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Contribution Guide

Robert Gilliam edited this page Dec 11, 2013 · 29 revisions


We recommend using bundler to install all ruby dependencies, such as cocoapods.


Attribution and Copyright

All files MUST include the copyright header found in the repository: Copyright-Header.txt. Your help replacing any incorrect headers with this canonical one, as we propagate this requirement across the codebase, is greatly appreciated. We recommend the use of a code snippet with the abbreviation 'typhoon_header' to automate the insertion of this notice.

Command-Line Build

Builds unit tests, integration tests and code coverage reports. Installs Typhoon documentation into Xcode.


We recommended installing CLI build dependencies using homebrew (

brew install appledoc
brew install lcov
brew install doxygen

NB: Xcode 4.3+ requires command-line tools to be installed separately.

