A hook that enables reactivity in your components through the utilization of RxJs
- Modify your data using default
operators within pipes, providing a cleaner and more concise way of handling asynchronous data - Combine data from multiple sources into a single observable stream using various
operators, allowing you to create more structured and organized code
Mimics the behaviour of useInterval with RxJs
import { useState } from 'react';
import { Tag, Typography } from 'antd';
import { interval } from 'rxjs';
import useObservable from 'beautiful-react-hooks/useObservable';
const interval$ = interval(1000); // create an interval pipe
const ObservableInterval = () => {
const [seconds, setSeconds] = useState(0);
useObservable(interval$, setSeconds);
return (
<DisplayDemo title="useObservable">
<Typography.Text>Rendering since <Tag color="green">{seconds}</Tag>seconds</Typography.Text>
<ObservableInterval />
Mimics the behaviour of useGeolocationState with RxJs
import { useState } from 'react';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { Typography } from 'antd';
import useObservable from 'beautiful-react-hooks/useObservable';
const position$ = new Observable(subscriber => {
const watcherRef = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(
position => subscriber.next(position),
error => subscriber.error(error),
return () => {
const ObservableGeolocation = () => {
const [position, setPosition] = useState({});
const { coords } = position;
useObservable(position$, setPosition);
return (
<DisplayDemo title="useObservable">
<Typography.Title>Current position:</Typography.Title>
{position.coords && [
<Typography.Paragraph key={0}>Lat: {position.coords.latitude}</Typography.Paragraph>,
<Typography.Paragraph key={1}>Lng: {position.coords.longitude}</Typography.Paragraph>
<ObservableGeolocation />
import { useState } from 'react';
import { fromEvent } from 'rxjs';
import { Typography, Tag } from 'antd';
import useObservable from 'beautiful-react-hooks/useObservable';
const resize$ = fromEvent(window, 'resize');
const ObservableResize = () => {
const [event, setEvent] = useState({});
useObservable(resize$, setEvent);
const { target } = event;
return (
<DisplayDemo title="useObservable">
<Typography.Title>Resize your window</Typography.Title>
width: <Tag color="green">{target && target.innerWidth || 0}</Tag>
height: <Tag color="green">{target && target.innerHeight || 0}</Tag>
<ObservableResize />
- when you need to display and manipulate data using reactive programming techniques.
pipes can be used for filtering, sorting, mapping, and other transformations.
- Don't use this hook as a state manager
import { type Observable, type Observer } from 'rxjs';
* Hook, which helps you combine rxjs flow and setState in your component
declare const useObservable: <T, F extends Partial<Observer<T>> | ((value: T) => void)>(observable: Observable<T>, setter: F) => void;
export default useObservable;