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File metadata and controls

246 lines (181 loc) · 10.8 KB


dename is a decentralized system that securely maps usernames to profiles. A profile can contain any information the user wishes; for example, it can serve as a public key infrastructure, a store of electronic business cards, or as a domain name. By "secure", we mean that (a) everybody sees the same profile for the same name and (b) only the owner of a profile can modify it. The abstraction dename provides is similar NameCoin's, but dename does not rely on proof of work -- instead, each client can pick a set of verifier servers which it believes to contain at least one honest member.


Let's say a friend of yours wishes to grant you write access to a git repository on his server. However, as nobody other than the two of you should be able to change the code, you decide to use git over ssh with public-key authentication.

Everything seems fine, except that all ways of telling each other your public keys seem to be lacking something. Sending them over email or another conventional online channel would be susceptible to attack -- anybody could send an email from your address to your friend, asking to add their key instead. Printing out the keys and handing them to each other the next time you meet would definitely establish their authenticity, but typing them in again would be tedious. Handing over hashes of keys on paper, downloading the keys separately and verifying the hashes is also a fine strategy, but neither of you is well-versed in cryptography and you are rightfully unsure whether this convoluted strategy would be secure. Even if it was, it would still be inconvenient.


go get{dnmgr/dnmgr,dnmlookup}

This requires the go language toolchain.

To update an existing dename installation, run

go get -u{dnmgr/dnmgr,dnmlookup}

Command line

Authorize Alice to control the current machine using ssh:

dnmlookup alice ssh | tee -a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Add the ssh host key of Alice's machine yummy.tld:

dnmlookup alice ssh-host | grep -w "^yummy.tld" | tee -a ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Add Alice's OpenPGP key to the local keyring:

gpg --recv-keys "$(dnmlookup alice pgp)"

Encrypt a message so that only Alice can read it:

gpg --armor --encrypt --recipient "$(dnmlookup alice pgp)" > message.pgp

Verify a message Alice signed using signify:

signify -V -e -p <(dnmlookup alice 9881561) -s signed-message -m verified-message

Display all fields in a profile (using protoc):

dnmlookup andres | protoc --decode_raw


Create a new name-profile pair with the name Bob:

dnmgr init bob # visit <> first to get an invite code

Add ssh public keys a profile: (the .pub is crucial, otherwise the secret keys will be uploaded as well)

dnmgr set bob ssh "$(cat ~/.ssh/id_*.pub)"

Add a gpg key to the profile (by fingerprint, the key itself is too big):

dnmgr set bob pgp "$(gpg --fingerprint -K $KEYID | grep -im1 fingerprint\ = | tr -dc A-F0-9)"

Back up ~/.config/dename

Each dename name is controlled by a secret key, which dnmgr by default stores in ~/.config/dename. You probably want to back it up somewhere safe (as the secret key is just 64 bytes, I would recommend printing it out, both in hex and QR code format). There is no way to modify a profile without having the corresponding key. This is so because we (the dename server operators) would not have any way of proving to the world that the correct user actually contacted us and asked us to recover their name (as opposed to a third party compelling us to do so).

Update your profile every 6 months

If a profile stays unmodified for a year, the name will become available for registration. This way the profiles for which the corresponding secret key is long lost won't be cluttering the namespace forever. To make sure legitimate users do not lose control of their profiles, lookups will start returning an error earlier -- currently at the 6 months mark. The profile does not need to change, any dnmgr set command will bump the expiration time if successful.


dngpg performs arbitrary gpg commands with a dename user's public key as the recipient. Specifically, dngpg <user> [args...] is equivalent to gpg --always-trust --recipient 0xabcdef01 [args...] where 0xabcdef01 is the user's PGP key fingerprint as retrieved from dename. The local keyring trust state is not modified.

dnget <user> <filename> looks up the URL and hash of the file from the user's profile, downloads it and verifies that the downloaded file matches the hash advertised on dename. As both current and past dename profiles are public, this program can be seen as a barebones software transparency tool.

Client Library

client/ contains a Go library for interfacing with the dename servers. It provides functions for registering, modifying and transferring profiles. For POSIX userland applications, dnmgr/ exposes the persistence layer used by the dnmgr command line tool.

How dename works

A universally known (but not trusted) group of core servers accept profile modification requests and pick a consistent order in which to apply them. Independently operated verifier servers compute the result of these operations and sign it. Clients can contact any of the servers to look up names and be assured that unless all servers are broken or colluding against them, the result is correct.

Names are allocated to users on a first-come first-serve basis. Specifically, any user can at any time contact a core server and ask them to "assign name N to public key P". Rate-limiting and spam prevention is the responsibility of the core servers: currently, a non-profit email address is required for registration. The bearer of a name can transfer the name to another key (their own or somebody else's) by signing the message "transfer name N to public key P'" with the old secret key and sending it to a server. This enables key revocations/upgrades and (domain) name sales.

When a core server receives a request, it first verifies that it is valid (the name is available / the transfer is signed by the bearer of the name) and forwards it to the verifiers. With some regularity, all core servers commit to the requests they have forwarded, verifiers handle these requests in a stable pseudo-random order, and sign the new name assignments.

To speed up updating and signing the name assignments, the names-profile mapping is stored in a crit-bit tree with Merkle hashing. That is, every crit-bit node also contains the hash of its children. This way the hash of the root node summarizes the state of all the names and can be signed instead of the possibly large table of all names. When a client asks for the profile associated with a name, the server also returns all children of the nodes on the path from the root to the node storing that name and the corresponding profile. The client can use the hashes of these nodes to compute the root and be assured that the (name, profile) pair is indeed present in that tree. After verifying the servers' signatures on that root, the client can be assured that if at least least one server is correct then the profile he saw is the same that everybody else sees.


Use it and report back!

We would love to hear how dename worked for you, and even if it really didn't you should let us know so that we can fix the issue, saving somebody else the trouble. Technical and non-technical feedback are equally appreciated. To get in touch with us, use the Github issues link on this page or contact us by email.

the public mailing list [email protected] will receive notifications about updates and issues related to the dename utilities and the server software respectively.

Integrate dename with $YOUR_FAVORITE_APPLICATION

dename is designed to be easy to integrate into other applications for a seamless user experience. See the command line examples above for ideas -- pretty much any application that already uses secure cryptographic identifiers can be made easier to use using dename, and building a new system that uses dename for user management should be comparably easy.

Run a server

The security of dename depends on having a diverse set of servers. The following notes are provided to give you a rough idea on how to set up an independent server.

  1. Add yourself to [email protected].

  2. Download and build the code:

     go get -u -d{dename/server/server,chatterbox/transport}
     cd $GOPATH/src/ && go build -v; cd ../..
  3. Configure the server

     mkdir /home/dename/keys && chmod 700 /home/dename/keys
     go run utils/mkkey/mkkey.go /home/dename/keys
     go run ../chatterbox/transport/transport-keygen/main.go /home/dename/keys

    Into ~dename/denameserver.cfg:

     DataDirectory = /home/dename/leveldb
     SigningKeyPath = /home/dename/keys/secret_key
     Listen =
     TransportKeyPath = /home/dename/keys/transport_secret_key
     Listen =
     [server ""]
     PublicKey = CiCheFqDmJ0Pg+j+lypkmmiHrFmRn50rlDi5X0l4+lJRFA==
     IsCore = true
     [server ""]
     PublicKey = # run `base64 /home/dename/keys/public_key` and copy here

    Run it: ./server/server/server /home/dename/denameserver.cfg

  4. Configure your client to talk to your server. Into ~/.config/dename/authorities.cfg:

     [verifier "mit-pilot"]
     PublicKey = CiCheFqDmJ0Pg+j+lypkmmiHrFmRn50rlDi5X0l4+lJRFA==
     [verifier "my-verifier"]
     PublicKey = # run `base64 /home/dename/keys/public_key` and copy here
     [lookup "my-verifier-address:port"]
     TransportPublicKey = # run `base64 /home/dename/keys/transport_public_key` and copy here
     [update ""]
     TransportPublicKey = 4f2i+j65JCE2xNKhxE3RPurAYALx9GRy0Pm9c6J7eDY=
  5. (or if you get stuck) Email [email protected] and let us know how it went, and whether you'd like to have your server added to a public list of community servers.

    People interested about dename are encouraged to join our irc channel: #dename @