Code for representation learning experiments with Sum-Product Networks
The following python 3 packages have been used:
numpy 1.10.4
scipy 0.16.1
sklearn 0.17
pandas 0.15.2
numba 0.19.2
theano 0.8.0
matplotlib 1.5.1
seaborn 0.6.0
For optimal theano
and numpy
performances one can exploit the
and lapack
libs. CUDA is required to use the GPU with Theano.
To properly install them please refer to
this page
The lib versions used are:
liblapack3 3.5.0-2
libopenblas-dev 0.2.8-6
cuda 6.0.1
The Libra toolkit version 1.0.1 has been used to learn the Mixture of Trees (MT).
ipython 3.2.1
has been used to launch all scripts.
The following commands will assume the use of ipython
and being in
the repo main directory:
cd spyn-repr
The dataset used are provided in the data
The X values only are stored as compressed text files;
The complete versions, containing also the class information, are
stored as pickle files in data/<dataset-name>
To uncompress them run:
tar -zxvf
tar -zxvf
tar -zxvf
In the models
dir the SPN and MT models employed in the
experiments are provided as a compressed archives: <dataset-name>.models.tbz2
To uncompress them:
cd models
tar -jxvf bmnist.models.tbz2
tar -jxvf caltech101.models.tbz2
tar -jxvf ocr_letters.models.tbz2
Three directories will be created, one for each dataset.
The following sub sections will list the commands to learn them back from data.
To learn an SPN structure with LearnSPN-b
one can use the script
in the bin
directory, after specifying a dataset
The G-Test threshold parameter values can be specified with -g
The stopping criterion values for the min number of instances to split
is specified via the -m
The smoothing coefficient values can be specified through the -a
For instance, to learn the SPN-I model on ocr_letters
used in the
paper, and saving its output in exp/learnspn/
run the following command:
ipython -- bin/ ocr_letters -k 2 -c GMM -g 15 -m 500 -a 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 -v 1 -o exp/learnspn/ --save-model
The script
as a python wrapper to use the mtlearn
command from Libra.
It is necessary to specify the path to the libra installation bin dir
through the parameter -e
For instance to learn the MT-I model, comprising 3 mixtures
components, one shall exectute:
ipython -- bin/ ocr_letters -n 3 3 -e /root/Desktop/libra-tk-1.0.1/bin/ -o exp/mtlearn/ -i 1
The model output will be stored in the dir specified by -o
. The
model path that later will be used to extract the embeddings shall
point to the AC representation of the mixtures: the .ac
Use the
script to reproduce the visualizations
pictured in the paper. To save the outputs use the options: --save pdf -o <output-path>
The following commands show how to set some parameters to reproduce
the figures and plot shown in the paper.
Some common options among the commands are: --size N M
to specify
how to render the images as matrices (for CAL and BMN M
= N
= 28 (default),
for OCR M
= 16 and N
= 8). --n-cols K
determines to display the
images in a grid of K
limits the output of a command to a number of images.
inverts the black and
white in the displayed images; --space
determines the horizontal and
vertical space among displayed images, when in a grid.
To generate and visualize samples from a learned SPN, run a command like this one:
ipython -- bin/ bmnist --model
models/bmnist/bmnist_spn_50/best.bmnist.model --sample 9 --size 28 28
--nn --n-cols 3 --invert --space 0.0 0.0
where --model
determines the path to the learned model; --sample
specifies the number of samples to generate and --nn
whether to show the training nearest neighbor images.
To plot the activations for an SPN nodes given a query image, run a command like this one:
ipython -- bin/ bmnist --model
models/bmnist/bmnist_spn_100/best.bmnist.model --activations 0 --invert --space 0.0 0.0
where --activations Y
sets the id of the query instance to display.
To reproduce the marginal inference visualizations given a series of SPN models and a query image, run a command like this one:
ipython -- bin/ bmnist --model models/bmnist/bmnist_spn_500/best.bmnist.model models/bmnist/bmnist_spn_100/best.bmnist.model models/bmnist/bmnist_spn_50/best.bmnist.model --marg-activations 0 4000 5000 10000 20000 --invert
where --model [path]+
accepts a list of paths to the desired models and
--marg-activations Y+
sets the the ids of the query instances to display.
To visualize the learned filters for the nodes by exploiting MPE
inference, use the --mpe
To reproduce a visualization by scope length used in the paper, run
something like this:
ipython -- bin/ bmnist --model models/bmnist/bmnist_spn_50/best.bmnist.model --mpe scope --scope-range 10 100 --invert --n-cols 3 --max-n-images 9
where --mpe scope
determines the visualization by scope length and
actually specify a range of scope lengths.
To visualize the groups of instances with the same MPE traversal tree
path, use the option --hid-groups
, like in this way:
ipython -- bin/ bmnist --hid-groups /media/valerio/formalità/repr/bmnist/mpe/500-mpe-hid-var.bmnist.pickle -1 --size 28 28 --n-cols 3 --max-n-images 9
when --hid-groups
specifies the path to a pickle containing the
representation embedding splits as computed by
To plot the scope length distribution of a learned SPN model, use the
--scope hist
option, optionally limiting the graph on the y and x axis:
ipython -- bin/ caltech101 --model models/caltech101/caltech101_spn_100/best.caltech101.model --scope hist --ylim 200000 --xlim -10 785
To visualize the bar graphs for the scope length distributions
layer-wise, as shown in the supplemental materials, run with the
--scope lmap
option, as in:
ipython -- bin/ bmnist --model models/bmnist/bmnist_spn_50/best.bmnist.model --scope lmap
Given a dataset split into train, validation and test, the embedding
generation functions will produce the new train, validation and test
splits according to a model and some filtering criterion.
The output splits are generally in a pickle file, but can be saved in
the same format of the textual datasets with the --save-txt
In addition to that, for SPN models, a feature file map will be generated,
comprising information about the node used to generate each feature.
To extract the embeddings for a dataset from an SPN model one can use
script. He will need to specify some string
matching rules to identiy the dataset splits with --train-ext
, --test-ext
and the directory where to look as the
first parameter (e.g. data/
The SPN model path is specified with the option --model
and the new
representation name will be composed using the --suffix
To specify how to extract the embeddings, one has to set two options:
which determines which values to extract from a node (to
get the node output value in the log domain use "var-log-val"
), and
that indicates which nodes to consider to generate the
embeddings (set it to "all"
to get all nodes in a network).
Here is an example usage:
ipython -- bin/ data/ --train-ext --valid-ext --test-ext --model models/ocr_letters/ocr_letters_spn_100/best.ocr_letters.model -o repr/ocr_letters/ --ret-func "var-log-val" --filter-func "all" --suffix "100-all-log-val" --no-ext --no-mpe --fmt float
To extract the embeddings for the MPE tree path visualization, run this other version:
ipython -- bin/ data/ --train-ext --valid-ext --test-ext --model models/bmnist/bmnist_spn_500/best.bmnist.model -o repr/bmnist/mpe/ --ret-func "max-var" --filter-func "hid-var" --suffix "500-mpe-hid-var" --no-ext --fmt int
which uses only the max child branches for each hidden r.v. (specified
with --filter-func "hid-var"
) and sets them to 0 or 1 (specified with --ret-func "max-var"
One can extract embeddings comprising all (non-leaf) nodes, then
filter them by type or scope length without running again
. To do so, use
script. The command takes similar
parameters as
, but it also needs the path to the
feature map file the latter generated (to be specified with the
By specifying the --nodes
option, one can filter them by type
(writing sum
and prod
together gets all non leaf nodes). For example:
ipython -- bin/ repr/caltech101/all/ -r 50-all-log-val.caltech101 --train-ext --valid-ext --test-ext --info repr/caltech101/all/ -o repr/caltech101/non-leaf/ --suffix 50-non-leaf-log-val-caltech101 --save-text --nodes sum prod
Using --scopes m n
allows to filter all nodes with scope length range
ipython -- bin/ repr/caltech101/all/ -r 50-all-log-val.caltech101 --train-ext --valid-ext --test-ext --info repr/caltech101/all/ -o repr/caltech101/scopes/ --suffix 50-2-3-scopes-log-val-caltech101 --save-text --scopes 2 4
To learn an RBM with sklearn
and use the model to generate the new
embeddings for the initial dataset, use the
ipython -- bin/ data/ --train-ext
--valid-ext --test-ext --suffix
"rbm-1000" --no-ext --fmt float --n-hidden 1000 --l-rate 0.1 0.01
--batch-size 20 100 --log -v 2 --n-iters 10 20 30
in which --n-hidden
specifies the number of hidden units, --l-rate
sets the learning rate values, --batch-size
the batch size
parameters and --n-iters
the numbers of epochs. The option --log
let the resulting data to be saved in the log domain as well, with the
name log.rbm-1000
The 1000 feature masks employed in the experiments using the marginal
queries can be found as text files under the dir features
To generate them back run the following commands using the
ipython -- bin/ caltech101 -o features/caltech101/ --suffix "1000-2-2-10-10-rand-rect" --rand-marg-rect 1000 2 2 10 10
ipython -- bin/ bmnist -o features/bmnist/ --suffix "1000-2-2-10-10-rand-rect" --rand-marg-rect 1000 2 2 10 10
ipython -- bin/ ocr_letters -o features/ocr_letters/ --suffix "1000-2-2-7-7-rand-rect" --rand-marg-rect 1000 2 2 7 7
Then, to employ these features to generate the embeddings one has to
invoke the
and libra_repr_data
by specifying the
option in a command as
ipython -- bin/ data/ --train-ext --valid-ext --test-ext --model exp/mtlearn/ocr_letters_2016-03-01_07-53-35/models/ -o repr/rect/ocr_letters/ --suffix "3-mt-1000-2-2-7-7-rect" --no-ext --fmt float --features features/ocr_letters/1000-2-2-7-7-rand-rect.ocr_letters.features --acquery-path "/root/Desktop/libra-tk-1.0.1/bin/acquery"
in which the --acquery-path
option specifies the path to the
bin file in your libra toolkit installation
The evaluation of the random queries can be highly time consuming. For
this reason it could be convenient to split the initial feature set
into smaller parts to be computed in parallel.
To split a feature set into smaller sets of size 100, use the
ipython -- bin/ features/caltech101/1000-2-2-10-10-rand-rect.caltech101.features --split 100
After that 10 different feature set files will be generated and can be
used by running
10 times.
Then, if one wants to merge the representation splits of those 10
runs, he can use the command
in this way:
ipython -- bin/ <paths-to-repr-splits> -o
repr/rect/caltech101/ --suffix all-spn-1000-2-2-10-10-rect.caltech
Obtaining a single pickle containing the merged splits for training, validation and test.
The evaluation of 1000 feature queries for large SPN models (like SPN-II/III on OCR and BMN) can take too long, in practice. To speed things up we leverage our implementation in Theano, using a GPU with CUDA enabled.
To do so, one has to specify the --theano
option, whose value
determines the batch size during the network evaluation. Moreover, one
has to properly set some Theano environmental vars to be sure to run
on the GPU: THEANO_FLAGS=mode=FAST_RUN,device=gpu,floatX=float32
See this example:
THEANO_FLAGS=mode=FAST_RUN,device=gpu,floatX=float32 ipython -- bin/ data/ --train-ext --valid-ext --test-ext --model models/caltech101/caltech101_spn_500/best.caltech101.model -o repr/rect/caltech101/ --suffix "500-spn-1000-2-2-10-10-rect" --no-ext --no-mpe --fmt float --features features/caltech101/1000-2-2-10-10-rand-rect.caltech101.features.0.99 --theano 100 --opt-unique --max-nodes-layer 50
With --max-nodes-layer
one can limit the number of nodes to put in
each layer in the layered representation of an SPN. Smaller values
will let the architecture be stored on GPUs with less memory. On the
other hand, they will make Theano compilation process much longer.
To employ the learned representation in the classification tasks, use
script. It takes as arguments the name of
the dataset and other parameters to determine the classifier
configuration and specify its grid search.
To reproduce the experiments use the same ovr classifier by specifying
the option --logistic "l2-ovr-bal"
and the regularization values
with --log-c 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0
For instance, to train and evaluate a classifier on bmnist
on the
representations split and stored in the file repr/bmnist/non-leaf/ 50-non-leaf-log-val.bmnist.pickle
, run the command:
ipython -- bin/ bmnist -r 50-non-leaf-log-val.bmnist --repr-dir repr/bmnist/non-leaf/ --splits --dtype float --logistic "l2-ovr-bal" --log-c 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0
To reproduce the last experiment, use the additional --feature-inc 100
to learn a classifier on several feature sets incremented by 100 at a
time. E.g.:
ipython -- bin/ bmnist -r 50-non-leaf-log-val.bmnist --repr-dir repr/bmnist/non-leaf/ --splits --dtype float --logistic "l2-ovr-bal" --log-c 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0
--feature-inc 100