dataset_args |
dataset_name |
dataset name, choose from 'nyc', 'tky', and 'ca' |
min_poi_freq |
the least value of one poi's checkin records, if less than or equal to this value, we will remove this poi |
min_user_freq |
the least value of one user's checkin records, if less than or equal to this value, we will remove this user |
session_time_interval |
the time interval of consecutive checkin records in every trajectory should be larger than or equal to this value |
threshold |
the similarity threshold of two trajectories when building hypergraph, if less than this value, we will remove this traj2traj relation |
filter_mode |
the similarity metric, choose from 'jaccard' and 'min size' |
num_spatial_slots |
the total number of slots for continuous distance value |
spatial_slot_type |
construct distance slots automatically based on min, max value of distance, choose from 'linear' and 'exp' |
do_label_encode |
whether to encode the id via LabelEncoder |
only_last_metric |
whether to use only the last checkin of every trajectory as sample to evaluate our model |
max_d_epsilon |
add this value to maximum distance to avoid bugs |
model_args |
model_name |
model name, choose from 'sthgcn' (our model) and 'seq_transformer' (for ablation study) |
intra_jaccard_threshold |
the intra-user similarity threshold for hyperedge2hyperedge collaboration, only keep those collaborations whose similarities are larger than this value |
inter_jaccard_threshold |
the inter-user similarity threshold for hyperedge2hyperedge collaboration, only keep those collaborations whose similarities are larger than this value |
sizes |
sample size for different hops, the last element is for checkin2trajectory, other elements is for multi-hop trajectory2trajectory. e.g. sizes=[10, 20, 30], [10,20] is for traj2traj 2-hop sampling, [30] is for ci2traj. |
dropout_rate |
the dropout rate |
num_edge_type |
the total number of edge type |
generate_edge_attr |
whether to generate edge attr embedding based on edge type |
embed_fusion_type |
embedding fusion type, choose from 'concat' and 'add' |
embed_size |
the embedding size of id embedding and the hidden representation of trajectory |
st_embed_size |
the embedding size of spatial and temporal embedding |
activation |
the activation function, choose from 'elu', 'relu', 'leaky_relu' and 'tanh' |
phase_factor |
phase factor for time encoder |
use_linear_trans |
whether to use linear transformation before output for time encoder |
do_traj2traj |
whether to use hyperedge2hyperedge collaboration |
distance_encoder_type |
encoder type of distance, choose from 'time', 'hstlstm', 'stan' and 'simple'. Specially, 'time' means using the TimeEncoder to handle distance value |
quantile |
clip the maximum distance value with clip(0, max_d*quantile), should modify the code in dataset/lbsn_dataset to make this work |
conv_args |
num_attention_heads |
the total number of attention heads |
residual_beta |
the residual weight of initial representation for gated residual module |
learn_beta |
whether to learn residual beta automatically |
conv_dropout_rate |
the dropout rate for hypergraph transformer |
trans_method |
the translation method of message assembler, choose from 'corr', 'sub', 'add', 'multi' and 'concat' |
edge_fusion_mode |
the fusion mode of edge vector, choose from 'concat' and 'add' |
head_fusion_mode |
the fusion mode of multi-head, choose from 'concat' and 'add' |
time_fusion_mode |
the fusion mode of time vector, choose from 'concat' and 'add' |
residual_fusion_mode |
the fusion mode of gated residual module, choose from 'concat' and 'add' |
negative_slope |
the negative slope for leaky_relu activation function |
run_args |
seed |
random seed for generate random number, and reproduce the experiments. Not used for multiple-run setting. |
gpu |
gpu index, use cpu if set -1 |
batch_size |
training batch size |
eval_batch_size |
evaluation batch size |
learning_rate |
the learning rate |
do_train |
whether to do training |
do_validate |
whether to do validation |
do_test |
whether to do testing |
warm_up_steps |
the warm up steps with constant initial learning rate |
cooldown_rate |
the cooldown rate for learning rate schedualing, make the learning rate approximate an exponential decay curve with respect to the global steps |
max_steps |
the max steps for training |
epoch |
the training epoch |
valid_steps |
do evaluating every valid_steps |
num_workers |
the total number of workers for dataloader |
init_checkpoint |
the checkpoint path |
seq_transformer_args |
only works when |
sequence_length |
the max length of the sequences |
header_num |
the head number of multi-head |
encoder_layers_num |
the total number of encoder layers |
hidden_size |
the embedding size of hidden representation |
dropout |
the dropout rate |
do_positional_encoding |
whether to use positional encoding |