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liyinan926 edited this page Jan 29, 2015 · 29 revisions
  • Author: Yinan
  • Reviewer: Sahil


As a framework for ingesting potentially huge volume of data from many different sources, it's critical to monitor the health and status of the system and job executions. Gobblin employs a variety of approaches introduced below for this purpose. All the approaches are optional and can be configured to be turned on and off in different combinations through the framework and job configurations.

Metrics Collecting and Reporting

Gobblin relies heavily on metrics to monitor the status of the system and job executions. The Metrics library is used internally.

JVM Metrics

The standalone deployment of Gobblin runs in a single JVM so it's important to monitor the health of the JVM, through a set of pre-defined JVM metrics in the following four categories.

  • jvm.gc: this covers metrics related to garbage collection, e.g., counts and time spent on garbage collection.
  • jvm.memory: this covers metrics related to memory usage, e.g., detailed heap usage.
  • jvm.threads: this covers metrics related to thread states, e.g., thread count and thread deadlocks.
  • jvm.fileDescriptorRatio: this measures the ratio of open file descriptors.

All JVM metrics are reported via JMX and can be checked using tools such as VisualVM or JConsole.

Pre-defined Job Execution Metrics

Internally, Gobblin pre-defines a minimum set of metrics listed below in two metric groups: JOB and TASK for job-level metrics and task-level metrics, respectively. Those metrics are useful in keeping track of the progress and performance of job executions.

  • ${metric_group}.${id}.records: this metric keeps track of the total number of data records extracted by the job or task depending on the ${metric_group}. The ${id} is either a job ID or a task ID depending on the ${metric_group}.
  • ${metric_group}.${id}.recordsPerSecond: this metric keeps track of the rate of data extraction as data records extracted per second by the job or task depending on the ${metric_group}.
  • ${metric_group}.${id}.bytes: this metric keeps track of the total number of bytes extracted by the job or task depending on the ${metric_group}.
  • ${metric_group}.${id}.bytesPerSecond: this metric keeps track of the rate of data extraction as bytes extracted per second by the job or task depending on the ${metric_group}.

The above metrics are also reported as Hadoop MapReduce counters for Gobblin jobs running on Hadoop.

User-defined Metrics

Gobblin also allows users to define custom metrics in the custom Source, Extractor, Converter, QualityChecker, ForkOperator, DataWriter, and DataPublisher classes. using the JobMetrics class. For example, let's say a user wants to keep track of the total number of connection attempts made to the data source by a job. This can be done using a Counter, say, named sourceConnections. The following code snapshot shows how the user gets and uses the Counter.

import com.codahale.metrics.Counter;
import com.linkedin.gobblin.metrics.JobMetrics;

// Get the JobMetrics object associated with the job
JobMetrics jobMetrics = JobMetrics.get(jobName, jobId);
// Get a new Counter with the given name in the form of JOB.${jobId}.sourceConnections 
Counter sourceConnectionCounter = jobMetrics.getCounter(, jobId, "sourceConnections"));
// Code to establish a connection to the data source
// Increment the counter by one for the connection attempt made above;

For more details on how to define and use custom metrics, please refer to the Developer Guide.

Metric Reporting

Out-of-the-box, Gobblin supports reporting collected metrics to JMX in the standalone deployment as well as to metric log files stored in a root directory defined by the property metrics.log.dir. Each Gobblin job has its own subdirectory under the root directory and each run of the job has its own metric log file named after the job ID as ${job_id}.metrics.log.

Metrics reported to JMX can be checked using using tools such as VisualVM or JConsole.

Job Execution History Store

Gobblin also supports writing job execution information to a job execution history store backed by a database of choice. Gobblin uses MySQL by default and it ships with the SQL DDLs of the relevant MySQL tables, although it still allows users to choose which database to use as long as the schema of the tables is compatible. Users can use the properties and to specify the database URL and the JDBC driver to work with the database of choice. The user name and password used to access the database can be specified using the properties and An example configuration is shown below:

Email Notifications

In addition to writing job execution information to the job execution history store, Gobblin also supports sending email notifications about job status. Job status notifications fall into two categories: alerts in case of job failures and normal notifications in case of successful job completions. Users can choose to enable or disable both categories using the properties email.alert.enabled and email.notification.enabled.

The main content of an email alert or notification is a job status report in Json format. Below is an example job status report:

	"job name": "Gobblin_Demo_Job",
	"job id": "job_Gobblin_Demo_Job_1417487480842",
	"job state": "COMMITTED",
	"start time": 1417487480874,
	"end time": 1417490858913,
	"duration": 3378039,
	"tasks": 1,
	"completed tasks": 1,
	"task states": [
			"task id": "task_Gobblin_Demo_Job_1417487480842_0",
			"task state": "COMMITTED",
			"start time": 1417490795903,
			"end time": 1417490858908,
			"duration": 63005,
			"high watermark": -1,
			"exception": ""
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