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You may open a issue with interest in some package manager or add new resources to our code based on some steps:
- Add a new package manager at api/model/managers.js, following the example bellow:
'gem': {
'display_name': 'RubyGem',
'code': 'gem',
'url': ['https://rubygems.org/api/v1/search.json?query='],
'cmd': 'gem install',
'sufix': ''
- The 'url' has to be broken so that we can add the query at the end.
- The 'cmd' should be all commands before the package name and 'sufix' any options after package name.
- Create a js file at api/model with the codename of the package manager e.g. api/model/gem.js.
- The file created must have a function with the search response as a parameter and a package array returned, at the end, the module should be exported:
const Schema = require('../schema.js');
function gem(res) {
let packages = [];
//data mapping goes here
return packages;
module.exports = gem;
- Before mapping, all data pushed to 'packages' should follow a data base model available at api/schema.js (* required data):
"name": "", // *package name
"url": "", // homepage url
"description": "", // package description
"publisher": "", // author/publisher name
"github": "", // github url
"manager": "", // *package manager code e.g. apt-get, npm, gem...
"distro": "", // distribution name
"arch": "", // architecture name
"releases": [], // version releases
"selectedRelease": "", // selected release, usually the first entry os 'releases'
"img": "", // icon url
"down": "", // download count
"options": { // options setup
"global": false, // options: global commad for npm (-g)
"save": false // options: save command for npm (--save)
"saveDev": false // options: save-dev command for npm (--save-dev)
"isSelected": false // check if selected
- Data mapping should be based on the api response. At each iteration a new Schema is created and the api data is mapped to their respective pair. Then, the schema object is pushed to the packages array.:
const Schema = require('../schema.js');
function gem(res) {
let packages = [];
for (let pack of JSON.parse(res)) {
let schema = new Schema();
schema.name = pack['name'];
schema.description = pack['info'];
schema.manager = 'gem';
schema.publisher = pack['authors'];
schema.url = pack['project_uri'];
schema.selectedRelease = schema.releases[0];
return packages;
module.exports = gem;
- The final step is to import the module to the facade request function at api/facade.js.
- Import the new module
const gem = require('./model/gem');
- Add the function where it's marked on the code by the comment
else if (manager === 'npm')
packages = npm(res);
else if (manager === 'pip')
packages = pip(res);
else if (manager === 'gem')
packages = gem(res);
// Add new package manager functions here
- All done! Thanks for your support! Take a look at the pull request section to merge the changes.