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Homebrew Aptos

Homebrew is a package manager that works for MacOS Silicon and Intel chips as well as Linux distributions like Debian and Ubuntu.

The Aptos command line interface (CLI) may be installed via Homebrew for simplicity. This is an in-depth overview of Homebrew and the Aptos formula. In this guide, we go over each section of the Homebrew formula and steps to implement changes in the future.

Quick guide

Getting started

To begin, first ensure that homebrew is correctly installed on your computer. Visit to learn how you can set it up!

To test that it works correctly, try

brew help

Once homebrew is installed, run

brew install aptos

to test that it installed correctly, try

aptos --help

# This should return something like

# aptos 1.0.5
# Aptos Labs <[email protected]>
# Command Line Interface (CLI) for developing and interacting with the Aptos blockchain
# ...

Change guide

Note: This guide is for developers who are trying to update the Aptos homebrew formula.

You can get the latest formula here:

Copy the aptos.rb file to your homebrew formula directory. For example, on macOS with an M1, this will likely be:



After you've copied aptos.rb to your local homebrew formula directory, you can modify it and use the commands below for testing.

# On Mac M1, homebrew formulas are located locally at

# Before submitting changes run
brew audit --new-formula aptos      # For new formula
brew audit aptos --strict --online
brew install aptos
brew test aptos

# For debugging issues during the installation process you can do
brew install aptos --interactive    # Interactive, gives you access to the shell
brew install aptos -d               # Debug mode

# Livecheck
brew livecheck --debug aptos

Committing changes

Once you have audited and tested your brew formula using the commands above, make sure you:

  1. Commit your changes to aptos-core in crates/aptos/homebrew.
  2. Fork the Homebrew Core repository per How to Open a Homebrew Pull Request.
  3. Create a PR on the Homebrew Core repo with your changes.

Aptos.rb structure overview


class Aptos < Formula
  desc "Layer 1 blockchain built to support fair access to decentralized assets for all"
  homepage ""
  url ""
  sha256 "670bb6cb841cb8a65294878af9a4f03d4cba2a598ab4550061fed3a4b1fe4e98"
  license "Apache-2.0"


Bottles are precompiled binaries. This way people don't need to compile from source every time.

Bottles for homebrew/core formulae are created by Brew Test Bot when a pull request is submitted. If the formula builds successfully on each supported platform and a maintainer approves the change, Brew Test Bot updates its bottle do block and uploads each bottle to GitHub Packages.

  # IMPORTANT: These are automatically generated, you DO NOT need to add these manually, I'm adding them here as an example
  bottle do
    sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_ventura:  "40434b61e99cf9114a3715851d01c09edaa94b814f89864d57a18d00a8e0c4e9"
    sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_monterey: "edd6dcf9d627746a910d324422085eb4b06cdab654789a03b37133cd4868633c"
    sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_big_sur:  "d9568107514168afc41e73bd3fd0fc45a6a9891a289857831f8ee027fb339676"
    sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, ventura:        "d7289b5efca029aaa95328319ccf1d8a4813c7828f366314e569993eeeaf0003"
    sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, monterey:       "ba58e1eb3398c725207ce9d6251d29b549cde32644c3d622cd286b86c7896576"
    sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, big_sur:        "3e2431a6316b8f0ffa4db75758fcdd9dea162fdfb3dbff56f5e405bcbea4fedc"
    sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux:   "925113b4967ed9d3da78cd12745b1282198694a7f8c11d75b8c41451f8eff4b5"


Brew livecheck uses strategies to find the newest version of a formula or cask’s software by checking upstream. The strategy used below checks for all aptos-cli-v<SEMVER> tags for aptos-core. The regex ensures that releases for other, non-CLI builds are not factored into livecheck.

Livecheck is run on a schedule with BrewTestBot and will update the bottles automatically on a schedule to ensure they're up to date. For more info on how BrewTestBot and brew livecheck works, please see the How does BrewTestBot work and when does it update formulae? discussion.

  # This livecheck scans the releases folder and looks for all releases
  # with matching regex of href="<URL>/tag/aptos-cli-v<SEMVER>". This
  # is done to automatically check for new release versions of the CLI.
  livecheck do
    url :stable

To run livecheck for testing, we recommend including the --debug argument:

brew livecheck --debug aptos

Depends on and installation

  • depends_on is for specifying other homebrew formulas as dependencies.
  • Currently, we use v1.64 of Rust, as specified in the Cargo.toml file of the project. If we were to use the latest stable build of Rust going forward, we would modify the formula slightly. See the comments below for more details.
  # Installs listed homebrew dependencies before Aptos installation
  # Dependencies needed:
  # See scripts/ in aptos-core for more info
  depends_on "cmake" => :build
  depends_on "rustup-init" => :build
  uses_from_macos "llvm" => :build

  on_linux do
    depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
    depends_on "zip" => :build
    depends_on "openssl@3"
    depends_on "systemd"

  # Currently must compile with the same rustc version specified in the
  # root Cargo.toml file of aptos-core (currently it is pegged to Rust 
  # v1.64). In the future if it becomes compatible with the latest Rust
  # toolchain, we can remove the use of rustup-init, replacing it with a 
  # depends_on "rust" => :build
  # above and build the binary without rustup as a dependency
  # Uses for creating the compiled binaries.
  # This drastically reduces their size (ie. 2.2 GB on Linux for release
  # build becomes 40 MB when run with opt-level = "z", strip, lto, etc).
  # See cargo.toml [profile.cli] section for more details
  def install
    system "#{Formula["rustup-init"].bin}/rustup-init",
      "-qy", "--no-modify-path", "--default-toolchain", "1.64"
    ENV.prepend_path "PATH", HOMEBREW_CACHE/"cargo_cache/bin"
    system "./scripts/cli/", "homebrew"
    bin.install "target/cli/aptos"


To conduct tests, run:

brew test aptos

The current test generates a new key via the Aptos CLI and ensures the shell output matches the filename(s) for that key.

  test do
    assert_match(/, shell_output("#{bin}/aptos key generate --output-file output"))

Supporting resources