[fix] [broker] Msg delivery is stuck due to items in the collection recentlyJoinedConsumers are out-of-order #22403
10 warnings
Report detected thread leaks
Summary: Tests in class org.apache.pulsar.bookie.rackawareness.BookieRackAffinityMappingTest created 1 new threads. There are now 11 threads in total.
Report detected thread leaks
Summary: Tests in class org.apache.bookkeeper.mledger.impl.ManagedLedgerFactoryChangeLedgerPathTest created 16 new threads. There are now 26 threads in total.
Report detected thread leaks
Summary: Tests in class org.apache.bookkeeper.mledger.impl.ShadowManagedLedgerImplTest created 10 new threads. There are now 32 threads in total.
Report detected thread leaks
Summary: Tests in class org.apache.bookkeeper.mledger.impl.ManagedCursorTest created 5 new threads. There are now 15 threads in total.
Report detected thread leaks
Summary: Tests in class org.apache.bookkeeper.mledger.offload.filesystem.impl.FileSystemOffloaderLocalFileTest created 3 new threads. There are now 14 threads in total.
Report detected thread leaks
Summary: Tests in class org.apache.bookkeeper.mledger.offload.filesystem.impl.FileSystemManagedLedgerOffloaderTest created 6 new threads. There are now 16 threads in total.
Report detected thread leaks
Summary: Tests in class org.apache.pulsar.functions.utils.FunctionCommonTest created 1 new threads. There are now 10 threads in total.
Report detected thread leaks
Summary: Tests in class org.apache.pulsar.functions.worker.rest.api.v3.FunctionApiV3ResourceTest created 1 new threads. There are now 11 threads in total.
Report detected thread leaks
Summary: Tests in class org.apache.pulsar.functions.worker.rest.api.v2.FunctionApiV2ResourceTest created 1 new threads. There are now 11 threads in total.
Report detected thread leaks
Summary: Tests in class org.apache.pulsar.testclient.PerformanceProducerTest created 8 new threads. There are now 18 threads in total.