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File metadata and controls

232 lines (196 loc) · 8.58 KB

Configuration Setup


The email-extractor service supports multiple email accounts and different storage backends for attachments. It uses a flexible configuration system based on YAML files and environment variables.

Setup Steps

  1. Create the directory structure on the host:

    # Create required directories
    mkdir -p /opt/email-extractor/config/templates
    mkdir -p /opt/email-extractor/data/attachments
    mkdir -p /opt/email-extractor/config/keys # For Google Drive credentials
    # Set proper permissions
    chmod 755 /opt/email-extractor/data/attachments
  2. Create your configuration files:

    • Copy config/default.config.yaml.template to create new config files
    • Create one file per email account (e.g., account1.config.yaml, account2.config.yaml)
    • Place them in the /opt/email-extractor/config/ directory
    • Copy config/templates/base.yaml to /opt/email-extractor/config/templates/
    # Copy template files
    cp config/templates/base.yaml /opt/email-extractor/config/templates/
    cp config/default.config.yaml.template /opt/email-extractor/config/default.config.yaml
  3. Configure your settings:

    • Edit /opt/email-extractor/config/default.config.yaml with your email and storage settings
    • The base template in /opt/email-extractor/config/templates/base.yaml contains common settings

Example Structure

├── config/
│   ├── templates/
│   │   └── base.yaml              # Base template with common settings
│   ├── keys/                      # Google Drive credentials (JSON files)
│   │   └── your-credentials.json
│   └── default.config.yaml        # Main configuration file
└── data/
    └── attachments/               # Where email attachments are stored

Configuration Files

  1. base.yaml: Template with common settings

      id: "base"
      name: "Base Template"
      template: ""
      enabled: true
          - ".pdf"
          - ".xml"
          # ... other types ...
  2. default.config.yaml: Main configuration

      id: "default"
      name: "Default Account"
      template: "base"
      enabled: true
          enabled: true
          server: "${POP3_SERVER}"
          username: "${POP3_USERNAME}"
          password: "${POP3_PASSWORD}"
        storage_path: "/data/attachments/${account}_${YYYY}_${MM}_${DD}" # Container path!
        naming_pattern: "${unixtime}_${filename}"
        preserve_structure: true
        scan_nested: true
        sanitize_filenames: true
        handle_duplicates: "increment"
          type: "gdrive"  # Or "file" for local filesystem
          credentials_file: "/config/keys/your-credentials.json"  # Container path!
          parent_folder_id: "your_google_drive_folder_id" # Required for GDrive
  3. Environment Variables (.env)

    # Email settings
    POP3_USERNAME=[email protected]
    # Optional monitoring settings
    ALERT_EMAIL=[email protected]

Storage Configuration

The section in default.config.yaml controls where attachments are saved.

  • type: Specifies the storage backend. Currently supported values:
    • "file": Saves attachments to the local filesystem (within the container).
    • "gdrive": Saves attachments to Google Drive.
  • storage_path:
    • For type: "file": This is the directory inside the container where attachments will be stored. You must use /data/attachments as the base path, and it will be mapped to /opt/email-extractor/data/attachments on the host. You can use date/account variables (e.g., ${YYYY}, ${account}).
    • For type: "gdrive": This field is used to create folder.
  • credentials_file: (Required for type: "gdrive") The path inside the container to the Google Drive service account credentials JSON file. You should place this file in /opt/email-extractor/config/keys/ on the host, and it will be mounted to /config/keys/ inside the container.
  • parent_folder_id: (Required for type: "gdrive") The ID of the Google Drive folder where attachments should be stored.

Scheduling Configuration

The scheduling section in your configuration file controls when and how often the service checks for new emails.

Basic Settings

  enabled: true                     # Enable or disable scheduling
  frequency_every: "minute"         # Time unit (minute, hour, day, week, month)
  frequency_amount: 5               # Run every X units of time
  start_now: false                  # Whether to run immediately on startup
  start_at: "2024-03-15T00:00:00Z"  # When to start scheduling (RFC3339 format)
  stop_at: "2025-12-31T23:59:59Z"   # When to stop scheduling (RFC3339 format)

Configuration Options

  • enabled: Set to true to enable scheduled email downloads, or false to disable.
  • frequency_every: The time unit for scheduling. Valid values:
    • minute: Schedule by minutes
    • hour: Schedule by hours
    • day: Schedule by days
    • week: Schedule by weeks
    • month: Schedule by months
  • frequency_amount: How many units of time between runs (e.g., 5 with frequency_every: "minute" means run every 5 minutes)

Start and Stop Controls

  • start_now: When true, the job will run immediately when the service starts, then follow the schedule. When false, it will wait until the specified start_at time.
  • start_at: The date and time to start the scheduled job (in RFC3339 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ). Required if start_now is false.
  • stop_at: Optional date and time to stop the scheduled job (in RFC3339 format). After this time, the job will no longer run.

Frequency Limits

Each frequency type has maximum limits:

  • minute: Maximum 60 (once per minute to once per hour)
  • hour: Maximum 24 (once per hour to once per day)
  • day: Maximum 31 (once per day to once per month)
  • week: Maximum 52 (once per week to once per year)
  • month: Maximum 12 (once per month to once per year)


Run Every 15 Minutes Starting Immediately

  enabled: true
  frequency_every: "minute"
  frequency_amount: 15
  start_now: true

Run Daily at a Specific Time

  enabled: true
  frequency_every: "day"
  frequency_amount: 1
  start_now: false
  start_at: "2024-03-15T08:00:00Z"  # Start at 8:00 AM UTC

Run Weekly with an End Date

  enabled: true
  frequency_every: "week"
  frequency_amount: 1
  start_now: false
  start_at: "2024-03-18T09:00:00Z"  # Start on Monday at 9:00 AM UTC
  stop_at: "2024-12-31T23:59:59Z"   # Stop at the end of the year

Important Notes

  • All times must be in UTC and use RFC3339 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ)
  • If start_now is false, you must provide a valid start_at time
  • If start_at is in the past when the service starts, the scheduler will use the next occurrence based on the frequency
  • If stop_at is provided and is in the past, the job will not be scheduled
  • The scheduler automatically handles service restarts and will resume based on the configured schedule

Docker Compose Configuration

      - type: bind
        source: /opt/email-extractor/config/templates/base.yaml
        target: /app/config/templates/base.yaml
        read_only: true
      - type: bind
        source: /opt/email-extractor/config/default.config.yaml
        target: /app/config/default.config.yaml
        read_only: true
      - type: bind
        source: /opt/email-extractor/data/attachments
        target: /data/attachments
      - type: bind
        source: /opt/email-extractor/config/keys
        target: /config/keys
        read_only: true
      - CONFIG_FILES=default.config.yaml
      - ATTACHMENT_STORAGE_PATH=/data/attachments

Important Notes

  • All paths in configuration files should use /data/attachments (container path)
  • Host storage is in /opt/email-extractor/data/attachments
  • Configuration files are mounted read-only for security
  • Attachments directory needs proper permissions (755)
  • The service automatically creates date-based subdirectories for attachments
  • Google Drive Credentials: For Google Drive, obtain a service account key JSON file and place it in /opt/email-extractor/config/keys/ on your host machine.