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Title Objective Approach
Flipkart Object Detection
  • Image
  • >
  • Bounding Box prediction
  • Designed a visual feature pipeline with attention on the object in image
  • Data Augmentation Technique along with its bounding box
  • Used Single Stage Detector Approach
  • Focal Loss with YOLO and SSD
Amazon Product Review classification
  • Text
  • >
  • Classification
  • Data Cleaning/feature enginnering
  • Linear/Non-Linear Model
  • Deep Learning Attention Model
  • Pretrained Bert Model
  • Ensemble
Hike Friend Recommendation
  • Very big Dataset(45M observation, graph edge-representation)
  • Relational Feature
  • Category Numerical
  • Link Prediction
  • Graph Based features such as (adamic-adar, common-resource-allocation,...)
  • SVD feature for each user
  • Comunity-clustering
  • Subsemble(I did this after competition is over, to understand more about sampling and model building)
  • neighbour-based feature(Removed highly cardinal feature)
  • Also tried Deep learning approach (Graph Embedding), but couldn't handle at that time properly
HDFC Risk Prediction
  • 2500 unknown predictors
  • Classification
  • Feature Understanding(EDA)
  • feature engineering
  • designed feature interaction tools
  • ensemble model using xgboost/lighgbm/catboost and linear/non-linear simple model
  • statistical model to understand the feature importance using p-values
Club Mahindra Hotel Room Price Prediction
  • Category Numerical
  • Relational Dataset
  • Regression
  • date-time based feature
  • Aggregation based feature
  • Relational Features
  • Ensemble using different set of tranformed target space
Cifar-10 Classification using Conditional Feature
  • Image
  • Comparison between ResNet and my modified feature pipeline
  • Classification
  • Developed a weighted feature pipeline using global and local feature.
  • Global feature put constrained on local feature, to specifically focused on features of object in image
  • Better attention map around object, which reflect its learned feature.
  • Improved score by 1.37% over Resnet
  • Image
  • Face Verification
  • Matching Network Approach
  • Build a Student-Attentdance hardware using arduino
  • Hard Mining Approach(generate all permutation between classes to handle small dataset)
  • network-in-network approach to handle overfitting as i have very small dataset.
  • Achieved 93% accuracy
Few Shot Learning(Prototype Network)
  • Image
  • Classification (training on very small dataset)
  • Prototype Algorithm implementation
  • There is more to this(will update in future)
Hackerearth Platform Recommendation System
  • Text
  • User-Problem Rating Prediction
    My main concerns was to handle following question carefully:
  • What is the strongest and weakest area of user?
  • What is the level of problem?
  • What problem user have just solved?
  • If user gets stuck at current problem, what problem should help him(to gain confidence and to improve
  • skill in that area)?
  • Exploration and explotation strategy in recommending problem
  • And many more?
JP.Morgan House Price Prediction
  • Category Numerical
  • Regression
  • Date based feature and Dummy feature
  • Interaction based feature
  • Bayesian optimization
  • out of fold prediction to generate Meta feature for ensemble
Stock Prediction
  • Time-Series stock prices
  • Future price prediction
  • Regression
  • Deep learning approach using RNN and LSTM