Esphome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems.
Git repository using NFS anddedicated postgres cluster.
Home Assistant provides home automation for multiple domotic platforms.
App Daemon allows script home automation in Python.
Homer host the main page for the server thanks to it being setup via yaml.
Provides playlists for locally stored music. Can be used with Google Home assistant.
Considering to replace with:
Some Persistant Volume Claims for the NAS.
Paperless-ng allows scaning, OCRing and searching paper documents.
First time a new instance is created a new superadmin must be manually created. This is done by loging into the container and executing
python3 createsuperuser
Photoprism indexes photos and syncs them with Nextcloud.
Media server
RaspberryMatic allows to control Homematic and Homematic IP devices. Is a custom CCU based on OCCU.
Tandoor Recipes is the recipe manager that allows you to manage your ever growing collection of digital recipes.
Statping provides a status page for webpages by regularly pinging them
Tiny Tiny RSS allows to admin feeds from the family in a single place. Then progress is tracked indepent from reader (web page, Android app).
Unifi ubiquiti unifi controller for wireless access points. This version of the controller runs as container.
- drone - CI with a native Kubernetes Runner
- home-assistant - Home Automation
- RaspberryMatic - Homematic Home Automation platform
- code-server -
Visual StudioCode Server