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File metadata and controls

121 lines (77 loc) · 7.04 KB


A remix of Boot's filesets, intended to provide a more functional API user in a larger variety of settings. Many thanks to Alan Dipert and Micha Niskin for the original version in Boot's source code, and for their assistance in understanding it.


A fileset is an immutable data structure representing a logical filesystem directory, containing some number of files. Filesets are immutable persistent data structures; you can obtain a new fileset by adding, removing or modifying files without altering the original fileset instance in any way. They also support correct equality semantics, based on the hashed content and timestamps of the files they contain.

Creating a fileset

Use the fileset function with no aguments to create a new fileset. The fileset will be empty, containing no files.

Adding files to a fileset

Use the add function to add all the files in a normal filesystem directory to the fileset. Under the hood, this actually copies the files, so once they are added changes to the filesystem will not affect the fileset.

(require '[arachne.fileset :as fs])
(require '[ :as io])

(def my-fileset (fs/add (fs/fileset) (io/file "some/directory")))

add also supports options to only add files whose paths match (or do not match) specified regular expressions: see the docstring for details.

You can also specify a metadata map for all the files added in a particular call to add, using the :meta option. This is data that is attached to each file and can later be used to select or filter specific files. This is useful, among other things, for keeping track of a file's role in some process, and whether it should be included in a final build or not.

(def my-fileset (fs/add (fs/fileset) (io/file "some/directory")
                        :include [#".*\.clj$"]
                        :meta {:role :source-code}))

Note that metadata is not the same as Clojure metadata; it does affect the equality semantics of the fileset.

Reading files in a fileset

You can list the files in a fileset using ls, which returns a collection of paths that are present in the fileset.

For each path, you can use any of the following functions:

  • hash - get the MD5 hash of a file
  • timestamp - get the "last modified" time of a file
  • content - open a on the content of the file.
  • file - Get an immutable for the File representation. The file will be located in a temp directory and be named according by its content hash and timestamp, not the file path.


Interacting with a fileset programatically through the Clojure API is somewhat cumbersome. To perform arbitrary operations on a fileset, it is often necessary to commit the fileset, dumping its contents to a concrete location on the filesystem where they can be manipulated as normal files.

To do this, use the commit! function, which takes a fileset and a directory (as a and writes all the files in the fileset to the directory.

Committing is efficient and does not perform a full copy; the emitted files are hard links to the underlying content. This also means that they are read-only; if you wish to modify a file, you must first copy it and re-add it using add.

(require '[arachne.fileset :as fs])

(def output-dir (fs/tmpdir!))

(fs/commit! fs output-dir)

Removing files from a fileset

There are several ways to create a new fileset that does not contain certain files:

  • remove removes the files at specific paths from a fileset.
  • filter applies a predicate to each file in the fileset (using the internal tempfile instance) and returns a fileset containing only files for which the predicate returns true.
  • filter-meta applies a predicate to the metadata of each file in the fileset and returns a fileset containing only files for which the predicate returns true.

Temporary files

To use filesets effectively, it is often necessary to make extensive use of temporary directories, and the system creates several temporary directories automatically in the course of operations.

You can obtain a new, empty temporary directory by calling tmpdir!. Directories created by tmpdir! are created in a directory suitable for temporary files (as determined by the filesystem), and are also registered with the JVM for deletion via a shutdown hook.

How it Works

Under the hood, the system maintains a directory (the "blob store") full of content-addressed files; that is, files that are named according to the MD5 hash of their contents and their last-modified timestamp. Whenever a file is added to any fileset using add, it is added to the blob store. The blob is never modified or deleted until the JVM shuts down.

A fileset is essentialy just a map of user-level paths (e.g, "foo/bar.clj") to the paths of the corresponding blobs in the blob store (e.g, "0ac6536c01c4720c6eee617785027c66.1472514953000").

Wherever possible (e.g, when using commit!), hard links to the blob store are used to avoid performing a full copy of a file's contents. This makes most operations (aside from the initial add) fast and lightweight.

Resource Consumption Notes

The library maintains an open file handle to each file in a fileset. This is important, because it prevents files from being deleted from underneath the blob store in long-running processes (which Arachne servers are.)

These file handles are released in the .finalize method of each JVM object representing a tmpfile; that is, after no references to it remain and they are garbage collected by the JVM.

However, if you are working with filesets containing many (on the order of tens of thousands) of files, or if you're churning through and modifying files in a fileset faster than the old versions can be garbage collected, it is possible you will see a "too many open files" exception. If this occurrs, you can either increase your system's open file limit or decrease the number of files in active filesets.

If you're experiencing this problem in a long-running dev session, it might also be worth calling (System/gc) explicitly to force old filesets to be cleaned up (releasing their resources.)

Differences from Boot

  • When you commit!, you choose a directory instead using an implicit one.
  • Caching has been disabled,
  • Multiple fileset instances are fully supported without restrictions, including use in multithreaded environments.
  • Filesets no longer have any concept of roles, and no "source", "resource", "input" or "output" status. This can be trivially implemented using metadata, if desired.
  • Filesets have been decoupled from the concept of a classpath; they now have nothing to do with eachother (unless you happen to commit! to a directory on the classpath.)
  • The API has been reworked such that users don't need to interact with the underlying ITmpFile instances. Several convenience functions have been added.


Copyright © 2016 Luke VanderHart, Alan Dipert and Micha Niskin

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.