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antsibull-docs -- Ansible Documentation Build Scripts

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Tooling for building Ansible documentation. This is mainly the antsibull-docs command and the Sphinx extension, sphinx_antsibull_ext. Please check out the documentation for more information.

You can find a list of changes in the antsibull-docs changelog.

antsibull-docs is covered by the Ansible Code of Conduct.


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Versioning and compatibility

From version 1.0.0 on, antsibull-docs sticks to semantic versioning and aims at providing no backwards compatibility breaking changes to the command line API (antsibull-docs) during a major release cycle. We might make exceptions from this in case of security fixes for vulnerabilities that are severe enough.

The current major version is 2.x.y. Development for 2.x.y occurs on the main branch. 2.x.y mainly differs from 1.x.y by dropping support for Python 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8, and by dropping support for older Ansible/ansible-base/ansible-core versions. See the changelog for details. 1.x.y is still developed on the stable-1 branch, but only security fixes, major bugfixes, and other absolutely necessary changes will be backported.

We explicitly exclude code compatibility. antsibull-docs is not supposed to be used as a library. The only exception are potential dependencies with other antsibull projects (currently there are none). If you want to use a certain part of antsibull-docs as a library, please create an issue so we can discuss whether we add a stable interface for parts of the Python code. We do not promise that this will actually happen though.

If you are interested in library support for interpreting Ansible markup, please take a look at the antsibull-docs-parser project.


Install and run nox to run all tests. That's it for simple contributions! nox will create virtual environments in .nox inside the checked out project and install the requirements needed to run the tests there.

antsibull-docs depends on the sister antsibull-changelog, antsibull-core, antsibull-docs-parser, antsibull-docutils, and antsibull-fileutils projects. By default, nox will install a development version of these projects from Github. If you're hacking on antsibull-changelog, antsibull-core, antsibull-docs-parser, antsibull-docutils, and/or antsibull-fileutils alongside antsibull-docs, nox will automatically install the projects from ../antsibull-changelog, ../antsibull-core, ../antsibull-docs-parser, ../antsibull-docutils, and ../antsibull-fileutils when running tests if those paths exist. You can change this behavior through the OTHER_ANTSIBULL_MODE env var:

  • OTHER_ANTSIBULL_MODE=auto — the default behavior described above
  • OTHER_ANTSIBULL_MODE=local — install the projects from ../antsibull-changelog, ../antsibull-core, ../antsibull-docs-parser, ../antsibull-docutils, and ../antsibull-fileutils. Fail if those paths don't exist.
  • OTHER_ANTSIBULL_MODE=git — install the projects from the Github main branch
  • OTHER_ANTSIBULL_MODE=pypi — install the latest versions from PyPI

To run specific tests:

  1. nox -e test to only run unit tests;
  2. nox -e lint to run all linters and formatter;
  3. nox -e codeqa to run flake8, pylint, reuse lint, and antsibull-changelog lint;
  4. nox -e formatters to run isort and black;
  5. nox -e typing to run mypy.

To create a more complete local development env:

git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd antsibull-docs
python3 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -e '.[dev]' -e ../antsibull-changelog -e ../antsibull-core -e ../antsibull-docs-parser -e ../antsibull-docutils

Updating the CSS file for the Sphinx extension

The CSS file sphinx_antsibull_ext/antsibull-minimal.css is built from sphinx_antsibull_ext/css/antsibull-minimal.scss using SASS and postcss using autoprefixer and cssnano.

Use the script in sphinx_antsibull_ext/css/ to build the .css file from the .scss file:

cd sphinx_antsibull_ext/css/

For this to work, you need to install some Node.js dependencies:

npm clean-install

Creating a new release:

  1. Run nox -e bump -- <version> <release_summary_message>. This:
    • Bumps the package version in src/antsibull_docs/
    • Creates changelogs/fragments/<version>.yml with a release_summary section.
    • Runs antsibull-changelog release --version <version> and adds the changed files to git.
    • Commits with message Release <version>. and runs git tag -a -m 'antsibull-docs <version>' <version>.
    • Runs hatch build --clean.
  2. Run git push to the appropriate remotes.
  3. Once CI passes on GitHub, run nox -e publish. This:
    • Runs hatch publish;
    • Bumps the version to <version>.post0;
    • Adds the changed file to git and run git commit -m 'Post-release version bump.';
  4. Run git push --follow-tags to the appropriate remotes and create a GitHub release.


Unless otherwise noted in the code, it is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3 or, at your option, later. See LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt for a copy of the license.

The repository follows the REUSE Specification for declaring copyright and licensing information. The only exception are changelog fragments in changelog/fragments/.