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Aura.Web Request

The Request object describes the current web execution context for PHP. Note that it is not an HTTP request object proper, since it includes things like $_ENV and various non-HTTP $_SERVER keys.

To create a Request object, instantiate a WebFactory and get new Request object from it:

use Aura\Web\WebFactory;

$web_factory = new WebFactory($GLOBALS);
$request = $web_factory->newRequest();

The Request object contains several property objects. Some represent a copy of the PHP superglobals ...

  • $request->cookies for $_COOKIES
  • $request->env for $_ENV
  • $request->files for $_FILES
  • $request->post for $_POST
  • $request->query for $_GET
  • $request->server for $_SERVER

... and others represent more specific kinds of information about the request:

  • $request->client for the client making the request
  • $request->content for the raw body of the request
  • $request->headers for the request headers
  • $request->method for the request method
  • $request->params for path-info parameters
  • $request->url for the request URL

The Request object has only one method, isXhr(), to indicate if the request is an XmlHttpRequest or not.


Each of the superglobal representation objects has a single method, get(), that returns the value of a key in the superglobal, or an alternative value if the key is not present. The values here are read-only.

// returns the value of $_POST['field_name'], or 'not set' if 'field_name' is
// not present in $_POST
$field_name = $request->post->get('field_name', 'not set');

// if no key is given, returns an array of all values in the superglobal
$all_server_values = $request->server->get();

// the $_FILES array has been rearranged to look like $_POST
$file = $request->files->get('file_field', array());


The $request->client object has these methods:

  • getForwardedFor() returns the values of the X-Forwarded-For headers as an array.

  • getReferer() returns the value of the Referer header.

  • getIp() returns the value of $_SEVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], or the appropriate value of X-Forwarded-For.

  • getUserAgent() return the value of the User-Agent header.

  • isCrawler() returns true if the User-Agent header matches one of a list of bot/crawler/robot user agents (otherwise false).

  • isMobile() returns true if the User-Agent header matches one of a list of mobile user agents (otherwise false).

To add to the list of recognized user agents, set up the WebFactory with them first, then create the Request object afterwards.



$request = $web_factory->newRequest();


The $request->content object has these methods:

  • getType() returns the content-type of the request body

  • getRaw() return the raw request body

  • get() returns the request body after decoding it based on the content type

The Content object has two decoders built in. If the request specified a content type of application/json, the get() method will automatically decode the body with json_decode(). Likewise, if the content type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded, the get() method will automatically decode the body with parse_str().

If you want to add or change content decoders, set up the WebFactory with them first, then create the Request object afterwards.

// content-type => callable
    'application/x-special-content-type' => function ($body) {
        // decoding logic

$request = $web_factory->newRequest();


The $request->headers object has a single method, get(), that returns the value of a particular header, or an alternative value if the key is not present. The values here are read-only.

// returns the value of 'X-Header' if present, or 'not set' if not
$header_value = $request->headers->get('X-Header', 'not set');


The $request->method object has these methods:

  • get(): returns the request method value
  • isDelete(): Did the request use a DELETE method?
  • isGet(): Did the request use a GET method?
  • isHead(): Did the request use a HEAD method?
  • isOptions(): Did the request use an OPTIONS method?
  • isPatch(): Did the request use a PATCH method?
  • isPut(): Did the request use a PUT method?
  • isPost(): Did the request use a POST method?
if ($request->method->isPost()) {
    // perform POST actions

You can also call is*() on the Method object; the part after is is treated as custom HTTP method name, and checks if the request was made using that HTTP method.

if ($request->method->isCustom()) {
    // perform CUSTOM actions

Sometimes forms use a special field to indicate a custom HTTP method on a POST. By default, the Method object honors the _method form field.

// a POST with the field '_method' will use the _method value instead of POST
$_POST['_method'] = 'PUT';
$request = $web_factory->newRequest();
echo $request->method->get(); // PUT

To set the form field used to indicate a custom HTTP method on a POST, set up the WebFactory with it first, then create the Request object.

$_POST['_http_method_override'] = 'DELETE';
$request = $web_factory->newRequest();
echo $request->method->get(); // DELETE


Unlike most Request property objects, the Params object is read-write (not read-only). The Params object allows you to set application-specific parameter values. These are typically discovered by parsing a URL path through a router of some sort (e.g. Aura.Router).

The $request->params object has two methods:

  • set() to set the array of parameters
  • get() to get back a specific parameter, or the array of all parameters

For example:

// parameter values discovered by a routing mechanism
$values = array(
    'controller' => 'blog',
    'action' => 'read',
    'id' => '88',

// set the parameters on the request

// get the 'id' param, or false if it is not present
$id = $request->params->get('id', false);

// get all the params as an array
$all_params = $request->params->get();


The $request->url object has two methods:

  • get() returns the full URL string; or, if a component constant is passed, returns only that part of the URL

  • isSecure() indicates if the request is secure, whether via SSL, TLS, or forwarded from a secure protocol

// get the full URL string
$string = $request->url->get();

// get a particular part of the URL; for the component constants, see
$scheme   = $request->url->get(PHP_URL_SCHEME);
$host     = $request->url->get(PHP_URL_HOST);
$port     = $request->url->get(PHP_URL_PORT);
$user     = $request->url->get(PHP_URL_USER);
$pass     = $request->url->get(PHP_URL_PASS);
$path     = $request->url->get(PHP_URL_PATH);
$query    = $request->url->get(PHP_URL_QUERY);
$fragment = $request->url->get(PHP_URL_FRAGMENT);