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List of Assignments

Week 1

Day 1: Create an HTML page on using the tags learnt

Day 2: Create an HTML page on using 5 block and inline elements each

Week 2

Day 1: Fork attainu-falcon repo, commit and issue a pull request.

  1. Signup for a account
  2. Fork
  3. Create a file named why_i_want_to_be_a_programmer.txt inside the assignments folder.
  4. Write a short note in the file why you want to be a programmer? :)

Day 2: Pull updates from this repo, commit and issue a pull request.

  1. Add upstream url to your remote.
  2. Create a folder called HTML inside the assignments folder.
  3. Create 2 empty files named first.html and second.html inside the above HTML folder.
  4. Copy the code from your 2 codepen assignments into the respective files.

Day 3: Create a new git repo, create a file and pull it into your forked attainu-falcon repo.

  1. Name the new repo 'HelloWorld'.
  2. Create a folder called assignments inside this repo.
  3. Create a blank file named helloworld.txt inside the assignments folder.
  4. Go to your forked attainu-falcon repo and add remote url of this new repo.
  5. Pull changes from the remote to your forked repo.

Day 4: Create an "About Me" web page (html and css)

  1. Pull changes into your repo.
  2. Create a folder named AboutMe inside the assignments folder.
  3. Inside the above folder, create a page about you with html and css having:
    1. A heading with your name.
    2. A short paragraph about you.
    3. A list of your favourite movies.

Day 5: Create a web-mail page

my mail page

  1. Pull changes into your repo.
  2. Create a folder named WebMail inside the assignments folder.
  3. Inside the above folder, create a web-mail page which has three sections:
    1. The left one is for navigation and contains links for Inbox, Sent, Drafts & Trash. You can use an un-ordered list to do that.
    2. The right box is a table of emails with coloumns for From, Subject & Date.
    3. The bottom one is for placing ads.
  4. You can use sizes, colors, font etc according to your choice.

Week 3

Day 1: Create a shopping page

my shop page

  1. Pull changes into your repo.
  2. Create a folder named MyShop inside the assignments folder.
  3. Inside the above folder, create a page which has these sections:
    1. The header at the top is fixed and does not hide on scroll.
    2. The next one is for navigation and contains links for categories and a search box. You can use an un-ordered list to do that. This is also fixed and does not hide on scroll.
    3. On the left we have a sidebar for filters. It has checkboxes
    4. On the right is the product catalogue including price and other details.
    5. You have a select dropdown for the 'Sort By' option.
  4. This is an assignment where you are required to build to given specifications.

Week 4

Day 1: Write a Javascript program that prints multiplication table of n upto 10.

  1. Put your codes inside a MultiplyJS folder under assignments.
  2. n should be entered in a input of type number.
  3. There should be a button with text 'Print Multiplication Table', when clicked should show the output in the following format (assuming n is 5):
1 * 5 = 5
2 * 5 = 10
10 * 5 = 50

Day 3: Create a simple calculator using JS with the UI looking like the below image:


  1. Put your codes inside a CalculatorJS folder under assignments.
  2. Use inputs of type number.
  3. Use functions as and when necessary.

Week 5

Day 2: Create a Javascript program that produces a table of numbers from 1 to 10 and squares of them:

dom manipulation

  1. Put your codes inside a ManipulationJS folder under assignments.
  2. Use DOM manipulation to create all the HTML elements. That is the HTML should only contain a body tag.

Day 3: Create a login page that checks for username and password from the user:

login dialog

  1. Put your codes inside a LoginJS folder under assignments.
  2. Validate the inputs:
    1. Username or password cannot be blank.
    2. Username cannot be less than 5 characters.
    3. Password cannot be less than 8 characters.
    4. Username can only contain alphabets, digits and _.
    5. Username cannot start with a digit.
    6. Username should be case-insensitive.
  3. Username and password can be hardcoded in the JavaScript file.

Week 6

Day 1: Duplicate and modify previous assignment using a bootstrap template.

  1. Put your codes inside a LoginBS folder under assignments.
  2. The template can be found at
  3. Look at the page source and try to get the UI as close as possible.

Day 2: Create a company web page using Bootstrap 4.

Home page home page About Us page about us page Contact Us page contact us page

  1. Put your codes inside a CompanyBS folder under assignments.
  2. Use documentation at for help.
  3. Do not use any custom css styles.
  4. You are free to replace text content in the pictures.

Day 4: Create an Express application with the following features:

  1. The application should have four routes that perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
  2. The add route should take two url parameters and send back their sum.
  3. The sub route should take two url parameters and send back their difference.
  4. The mul route should take two url parameters and send back their product.
  5. The div route should take two url parameters and send back their division result.
  6. Put your files inside a Express_Calculator folder under assignments.

Week 7

Day 1: Create a REST API calculator using Express

  1. Create four routes in Express for add, sub, mul and div.
  2. Each route should take two POST data parameters - num1 and num2 in JSON format and do the arithmetic operation on them.
  3. For instance, the response for the add route should look like the following:
    "num1": 20,
    "num2": 50,
    "result": 70
  1. No need for UI. Everything can be tested using Postman.
  2. Put your files inside an Express_RESTful folder under assignments.

Day 3: Create a login portal in Express with the following components (as shown in yesterday's lecture):

  1. A students.json which stores data for students including their username and password.
  2. A login form as created in a previous assignment (LoginJS, LoginBS).
  3. An authentication route which uses a students.json to verify login.
  4. A redirection route only visible after successful login. You can use the webmail assignment as this protected route.
  5. A logout route to destroy the session.
  6. Put your files inside an Express_Session folder under assignments.

Day 5: Create an Express application which has the following features:

  1. Store a set of name and tweet data in a variable in Express.
    var tweets = [
            name: "digitizer",
            tweet: "This is a cool piece of information."
            name: "M0SH",
            tweet: "@digitizer I agree."
  2. A default route which displays this data in the UI.
  3. This page displays a form - a name input, a tweet input and a submit button at the end.
  4. The same route should be the form action handler for the POST request on the submit button. You can post data directly as urlencoded or use JavaScript to post it as JSON.
  5. Update the data variable in Express on a successful POST request.
  6. Also, update the UI to reflect the new tweets that have been posted.
  7. Put your files inside an Express_Twitter folder under assignments.

Week 8

Day 2: Create an Express application which has the following features:

  1. Make a copy of the above assignment and modify the code to use data from a tweets collection in a database stored on a MongoDB server.
  2. The new tweet from the form should update this database collection.
  3. The UI should reflect the updates in the database collection.
  4. Put your files inside an Express_MongoDB folder under assignments.

Day 5: Create an Express application which has the following features:

  1. Create a database for AttainU with collections of students and instructors (name, email, phone, age, etc.).
  2. Create CRUD routes to add, get, modify and delete student documents.
  3. Create a view at /instructors to show all instructor information as bootstrap cards.
  4. Create a separate view at /students to show all student information as bootstrap cards.
  5. On the student card have an Edit option which turns information to input boxes and an option to Save.
  6. Create a view at /students/add with a form to add a new student to the collection.
  7. Also have a Delete option.
  8. Put your files inside an Express_AttainU folder under assignments.

Week 12

Day 2: Create a flexbox webpage


  1. Use semantic HTML elements only.
  2. Use CSS flexbox layout to achieve the layout shown in the image.
  3. Put your files under assignments > week12 > day02.
  4. Move all other assignments under assignments > shallow-dive.

Solution session: day-0

Due day: day-0

Weekly Test: Globals, Objects & Closures


  1. Clicking on each button should update the counter about it.
  2. For Global Counter use a global variable to keep track of the clicks.
  3. For Object Counter, use an object to keep track of the clicks.
  4. And finally for Closure Counter, use a closure to keep track of the clicks.
  5. You can use either Vanialla JS + DOM methods or jQuery for event handlers.
  6. Put your files under assignments > week12 > weekly-test.

Due day: day-3

Week 13

Day 1: Classes and constructors

  1. The assignment is to create a Javascript class called MyArray making use of a constructor to initialize a property named array.
  2. The constructor should take arguments passed to it as the initial elements of array, like MyArray(5, 2, 6, 4, 3, 1).
  3. The object should have three methods:
    1. print() - Prints the content of the array to console.
    2. search(searchValue) - Searches the passed element in the array and returns the index if found. If not found, returns -1.
    3. sort() - Sorts the array in descending order. No need to use any sorting algorithm. Use JS array methods to implement the same.

Note: JS arrays sort alphabetically as strings by default. Reference

Due day: day-0

Day 2: Functional Programming

Consider this array - var numbers = [4, 28, 43, 34, 37, 41, 26, 49, 33, 19, 36, 25, 47, 20, 1, 45, 6, 5, 27, 48];

Write a program that generates an array of squares of only even numbers from the above array.

The output should be - [ 16, 784, 1156, 676, 1296, 400, 36, 2304 ]

And you have to write the logic in both imperative style and functional style.

Due day: day-1

Weekly Test: Pokemon Game

  1. Generate 5 two-digit random numbers between 1 and 100.
  2. For each of the numbers generated call the api, (xx being the two-digit number).
  3. The result of this api call, will give you the height property which is an integer.
  4. Add height for all the 5 pokemons. If this sum is an even number, resolve the promise alerting this sum.
  5. If sum is an odd number, reject the promise alerting this sum.
  6. Put your files under assignments > week13 > weekly-test.

Hint: Use Math.random() to generate random numbers.

Due day: day-3

Week 14

Day 1: First React app

  1. Use the timer example at and modify it to tick at every 100 millisecond. 0.0, 0.1, 0.2 -> ...
  2. Add this .jsx code to an npm project. Reference
  3. Use npx commands to compile .jsx to js.
  4. Use the compiled file as a script in your html file.
  5. Give the html an h1 of 'React 100ms Counter'.
  6. Put your files under assignments > week14 > day01.

Hint: Use number.toFixed() to display 45 as 45.0. Reference

Due day: day-0

Day 2: React login form

  1. Create a LoginForm component that renders two inputs and a button.
  2. Break down into as many components as you can.
  3. Use npx commands to compile .jsx to js.
  4. Use the compiled file as a script in your html file.
  5. Put your files under assignments > week14 > day02.

Due day: day-0

Day 4: React calculator

We have created a simple calculator using JavaScript before.

Now let's create the same one using React. All the arithmetic operations should be implemented using functions.

Due day: day-0

Weekly Test: Quiz app


Create a React app which loads a question from the quiz.json file. You can store the json as in a variable in your component.

On clicking the submit button, the app should show the next question and keep a track of the number of questions that have been answered correctly.

Also present is a timer component which ticks every second for 60 seconds. Once the timer shuts down or if all the 10 questions are answered, the app should display the score for the user.

Due day: day-3

Week 15

Day 2: Bootstrap company website in React

Create the following pages in React:

Home home page About Us page about us page Contact Us page contact us page

  1. For this assignment, the pages will be written as React components.
  2. You are free to divide each page into as many components you wish.
  3. You need to use the react-dom-router package for routing/linking the pages.
  4. Put your files under assignments > week15 > day02.

Due day: day-0

Day 4: Calendar component

Create a calendar component in React which,

  1. Consists of an input element.
  2. Creates a table of dates for the month of August 2019 on focusing on this element.
  3. On clicking any date in the calendar the input box should update the value to the selected date in the format
  4. Put your files under assignments > week15 > day04.

Due day: day-1

Weekly Test: Webmail with React

Create a webmail app in React which,

  1. Create the webmail app with navigation component on the left (Inbox, Sent, Drafts, Trash).
  2. On clicking each of these render the component with list of mails in that category.
  3. The above component gets the category as its prop and filters mails accordingly.
  4. Use mail.json to fetch relevant data.
  5. Put your files under assignments > week15 > weekly-test.

Due day: day-3

Week 16

Day 3: Simple Redux store

Create a Redux store and reducer with the following initial state :

currentScore: 0

The reducer should accept the following actions -


UPDATE_BONUS should increment the currentScore by 100 LEVEL_COMPLETED should increment the currentScore by 500 LIFE_LOST should decrement the currentScore by 250

Due day: day-1

Weekly Test: Twitter with Redux


Modify the Twitter app in React to use Redux.

Have the same 3 components: TweetContainer, Tweet, TweetForm

Posting a new tweet should dispatch an action to update the global store.

Week 18

Day 3: React Redux - Numbers


Lets create a React + Redux app similar to the attached picture.

As you can see, an user can enter a number and click on three buttons which will generate square or cube or square root depending on the button pressed.

Here are the requirements

  1. Use Redux store to manage your application state.
  2. Use ES6 modules to split your app into multiple components and store.

Have at least four separate components - Input, SquareButton, CubeButton, SquareRootButton in different files and import all of them in App.js and then finally render them inside index.js.

Put your files like discussed for better review.

  1. action creators -> inside actions folder
  2. reducers -> inside reducers folder
  3. store -> in a store.js file

Hint: The first step should be to divide the task into appropriate number of reducers and actions. This app can be done with single reducer containing 3 actions.

Day 4: React Redux - Colors

  1. Adding to the same assignment above, create 3 more components - RedButton, GreenButton, BlueButton.
  2. Display these buttons on the same page as previous, below the existing buttons.
  3. On clicking on any of these, dispatch actions to a colorReducer to update the color code in the store.
  4. Use this state variable to set the input -> backgroundColor in the Input component. Use inline styling.

Weekly Test:


  1. Create an app in React + Redux with 3 components - App, UserList and RepoList.
  2. Fetch a list of users from and display in UserList like shown.
  3. On clicking the Show repos button on any user card, fetch the list of repos for the user and display in RepoList. eg,
  4. There will be two reducers each for fetching users and repos.

Week 19

Day 1: React Redux - Webmail

Create a webmail app in React + Redux which,

  1. Displays a navigation component on the left (Inbox, Sent, Drafts, Trash).
  2. On clicking any of these render the component with list of mails in that category.
  3. This component dispatches the corresponding action + a payload of filtered mails to the reducer.
  4. Use mail.json to fetch relevant data.
  5. Put your files under assignments > week19 > day01.

Due day: day-1

Day 2: React Redux - Webmail

Modify the webmail app in React + Redux to,

  1. Show a checkbox beside the mail.
  2. On clicking on it, mark that mail as read.
  3. Unselecting the checkbox should mark it as unread again.
  4. This component dispatches the corresponding action to the store to update the corresponding mail object to add a new key read: true.
  5. On the initial load, the key would not exist, which should be taken as an unread mail.

Due day: day-1

Day 4: Merge Sort

Implement merge sort for an array of numbers.

Due day: day-0

Week 20

Day 1: Reverse a singly linked list.


Input: 1->2->3->4->5->NULL
Output: 5->4->3->2->1->NULL

Follow up: A linked list can be reversed either iteratively or recursively. Could you implement both?

Day 2: Loop in a linked list

Given a linked list of N nodes. The task is to check if the the linked list has a loop. Linked list can contain self loop.

Day 4:

Given a list of words with lower cases. Implement a function to find all Words that have the same unique character set .


Input: words = ["may", "student", "students", "dog",
                 "studentssess", "god", "cat", "act",
                 "tab", "bat", "flow", "wolf", "lambs",
                 "amy", "yam", "balms", "looped", 
Output : 
looped, poodle, 
lambs, balms, 
flow, wolf, 
tab, bat, 
may, amy, yam, 
student, students, studentssess, 
dog, god, 
cat, act, 

All words with same set of characters are printed together in a line.

Weekly test:

Given an array of integers, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific 'target' number.

The function twoSum should return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to the 'target', where index1 < index2. If multiple solutions exist, output the one where index2 is minimum. If there are multiple solutions with the minimum index2, choose the one with minimum index1 out of them.

Input: [2, 7, 11, 15], target=9
Output: index1 = 0, index2 = 1

Week 21

Day 1

Given an array, check if the given array represents a binary max-heap.


Input:  let array = [90, 15, 10, 7, 12, 2]
Output: true
The given array represents below tree
     /    \
   15     10
  /  \    /
 7   12  2 
The tree follows the max-heap property as every
node is greater than all of its descendants.

Input: let array = [9, 15, 10, 7, 12, 11]
Output: false
The given array represents below tree
     /    \
   15     10
  /  \    /
 7   12  11
The tree doesn't follow max-heap property. 9 is 
smaller than 15 and 10, and 10 is smaller than 11.

Day 2: Heap Sort

  • Implement Heap Sort function for a numerical array.
  • Try printing out the heap at each outer loop completion.