- Install Visual Studio Code
- Install PlatformIO by following instructions at http://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/ide/vscode.html
- Import the anwi code into Visual Studio Code using PlatformIO ( PIO Home)
- Connect the Wesmos D1 sensor to the computer using USB cable
- Build and upload the code to the D1 sensor using the build option in PlatformIO
- Open Arduino IDE's serial monitor and select Sensor serial PORT
- Enter 'c' to configure the sensor
- Enter the configuration data asked by sensor
- Sensor will restart once data is confirmed by user
- The sensor will enter "Protection Mode" on reboot
- Provide power to the sensor
- The sensor will become an Access Point with name ANWI_Sensor after 20 seconds delay
- Connect to the sensor using computer
- Use browser to connect to
- Fill in the required data on the form displayed
- Click on "Save Settings" button once the data is filled
- The sensor will reboot and enter "Protection Mode"
- Create an account on https://ifttt.com
- Follow the steps mentioned on https://ifttt.com/maker_webhooks
- Provide the unique IFTTT key to sensor during configuration phase
- Install node-red by following steps mentioned on https://nodered.org/docs/getting-started/installation
- Copy the contents of server_nodered.json and import to node-red dashboard
- Execute the Flow
- Provide the Server IP to the sensor during configuration phase