diff --git a/.github/workflows/main.yml b/.github/workflows/main.yml
index ab6d7f5b..1cd250dc 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/main.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/main.yml
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Build
run: |
- export ICU4C_RELEASE_LINK=https://github.com/apotocki/icu4c-iosx/releases/download/73.2.1
+ export ICU4C_RELEASE_LINK=https://github.com/apotocki/icu4c-iosx/releases/download/74.2.6
for i in frameworks/*.xcframework/; do cd frameworks && zip -9 -r "$(basename -- $i).zip" $(basename -- $i) & done; wait
cd frameworks
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 55d41d62..dbeb6474 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
-# Boost C++ for iOS and Mac OS X (Intel & Apple Silicon M1) & Catalyst - arm64 / x86_64
-Supported version: 1.83.0 (use the appropriate tag to select the version)
-This repo provides a universal script for building static Boost C++ libraries for use in iOS and Mac OS X & Catalyst applications.
-The latest supported Boost version is taken from: https://boostorg.jfrog.io/artifactory/main/release/1.83.0/source/boost_1_83_0.tar.bz2
-## Building libraries
-atomic, chrono, container, context, contract, coroutine, date_time, exception, fiber, filesystem, graph, iostreams, json, locale, log, math, nowide, program_options, random, regex, serialization, stacktrace, system, test, thread, timer, type_erasure, url, wave
-## Not building libraries
-graph_parallel, mpi, python
-## Prerequisites
- 1) Xcode must be installed because xcodebuild is used to create xcframeworks
- 2) ```xcode-select -p``` must point to Xcode app developer directory (by default e.g. /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer). If it points to CommandLineTools directory you should execute:
- ```sudo xcode-select --reset``` or ```sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer```
- 3) You should not have your own user-config.jam file in your home directory!
-## Building notes
-1) Libraries 'locale' and 'regex' are being built with ICU backend. ICU build scripts are being taken from https://github.com/apotocki/icu4c-iosx and run with the help of 'pod' utility.
-2) 'test' library is building for iOS with BOOST_TEST_NO_MAIN flag.
-## How to build?
- - Manually
- # clone the repo
- git clone -b 1.83.0 https://github.com/apotocki/boost-iosx
- # build libraries
- cd boost-iosx
- scripts/build.sh
- # have fun, the result artifacts will be located in 'frameworks' folder.
- # Then you can add desirable xcframewors in your XCode project. The process is described, e.g., at https://www.simpleswiftguide.com/how-to-add-xcframework-to-xcode-project/
- - Use cocoapods. Add the following lines into your project's Podfile:
- use_frameworks!
- pod 'boost-iosx', '~> 1.83.0'
- # or optionally more precisely e.g.:
- # pod 'boost-iosx', :git => 'https://github.com/apotocki/boost-iosx', :tag => ''
-If you want to use particular boost libraries, specify them as in the following example for log and program_options libraries:
- pod 'boost-iosx/log', '~> 1.83.0'
- pod 'boost-iosx/program_options', '~> 1.83.0'
- # note: Some libraries have dependencies on other Boost libraries. In that case, you should explicitly add all their dependencies to your Podfile.
-Then install new dependencies:
- pod install --verbose
-## As an advertisement…
-The Boost libraries built by this project are used in my iOS application on the App Store:
-This app is designed for viewing and editing files at the byte or character level.
-You can support my open-source development by trying the [App](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/potohex/id1620963302).
-Feedback is welcome!
+# Boost C++ for iOS and Mac OS X (Intel & Apple Silicon M1) & Catalyst - arm64 / x86_64
+Supported version: 1.84.0 (use the appropriate tag to select the version)
+This repo provides a universal script for building static Boost C++ libraries for use in iOS and Mac OS X & Catalyst applications.
+The latest supported Boost version is taken from: https://boostorg.jfrog.io/artifactory/main/release/1.84.0/source/boost_1_84_0.tar.bz2
+## Building libraries
+atomic, chrono, cobalt, container, context, contract, coroutine, date_time, exception, fiber, filesystem, graph, iostreams, json, locale, log, math, nowide, program_options, random, regex, serialization, stacktrace, system, test, thread, timer, type_erasure, url, wave
+## Not building libraries
+graph_parallel, mpi, python
+## Prerequisites
+ 1) Xcode must be installed because xcodebuild is used to create xcframeworks
+ 2) ```xcode-select -p``` must point to Xcode app developer directory (by default e.g. /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer). If it points to CommandLineTools directory you should execute:
+ ```sudo xcode-select --reset``` or ```sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer```
+ 3) You should not have your own user-config.jam file in your home directory!
+## Building notes
+1) Libraries 'locale' and 'regex' are being built with ICU backend. ICU build scripts are being taken from https://github.com/apotocki/icu4c-iosx and run with the help of 'pod' utility.
+2) 'test' library is building for iOS with BOOST_TEST_NO_MAIN flag.
+## How to build?
+ - Manually
+ # clone the repo
+ git clone -b 1.84.0 https://github.com/apotocki/boost-iosx
+ # build libraries
+ cd boost-iosx
+ scripts/build.sh
+ # have fun, the result artifacts will be located in 'frameworks' folder.
+ # Then you can add desirable xcframewors in your XCode project. The process is described, e.g., at https://www.simpleswiftguide.com/how-to-add-xcframework-to-xcode-project/
+ - Use cocoapods. Add the following lines into your project's Podfile:
+ use_frameworks!
+ pod 'boost-iosx', '~> 1.84.0'
+ # or optionally more precisely e.g.:
+ # pod 'boost-iosx', :git => 'https://github.com/apotocki/boost-iosx', :tag => ''
+If you want to use particular boost libraries, specify them as in the following example for log and program_options libraries:
+ pod 'boost-iosx/log', '~> 1.84.0'
+ pod 'boost-iosx/program_options', '~> 1.84.0'
+ # note: Some libraries have dependencies on other Boost libraries. In that case, you should explicitly add all their dependencies to your Podfile.
+Then install new dependencies:
+ pod install --verbose
+## As an advertisement…
+The Boost libraries built by this project are used in my iOS application on the App Store:
+This application is designed to view and edit files at the byte or character level; calculate different hashes, encode/decode, and compress/decompress desired byte regions.
+You can support my open-source development by trying the [App](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/potohex/id1620963302).
+Feedback is welcome!
diff --git a/boost-iosx.podspec b/boost-iosx.podspec
index 01f635bb..9dc7658e 100644
--- a/boost-iosx.podspec
+++ b/boost-iosx.podspec
@@ -1,169 +1,174 @@
-Pod::Spec.new do |s|
- s.name = "boost-iosx"
- s.version = ""
- s.summary = "Boost C++ libraries"
- s.homepage = "https://github.com/apotocki/boost-iosx"
- s.license = "Boost Software License"
- s.author = { "Alexander Pototskiy" => "alex.a.potocki@gmail.com" }
- s.social_media_url = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexander-pototskiy"
- s.osx.deployment_target = "11.0"
- s.ios.deployment_target = "13.4"
- s.osx.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH' => 'YES' }
- s.ios.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH' => 'YES' }
- s.static_framework = true
- s.prepare_command = "sh scripts/build.sh"
- s.source = { :git => "https://github.com/apotocki/boost-iosx.git", :tag => "#{s.version}" }
- s.header_mappings_dir = "frameworks/Headers"
- #s.public_header_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- s.default_subspec = "all"
- s.subspec 'all' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_atomic.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_chrono.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_container.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_context.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_contract.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_coroutine.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_date_time.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_exception.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_fiber.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_filesystem.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_graph.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_iostreams.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_json.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_locale.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_log.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_log_setup.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_nowide.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_program_options.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_random.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_regex.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_serialization.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_stacktrace_basic.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_prg_exec_monitor.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_test_exec_monitor.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_unit_test_framework.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_thread.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_timer.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_type_erasure.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_system.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_url.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_wave.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'atomic' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_atomic.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'chrono' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_chrono.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'container' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_container.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'context' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_context.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'contract' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_contract.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'coroutine' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_coroutine.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'date_time' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_date_time.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'exception' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_exception.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'fiber' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_fiber.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_context.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'filesystem' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_filesystem.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'graph' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_graph.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'iostreams' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_iostreams.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'json' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_json.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'locale' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_locale.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'log' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_log.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_log_setup.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'math_c99' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_math_c99.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'math_c99l' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_math_c99l.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'math_c99f' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_math_c99f.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'math_tr1' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_math_tr1.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'math_tr1l' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_math_tr1l.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'math_tr1f' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_math_tr1f.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'nowide' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_nowide.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'program_options' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_program_options.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'random' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_random.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'regex' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_regex.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'serialization' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_serialization.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'wserialization' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_wserialization.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'stacktrace_basic' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_stacktrace_basic.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'stacktrace_noop' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_stacktrace_noop.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'test' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_prg_exec_monitor.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_test_exec_monitor.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_unit_test_framework.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'thread' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_thread.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'timer' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_timer.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'type_erasure' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_type_erasure.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'url' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_url.xcframework"
- end
- s.subspec 'wave' do |ss|
- ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
- ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_wave.xcframework"
- end
- #s.preserve_paths = "frameworks/**/*"
- #s.dependency "icu4c-iosx"
+Pod::Spec.new do |s|
+ s.name = "boost-iosx"
+ s.version = ""
+ s.summary = "Boost C++ libraries"
+ s.homepage = "https://github.com/apotocki/boost-iosx"
+ s.license = "Boost Software License"
+ s.author = { "Alexander Pototskiy" => "alex.a.potocki@gmail.com" }
+ s.social_media_url = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexander-pototskiy"
+ s.osx.deployment_target = "11.0"
+ s.ios.deployment_target = "13.4"
+ s.osx.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH' => 'YES' }
+ s.ios.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH' => 'YES' }
+ s.static_framework = true
+ s.prepare_command = "sh scripts/build.sh"
+ s.source = { :git => "https://github.com/apotocki/boost-iosx.git", :tag => "#{s.version}" }
+ s.header_mappings_dir = "frameworks/Headers"
+ #s.public_header_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ s.default_subspec = "all"
+ s.subspec 'all' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_atomic.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_chrono.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_cobalt.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_container.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_context.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_contract.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_coroutine.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_date_time.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_exception.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_fiber.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_filesystem.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_graph.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_iostreams.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_json.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_locale.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_log.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_log_setup.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_nowide.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_program_options.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_random.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_regex.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_serialization.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_stacktrace_basic.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_prg_exec_monitor.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_test_exec_monitor.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_unit_test_framework.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_thread.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_timer.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_type_erasure.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_system.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_url.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_wave.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'atomic' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_atomic.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'chrono' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_chrono.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'cobalt' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_cobalt.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'container' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_container.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'context' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_context.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'contract' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_contract.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'coroutine' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_coroutine.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'date_time' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_date_time.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'exception' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_exception.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'fiber' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_fiber.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_context.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'filesystem' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_filesystem.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'graph' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_graph.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'iostreams' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_iostreams.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'json' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_json.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'locale' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_locale.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'log' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_log.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_log_setup.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'math_c99' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_math_c99.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'math_c99l' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_math_c99l.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'math_c99f' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_math_c99f.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'math_tr1' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_math_tr1.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'math_tr1l' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_math_tr1l.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'math_tr1f' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_math_tr1f.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'nowide' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_nowide.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'program_options' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_program_options.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'random' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_random.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'regex' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_regex.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'serialization' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_serialization.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'wserialization' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_wserialization.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'stacktrace_basic' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_stacktrace_basic.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'stacktrace_noop' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_stacktrace_noop.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'test' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_prg_exec_monitor.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_test_exec_monitor.xcframework", "frameworks/boost_unit_test_framework.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'thread' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_thread.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'timer' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_timer.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'type_erasure' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_type_erasure.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'url' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_url.xcframework"
+ end
+ s.subspec 'wave' do |ss|
+ ss.source_files = "frameworks/Headers/**/*.{h,hpp,ipp}"
+ ss.vendored_frameworks = "frameworks/boost_wave.xcframework"
+ end
+ #s.preserve_paths = "frameworks/**/*"
+ #s.dependency "icu4c-iosx"
diff --git a/scripts/build.sh b/scripts/build.sh
index a634afc6..e34efb46 100755
--- a/scripts/build.sh
+++ b/scripts/build.sh
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ set -e
################## SETUP BEGIN
THREAD_COUNT=$(sysctl hw.ncpu | awk '{print $2}')
XCODE_ROOT=$( xcode-select -print-path )
################## SETUP END
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ fi
############### ICU
if true; then
-#export ICU4C_RELEASE_LINK=https://github.com/apotocki/icu4c-iosx/releases/download/72.1.1
+#export ICU4C_RELEASE_LINK=https://github.com/apotocki/icu4c-iosx/releases/download/74.2.6
if [[ ! -d $SCRIPT_DIR/Pods/icu4c-iosx/product ]]; then
if [[ ! -z "${ICU4C_RELEASE_LINK}" ]]; then
if [[ -d $SCRIPT_DIR/Pods/icu4c-iosx ]]; then
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ fi
patch tools/build/src/tools/features/instruction-set-feature.jam $SCRIPT_DIR/instruction-set-feature.jam.patch
-LIBS_TO_BUILD="--with-atomic --with-chrono --with-container --with-context --with-contract --with-coroutine --with-date_time --with-exception --with-fiber --with-filesystem --with-graph --with-iostreams --with-json --with-locale --with-log --with-math --with-nowide --with-program_options --with-random --with-regex --with-serialization --with-stacktrace --with-system --with-test --with-thread --with-timer --with-type_erasure --with-wave --with-url"
+LIBS_TO_BUILD="--with-atomic --with-chrono --with-cobalt --with-container --with-context --with-contract --with-coroutine --with-date_time --with-exception --with-fiber --with-filesystem --with-graph --with-iostreams --with-json --with-locale --with-log --with-math --with-nowide --with-program_options --with-random --with-regex --with-serialization --with-stacktrace --with-system --with-test --with-thread --with-timer --with-type_erasure --with-wave --with-url"
B2_BUILD_OPTIONS="-j$THREAD_COUNT address-model=64 release link=static runtime-link=shared define=BOOST_SPIRIT_THREADSAFE cxxflags=\"-std=c++20\""
@@ -266,6 +266,7 @@ build_xcframework()
if true; then
build_xcframework boost_atomic
build_xcframework boost_chrono
+build_xcframework boost_cobalt
build_xcframework boost_container
build_xcframework boost_context
build_xcframework boost_contract