- Heaps
- Priority Queues
- Sorts
- Heap Sort
- MergeSort
- Counting Sort
- Bubble Sort
- Radix Sort
- XMLHttpRequests
- NoSQL vs. SQL
- Web Architecture
- Horizontal vs. Vertical Scaling
- Load Balancer
- Order of Operations
- Joins
- JavaScript
- Events
- Page Lifecycle
- Variable Declaration
- Bind
- Function Expression vs. Function Declaration
Everday day you'll be learning new things, and keeping track of all the Learning Goals. The most important thing to do at the end of each day though is review! The learning goals are designed so that they can be used as Flash Card questions. Practice for at least 30 minutes a day.
Besides Reviewing your flash cards it is also important to keep your algorithm and whiteboarding skills up to date.
- Do 1 Leetcode or Hackerrank Problem
- Do 1 whiteboarding problem
Here are some suggestions on what you could be working on:
- Polishing or adding features to existing projects- First prioritize polishing and adding features to existing projects.
- New projects- Once your existing projects are in great shape, start building out new projects. Start with smaller-scale projects, and over time, add more features to them. (Unfinished projects are not a bad thing, as long as you are learning from them!)
- Coding Challenges- All throughout, be sure to put in a sufficient amount of time to coding challenges; always go above and beyond, especially for companies that you really want to work at.
- Reach out to 2 people
- Apply to 5 jobs