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File metadata and controls

501 lines (445 loc) · 25.1 KB


Manage Linode Instances, Configs, and Disks.


- name: Create a new Linode instance.
    label: my-linode
    type: g6-nanode-1
    region: us-east
    image: linode/ubuntu20.04
    root_pass: verysecurepassword!!!
    private_ip: false
      - "ssh-rsa ..."
    stackscript_id: 1337
      variable: value
    group: app
      - env=prod
    state: present
- name: Create a new Linode instance with an additional public IPv4 address.
    label: my-linode
    type: g6-nanode-1
    region: us-east
    image: linode/ubuntu20.04
    root_pass: verysecurepassword!!!
    private_ip: false
      - "ssh-rsa ..."
    stackscript_id: 1337
      variable: value
    group: app
      - env=prod
    state: present
      - public: true
- name: Create a Linode Instance with explicit configs and disks.
    label: 'my-complex-instance'
    region: us-southeast
    type: g6-standard-1
    booted: true
    boot_config_label: boot-config
      - label: boot
        image: linode/ubuntu18.04
        size: 3000
        root_pass: ans1ble-test!
      - label: swap
        filesystem: swap
        size: 512
      - label: boot-config
        root_device: /dev/sda
            disk_label: boot
            disk_label: swap
        state: present
- name: Create a Linode Instance with custom user data.
    label: 'my-metadata-instance'
    region: us-southeast
    type: g6-standard-1
    image: linode/ubuntu22.04
    root_pass: verysecurepassword!!!
        user_data: myuserdata
    state: present
- name: Delete a Linode instance.
    label: my-linode
    state: absent


Field Type Required Description
state str Required The desired state of the target. (Choices: present, absent)
label str Optional The unique label to give this instance.
type str Optional The Linode Type of the Linode you are creating.
region str Optional The location to deploy the instance in. See the Linode API documentation.
image str Optional The image ID to deploy the instance disk from. (Conflicts With: disks,configs)
authorized_keys list Optional A list of SSH public key parts to deploy for the root user.
root_pass str Optional The password for the root user. If not specified, one will be generated. This generated password will be available in the task success JSON.
stackscript_id int Optional The ID of the StackScript to use when creating the instance. See the Linode API documentation.
stackscript_data dict Optional An object containing arguments to any User Defined Fields present in the StackScript used when creating the instance. Only valid when a stackscript_id is provided. See the Linode API documentation.
private_ip bool Optional If true, the created Linode will have private networking enabled.
group str Optional The group that the instance should be marked under. Please note, that group labelling is deprecated but still supported. The encouraged method for marking instances is to use tags. (Updatable)
boot_config_label str Optional The label of the config to boot from.
configs (sub-options) list Optional A list of Instance configs to apply to the Linode. See the Linode API documentation. (Updatable; Conflicts With: image,interfaces)
disks (sub-options) list Optional A list of Disks to create on the Linode. See the Linode API documentation. (Updatable; Conflicts With: image,interfaces)
interfaces (sub-options) list Optional A list of network interfaces to apply to the Linode. See the Linode API documentation. (Conflicts With: disks,configs)
booted bool Optional Whether the new Instance should be booted. This will default to True if the Instance is deployed from an Image or Backup.
backup_id int Optional The id of the Backup to restore to the new Instance. May not be provided if "image" is given.
metadata (sub-options) dict Optional Fields relating to the Linode Metadata service.
backups_enabled bool Optional Enroll Instance in Linode Backup service.
wait bool Optional Wait for the instance to have status "running" before returning. (Default: True)
wait_timeout int Optional The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for an instance to have status "running". (Default: 240)
additional_ipv4 (sub-options) list Optional Additional ipv4 addresses to allocate.
rebooted bool Optional If true, the Linode Instance will be rebooted. NOTE: The instance will only be rebooted if it was previously in a running state. To ensure your Linode will always be rebooted, consider also setting the booted field. (Default: False)


Field Type Required Description
devices (sub-options) dict Required The devices to map to this configuration.
label str Required The label to assign to this config.
comments str Optional Arbitrary User comments on this Config. (Updatable)
helpers (sub-options) dict Optional Helpers enabled when booting to this Linode Config.
kernel str Optional A Kernel ID to boot a Linode with. Defaults to "linode/latest-64bit". (Updatable)
memory_limit int Optional Defaults to the total RAM of the Linode. (Updatable)
root_device str Optional The root device to boot. (Updatable)
run_level str Optional Defines the state of your Linode after booting. (Updatable)
virt_mode str Optional Controls the virtualization mode. (Choices: paravirt, fullvirt; Updatable)
interfaces (sub-options) list Optional A list of network interfaces to apply to the Linode. See the Linode API documentation. (Updatable)


Field Type Required Description
sda (sub-options) dict Optional The device to be mapped to /dev/sda
sdb (sub-options) dict Optional The device to be mapped to /dev/sdb
sdc (sub-options) dict Optional The device to be mapped to /dev/sdc
sdd (sub-options) dict Optional The device to be mapped to /dev/sdd
sde (sub-options) dict Optional The device to be mapped to /dev/sde
sdf (sub-options) dict Optional The device to be mapped to /dev/sdf
sdg (sub-options) dict Optional The device to be mapped to /dev/sdg
sdh (sub-options) dict Optional The device to be mapped to /dev/sdh


Field Type Required Description
disk_label str Optional The label of the disk to attach to this Linode.
disk_id int Optional The ID of the disk to attach to this Linode.
volume_id int Optional The ID of the volume to attach to this Linode.


Field Type Required Description
disk_label str Optional The label of the disk to attach to this Linode.
disk_id int Optional The ID of the disk to attach to this Linode.
volume_id int Optional The ID of the volume to attach to this Linode.


Field Type Required Description
disk_label str Optional The label of the disk to attach to this Linode.
disk_id int Optional The ID of the disk to attach to this Linode.
volume_id int Optional The ID of the volume to attach to this Linode.


Field Type Required Description
disk_label str Optional The label of the disk to attach to this Linode.
disk_id int Optional The ID of the disk to attach to this Linode.
volume_id int Optional The ID of the volume to attach to this Linode.


Field Type Required Description
disk_label str Optional The label of the disk to attach to this Linode.
disk_id int Optional The ID of the disk to attach to this Linode.
volume_id int Optional The ID of the volume to attach to this Linode.


Field Type Required Description
disk_label str Optional The label of the disk to attach to this Linode.
disk_id int Optional The ID of the disk to attach to this Linode.
volume_id int Optional The ID of the volume to attach to this Linode.


Field Type Required Description
disk_label str Optional The label of the disk to attach to this Linode.
disk_id int Optional The ID of the disk to attach to this Linode.
volume_id int Optional The ID of the volume to attach to this Linode.


Field Type Required Description
disk_label str Optional The label of the disk to attach to this Linode.
disk_id int Optional The ID of the disk to attach to this Linode.
volume_id int Optional The ID of the volume to attach to this Linode.


Field Type Required Description
devtmpfs_automount bool Optional Populates the /dev directory early during boot without udev.
distro bool Optional Helps maintain correct inittab/upstart console device.
modules_dep bool Optional Creates a modules dependency file for the Kernel you run.
network bool Optional Automatically configures static networking.
updatedb_disabled bool Optional Disables updatedb cron job to avoid disk thrashing.


Field Type Required Description
purpose str Required The type of interface. (Choices: public, vlan)
label str Optional The name of this interface. Required for vlan purpose interfaces. Must be an empty string or null for public purpose interfaces.
ipam_address str Optional This Network Interface’s private IP address in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation.


Field Type Required Description
label str Required The label to give this Disk.
size int Required The size of the Disk in MB. (Updatable)
authorized_keys list Optional A list of SSH public key parts to deploy for the root user.
authorized_users list Optional A list of usernames.
filesystem str Optional The filesystem to create this disk with.
image str Optional An Image ID to deploy the Disk from.
root_pass str Optional The root user’s password on the newly-created Linode.
stackscript_id int Optional The ID of the StackScript to use when creating the instance. See the Linode API documentation.
stackscript_data dict Optional An object containing arguments to any User Defined Fields present in the StackScript used when creating the instance. Only valid when a stackscript_id is provided. See the Linode API documentation.


Field Type Required Description
user_data str Optional The user-defined data to supply for the Linode through the Metadata service.
user_data_encoded bool Optional Whether the user_data field content is already encoded in Base64. (Default: False)


Field Type Required Description
public bool Required Whether the allocated IPv4 address should be public or private.

Return Values

  • instance - The instance description in JSON serialized form.

    • Sample Response:
        "alerts": {
          "cpu": 180,
          "io": 10000,
          "network_in": 10,
          "network_out": 10,
          "transfer_quota": 80
        "backups": {
          "enabled": true,
          "last_successful": "2018-01-01T00:01:01",
          "schedule": {
            "day": "Saturday",
            "window": "W22"
        "created": "2018-01-01T00:01:01",
        "group": "Linode-Group",
        "has_user_data": true,
        "hypervisor": "kvm",
        "id": 123,
        "image": "linode/debian10",
        "ipv4": [
        "ipv6": "c001:d00d::1337/128",
        "label": "linode123",
        "region": "us-east",
        "specs": {
          "disk": 81920,
          "memory": 4096,
          "transfer": 4000,
          "vcpus": 2
        "status": "running",
        "tags": [
          "example tag",
          "another example"
        "type": "g6-standard-1",
        "updated": "2018-01-01T00:01:01",
        "watchdog_enabled": true
    • See the Linode API response documentation for a list of returned fields
  • configs - A list of configs tied to this Linode Instance.

    • Sample Response:
          "comments": "This is my main Config",
          "devices": {
            "sda": {
              "disk_id": 124458,
              "volume_id": null
            "sdb": {
              "disk_id": 124458,
              "volume_id": null
            "sdc": {
              "disk_id": 124458,
              "volume_id": null
            "sdd": {
              "disk_id": 124458,
              "volume_id": null
            "sde": {
              "disk_id": 124458,
              "volume_id": null
            "sdf": {
              "disk_id": 124458,
              "volume_id": null
            "sdg": {
              "disk_id": 124458,
              "volume_id": null
            "sdh": {
              "disk_id": 124458,
              "volume_id": null
          "helpers": {
            "devtmpfs_automount": false,
            "distro": true,
            "modules_dep": true,
            "network": true,
            "updatedb_disabled": true
          "id": 23456,
          "interfaces": [
              "ipam_address": "",
              "label": "example-interface",
              "purpose": "vlan"
          "kernel": "linode/latest-64bit",
          "label": "My Config",
          "memory_limit": 2048,
          "root_device": "/dev/sda",
          "run_level": "default",
          "virt_mode": "paravirt"
    • See the Linode API response documentation for a list of returned fields
  • disks - A list of disks tied to this Linode Instance.

    • Sample Response:
          "created": "2018-01-01T00:01:01",
          "filesystem": "ext4",
          "id": 25674,
          "label": "Debian 9 Disk",
          "size": 48640,
          "status": "ready",
          "updated": "2018-01-01T00:01:01"
    • See the Linode API response documentation for a list of returned fields
  • networking - Networking information about this Linode Instance.

    • Sample Response:
        "ipv4": {
          "private": [
              "address": "",
              "gateway": null,
              "linode_id": 123,
              "prefix": 17,
              "public": false,
              "rdns": null,
              "region": "us-east",
              "subnet_mask": "",
              "type": "ipv4"
          "public": [
              "address": "",
              "gateway": "",
              "linode_id": 123,
              "prefix": 24,
              "public": true,
              "rdns": "",
              "region": "us-east",
              "subnet_mask": "",
              "type": "ipv4"
          "reserved": [
              "address": "",
              "gateway": "",
              "linode_id": 123,
              "prefix": 24,
              "public": true,
              "rdns": "",
              "region": "us-east",
              "subnet_mask": "",
              "type": "ipv4"
          "shared": [
              "address": "",
              "gateway": "",
              "linode_id": 123,
              "prefix": 24,
              "public": true,
              "rdns": "",
              "region": "us-east",
              "subnet_mask": "",
              "type": "ipv4"
        "ipv6": {
          "global": {
            "prefix": 124,
            "range": "2600:3c01::2:5000:0",
            "region": "us-east",
            "route_target": "2600:3c01::2:5000:f"
          "link_local": {
            "address": "fe80::f03c:91ff:fe24:3a2f",
            "gateway": "fe80::1",
            "linode_id": 123,
            "prefix": 64,
            "public": false,
            "rdns": null,
            "region": "us-east",
            "subnet_mask": "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff",
            "type": "ipv6"
          "slaac": {
            "address": "2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fe24:3a2f",
            "gateway": "fe80::1",
            "linode_id": 123,
            "prefix": 64,
            "public": true,
            "rdns": null,
            "region": "us-east",
            "subnet_mask": "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff",
            "type": "ipv6"
    • See the Linode API response documentation for a list of returned fields