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289 lines (211 loc) · 6.58 KB

superium-web-apis (deprecated)

superium is now polytoria, new apis VVVV
on my profile

im sorry for my english, lol

Domain Description Misc Endpoints

Undocumented APIs

User APIs

Sends an verification email

ReturnUrl: a page to redirect to after sending the request

Switches between the dark/light theme

Currency Conversion Calculator

input: an amount of bricks/studs

c: b, s (b means bricks) (s means studs)

    returns a number

Currency Conversion

studInput: a number of studs to convert

brickInput: a number of bricks to convert

Fetch a trade

tradeId = a target trade id (example with a id 5437)

  {"id":"5437","user_from":"5669","user_to":"451","f1":"50153","f2":"34282","f3":"0","f4":"0","t1":"50110","t2":"0","t3":"0","t4":"0","seen":"0","status":"PENDING","f1name":"Pumpking Top-Hat ","f1id":"5548","f1serial":"61","f1worth":"372","f2name":"The Fire Crown","f2id":"3875","f2serial":"10","f2worth":"5,861","f3name":"","f3id":0,"f3serial":0,"f3worth":0,"f4name":"","f4id":0,"f4serial":0,"f4worth":0,"t1name":"Pumpking Top-Hat ","t1id":"5548","t1serial":"48","t1worth":"372","t2name":"","t2id":0,"t2serial":0,"t2worth":0,"t3name":"","t3id":0,"t3serial":0,"t3worth":0,"t4name":"","t4id":0,"t4serial":0,"t4worth":0}
  1. Not logged in: {'error': true }
  2. Not allowed to fetch the trade: {'error': true }

Trade action

id: a target trade id

action: an action (accept, decline)

  1. Not logged in: {'error': true }
  2. Not allowed to interact with the trade: {'error': true }

Log out

Avatar APIs

Set body part color

id: a color id

part: part=currentlySelected (which is Head), part=(body part name)

Take off an item

id: item id (you need to own it)

Wear an item

id: item id (you need to own it)

Fetch inventory

cat: tool, hat, face, shirt, pants

page: a page id

Load worn items

Render avatar

Friendship APIs

Send a Friend Request

id: a target user id

csrf: your csrf token

Unfriend a user (Target needs to be your friend)

id: a target user id

Block a user

userId: a user id, for example ?id=1

Fetch all friend requests

pageId: a page id, or ?page=currentPage, Warning: the max page is 100

Accept all friend requests

  1. Not logged in: You are not logged in!

Decline all friend requests

  1. Not logged in: You are not logged in!

Guild APIs

Get members

guildId: a guild id

role: a role name (can get the id thru F12, and searching for data-roleid)

page: a page id, currentPage

<div class="columns">
  <!-- this thing below repeats (10 members = 10 divs) -->
<div class='column is-2'>
  <img src='[avatarhash].png'>
  <center><a href='/User/?id=[userId]'>[username]</a></center>

Get Store Items

guildId: a guild id

page: a page id, currentPage

returns the same thing like get members but it's not users it's items

Join a guild

guildId: a guild id

Leave a guild

guildId: a guild id

Game APIs

Join a game

gameId: a game id

Item APIs

Sell an Limited

serial: your serial id

itemid: limited id

price: chosen price in bricks (max 1000000000, min 1)

  1. Logged-in user doesnt own the item, returns: err:inv

Purchase an item

id: item id

csrf: your csrf token

  1. invalid assetId
  2. invalid item
  3. already own this item
  4. not logged in
  5. item is off-sale
  6. not having enough currency
  7. item has sold out

Purcahse an limited (requires blim)

id: blim

blim = code below

var blim = [itemid];

csrf: your csrf token

  1. invalid assetId
  2. invalid item
  3. already own this item
  4. not logged in
  5. item is off-sale
  6. not having enough currency
  7. selling this item

Purcahse an limited with id

id: item id

csrf: your csrf token

  1. invalid assetId
  2. invalid item
  3. already own this item
  4. not logged in
  5. item is off-sale
  6. not having enough currency
  7. selling this item

Auth APIs

Check if a name is taken

name: a chosen name lol?

{"Error": false,"Message": "OK"}
  1. username must be at least 3 characters
  2. inappropriate username
  3. username contains special characters
  4. username is already taken! Try [name](random numbers like "XYZ237") instead

Register a new account

username: chosen username

password: chosen passowrd

confirmpassword: your chosen password

email: chosen email

referer: target userId (REFERER IS OPTIONAL), default 0

  1. reCAPTCHA failed, please try again
  2. other errors are unknown, sadly