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Creating the Lexer for ptuc

In this section we will tackle the creation of our lexical analyzer that understands and tokenizes the ptuc language. For this task, we will use a tool called flex (as previously mentioned); which is different than jflex and other programs with similar name. The only thing that's remotely compatible with flex is lex, which flex is based on; but since flex is a superset of the features provided by lex I cannot guarantee that the material and techniques used here will be directly applicable to lex.

Basic anatomy of a flex (.l) file

A typical flex file is comprised out of three sections which can the following:

  • User code section (optional)
  • Definition section (decl. of name def. and starting conditions)
  • Rule section (actual input matching)
  • User code section (optional)

Rule section is enclosed within %% brackets and the top user code section must be enclosed in {%, %} as shown below or using %top{ ... }.

user code
def. section
rule section
user code

Although optional, the top user code section is quite commonly used as one would normally find it the perfect place for including files, declaring function prototypes for later use and so on -- handy, to say the least. For example this section in our starting stub looks like following:

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include ""
#include "cgen.h"

int line_num = 1;

	A primitive macro facility:
	just one macro is allowed to be defined!
#define MAXMACRO 32
char* mactable[MAXMACRO][2];
int mactable_size = 0;

/* Return 1 on success, 0 on failure (macro table full) */
int set_macro(char* name, char* def);

/* Return def for macro, or NULL if no such macro is defined. */
char* get_macro(char* name);


All these variables can be used in both definition and rule sections as we will later see; if they were placed only in the bottom user code section this would not be possible. Keep in mind that Finally all code inside the user code sections is copied as-is to the processed file. Additionally comments in the rule and definition sections must be padded with at least one white-space ( ), otherwise flex treats them as rules; this is illustrated in the following example:

    /* this is a valid comment */
ID      [a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*
/* this is not a valid comment */

Regular Expressions

The heart of flex resides with regular expressions as its job is to basically match the input to a specific rule-set we instruct it to. Basic knowledge of them is assumed; so if you don't know a quick introduction to them would be the Examples section of Wikipedia. An invaluable tool for evaluating regexp in general is regex101 that provides both analysis and testing of regular expressions -- it's really awesome and handy as f**k.

Populating flex definitions

First of all, our starting stub has already some sample code that performs some useful tasks already, which are shown below.

ID      [a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*
DIGIT   [0-9]
REAL    {DECIMAL}([eE][+-]?{NUMBER})?
STRING  '[^'\n]*'

%x comment
%x macro

In the above segment we can see that the named definitions have the following syntax:

def_name definition

and starting conditions have the following:

%x cond_name
%s cond_name

Named definitions

Named definitions are used to simplify the process of writing rules; so for example we can do the following:

DIGIT   [0-9]

The first definition is comprised out of exactly one (1) digit in the range [0, 9] so we intuitively labeled that named def. DIGIT. Moreover a NUMBER is comprised out of at least one (1) or more digits of that range so a regular expression that matches that would be the one shown above: {DIGIT}{DIGIT}*, which does exactly what we previously said. It has to be noted that the previous expression is equivalent to [0-9][0-9]* but usually it's much more readable to compose rules out of descriptive named definitions especially when dealing with more complex rules.

If you don't understand any of the rules, go to regex101 and play with them, you'll gain quite more by fiddling with them yourself.

Starting conditions

There are cases where we want to invoke a custom rule after we match a particular character or sequence; that's not something that can be done using named definitions so flex supports two starting conditions which do exactly that. Their types are inclusive and exclusive which are indicated by %s and %x respectively. For our intents and purposes we will only use the exclusive start condition type. Conditions are called using a special function BEGIN, so we would invoke one like this: BEGIN(comment). Finally an exclusive (%x) condition means that as long as another BEGIN action is not invoked no other rules that have starting condition will be active.

Populating flex rules

In order to populate the flex rules we have to carefully read our language specification here, I'll only here compare the changes with the final file and only mention any noteworthy changes.

flex tokens

flex is tasked to match the input against our rules; tokens are what we use to let bison know that we a matched a flex rule against our current input. Tokens nothing more than integer values inside an enumeration located in which is generated for us automatically by invoking bison with the -d argument and our parser file.

A token to be valid in both bison and flex must be first declared as a %token inside bison like so

%token IDENT

and then bison can automatically generate the token stub by executing: bison -d my_parser.y as previously mentioned. The generated file would have the name of which would be then included in the flex (.l) file. It has to be noted that not all rules are required to return a token but most of them should.

Handling language reserved words

Each language has a set of reserved words that perform a specific function and cannot be used for any other purpose (e.g. keywords, operators etc). The way we handle them is pretty simple with a slight variation should our language be case sensitive or insensitive (we would require a slightly more expressive reg. exp. to represent our rule).

Usually we match a keyword and return that specific token; this is all done directly in the rules section as it is shown for some operators below:

"+"     {return KW_OP_PLUS;}
"-"     {return KW_OP_MINUS;}
"*"     {return KW_OP_MUL;}
"/"     {return KW_OP_DIV;}

This directly matches the string characters shown in the left with the rule definition shown inside the {, }; thus when for example we see a + sign we return the KW_OP_PLUS token. In a similar fashion keywords would be matched as follows:

begin   {return KW_BEGIN;}
end     {return KW_END;}

This again matches the literal string shown in the left (begin and end) to their respective tokens inside {, }. Finally named definitions can be used as matching rules themselves as such:

{REAL}  {return REAL;}

The above matches a REAL named definition and returns if it was indeed matches against our input the REAL token.

Handling strings

As is indicated in ptuc spec. we treat strings that have single and double quotes equally and also we allow a limited set of special escape characters (\n, \t, \r, \', \") and no multi-line strings. In our starting stub we had the following named definition for string classification:

STRING  '[^'\n]*'

This is extremely inadequate, as what that only does is handle single quoted strings and is naively ended in either a newline character (\n) or in a single quote ('). This does not handle the escape characters nor something like this: writeString('PI="nice"'); in which we should throw and error as " is an escape character and cannot be written like that; instead this would be written as: writeString('PI=\"nice\"');. This is accomplished by the following two named definitions:

STRING    '(\\[ntr\'\"\\]|[^\'\\"])*'
STR_LIT   \"(\\[ntr\'\"\\]|[^\'\\"])*\"

This allows us to capture both types of strings in two classes, one for each. The philosophy behind this is pretty simple as the first part \\[ntr\'\"\\] is responsible for capturing the allowed escape characters while the other [^\'\\"] is responsible for capturing the remaining allowed characters. We also have to classes as the strings that are in single quotes need to be converted into double quoted strings for C conversion, hence we need to have a distinct token in order know when to perform that conversion.

Handling macros

Now as we saw in the specification we have baked into ptuc a rudimentary macro support facility which is pretty straightforward. Already in our starting stub we have a working macro substitution framework -- but it's really slow and it has a big limitation as its size is fixed at compile time. Let's take a look at how macros are detected and we will deal with that issue later on.

Again we use a starting condition in order to fully process a macro which is placed in the definition section and looks like this:

  /* macro expansion starting condition */
%x macro

Now in the rules section we have a regular-expression match that triggers our macro starting condition; that particular rule follows:

@defmacro[ \r\t]+       BEGIN(macro);

This rule literally matches "@defmacro" string and expects to discard at least one or more characters inside the class: [ \r\t]+. Then we have the matched rule that follows to invoke the exclusive <macro> starting condition in order process the macro definition. The only rule that begins with this starting condition must be followed by an <identifier> as well in order to be successfully match (otherwise an error is thrown). The rule follows in full.

<macro>{ID} {
    /* Store macro name */
    char* name = strdup(yytext);
    char* def = NULL;
    size_t deflen = 0;
    char c;

    FILE* deff = open_memstream(&def, &deflen);

    while((c=input())!='\n') {fputc(c, deff);}

    if(!set_macro(name, def))
        {yyerror("lexer error: failed to define macro '%s'\n", name);}

There are a couple of things that happen here; the first thing is that we use open_memstream to open a file in-memory so that we can read to the value of the macro; this is done inside the white loop as we read the characters until we reach the end of the line. The name of the macro is the current value of yytext (as it is matched from the ID named def.).

We then use set_macro function to insert the Key, Value pair inside our macro table. Unfortunately this method that's used in our starting stub is not only slow (as we pay always the cost of traversing a list, O(n)) it's also limited in size at compile time. The final version uses a hashtable (and the one from here) which is both faster (O(1) lookup cost) and more flexible as a data structure. In the end both set_macro and get_macro are wrappers to the respective ht_get and ht_set hashtable functions that attempt to set and get a (Key, Value) pair.

Handling identifiers

Identifiers thankfully are pretty straight forward in their implementation and the rule is the same as in our starting stub. But let's check it out in order to discern how we perform a macro substitution if needed. The full matching rule for identifiers follows.

{ID}    {
    char* def = get_macro(yytext);
    if(def==NULL) {
        yylval.crepr = strdup(yytext);
        return IDENT;

    for(int i=strlen(def); i>0; i--)

There are a couple of things happening here but the logic behind it is this -- since we perform macro substitution inside our lexer (our parser has no idea of this) we have to check at every identifier if that is a macro and needs to have its value replaced. Let's illustrate this with an example, say we have the following:

@defmacro COOL_DIGIT 10

(* and later on *)

now x := COOL_DIGIT is an assignment statement, hence COOL_DIGIT will be matched as an identifier as who's to say that it is not another variable or macro? Thus, when we perform an identifier input matching we check if the value of yytext is the key of a (Key, Value) pair in our macro hashtable. That's accomplished by this

char* def = get_macro(yytext);

In case def turns out to be NULL, then this is definitely not a macro so we return that we matched an identifier; in the case that def is not NULL then we have to substitute its value (by pushing it on our input buffer) in order to be read by flex afterwards. That's what that for-loop is for, please also notice that we substitute the value in reverse order (why?).

Handling numbers

Handling numbers is a bit more complex than the named definitions provided in our starting stub; that mainly due to the fact that as per our specification we do not allow the integer part to have starting zeros; thus with our initial definition this x := 0001 would be a perfectly legal NUMBER. To alleviate this we create another class called SDIGIT that includes the range [1, 9] that will be used always to represent the first digit of a potential integer part. The final result is shown below.

SDIGIT    [1-9]
DIGIT     [0-9]
REAL      {DECIMAL}([eE][+-]?{SNUMBER})?

Please note that we kept both SNUMBER and NUMBER as we have to allow starting zeros in the fraction part of a floating point number (e.g. .0011, 1.002e+12).

Handling comments

Comments are important on reading a source file but not when compiling it -- hence we just discard them. There are a couple of things that we have to take care of such as incrementing the line counter on multi-line comments and handling some edge cases.

On our starting stub we have an almost complete implementation on how to discard multi-line comments, but nothing is done for single-line ones. Let's look at how multi-line comments are handled first.

First of, in the definition section we have the exclusive starting class

  /* multi-line comment class */
%x comment

And later on deep inside the rule section we have the actual rules that discard the comments.

"(*"					BEGIN(comment);
<comment>[^*\n]*        /* eat anything that's not a '*' */
<comment>"*"+[^*)\n]*   /* eat up '*'s not followed by ')'s */
<comment>\n             ++line_num;
<comment>"*"+")"        BEGIN(INITIAL);

As you might imagine the first rule is triggered when the input (current value of yytext) is (* then we might go to any of the four (4) available classes depending on the input. Inspecting the comments it's pretty straight-forward to understand what these do but please also do remember that unless we exit the exclusive starting condition (<comment>) no other rule than these four (4) will be tried. Thus if we don't encounter the fourth rule we might as well eat up the whole file (leading to an error in the end).

Using a similar philosophy single-line comments could be implemented like this.

In the definition section we will have to define a new (exclusive) starting condition like this:

  /* single-line comment class */
%x sl_comment

Then using fewer cases, as we are bounded by the single line constraint; thus our hard end limit is the newline (\n) character. The complete implementation is shown below.

  /* handle single-line comments */
"//"          BEGIN(sl_comment);
<sl_comment>[^\n]      /* eat up anything up to newline */
<sl_comment>\n        {
                        ++line_num;     // increment line number
                        BEGIN(INITIAL); // go back

This is a rough outline on how it looks in the final version (with a couple more additions).

Handling modules

Again as the specification outlines we baked into ptuc apart from basic macro capabilities some rudimentary module support. Our modules here only support declarations (of functions, variables etc) but not direct statements. Modules are handled within flex and are passed to bison as part of the general source, that means that bison does not know (at least directly) whether we switched our input buffer in order to parse a module file.

Modules can have their own includes as well but up to a depth (default 10); that's done to avoid infinite-circular includes where we would include the same file over and over again. There are a couple of interesting techniques illustrated here which are the following:

  1. Multiple input (flex) buffers
  2. Accurate line tracking (in includes and main source)
  3. Error tracking with file insight

Let's explain how each one is implemented in our version.

Multiple input (flex) buffers

When you want to switch the input to read another file than the one currently inside yyin FILE pointer you should be probably use flex's multiple input buffer capabilities. That functionality allows us to switch our source file for reading at will as is outlined in the manual here. If you want something really basic you can probably get away by letting flex manage your buffers for you, but if you want to do anything more sophisticated you'll be probably out of luck with this method.

In our case since I wanted to support (somewhat) accurate error reporting, line tracking across files and avoid any leaks in case we don't find the file to open or an error inside it. The key function prototypes that we have to learn here are the following:

YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_create_buffer(FILE *f, int size);    // creates a yylex buffer.
void yy_switch_to_buffer(YY_BUFFER_STATE new_buffer);   // switches to the pointed buffer.
void yy_delete_buffer(YY_BUFFER_STATE buffer);          // deletes an allocated buffer.

The outline is pretty simple, once we match the include module rule we open that file and read it in-place. Again this happens without bison being directly aware of that, although functions that report errors are. To avoid the infinite-circular include problems (which happens when a module includes itself; hence it would do that over and over) we have imposed a soft include depth limit, which can be changed with a command line argument (in the final version and the argument is -d).

Let's first check the rule that starts everything (start condition defined in the definitions and the actual rule in the rule section).

  /* include module starting condition */
%x incl_module
  /* later on in the rule section */

  /* handle module includes */
<incl_module>[ \t]*       {/* eat whitespaces */}
<incl_module>[^ \t\n]+{ID}    {
    if(include_file() == NULL)
      {yyerror("could not open include file");}
    else {
      if(verbose_flag) {
        fprintf(stderr, "\n --\n\tincluding module: %s\n --\n",

Here we have two rules that can be matched while satisfying the exclusive starting condition <incl_module>; these serve two different purposes the first one eats up all the white-space or tab characters in order to get to the module name which we expect to be match to an ID. Thus upon entering the second rule the value of yytext would contain the actual name of the include module. The actual input redirection happens inside include_file function which is shown below:

/* include a file */
include_file() {
  if(yylex_bufidx >= yystack_depth-1) {
    yyerror("yylex input buffer stack exhausted, current limit is: %d",
    return NULL;

  char *fname = template("%s.ptuc", yytext);
  if(fname == NULL) {return NULL;}
  /* assign the current include file pointer */
  FILE *fptr = fopen(fname, "r");
  /* return if we can't open */
  if(!fptr) {
    yyerror("lexical error: couldn't open %s module", yytext);
    return NULL;

  if(yybuf_states == NULL) {
    if((yybuf_states = calloc(yystack_depth,
          sizeof(*yybuf_states))) == NULL) {
      yyerror("\n -- Error: Could not allocate buffer stack");
      return NULL;
  /* now save current state and set-up to switch to the next */
  yybuf_states[yylex_bufidx].state = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER;
  yybuf_states[yylex_bufidx].state = yy_create_buffer(fptr, YY_BUF_SIZE);
  yybuf_states[yylex_bufidx].fname = fname;
  yybuf_states[yylex_bufidx].incl_lnum = 1;
  /* switch the state */

  return fptr;

This function is comprised out of three main parts, which are the following:

  1. Check if we can have an additional buffer (bounded by global variable yystack_depth)
  2. Try to open the file pointed by yytext value after appending the .ptuc extension to it.
  3. Save current state, advance global buffer index (yylex_bufidx) create state and populate it
  4. finally switch to it.

It has to be noted that in order to represent a flex state we only need one variable of type YY_BUFFER_STATE but since we require a bit of additional information in order to provide some additional functionality we have created a wrapper structure for it which is the following:

/* flex input buffers structure */
typedef struct __yybuf_state {
  YY_BUFFER_STATE state;  // flex buffer
  char *fname;            // filename we read from
  uint32_t incl_lnum;     // include file line no. tracker.
} yybuf_state;

The other two variables are used to store the name of the file we read from as well as the local line counter for that file. After reaching to the end of the switched file an end of file character is matched (<<EOF>>) so naturally that would be the place to swap to a previous buffer (if any) or terminate our parser. Let's take a look at how we handle <<EOF>> when matched:

<<EOF>>    {
               /* pop one of the stacked buffers, if any */
               if(!pop_delete_buffer()) {
                   return EOF;

When we match an <<EOF>> we try to check if we have any more buffers, if we do we pop and delete the current one using pop_delete_buffer function which also switches to the previous buffer to be processed; it also returns true as long as we have more buffers to process. If we don't have any more buffers to process that means we have completed reading out input in its entirety so we can terminate our parser and safely return the EOF token -- which is not the same as <<EOF>>, the former is an actual token while the latter is a character.

Accurate line tracking

Since we have the ability to include multiple modules we are have a problem at hand with out starting stub line counter implementation. Since our modules are read in-place by our lexer if we just used a single variable to increment the line numbers we would report incorrect offsets as the end file is a stitched file of all the inputs together, so we if had to include two files each of which were 20 lines. Then the total line counter would be within [1, 60] which is wrong as if a problem was found at line 5 inside the second include file the line reported would be 25 and not 5 (why?). This is fixed by wrapping inside our buffer data-structure a separate line counter variable which serves that purpose.

To keep track and report accurate line numbers we had to create functions in order to report and increment the correct line number. The functions are the following:

/* increment the line count, depending if we are including a file or not */
increment_line_count() {

/* fetch the line count, depending if we are including a file or not */
fetch_line_count() {
  return including_file() ?
    yybuf_states[yylex_bufidx].incl_lnum : line_num;

Error tracking with file insight

A similar problem is faced when we want to report the name of the file in which the problem occurred. For this purpose we again included another variable in our data-structure wrapper that holds the name of the file. The function that returns that value is the following:

/* fetch the currently processed file name */
char *
fetch_incl_name() {
  return including_file() ?
   yybuf_states[yylex_bufidx].fname : NULL;

Handling junk

Discarding not significant characters is equally important as they might take up a significant percentage of our input, thus we have to take care of that. Thankfully this is handled perfectly in our starting stub and only small changes need to be made. We will briefly explain it though.

[ \r\t]					{/* skip whitespace */}
\n 						{increment_line_count();}
<<EOF>>    {
               /* pop one of the stacked buffers, if any */
               if(!pop_delete_buffer()) {
                   return EOF;

.        {yyerror("lexical error: unrecognized literal '%s'\n", yytext);}

The first rule matches and discards all white-space, return and tab characters. The second rule matches the newline characters and increments the line counter variable. The third rule is responsible for handling the end of file character (<<EOF>>) and finally the . rule matches anything else that was not matched already; this is regarded as an error in our case, hence the call to yyerror.


In this chapter we touched a bit on how to create your own language lexers and explained the techniques I used in order to create my ptuc lexer. Hopefully this was helpful and of course I hope you poked both the starting stub as well as the finished lexer quite a bit. The next part explains how to create your own parsers using bison which is found here.