brew install tmux
Create a new tmux session
To attach to the last used session
tmux a
To see all tmux sessions
tmux ls
By default, ctrl b
is the prefix in tmux
<prefix> c: create a new window
<prefix> d: detach tmux
<prefix> ,: rename the window
<prefix> p: previous window
<prefix> n: next window
<prefix> 0: go to window 0
<prefix> %: vertial split
<prefix> ": horizontal split
<prefix> x: kill current window
<prefix> <left_key>: go to left pane
<prefix> <right_right>: go to right pane
<prefix> : resize-pane <direction> <number of cells>
-D Down
-U Up
-L Left
-R Right
To scroll in the pane
ctrl + b
use arrow keys
ctrl + c to exit