At the moment, we require emscripten version 2.0.24 to build the project, because tree-sitter-pkl
is incompatible with .wasm
modules built using newer versions.
The easiest way to set up emscripten is through emsdk.
Clone the project down, and within the repo, run ./emsdk install 2.0.24 && ./emsdk activate 2.0.24
To install all NPM dependencies, run npm install
To build the extension, run npm run package
. This will build a .vsix
bundle and place it into .dist/vscode/pkl-vscode
To install the extension locally, run npm run installextension
To develop locally, there is a "Launch Extension" task. In VSCode, navigate to the "Run and Debug" pane, and select "Launch Extension" to launch an extension host instance of VSCode.
Prior to launching, ensure the project environment is set up by running npm run build:local
The local development environment requires that the esbuild Problem Matchers plugin is installed into VSCode.