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Events |
We have no planned events yet this year. If you would like to propose an event then the best way is come to discuss it at one of our regular sessions.
- Lean coffees are held monthly on 4th Thursday of the month at 11.00-12.00. To get an invite please join the mailchimp list
- We ran an Unconference in November 2022
- When we have held lightening talks we store slides and opr video (where available) on our Gihub Community space. - so members of the group can re-watch / get them if they missed the section.
We held a lightening talk on Thursday 29th September 2022
- Elastic Cloud at the UKHO - Rossall Sandford Principal Software Engineer
We held a lightening talk on Thursday 30th Of June 2022
- Solid - A lightning talk intro to a new W3C standard for the storage and permissioned access of personal data for the next phase of the web. - Max Leonard (Inrupt)
We held Lightening talks on Thursday 24th March 2022
- Federated API discovery - Bethan Palmer (CDDO) and Jamie Tanna (CDDO)
- Get a fishing license service - Phil Benson, DEFRA
- Federated APIs - Michal Poreba, DiT
- Our last facilitators meeting will be the 23rd of November 2021. Notes for members can be found on github.
We held lightning talks on Thursday 28 October 2021 With the following talks
- Welcome and community goals by David Heath (GDS) and Andy Poole (UKHO)
- Serverless security - Shaun Hare (DVSA)
- Facial recognition using AWS Serverless - Alexander Swann (Home Office)
- Supporting community-driven web annotations using distributed version control - John Moore (National Archives)
- Trunk based development and genuine continuous delivery - Kevin Keenoy (DLUHC)
- Overcoming decision paralysis - Ben Vandersteen (GDS)
The discussion afterwards included a short feedback session and other talks were suggested on slack, details and slides will be made available via the mailing list.