Solution Description: Please refer" FE Technical Test.docx"
Technologies used .Angular .Bootstrap .Jasmine .Karma .Grunt
How to Run Application
1. Download the application at a particular folder on your machine
2. Mark Root directory as Application in IISManager
3. Browse http://localhost/VDirName/app/view/progressBar.html
How to Run Unit Tests
Prerequisite (Node.Js is installed on the machine)
1. run npm install to load node modules
2. Once this is done run following Grunt command on root
A. grunt Karma OR Grunt ==> to run Jasmine tests
B. grunt minify ==> to minify CSS and JS
Following functionalities achieved (description from ' FE Technical Test.docx')
Feature overview:
1. Multiple bars ==> Yes
2. One set of controls that
can control each bar on the fly ==> Yes
3. Can't go under 0 ==> Yes
4. Can go over 100 ==> Yes
5. but limit the bar itself and ==> Yes
change its colour Display
usage amount centered
6. Consider animating the ==> Yes
bar change Consider linear gradient
for the bar
7. Consider a responsive ==> Yes
8. testing it on mobile, tablet, ==> Yes
etc.Getting it working nicely.
Following enhancements could have been done
1. Split Gruntfile.js into individual config files(grunt-config-factory)
2. Ship IISExpress to solution and run application with it
3. Use SAAS
4. Template caching
5. Suggestions welcome :)