1.3.1 (2025-01-16)
1.3.0 (2025-01-16)
- update MANPAGER export to support newer groff versions (#64) (dcc813e)
- update path handling for sudo with Homebrew on WSL (#65) (531c151)
- wsl: properly brace shell variables to correct type as integer (#62) (910db58)
1.2.1 (2025-01-08)
1.2.0 (2025-01-07)
- replace neofetch with macchina and cleanup deprecated packages (#54) (2d6f72f)
- update Zellij config to newer version (#55) (890efdb)
1.1.1 (2025-01-07)
1.1.0 (2025-01-07)
- add docker shell completion for supported targets (#49) (86b07d3)
- implement Zsh reload as post script (#48) (25ea4f3)
1.0.1 (2025-01-06)
- add conditional logic to detect and update socket on SSH remotes (#40) (4b89ed4)
- correct scope and conditions of SSH config (#41) (5a1f7c2)
- include olets tap in package defs (#42) (b771e6b)
- update chezmoi alias to remove conflict with commitizen (#46) (47afc5a)
- update internal version manifests to correct version (#43) (130dd8d)
1.0.0 (2025-01-06)
- migrate all secret references to use new templated function
- add HCP CLI secret retrieval function template (b339abf)
- allow fzf search of directory history replacing zoxide (ee0c756)
- ensure HCP CLI package is installed (57682d8)
- migrate all secret references to use new templated function (8fc720d)
- redefine commonly used Homebrew packages (#35) (47c9f4e)
- add conditional logic to detect and update socket on SSH remotes (#40) (4b89ed4)
- adjust Wezterm padding to allow for window buttons (#32) (20c81fa)
- correct scope and conditions of SSH config (#41) (5a1f7c2)
- include olets tap in package defs (#42) (b771e6b)
- migrate from zsh4humans installation of zsh-abbr to Brew based (af6bca2)
- support loading SSH private key to agent on work devices (29ae063)
- update internal version manifests to correct version (#43) (130dd8d)
- update target conditional and remove zoxide vars (75667fe)
- use correct SSH public key templated items for work device target (dad1d6d)
- use valid URI to Bat theme (3c3c505)
1.0.0 (2025-01-06)
- migrate all secret references to use new templated function
- add HCP CLI secret retrieval function template (b339abf)
- allow fzf search of directory history replacing zoxide (ee0c756)
- ensure HCP CLI package is installed (57682d8)
- migrate all secret references to use new templated function (8fc720d)
- redefine commonly used Homebrew packages (#35) (47c9f4e)
- adjust Wezterm padding to allow for window buttons (#32) (20c81fa)
- migrate from zsh4humans installation of zsh-abbr to Brew based (af6bca2)
- support loading SSH private key to agent on work devices (29ae063)
- update target conditional and remove zoxide vars (75667fe)
- use correct SSH public key templated items for work device target (dad1d6d)
- use valid URI to Bat theme (3c3c505)
0.3.2 (2024-01-15)
0.3.1 (2024-01-13)
0.3.0 (2024-01-13)
- 🚧 add basic WezTerm config as placeholder for WIP (44a467b)
- add basic Helix config (a35d30b)
- add broot config files (7d0cada)
- add MacOS shortcut for VSCode (6d7a5d0)
- add missing MacOS tools (de86860)
- add Orbstack support to personal SSH config inclusions (3c8e39c)
- add poetry and cheat utilities to packages (8e15a7d)
- add support for external completions (5bb22c9)
- add Wakatime, Rclone and 1Password configs (5d70da6)
- add Zsh config and personalisations (c06783d)
- create initial core tools configs (50e409a)
- trim newline from Vault Secrets template expansion (0e667bb)
0.2.0 (2023-12-09)
- 🚧 add initial config template for testing (59709bc)
- add basic git config without conditionals (deab97f)
- add core externals definition (d18cedb)
- add darwin bootstrap script for testing (a63b663)
- add decryption key to support secrets in targets (7b82c10)
- add diff options to Chezmoi config (18c3903)
- add first external utility package (ed5af44)
- add global and some basic context relevant ignore configurations (8f602fc)
- add handler for changing shell as post config task (ae02b41)
- add Homebrew based package installs to MacOS (c2557c9)
- add install script (1801545)
- add logic and prompts for storing Vault Secrets data and scriptEnv (6f91d10)
- add Neofetch as a universal package (6ceeb95)
- add script to install Homebrew packages on Linux (291f0d6)
- add SSH conditional configs (0c5739e)
- add support for Homebrew on Linux (dc91843)
- add Tmux and Neovim plugin externals (1461940)
- add Vault Secrets CLI to Darwin packages (f17168f)
- create basic Devcontainer (#12) (19956f0)
- define source of dotfiles and restrict to a specific chezmoi version (47d8312)
- support passphrase based sensitive file decryption with Age (e2d8c7f)
- 🐛 resolve data to dict variables correctly (aea734a)
- 🐛 resolved whitespace stripping mistake in template functions (940cd78)
- add mandatory path spec to vlt external (68dac40)
- add missing newlines to printf statements (d9aa177)
- correctly eval brew environment vars (09f7c96)
- ensure externals url's are quoted (b47bdc5)
- ignore unset variable flag as chezmoi creates subshells (b2b0ebd)
- ignore unset variable flag on decrypt script (4b3d6fd)
- move hooks to hidden directory to ignore from target state (e1615e8)
- pass correct command to decrypt Age file (1e04300)
- remove brew bundle cleanup as Brewfile is piped via heredoc (1d5e757)
- remove extension from pgrep process lookup (32be9af)
- remove invalid whitespace chomping (d8c8b31)
- replace Age key to test decryption failure (a46a10c)
- resolve linux target conditional correctly (2edf6d5)
- revert brew check to POSIX compliant method (bb33d08)
- revert to bash and output Brew version (548c091)
- switch Darwin bootstrap to bash to support eval step (6797921)
- trim whitespace from script to resolve fork error (7189885)
- unset API keys for Devcontainers and revert install script switches (93bd783)
- update condition for chsh script execution (f6d71fe)
- update logic to detect container environment (#13) (a10c6aa)
- update XCode CLT process query (7208efb)
- use armored key file and new identity (bb3c47d)
- use hostname prefix logic for personal servers (1aeec9e)
- use updated MkDocs job config (#3) (62e9fd8)
- add MkDocs to repo to support additional documentation (d42f811)
- amend basic documentation (9106786)
- basic documentation to be iterated on (#7) (b2d50c1)
- outline basic installation steps and flow logic (cbb725e)
- update install command in usage (#16) (0a594be)
- update installation command accounting for vanilla MacOS (#15) (cc10582)
- update installation command and docs reference URL (7d78534)