review sudoers and come up with (a bit) more restrictive one
there should be a 2nd group of piuparts-people. those who can sudo into piupartsm to process logfiles. maybe make that the qa-group
A piupartss and a piupartsm user is need. Both are members of the group piuparts and /org/piuparts.debian.org is 774 piupartss:piuparts. Both user have some files in $HOME which are kept in git, including hidden files.
Create an SSH keypair for piupartss and put it into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of the piupartsm user, so the piupartss can login with ssh to localhost as piupartsm.
# The piuparts slave needs to handle chroots piupartss ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL #piuparts admins %piuparts ALL=(piupartss) ALL %piuparts ALL=(piupartsm) ALL --- === piuparts installation from source * sudo apt-get install apt python debootstrap lsof lsb-release python-debian asciidoc xmlto python-rpy r-recommended r-base-dev gs * you need a webserver too, if you run the master * Copy 'http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=piuparts/piuparts.git;hb=develop;a=blob_plain;f=update-piuparts-setup' on the host and run it under the 'piupartss' user. It assumes you want to set it up in '/org/piuparts.debian.org' and does all further updates from git as well as the initial installation. It needs the piupartss and piupartsm user set up as described below, though. * mkdir /org/piuparts.debian.org * sudo ln -s /org/piuparts.debian.org/etc/piuparts /etc/piuparts === Apache configuration (Any other webserver will do.)
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName piuparts.debian.org ServerAlias piuparts.cs.helsinki.fi
ServerAdmin [email protected]
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/piuparts.debian.org-error.log CustomLog /var/log/apache2/piuparts.debian.org-access.log combined
DocumentRoot /org/piuparts.debian.org/htdocs
DefaultType text/plain
HostnameLookups Off UseCanonicalName Off ServerSignature On <IfModule mod_userdir.c> UserDir disabled </IfModule> </VirtualHost>
== Updating the piuparts installation
piupartss@piatti:/org/piuparts.debian.org$ ~/bin/update-piuparts-setup
== Running piuparts === Starting and stopping the slave Run the following script under *your* user account you will start piuparts-slave on piatti, piuparts-master will be started automatically by the slave.
holger@piatti:~$ sudo /home/piupartss/bin/slave_run
There are several cronjobs installed via '~piupartsm/crontab' and '~piupartss/crontab') which monitor the slave and the host it's running on. It's possible to kill the slave any time by pressing Ctrl-C. Pressing Ctrl-C once will wait for the current test to finish, pressing twice will abort the currently running test (which will be redone). Clean termination may take some time and can be aborted by a third Ctrl-C, but that may leave temporary directories and processes around. === Joining an existing slave session Run the following script under *your* user account:
holger@piatti:~$ sudo /home/piupartss/bin/slave_join
=== Filing bugs Use the following usertags:
User: [email protected] Usertags: piuparts piuparts.d.o
=== Generating reports for the website 'piuparts-report' is run daily five minutes after midnight from '~piupartsm/crontab' === Cronjobs to aid problem spotting Some cronjobs to aid problem spotting reside in '~piupartsm/bin/' and are run daily by '~piupartsm/crontab'. - 'detect_network_issues' should detect failed piuparts runs due to network issues on the host. - 'detect_stale_mounts' should detect stale mountpoints (usually of /proc) from failed piuparts runs. More checks should be added as we become aware of them. == Authors Last updated: June 2012 Holger Levsen <[email protected]> Luk Claes <[email protected]> // vim: set filetype=asciidoc: