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HARMPI Tutorial by Sasha Tchekhovskoy

Please also see useful exercises that give you an idea of scientific questions that you can answer with the code.

How to set up HARMPI: choose the problem, compile, and run the code:

  • To install the code, you do:

      git clone
      cd harmpi
      make clean

    If you would like to use ICC instead of GCC, then edit makefile and replace "USEICC = 0" with "USEICC = 1".

    Before running one of the problems with HARMPI, you choose the problem you want to run in the file decs.h.

    You do so by modifying decs.h. There are 8 problems to choose from:

      //which problem
      #define MONOPOLE_PROBLEM_1D 1
      #define MONOPOLE_PROBLEM_2D 2
      #define BZ_MONOPOLE_2D 3
      #define TORUS_PROBLEM 4
      #define BONDI_PROBLEM_1D 5
      #define BONDI_PROBLEM_2D 6
      #define SNDWAVE_TEST 7
      #define ENTWAVE_TEST 8

    The default choice is


    This is a magnetized torus accretion problem in 2D. For starters, however, it might be easier to start with a 1D problem without magnetic field, e.g., with BONDI_PROBLEM_1D.

  • Brief descriptions of the problems

    • Monopole problems (1D and 2D versions; MONOPOLE_PROBLEM_1D and MONOPOLE_PROBLEM_2D)

      Use these problems for studying acceleration and black hole power output in an unconfined magnetosphere: radial magnetic field lines, low-density atmosphere, outer radius Rout = 1e3 gravitational radii. You can increase the size of the domain to study acceleration over longer range in distance. To increase Rout from the default value of 1e3 to e.g. 1e4, go to init.c:74 and change init_monopole(1e3); to init_monopole(1e4);. Note that in order to keep the effective resolution the same, you'd need to increase the resolution by a factor of log(1e4)/log(1e3) = 4/3. There are two versions of the problem:

      • MONOPOLE_PROBLEM_1D: 1D version of the problem, with the grid in the midplane (z = 0). In this setup, the magnetic poloidal field lines are forced to be pointing radially outward and are pinned (e.g., cannot move around).

      • MONOPOLE_PROBLEM_2D: 2D version of the problem. Here, the poloidal magnetic field lines are free to move around in the R-z plane.

    • BZ monopole problem (BZ_MONOPOLE_2D)

      Same as MONOPOLE_PROBLEM_2D but with a smaller outer radius, Rout = 1e2 gravitational radii. Due to the limited radial range, this problem would not allow you to study the acceleration of the outflow, for which >= 3 orders of magnitudes in radius is ideal. However, this problem is great for studying the power output of the black hole.

    • Torus problem (TORUS_PROBLEM)

      Consists of an equilibrium hydrodynamic torus on an orbit around the black hole. The torus has an inner radius of rin = 6 gravitational radii, pressure maximum at rmax = 13. This leads to torus' outer extent of about 50 gravitational radii. Without any magnetic field, the torus would sit on an orbit forever. To get some action, we insert a poloidal (in R-z plane) magnetic field loop into the torus. This magnetic field is unstable to the magnetorotational instability (MRI), which transports the angular momentum outward and causes the gas and magnetic field to move inward, toward the black hole. This culminates in black hole receiving large-scale magnetic flux, which we originally inserted into the disk, and this flux powers a twin relativistic jets. You can make a movie of this by following instructions below.

    • Bondi problem (1D and 2D; BONDI_PROBLEM_1D, BONDI_PROBLEM_2D)

      These two problems start with a uniform density and temperature at r >= 10 gravitational radii. Inside of this "hole", I put very low density and pressure. As you run the simulation, the "hole" gets quickly eaten by the black hole. What results is a spherically-symmetric accretion from a uniform-density ambient medium.

    • Sound wave problem (SNDWAVE_TEST)

      This is a sound wave test

    • Entropy wave problem (ENTWAVE_TEST)

      This is an entropy wave test

  • Compile:

      make clean
  • Resolving possible compilation problems

    • Sometimes -lm switch needs to be added (in makefile:74)
  • Choosing desired resolution

    You can choose the desired resolution per tile, or per MPI process, by changing the values of N1, N2, and N3 for the chosen problem in decs.h. If there are more than one tile, this will be smaller than the total resolution.

  • Choosing the number of tiles and running the code

    You choose the number of tiles along each of the 3 directions at run time. E.g., if N1 = N2 = 64 and N3 = 1, and you choose to run with 4 cores in the r-direction, 2 cores in the theta-direction and one core in the phi-direction, you get a total resolution of 256x128x1 cells by running

      mpirun -n 8 ./harm 4 2 1

    Here, -n 8 option tells mpirun to use 8 (= 4*2*1) total tiles (one tile per core), ./harm specifies the executable ("./" is to indicate the current directory) and the arguments 4 2 1 specify how these tiles are distributed among the 3 directions. Note: OpenMP support is presently in development, but it is not yet ready for prime time.

  • To run the code in serial (on a single core), do the following:

      ./harm 1 1 1

    For the example above, this would give a total resolution of 64x64x1 cells. Note: it is a good idea to clean out the dumps/ directory before you run the code, or else the code would attempt to restart from dumps/rdump0.

    As the code runs, it produces sequential dump files in the dumps subdirectory, i.e., dumps/dump###. It also produces dumps/gdump file that contains the information about the metric and the grid.

  • Resolving potential run-time problems

    • If you experience Signal code: Integer divide-by-zero (7) error, you have two options

      • upgrade to OpenMPI v. 2.0. Combination of latest versions of GCC v. 6.1 and OpenMPI v. 2.0 has been verified to work. (thanks Matthias Raives for the tip)
      • follow the below solution for File locking failed problem
    • If you experience File locking failed, try setting #define DO_PARALLEL_WRITE (0) in decs.h:369. This will force each MPI process to write its own file instead combining the output into a single file. In this case, the outputs of different processes will be combined upon reading in the files in python. Note: once you do this, each dump file will no longer be a single file but multiple files, one file per core. So, if you are running on 4 cores, instead of dump000 you would get 4 files, dump000_0000, dump000_0001, dump000_0002, dump000_0003. You can read in these files the usual way, rd("dump000"): the python macros will take care of merging the files together automatically.

How to read in the output into Python

You can use any visualization program you are used to (Python, Gnuplot, IDL, Matlab, etc)

To use these Python scripts, do:

  • Start Interactive Python Shell:

      ipython --pylab

    You should do this from the location of the harm executable.

  • Initialize the scripts:

      %run -i
  • Read in grid information:

  • Read in dump file:


    where you can replace "000" with any other number of a dump file (provided it was already written out).

  • Once you read in a dump file, you can print its current time via


Understanding the grid

HARMPI (like HARM2D) is capable of using non-uniform grids. The examples below will automatically take care of converting from the grid coordinates, which are x1, x2, x3, to the physical coordinates, which are r, theta, phi.

Understanding the output

For understanding of the output it is useful to take a briel look at the code responsible for writing the data to the grid and the python script reading the output.

  • ti, tj, tk -- spatial coordinates on the grid

  • x1, x2, x3 -- internal coordinates

  • r, h , ph -- spherical polar coordinates (radius, theta, and phi)

  • rho -- density

  • ug -- internal gas energy density (per unit volume)

  • pg = (gam-1)*ug -- gas thermal pressure

  • vu = $v^i$ -- 4-velocity relative to a zero angular momentum observer (ZAMO). You probably won't need to be looking at this.

  • B = $B^i$ -- lab-frame magnetic field (3 spatial components)

  • ktot = pg/rho**gam -- the exponent that goes into entropy.

  • divb -- divergence of the magnetic field. Once properly normalized, should be much less then unity.

  • uu = $u^\mu$ -- contravariant gas 4-velocity as measured at infinity

  • ud = $u_\mu$ -- covariant gas 4-velocity as measured at infinity

  • bu = $b^\mu$ -- fluid frame contravariant 4-vector of magnetic field

  • bd = $b_\mu$ -- fluid frame covariant 4-vector of magnetic field

  • bsq = $b^\mu b_\mu = b^2$ -- twice the magnetic pressure

  • v1m, v1p, v2m, v2p, v3m, v3p -- characteristic velocities

  • gdet = $\sqrt{-g}$ -- square root of the negative of metric determinant

How to visualize the output in Python

  • Python Visualization Examples

    For a 1D test: scroll down to the bottom of and replace

      if False:
      	#1D plot example


      if True:
      	#1D plot example

    For a 2D test: scroll down to the bottom of and replace

      if False:
      	#2D plot example


      if True:
      	#2D plot example
  • Plot the 1D radial dependence of density along the equatorial plane

      plt.loglog(r[:,ny//2,0], rho[:,ny//2,0])
  • Plot 2D (R-z) contours of logarithm of density in color (with color bar):


    Here xmax = 100 and ymax = 50 set the plotting range. You can omit these arguments, and a default range will be used.

  • Compute magnetic flux function:

      psi = psicalc()
  • Overplot magnetic field lines in black:

  • Compute Lorentz factor:

      alpha = (-guu[0,0])**(-0.5) #lapse
      gamma = alpha*uu[0]
  • Compute energy output of a black hole:

      aux() #compute OmegaF and T^\mu_\nu
      dEr = -gdet*Tud[1,0]*_dx2*_dx3
      Er = dEr.sum(2).sum(1) #sum in phi (axis=2) and theta (axis=1)
  • Plot total radial energy flux vs. radius:

      x=r[:,0,0] #x is now the 1D radial coordinate
      plt.plot(x,Er) #make a 1D plot of energy flux vs. x
      plt.xscale("log") #logarithmic x-axis
      plt.xlim(rhor,20) #limit x-range to 20r_g
  • Plot the angular frequency of field line rotation vs. theta on the black hole horizon:

      OmegaF = omegaf2 #the value of omegaf2 is computed inside aux()
      OmegaH = a / (2*rhor)
      rhor = 1+(1-a*a)**0.5
      ihor = np.int32(ti[r>=rhor][0]) #compute the index of the cell at the location of the horizon
  • Show ergosphere with thick red line:

      rergo = 1+np.sqrt(1-(a*np.cos(h))**2)
  • Show black hole with black circle:

      #generate ellipse object
      #import the Ellipse function
      from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
      #create Ellipse "actor"
      el = Ellipse(
      	(0,0), #origin of ellipse
      	2*rhor, 2*rhor, #major axes of ellipse
      	facecolor='k', #color of ellipse
      	alpha=1) #opacity of ellipse
      ax=plt.gca() #get current axes
      art=ax.add_artist(el) #show object in axes
      art.set_zorder(20) #bring ellipse to front
      plt.draw() #make sure it's drawn
  • Save figure file

  • Clear the current window

  • Open a new window

  • Make a movie:

    You can make a simple movie by running

      mkmov_simple(starti = 0,endi = 100)

    Here starti is the first frame number and endi is the last frame number. Note: the color limits are tuned for the torus problem (TORUS_PROBLEM), and you'd have to adjust them for other problems.

    To generate a movie file, try using the following:

      ffmpeg -i frame%03d.png -vcodec mpeg4 -qmax 5 movie.mp4

    This creates a movie file that you can play on almost any computer. Note that you can speed up or slow down the movie. For instance, to slow it down to 10 frames per second, do:

      ffmpeg -fflags +genpts -r 10 -i frame%03d.png -vcodec mpeg4 -qmax 5 movie.mp4

    If ffmpeg is not installed, you can try installing it on Ubuntu-like Linux by

      sudo apt install ffmpeg