Build and visualize data structures in Golang. Inspired by the ideas from memviz and Gods this library
helps user to play around with standard data structures while also giving them the tools to build their own data structures and visualization options....
Documentation is available at godoc.
- graphviz
go get
- Containers
- Lists
- ArrayList
- SinglyLinkedList
- DoublyLinkedList
- Stacks
- ArrayStack
- Maps
- TreeMap
- Trees
- RedBlackTree
- AVLTree
- BTree
- BinaryHeap
- Lists
- Functions
- Comparator
- Iterator
- IteratorWithIndex
- IteratorWithKey
- ReverseIteratorWithIndex
- ReverseIteratorWithKey
- Enumerable
- EnumerableWithIndex
- EnumerableWithKey
- Serialization
- JSONSerializer
- JSONDeserializer
- Sort
- Container
- Visualizer
We have a blog post explaining our vision and covering some basic usage of the dataviz
library. Check it out here.
We really encourage developers coming in, finding a bug or requesting a new feature. Want to tell us about the feature you just implemented, just raise a pull request and we'll be happy to go through it. Please read the CONTRIBUTING and CODE_OF_CONDUCT file.