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gRPC REST-like App


A basic address book app built using a gRPC API exposed via a REST-like endpoint using Envoy.


  • Node v18 or above
  • Docker (if you have trouble running the envoy Docker image, you can install Envoy directly)

Running the demo

  1. Install dependencies and build the apiTypes project.
npm install
npm run build:apiTypes
  1. In a new window, run the API server.
npm run dev:api
  1. In a new window, run the client web server.
npm run dev:client
  1. In a new window, run the proxy server on Docker.
docker compose -f packages/proxy/docker-compose.yaml up

⚠️ If you get 500 errors when testing the client or API, you can install Envoy directly and run the configuration by executing envoy -c envoy.yaml.

  1. You can test that the API is running properly by browsing to the following link:
  1. Visit the address book front end app.