A TCP client for Gleam!
gleam add mug
import mug
pub fn main() {
// Form a connection to a TCP server
let assert Ok(socket) =
mug.new("erlang-the-movie.example.com", port: 12345)
|> mug.timeout(milliseconds: 500)
|> mug.connect()
// Send a packet to the server
let assert Ok(Nil) = mug.send(socket, <<"Hello, Joe!\n":utf8>>)
// Receive a packet back
let assert Ok(packet) = mug.receive(socket, timeout_milliseconds: 100)
// -> <<"Hello, Mike!":utf8>>
It also includes support for receiving packages as Erlang messages, enabling TCP sockets to be used within OTP actors.
It also has SSL (TLS) support!
// Make sure you depend on the `ssl` application in `gleam.toml`!
// This can be done by adding `ssl` to the list of `extra_applications` under the
// erlang key in the `gleam.toml` file.
// More info here: https://gleam.run/writing-gleam/gleam-toml/
import mug/tls as mug
pub fn main() {
// Form a connection to a TCP+TLS server
let assert Ok(socket) =
mug.new("example.com", port: 443) // HTTPS port!
|> mug.timeout(milliseconds: 5000)
|> mug.connect()
// Talk over an encrypted connection!
let assert Ok(Nil) =
mug.send(socket, <<"HEAD / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.com\r\n\r\n":utf8>>)
let assert Ok(data) = mug.receive(socket, 5000)
let assert Ok(data) = bit_array.to_string(data)
let assert "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" <> _ = data
You can also upgrade an existing TCP connection to TLS! This can be useful for applications which negotiate over plain TCP first, and then upgrade to an encrypted connection (for example SMTP).
import gleam/option.{Some}
import mug
import mug/tls
pub fn main() {
// Form a connection to a TCP server
let assert Ok(tcp_socket) =
mug.new("erlang-the-movie-2.example.com", port: 12345)
|> mug.timeout(milliseconds: 500)
|> mug.connect()
// Talk over plain text!
let assert Ok(Nil) = mug.send(socket, <<"Let's upgrade!\n":utf8>>)
let assert Ok(_) = mug.receive(socket, timeout_milliseconds: 100)
// Now upgrade the connection
let assert Ok(socket) = tls.upgrade(
// Do not check certificates (Do not use in prod!!)
// Timeout after 1000 millis
milliseconds: 1000
// Talk over an encrypted connection!
let assert Ok(Nil) =
tls.send(socket, <<"Hello, Joe!\n":utf8>>)
let assert Ok(_) = tls.receive(socket, 5000)
// Downgrade to an unencrypted connection
case tls.downgrade(socket, milliseconds: 1000) {
Error(tls.Closed) -> {
// Downgrade failed, so the connection was closed.
Ok(#(tcp_socket, data)) -> {
// `data` is the first piece of data received (if any)
// after downgrade
let assert Some(_) = data
let assert Ok(Nil) = mug.send(socket, <<"Scary unencrypted connection!\n":utf8>>)
Error(_) -> {
// Downgrade failed for other reasons
Documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/mug.
Some tests testing the TLS capabilities of mug
require there to be a CA
certificate and a regular certificate and their keys to be present in the
folder. These certs can be generated if you have OpenSSL installed
by running the ./test/certs/gencerts.sh
script from the project's root
directory. If these certificates are not present, you will get a
Pattern match failed
error on most tests in the mug_tls_test.gleam
$ ./test/certs/gencerts.sh # Run this first if you haven't already!
$ gleam test