Fix ugly SQL in class User.php
fix hardcoded path in user-auth.php - May not be possible
- < start using include for faster webpack-performance
check all archwing weapons that have parts in syndicates, labeled as "Market" today which is misleading
Features needed
JWT tokens (or similar) for login and refresh
Item-state are distributed among all logged in clients for a user
Add info on acquisition, like drop-locations for Primes and resources needed for parts. All this should be searchable (Argon + filter:unranked)
Smarter and more effective search
WAY better filter and indicators for search. Should be possible to filter all available types.
Proper system for routes, endpoints and navigation (menu) with indicators for active tab + location that can be reloaded
Features wanted
Todo-list for each user with possibility to add the resources needed for crafting an item
Better logging and saving of items, add at least timestamp for checking
Graphs and better presentatation of user's mastery progress over time
Possibility for users to add notes per item