12 + ADDQ R12, AX + MOVQ R10, R12 + ROLQ $12, R12 + ADDQ R12, AX + MOVQ R11, R12 + ROLQ $18, R12 + ADDQ R12, AX + + mergeRound(AX, R8) + mergeRound(AX, R9) + mergeRound(AX, R10) + mergeRound(AX, R11) + + JMP afterBlocks + +noBlocks: + MOVQ ·prime5v(SB), AX + +afterBlocks: + ADDQ DX, AX + + // Right now BX has len(b)-32, and we want to loop until CX > len(b)-8. + ADDQ $24, BX + + CMPQ CX, BX + JG fourByte + +wordLoop: + // Calculate k1. + MOVQ (CX), R8 + ADDQ $8, CX + IMULQ R14, R8 + ROLQ $31, R8 + IMULQ R13, R8 + + XORQ R8, AX + ROLQ $27, AX + IMULQ R13, AX + ADDQ R15, AX + + CMPQ CX, BX + JLE wordLoop + +fourByte: + ADDQ $4, BX + CMPQ CX, BX + JG singles + + MOVL (CX), R8 + ADDQ $4, CX + IMULQ R13, R8 + XORQ R8, AX + + ROLQ $23, AX + IMULQ R14, AX + ADDQ ·prime3v(SB), AX + +singles: + ADDQ $4, BX + CMPQ CX, BX + JGE finalize + +singlesLoop: + MOVBQZX (CX), R12 + ADDQ $1, CX + IMULQ ·prime5v(SB), R12 + XORQ R12, AX + + ROLQ $11, AX + IMULQ R13, AX + + CMPQ CX, BX + JL singlesLoop + +finalize: + MOVQ AX, R12 + SHRQ $33, R12 + XORQ R12, AX + IMULQ R14, AX + MOVQ AX, R12 + SHRQ $29, R12 + XORQ R12, AX + IMULQ ·prime3v(SB), AX + MOVQ AX, R12 + SHRQ $32, R12 + XORQ R12, AX + + MOVQ AX, ret+24(FP) + RET + +// writeBlocks uses the same registers as above except that it uses AX to store +// the d pointer. + +// func writeBlocks(d *Digest, b []byte) int +TEXT ·writeBlocks(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-40 + // Load fixed primes needed for round. + MOVQ ·prime1v(SB), R13 + MOVQ ·prime2v(SB), R14 + + // Load slice. + MOVQ arg1_base+8(FP), CX + MOVQ arg1_len+16(FP), DX + LEAQ (CX)(DX*1), BX + SUBQ $32, BX + + // Load vN from d. + MOVQ arg+0(FP), AX + MOVQ 0(AX), R8 // v1 + MOVQ 8(AX), R9 // v2 + MOVQ 16(AX), R10 // v3 + MOVQ 24(AX), R11 // v4 + + // We don't need to check the loop condition here; this function is + // always called with at least one block of data to process. +blockLoop: + round(R8) + round(R9) + round(R10) + round(R11) + + CMPQ CX, BX + JLE blockLoop + + // Copy vN back to d. + MOVQ R8, 0(AX) + MOVQ R9, 8(AX) + MOVQ R10, 16(AX) + MOVQ R11, 24(AX) + + // The number of bytes written is CX minus the old base pointer. + SUBQ arg1_base+8(FP), CX + MOVQ CX, ret+32(FP) + + RET diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash/xxhash_other.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash/xxhash_other.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4a5a821603e --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash/xxhash_other.go @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +// +build !amd64 appengine !gc purego + +package xxhash + +// Sum64 computes the 64-bit xxHash digest of b. +func Sum64(b []byte) uint64 { + // A simpler version would be + // d := New() + // d.Write(b) + // return d.Sum64() + // but this is faster, particularly for small inputs. + + n := len(b) + var h uint64 + + if n >= 32 { + v1 := prime1v + prime2 + v2 := prime2 + v3 := uint64(0) + v4 := -prime1v + for len(b) >= 32 { + v1 = round(v1, u64(b[0:8:len(b)])) + v2 = round(v2, u64(b[8:16:len(b)])) + v3 = round(v3, u64(b[16:24:len(b)])) + v4 = round(v4, u64(b[24:32:len(b)])) + b = b[32:len(b):len(b)] + } + h = rol1(v1) + rol7(v2) + rol12(v3) + rol18(v4) + h = mergeRound(h, v1) + h = mergeRound(h, v2) + h = mergeRound(h, v3) + h = mergeRound(h, v4) + } else { + h = prime5 + } + + h += uint64(n) + + i, end := 0, len(b) + for ; i+8 <= end; i += 8 { + k1 := round(0, u64(b[i:i+8:len(b)])) + h ^= k1 + h = rol27(h)*prime1 + prime4 + } + if i+4 <= end { + h ^= uint64(u32(b[i:i+4:len(b)])) * prime1 + h = rol23(h)*prime2 + prime3 + i += 4 + } + for ; i < end; i++ { + h ^= uint64(b[i]) * prime5 + h = rol11(h) * prime1 + } + + h ^= h >> 33 + h *= prime2 + h ^= h >> 29 + h *= prime3 + h ^= h >> 32 + + return h +} + +func writeBlocks(d *Digest, b []byte) int { + v1, v2, v3, v4 := d.v1, d.v2, d.v3, d.v4 + n := len(b) + for len(b) >= 32 { + v1 = round(v1, u64(b[0:8:len(b)])) + v2 = round(v2, u64(b[8:16:len(b)])) + v3 = round(v3, u64(b[16:24:len(b)])) + v4 = round(v4, u64(b[24:32:len(b)])) + b = b[32:len(b):len(b)] + } + d.v1, d.v2, d.v3, d.v4 = v1, v2, v3, v4 + return n - len(b) +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash/xxhash_safe.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash/xxhash_safe.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6f3b0cb1026 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash/xxhash_safe.go @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +package xxhash + +// Sum64String computes the 64-bit xxHash digest of s. +func Sum64String(s string) uint64 { + return Sum64([]byte(s)) +} + +// WriteString adds more data to d. It always returns len(s), nil. +func (d *Digest) WriteString(s string) (n int, err error) { + return d.Write([]byte(s)) +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/seqdec.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/seqdec.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1dd39e63b7e --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/seqdec.go @@ -0,0 +1,492 @@ +// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + "io" +) + +type seq struct { + litLen uint32 + matchLen uint32 + offset uint32 + + // Codes are stored here for the encoder + // so they only have to be looked up once. + llCode, mlCode, ofCode uint8 +} + +func (s seq) String() string { + if s.offset <= 3 { + if s.offset == 0 { + return fmt.Sprint("litLen:", s.litLen, ", matchLen:", s.matchLen+zstdMinMatch, ", offset: INVALID (0)") + } + return fmt.Sprint("litLen:", s.litLen, ", matchLen:", s.matchLen+zstdMinMatch, ", offset:", s.offset, " (repeat)") + } + return fmt.Sprint("litLen:", s.litLen, ", matchLen:", s.matchLen+zstdMinMatch, ", offset:", s.offset-3, " (new)") +} + +type seqCompMode uint8 + +const ( + compModePredefined seqCompMode = iota + compModeRLE + compModeFSE + compModeRepeat +) + +type sequenceDec struct { + // decoder keeps track of the current state and updates it from the bitstream. + fse *fseDecoder + state fseState + repeat bool +} + +// init the state of the decoder with input from stream. +func (s *sequenceDec) init(br *bitReader) error { + if s.fse == nil { + return errors.New("sequence decoder not defined") + } + s.state.init(br, s.fse.actualTableLog, s.fse.dt[:1<= 0; i-- { + if br.overread() { + printf("reading sequence %d, exceeded available data\n", seqs-i) + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + var ll, mo, ml int + if br.off > 4+((maxOffsetBits+16+16)>>3) { + // inlined function: + // ll, mo, ml = s.nextFast(br, llState, mlState, ofState) + + // Final will not read from stream. + var llB, mlB, moB uint8 + ll, llB = llState.final() + ml, mlB = mlState.final() + mo, moB = ofState.final() + + // extra bits are stored in reverse order. + br.fillFast() + mo += br.getBits(moB) + if s.maxBits > 32 { + br.fillFast() + } + ml += br.getBits(mlB) + ll += br.getBits(llB) + + if moB > 1 { + s.prevOffset[2] = s.prevOffset[1] + s.prevOffset[1] = s.prevOffset[0] + s.prevOffset[0] = mo + } else { + // mo = s.adjustOffset(mo, ll, moB) + // Inlined for rather big speedup + if ll == 0 { + // There is an exception though, when current sequence's literals_length = 0. + // In this case, repeated offsets are shifted by one, so an offset_value of 1 means Repeated_Offset2, + // an offset_value of 2 means Repeated_Offset3, and an offset_value of 3 means Repeated_Offset1 - 1_byte. + mo++ + } + + if mo == 0 { + mo = s.prevOffset[0] + } else { + var temp int + if mo == 3 { + temp = s.prevOffset[0] - 1 + } else { + temp = s.prevOffset[mo] + } + + if temp == 0 { + // 0 is not valid; input is corrupted; force offset to 1 + println("temp was 0") + temp = 1 + } + + if mo != 1 { + s.prevOffset[2] = s.prevOffset[1] + } + s.prevOffset[1] = s.prevOffset[0] + s.prevOffset[0] = temp + mo = temp + } + } + br.fillFast() + } else { + ll, mo, ml = s.next(br, llState, mlState, ofState) + br.fill() + } + + if debugSequences { + println("Seq", seqs-i-1, "Litlen:", ll, "mo:", mo, "(abs) ml:", ml) + } + + if ll > len(s.literals) { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected literal count, want %d bytes, but only %d is available", ll, len(s.literals)) + } + size := ll + ml + len(s.out) + if size-startSize > maxBlockSize { + return fmt.Errorf("output (%d) bigger than max block size", size) + } + if size > cap(s.out) { + // Not enough size, which can happen under high volume block streaming conditions + // but could be if destination slice is too small for sync operations. + // over-allocating here can create a large amount of GC pressure so we try to keep + // it as contained as possible + used := len(s.out) - startSize + addBytes := 256 + ll + ml + used>>2 + // Clamp to max block size. + if used+addBytes > maxBlockSize { + addBytes = maxBlockSize - used + } + s.out = append(s.out, make([]byte, addBytes)...) + s.out = s.out[:len(s.out)-addBytes] + } + if ml > maxMatchLen { + return fmt.Errorf("match len (%d) bigger than max allowed length", ml) + } + + // Add literals + s.out = append(s.out, s.literals[:ll]...) + s.literals = s.literals[ll:] + out := s.out + + if mo == 0 && ml > 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("zero matchoff and matchlen (%d) > 0", ml) + } + + if mo > len(s.out)+len(hist) || mo > s.windowSize { + if len(s.dict) == 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("match offset (%d) bigger than current history (%d)", mo, len(s.out)+len(hist)) + } + + // we may be in dictionary. + dictO := len(s.dict) - (mo - (len(s.out) + len(hist))) + if dictO < 0 || dictO >= len(s.dict) { + return fmt.Errorf("match offset (%d) bigger than current history (%d)", mo, len(s.out)+len(hist)) + } + end := dictO + ml + if end > len(s.dict) { + out = append(out, s.dict[dictO:]...) + mo -= len(s.dict) - dictO + ml -= len(s.dict) - dictO + } else { + out = append(out, s.dict[dictO:end]...) + mo = 0 + ml = 0 + } + } + + // Copy from history. + // TODO: Blocks without history could be made to ignore this completely. + if v := mo - len(s.out); v > 0 { + // v is the start position in history from end. + start := len(s.hist) - v + if ml > v { + // Some goes into current block. + // Copy remainder of history + out = append(out, s.hist[start:]...) + mo -= v + ml -= v + } else { + out = append(out, s.hist[start:start+ml]...) + ml = 0 + } + } + // We must be in current buffer now + if ml > 0 { + start := len(s.out) - mo + if ml <= len(s.out)-start { + // No overlap + out = append(out, s.out[start:start+ml]...) + } else { + // Overlapping copy + // Extend destination slice and copy one byte at the time. + out = out[:len(out)+ml] + src := out[start : start+ml] + // Destination is the space we just added. + dst := out[len(out)-ml:] + dst = dst[:len(src)] + for i := range src { + dst[i] = src[i] + } + } + } + s.out = out + if i == 0 { + // This is the last sequence, so we shouldn't update state. + break + } + + // Manually inlined, ~ 5-20% faster + // Update all 3 states at once. Approx 20% faster. + nBits := llState.nbBits() + mlState.nbBits() + ofState.nbBits() + if nBits == 0 { + llState = llTable[llState.newState()&maxTableMask] + mlState = mlTable[mlState.newState()&maxTableMask] + ofState = ofTable[ofState.newState()&maxTableMask] + } else { + bits := br.getBitsFast(nBits) + lowBits := uint16(bits >> ((ofState.nbBits() + mlState.nbBits()) & 31)) + llState = llTable[(llState.newState()+lowBits)&maxTableMask] + + lowBits = uint16(bits >> (ofState.nbBits() & 31)) + lowBits &= bitMask[mlState.nbBits()&15] + mlState = mlTable[(mlState.newState()+lowBits)&maxTableMask] + + lowBits = uint16(bits) & bitMask[ofState.nbBits()&15] + ofState = ofTable[(ofState.newState()+lowBits)&maxTableMask] + } + } + + // Add final literals + s.out = append(s.out, s.literals...) + return nil +} + +// update states, at least 27 bits must be available. +func (s *sequenceDecs) update(br *bitReader) { + // Max 8 bits + s.litLengths.state.next(br) + // Max 9 bits + s.matchLengths.state.next(br) + // Max 8 bits + s.offsets.state.next(br) +} + +var bitMask [16]uint16 + +func init() { + for i := range bitMask[:] { + bitMask[i] = uint16((1 << uint(i)) - 1) + } +} + +// update states, at least 27 bits must be available. +func (s *sequenceDecs) updateAlt(br *bitReader) { + // Update all 3 states at once. Approx 20% faster. + a, b, c := s.litLengths.state.state, s.matchLengths.state.state, s.offsets.state.state + + nBits := a.nbBits() + b.nbBits() + c.nbBits() + if nBits == 0 { + s.litLengths.state.state = s.litLengths.state.dt[a.newState()] + s.matchLengths.state.state = s.matchLengths.state.dt[b.newState()] + s.offsets.state.state = s.offsets.state.dt[c.newState()] + return + } + bits := br.getBitsFast(nBits) + lowBits := uint16(bits >> ((c.nbBits() + b.nbBits()) & 31)) + s.litLengths.state.state = s.litLengths.state.dt[a.newState()+lowBits] + + lowBits = uint16(bits >> (c.nbBits() & 31)) + lowBits &= bitMask[b.nbBits()&15] + s.matchLengths.state.state = s.matchLengths.state.dt[b.newState()+lowBits] + + lowBits = uint16(bits) & bitMask[c.nbBits()&15] + s.offsets.state.state = s.offsets.state.dt[c.newState()+lowBits] +} + +// nextFast will return new states when there are at least 4 unused bytes left on the stream when done. +func (s *sequenceDecs) nextFast(br *bitReader, llState, mlState, ofState decSymbol) (ll, mo, ml int) { + // Final will not read from stream. + ll, llB := llState.final() + ml, mlB := mlState.final() + mo, moB := ofState.final() + + // extra bits are stored in reverse order. + br.fillFast() + mo += br.getBits(moB) + if s.maxBits > 32 { + br.fillFast() + } + ml += br.getBits(mlB) + ll += br.getBits(llB) + + if moB > 1 { + s.prevOffset[2] = s.prevOffset[1] + s.prevOffset[1] = s.prevOffset[0] + s.prevOffset[0] = mo + return + } + // mo = s.adjustOffset(mo, ll, moB) + // Inlined for rather big speedup + if ll == 0 { + // There is an exception though, when current sequence's literals_length = 0. + // In this case, repeated offsets are shifted by one, so an offset_value of 1 means Repeated_Offset2, + // an offset_value of 2 means Repeated_Offset3, and an offset_value of 3 means Repeated_Offset1 - 1_byte. + mo++ + } + + if mo == 0 { + mo = s.prevOffset[0] + return + } + var temp int + if mo == 3 { + temp = s.prevOffset[0] - 1 + } else { + temp = s.prevOffset[mo] + } + + if temp == 0 { + // 0 is not valid; input is corrupted; force offset to 1 + println("temp was 0") + temp = 1 + } + + if mo != 1 { + s.prevOffset[2] = s.prevOffset[1] + } + s.prevOffset[1] = s.prevOffset[0] + s.prevOffset[0] = temp + mo = temp + return +} + +func (s *sequenceDecs) next(br *bitReader, llState, mlState, ofState decSymbol) (ll, mo, ml int) { + // Final will not read from stream. + ll, llB := llState.final() + ml, mlB := mlState.final() + mo, moB := ofState.final() + + // extra bits are stored in reverse order. + br.fill() + if s.maxBits <= 32 { + mo += br.getBits(moB) + ml += br.getBits(mlB) + ll += br.getBits(llB) + } else { + mo += br.getBits(moB) + br.fill() + // matchlength+literal length, max 32 bits + ml += br.getBits(mlB) + ll += br.getBits(llB) + + } + mo = s.adjustOffset(mo, ll, moB) + return +} + +func (s *sequenceDecs) adjustOffset(offset, litLen int, offsetB uint8) int { + if offsetB > 1 { + s.prevOffset[2] = s.prevOffset[1] + s.prevOffset[1] = s.prevOffset[0] + s.prevOffset[0] = offset + return offset + } + + if litLen == 0 { + // There is an exception though, when current sequence's literals_length = 0. + // In this case, repeated offsets are shifted by one, so an offset_value of 1 means Repeated_Offset2, + // an offset_value of 2 means Repeated_Offset3, and an offset_value of 3 means Repeated_Offset1 - 1_byte. + offset++ + } + + if offset == 0 { + return s.prevOffset[0] + } + var temp int + if offset == 3 { + temp = s.prevOffset[0] - 1 + } else { + temp = s.prevOffset[offset] + } + + if temp == 0 { + // 0 is not valid; input is corrupted; force offset to 1 + println("temp was 0") + temp = 1 + } + + if offset != 1 { + s.prevOffset[2] = s.prevOffset[1] + } + s.prevOffset[1] = s.prevOffset[0] + s.prevOffset[0] = temp + return temp +} + +// mergeHistory will merge history. +func (s *sequenceDecs) mergeHistory(hist *sequenceDecs) (*sequenceDecs, error) { + for i := uint(0); i < 3; i++ { + var sNew, sHist *sequenceDec + switch i { + default: + // same as "case 0": + sNew = &s.litLengths + sHist = &hist.litLengths + case 1: + sNew = &s.offsets + sHist = &hist.offsets + case 2: + sNew = &s.matchLengths + sHist = &hist.matchLengths + } + if sNew.repeat { + if sHist.fse == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("sequence stream %d, repeat requested, but no history", i) + } + continue + } + if sNew.fse == nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("sequence stream %d, no fse found", i) + } + if sHist.fse != nil && !sHist.fse.preDefined { + fseDecoderPool.Put(sHist.fse) + } + sHist.fse = sNew.fse + } + return hist, nil +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/seqenc.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/seqenc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..36bcc3cc02e --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/seqenc.go @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +import "math/bits" + +type seqCoders struct { + llEnc, ofEnc, mlEnc *fseEncoder + llPrev, ofPrev, mlPrev *fseEncoder +} + +// swap coders with another (block). +func (s *seqCoders) swap(other *seqCoders) { + *s, *other = *other, *s +} + +// setPrev will update the previous encoders to the actually used ones +// and make sure a fresh one is in the main slot. +func (s *seqCoders) setPrev(ll, ml, of *fseEncoder) { + compareSwap := func(used *fseEncoder, current, prev **fseEncoder) { + // We used the new one, more current to history and reuse the previous history + if *current == used { + *prev, *current = *current, *prev + c := *current + p := *prev + c.reUsed = false + p.reUsed = true + return + } + if used == *prev { + return + } + // Ensure we cannot reuse by accident + prevEnc := *prev + prevEnc.symbolLen = 0 + return + } + compareSwap(ll, &s.llEnc, &s.llPrev) + compareSwap(ml, &s.mlEnc, &s.mlPrev) + compareSwap(of, &s.ofEnc, &s.ofPrev) +} + +func highBit(val uint32) (n uint32) { + return uint32(bits.Len32(val) - 1) +} + +var llCodeTable = [64]byte{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, + 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, + 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, + 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, + 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, + 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, + 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, + 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24} + +// Up to 6 bits +const maxLLCode = 35 + +// llBitsTable translates from ll code to number of bits. +var llBitsTable = [maxLLCode + 1]byte{ + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, + 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, + 13, 14, 15, 16} + +// llCode returns the code that represents the literal length requested. +func llCode(litLength uint32) uint8 { + const llDeltaCode = 19 + if litLength <= 63 { + // Compiler insists on bounds check (Go 1.12) + return llCodeTable[litLength&63] + } + return uint8(highBit(litLength)) + llDeltaCode +} + +var mlCodeTable = [128]byte{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, + 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, + 32, 32, 33, 33, 34, 34, 35, 35, 36, 36, 36, 36, 37, 37, 37, 37, + 38, 38, 38, 38, 38, 38, 38, 38, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, 39, + 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, + 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, + 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, + 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42} + +// Up to 6 bits +const maxMLCode = 52 + +// mlBitsTable translates from ml code to number of bits. +var mlBitsTable = [maxMLCode + 1]byte{ + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, + 4, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, + 12, 13, 14, 15, 16} + +// note : mlBase = matchLength - MINMATCH; +// because it's the format it's stored in seqStore->sequences +func mlCode(mlBase uint32) uint8 { + const mlDeltaCode = 36 + if mlBase <= 127 { + // Compiler insists on bounds check (Go 1.12) + return mlCodeTable[mlBase&127] + } + return uint8(highBit(mlBase)) + mlDeltaCode +} + +func ofCode(offset uint32) uint8 { + // A valid offset will always be > 0. + return uint8(bits.Len32(offset) - 1) +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/snappy.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/snappy.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c95fe5111c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/snappy.go @@ -0,0 +1,436 @@ +// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved. +// License information can be found in the LICENSE file. +// Based on work by Yann Collet, released under BSD License. + +package zstd + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "errors" + "hash/crc32" + "io" + + "github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0" + "github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy" +) + +const ( + snappyTagLiteral = 0x00 + snappyTagCopy1 = 0x01 + snappyTagCopy2 = 0x02 + snappyTagCopy4 = 0x03 +) + +const ( + snappyChecksumSize = 4 + snappyMagicBody = "sNaPpY" + + // snappyMaxBlockSize is the maximum size of the input to encodeBlock. It is not + // part of the wire format per se, but some parts of the encoder assume + // that an offset fits into a uint16. + // + // Also, for the framing format (Writer type instead of Encode function), + // https://github.com/google/snappy/blob/master/framing_format.txt says + // that "the uncompressed data in a chunk must be no longer than 65536 + // bytes". + snappyMaxBlockSize = 65536 + + // snappyMaxEncodedLenOfMaxBlockSize equals MaxEncodedLen(snappyMaxBlockSize), but is + // hard coded to be a const instead of a variable, so that obufLen can also + // be a const. Their equivalence is confirmed by + // TestMaxEncodedLenOfMaxBlockSize. + snappyMaxEncodedLenOfMaxBlockSize = 76490 +) + +const ( + chunkTypeCompressedData = 0x00 + chunkTypeUncompressedData = 0x01 + chunkTypePadding = 0xfe + chunkTypeStreamIdentifier = 0xff +) + +var ( + // ErrSnappyCorrupt reports that the input is invalid. + ErrSnappyCorrupt = errors.New("snappy: corrupt input") + // ErrSnappyTooLarge reports that the uncompressed length is too large. + ErrSnappyTooLarge = errors.New("snappy: decoded block is too large") + // ErrSnappyUnsupported reports that the input isn't supported. + ErrSnappyUnsupported = errors.New("snappy: unsupported input") + + errUnsupportedLiteralLength = errors.New("snappy: unsupported literal length") +) + +// SnappyConverter can read SnappyConverter-compressed streams and convert them to zstd. +// Conversion is done by converting the stream directly from Snappy without intermediate +// full decoding. +// Therefore the compression ratio is much less than what can be done by a full decompression +// and compression, and a faulty Snappy stream may lead to a faulty Zstandard stream without +// any errors being generated. +// No CRC value is being generated and not all CRC values of the Snappy stream are checked. +// However, it provides really fast recompression of Snappy streams. +// The converter can be reused to avoid allocations, even after errors. +type SnappyConverter struct { + r io.Reader + err error + buf []byte + block *blockEnc +} + +// Convert the Snappy stream supplied in 'in' and write the zStandard stream to 'w'. +// If any error is detected on the Snappy stream it is returned. +// The number of bytes written is returned. +func (r *SnappyConverter) Convert(in io.Reader, w io.Writer) (int64, error) { + initPredefined() + r.err = nil + r.r = in + if r.block == nil { + r.block = &blockEnc{} + r.block.init() + } + r.block.initNewEncode() + if len(r.buf) != snappyMaxEncodedLenOfMaxBlockSize+snappyChecksumSize { + r.buf = make([]byte, snappyMaxEncodedLenOfMaxBlockSize+snappyChecksumSize) + } + r.block.litEnc.Reuse = huff0.ReusePolicyNone + var written int64 + var readHeader bool + { + var header []byte + var n int + header, r.err = frameHeader{WindowSize: snappyMaxBlockSize}.appendTo(r.buf[:0]) + + n, r.err = w.Write(header) + if r.err != nil { + return written, r.err + } + written += int64(n) + } + + for { + if !r.readFull(r.buf[:4], true) { + // Add empty last block + r.block.reset(nil) + r.block.last = true + err := r.block.encodeLits(r.block.literals, false) + if err != nil { + return written, err + } + n, err := w.Write(r.block.output) + if err != nil { + return written, err + } + written += int64(n) + + return written, r.err + } + chunkType := r.buf[0] + if !readHeader { + if chunkType != chunkTypeStreamIdentifier { + println("chunkType != chunkTypeStreamIdentifier", chunkType) + r.err = ErrSnappyCorrupt + return written, r.err + } + readHeader = true + } + chunkLen := int(r.buf[1]) | int(r.buf[2])<<8 | int(r.buf[3])<<16 + if chunkLen > len(r.buf) { + println("chunkLen > len(r.buf)", chunkType) + r.err = ErrSnappyUnsupported + return written, r.err + } + + // The chunk types are specified at + // https://github.com/google/snappy/blob/master/framing_format.txt + switch chunkType { + case chunkTypeCompressedData: + // Section 4.2. Compressed data (chunk type 0x00). + if chunkLen < snappyChecksumSize { + println("chunkLen < snappyChecksumSize", chunkLen, snappyChecksumSize) + r.err = ErrSnappyCorrupt + return written, r.err + } + buf := r.buf[:chunkLen] + if !r.readFull(buf, false) { + return written, r.err + } + //checksum := uint32(buf[0]) | uint32(buf[1])<<8 | uint32(buf[2])<<16 | uint32(buf[3])<<24 + buf = buf[snappyChecksumSize:] + + n, hdr, err := snappyDecodedLen(buf) + if err != nil { + r.err = err + return written, r.err + } + buf = buf[hdr:] + if n > snappyMaxBlockSize { + println("n > snappyMaxBlockSize", n, snappyMaxBlockSize) + r.err = ErrSnappyCorrupt + return written, r.err + } + r.block.reset(nil) + r.block.pushOffsets() + if err := decodeSnappy(r.block, buf); err != nil { + r.err = err + return written, r.err + } + if r.block.size+r.block.extraLits != n { + printf("invalid size, want %d, got %d\n", n, r.block.size+r.block.extraLits) + r.err = ErrSnappyCorrupt + return written, r.err + } + err = r.block.encode(nil, false, false) + switch err { + case errIncompressible: + r.block.popOffsets() + r.block.reset(nil) + r.block.literals, err = snappy.Decode(r.block.literals[:n], r.buf[snappyChecksumSize:chunkLen]) + if err != nil { + println("snappy.Decode:", err) + return written, err + } + err = r.block.encodeLits(r.block.literals, false) + if err != nil { + return written, err + } + case nil: + default: + return written, err + } + + n, r.err = w.Write(r.block.output) + if r.err != nil { + return written, err + } + written += int64(n) + continue + case chunkTypeUncompressedData: + if debug { + println("Uncompressed, chunklen", chunkLen) + } + // Section 4.3. Uncompressed data (chunk type 0x01). + if chunkLen < snappyChecksumSize { + println("chunkLen < snappyChecksumSize", chunkLen, snappyChecksumSize) + r.err = ErrSnappyCorrupt + return written, r.err + } + r.block.reset(nil) + buf := r.buf[:snappyChecksumSize] + if !r.readFull(buf, false) { + return written, r.err + } + checksum := uint32(buf[0]) | uint32(buf[1])<<8 | uint32(buf[2])<<16 | uint32(buf[3])<<24 + // Read directly into r.decoded instead of via r.buf. + n := chunkLen - snappyChecksumSize + if n > snappyMaxBlockSize { + println("n > snappyMaxBlockSize", n, snappyMaxBlockSize) + r.err = ErrSnappyCorrupt + return written, r.err + } + r.block.literals = r.block.literals[:n] + if !r.readFull(r.block.literals, false) { + return written, r.err + } + if snappyCRC(r.block.literals) != checksum { + println("literals crc mismatch") + r.err = ErrSnappyCorrupt + return written, r.err + } + err := r.block.encodeLits(r.block.literals, false) + if err != nil { + return written, err + } + n, r.err = w.Write(r.block.output) + if r.err != nil { + return written, err + } + written += int64(n) + continue + + case chunkTypeStreamIdentifier: + if debug { + println("stream id", chunkLen, len(snappyMagicBody)) + } + // Section 4.1. Stream identifier (chunk type 0xff). + if chunkLen != len(snappyMagicBody) { + println("chunkLen != len(snappyMagicBody)", chunkLen, len(snappyMagicBody)) + r.err = ErrSnappyCorrupt + return written, r.err + } + if !r.readFull(r.buf[:len(snappyMagicBody)], false) { + return written, r.err + } + for i := 0; i < len(snappyMagicBody); i++ { + if r.buf[i] != snappyMagicBody[i] { + println("r.buf[i] != snappyMagicBody[i]", r.buf[i], snappyMagicBody[i], i) + r.err = ErrSnappyCorrupt + return written, r.err + } + } + continue + } + + if chunkType <= 0x7f { + // Section 4.5. Reserved unskippable chunks (chunk types 0x02-0x7f). + println("chunkType <= 0x7f") + r.err = ErrSnappyUnsupported + return written, r.err + } + // Section 4.4 Padding (chunk type 0xfe). + // Section 4.6. Reserved skippable chunks (chunk types 0x80-0xfd). + if !r.readFull(r.buf[:chunkLen], false) { + return written, r.err + } + } +} + +// decodeSnappy writes the decoding of src to dst. It assumes that the varint-encoded +// length of the decompressed bytes has already been read. +func decodeSnappy(blk *blockEnc, src []byte) error { + //decodeRef(make([]byte, snappyMaxBlockSize), src) + var s, length int + lits := blk.extraLits + var offset uint32 + for s < len(src) { + switch src[s] & 0x03 { + case snappyTagLiteral: + x := uint32(src[s] >> 2) + switch { + case x < 60: + s++ + case x == 60: + s += 2 + if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line. + println("uint(s) > uint(len(src)", s, src) + return ErrSnappyCorrupt + } + x = uint32(src[s-1]) + case x == 61: + s += 3 + if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line. + println("uint(s) > uint(len(src)", s, src) + return ErrSnappyCorrupt + } + x = uint32(src[s-2]) | uint32(src[s-1])<<8 + case x == 62: + s += 4 + if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line. + println("uint(s) > uint(len(src)", s, src) + return ErrSnappyCorrupt + } + x = uint32(src[s-3]) | uint32(src[s-2])<<8 | uint32(src[s-1])<<16 + case x == 63: + s += 5 + if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line. + println("uint(s) > uint(len(src)", s, src) + return ErrSnappyCorrupt + } + x = uint32(src[s-4]) | uint32(src[s-3])<<8 | uint32(src[s-2])<<16 | uint32(src[s-1])<<24 + } + if x > snappyMaxBlockSize { + println("x > snappyMaxBlockSize", x, snappyMaxBlockSize) + return ErrSnappyCorrupt + } + length = int(x) + 1 + if length <= 0 { + println("length <= 0 ", length) + + return errUnsupportedLiteralLength + } + //if length > snappyMaxBlockSize-d || uint32(length) > len(src)-s { + // return ErrSnappyCorrupt + //} + + blk.literals = append(blk.literals, src[s:s+length]...) + //println(length, "litLen") + lits += length + s += length + continue + + case snappyTagCopy1: + s += 2 + if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line. + println("uint(s) > uint(len(src)", s, len(src)) + return ErrSnappyCorrupt + } + length = 4 + int(src[s-2])>>2&0x7 + offset = uint32(src[s-2])&0xe0<<3 | uint32(src[s-1]) + + case snappyTagCopy2: + s += 3 + if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line. + println("uint(s) > uint(len(src)", s, len(src)) + return ErrSnappyCorrupt + } + length = 1 + int(src[s-3])>>2 + offset = uint32(src[s-2]) | uint32(src[s-1])<<8 + + case snappyTagCopy4: + s += 5 + if uint(s) > uint(len(src)) { // The uint conversions catch overflow from the previous line. + println("uint(s) > uint(len(src)", s, len(src)) + return ErrSnappyCorrupt + } + length = 1 + int(src[s-5])>>2 + offset = uint32(src[s-4]) | uint32(src[s-3])<<8 | uint32(src[s-2])<<16 | uint32(src[s-1])<<24 + } + + if offset <= 0 || blk.size+lits < int(offset) /*|| length > len(blk)-d */ { + println("offset <= 0 || blk.size+lits < int(offset)", offset, blk.size+lits, int(offset), blk.size, lits) + + return ErrSnappyCorrupt + } + + // Check if offset is one of the recent offsets. + // Adjusts the output offset accordingly. + // Gives a tiny bit of compression, typically around 1%. + if false { + offset = blk.matchOffset(offset, uint32(lits)) + } else { + offset += 3 + } + + blk.sequences = append(blk.sequences, seq{ + litLen: uint32(lits), + offset: offset, + matchLen: uint32(length) - zstdMinMatch, + }) + blk.size += length + lits + lits = 0 + } + blk.extraLits = lits + return nil +} + +func (r *SnappyConverter) readFull(p []byte, allowEOF bool) (ok bool) { + if _, r.err = io.ReadFull(r.r, p); r.err != nil { + if r.err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF || (r.err == io.EOF && !allowEOF) { + r.err = ErrSnappyCorrupt + } + return false + } + return true +} + +var crcTable = crc32.MakeTable(crc32.Castagnoli) + +// crc implements the checksum specified in section 3 of +// https://github.com/google/snappy/blob/master/framing_format.txt +func snappyCRC(b []byte) uint32 { + c := crc32.Update(0, crcTable, b) + return c>>15 | c<<17 + 0xa282ead8 +} + +// snappyDecodedLen returns the length of the decoded block and the number of bytes +// that the length header occupied. +func snappyDecodedLen(src []byte) (blockLen, headerLen int, err error) { + v, n := binary.Uvarint(src) + if n <= 0 || v > 0xffffffff { + return 0, 0, ErrSnappyCorrupt + } + + const wordSize = 32 << (^uint(0) >> 32 & 1) + if wordSize == 32 && v > 0x7fffffff { + return 0, 0, ErrSnappyTooLarge + } + return int(v), n, nil +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/zstd.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/zstd.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9056beef271 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/zstd.go @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +// Package zstd provides decompression of zstandard files. +// +// For advanced usage and examples, go to the README: https://github.com/klauspost/compress/tree/master/zstd#zstd +package zstd + +import ( + "bytes" + "errors" + "log" + "math" + "math/bits" +) + +// enable debug printing +const debug = false + +// Enable extra assertions. +const debugAsserts = debug || false + +// print sequence details +const debugSequences = false + +// print detailed matching information +const debugMatches = false + +// force encoder to use predefined tables. +const forcePreDef = false + +// zstdMinMatch is the minimum zstd match length. +const zstdMinMatch = 3 + +// Reset the buffer offset when reaching this. +const bufferReset = math.MaxInt32 - MaxWindowSize + +var ( + // ErrReservedBlockType is returned when a reserved block type is found. + // Typically this indicates wrong or corrupted input. + ErrReservedBlockType = errors.New("invalid input: reserved block type encountered") + + // ErrCompressedSizeTooBig is returned when a block is bigger than allowed. + // Typically this indicates wrong or corrupted input. + ErrCompressedSizeTooBig = errors.New("invalid input: compressed size too big") + + // ErrBlockTooSmall is returned when a block is too small to be decoded. + // Typically returned on invalid input. + ErrBlockTooSmall = errors.New("block too small") + + // ErrMagicMismatch is returned when a "magic" number isn't what is expected. + // Typically this indicates wrong or corrupted input. + ErrMagicMismatch = errors.New("invalid input: magic number mismatch") + + // ErrWindowSizeExceeded is returned when a reference exceeds the valid window size. + // Typically this indicates wrong or corrupted input. + ErrWindowSizeExceeded = errors.New("window size exceeded") + + // ErrWindowSizeTooSmall is returned when no window size is specified. + // Typically this indicates wrong or corrupted input. + ErrWindowSizeTooSmall = errors.New("invalid input: window size was too small") + + // ErrDecoderSizeExceeded is returned if decompressed size exceeds the configured limit. + ErrDecoderSizeExceeded = errors.New("decompressed size exceeds configured limit") + + // ErrUnknownDictionary is returned if the dictionary ID is unknown. + // For the time being dictionaries are not supported. + ErrUnknownDictionary = errors.New("unknown dictionary") + + // ErrFrameSizeExceeded is returned if the stated frame size is exceeded. + // This is only returned if SingleSegment is specified on the frame. + ErrFrameSizeExceeded = errors.New("frame size exceeded") + + // ErrCRCMismatch is returned if CRC mismatches. + ErrCRCMismatch = errors.New("CRC check failed") + + // ErrDecoderClosed will be returned if the Decoder was used after + // Close has been called. + ErrDecoderClosed = errors.New("decoder used after Close") + + // ErrDecoderNilInput is returned when a nil Reader was provided + // and an operation other than Reset/DecodeAll/Close was attempted. + ErrDecoderNilInput = errors.New("nil input provided as reader") +) + +func println(a ...interface{}) { + if debug { + log.Println(a...) + } +} + +func printf(format string, a ...interface{}) { + if debug { + log.Printf(format, a...) + } +} + +// matchLenFast does matching, but will not match the last up to 7 bytes. +func matchLenFast(a, b []byte) int { + endI := len(a) & (math.MaxInt32 - 7) + for i := 0; i < endI; i += 8 { + if diff := load64(a, i) ^ load64(b, i); diff != 0 { + return i + bits.TrailingZeros64(diff)>>3 + } + } + return endI +} + +// matchLen returns the maximum length. +// a must be the shortest of the two. +// The function also returns whether all bytes matched. +func matchLen(a, b []byte) int { + b = b[:len(a)] + for i := 0; i < len(a)-7; i += 8 { + if diff := load64(a, i) ^ load64(b, i); diff != 0 { + return i + (bits.TrailingZeros64(diff) >> 3) + } + } + + checked := (len(a) >> 3) << 3 + a = a[checked:] + b = b[checked:] + for i := range a { + if a[i] != b[i] { + return i + checked + } + } + return len(a) + checked +} + +func load3232(b []byte, i int32) uint32 { + // Help the compiler eliminate bounds checks on the read so it can be done in a single read. + b = b[i:] + b = b[:4] + return uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24 +} + +func load6432(b []byte, i int32) uint64 { + // Help the compiler eliminate bounds checks on the read so it can be done in a single read. + b = b[i:] + b = b[:8] + return uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | + uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56 +} + +func load64(b []byte, i int) uint64 { + // Help the compiler eliminate bounds checks on the read so it can be done in a single read. + b = b[i:] + b = b[:8] + return uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | + uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56 +} + +type byter interface { + Bytes() []byte + Len() int +} + +var _ byter = &bytes.Buffer{} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/LICENSE b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/patternmatcher/LICENSE similarity index 93% rename from ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/LICENSE rename to ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/patternmatcher/LICENSE index d6456956733..6d8d58fb676 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/LICENSE +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/patternmatcher/LICENSE @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 - http://www.apache.org/licenses/ + https://www.apache.org/licenses/ TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION @@ -176,24 +176,13 @@ END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. - - To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following - boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" - replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include - the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate - comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a - file or class name and description of purpose be included on the - same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier - identification within third-party archives. - - Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] + Copyright 2013-2018 Docker, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/patternmatcher/NOTICE b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/patternmatcher/NOTICE new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e5154640fe0 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/patternmatcher/NOTICE @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +Docker +Copyright 2012-2017 Docker, Inc. + +This product includes software developed at Docker, Inc. (https://www.docker.com). + +The following is courtesy of our legal counsel: + + +Use and transfer of Docker may be subject to certain restrictions by the +United States and other governments. +It is your responsibility to ensure that your use and/or transfer does not +violate applicable laws. + +For more information, please see https://www.bis.doc.gov + +See also https://www.apache.org/dev/crypto.html and/or seek legal counsel. diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/patternmatcher/patternmatcher.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/patternmatcher/patternmatcher.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..37a1a59ac4e --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/patternmatcher/patternmatcher.go @@ -0,0 +1,474 @@ +package patternmatcher + +import ( + "errors" + "os" + "path/filepath" + "regexp" + "strings" + "text/scanner" + "unicode/utf8" +) + +// escapeBytes is a bitmap used to check whether a character should be escaped when creating the regex. +var escapeBytes [8]byte + +// shouldEscape reports whether a rune should be escaped as part of the regex. +// +// This only includes characters that require escaping in regex but are also NOT valid filepath pattern characters. +// Additionally, '\' is not excluded because there is specific logic to properly handle this, as it's a path separator +// on Windows. +// +// Adapted from regexp::QuoteMeta in go stdlib. +// See https://cs.opensource.google/go/go/+/refs/tags/go1.17.2:src/regexp/regexp.go;l=703-715;drc=refs%2Ftags%2Fgo1.17.2 +func shouldEscape(b rune) bool { + return b < utf8.RuneSelf && escapeBytes[b%8]&(1<<(b/8)) != 0 +} + +func init() { + for _, b := range []byte(`.+()|{}$`) { + escapeBytes[b%8] |= 1 << (b / 8) + } +} + +// PatternMatcher allows checking paths against a list of patterns +type PatternMatcher struct { + patterns []*Pattern + exclusions bool +} + +// New creates a new matcher object for specific patterns that can +// be used later to match against patterns against paths +func New(patterns []string) (*PatternMatcher, error) { + pm := &PatternMatcher{ + patterns: make([]*Pattern, 0, len(patterns)), + } + for _, p := range patterns { + // Eliminate leading and trailing whitespace. + p = strings.TrimSpace(p) + if p == "" { + continue + } + p = filepath.Clean(p) + newp := &Pattern{} + if p[0] == '!' { + if len(p) == 1 { + return nil, errors.New("illegal exclusion pattern: \"!\"") + } + newp.exclusion = true + p = p[1:] + pm.exclusions = true + } + // Do some syntax checking on the pattern. + // filepath's Match() has some really weird rules that are inconsistent + // so instead of trying to dup their logic, just call Match() for its + // error state and if there is an error in the pattern return it. + // If this becomes an issue we can remove this since its really only + // needed in the error (syntax) case - which isn't really critical. + if _, err := filepath.Match(p, "."); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + newp.cleanedPattern = p + newp.dirs = strings.Split(p, string(os.PathSeparator)) + pm.patterns = append(pm.patterns, newp) + } + return pm, nil +} + +// Matches returns true if "file" matches any of the patterns +// and isn't excluded by any of the subsequent patterns. +// +// The "file" argument should be a slash-delimited path. +// +// Matches is not safe to call concurrently. +// +// Deprecated: This implementation is buggy (it only checks a single parent dir +// against the pattern) and will be removed soon. Use either +// MatchesOrParentMatches or MatchesUsingParentResults instead. +func (pm *PatternMatcher) Matches(file string) (bool, error) { + matched := false + file = filepath.FromSlash(file) + parentPath := filepath.Dir(file) + parentPathDirs := strings.Split(parentPath, string(os.PathSeparator)) + + for _, pattern := range pm.patterns { + // Skip evaluation if this is an inclusion and the filename + // already matched the pattern, or it's an exclusion and it has + // not matched the pattern yet. + if pattern.exclusion != matched { + continue + } + + match, err := pattern.match(file) + if err != nil { + return false, err + } + + if !match && parentPath != "." { + // Check to see if the pattern matches one of our parent dirs. + if len(pattern.dirs) <= len(parentPathDirs) { + match, _ = pattern.match(strings.Join(parentPathDirs[:len(pattern.dirs)], string(os.PathSeparator))) + } + } + + if match { + matched = !pattern.exclusion + } + } + + return matched, nil +} + +// MatchesOrParentMatches returns true if "file" matches any of the patterns +// and isn't excluded by any of the subsequent patterns. +// +// The "file" argument should be a slash-delimited path. +// +// Matches is not safe to call concurrently. +func (pm *PatternMatcher) MatchesOrParentMatches(file string) (bool, error) { + matched := false + file = filepath.FromSlash(file) + parentPath := filepath.Dir(file) + parentPathDirs := strings.Split(parentPath, string(os.PathSeparator)) + + for _, pattern := range pm.patterns { + // Skip evaluation if this is an inclusion and the filename + // already matched the pattern, or it's an exclusion and it has + // not matched the pattern yet. + if pattern.exclusion != matched { + continue + } + + match, err := pattern.match(file) + if err != nil { + return false, err + } + + if !match && parentPath != "." { + // Check to see if the pattern matches one of our parent dirs. + for i := range parentPathDirs { + match, _ = pattern.match(strings.Join(parentPathDirs[:i+1], string(os.PathSeparator))) + if match { + break + } + } + } + + if match { + matched = !pattern.exclusion + } + } + + return matched, nil +} + +// MatchesUsingParentResult returns true if "file" matches any of the patterns +// and isn't excluded by any of the subsequent patterns. The functionality is +// the same as Matches, but as an optimization, the caller keeps track of +// whether the parent directory matched. +// +// The "file" argument should be a slash-delimited path. +// +// MatchesUsingParentResult is not safe to call concurrently. +// +// Deprecated: this function does behave correctly in some cases (see +// https://github.com/docker/buildx/issues/850). +// +// Use MatchesUsingParentResults instead. +func (pm *PatternMatcher) MatchesUsingParentResult(file string, parentMatched bool) (bool, error) { + matched := parentMatched + file = filepath.FromSlash(file) + + for _, pattern := range pm.patterns { + // Skip evaluation if this is an inclusion and the filename + // already matched the pattern, or it's an exclusion and it has + // not matched the pattern yet. + if pattern.exclusion != matched { + continue + } + + match, err := pattern.match(file) + if err != nil { + return false, err + } + + if match { + matched = !pattern.exclusion + } + } + return matched, nil +} + +// MatchInfo tracks information about parent dir matches while traversing a +// filesystem. +type MatchInfo struct { + parentMatched []bool +} + +// MatchesUsingParentResults returns true if "file" matches any of the patterns +// and isn't excluded by any of the subsequent patterns. The functionality is +// the same as Matches, but as an optimization, the caller passes in +// intermediate results from matching the parent directory. +// +// The "file" argument should be a slash-delimited path. +// +// MatchesUsingParentResults is not safe to call concurrently. +func (pm *PatternMatcher) MatchesUsingParentResults(file string, parentMatchInfo MatchInfo) (bool, MatchInfo, error) { + parentMatched := parentMatchInfo.parentMatched + if len(parentMatched) != 0 && len(parentMatched) != len(pm.patterns) { + return false, MatchInfo{}, errors.New("wrong number of values in parentMatched") + } + + file = filepath.FromSlash(file) + matched := false + + matchInfo := MatchInfo{ + parentMatched: make([]bool, len(pm.patterns)), + } + for i, pattern := range pm.patterns { + match := false + // If the parent matched this pattern, we don't need to recheck. + if len(parentMatched) != 0 { + match = parentMatched[i] + } + + if !match { + // Skip evaluation if this is an inclusion and the filename + // already matched the pattern, or it's an exclusion and it has + // not matched the pattern yet. + if pattern.exclusion != matched { + continue + } + + var err error + match, err = pattern.match(file) + if err != nil { + return false, matchInfo, err + } + + // If the zero value of MatchInfo was passed in, we don't have + // any information about the parent dir's match results, and we + // apply the same logic as MatchesOrParentMatches. + if !match && len(parentMatched) == 0 { + if parentPath := filepath.Dir(file); parentPath != "." { + parentPathDirs := strings.Split(parentPath, string(os.PathSeparator)) + // Check to see if the pattern matches one of our parent dirs. + for i := range parentPathDirs { + match, _ = pattern.match(strings.Join(parentPathDirs[:i+1], string(os.PathSeparator))) + if match { + break + } + } + } + } + } + matchInfo.parentMatched[i] = match + + if match { + matched = !pattern.exclusion + } + } + return matched, matchInfo, nil +} + +// Exclusions returns true if any of the patterns define exclusions +func (pm *PatternMatcher) Exclusions() bool { + return pm.exclusions +} + +// Patterns returns array of active patterns +func (pm *PatternMatcher) Patterns() []*Pattern { + return pm.patterns +} + +// Pattern defines a single regexp used to filter file paths. +type Pattern struct { + matchType matchType + cleanedPattern string + dirs []string + regexp *regexp.Regexp + exclusion bool +} + +type matchType int + +const ( + unknownMatch matchType = iota + exactMatch + prefixMatch + suffixMatch + regexpMatch +) + +func (p *Pattern) String() string { + return p.cleanedPattern +} + +// Exclusion returns true if this pattern defines exclusion +func (p *Pattern) Exclusion() bool { + return p.exclusion +} + +func (p *Pattern) match(path string) (bool, error) { + if p.matchType == unknownMatch { + if err := p.compile(string(os.PathSeparator)); err != nil { + return false, filepath.ErrBadPattern + } + } + + switch p.matchType { + case exactMatch: + return path == p.cleanedPattern, nil + case prefixMatch: + // strip trailing ** + return strings.HasPrefix(path, p.cleanedPattern[:len(p.cleanedPattern)-2]), nil + case suffixMatch: + // strip leading ** + suffix := p.cleanedPattern[2:] + if strings.HasSuffix(path, suffix) { + return true, nil + } + // **/foo matches "foo" + return suffix[0] == os.PathSeparator && path == suffix[1:], nil + case regexpMatch: + return p.regexp.MatchString(path), nil + } + + return false, nil +} + +func (p *Pattern) compile(sl string) error { + regStr := "^" + pattern := p.cleanedPattern + // Go through the pattern and convert it to a regexp. + // We use a scanner so we can support utf-8 chars. + var scan scanner.Scanner + scan.Init(strings.NewReader(pattern)) + + escSL := sl + if sl == `\` { + escSL += `\` + } + + p.matchType = exactMatch + for i := 0; scan.Peek() != scanner.EOF; i++ { + ch := scan.Next() + + if ch == '*' { + if scan.Peek() == '*' { + // is some flavor of "**" + scan.Next() + + // Treat **/ as ** so eat the "/" + if string(scan.Peek()) == sl { + scan.Next() + } + + if scan.Peek() == scanner.EOF { + // is "**EOF" - to align with .gitignore just accept all + if p.matchType == exactMatch { + p.matchType = prefixMatch + } else { + regStr += ".*" + p.matchType = regexpMatch + } + } else { + // is "**" + // Note that this allows for any # of /'s (even 0) because + // the .* will eat everything, even /'s + regStr += "(.*" + escSL + ")?" + p.matchType = regexpMatch + } + + if i == 0 { + p.matchType = suffixMatch + } + } else { + // is "*" so map it to anything but "/" + regStr += "[^" + escSL + "]*" + p.matchType = regexpMatch + } + } else if ch == '?' { + // "?" is any char except "/" + regStr += "[^" + escSL + "]" + p.matchType = regexpMatch + } else if shouldEscape(ch) { + // Escape some regexp special chars that have no meaning + // in golang's filepath.Match + regStr += `\` + string(ch) + } else if ch == '\\' { + // escape next char. Note that a trailing \ in the pattern + // will be left alone (but need to escape it) + if sl == `\` { + // On windows map "\" to "\\", meaning an escaped backslash, + // and then just continue because filepath.Match on + // Windows doesn't allow escaping at all + regStr += escSL + continue + } + if scan.Peek() != scanner.EOF { + regStr += `\` + string(scan.Next()) + p.matchType = regexpMatch + } else { + regStr += `\` + } + } else if ch == '[' || ch == ']' { + regStr += string(ch) + p.matchType = regexpMatch + } else { + regStr += string(ch) + } + } + + if p.matchType != regexpMatch { + return nil + } + + regStr += "$" + + re, err := regexp.Compile(regStr) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + p.regexp = re + p.matchType = regexpMatch + return nil +} + +// Matches returns true if file matches any of the patterns +// and isn't excluded by any of the subsequent patterns. +// +// This implementation is buggy (it only checks a single parent dir against the +// pattern) and will be removed soon. Use MatchesOrParentMatches instead. +func Matches(file string, patterns []string) (bool, error) { + pm, err := New(patterns) + if err != nil { + return false, err + } + file = filepath.Clean(file) + + if file == "." { + // Don't let them exclude everything, kind of silly. + return false, nil + } + + return pm.Matches(file) +} + +// MatchesOrParentMatches returns true if file matches any of the patterns +// and isn't excluded by any of the subsequent patterns. +func MatchesOrParentMatches(file string, patterns []string) (bool, error) { + pm, err := New(patterns) + if err != nil { + return false, err + } + file = filepath.Clean(file) + + if file == "." { + // Don't let them exclude everything, kind of silly. + return false, nil + } + + return pm.MatchesOrParentMatches(file) +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/doc.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index 86c2e01bbd8..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -// Package mount provides a set of functions to mount and unmount mounts. -// -// Currently it supports Linux. For historical reasons, there is also some support for FreeBSD. -package mount diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/flags_bsd.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/flags_bsd.go deleted file mode 100644 index a7f8a71957c..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/flags_bsd.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -//go:build freebsd || openbsd -// +build freebsd openbsd - -package mount - -import "golang.org/x/sys/unix" - -const ( - // RDONLY will mount the filesystem as read-only. - RDONLY = unix.MNT_RDONLY - - // NOSUID will not allow set-user-identifier or set-group-identifier bits to - // take effect. - NOSUID = unix.MNT_NOSUID - - // NOEXEC will not allow execution of any binaries on the mounted file system. - NOEXEC = unix.MNT_NOEXEC - - // SYNCHRONOUS will allow any I/O to the file system to be done synchronously. - SYNCHRONOUS = unix.MNT_SYNCHRONOUS - - // NOATIME will not update the file access time when reading from a file. - NOATIME = unix.MNT_NOATIME -) - -// These flags are unsupported. -const ( - BIND = 0 - DIRSYNC = 0 - MANDLOCK = 0 - NODEV = 0 - NODIRATIME = 0 - UNBINDABLE = 0 - RUNBINDABLE = 0 - PRIVATE = 0 - RPRIVATE = 0 - SHARED = 0 - RSHARED = 0 - SLAVE = 0 - RSLAVE = 0 - RBIND = 0 - RELATIME = 0 - REMOUNT = 0 - STRICTATIME = 0 - mntDetach = 0 -) diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/flags_linux.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/flags_linux.go deleted file mode 100644 index 0425d0dd633..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/flags_linux.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@ -package mount - -import ( - "golang.org/x/sys/unix" -) - -const ( - // RDONLY will mount the file system read-only. - RDONLY = unix.MS_RDONLY - - // NOSUID will not allow set-user-identifier or set-group-identifier bits to - // take effect. - NOSUID = unix.MS_NOSUID - - // NODEV will not interpret character or block special devices on the file - // system. - NODEV = unix.MS_NODEV - - // NOEXEC will not allow execution of any binaries on the mounted file system. - NOEXEC = unix.MS_NOEXEC - - // SYNCHRONOUS will allow I/O to the file system to be done synchronously. - SYNCHRONOUS = unix.MS_SYNCHRONOUS - - // DIRSYNC will force all directory updates within the file system to be done - // synchronously. This affects the following system calls: create, link, - // unlink, symlink, mkdir, rmdir, mknod and rename. - DIRSYNC = unix.MS_DIRSYNC - - // REMOUNT will attempt to remount an already-mounted file system. This is - // commonly used to change the mount flags for a file system, especially to - // make a readonly file system writeable. It does not change device or mount - // point. - REMOUNT = unix.MS_REMOUNT - - // MANDLOCK will force mandatory locks on a filesystem. - MANDLOCK = unix.MS_MANDLOCK - - // NOATIME will not update the file access time when reading from a file. - NOATIME = unix.MS_NOATIME - - // NODIRATIME will not update the directory access time. - NODIRATIME = unix.MS_NODIRATIME - - // BIND remounts a subtree somewhere else. - BIND = unix.MS_BIND - - // RBIND remounts a subtree and all possible submounts somewhere else. - RBIND = unix.MS_BIND | unix.MS_REC - - // UNBINDABLE creates a mount which cannot be cloned through a bind operation. - UNBINDABLE = unix.MS_UNBINDABLE - - // RUNBINDABLE marks the entire mount tree as UNBINDABLE. - RUNBINDABLE = unix.MS_UNBINDABLE | unix.MS_REC - - // PRIVATE creates a mount which carries no propagation abilities. - PRIVATE = unix.MS_PRIVATE - - // RPRIVATE marks the entire mount tree as PRIVATE. - RPRIVATE = unix.MS_PRIVATE | unix.MS_REC - - // SLAVE creates a mount which receives propagation from its master, but not - // vice versa. - SLAVE = unix.MS_SLAVE - - // RSLAVE marks the entire mount tree as SLAVE. - RSLAVE = unix.MS_SLAVE | unix.MS_REC - - // SHARED creates a mount which provides the ability to create mirrors of - // that mount such that mounts and unmounts within any of the mirrors - // propagate to the other mirrors. - SHARED = unix.MS_SHARED - - // RSHARED marks the entire mount tree as SHARED. - RSHARED = unix.MS_SHARED | unix.MS_REC - - // RELATIME updates inode access times relative to modify or change time. - RELATIME = unix.MS_RELATIME - - // STRICTATIME allows to explicitly request full atime updates. This makes - // it possible for the kernel to default to relatime or noatime but still - // allow userspace to override it. - STRICTATIME = unix.MS_STRICTATIME - - mntDetach = unix.MNT_DETACH -) diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/flags_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/flags_unix.go deleted file mode 100644 index 19fa61fccad..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/flags_unix.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ -//go:build !darwin && !windows -// +build !darwin,!windows - -package mount - -import ( - "fmt" - "strings" -) - -var flags = map[string]struct { - clear bool - flag int -}{ - "defaults": {false, 0}, - "ro": {false, RDONLY}, - "rw": {true, RDONLY}, - "suid": {true, NOSUID}, - "nosuid": {false, NOSUID}, - "dev": {true, NODEV}, - "nodev": {false, NODEV}, - "exec": {true, NOEXEC}, - "noexec": {false, NOEXEC}, - "sync": {false, SYNCHRONOUS}, - "async": {true, SYNCHRONOUS}, - "dirsync": {false, DIRSYNC}, - "remount": {false, REMOUNT}, - "mand": {false, MANDLOCK}, - "nomand": {true, MANDLOCK}, - "atime": {true, NOATIME}, - "noatime": {false, NOATIME}, - "diratime": {true, NODIRATIME}, - "nodiratime": {false, NODIRATIME}, - "bind": {false, BIND}, - "rbind": {false, RBIND}, - "unbindable": {false, UNBINDABLE}, - "runbindable": {false, RUNBINDABLE}, - "private": {false, PRIVATE}, - "rprivate": {false, RPRIVATE}, - "shared": {false, SHARED}, - "rshared": {false, RSHARED}, - "slave": {false, SLAVE}, - "rslave": {false, RSLAVE}, - "relatime": {false, RELATIME}, - "norelatime": {true, RELATIME}, - "strictatime": {false, STRICTATIME}, - "nostrictatime": {true, STRICTATIME}, -} - -var validFlags = map[string]bool{ - "": true, - "size": true, - "mode": true, - "uid": true, - "gid": true, - "nr_inodes": true, - "nr_blocks": true, - "mpol": true, -} - -var propagationFlags = map[string]bool{ - "bind": true, - "rbind": true, - "unbindable": true, - "runbindable": true, - "private": true, - "rprivate": true, - "shared": true, - "rshared": true, - "slave": true, - "rslave": true, -} - -// MergeTmpfsOptions merge mount options to make sure there is no duplicate. -func MergeTmpfsOptions(options []string) ([]string, error) { - // We use collisions maps to remove duplicates. - // For flag, the key is the flag value (the key for propagation flag is -1) - // For data=value, the key is the data - flagCollisions := map[int]bool{} - dataCollisions := map[string]bool{} - - var newOptions []string - // We process in reverse order - for i := len(options) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { - option := options[i] - if option == "defaults" { - continue - } - if f, ok := flags[option]; ok && f.flag != 0 { - // There is only one propagation mode - key := f.flag - if propagationFlags[option] { - key = -1 - } - // Check to see if there is collision for flag - if !flagCollisions[key] { - // We prepend the option and add to collision map - newOptions = append([]string{option}, newOptions...) - flagCollisions[key] = true - } - continue - } - opt := strings.SplitN(option, "=", 2) - if len(opt) != 2 || !validFlags[opt[0]] { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid tmpfs option %q", opt) - } - if !dataCollisions[opt[0]] { - // We prepend the option and add to collision map - newOptions = append([]string{option}, newOptions...) - dataCollisions[opt[0]] = true - } - } - - return newOptions, nil -} - -// Parse fstab type mount options into mount() flags -// and device specific data -func parseOptions(options string) (int, string) { - var ( - flag int - data []string - ) - - for _, o := range strings.Split(options, ",") { - // If the option does not exist in the flags table or the flag - // is not supported on the platform, - // then it is a data value for a specific fs type - if f, exists := flags[o]; exists && f.flag != 0 { - if f.clear { - flag &= ^f.flag - } else { - flag |= f.flag - } - } else { - data = append(data, o) - } - } - return flag, strings.Join(data, ",") -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/mount_errors.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/mount_errors.go deleted file mode 100644 index b0d8582e844..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/mount_errors.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -//go:build !darwin && !windows -// +build !darwin,!windows - -package mount - -import "strconv" - -// mountError records an error from mount or unmount operation -type mountError struct { - op string - source, target string - flags uintptr - data string - err error -} - -func (e *mountError) Error() string { - out := e.op + " " - - if e.source != "" { - out += e.source + ":" + e.target - } else { - out += e.target - } - - if e.flags != uintptr(0) { - out += ", flags: 0x" + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(e.flags), 16) - } - if e.data != "" { - out += ", data: " + e.data - } - - out += ": " + e.err.Error() - return out -} - -// Cause returns the underlying cause of the error. -// This is a convention used in github.com/pkg/errors -func (e *mountError) Cause() error { - return e.err -} - -// Unwrap returns the underlying error. -// This is a convention used in golang 1.13+ -func (e *mountError) Unwrap() error { - return e.err -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/mount_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/mount_unix.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4053fbbeb81..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/mount_unix.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -//go:build !darwin && !windows -// +build !darwin,!windows - -package mount - -import ( - "fmt" - "sort" - - "github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo" - "golang.org/x/sys/unix" -) - -// Mount will mount filesystem according to the specified configuration. -// Options must be specified like the mount or fstab unix commands: -// "opt1=val1,opt2=val2". See flags.go for supported option flags. -func Mount(device, target, mType, options string) error { - flag, data := parseOptions(options) - return mount(device, target, mType, uintptr(flag), data) -} - -// Unmount lazily unmounts a filesystem on supported platforms, otherwise does -// a normal unmount. If target is not a mount point, no error is returned. -func Unmount(target string) error { - err := unix.Unmount(target, mntDetach) - if err == nil || err == unix.EINVAL { //nolint:errorlint // unix errors are bare - // Ignore "not mounted" error here. Note the same error - // can be returned if flags are invalid, so this code - // assumes that the flags value is always correct. - return nil - } - - return &mountError{ - op: "umount", - target: target, - flags: uintptr(mntDetach), - err: err, - } -} - -// RecursiveUnmount unmounts the target and all mounts underneath, starting -// with the deepest mount first. The argument does not have to be a mount -// point itself. -func RecursiveUnmount(target string) error { - // Fast path, works if target is a mount point that can be unmounted. - // On Linux, mntDetach flag ensures a recursive unmount. For other - // platforms, if there are submounts, we'll get EBUSY (and fall back - // to the slow path). NOTE we do not ignore EINVAL here as target might - // not be a mount point itself (but there can be mounts underneath). - if err := unix.Unmount(target, mntDetach); err == nil { - return nil - } - - // Slow path: get all submounts, sort, unmount one by one. - mounts, err := mountinfo.GetMounts(mountinfo.PrefixFilter(target)) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - // Make the deepest mount be first - sort.Slice(mounts, func(i, j int) bool { - return len(mounts[i].Mountpoint) > len(mounts[j].Mountpoint) - }) - - var ( - suberr error - lastMount = len(mounts) - 1 - ) - for i, m := range mounts { - err = Unmount(m.Mountpoint) - if err != nil { - if i == lastMount { - if suberr != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("%w (possible cause: %s)", err, suberr) - } - return err - } - // This is a submount, we can ignore the error for now, - // the final unmount will fail if this is a real problem. - // With that in mind, the _first_ failed unmount error - // might be the real error cause, so let's keep it. - if suberr == nil { - suberr = err - } - } - } - return nil -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/mounter_freebsd.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/mounter_freebsd.go deleted file mode 100644 index 1fffb690153..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/mounter_freebsd.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -//go:build freebsd && cgo -// +build freebsd,cgo - -package mount - -/* -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -*/ -import "C" - -import ( - "strings" - "syscall" - "unsafe" -) - -func allocateIOVecs(options []string) []C.struct_iovec { - out := make([]C.struct_iovec, len(options)) - for i, option := range options { - out[i].iov_base = unsafe.Pointer(C.CString(option)) - out[i].iov_len = C.size_t(len(option) + 1) - } - return out -} - -func mount(device, target, mType string, flag uintptr, data string) error { - isNullFS := false - - xs := strings.Split(data, ",") - for _, x := range xs { - if x == "bind" { - isNullFS = true - } - } - - options := []string{"fspath", target} - if isNullFS { - options = append(options, "fstype", "nullfs", "target", device) - } else { - options = append(options, "fstype", mType, "from", device) - } - rawOptions := allocateIOVecs(options) - for _, rawOption := range rawOptions { - defer C.free(rawOption.iov_base) - } - - if errno := C.nmount(&rawOptions[0], C.uint(len(options)), C.int(flag)); errno != 0 { - return &mountError{ - op: "mount", - source: device, - target: target, - flags: flag, - err: syscall.Errno(errno), - } - } - return nil -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/mounter_linux.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/mounter_linux.go deleted file mode 100644 index 4e18f4b6786..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/mounter_linux.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -package mount - -import ( - "golang.org/x/sys/unix" -) - -const ( - // ptypes is the set propagation types. - ptypes = unix.MS_SHARED | unix.MS_PRIVATE | unix.MS_SLAVE | unix.MS_UNBINDABLE - - // pflags is the full set valid flags for a change propagation call. - pflags = ptypes | unix.MS_REC | unix.MS_SILENT - - // broflags is the combination of bind and read only - broflags = unix.MS_BIND | unix.MS_RDONLY -) - -// isremount returns true if either device name or flags identify a remount request, false otherwise. -func isremount(device string, flags uintptr) bool { - switch { - // We treat device "" and "none" as a remount request to provide compatibility with - // requests that don't explicitly set MS_REMOUNT such as those manipulating bind mounts. - case flags&unix.MS_REMOUNT != 0, device == "", device == "none": - return true - default: - return false - } -} - -func mount(device, target, mType string, flags uintptr, data string) error { - oflags := flags &^ ptypes - if !isremount(device, flags) || data != "" { - // Initial call applying all non-propagation flags for mount - // or remount with changed data - if err := unix.Mount(device, target, mType, oflags, data); err != nil { - return &mountError{ - op: "mount", - source: device, - target: target, - flags: oflags, - data: data, - err: err, - } - } - } - - if flags&ptypes != 0 { - // Change the propagation type. - if err := unix.Mount("", target, "", flags&pflags, ""); err != nil { - return &mountError{ - op: "remount", - target: target, - flags: flags & pflags, - err: err, - } - } - } - - if oflags&broflags == broflags { - // Remount the bind to apply read only. - if err := unix.Mount("", target, "", oflags|unix.MS_REMOUNT, ""); err != nil { - return &mountError{ - op: "remount-ro", - target: target, - flags: oflags | unix.MS_REMOUNT, - err: err, - } - } - } - - return nil -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/mounter_openbsd.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/mounter_openbsd.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3c0718b907d..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/mounter_openbsd.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -//go:build openbsd && cgo -// +build openbsd,cgo - -/* - Due to how OpenBSD mount(2) works, filesystem types need to be - supported explicitly since it uses separate structs to pass - filesystem-specific arguments. - - For now only UFS/FFS is supported as it's the default fs - on OpenBSD systems. - - See: https://man.openbsd.org/mount.2 -*/ - -package mount - -/* -#include -#include -*/ -import "C" - -import ( - "fmt" - "syscall" - "unsafe" -) - -func createExportInfo(readOnly bool) C.struct_export_args { - exportFlags := C.int(0) - if readOnly { - exportFlags = C.MNT_EXRDONLY - } - out := C.struct_export_args{ - ex_root: 0, - ex_flags: exportFlags, - } - return out -} - -func createUfsArgs(device string, readOnly bool) unsafe.Pointer { - out := &C.struct_ufs_args{ - fspec: C.CString(device), - export_info: createExportInfo(readOnly), - } - return unsafe.Pointer(out) -} - -func mount(device, target, mType string, flag uintptr, data string) error { - readOnly := flag&RDONLY != 0 - - var fsArgs unsafe.Pointer - - switch mType { - case "ffs": - fsArgs = createUfsArgs(device, readOnly) - default: - return &mountError{ - op: "mount", - source: device, - target: target, - flags: flag, - err: fmt.Errorf("unsupported file system type: %s", mType), - } - } - - if errno := C.mount(C.CString(mType), C.CString(target), C.int(flag), fsArgs); errno != 0 { - return &mountError{ - op: "mount", - source: device, - target: target, - flags: flag, - err: syscall.Errno(errno), - } - } - - return nil -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/mounter_unsupported.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/mounter_unsupported.go deleted file mode 100644 index b69d62bd65b..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/mounter_unsupported.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -//go:build (!linux && !freebsd && !openbsd && !windows && !darwin) || (freebsd && !cgo) || (openbsd && !cgo) -// +build !linux,!freebsd,!openbsd,!windows,!darwin freebsd,!cgo openbsd,!cgo - -package mount - -func mount(device, target, mType string, flag uintptr, data string) error { - panic("cgo required on freebsd and openbsd") -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/sharedsubtree_linux.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/sharedsubtree_linux.go deleted file mode 100644 index 948e6bacd8a..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/sharedsubtree_linux.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ -package mount - -import "github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo" - -// MakeShared ensures a mounted filesystem has the SHARED mount option enabled. -// See the supported options in flags.go for further reference. -func MakeShared(mountPoint string) error { - return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, SHARED) -} - -// MakeRShared ensures a mounted filesystem has the RSHARED mount option enabled. -// See the supported options in flags.go for further reference. -func MakeRShared(mountPoint string) error { - return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, RSHARED) -} - -// MakePrivate ensures a mounted filesystem has the PRIVATE mount option enabled. -// See the supported options in flags.go for further reference. -func MakePrivate(mountPoint string) error { - return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, PRIVATE) -} - -// MakeRPrivate ensures a mounted filesystem has the RPRIVATE mount option -// enabled. See the supported options in flags.go for further reference. -func MakeRPrivate(mountPoint string) error { - return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, RPRIVATE) -} - -// MakeSlave ensures a mounted filesystem has the SLAVE mount option enabled. -// See the supported options in flags.go for further reference. -func MakeSlave(mountPoint string) error { - return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, SLAVE) -} - -// MakeRSlave ensures a mounted filesystem has the RSLAVE mount option enabled. -// See the supported options in flags.go for further reference. -func MakeRSlave(mountPoint string) error { - return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, RSLAVE) -} - -// MakeUnbindable ensures a mounted filesystem has the UNBINDABLE mount option -// enabled. See the supported options in flags.go for further reference. -func MakeUnbindable(mountPoint string) error { - return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, UNBINDABLE) -} - -// MakeRUnbindable ensures a mounted filesystem has the RUNBINDABLE mount -// option enabled. See the supported options in flags.go for further reference. -func MakeRUnbindable(mountPoint string) error { - return ensureMountedAs(mountPoint, RUNBINDABLE) -} - -// MakeMount ensures that the file or directory given is a mount point, -// bind mounting it to itself it case it is not. -func MakeMount(mnt string) error { - mounted, err := mountinfo.Mounted(mnt) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if mounted { - return nil - } - - return mount(mnt, mnt, "none", uintptr(BIND), "") -} - -func ensureMountedAs(mnt string, flags int) error { - if err := MakeMount(mnt); err != nil { - return err - } - - return mount("", mnt, "none", uintptr(flags), "") -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/doc.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/doc.go deleted file mode 100644 index b80e05efd05..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/doc.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -// Package mountinfo provides a set of functions to retrieve information about OS mounts. -// -// Currently it supports Linux. For historical reasons, there is also some support for FreeBSD and OpenBSD, -// and a shallow implementation for Windows, but in general this is Linux-only package, so -// the rest of the document only applies to Linux, unless explicitly specified otherwise. -// -// In Linux, information about mounts seen by the current process is available from -// /proc/self/mountinfo. Note that due to mount namespaces, different processes can -// see different mounts. A per-process mountinfo table is available from /proc//mountinfo, -// where is a numerical process identifier. -// -// In general, /proc is not a very efficient interface, and mountinfo is not an exception. -// For example, there is no way to get information about a specific mount point (i.e. it -// is all-or-nothing). This package tries to hide the /proc ineffectiveness by using -// parse filters while reading mountinfo. A filter can skip some entries, or stop -// processing the rest of the file once the needed information is found. -// -// For mountinfo filters that accept path as an argument, the path must be absolute, -// having all symlinks resolved, and being cleaned (i.e. no extra slashes or dots). -// One way to achieve all of the above is to employ filepath.Abs followed by -// filepath.EvalSymlinks (the latter calls filepath.Clean on the result so -// there is no need to explicitly call filepath.Clean). -// -// NOTE that in many cases there is no need to consult mountinfo at all. Here are some -// of the cases where mountinfo should not be parsed: -// -// 1. Before performing a mount. Usually, this is not needed, but if required (say to -// prevent over-mounts), to check whether a directory is mounted, call os.Lstat -// on it and its parent directory, and compare their st.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t).Dev -// fields -- if they differ, then the directory is the mount point. NOTE this does -// not work for bind mounts. Optionally, the filesystem type can also be checked -// by calling unix.Statfs and checking the Type field (i.e. filesystem type). -// -// 2. After performing a mount. If there is no error returned, the mount succeeded; -// checking the mount table for a new mount is redundant and expensive. -// -// 3. Before performing an unmount. It is more efficient to do an unmount and ignore -// a specific error (EINVAL) which tells the directory is not mounted. -// -// 4. After performing an unmount. If there is no error returned, the unmount succeeded. -// -// 5. To find the mount point root of a specific directory. You can perform os.Stat() -// on the directory and traverse up until the Dev field of a parent directory differs. -package mountinfo diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mounted_linux.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mounted_linux.go deleted file mode 100644 index e78e726196e..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mounted_linux.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -package mountinfo - -import ( - "os" - "path/filepath" - - "golang.org/x/sys/unix" -) - -// MountedFast is a method of detecting a mount point without reading -// mountinfo from procfs. A caller can only trust the result if no error -// and sure == true are returned. Otherwise, other methods (e.g. parsing -// /proc/mounts) have to be used. If unsure, use Mounted instead (which -// uses MountedFast, but falls back to parsing mountinfo if needed). -// -// If a non-existent path is specified, an appropriate error is returned. -// In case the caller is not interested in this particular error, it should -// be handled separately using e.g. errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist). -// -// This function is only available on Linux. When available (since kernel -// v5.6), openat2(2) syscall is used to reliably detect all mounts. Otherwise, -// the implementation falls back to using stat(2), which can reliably detect -// normal (but not bind) mounts. -func MountedFast(path string) (mounted, sure bool, err error) { - // Root is always mounted. - if path == string(os.PathSeparator) { - return true, true, nil - } - - path, err = normalizePath(path) - if err != nil { - return false, false, err - } - mounted, sure, err = mountedFast(path) - return -} - -// mountedByOpenat2 is a method of detecting a mount that works for all kinds -// of mounts (incl. bind mounts), but requires a recent (v5.6+) linux kernel. -func mountedByOpenat2(path string) (bool, error) { - dir, last := filepath.Split(path) - - dirfd, err := unix.Openat2(unix.AT_FDCWD, dir, &unix.OpenHow{ - Flags: unix.O_PATH | unix.O_CLOEXEC, - }) - if err != nil { - return false, &os.PathError{Op: "openat2", Path: dir, Err: err} - } - fd, err := unix.Openat2(dirfd, last, &unix.OpenHow{ - Flags: unix.O_PATH | unix.O_CLOEXEC | unix.O_NOFOLLOW, - Resolve: unix.RESOLVE_NO_XDEV, - }) - _ = unix.Close(dirfd) - switch err { //nolint:errorlint // unix errors are bare - case nil: // definitely not a mount - _ = unix.Close(fd) - return false, nil - case unix.EXDEV: // definitely a mount - return true, nil - } - // not sure - return false, &os.PathError{Op: "openat2", Path: path, Err: err} -} - -// mountedFast is similar to MountedFast, except it expects a normalized path. -func mountedFast(path string) (mounted, sure bool, err error) { - // Root is always mounted. - if path == string(os.PathSeparator) { - return true, true, nil - } - - // Try a fast path, using openat2() with RESOLVE_NO_XDEV. - mounted, err = mountedByOpenat2(path) - if err == nil { - return mounted, true, nil - } - - // Another fast path: compare st.st_dev fields. - mounted, err = mountedByStat(path) - // This does not work for bind mounts, so false negative - // is possible, therefore only trust if return is true. - if mounted && err == nil { - return true, true, nil - } - - return -} - -func mounted(path string) (bool, error) { - path, err := normalizePath(path) - if err != nil { - return false, err - } - mounted, sure, err := mountedFast(path) - if sure && err == nil { - return mounted, nil - } - - // Fallback to parsing mountinfo. - return mountedByMountinfo(path) -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mounted_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mounted_unix.go deleted file mode 100644 index c7b7678f9a0..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mounted_unix.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -//go:build linux || freebsd || openbsd || darwin -// +build linux freebsd openbsd darwin - -package mountinfo - -import ( - "os" - "path/filepath" - - "golang.org/x/sys/unix" -) - -func mountedByStat(path string) (bool, error) { - var st unix.Stat_t - - if err := unix.Lstat(path, &st); err != nil { - return false, &os.PathError{Op: "stat", Path: path, Err: err} - } - dev := st.Dev - parent := filepath.Dir(path) - if err := unix.Lstat(parent, &st); err != nil { - return false, &os.PathError{Op: "stat", Path: parent, Err: err} - } - if dev != st.Dev { - // Device differs from that of parent, - // so definitely a mount point. - return true, nil - } - // NB: this does not detect bind mounts on Linux. - return false, nil -} - -func normalizePath(path string) (realPath string, err error) { - if realPath, err = filepath.Abs(path); err != nil { - return "", err - } - if realPath, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(realPath); err != nil { - return "", err - } - if _, err := os.Stat(realPath); err != nil { - return "", err - } - return realPath, nil -} - -func mountedByMountinfo(path string) (bool, error) { - entries, err := GetMounts(SingleEntryFilter(path)) - if err != nil { - return false, err - } - - return len(entries) > 0, nil -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo.go deleted file mode 100644 index 574aeb8767a..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -package mountinfo - -import ( - "os" -) - -// GetMounts retrieves a list of mounts for the current running process, -// with an optional filter applied (use nil for no filter). -func GetMounts(f FilterFunc) ([]*Info, error) { - return parseMountTable(f) -} - -// Mounted determines if a specified path is a mount point. In case of any -// error, false (and an error) is returned. -// -// If a non-existent path is specified, an appropriate error is returned. -// In case the caller is not interested in this particular error, it should -// be handled separately using e.g. errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist). -func Mounted(path string) (bool, error) { - // root is always mounted - if path == string(os.PathSeparator) { - return true, nil - } - return mounted(path) -} - -// Info reveals information about a particular mounted filesystem. This -// struct is populated from the content in the /proc//mountinfo file. -type Info struct { - // ID is a unique identifier of the mount (may be reused after umount). - ID int - - // Parent is the ID of the parent mount (or of self for the root - // of this mount namespace's mount tree). - Parent int - - // Major and Minor are the major and the minor components of the Dev - // field of unix.Stat_t structure returned by unix.*Stat calls for - // files on this filesystem. - Major, Minor int - - // Root is the pathname of the directory in the filesystem which forms - // the root of this mount. - Root string - - // Mountpoint is the pathname of the mount point relative to the - // process's root directory. - Mountpoint string - - // Options is a comma-separated list of mount options. - Options string - - // Optional are zero or more fields of the form "tag[:value]", - // separated by a space. Currently, the possible optional fields are - // "shared", "master", "propagate_from", and "unbindable". For more - // information, see mount_namespaces(7) Linux man page. - Optional string - - // FSType is the filesystem type in the form "type[.subtype]". - FSType string - - // Source is filesystem-specific information, or "none". - Source string - - // VFSOptions is a comma-separated list of superblock options. - VFSOptions string -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo_bsd.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo_bsd.go deleted file mode 100644 index 8420f58c7a9..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo_bsd.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -//go:build freebsd || openbsd || darwin -// +build freebsd openbsd darwin - -package mountinfo - -import "golang.org/x/sys/unix" - -// parseMountTable returns information about mounted filesystems -func parseMountTable(filter FilterFunc) ([]*Info, error) { - count, err := unix.Getfsstat(nil, unix.MNT_WAIT) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - entries := make([]unix.Statfs_t, count) - _, err = unix.Getfsstat(entries, unix.MNT_WAIT) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - var out []*Info - for _, entry := range entries { - var skip, stop bool - mountinfo := getMountinfo(&entry) - - if filter != nil { - // filter out entries we're not interested in - skip, stop = filter(mountinfo) - if skip { - continue - } - } - - out = append(out, mountinfo) - if stop { - break - } - } - return out, nil -} - -func mounted(path string) (bool, error) { - path, err := normalizePath(path) - if err != nil { - return false, err - } - // Fast path: compare st.st_dev fields. - // This should always work for FreeBSD and OpenBSD. - mounted, err := mountedByStat(path) - if err == nil { - return mounted, nil - } - - // Fallback to parsing mountinfo - return mountedByMountinfo(path) -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo_filters.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo_filters.go deleted file mode 100644 index 16079c3c541..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo_filters.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -package mountinfo - -import "strings" - -// FilterFunc is a type defining a callback function for GetMount(), -// used to filter out mountinfo entries we're not interested in, -// and/or stop further processing if we found what we wanted. -// -// It takes a pointer to the Info struct (fully populated with all available -// fields on the GOOS platform), and returns two booleans: -// -// skip: true if the entry should be skipped; -// -// stop: true if parsing should be stopped after the entry. -type FilterFunc func(*Info) (skip, stop bool) - -// PrefixFilter discards all entries whose mount points do not start with, or -// are equal to the path specified in prefix. The prefix path must be absolute, -// have all symlinks resolved, and cleaned (i.e. no extra slashes or dots). -// -// PrefixFilter treats prefix as a path, not a partial prefix, which means that -// given "/foo", "/foo/bar" and "/foobar" entries, PrefixFilter("/foo") returns -// "/foo" and "/foo/bar", and discards "/foobar". -func PrefixFilter(prefix string) FilterFunc { - return func(m *Info) (bool, bool) { - skip := !strings.HasPrefix(m.Mountpoint+"/", prefix+"/") - return skip, false - } -} - -// SingleEntryFilter looks for a specific entry. -func SingleEntryFilter(mp string) FilterFunc { - return func(m *Info) (bool, bool) { - if m.Mountpoint == mp { - return false, true // don't skip, stop now - } - return true, false // skip, keep going - } -} - -// ParentsFilter returns all entries whose mount points -// can be parents of a path specified, discarding others. -// -// For example, given /var/lib/docker/something, entries -// like /var/lib/docker, /var and / are returned. -func ParentsFilter(path string) FilterFunc { - return func(m *Info) (bool, bool) { - skip := !strings.HasPrefix(path, m.Mountpoint) - return skip, false - } -} - -// FSTypeFilter returns all entries that match provided fstype(s). -func FSTypeFilter(fstype ...string) FilterFunc { - return func(m *Info) (bool, bool) { - for _, t := range fstype { - if m.FSType == t { - return false, false // don't skip, keep going - } - } - return true, false // skip, keep going - } -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo_freebsdlike.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo_freebsdlike.go deleted file mode 100644 index ecaaa7a9c11..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo_freebsdlike.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -//go:build freebsd || darwin -// +build freebsd darwin - -package mountinfo - -import "golang.org/x/sys/unix" - -func getMountinfo(entry *unix.Statfs_t) *Info { - return &Info{ - Mountpoint: unix.ByteSliceToString(entry.Mntonname[:]), - FSType: unix.ByteSliceToString(entry.Fstypename[:]), - Source: unix.ByteSliceToString(entry.Mntfromname[:]), - } -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo_linux.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo_linux.go deleted file mode 100644 index 59332b07bf4..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo_linux.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,214 +0,0 @@ -package mountinfo - -import ( - "bufio" - "fmt" - "io" - "os" - "strconv" - "strings" -) - -// GetMountsFromReader retrieves a list of mounts from the -// reader provided, with an optional filter applied (use nil -// for no filter). This can be useful in tests or benchmarks -// that provide fake mountinfo data, or when a source other -// than /proc/self/mountinfo needs to be read from. -// -// This function is Linux-specific. -func GetMountsFromReader(r io.Reader, filter FilterFunc) ([]*Info, error) { - s := bufio.NewScanner(r) - out := []*Info{} - for s.Scan() { - var err error - - /* - See http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/proc.5.html - - 36 35 98:0 /mnt1 /mnt2 rw,noatime master:1 - ext3 /dev/root rw,errors=continue - (1)(2)(3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) - - (1) mount ID: unique identifier of the mount (may be reused after umount) - (2) parent ID: ID of parent (or of self for the top of the mount tree) - (3) major:minor: value of st_dev for files on filesystem - (4) root: root of the mount within the filesystem - (5) mount point: mount point relative to the process's root - (6) mount options: per mount options - (7) optional fields: zero or more fields of the form "tag[:value]" - (8) separator: marks the end of the optional fields - (9) filesystem type: name of filesystem of the form "type[.subtype]" - (10) mount source: filesystem specific information or "none" - (11) super options: per super block options - - In other words, we have: - * 6 mandatory fields (1)..(6) - * 0 or more optional fields (7) - * a separator field (8) - * 3 mandatory fields (9)..(11) - */ - - text := s.Text() - fields := strings.Split(text, " ") - numFields := len(fields) - if numFields < 10 { - // should be at least 10 fields - return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing '%s' failed: not enough fields (%d)", text, numFields) - } - - // separator field - sepIdx := numFields - 4 - // In Linux <= 3.9 mounting a cifs with spaces in a share - // name (like "//srv/My Docs") _may_ end up having a space - // in the last field of mountinfo (like "unc=//serv/My Docs"). - // Since kernel 3.10-rc1, cifs option "unc=" is ignored, - // so spaces should not appear. - // - // Check for a separator, and work around the spaces bug - for fields[sepIdx] != "-" { - sepIdx-- - if sepIdx == 5 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing '%s' failed: missing - separator", text) - } - } - - p := &Info{} - - p.Mountpoint, err = unescape(fields[4]) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing '%s' failed: mount point: %w", fields[4], err) - } - p.FSType, err = unescape(fields[sepIdx+1]) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing '%s' failed: fstype: %w", fields[sepIdx+1], err) - } - p.Source, err = unescape(fields[sepIdx+2]) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing '%s' failed: source: %w", fields[sepIdx+2], err) - } - p.VFSOptions = fields[sepIdx+3] - - // ignore any numbers parsing errors, as there should not be any - p.ID, _ = strconv.Atoi(fields[0]) - p.Parent, _ = strconv.Atoi(fields[1]) - mm := strings.SplitN(fields[2], ":", 3) - if len(mm) != 2 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing '%s' failed: unexpected major:minor pair %s", text, mm) - } - p.Major, _ = strconv.Atoi(mm[0]) - p.Minor, _ = strconv.Atoi(mm[1]) - - p.Root, err = unescape(fields[3]) - if err != nil { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing '%s' failed: root: %w", fields[3], err) - } - - p.Options = fields[5] - - // zero or more optional fields - p.Optional = strings.Join(fields[6:sepIdx], " ") - - // Run the filter after parsing all fields. - var skip, stop bool - if filter != nil { - skip, stop = filter(p) - if skip { - continue - } - } - - out = append(out, p) - if stop { - break - } - } - if err := s.Err(); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - return out, nil -} - -func parseMountTable(filter FilterFunc) ([]*Info, error) { - f, err := os.Open("/proc/self/mountinfo") - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - defer f.Close() - - return GetMountsFromReader(f, filter) -} - -// PidMountInfo retrieves the list of mounts from a given process' mount -// namespace. Unless there is a need to get mounts from a mount namespace -// different from that of a calling process, use GetMounts. -// -// This function is Linux-specific. -// -// Deprecated: this will be removed before v1; use GetMountsFromReader with -// opened /proc//mountinfo as an argument instead. -func PidMountInfo(pid int) ([]*Info, error) { - f, err := os.Open(fmt.Sprintf("/proc/%d/mountinfo", pid)) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - defer f.Close() - - return GetMountsFromReader(f, nil) -} - -// A few specific characters in mountinfo path entries (root and mountpoint) -// are escaped using a backslash followed by a character's ascii code in octal. -// -// space -- as \040 -// tab (aka \t) -- as \011 -// newline (aka \n) -- as \012 -// backslash (aka \\) -- as \134 -// -// This function converts path from mountinfo back, i.e. it unescapes the above sequences. -func unescape(path string) (string, error) { - // try to avoid copying - if strings.IndexByte(path, '\\') == -1 { - return path, nil - } - - // The following code is UTF-8 transparent as it only looks for some - // specific characters (backslash and 0..7) with values < utf8.RuneSelf, - // and everything else is passed through as is. - buf := make([]byte, len(path)) - bufLen := 0 - for i := 0; i < len(path); i++ { - if path[i] != '\\' { - buf[bufLen] = path[i] - bufLen++ - continue - } - s := path[i:] - if len(s) < 4 { - // too short - return "", fmt.Errorf("bad escape sequence %q: too short", s) - } - c := s[1] - switch c { - case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7': - v := c - '0' - for j := 2; j < 4; j++ { // one digit already; two more - if s[j] < '0' || s[j] > '7' { - return "", fmt.Errorf("bad escape sequence %q: not a digit", s[:3]) - } - x := s[j] - '0' - v = (v << 3) | x - } - if v > 255 { - return "", fmt.Errorf("bad escape sequence %q: out of range" + s[:3]) - } - buf[bufLen] = v - bufLen++ - i += 3 - continue - default: - return "", fmt.Errorf("bad escape sequence %q: not a digit" + s[:3]) - - } - } - - return string(buf[:bufLen]), nil -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo_openbsd.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo_openbsd.go deleted file mode 100644 index f682c2d3b59..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo_openbsd.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -package mountinfo - -import "golang.org/x/sys/unix" - -func getMountinfo(entry *unix.Statfs_t) *Info { - return &Info{ - Mountpoint: unix.ByteSliceToString(entry.F_mntonname[:]), - FSType: unix.ByteSliceToString(entry.F_fstypename[:]), - Source: unix.ByteSliceToString(entry.F_mntfromname[:]), - } -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo_unsupported.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo_unsupported.go deleted file mode 100644 index c2e64bc81c7..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo_unsupported.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -//go:build !windows && !linux && !freebsd && !openbsd && !darwin -// +build !windows,!linux,!freebsd,!openbsd,!darwin - -package mountinfo - -import ( - "fmt" - "runtime" -) - -var errNotImplemented = fmt.Errorf("not implemented on %s/%s", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH) - -func parseMountTable(_ FilterFunc) ([]*Info, error) { - return nil, errNotImplemented -} - -func mounted(path string) (bool, error) { - return false, errNotImplemented -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo_windows.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo_windows.go deleted file mode 100644 index 13fad165e5d..00000000000 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo/mountinfo_windows.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -package mountinfo - -func parseMountTable(_ FilterFunc) ([]*Info, error) { - // Do NOT return an error! - return nil, nil -} - -func mounted(_ string) (bool, error) { - return false, nil -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/LICENSE b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/sequential/LICENSE similarity index 100% rename from ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/mount/LICENSE rename to ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/sequential/LICENSE diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/sequential/doc.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/sequential/doc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..af2817504b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/sequential/doc.go @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +// Package sequential provides a set of functions for managing sequential +// files on Windows. +// +// The origin of these functions are the golang OS and windows packages, +// slightly modified to only cope with files, not directories due to the +// specific use case. +// +// The alteration is to allow a file on Windows to be opened with +// FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN (particular for docker load), to avoid eating +// the standby list, particularly when accessing large files such as layer.tar. +// +// For non-Windows platforms, the package provides wrappers for the equivalents +// in the os packages. They are passthrough on Unix platforms, and only relevant +// on Windows. +package sequential diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/sequential/sequential_unix.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/sequential/sequential_unix.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a3c7340e3ac --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/sequential/sequential_unix.go @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +//go:build !windows +// +build !windows + +package sequential + +import "os" + +// Create creates the named file with mode 0666 (before umask), truncating +// it if it already exists. If successful, methods on the returned +// File can be used for I/O; the associated file descriptor has mode +// O_RDWR. +// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError. +func Create(name string) (*os.File, error) { + return os.Create(name) +} + +// Open opens the named file for reading. If successful, methods on +// the returned file can be used for reading; the associated file +// descriptor has mode O_RDONLY. +// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError. +func Open(name string) (*os.File, error) { + return os.Open(name) +} + +// OpenFile is the generalized open call; most users will use Open +// or Create instead. It opens the named file with specified flag +// (O_RDONLY etc.) and perm, (0666 etc.) if applicable. If successful, +// methods on the returned File can be used for I/O. +// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError. +func OpenFile(name string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (*os.File, error) { + return os.OpenFile(name, flag, perm) +} + +// CreateTemp creates a new temporary file in the directory dir +// with a name beginning with prefix, opens the file for reading +// and writing, and returns the resulting *os.File. +// If dir is the empty string, TempFile uses the default directory +// for temporary files (see os.TempDir). +// Multiple programs calling TempFile simultaneously +// will not choose the same file. The caller can use f.Name() +// to find the pathname of the file. It is the caller's responsibility +// to remove the file when no longer needed. +func CreateTemp(dir, prefix string) (f *os.File, err error) { + return os.CreateTemp(dir, prefix) +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/sequential/sequential_windows.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/sequential/sequential_windows.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3f7f0d83e00 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/moby/sys/sequential/sequential_windows.go @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +package sequential + +import ( + "os" + "path/filepath" + "strconv" + "sync" + "syscall" + "time" + "unsafe" + + "golang.org/x/sys/windows" +) + +// Create creates the named file with mode 0666 (before umask), truncating +// it if it already exists. If successful, methods on the returned +// File can be used for I/O; the associated file descriptor has mode +// O_RDWR. +// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError. +func Create(name string) (*os.File, error) { + return OpenFile(name, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0) +} + +// Open opens the named file for reading. If successful, methods on +// the returned file can be used for reading; the associated file +// descriptor has mode O_RDONLY. +// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError. +func Open(name string) (*os.File, error) { + return OpenFile(name, os.O_RDONLY, 0) +} + +// OpenFile is the generalized open call; most users will use Open +// or Create instead. +// If there is an error, it will be of type *PathError. +func OpenFile(name string, flag int, _ os.FileMode) (*os.File, error) { + if name == "" { + return nil, &os.PathError{Op: "open", Path: name, Err: syscall.ENOENT} + } + r, err := openFileSequential(name, flag, 0) + if err == nil { + return r, nil + } + return nil, &os.PathError{Op: "open", Path: name, Err: err} +} + +func openFileSequential(name string, flag int, _ os.FileMode) (file *os.File, err error) { + r, e := openSequential(name, flag|windows.O_CLOEXEC, 0) + if e != nil { + return nil, e + } + return os.NewFile(uintptr(r), name), nil +} + +func makeInheritSa() *windows.SecurityAttributes { + var sa windows.SecurityAttributes + sa.Length = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(sa)) + sa.InheritHandle = 1 + return &sa +} + +func openSequential(path string, mode int, _ uint32) (fd windows.Handle, err error) { + if len(path) == 0 { + return windows.InvalidHandle, windows.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND + } + pathp, err := windows.UTF16PtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return windows.InvalidHandle, err + } + var access uint32 + switch mode & (windows.O_RDONLY | windows.O_WRONLY | windows.O_RDWR) { + case windows.O_RDONLY: + access = windows.GENERIC_READ + case windows.O_WRONLY: + access = windows.GENERIC_WRITE + case windows.O_RDWR: + access = windows.GENERIC_READ | windows.GENERIC_WRITE + } + if mode&windows.O_CREAT != 0 { + access |= windows.GENERIC_WRITE + } + if mode&windows.O_APPEND != 0 { + access &^= windows.GENERIC_WRITE + access |= windows.FILE_APPEND_DATA + } + sharemode := uint32(windows.FILE_SHARE_READ | windows.FILE_SHARE_WRITE) + var sa *windows.SecurityAttributes + if mode&windows.O_CLOEXEC == 0 { + sa = makeInheritSa() + } + var createmode uint32 + switch { + case mode&(windows.O_CREAT|windows.O_EXCL) == (windows.O_CREAT | windows.O_EXCL): + createmode = windows.CREATE_NEW + case mode&(windows.O_CREAT|windows.O_TRUNC) == (windows.O_CREAT | windows.O_TRUNC): + createmode = windows.CREATE_ALWAYS + case mode&windows.O_CREAT == windows.O_CREAT: + createmode = windows.OPEN_ALWAYS + case mode&windows.O_TRUNC == windows.O_TRUNC: + createmode = windows.TRUNCATE_EXISTING + default: + createmode = windows.OPEN_EXISTING + } + // Use FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN rather than FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL as implemented in golang. + // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa363858(v=vs.85).aspx + const fileFlagSequentialScan = 0x08000000 // FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN + h, e := windows.CreateFile(pathp, access, sharemode, sa, createmode, fileFlagSequentialScan, 0) + return h, e +} + +// Helpers for CreateTemp +var rand uint32 +var randmu sync.Mutex + +func reseed() uint32 { + return uint32(time.Now().UnixNano() + int64(os.Getpid())) +} + +func nextSuffix() string { + randmu.Lock() + r := rand + if r == 0 { + r = reseed() + } + r = r*1664525 + 1013904223 // constants from Numerical Recipes + rand = r + randmu.Unlock() + return strconv.Itoa(int(1e9 + r%1e9))[1:] +} + +// CreateTemp is a copy of os.CreateTemp, modified to use sequential +// file access. Below is the original comment from golang: +// TempFile creates a new temporary file in the directory dir +// with a name beginning with prefix, opens the file for reading +// and writing, and returns the resulting *os.File. +// If dir is the empty string, TempFile uses the default directory +// for temporary files (see os.TempDir). +// Multiple programs calling TempFile simultaneously +// will not choose the same file. The caller can use f.Name() +// to find the pathname of the file. It is the caller's responsibility +// to remove the file when no longer needed. +func CreateTemp(dir, prefix string) (f *os.File, err error) { + if dir == "" { + dir = os.TempDir() + } + + nconflict := 0 + for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ { + name := filepath.Join(dir, prefix+nextSuffix()) + f, err = OpenFile(name, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, 0o600) + if os.IsExist(err) { + if nconflict++; nconflict > 10 { + randmu.Lock() + rand = reseed() + randmu.Unlock() + } + continue + } + break + } + return +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/.travis.yml b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/.travis.yml index bf3eed6f53b..9159de03e03 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/.travis.yml +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/.travis.yml @@ -1,12 +1,10 @@ language: go go_import_path: github.com/pkg/errors go: - - 1.4.x - - 1.5.x - - 1.6.x - - 1.7.x - - 1.8.x + - 1.11.x + - 1.12.x + - 1.13.x - tip script: - - go test -v ./... + - make check diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/Makefile b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ce9d7cded64 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +PKGS := github.com/pkg/errors +SRCDIRS := $(shell go list -f '{{.Dir}}' $(PKGS)) +GO := go + +check: test vet gofmt misspell unconvert staticcheck ineffassign unparam + +test: + $(GO) test $(PKGS) + +vet: | test + $(GO) vet $(PKGS) + +staticcheck: + $(GO) get honnef.co/go/tools/cmd/staticcheck + staticcheck -checks all $(PKGS) + +misspell: + $(GO) get github.com/client9/misspell/cmd/misspell + misspell \ + -locale GB \ + -error \ + *.md *.go + +unconvert: + $(GO) get github.com/mdempsky/unconvert + unconvert -v $(PKGS) + +ineffassign: + $(GO) get github.com/gordonklaus/ineffassign + find $(SRCDIRS) -name '*.go' | xargs ineffassign + +pedantic: check errcheck + +unparam: + $(GO) get mvdan.cc/unparam + unparam ./... + +errcheck: + $(GO) get github.com/kisielk/errcheck + errcheck $(PKGS) + +gofmt: + @echo Checking code is gofmted + @test -z "$(shell gofmt -s -l -d -e $(SRCDIRS) | tee /dev/stderr)" diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/README.md b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/README.md index 273db3c98ae..54dfdcb12ea 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/README.md +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/README.md @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# errors [![Travis-CI](https://travis-ci.org/pkg/errors.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/pkg/errors) [![AppVeyor](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/b98mptawhudj53ep/branch/master?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/davecheney/errors/branch/master) [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/pkg/errors?status.svg)](http://godoc.org/github.com/pkg/errors) [![Report card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/pkg/errors)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/pkg/errors) +# errors [![Travis-CI](https://travis-ci.org/pkg/errors.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/pkg/errors) [![AppVeyor](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/b98mptawhudj53ep/branch/master?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/davecheney/errors/branch/master) [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/pkg/errors?status.svg)](http://godoc.org/github.com/pkg/errors) [![Report card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/pkg/errors)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/pkg/errors) [![Sourcegraph](https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/pkg/errors/-/badge.svg)](https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/pkg/errors?badge) Package errors provides simple error handling primitives. @@ -41,12 +41,19 @@ default: [Read the package documentation for more information](https://godoc.org/github.com/pkg/errors). +## Roadmap + +With the upcoming [Go2 error proposals](https://go.googlesource.com/proposal/+/master/design/go2draft.md) this package is moving into maintenance mode. The roadmap for a 1.0 release is as follows: + +- 0.9. Remove pre Go 1.9 and Go 1.10 support, address outstanding pull requests (if possible) +- 1.0. Final release. + ## Contributing -We welcome pull requests, bug fixes and issue reports. With that said, the bar for adding new symbols to this package is intentionally set high. +Because of the Go2 errors changes, this package is not accepting proposals for new functionality. With that said, we welcome pull requests, bug fixes and issue reports. -Before proposing a change, please discuss your change by raising an issue. +Before sending a PR, please discuss your change by raising an issue. -## Licence +## License BSD-2-Clause diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/errors.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/errors.go index 842ee80456d..161aea25829 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/errors.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/errors.go @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ // return err // } // -// which applied recursively up the call stack results in error reports +// which when applied recursively up the call stack results in error reports // without context or debugging information. The errors package allows // programmers to add context to the failure path in their code in a way // that does not destroy the original value of the error. @@ -15,16 +15,17 @@ // // The errors.Wrap function returns a new error that adds context to the // original error by recording a stack trace at the point Wrap is called, -// and the supplied message. For example +// together with the supplied message. For example // // _, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r) // if err != nil { // return errors.Wrap(err, "read failed") // } // -// If additional control is required the errors.WithStack and errors.WithMessage -// functions destructure errors.Wrap into its component operations of annotating -// an error with a stack trace and an a message, respectively. +// If additional control is required, the errors.WithStack and +// errors.WithMessage functions destructure errors.Wrap into its component +// operations: annotating an error with a stack trace and with a message, +// respectively. // // Retrieving the cause of an error // @@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ // } // // can be inspected by errors.Cause. errors.Cause will recursively retrieve -// the topmost error which does not implement causer, which is assumed to be +// the topmost error that does not implement causer, which is assumed to be // the original cause. For example: // // switch err := errors.Cause(err).(type) { @@ -48,16 +49,16 @@ // // unknown error // } // -// causer interface is not exported by this package, but is considered a part -// of stable public API. +// Although the causer interface is not exported by this package, it is +// considered a part of its stable public interface. // // Formatted printing of errors // // All error values returned from this package implement fmt.Formatter and can -// be formatted by the fmt package. The following verbs are supported +// be formatted by the fmt package. The following verbs are supported: // // %s print the error. If the error has a Cause it will be -// printed recursively +// printed recursively. // %v see %s // %+v extended format. Each Frame of the error's StackTrace will // be printed in detail. @@ -65,13 +66,13 @@ // Retrieving the stack trace of an error or wrapper // // New, Errorf, Wrap, and Wrapf record a stack trace at the point they are -// invoked. This information can be retrieved with the following interface. +// invoked. This information can be retrieved with the following interface: // // type stackTracer interface { // StackTrace() errors.StackTrace // } // -// Where errors.StackTrace is defined as +// The returned errors.StackTrace type is defined as // // type StackTrace []Frame // @@ -81,12 +82,12 @@ // // if err, ok := err.(stackTracer); ok { // for _, f := range err.StackTrace() { -// fmt.Printf("%+s:%d", f) +// fmt.Printf("%+s:%d\n", f, f) // } // } // -// stackTracer interface is not exported by this package, but is considered a part -// of stable public API. +// Although the stackTracer interface is not exported by this package, it is +// considered a part of its stable public interface. // // See the documentation for Frame.Format for more details. package errors @@ -158,6 +159,9 @@ type withStack struct { func (w *withStack) Cause() error { return w.error } +// Unwrap provides compatibility for Go 1.13 error chains. +func (w *withStack) Unwrap() error { return w.error } + func (w *withStack) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) { switch verb { case 'v': @@ -192,7 +196,7 @@ func Wrap(err error, message string) error { } // Wrapf returns an error annotating err with a stack trace -// at the point Wrapf is call, and the format specifier. +// at the point Wrapf is called, and the format specifier. // If err is nil, Wrapf returns nil. func Wrapf(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) error { if err == nil { @@ -220,6 +224,18 @@ func WithMessage(err error, message string) error { } } +// WithMessagef annotates err with the format specifier. +// If err is nil, WithMessagef returns nil. +func WithMessagef(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) error { + if err == nil { + return nil + } + return &withMessage{ + cause: err, + msg: fmt.Sprintf(format, args...), + } +} + type withMessage struct { cause error msg string @@ -228,6 +244,9 @@ type withMessage struct { func (w *withMessage) Error() string { return w.msg + ": " + w.cause.Error() } func (w *withMessage) Cause() error { return w.cause } +// Unwrap provides compatibility for Go 1.13 error chains. +func (w *withMessage) Unwrap() error { return w.cause } + func (w *withMessage) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) { switch verb { case 'v': diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/go113.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/go113.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..be0d10d0c79 --- /dev/null +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/go113.go @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +// +build go1.13 + +package errors + +import ( + stderrors "errors" +) + +// Is reports whether any error in err's chain matches target. +// +// The chain consists of err itself followed by the sequence of errors obtained by +// repeatedly calling Unwrap. +// +// An error is considered to match a target if it is equal to that target or if +// it implements a method Is(error) bool such that Is(target) returns true. +func Is(err, target error) bool { return stderrors.Is(err, target) } + +// As finds the first error in err's chain that matches target, and if so, sets +// target to that error value and returns true. +// +// The chain consists of err itself followed by the sequence of errors obtained by +// repeatedly calling Unwrap. +// +// An error matches target if the error's concrete value is assignable to the value +// pointed to by target, or if the error has a method As(interface{}) bool such that +// As(target) returns true. In the latter case, the As method is responsible for +// setting target. +// +// As will panic if target is not a non-nil pointer to either a type that implements +// error, or to any interface type. As returns false if err is nil. +func As(err error, target interface{}) bool { return stderrors.As(err, target) } + +// Unwrap returns the result of calling the Unwrap method on err, if err's +// type contains an Unwrap method returning error. +// Otherwise, Unwrap returns nil. +func Unwrap(err error) error { + return stderrors.Unwrap(err) +} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/stack.go b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/stack.go index cbe3f3e387c..779a8348fb9 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/stack.go +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/github.com/pkg/errors/stack.go @@ -5,10 +5,13 @@ import ( "io" "path" "runtime" + "strconv" "strings" ) // Frame represents a program counter inside a stack frame. +// For historical reasons if Frame is interpreted as a uintptr +// its value represents the program counter + 1. type Frame uintptr // pc returns the program counter for this frame; @@ -37,6 +40,15 @@ func (f Frame) line() int { return line } +// name returns the name of this function, if known. +func (f Frame) name() string { + fn := runtime.FuncForPC(f.pc()) + if fn == nil { + return "unknown" + } + return fn.Name() +} + // Format formats the frame according to the fmt.Formatter interface. // // %s source file @@ -46,29 +58,24 @@ func (f Frame) line() int { // // Format accepts flags that alter the printing of some verbs, as follows: // -// %+s path of source file relative to the compile time GOPATH +// %+s function name and path of source file relative to the compile time +// GOPATH separated by \n\t (\n\t) // %+v equivalent to %+s:%d func (f Frame) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) { switch verb { case 's': switch { case s.Flag('+'): - pc := f.pc() - fn := runtime.FuncForPC(pc) - if fn == nil { - io.WriteString(s, "unknown") - } else { - file, _ := fn.FileLine(pc) - fmt.Fprintf(s, "%s\n\t%s", fn.Name(), file) - } + io.WriteString(s, f.name()) + io.WriteString(s, "\n\t") + io.WriteString(s, f.file()) default: io.WriteString(s, path.Base(f.file())) } case 'd': - fmt.Fprintf(s, "%d", f.line()) + io.WriteString(s, strconv.Itoa(f.line())) case 'n': - name := runtime.FuncForPC(f.pc()).Name() - io.WriteString(s, funcname(name)) + io.WriteString(s, funcname(f.name())) case 'v': f.Format(s, 's') io.WriteString(s, ":") @@ -76,6 +83,16 @@ func (f Frame) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) { } } +// MarshalText formats a stacktrace Frame as a text string. The output is the +// same as that of fmt.Sprintf("%+v", f), but without newlines or tabs. +func (f Frame) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) { + name := f.name() + if name == "unknown" { + return []byte(name), nil + } + return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s:%d", name, f.file(), f.line())), nil +} + // StackTrace is stack of Frames from innermost (newest) to outermost (oldest). type StackTrace []Frame @@ -93,18 +110,32 @@ func (st StackTrace) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) { switch { case s.Flag('+'): for _, f := range st { - fmt.Fprintf(s, "\n%+v", f) + io.WriteString(s, "\n") + f.Format(s, verb) } case s.Flag('#'): fmt.Fprintf(s, "%#v", []Frame(st)) default: - fmt.Fprintf(s, "%v", []Frame(st)) + st.formatSlice(s, verb) } case 's': - fmt.Fprintf(s, "%s", []Frame(st)) + st.formatSlice(s, verb) } } +// formatSlice will format this StackTrace into the given buffer as a slice of +// Frame, only valid when called with '%s' or '%v'. +func (st StackTrace) formatSlice(s fmt.State, verb rune) { + io.WriteString(s, "[") + for i, f := range st { + if i > 0 { + io.WriteString(s, " ") + } + f.Format(s, verb) + } + io.WriteString(s, "]") +} + // stack represents a stack of program counters. type stack []uintptr @@ -144,43 +175,3 @@ func funcname(name string) string { i = strings.Index(name, ".") return name[i+1:] } - -func trimGOPATH(name, file string) string { - // Here we want to get the source file path relative to the compile time - // GOPATH. As of Go 1.6.x there is no direct way to know the compiled - // GOPATH at runtime, but we can infer the number of path segments in the - // GOPATH. We note that fn.Name() returns the function name qualified by - // the import path, which does not include the GOPATH. Thus we can trim - // segments from the beginning of the file path until the number of path - // separators remaining is one more than the number of path separators in - // the function name. For example, given: - // - // GOPATH /home/user - // file /home/user/src/pkg/sub/file.go - // fn.Name() pkg/sub.Type.Method - // - // We want to produce: - // - // pkg/sub/file.go - // - // From this we can easily see that fn.Name() has one less path separator - // than our desired output. We count separators from the end of the file - // path until it finds two more than in the function name and then move - // one character forward to preserve the initial path segment without a - // leading separator. - const sep = "/" - goal := strings.Count(name, sep) + 2 - i := len(file) - for n := 0; n < goal; n++ { - i = strings.LastIndex(file[:i], sep) - if i == -1 { - // not enough separators found, set i so that the slice expression - // below leaves file unmodified - i = -len(sep) - break - } - } - // get back to 0 or trim the leading separator - file = file[i+len(sep):] - return file -} diff --git a/ecs-init/vendor/modules.txt b/ecs-init/vendor/modules.txt index 7e7b7e6bfa3..3d6d59afcf7 100644 --- a/ecs-init/vendor/modules.txt +++ b/ecs-init/vendor/modules.txt @@ -6,9 +6,6 @@ github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm/winterm ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/Microsoft/go-winio github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pkg/guid -# github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim v0.9.6 -## explicit; go 1.13 -github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim/osversion # github.com/NVIDIA/gpu-monitoring-tools v0.0.0-20180829222009-86f2a9fac6c5 ## explicit github.com/NVIDIA/gpu-monitoring-tools/bindings/go/nvml @@ -76,7 +73,7 @@ github.com/coreos/go-systemd/activation # github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 ## explicit github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew -# github.com/docker/docker v20.10.3-0.20210618090124-472f21b923ef+incompatible +# github.com/docker/docker v23.0.3+incompatible ## explicit github.com/docker/docker/api/types github.com/docker/docker/api/types/blkiodev @@ -89,6 +86,7 @@ github.com/docker/docker/api/types/strslice github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm github.com/docker/docker/api/types/swarm/runtime github.com/docker/docker/api/types/versions +github.com/docker/docker/api/types/volume github.com/docker/docker/libnetwork/ipamutils github.com/docker/docker/opts github.com/docker/docker/pkg/archive @@ -126,12 +124,21 @@ github.com/golang/mock/gomock # github.com/jmespath/go-jmespath v0.4.0 => github.com/jmespath/go-jmespath v0.0.0-20180206201540-c2b33e8439af ## explicit github.com/jmespath/go-jmespath -# github.com/moby/sys/mount v0.3.3 -## explicit; go 1.16 -github.com/moby/sys/mount -# github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo v0.6.2 -## explicit; go 1.16 -github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo +# github.com/klauspost/compress v1.11.13 +## explicit; go 1.13 +github.com/klauspost/compress/fse +github.com/klauspost/compress/huff0 +github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy +github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd +github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash +# github.com/kr/text v0.2.0 +## explicit +# github.com/moby/patternmatcher v0.5.0 +## explicit; go 1.19 +github.com/moby/patternmatcher +# github.com/moby/sys/sequential v0.5.0 +## explicit; go 1.17 +github.com/moby/sys/sequential # github.com/moby/term v0.0.0-20220808134915-39b0c02b01ae ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/moby/term @@ -139,6 +146,8 @@ github.com/moby/term/windows # github.com/morikuni/aec v1.0.0 ## explicit github.com/morikuni/aec +# github.com/niemeyer/pretty v0.0.0-20200227124842-a10e7caefd8e +## explicit; go 1.12 # github.com/opencontainers/go-digest v1.0.0 ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/opencontainers/go-digest @@ -149,7 +158,7 @@ github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/specs-go/v1 # github.com/opencontainers/runc v1.1.5 ## explicit; go 1.16 github.com/opencontainers/runc/libcontainer/user -# github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1 => github.com/pkg/errors v0.8.1-0.20170505043639-c605e284fe17 +# github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1 ## explicit github.com/pkg/errors # github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.0 @@ -173,6 +182,8 @@ golang.org/x/sys/execabs golang.org/x/sys/internal/unsafeheader golang.org/x/sys/unix golang.org/x/sys/windows +# gopkg.in/check.v1 v1.0.0-20200227125254-8fa46927fb4f +## explicit # gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.1 ## explicit gopkg.in/yaml.v3 @@ -181,4 +192,3 @@ gopkg.in/yaml.v3 # github.com/coreos/go-systemd => github.com/coreos/go-systemd/v22 v22.0.0 # golang.org/x/net => golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20170529214944-3da985ce5951 # github.com/jmespath/go-jmespath => github.com/jmespath/go-jmespath v0.0.0-20180206201540-c2b33e8439af -# github.com/pkg/errors => github.com/pkg/errors v0.8.1-0.20170505043639-c605e284fe17