diff --git a/compute-nest-best-practice/opensource/ansible-semaphore/template.yml b/compute-nest-best-practice/opensource/ansible-semaphore/template.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e9fe77f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compute-nest-best-practice/opensource/ansible-semaphore/template.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01'
+ en: Ansible Semaphore Community Edition
+ zh-cn: Ansible Semaphore社区版
+ AdminPassword:
+ Type: String
+ Label:
+ en: Admin Password
+ zh-cn: 管理员密码
+ Description:
+ en: 'Administrator (account name: admin) password.'
+ zh-cn: 管理员(账号为admin)密码。
+ NoEcho: true
+ InstanceType:
+ Type: String
+ Label:
+ en: Instance Type
+ zh-cn: 实例类型
+ AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::ECS::Instance::InstanceType
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ ZoneId: ${ZoneId}
+ SystemDiskCategory:
+ Type: String
+ Label:
+ en: System Disk Category
+ zh-cn: 系统盘类型
+ AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::ECS::Disk::SystemDiskCategory
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ LocaleKey: DiskCategory
+ InstanceType: ${InstanceType}
+ ZoneId: ${ZoneId}
+ Default: cloud_essd
+ SystemDiskSize:
+ Type: Number
+ Label:
+ zh-cn: 系统盘空间 (GB)
+ en: System Disk Space (GB)
+ Default: 100
+ InternetMaxBandwidthOut:
+ Type: Number
+ Label:
+ zh-cn: 流量公网带宽
+ en: Internet Max Bandwidth Out
+ Default: 5
+ MinValue: 1
+ MaxValue: 100
+ DBUser:
+ Type: String
+ Label:
+ en: Database Username
+ zh-cn: 数据库账号
+ ConstraintDescription:
+ en: Consist of 2 to 16 characters of lowercase letters, underline. Must begin
+ with a letter and be end with an alphanumeric character.
+ zh-cn: 由 2 到 16 个小写字母组成,下划线。必须以字母开头,以字母数字字符结尾。
+ Default: semaphore
+ MinLength: 2
+ MaxLength: 16
+ DBPassword:
+ Type: String
+ Label:
+ en: Database account password
+ zh-cn: 数据库账号密码
+ Description:
+ en: 'The password must be 8 to 32 characters in length and must contain at least
+ three of the following types: uppercase letters, lowercase letter, digits,
+ and special characters. Special characters include !@#$%^&*()_+-='
+ zh-cn: 必须包含三种及以上类型:大写字母、小写字母、数字、特殊符号。长度为8~32位。特殊字符包括!@#$%^&*()_+-=
+ AllowedPattern:
+ ^(?=.*[a-zA-Z])(?=.*[a-z0-9])(?=.*[a-z!@#$%^&*()_+=-])(?=.*[A-Z0-9])(?=.*[A-Z!@#$%^&*()_+=-])(?=.*[0-9!@#$%^&*()_+=-])[a-zA-Z0-9!@#$%^&*()_+=-]{8,32}$
+ NoEcho: true
+ DBInstanceClass:
+ Type: String
+ Label:
+ en: Instance Class
+ zh-cn: 实例规格
+ AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::RDS::Instance::InstanceType
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ ZoneId: ${ZoneId}
+ EngineVersion: "8.0"
+ Engine: MySQL
+ Category: HighAvailability
+ DBInstanceStorageType: cloud_essd
+ Default: mysql.n2m.small.2c
+ ZoneId:
+ Type: String
+ Label:
+ en: Availability Zone
+ zh-cn: 可用区
+ AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::ECS::Instance:ZoneId
+ VpcId:
+ Type: String
+ Label:
+ en: VPC ID
+ zh-cn: 专有网络VPC实例ID
+ AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::ECS::VPC::VPCId
+ VSwitchId:
+ Type: String
+ Label:
+ en: VSwitch ID
+ zh-cn: 交换机实例ID
+ AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::ECS::VSwitch::VSwitchId
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ VpcId: ${VpcId}
+ ZoneId: ${ZoneId}
+ SecurityGroup:
+ Type: ALIYUN::ECS::SecurityGroup
+ Properties:
+ VpcId:
+ Ref: VpcId
+ SecurityGroupIngress_80:
+ Type: ALIYUN::ECS::SecurityGroupIngress
+ Properties:
+ SecurityGroupId:
+ Ref: SecurityGroup
+ SourceCidrIp:
+ IpProtocol: tcp
+ NicType: intranet
+ PortRange: 80/80
+ EcsInstanceGroup:
+ Type: ALIYUN::ECS::InstanceGroup
+ Properties:
+ VpcId:
+ Ref: VpcId
+ VSwitchId:
+ Ref: VSwitchId
+ SecurityGroupId:
+ Ref: SecurityGroup
+ ImageId: centos_7
+ InstanceType:
+ Ref: InstanceType
+ SystemDiskCategory:
+ Ref: SystemDiskCategory
+ SystemDiskSize:
+ Ref: SystemDiskSize
+ MaxAmount: 1
+ IoOptimized: optimized
+ AllocatePublicIP: true
+ InternetMaxBandwidthOut:
+ Ref: InternetMaxBandwidthOut
+ RdsDBInstance:
+ Type: ALIYUN::RDS::DBInstance
+ Properties:
+ ZoneId:
+ Ref: ZoneId
+ VpcId:
+ Ref: VpcId
+ VSwitchId:
+ Ref: VSwitchId
+ DBInstanceClass:
+ Ref: DBInstanceClass
+ DBInstanceStorage: 50
+ Engine: MySQL
+ EngineVersion: "8.0"
+ MasterUserPassword:
+ Ref: DBPassword
+ MasterUserType: Super
+ MasterUsername:
+ Ref: DBUser
+ Category: HighAvailability
+ DBInstanceStorageType: cloud_essd
+ SecurityIPList:
+ Fn::Join:
+ - ','
+ - Fn::GetAtt:
+ - EcsInstanceGroup
+ - PrivateIps
+ InstallAnsibleSemaphore:
+ Type: ALIYUN::ECS::RunCommand
+ Properties:
+ InstanceIds:
+ - Ref: EcsInstanceGroup
+ Type: RunShellScript
+ Sync: true
+ Timeout: 7200
+ CommandContent:
+ Fn::Sub: |-
+ #!/bin/bash
+ echo "###############################"
+ echo "# Instance Ansible Semaphore"
+ echo "###############################"
+ wget '{{ computenest::file::ansibleSemaphore }}'
+ yum install -y semaphore_2.9.37_linux_amd64.rpm
+ echo "###############################"
+ echo "# Config Ansible Semaphore"
+ echo "###############################"
+ mkdir /etc/semaphore
+ cat > /etc/semaphore/config.json << \EOF
+ {
+ "mysql": {
+ "host": "${RdsDBInstance.InnerConnectionString}",
+ "user": "${DBUser}",
+ "pass": "${DBPassword}",
+ "name": "semaphore"
+ },
+ "dialect": "mysql",
+ "tmp_path": "/tmp/semaphore",
+ "port": "80"
+ }
+ semaphore migrate --config /etc/semaphore/config.json
+ semaphore user add --admin --login admin --name Admin --email admin@localhost \
+ --password ${AdminPassword} --config /etc/semaphore/config.json
+ cat > /etc/systemd/system/semaphore.service << \EOF
+ [Unit]
+ Description=Ansible Semaphore
+ Documentation=https://github.com/ansible-semaphore/semaphore
+ Wants=network-online.target
+ After=network-online.target
+ [Service]
+ Type=simple
+ ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
+ ExecStart=/usr/bin/semaphore service --config=/etc/semaphore/config.json
+ SyslogIdentifier=semaphore
+ Restart=always
+ RestartSec=10s
+ [Install]
+ WantedBy=multi-user.target
+ echo "###############################"
+ echo "# Run Ansible Semaphore"
+ echo "###############################"
+ systemctl daemon-reload
+ systemctl enable semaphore
+ systemctl start semaphore
+ systemctl status semaphore
+ DependsOn:
+ - SecurityGroupIngress_80
+ SemaphoreLoginURL:
+ Description:
+ zh-cn: Ansible Semaphore 登录地址
+ en: Ansible Semaphore Login URL
+ Value:
+ Fn::Sub:
+ - http://${ServerAddress}/auth/login
+ - ServerAddress:
+ Fn::Select:
+ - 0
+ - Fn::GetAtt:
+ - EcsInstanceGroup
+ - PublicIps
+ ALIYUN::ROS::Interface:
+ ParameterGroups:
+ - Parameters:
+ - AdminPassword
+ Label:
+ default:
+ en: Ansible Semaphore Configuration
+ zh-cn: Ansible Semaphore配置
+ - Parameters:
+ - InstanceType
+ - SystemDiskCategory
+ - SystemDiskSize
+ - InternetMaxBandwidthOut
+ Label:
+ default:
+ en: Instance Configuration
+ zh-cn: ECS实例配置
+ - Parameters:
+ - DBUser
+ - DBPassword
+ - DBInstanceClass
+ Label:
+ default:
+ en: Instance Configuration
+ zh-cn: RDS实例配置
+ - Parameters:
+ - ZoneId
+ - VpcId
+ - VSwitchId
+ Label:
+ default:
+ zh-cn: 网络配置
+ en: Zone Configuration
+ TemplateTags:
+ - acs:integrate:computenest:ansible-semaphore