Spinnkaer has a lot of pieces and parts. Below is a table listing everything. You don't need to know any of this for the workshop, but it's here for completeness.
Servivces | Port | Description |
Deck | 9000 | Deck is a static AngularJS-based UI. |
Clouddriver | 7002 | Cloud Driver integrates with each cloud provider (AWS, GCP, Azure, etc.). It is responsible for all cloud provider-specific read and write operations. |
Echo | 8089 | Echo provides Spinnaker’s notification support, including integrations with Slack, Hipchat, SMS (via Twilio) and Email. |
Front50 | 8080 | Front50 stores all application, pipeline and notification metadata. |
Gate | 8084 | Gate exposes APIs for all external consumers of Spinnaker (including deck). It is the front door to Spinnaker. |
Igor | 8088 | Igor facilitates the use of Jenkins in Spinnaker pipelines (a pipeline can be triggered by a Jenkins job or invoke a Jenkins job) |
Orca | 8083 | Orca handles pipeline and task orchestration (ie. starting a cloud driver operation and waiting until it completes). |
Rosco | 8087 | Rosco is a packer-based bakery. We believe in immutable infrastructure and rosco provides a means to take a Debian or Red Hat package and turn it into an Amazon Machine Image. Don’t worry, it also supports Google Compute Engine and Azure images. |
Fiat | 7003 | Fiat is the authorization server for the Spinnaker system. It exposes a RESTful interface for querying the access permissions for a particular user. |
Navigate back to the spinnaker-k8s-workship dir
$ cd ..
Download and install helm binary From https://github.com/kubernetes/helm/blob/master/docs/quickstart.md
$ wget https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-helm/helm-v2.4.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf helm-v2.4.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz
Add Helm to PATH
$ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/linux-amd64
$ helm init
$ helm repo update
First, update the values file with your project id and the current time.
$ sed -i.bak s/REPLACE_ME/$(gcloud info --format='value(config.project)')/g ./config/values.yaml
$ sed -i.bak s/TIMESTAMP/$(date +%s)/g ./config/values.yaml
Next, copy your service account credentials into values.yaml.
Copy the output from the following command into values.yaml, replacing <SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON>
$ SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON=$(cat account.json) && echo $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON
TODO: Make this a sed operation
$ nano ./config/values.yaml
# Disable minio the default
enabled: false
# Enable gcs
enabled: true
project: <my-project-name>
# Name has to be unique in GCS.
storageBucket: <my-project-name>-spinnaker
# Configure your Docker registries here
- name: gcr
address: https://gcr.io
username: _json_key
email: [email protected]
NOTE: This is going to take a while.
$ helm install stable/spinnaker --name cd -f ./config/values.yaml --timeout 600
In another tab, you can monitor the progress of the installation. Errors will happen this is to be expected while the pods sync up.
$ kubectl get pods -w
$ DECK_POD=$(kubectl get pods -l "component=deck,app=cd-spinnaker" \
-o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
$ kubectl port-forward $DECK_POD 9000 >>/dev/null &
Visit the Spinnaker UI by opening your browser to:
Everything in this helm chart will be labeled cd-spinnaker, so you can search for things like:
$ kubectl get deployment -l app=cd-spinnaker
NOTE: If you want to make a quick change. Helm can do a blue green deployment via upgrade.
$ helm upgrade cd stable/spinnaker -f updated-values.yaml
Debugging can be done with
$ kubectl logs <pod name>
TODO: Move this somewhere else. To delete everything
$ helm delete cd --purge
get the latest list of charts
$ helm repo update
Common problems Front50 will fail if the GCS bucket name is not unique.