issues Search Results · repo:andyzeng/3dmatch-toolbox language:C++
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inandyzeng/3dmatch-toolbox (press backspace or delete to remove)I see that the keypoints in the dataset are obtained randomly and stored in the keypoint.txt file as an index. How do
these indexes get?
- Opened on Aug 13, 2021
- #34
Hi,I want to generate my own test set, but I don t know how to get the Ground Truth. Can I use Pose to calculate it?Or,
can you provide the snippets from which you generated the test set ( color image ...
- 1
- Opened on Jul 9, 2021
- #33
Hi, Andy Zeng:
In the calculation process of info matrix given by here, the q_star is the ground truth correspondence point in original
Q, while i find that the Q is transformed Q in you code here. So, ...
- Opened on Aug 11, 2020
- #32
Hello, thank you for the great work.
I found the issue on intermediate files for real data benchmark on Geometric Registration on Synthetic Data ( )
The data has nan elements. ...
- Opened on Feb 26, 2020
- #31
错误使用 fread 文件标识符无效。使用 fopen 生成有效的文件标识符 出错 demo (line 21) numFragment1Keypoints = fread(fid,1, single );
- Opened on Oct 24, 2019
- #30
Hi, Thanks for your sharing. In your project website you mentioned that the ply file for geometric registration
fragments Each fragment is a 3D point cloud of a surface, integrated from 50 depth frames ...
- Opened on Jul 10, 2019
- #29
Hi, Thank you so much for your code, and it helps mu a lot. But I have two problems about the conversion from point
cloud to TSDF file.
1. From the PCL tutorial ...
- Opened on May 30, 2019
- #28
Hi Thanks for the toolbox I am new in Ubuntu and I just want to compare my method with the 3Dmatch, actually I need
point clouds and transformation matrices of this dataset for training. is it possible ...
- Opened on Apr 24, 2019
- #27
Hi, When I try to use the code for Geometric Registration Evaluation, it seems the process is so slow, my ransacRt takes
about 25 seconds or more for max trials equals 50000, and in Compute alignment percentage ...
- Opened on Apr 19, 2019
- #26

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