../shell/rebuild_run_qemu.sh .
Challenge of Introduction to RTOS Part 11 - Priority Inversion
When xTaskGetTickCount is used like in video, systick interrupt is disabled and xTickCount gets never updated. This happens at least for my setup, if you have solution to this feel free to open PR to me. As a workaround I used demo_hw_getSysOnTimeMs which is not depended on an interrupt. Anyways this does not effect concept of tutorial.
(L) lock acquired. Wait time: 1
(L) lock released.
(L) sleepy.
(H) trying to acquire lock.
(H) lock acquired. Wait time: 0
(H) lock released.
(H) sleepy.
(M) worky work.
(H) trying to acquire lock.
(H) lock acquired. Wait time: 0
(H) lock released.
(H) sleepy.
Use demo_init function in demo.c to implement your demo application.
Run in debug console to dump the trace
-exec dump binary value trace.bin *RecorderDataPtr