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GitHub App


GitHub App

This bot will comment on PRs saying that either a user might need to add a changeset(note that PRs changing things like documentation generally don't need a changeset)or say that the PR is good and already has a changeset.

screenshot of changeset bot message from before a changeset was added

screenshot of the changeset bot message from showing the changeset good to go message

Sometimes, a contributor won't add a changeset to a PR but you might want to merge in the PR without having to wait on them to add it. To address this, this bot adds a link with the filename pre-filled to add a changeset so all you have to do is write the changeset and click commit.

screenshot of the changeset bot message from focused on the create a changeset link

screenshot of creating a changeset directly on GitHub

screenshot of the GitHub file creation page focusing on the commit button

screenshot of the changeset bot message from showing the changeset good to go message

When writing the changeset, it should look something like this with the packages that are being released in the YAML front matter with associated semver bump types and the summary of the changes in markdown.

'@changesets/cli': major
'@changesets/read': minor

A very helpful description of the changes


changeset-bot is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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