Payment system integration for Latvian banks what uses banklink API.
Move Swedbank under Bank:Swedbank (Please run tests and refacture)
Add SEB banklink support
No test keys and certificates options.
Remove Rails depedency.
Refactured SwedbankLv to Swedbank
Notification#transaction_id is comming from VK_REF. (not VK_T_NO anymore)
Swedbank (Latvia) Swedbank (Estonia)
Not yet in RubyGems
Insert this into your Gemfile
gem "banklink_lv", git: "artursbraucs/banklink"
Insert this in your config file:
Banklink::Swedbank.private_key ="#{Rails.root}/path/to/your_private_key") Banklink::Swedbank.bank_certificate ="#{Rails.root}/path/to/bank_public_key") Banklink::Swedbank.production_url = ""
Banklink::Seb.private_key ="#{Rails.root}/path/to/your_private_key") Banklink::Seb.bank_certificate ="#{Rails.root}/path/to/bank_public_key") Banklink::Seb.production_url = ""
Helper for view:
options = {} options[:amount] = '0.01' options[:currency] = 'LVL' options[:return] = '' options[:reference] = '454' options[:message] = 'Testing banklink' @helper = Banklink::Swedbank.helper(TRANS_ID, YOUR_SENDER_ID, options) # OR Banklink::Seb.helper(TRANS_ID, YOUR_SENDER_ID, options)
Then create Notification controller for notify. Then you can notify:
notify = Banklink::Swedbank.notification(request.raw_post) # OR Banklink::Seb.notification(request.raw_post) @text if notify.acknowledge if notify.complete? @text = "Thanks!" elsif notify.failed? @text = "You didn't paid!" else @text = "Wait or other status" end else @text = "Stmx went wrong" end
Thats all!
You can run the tests from this gem with (inside the banklink directory):
This gem is maintained by Arturs Braucs @ Weby