One OKR form Larry&Sergey: We should make the web as fast as flipping through a magazine
Professional employee needs rigorous performance standards and high goals.. But how he does his work should always be his responsibility and his decision -Peter Drucker
Talking can transform minds, which can transform behaviours, which can transform institutions -Sheryl Sandberg
The right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats.
At any given time, some significant percentage of people are working on the wrong things. The challenge is knowing which ones. -Aaron Levie
Innovation means saying no to one thousand things -Steve Jobs
It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities... -JK Rowling
In God we trust, all others must bring data -w. Edwards Deming
A managers first role is the personal one. It is the relationship with people, the development of mutual confidence... the creation of community -Peter Drucker
Companies with highly aligned employees are more than twice as likely to be top performers -HBR