All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.7.0 (2022-03-06)
- command: add linter reset command (5c4461b)
- license: change license to MIT (35c97b0)
- tools: add husky hook (a7a47e4)
- tools: add prettier (0e4286c)
- webpack: upgrade config from breacking change (92e6eea)
- docker: user management (e13b8f7)
0.6.0 (2021-04-13)
- add a command to publish a release on Github (0702070)
- deploy the bundle to GCP with terraform (a221aa7)
- migrate to webpack 5 (243822e)
- docker: change user management in docker image (96cd0fa)
- makefile release command need git user (f3ce51e)
0.5.0 (2020-09-06)
- add a css linter (1cd731d)
- improve css bundling (6ca3dd8)
- mutualize browser compatibility with browserlistrc (8df0fb3)
- simplify the release command (8e7bbc9)
0.4.0 (2020-04-27)
- add analyze command (3b2cd7e)
- be able to run watch mode and run mode at the same time (76623c9)
- minimize html file (feb83ac)
- manage image bundling (a03a13f)
0.3.0 (2020-01-19)
- update babelrc to be able to use some ES6+ features (async/await) (b767ec1)
0.2.1 (2019-08-30)
- install @babel/preset to work with babel 7 (7915a5e)
- add editorconfig to follow conventions (e552de0)
- add a presentationnal index page (def58b7)
- add a webpack loader to be able to load fonts (ce7108d)
- add webpack loaders to manage images and svgs (5053abd)
- create a development environment with docker (1e66a69)
- create a webpack configuration for development (7059e1c)
- create a webpack configuration to run the website to production (025ee84)
- create the website folder structure (cab9da8)