In this lab, we'll use a build trigger to connect Google Source Repository to Google Container Registry. After this module, whenever we tag an image for release, we'll kick off a spinnaker deployment.
$ cd sample-app
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Intial commit."
Back on the command line, set up the cloud repository.
$ gcloud beta source repos create gceme
$ git config credential.helper
$ git remote add google$PROJECT/r/gceme
$ git push --all google
In the Google Cloud Console, set the build trigger to: 'Changes pushed to "v.*" tag will trigger a build of "$REPO_NAME:$TAG_NAME"'
Now, use git to tag a commit and trigger the build.
$ git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "my version 1.0.0"
$ git push google v1.0.0
Back in the Container Registry UI's Build history, our build should've kicked off.