diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index b817577..0e99980 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -7,4 +7,5 @@ composer.lock phpunit.xml .phpunit.result.cache .DS_Store +.php_cs.cache Thumbs.db diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE index 005cb11..5f988aa 100644 --- a/LICENSE +++ b/LICENSE @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ MIT License -Copyright (c) 2018 alfonsobries +Copyright (c) 2018 Alfonso Bribiesca Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 15cd8f6..561fe18 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,19 +1,32 @@ -# Nova Youtube-Field -Simple Laravel Nova Youtube field. Convert attribute value to an embed YouTube-Video +# Nova Froala editor field +Laravel Nova Froala Editor field. ## Installation -You can install the package in to a Laravel app that uses Nova via composer: +1. You can install the package in to a Laravel app that uses Nova via composer: + +``` +composer require alfonsobries/nova-froala-editor +``` + +2. The froala editor needs to load the font awesome library, in order to publish the fonts in the public folder you need to run: + ``` -composer require nova-fields/youtube +php artisan vendor:publish --tag=froala-editor-fonts ``` -## Usage: + +## Simple Usage: ```php -Youtube::make('Field Name') +FroalaEditor::make('Field Name') ``` +## Advanced Usage: +You can pass any existing Froala option. Consult the [Froala documentation](https://www.froala.com/wysiwyg-editor/docs/options) to view the list of all the available options +```php +NovaFroalaEditor::make('Description') + ->options(['toolbarInline' => true]) +``` ## License - The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File](LICENSE.md) for more information. diff --git a/composer.json b/composer.json index 88b36b6..3fac834 100644 --- a/composer.json +++ b/composer.json @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ "keywords": [ "laravel", "nova", - "froala", + "froala" ], "license": "MIT", "require": { diff --git a/dist/css/field.css b/dist/css/field.css index e69de29..8c3a35f 100644 --- a/dist/css/field.css +++ b/dist/css/field.css @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +/*! + * Font Awesome 4.7.0 by @davegandy - http://fontawesome.io - @fontawesome + * License - http://fontawesome.io/license (Font: SIL OFL 1.1, CSS: MIT License) + */@font-face{font-family:FontAwesome;src:url("../../nova-assets/fonts/font-awesome/fontawesome-webfont.eot?v=4.7.0");src:url("../../nova-assets/fonts/font-awesome/fontawesome-webfont.eot?#iefix&v=4.7.0") format("embedded-opentype"),url("../../nova-assets/fonts/font-awesome/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.7.0") format("woff2"),url("../../nova-assets/fonts/font-awesome/fontawesome-webfont.woff?v=4.7.0") format("woff"),url("../../nova-assets/fonts/font-awesome/fontawesome-webfont.ttf?v=4.7.0") format("truetype"),url("../../nova-assets/fonts/font-awesome/fontawesome-webfont.svg?v=4.7.0#fontawesomeregular") format("svg");font-weight:400;font-style:normal}.fa{display:inline-block;font:normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome;font-size:inherit;text-rendering:auto;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale}.fa-lg{font-size:1.33333333em;line-height:.75em;vertical-align:-15%}.fa-2x{font-size:2em}.fa-3x{font-size:3em}.fa-4x{font-size:4em}.fa-5x{font-size:5em}.fa-fw{width:1.28571429em;text-align:center}.fa-ul{padding-left:0;margin-left:2.14285714em;list-style-type:none}.fa-ul>li{position:relative}.fa-li{position:absolute;left:-2.14285714em;width:2.14285714em;top:.14285714em;text-align:center}.fa-li.fa-lg{left:-1.85714286em}.fa-border{padding:.2em .25em .15em;border:.08em solid 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All rights reserved. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/dist/fonts/font-awesome/fontawesome-webfont.ttf b/dist/fonts/font-awesome/fontawesome-webfont.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35acda2 Binary files /dev/null and b/dist/fonts/font-awesome/fontawesome-webfont.ttf differ diff --git a/dist/fonts/font-awesome/fontawesome-webfont.woff b/dist/fonts/font-awesome/fontawesome-webfont.woff new file mode 100644 index 0000000..400014a Binary files /dev/null and b/dist/fonts/font-awesome/fontawesome-webfont.woff differ diff --git a/dist/fonts/font-awesome/fontawesome-webfont.woff2 b/dist/fonts/font-awesome/fontawesome-webfont.woff2 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d13fc6 Binary files /dev/null and b/dist/fonts/font-awesome/fontawesome-webfont.woff2 differ diff --git a/dist/js/field.js b/dist/js/field.js index 9003bc7..b8c0e56 100644 --- a/dist/js/field.js +++ b/dist/js/field.js @@ -1,22504 +1 @@ -/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap -/******/ // The module cache -/******/ var installedModules = {}; -/******/ -/******/ // The require function -/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { -/******/ -/******/ // Check if module is in cache -/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) { -/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; -/******/ } -/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) -/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { -/******/ i: moduleId, -/******/ l: false, -/******/ exports: {} -/******/ }; -/******/ -/******/ // Execute the module function -/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); -/******/ -/******/ // Flag the module as loaded -/******/ module.l = true; -/******/ -/******/ // Return the exports of the module -/******/ return module.exports; -/******/ } -/******/ -/******/ -/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) -/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; -/******/ -/******/ // expose the module cache -/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; -/******/ -/******/ // define getter function for harmony exports -/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) { -/******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) { -/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { -/******/ configurable: false, -/******/ enumerable: true, -/******/ get: getter -/******/ }); -/******/ } -/******/ }; -/******/ -/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules -/******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) { -/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? -/******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } : -/******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; }; -/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter); -/******/ return getter; -/******/ }; -/******/ -/******/ // Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call -/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); }; -/******/ -/******/ // __webpack_public_path__ -/******/ __webpack_require__.p = ""; -/******/ -/******/ // Load entry module and return exports -/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 3); -/******/ }) -/************************************************************************/ -/******/ ([ -/* 0 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports) { - -/* globals __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ */ - -// IMPORTANT: Do NOT use ES2015 features in this file. -// This module is a runtime utility for cleaner component module output and will -// be included in the final webpack user bundle. - -module.exports = function normalizeComponent ( - rawScriptExports, - compiledTemplate, - functionalTemplate, - injectStyles, - scopeId, - moduleIdentifier /* server only */ -) { - var esModule - var scriptExports = rawScriptExports = rawScriptExports || {} - - // ES6 modules interop - var type = typeof rawScriptExports.default - if (type === 'object' || type === 'function') { - esModule = rawScriptExports - scriptExports = rawScriptExports.default - } - - // Vue.extend constructor export interop - var options = typeof scriptExports === 'function' - ? scriptExports.options - : scriptExports - - // render functions - if (compiledTemplate) { - options.render = compiledTemplate.render - options.staticRenderFns = compiledTemplate.staticRenderFns - options._compiled = true - } - - // functional template - if (functionalTemplate) { - options.functional = true - } - - // scopedId - if (scopeId) { - options._scopeId = scopeId - } - - var hook - if (moduleIdentifier) { // server build - hook = function (context) { - // 2.3 injection - context = - context || // cached call - (this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext) || // stateful - (this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext) // functional - // 2.2 with runInNewContext: true - if (!context && typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ !== 'undefined') { - context = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ - } - // inject component styles - if (injectStyles) { - injectStyles.call(this, context) - } - // register component module identifier for async chunk inferrence - if (context && context._registeredComponents) { - context._registeredComponents.add(moduleIdentifier) - } - } - // used by ssr in case component is cached and beforeCreate - // never gets called - options._ssrRegister = hook - } else if (injectStyles) { - hook = injectStyles - } - - if (hook) { - var functional = options.functional - var existing = functional - ? options.render - : options.beforeCreate - - if (!functional) { - // inject component registration as beforeCreate hook - options.beforeCreate = existing - ? [].concat(existing, hook) - : [hook] - } else { - // for template-only hot-reload because in that case the render fn doesn't - // go through the normalizer - options._injectStyles = hook - // register for functioal component in vue file - options.render = function renderWithStyleInjection (h, context) { - hook.call(context) - return existing(h, context) - } - } - } - - return { - esModule: esModule, - exports: scriptExports, - options: options - } -} - - -/***/ }), -/* 1 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports) { - -var g; - -// This works in non-strict mode -g = (function() { - return this; -})(); - -try { - // This works if eval is allowed (see CSP) - g = g || Function("return this")() || (1,eval)("this"); -} catch(e) { - // This works if the window reference is available - if(typeof window === "object") - g = window; -} - -// g can still be undefined, but nothing to do about it... -// We return undefined, instead of nothing here, so it's -// easier to handle this case. if(!global) { ...} - -module.exports = g; - - -/***/ }), -/* 2 */ -/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "a", function() { return YouTubePlayer; }); -/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, "c", function() { return getIdFromURL; }); -/* unused harmony export getTimeFromURL */ -/*! - * Vue YouTube Embed version 2.2.1 - * under MIT License copyright 2018 kaorun343 - */ -// fork from https://github.com/brandly/angular-youtube-embed - -if (!String.prototype.includes) { - String.prototype.includes = function () { - return String.prototype.indexOf.apply(this, arguments) !== -1 - }; -} - -var youtubeRegexp = /https?:\/\/(?:[0-9A-Z-]+\.)?(?:youtu\.be\/|youtube(?:-nocookie)?\.com\S*[^\w\s-])([\w-]{11})(?=[^\w-]|$)(?![?=&+%\w.-]*(?:['"][^<>]*>|<\/a>))[?=&+%\w.-]*/ig; -var timeRegexp = /t=(\d+)[ms]?(\d+)?s?/; - -/** - * get id from url - * @param {string} url url - * @return {string} id - */ -function getIdFromURL (url) { - var id = url.replace(youtubeRegexp, '$1'); - - if (id.includes(';')) { - var pieces = id.split(';'); - - if (pieces[1].includes('%')) { - var uriComponent = decodeURIComponent(pieces[1]); - id = ("http://youtube.com" + uriComponent).replace(youtubeRegexp, '$1'); - } else { - id = pieces[0]; - } - } else if (id.includes('#')) { - id = id.split('#')[0]; - } - - return id -} - -/** - * get time from url - * @param {string} url url - * @return {number} time - */ -function getTimeFromURL (url) { - if ( url === void 0 ) url = ''; - - var times = url.match(timeRegexp); - - if (!times) { - return 0 - } - - var full = times[0]; - var minutes = times[1]; - var seconds = times[2]; - - if (typeof seconds !== 'undefined') { - seconds = parseInt(seconds, 10); - minutes = parseInt(minutes, 10); - } else if (full.includes('m')) { - minutes = parseInt(minutes, 10); - seconds = 0; - } else { - seconds = parseInt(minutes, 10); - minutes = 0; - } - - return seconds + (minutes * 60) -} - -var container = { - scripts: [], - events: {}, - - run: function run () { - var this$1 = this; - - this.scripts.forEach(function (callback) { - callback(this$1.YT); - }); - this.scripts = []; - }, - - register: function register (callback) { - var this$1 = this; - - if (this.YT) { - this.Vue.nextTick(function () { - callback(this$1.YT); - }); - } else { - this.scripts.push(callback); - } - } -}; - -var pid = 0; - -var YouTubePlayer = { - props: { - playerHeight: { - type: [String, Number], - default: '390' - }, - playerWidth: { - type: [String, Number], - default: '640' - }, - playerVars: { - type: Object, - default: function () { return ({ autoplay: 0, time: 0 }); } - }, - videoId: { - type: String - }, - mute: { - type: Boolean, - default: false - } - }, - render: function render (h) { - return h('div', [ - h('div', { attrs: { id: this.elementId }}) - ]) - }, - template: '
', - watch: { - playerWidth: 'setSize', - playerHeight: 'setSize', - videoId: 'update', - mute: 'setMute' - }, - data: function data () { - pid += 1; - return { - elementId: ("youtube-player-" + pid), - player: {} - } - }, - methods: { - setSize: function setSize () { - this.player.setSize(this.playerWidth, this.playerHeight); - }, - setMute: function setMute (value) { - if (value) { - this.player.mute(); - } else { - this.player.unMute(); - } - }, - update: function update (videoId) { - var name = (this.playerVars.autoplay ? 'load' : 'cue') + "VideoById"; - if (this.player.hasOwnProperty(name)) { - this.player[name](videoId); - } else { - setTimeout(function () { - this.update(videoId); - }.bind(this), 100); - } - } - }, - mounted: function mounted () { - var this$1 = this; - - container.register(function (YouTube) { - var ref = this$1; - var playerHeight = ref.playerHeight; - var playerWidth = ref.playerWidth; - var playerVars = ref.playerVars; - var videoId = ref.videoId; - - this$1.player = new YouTube.Player(this$1.elementId, { - height: playerHeight, - width: playerWidth, - playerVars: playerVars, - videoId: videoId, - events: { - onReady: function (event) { - this$1.setMute(this$1.mute); - this$1.$emit('ready', event); - }, - onStateChange: function (event) { - if (event.data !== -1) { - this$1.$emit(container.events[event.data], event); - } - }, - onError: function (event) { - this$1.$emit('error', event); - } - } - }); - }); - }, - beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy () { - if (this.player !== null && this.player.destroy) { - this.player.destroy(); - } - delete this.player; - } -}; - -var index = { - install: function install (Vue, options) { - if ( options === void 0 ) options = {}; - - container.Vue = Vue; - YouTubePlayer.ready = YouTubePlayer.mounted; - var global = options.global; if ( global === void 0 ) global = true; - var componentId = options.componentId; if ( componentId === void 0 ) componentId = 'youtube'; - - if (global) { - // if there is a global component with "youtube" identifier already taken - // then we should let user to pass a new identifier. - Vue.component(componentId, YouTubePlayer); - } - Vue.prototype.$youtube = { getIdFromURL: getIdFromURL, getTimeFromURL: getTimeFromURL }; - - if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof document !== 'undefined') { - var tag = document.createElement('script'); - tag.src = 'https://www.youtube.com/player_api'; - var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; - firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag); - - window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function () { - container.YT = YT; - var PlayerState = YT.PlayerState; - - container.events[PlayerState.ENDED] = 'ended'; - container.events[PlayerState.PLAYING] = 'playing'; - container.events[PlayerState.PAUSED] = 'paused'; - container.events[PlayerState.BUFFERING] = 'buffering'; - container.events[PlayerState.CUED] = 'cued'; - - container.Vue.nextTick(function () { - container.run(); - }); - }; - } - } -}; - -/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["b"] = (index); - - - -/***/ }), -/* 3 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -__webpack_require__(4); -module.exports = __webpack_require__(19); - - -/***/ }), -/* 4 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -Nova.booting(function (Vue, router) { - Vue.component('index-youtube', __webpack_require__(5)); - Vue.component('detail-youtube', __webpack_require__(8)); - Vue.component('form-youtube', __webpack_require__(15)); -}); - -/***/ }), -/* 5 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -var disposed = false -var normalizeComponent = __webpack_require__(0) -/* script */ -var __vue_script__ = __webpack_require__(6) -/* template */ -var __vue_template__ = __webpack_require__(7) -/* template functional */ -var __vue_template_functional__ = false -/* styles */ -var __vue_styles__ = null -/* scopeId */ -var __vue_scopeId__ = null -/* moduleIdentifier (server only) */ -var __vue_module_identifier__ = null -var Component = normalizeComponent( - __vue_script__, - __vue_template__, - __vue_template_functional__, - __vue_styles__, - __vue_scopeId__, - __vue_module_identifier__ -) -Component.options.__file = "resources/js/components/IndexField.vue" - -/* hot reload */ -if (false) {(function () { - var hotAPI = require("vue-hot-reload-api") - hotAPI.install(require("vue"), false) - if (!hotAPI.compatible) return - module.hot.accept() - if (!module.hot.data) { - hotAPI.createRecord("data-v-9e63f81a", Component.options) - } else { - hotAPI.reload("data-v-9e63f81a", Component.options) - } - module.hot.dispose(function (data) { - disposed = true - }) -})()} - -module.exports = Component.exports - - -/***/ }), -/* 6 */ -/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true }); -/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_vue__ = __webpack_require__(10); -/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_vue___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_vue__); -/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_vue_youtube_embed__ = __webpack_require__(2); -// -// -// -// -// -// -// -// -// - - - - - -__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_vue___default.a.use(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_vue_youtube_embed__["b" /* default */], { global: false }); -/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({ - props: ['resourceName', 'field'], - - components: { - 'youtube': __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_vue_youtube_embed__["a" /* YouTubePlayer */] - }, - - data: function data() { - return { - play: false - }; - }, - - - methods: { - start: function start() { - this.play = true; - }, - stop: function stop() { - this.play = false; - } - }, - - computed: { - display: function display() { - if (this.videoId.length > 1 && this.field.value.indexOf('http') === 0) { - return this.play; - } - return false; - }, - videoId: function videoId() { - return Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_vue_youtube_embed__["c" /* getIdFromURL */])(this.field.value); - }, - playerOptions: function playerOptions() { - if (this.field.options.playerOptions.length > 0) { - return this.field.options.playerOptions; - } - return { - autoplay: true - }; - }, - mute: function mute() { - return this.field.options.mute | true; - }, - couldStart: function couldStart() { - if (this.videoId.length > 1 && this.field.value.indexOf('http') === 0) { - return !this.play; - } - return false; - } - } -}); - -/***/ }), -/* 7 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -var render = function() { - var _vm = this - var _h = _vm.$createElement - var _c = _vm._self._c || _h - return _c( - "div", - [ - _vm._v("\n " + _vm._s(_vm.field.value) + "\n "), - _vm.couldStart - ? _c("span", { on: { click: _vm.start } }, [_vm._v("▶")]) - : _vm._e(), - _vm._v(" "), - _vm.display - ? _c("span", { on: { click: _vm.stop } }, [_vm._v("✖")]) - : _vm._e(), - _vm._v(" "), - _vm.display - ? _c("youtube", { - attrs: { - "video-id": _vm.videoId, - "player-vars": _vm.playerOptions, - mute: _vm.mute - } - }) - : _vm._e() - ], - 1 - ) -} -var staticRenderFns = [] -render._withStripped = true -module.exports = { render: render, staticRenderFns: staticRenderFns } -if (false) { - module.hot.accept() - if (module.hot.data) { - require("vue-hot-reload-api") .rerender("data-v-9e63f81a", module.exports) - } -} - -/***/ }), -/* 8 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -var disposed = false -var normalizeComponent = __webpack_require__(0) -/* script */ -var __vue_script__ = __webpack_require__(9) -/* template */ -var __vue_template__ = __webpack_require__(14) -/* template functional */ -var __vue_template_functional__ = false -/* styles */ -var __vue_styles__ = null -/* scopeId */ -var __vue_scopeId__ = null -/* moduleIdentifier (server only) */ -var __vue_module_identifier__ = null -var Component = normalizeComponent( - __vue_script__, - __vue_template__, - __vue_template_functional__, - __vue_styles__, - __vue_scopeId__, - __vue_module_identifier__ -) -Component.options.__file = "resources/js/components/DetailField.vue" - -/* hot reload */ -if (false) {(function () { - var hotAPI = require("vue-hot-reload-api") - hotAPI.install(require("vue"), false) - if (!hotAPI.compatible) return - module.hot.accept() - if (!module.hot.data) { - hotAPI.createRecord("data-v-0224618e", Component.options) - } else { - hotAPI.reload("data-v-0224618e", Component.options) - } - module.hot.dispose(function (data) { - disposed = true - }) -})()} - -module.exports = Component.exports - - -/***/ }), -/* 9 */ -/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -Object.defineProperty(__webpack_exports__, "__esModule", { value: true }); -/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_vue__ = __webpack_require__(10); -/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_vue___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_vue__); -/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_vue_youtube_embed__ = __webpack_require__(2); -// -// -// -// -// -// -// -// - - - - - -__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_vue___default.a.use(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_vue_youtube_embed__["b" /* default */], { global: false }); - -/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({ - props: ['resource', 'resourceName', 'resourceId', 'field'], - - components: { - 'youtube': __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_vue_youtube_embed__["a" /* YouTubePlayer */] - }, - - computed: { - display: function display() { - return this.videoId.length > 1 && this.field.value.indexOf('http') === 0; - }, - videoId: function videoId() { - return Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_vue_youtube_embed__["c" /* getIdFromURL */])(this.field.value); - }, - playerOptions: function playerOptions() { - if (this.field.options.playerOptions.length > 0) { - return this.field.options.playerOptions; - } - return { - autoplay: true - }; - }, - mute: function mute() { - return this.field.options.mute | true; - } - } - -}); - -/***/ }), -/* 10 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global, setImmediate) {/*! - * Vue.js v2.5.17 - * (c) 2014-2018 Evan You - * Released under the MIT License. - */ - - -/* */ - -var emptyObject = Object.freeze({}); - -// these helpers produces better vm code in JS engines due to their -// explicitness and function inlining -function isUndef (v) { - return v === undefined || v === null -} - -function isDef (v) { - return v !== undefined && v !== null -} - -function isTrue (v) { - return v === true -} - -function isFalse (v) { - return v === false -} - -/** - * Check if value is primitive - */ -function isPrimitive (value) { - return ( - typeof value === 'string' || - typeof value === 'number' || - // $flow-disable-line - typeof value === 'symbol' || - typeof value === 'boolean' - ) -} - -/** - * Quick object check - this is primarily used to tell - * Objects from primitive values when we know the value - * is a JSON-compliant type. - */ -function isObject (obj) { - return obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object' -} - -/** - * Get the raw type string of a value e.g. [object Object] - */ -var _toString = Object.prototype.toString; - -function toRawType (value) { - return _toString.call(value).slice(8, -1) -} - -/** - * Strict object type check. Only returns true - * for plain JavaScript objects. - */ -function isPlainObject (obj) { - return _toString.call(obj) === '[object Object]' -} - -function isRegExp (v) { - return _toString.call(v) === '[object RegExp]' -} - -/** - * Check if val is a valid array index. - */ -function isValidArrayIndex (val) { - var n = parseFloat(String(val)); - return n >= 0 && Math.floor(n) === n && isFinite(val) -} - -/** - * Convert a value to a string that is actually rendered. - */ -function toString (val) { - return val == null - ? '' - : typeof val === 'object' - ? JSON.stringify(val, null, 2) - : String(val) -} - -/** - * Convert a input value to a number for persistence. - * If the conversion fails, return original string. - */ -function toNumber (val) { - var n = parseFloat(val); - return isNaN(n) ? val : n -} - -/** - * Make a map and return a function for checking if a key - * is in that map. - */ -function makeMap ( - str, - expectsLowerCase -) { - var map = Object.create(null); - var list = str.split(','); - for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { - map[list[i]] = true; - } - return expectsLowerCase - ? function (val) { return map[val.toLowerCase()]; } - : function (val) { return map[val]; } -} - -/** - * Check if a tag is a built-in tag. - */ -var isBuiltInTag = makeMap('slot,component', true); - -/** - * Check if a attribute is a reserved attribute. - */ -var isReservedAttribute = makeMap('key,ref,slot,slot-scope,is'); - -/** - * Remove an item from an array - */ -function remove (arr, item) { - if (arr.length) { - var index = arr.indexOf(item); - if (index > -1) { - return arr.splice(index, 1) - } - } -} - -/** - * Check whether the object has the property. - */ -var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; -function hasOwn (obj, key) { - return hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key) -} - -/** - * Create a cached version of a pure function. - */ -function cached (fn) { - var cache = Object.create(null); - return (function cachedFn (str) { - var hit = cache[str]; - return hit || (cache[str] = fn(str)) - }) -} - -/** - * Camelize a hyphen-delimited string. - */ -var camelizeRE = /-(\w)/g; -var camelize = cached(function (str) { - return str.replace(camelizeRE, function (_, c) { return c ? c.toUpperCase() : ''; }) -}); - -/** - * Capitalize a string. - */ -var capitalize = cached(function (str) { - return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1) -}); - -/** - * Hyphenate a camelCase string. - */ -var hyphenateRE = /\B([A-Z])/g; -var hyphenate = cached(function (str) { - return str.replace(hyphenateRE, '-$1').toLowerCase() -}); - -/** - * Simple bind polyfill for environments that do not support it... e.g. - * PhantomJS 1.x. Technically we don't need this anymore since native bind is - * now more performant in most browsers, but removing it would be breaking for - * code that was able to run in PhantomJS 1.x, so this must be kept for - * backwards compatibility. - */ - -/* istanbul ignore next */ -function polyfillBind (fn, ctx) { - function boundFn (a) { - var l = arguments.length; - return l - ? l > 1 - ? fn.apply(ctx, arguments) - : fn.call(ctx, a) - : fn.call(ctx) - } - - boundFn._length = fn.length; - return boundFn -} - -function nativeBind (fn, ctx) { - return fn.bind(ctx) -} - -var bind = Function.prototype.bind - ? nativeBind - : polyfillBind; - -/** - * Convert an Array-like object to a real Array. - */ -function toArray (list, start) { - start = start || 0; - var i = list.length - start; - var ret = new Array(i); - while (i--) { - ret[i] = list[i + start]; - } - return ret -} - -/** - * Mix properties into target object. - */ -function extend (to, _from) { - for (var key in _from) { - to[key] = _from[key]; - } - return to -} - -/** - * Merge an Array of Objects into a single Object. - */ -function toObject (arr) { - var res = {}; - for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { - if (arr[i]) { - extend(res, arr[i]); - } - } - return res -} - -/** - * Perform no operation. - * Stubbing args to make Flow happy without leaving useless transpiled code - * with ...rest (https://flow.org/blog/2017/05/07/Strict-Function-Call-Arity/) - */ -function noop (a, b, c) {} - -/** - * Always return false. - */ -var no = function (a, b, c) { return false; }; - -/** - * Return same value - */ -var identity = function (_) { return _; }; - -/** - * Generate a static keys string from compiler modules. - */ -function genStaticKeys (modules) { - return modules.reduce(function (keys, m) { - return keys.concat(m.staticKeys || []) - }, []).join(',') -} - -/** - * Check if two values are loosely equal - that is, - * if they are plain objects, do they have the same shape? - */ -function looseEqual (a, b) { - if (a === b) { return true } - var isObjectA = isObject(a); - var isObjectB = isObject(b); - if (isObjectA && isObjectB) { - try { - var isArrayA = Array.isArray(a); - var isArrayB = Array.isArray(b); - if (isArrayA && isArrayB) { - return a.length === b.length && a.every(function (e, i) { - return looseEqual(e, b[i]) - }) - } else if (!isArrayA && !isArrayB) { - var keysA = Object.keys(a); - var keysB = Object.keys(b); - return keysA.length === keysB.length && keysA.every(function (key) { - return looseEqual(a[key], b[key]) - }) - } else { - /* istanbul ignore next */ - return false - } - } catch (e) { - /* istanbul ignore next */ - return false - } - } else if (!isObjectA && !isObjectB) { - return String(a) === String(b) - } else { - return false - } -} - -function looseIndexOf (arr, val) { - for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { - if (looseEqual(arr[i], val)) { return i } - } - return -1 -} - -/** - * Ensure a function is called only once. - */ -function once (fn) { - var called = false; - return function () { - if (!called) { - called = true; - fn.apply(this, arguments); - } - } -} - -var SSR_ATTR = 'data-server-rendered'; - -var ASSET_TYPES = [ - 'component', - 'directive', - 'filter' -]; - -var LIFECYCLE_HOOKS = [ - 'beforeCreate', - 'created', - 'beforeMount', - 'mounted', - 'beforeUpdate', - 'updated', - 'beforeDestroy', - 'destroyed', - 'activated', - 'deactivated', - 'errorCaptured' -]; - -/* */ - -var config = ({ - /** - * Option merge strategies (used in core/util/options) - */ - // $flow-disable-line - optionMergeStrategies: Object.create(null), - - /** - * Whether to suppress warnings. - */ - silent: false, - - /** - * Show production mode tip message on boot? - */ - productionTip: "development" !== 'production', - - /** - * Whether to enable devtools - */ - devtools: "development" !== 'production', - - /** - * Whether to record perf - */ - performance: false, - - /** - * Error handler for watcher errors - */ - errorHandler: null, - - /** - * Warn handler for watcher warns - */ - warnHandler: null, - - /** - * Ignore certain custom elements - */ - ignoredElements: [], - - /** - * Custom user key aliases for v-on - */ - // $flow-disable-line - keyCodes: Object.create(null), - - /** - * Check if a tag is reserved so that it cannot be registered as a - * component. This is platform-dependent and may be overwritten. - */ - isReservedTag: no, - - /** - * Check if an attribute is reserved so that it cannot be used as a component - * prop. This is platform-dependent and may be overwritten. - */ - isReservedAttr: no, - - /** - * Check if a tag is an unknown element. - * Platform-dependent. - */ - isUnknownElement: no, - - /** - * Get the namespace of an element - */ - getTagNamespace: noop, - - /** - * Parse the real tag name for the specific platform. - */ - parsePlatformTagName: identity, - - /** - * Check if an attribute must be bound using property, e.g. value - * Platform-dependent. - */ - mustUseProp: no, - - /** - * Exposed for legacy reasons - */ - _lifecycleHooks: LIFECYCLE_HOOKS -}) - -/* */ - -/** - * Check if a string starts with $ or _ - */ -function isReserved (str) { - var c = (str + '').charCodeAt(0); - return c === 0x24 || c === 0x5F -} - -/** - * Define a property. - */ -function def (obj, key, val, enumerable) { - Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { - value: val, - enumerable: !!enumerable, - writable: true, - configurable: true - }); -} - -/** - * Parse simple path. - */ -var bailRE = /[^\w.$]/; -function parsePath (path) { - if (bailRE.test(path)) { - return - } - var segments = path.split('.'); - return function (obj) { - for (var i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) { - if (!obj) { return } - obj = obj[segments[i]]; - } - return obj - } -} - -/* */ - -// can we use __proto__? -var hasProto = '__proto__' in {}; - -// Browser environment sniffing -var inBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined'; -var inWeex = typeof WXEnvironment !== 'undefined' && !!WXEnvironment.platform; -var weexPlatform = inWeex && WXEnvironment.platform.toLowerCase(); -var UA = inBrowser && window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); -var isIE = UA && /msie|trident/.test(UA); -var isIE9 = UA && UA.indexOf('msie 9.0') > 0; -var isEdge = UA && UA.indexOf('edge/') > 0; -var isAndroid = (UA && UA.indexOf('android') > 0) || (weexPlatform === 'android'); -var isIOS = (UA && /iphone|ipad|ipod|ios/.test(UA)) || (weexPlatform === 'ios'); -var isChrome = UA && /chrome\/\d+/.test(UA) && !isEdge; - -// Firefox has a "watch" function on Object.prototype... -var nativeWatch = ({}).watch; - -var supportsPassive = false; -if (inBrowser) { - try { - var opts = {}; - Object.defineProperty(opts, 'passive', ({ - get: function get () { - /* istanbul ignore next */ - supportsPassive = true; - } - })); // https://github.com/facebook/flow/issues/285 - window.addEventListener('test-passive', null, opts); - } catch (e) {} -} - -// this needs to be lazy-evaled because vue may be required before -// vue-server-renderer can set VUE_ENV -var _isServer; -var isServerRendering = function () { - if (_isServer === undefined) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (!inBrowser && !inWeex && typeof global !== 'undefined') { - // detect presence of vue-server-renderer and avoid - // Webpack shimming the process - _isServer = global['process'].env.VUE_ENV === 'server'; - } else { - _isServer = false; - } - } - return _isServer -}; - -// detect devtools -var devtools = inBrowser && window.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__; - -/* istanbul ignore next */ -function isNative (Ctor) { - return typeof Ctor === 'function' && /native code/.test(Ctor.toString()) -} - -var hasSymbol = - typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && isNative(Symbol) && - typeof Reflect !== 'undefined' && isNative(Reflect.ownKeys); - -var _Set; -/* istanbul ignore if */ // $flow-disable-line -if (typeof Set !== 'undefined' && isNative(Set)) { - // use native Set when available. - _Set = Set; -} else { - // a non-standard Set polyfill that only works with primitive keys. - _Set = (function () { - function Set () { - this.set = Object.create(null); - } - Set.prototype.has = function has (key) { - return this.set[key] === true - }; - Set.prototype.add = function add (key) { - this.set[key] = true; - }; - Set.prototype.clear = function clear () { - this.set = Object.create(null); - }; - - return Set; - }()); -} - -/* */ - -var warn = noop; -var tip = noop; -var generateComponentTrace = (noop); // work around flow check -var formatComponentName = (noop); - -if (true) { - var hasConsole = typeof console !== 'undefined'; - var classifyRE = /(?:^|[-_])(\w)/g; - var classify = function (str) { return str - .replace(classifyRE, function (c) { return c.toUpperCase(); }) - .replace(/[-_]/g, ''); }; - - warn = function (msg, vm) { - var trace = vm ? generateComponentTrace(vm) : ''; - - if (config.warnHandler) { - config.warnHandler.call(null, msg, vm, trace); - } else if (hasConsole && (!config.silent)) { - console.error(("[Vue warn]: " + msg + trace)); - } - }; - - tip = function (msg, vm) { - if (hasConsole && (!config.silent)) { - console.warn("[Vue tip]: " + msg + ( - vm ? generateComponentTrace(vm) : '' - )); - } - }; - - formatComponentName = function (vm, includeFile) { - if (vm.$root === vm) { - return '' - } - var options = typeof vm === 'function' && vm.cid != null - ? vm.options - : vm._isVue - ? vm.$options || vm.constructor.options - : vm || {}; - var name = options.name || options._componentTag; - var file = options.__file; - if (!name && file) { - var match = file.match(/([^/\\]+)\.vue$/); - name = match && match[1]; - } - - return ( - (name ? ("<" + (classify(name)) + ">") : "") + - (file && includeFile !== false ? (" at " + file) : '') - ) - }; - - var repeat = function (str, n) { - var res = ''; - while (n) { - if (n % 2 === 1) { res += str; } - if (n > 1) { str += str; } - n >>= 1; - } - return res - }; - - generateComponentTrace = function (vm) { - if (vm._isVue && vm.$parent) { - var tree = []; - var currentRecursiveSequence = 0; - while (vm) { - if (tree.length > 0) { - var last = tree[tree.length - 1]; - if (last.constructor === vm.constructor) { - currentRecursiveSequence++; - vm = vm.$parent; - continue - } else if (currentRecursiveSequence > 0) { - tree[tree.length - 1] = [last, currentRecursiveSequence]; - currentRecursiveSequence = 0; - } - } - tree.push(vm); - vm = vm.$parent; - } - return '\n\nfound in\n\n' + tree - .map(function (vm, i) { return ("" + (i === 0 ? '---> ' : repeat(' ', 5 + i * 2)) + (Array.isArray(vm) - ? ((formatComponentName(vm[0])) + "... (" + (vm[1]) + " recursive calls)") - : formatComponentName(vm))); }) - .join('\n') - } else { - return ("\n\n(found in " + (formatComponentName(vm)) + ")") - } - }; -} - -/* */ - - -var uid = 0; - -/** - * A dep is an observable that can have multiple - * directives subscribing to it. - */ -var Dep = function Dep () { - this.id = uid++; - this.subs = []; -}; - -Dep.prototype.addSub = function addSub (sub) { - this.subs.push(sub); -}; - -Dep.prototype.removeSub = function removeSub (sub) { - remove(this.subs, sub); -}; - -Dep.prototype.depend = function depend () { - if (Dep.target) { - Dep.target.addDep(this); - } -}; - -Dep.prototype.notify = function notify () { - // stabilize the subscriber list first - var subs = this.subs.slice(); - for (var i = 0, l = subs.length; i < l; i++) { - subs[i].update(); - } -}; - -// the current target watcher being evaluated. -// this is globally unique because there could be only one -// watcher being evaluated at any time. -Dep.target = null; -var targetStack = []; - -function pushTarget (_target) { - if (Dep.target) { targetStack.push(Dep.target); } - Dep.target = _target; -} - -function popTarget () { - Dep.target = targetStack.pop(); -} - -/* */ - -var VNode = function VNode ( - tag, - data, - children, - text, - elm, - context, - componentOptions, - asyncFactory -) { - this.tag = tag; - this.data = data; - this.children = children; - this.text = text; - this.elm = elm; - this.ns = undefined; - this.context = context; - this.fnContext = undefined; - this.fnOptions = undefined; - this.fnScopeId = undefined; - this.key = data && data.key; - this.componentOptions = componentOptions; - this.componentInstance = undefined; - this.parent = undefined; - this.raw = false; - this.isStatic = false; - this.isRootInsert = true; - this.isComment = false; - this.isCloned = false; - this.isOnce = false; - this.asyncFactory = asyncFactory; - this.asyncMeta = undefined; - this.isAsyncPlaceholder = false; -}; - -var prototypeAccessors = { child: { configurable: true } }; - -// DEPRECATED: alias for componentInstance for backwards compat. -/* istanbul ignore next */ -prototypeAccessors.child.get = function () { - return this.componentInstance -}; - -Object.defineProperties( VNode.prototype, prototypeAccessors ); - -var createEmptyVNode = function (text) { - if ( text === void 0 ) text = ''; - - var node = new VNode(); - node.text = text; - node.isComment = true; - return node -}; - -function createTextVNode (val) { - return new VNode(undefined, undefined, undefined, String(val)) -} - -// optimized shallow clone -// used for static nodes and slot nodes because they may be reused across -// multiple renders, cloning them avoids errors when DOM manipulations rely -// on their elm reference. -function cloneVNode (vnode) { - var cloned = new VNode( - vnode.tag, - vnode.data, - vnode.children, - vnode.text, - vnode.elm, - vnode.context, - vnode.componentOptions, - vnode.asyncFactory - ); - cloned.ns = vnode.ns; - cloned.isStatic = vnode.isStatic; - cloned.key = vnode.key; - cloned.isComment = vnode.isComment; - cloned.fnContext = vnode.fnContext; - cloned.fnOptions = vnode.fnOptions; - cloned.fnScopeId = vnode.fnScopeId; - cloned.isCloned = true; - return cloned -} - -/* - * not type checking this file because flow doesn't play well with - * dynamically accessing methods on Array prototype - */ - -var arrayProto = Array.prototype; -var arrayMethods = Object.create(arrayProto); - -var methodsToPatch = [ - 'push', - 'pop', - 'shift', - 'unshift', - 'splice', - 'sort', - 'reverse' -]; - -/** - * Intercept mutating methods and emit events - */ -methodsToPatch.forEach(function (method) { - // cache original method - var original = arrayProto[method]; - def(arrayMethods, method, function mutator () { - var args = [], len = arguments.length; - while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ]; - - var result = original.apply(this, args); - var ob = this.__ob__; - var inserted; - switch (method) { - case 'push': - case 'unshift': - inserted = args; - break - case 'splice': - inserted = args.slice(2); - break - } - if (inserted) { ob.observeArray(inserted); } - // notify change - ob.dep.notify(); - return result - }); -}); - -/* */ - -var arrayKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(arrayMethods); - -/** - * In some cases we may want to disable observation inside a component's - * update computation. - */ -var shouldObserve = true; - -function toggleObserving (value) { - shouldObserve = value; -} - -/** - * Observer class that is attached to each observed - * object. Once attached, the observer converts the target - * object's property keys into getter/setters that - * collect dependencies and dispatch updates. - */ -var Observer = function Observer (value) { - this.value = value; - this.dep = new Dep(); - this.vmCount = 0; - def(value, '__ob__', this); - if (Array.isArray(value)) { - var augment = hasProto - ? protoAugment - : copyAugment; - augment(value, arrayMethods, arrayKeys); - this.observeArray(value); - } else { - this.walk(value); - } -}; - -/** - * Walk through each property and convert them into - * getter/setters. This method should only be called when - * value type is Object. - */ -Observer.prototype.walk = function walk (obj) { - var keys = Object.keys(obj); - for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { - defineReactive(obj, keys[i]); - } -}; - -/** - * Observe a list of Array items. - */ -Observer.prototype.observeArray = function observeArray (items) { - for (var i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) { - observe(items[i]); - } -}; - -// helpers - -/** - * Augment an target Object or Array by intercepting - * the prototype chain using __proto__ - */ -function protoAugment (target, src, keys) { - /* eslint-disable no-proto */ - target.__proto__ = src; - /* eslint-enable no-proto */ -} - -/** - * Augment an target Object or Array by defining - * hidden properties. - */ -/* istanbul ignore next */ -function copyAugment (target, src, keys) { - for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) { - var key = keys[i]; - def(target, key, src[key]); - } -} - -/** - * Attempt to create an observer instance for a value, - * returns the new observer if successfully observed, - * or the existing observer if the value already has one. - */ -function observe (value, asRootData) { - if (!isObject(value) || value instanceof VNode) { - return - } - var ob; - if (hasOwn(value, '__ob__') && value.__ob__ instanceof Observer) { - ob = value.__ob__; - } else if ( - shouldObserve && - !isServerRendering() && - (Array.isArray(value) || isPlainObject(value)) && - Object.isExtensible(value) && - !value._isVue - ) { - ob = new Observer(value); - } - if (asRootData && ob) { - ob.vmCount++; - } - return ob -} - -/** - * Define a reactive property on an Object. - */ -function defineReactive ( - obj, - key, - val, - customSetter, - shallow -) { - var dep = new Dep(); - - var property = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key); - if (property && property.configurable === false) { - return - } - - // cater for pre-defined getter/setters - var getter = property && property.get; - if (!getter && arguments.length === 2) { - val = obj[key]; - } - var setter = property && property.set; - - var childOb = !shallow && observe(val); - Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { - enumerable: true, - configurable: true, - get: function reactiveGetter () { - var value = getter ? getter.call(obj) : val; - if (Dep.target) { - dep.depend(); - if (childOb) { - childOb.dep.depend(); - if (Array.isArray(value)) { - dependArray(value); - } - } - } - return value - }, - set: function reactiveSetter (newVal) { - var value = getter ? getter.call(obj) : val; - /* eslint-disable no-self-compare */ - if (newVal === value || (newVal !== newVal && value !== value)) { - return - } - /* eslint-enable no-self-compare */ - if ("development" !== 'production' && customSetter) { - customSetter(); - } - if (setter) { - setter.call(obj, newVal); - } else { - val = newVal; - } - childOb = !shallow && observe(newVal); - dep.notify(); - } - }); -} - -/** - * Set a property on an object. Adds the new property and - * triggers change notification if the property doesn't - * already exist. - */ -function set (target, key, val) { - if ("development" !== 'production' && - (isUndef(target) || isPrimitive(target)) - ) { - warn(("Cannot set reactive property on undefined, null, or primitive value: " + ((target)))); - } - if (Array.isArray(target) && isValidArrayIndex(key)) { - target.length = Math.max(target.length, key); - target.splice(key, 1, val); - return val - } - if (key in target && !(key in Object.prototype)) { - target[key] = val; - return val - } - var ob = (target).__ob__; - if (target._isVue || (ob && ob.vmCount)) { - "development" !== 'production' && warn( - 'Avoid adding reactive properties to a Vue instance or its root $data ' + - 'at runtime - declare it upfront in the data option.' - ); - return val - } - if (!ob) { - target[key] = val; - return val - } - defineReactive(ob.value, key, val); - ob.dep.notify(); - return val -} - -/** - * Delete a property and trigger change if necessary. - */ -function del (target, key) { - if ("development" !== 'production' && - (isUndef(target) || isPrimitive(target)) - ) { - warn(("Cannot delete reactive property on undefined, null, or primitive value: " + ((target)))); - } - if (Array.isArray(target) && isValidArrayIndex(key)) { - target.splice(key, 1); - return - } - var ob = (target).__ob__; - if (target._isVue || (ob && ob.vmCount)) { - "development" !== 'production' && warn( - 'Avoid deleting properties on a Vue instance or its root $data ' + - '- just set it to null.' - ); - return - } - if (!hasOwn(target, key)) { - return - } - delete target[key]; - if (!ob) { - return - } - ob.dep.notify(); -} - -/** - * Collect dependencies on array elements when the array is touched, since - * we cannot intercept array element access like property getters. - */ -function dependArray (value) { - for (var e = (void 0), i = 0, l = value.length; i < l; i++) { - e = value[i]; - e && e.__ob__ && e.__ob__.dep.depend(); - if (Array.isArray(e)) { - dependArray(e); - } - } -} - -/* */ - -/** - * Option overwriting strategies are functions that handle - * how to merge a parent option value and a child option - * value into the final value. - */ -var strats = config.optionMergeStrategies; - -/** - * Options with restrictions - */ -if (true) { - strats.el = strats.propsData = function (parent, child, vm, key) { - if (!vm) { - warn( - "option \"" + key + "\" can only be used during instance " + - 'creation with the `new` keyword.' - ); - } - return defaultStrat(parent, child) - }; -} - -/** - * Helper that recursively merges two data objects together. - */ -function mergeData (to, from) { - if (!from) { return to } - var key, toVal, fromVal; - var keys = Object.keys(from); - for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { - key = keys[i]; - toVal = to[key]; - fromVal = from[key]; - if (!hasOwn(to, key)) { - set(to, key, fromVal); - } else if (isPlainObject(toVal) && isPlainObject(fromVal)) { - mergeData(toVal, fromVal); - } - } - return to -} - -/** - * Data - */ -function mergeDataOrFn ( - parentVal, - childVal, - vm -) { - if (!vm) { - // in a Vue.extend merge, both should be functions - if (!childVal) { - return parentVal - } - if (!parentVal) { - return childVal - } - // when parentVal & childVal are both present, - // we need to return a function that returns the - // merged result of both functions... no need to - // check if parentVal is a function here because - // it has to be a function to pass previous merges. - return function mergedDataFn () { - return mergeData( - typeof childVal === 'function' ? childVal.call(this, this) : childVal, - typeof parentVal === 'function' ? parentVal.call(this, this) : parentVal - ) - } - } else { - return function mergedInstanceDataFn () { - // instance merge - var instanceData = typeof childVal === 'function' - ? childVal.call(vm, vm) - : childVal; - var defaultData = typeof parentVal === 'function' - ? parentVal.call(vm, vm) - : parentVal; - if (instanceData) { - return mergeData(instanceData, defaultData) - } else { - return defaultData - } - } - } -} - -strats.data = function ( - parentVal, - childVal, - vm -) { - if (!vm) { - if (childVal && typeof childVal !== 'function') { - "development" !== 'production' && warn( - 'The "data" option should be a function ' + - 'that returns a per-instance value in component ' + - 'definitions.', - vm - ); - - return parentVal - } - return mergeDataOrFn(parentVal, childVal) - } - - return mergeDataOrFn(parentVal, childVal, vm) -}; - -/** - * Hooks and props are merged as arrays. - */ -function mergeHook ( - parentVal, - childVal -) { - return childVal - ? parentVal - ? parentVal.concat(childVal) - : Array.isArray(childVal) - ? childVal - : [childVal] - : parentVal -} - -LIFECYCLE_HOOKS.forEach(function (hook) { - strats[hook] = mergeHook; -}); - -/** - * Assets - * - * When a vm is present (instance creation), we need to do - * a three-way merge between constructor options, instance - * options and parent options. - */ -function mergeAssets ( - parentVal, - childVal, - vm, - key -) { - var res = Object.create(parentVal || null); - if (childVal) { - "development" !== 'production' && assertObjectType(key, childVal, vm); - return extend(res, childVal) - } else { - return res - } -} - -ASSET_TYPES.forEach(function (type) { - strats[type + 's'] = mergeAssets; -}); - -/** - * Watchers. - * - * Watchers hashes should not overwrite one - * another, so we merge them as arrays. - */ -strats.watch = function ( - parentVal, - childVal, - vm, - key -) { - // work around Firefox's Object.prototype.watch... - if (parentVal === nativeWatch) { parentVal = undefined; } - if (childVal === nativeWatch) { childVal = undefined; } - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (!childVal) { return Object.create(parentVal || null) } - if (true) { - assertObjectType(key, childVal, vm); - } - if (!parentVal) { return childVal } - var ret = {}; - extend(ret, parentVal); - for (var key$1 in childVal) { - var parent = ret[key$1]; - var child = childVal[key$1]; - if (parent && !Array.isArray(parent)) { - parent = [parent]; - } - ret[key$1] = parent - ? parent.concat(child) - : Array.isArray(child) ? child : [child]; - } - return ret -}; - -/** - * Other object hashes. - */ -strats.props = -strats.methods = -strats.inject = -strats.computed = function ( - parentVal, - childVal, - vm, - key -) { - if (childVal && "development" !== 'production') { - assertObjectType(key, childVal, vm); - } - if (!parentVal) { return childVal } - var ret = Object.create(null); - extend(ret, parentVal); - if (childVal) { extend(ret, childVal); } - return ret -}; -strats.provide = mergeDataOrFn; - -/** - * Default strategy. - */ -var defaultStrat = function (parentVal, childVal) { - return childVal === undefined - ? parentVal - : childVal -}; - -/** - * Validate component names - */ -function checkComponents (options) { - for (var key in options.components) { - validateComponentName(key); - } -} - -function validateComponentName (name) { - if (!/^[a-zA-Z][\w-]*$/.test(name)) { - warn( - 'Invalid component name: "' + name + '". Component names ' + - 'can only contain alphanumeric characters and the hyphen, ' + - 'and must start with a letter.' - ); - } - if (isBuiltInTag(name) || config.isReservedTag(name)) { - warn( - 'Do not use built-in or reserved HTML elements as component ' + - 'id: ' + name - ); - } -} - -/** - * Ensure all props option syntax are normalized into the - * Object-based format. - */ -function normalizeProps (options, vm) { - var props = options.props; - if (!props) { return } - var res = {}; - var i, val, name; - if (Array.isArray(props)) { - i = props.length; - while (i--) { - val = props[i]; - if (typeof val === 'string') { - name = camelize(val); - res[name] = { type: null }; - } else if (true) { - warn('props must be strings when using array syntax.'); - } - } - } else if (isPlainObject(props)) { - for (var key in props) { - val = props[key]; - name = camelize(key); - res[name] = isPlainObject(val) - ? val - : { type: val }; - } - } else if (true) { - warn( - "Invalid value for option \"props\": expected an Array or an Object, " + - "but got " + (toRawType(props)) + ".", - vm - ); - } - options.props = res; -} - -/** - * Normalize all injections into Object-based format - */ -function normalizeInject (options, vm) { - var inject = options.inject; - if (!inject) { return } - var normalized = options.inject = {}; - if (Array.isArray(inject)) { - for (var i = 0; i < inject.length; i++) { - normalized[inject[i]] = { from: inject[i] }; - } - } else if (isPlainObject(inject)) { - for (var key in inject) { - var val = inject[key]; - normalized[key] = isPlainObject(val) - ? extend({ from: key }, val) - : { from: val }; - } - } else if (true) { - warn( - "Invalid value for option \"inject\": expected an Array or an Object, " + - "but got " + (toRawType(inject)) + ".", - vm - ); - } -} - -/** - * Normalize raw function directives into object format. - */ -function normalizeDirectives (options) { - var dirs = options.directives; - if (dirs) { - for (var key in dirs) { - var def = dirs[key]; - if (typeof def === 'function') { - dirs[key] = { bind: def, update: def }; - } - } - } -} - -function assertObjectType (name, value, vm) { - if (!isPlainObject(value)) { - warn( - "Invalid value for option \"" + name + "\": expected an Object, " + - "but got " + (toRawType(value)) + ".", - vm - ); - } -} - -/** - * Merge two option objects into a new one. - * Core utility used in both instantiation and inheritance. - */ -function mergeOptions ( - parent, - child, - vm -) { - if (true) { - checkComponents(child); - } - - if (typeof child === 'function') { - child = child.options; - } - - normalizeProps(child, vm); - normalizeInject(child, vm); - normalizeDirectives(child); - var extendsFrom = child.extends; - if (extendsFrom) { - parent = mergeOptions(parent, extendsFrom, vm); - } - if (child.mixins) { - for (var i = 0, l = child.mixins.length; i < l; i++) { - parent = mergeOptions(parent, child.mixins[i], vm); - } - } - var options = {}; - var key; - for (key in parent) { - mergeField(key); - } - for (key in child) { - if (!hasOwn(parent, key)) { - mergeField(key); - } - } - function mergeField (key) { - var strat = strats[key] || defaultStrat; - options[key] = strat(parent[key], child[key], vm, key); - } - return options -} - -/** - * Resolve an asset. - * This function is used because child instances need access - * to assets defined in its ancestor chain. - */ -function resolveAsset ( - options, - type, - id, - warnMissing -) { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (typeof id !== 'string') { - return - } - var assets = options[type]; - // check local registration variations first - if (hasOwn(assets, id)) { return assets[id] } - var camelizedId = camelize(id); - if (hasOwn(assets, camelizedId)) { return assets[camelizedId] } - var PascalCaseId = capitalize(camelizedId); - if (hasOwn(assets, PascalCaseId)) { return assets[PascalCaseId] } - // fallback to prototype chain - var res = assets[id] || assets[camelizedId] || assets[PascalCaseId]; - if ("development" !== 'production' && warnMissing && !res) { - warn( - 'Failed to resolve ' + type.slice(0, -1) + ': ' + id, - options - ); - } - return res -} - -/* */ - -function validateProp ( - key, - propOptions, - propsData, - vm -) { - var prop = propOptions[key]; - var absent = !hasOwn(propsData, key); - var value = propsData[key]; - // boolean casting - var booleanIndex = getTypeIndex(Boolean, prop.type); - if (booleanIndex > -1) { - if (absent && !hasOwn(prop, 'default')) { - value = false; - } else if (value === '' || value === hyphenate(key)) { - // only cast empty string / same name to boolean if - // boolean has higher priority - var stringIndex = getTypeIndex(String, prop.type); - if (stringIndex < 0 || booleanIndex < stringIndex) { - value = true; - } - } - } - // check default value - if (value === undefined) { - value = getPropDefaultValue(vm, prop, key); - // since the default value is a fresh copy, - // make sure to observe it. - var prevShouldObserve = shouldObserve; - toggleObserving(true); - observe(value); - toggleObserving(prevShouldObserve); - } - if ( - true - ) { - assertProp(prop, key, value, vm, absent); - } - return value -} - -/** - * Get the default value of a prop. - */ -function getPropDefaultValue (vm, prop, key) { - // no default, return undefined - if (!hasOwn(prop, 'default')) { - return undefined - } - var def = prop.default; - // warn against non-factory defaults for Object & Array - if ("development" !== 'production' && isObject(def)) { - warn( - 'Invalid default value for prop "' + key + '": ' + - 'Props with type Object/Array must use a factory function ' + - 'to return the default value.', - vm - ); - } - // the raw prop value was also undefined from previous render, - // return previous default value to avoid unnecessary watcher trigger - if (vm && vm.$options.propsData && - vm.$options.propsData[key] === undefined && - vm._props[key] !== undefined - ) { - return vm._props[key] - } - // call factory function for non-Function types - // a value is Function if its prototype is function even across different execution context - return typeof def === 'function' && getType(prop.type) !== 'Function' - ? def.call(vm) - : def -} - -/** - * Assert whether a prop is valid. - */ -function assertProp ( - prop, - name, - value, - vm, - absent -) { - if (prop.required && absent) { - warn( - 'Missing required prop: "' + name + '"', - vm - ); - return - } - if (value == null && !prop.required) { - return - } - var type = prop.type; - var valid = !type || type === true; - var expectedTypes = []; - if (type) { - if (!Array.isArray(type)) { - type = [type]; - } - for (var i = 0; i < type.length && !valid; i++) { - var assertedType = assertType(value, type[i]); - expectedTypes.push(assertedType.expectedType || ''); - valid = assertedType.valid; - } - } - if (!valid) { - warn( - "Invalid prop: type check failed for prop \"" + name + "\"." + - " Expected " + (expectedTypes.map(capitalize).join(', ')) + - ", got " + (toRawType(value)) + ".", - vm - ); - return - } - var validator = prop.validator; - if (validator) { - if (!validator(value)) { - warn( - 'Invalid prop: custom validator check failed for prop "' + name + '".', - vm - ); - } - } -} - -var simpleCheckRE = /^(String|Number|Boolean|Function|Symbol)$/; - -function assertType (value, type) { - var valid; - var expectedType = getType(type); - if (simpleCheckRE.test(expectedType)) { - var t = typeof value; - valid = t === expectedType.toLowerCase(); - // for primitive wrapper objects - if (!valid && t === 'object') { - valid = value instanceof type; - } - } else if (expectedType === 'Object') { - valid = isPlainObject(value); - } else if (expectedType === 'Array') { - valid = Array.isArray(value); - } else { - valid = value instanceof type; - } - return { - valid: valid, - expectedType: expectedType - } -} - -/** - * Use function string name to check built-in types, - * because a simple equality check will fail when running - * across different vms / iframes. - */ -function getType (fn) { - var match = fn && fn.toString().match(/^\s*function (\w+)/); - return match ? match[1] : '' -} - -function isSameType (a, b) { - return getType(a) === getType(b) -} - -function getTypeIndex (type, expectedTypes) { - if (!Array.isArray(expectedTypes)) { - return isSameType(expectedTypes, type) ? 0 : -1 - } - for (var i = 0, len = expectedTypes.length; i < len; i++) { - if (isSameType(expectedTypes[i], type)) { - return i - } - } - return -1 -} - -/* */ - -function handleError (err, vm, info) { - if (vm) { - var cur = vm; - while ((cur = cur.$parent)) { - var hooks = cur.$options.errorCaptured; - if (hooks) { - for (var i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++) { - try { - var capture = hooks[i].call(cur, err, vm, info) === false; - if (capture) { return } - } catch (e) { - globalHandleError(e, cur, 'errorCaptured hook'); - } - } - } - } - } - globalHandleError(err, vm, info); -} - -function globalHandleError (err, vm, info) { - if (config.errorHandler) { - try { - return config.errorHandler.call(null, err, vm, info) - } catch (e) { - logError(e, null, 'config.errorHandler'); - } - } - logError(err, vm, info); -} - -function logError (err, vm, info) { - if (true) { - warn(("Error in " + info + ": \"" + (err.toString()) + "\""), vm); - } - /* istanbul ignore else */ - if ((inBrowser || inWeex) && typeof console !== 'undefined') { - console.error(err); - } else { - throw err - } -} - -/* */ -/* globals MessageChannel */ - -var callbacks = []; -var pending = false; - -function flushCallbacks () { - pending = false; - var copies = callbacks.slice(0); - callbacks.length = 0; - for (var i = 0; i < copies.length; i++) { - copies[i](); - } -} - -// Here we have async deferring wrappers using both microtasks and (macro) tasks. -// In < 2.4 we used microtasks everywhere, but there are some scenarios where -// microtasks have too high a priority and fire in between supposedly -// sequential events (e.g. #4521, #6690) or even between bubbling of the same -// event (#6566). However, using (macro) tasks everywhere also has subtle problems -// when state is changed right before repaint (e.g. #6813, out-in transitions). -// Here we use microtask by default, but expose a way to force (macro) task when -// needed (e.g. in event handlers attached by v-on). -var microTimerFunc; -var macroTimerFunc; -var useMacroTask = false; - -// Determine (macro) task defer implementation. -// Technically setImmediate should be the ideal choice, but it's only available -// in IE. The only polyfill that consistently queues the callback after all DOM -// events triggered in the same loop is by using MessageChannel. -/* istanbul ignore if */ -if (typeof setImmediate !== 'undefined' && isNative(setImmediate)) { - macroTimerFunc = function () { - setImmediate(flushCallbacks); - }; -} else if (typeof MessageChannel !== 'undefined' && ( - isNative(MessageChannel) || - // PhantomJS - MessageChannel.toString() === '[object MessageChannelConstructor]' -)) { - var channel = new MessageChannel(); - var port = channel.port2; - channel.port1.onmessage = flushCallbacks; - macroTimerFunc = function () { - port.postMessage(1); - }; -} else { - /* istanbul ignore next */ - macroTimerFunc = function () { - setTimeout(flushCallbacks, 0); - }; -} - -// Determine microtask defer implementation. -/* istanbul ignore next, $flow-disable-line */ -if (typeof Promise !== 'undefined' && isNative(Promise)) { - var p = Promise.resolve(); - microTimerFunc = function () { - p.then(flushCallbacks); - // in problematic UIWebViews, Promise.then doesn't completely break, but - // it can get stuck in a weird state where callbacks are pushed into the - // microtask queue but the queue isn't being flushed, until the browser - // needs to do some other work, e.g. handle a timer. Therefore we can - // "force" the microtask queue to be flushed by adding an empty timer. - if (isIOS) { setTimeout(noop); } - }; -} else { - // fallback to macro - microTimerFunc = macroTimerFunc; -} - -/** - * Wrap a function so that if any code inside triggers state change, - * the changes are queued using a (macro) task instead of a microtask. - */ -function withMacroTask (fn) { - return fn._withTask || (fn._withTask = function () { - useMacroTask = true; - var res = fn.apply(null, arguments); - useMacroTask = false; - return res - }) -} - -function nextTick (cb, ctx) { - var _resolve; - callbacks.push(function () { - if (cb) { - try { - cb.call(ctx); - } catch (e) { - handleError(e, ctx, 'nextTick'); - } - } else if (_resolve) { - _resolve(ctx); - } - }); - if (!pending) { - pending = true; - if (useMacroTask) { - macroTimerFunc(); - } else { - microTimerFunc(); - } - } - // $flow-disable-line - if (!cb && typeof Promise !== 'undefined') { - return new Promise(function (resolve) { - _resolve = resolve; - }) - } -} - -/* */ - -var mark; -var measure; - -if (true) { - var perf = inBrowser && window.performance; - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if ( - perf && - perf.mark && - perf.measure && - perf.clearMarks && - perf.clearMeasures - ) { - mark = function (tag) { return perf.mark(tag); }; - measure = function (name, startTag, endTag) { - perf.measure(name, startTag, endTag); - perf.clearMarks(startTag); - perf.clearMarks(endTag); - perf.clearMeasures(name); - }; - } -} - -/* not type checking this file because flow doesn't play well with Proxy */ - -var initProxy; - -if (true) { - var allowedGlobals = makeMap( - 'Infinity,undefined,NaN,isFinite,isNaN,' + - 'parseFloat,parseInt,decodeURI,decodeURIComponent,encodeURI,encodeURIComponent,' + - 'Math,Number,Date,Array,Object,Boolean,String,RegExp,Map,Set,JSON,Intl,' + - 'require' // for Webpack/Browserify - ); - - var warnNonPresent = function (target, key) { - warn( - "Property or method \"" + key + "\" is not defined on the instance but " + - 'referenced during render. Make sure that this property is reactive, ' + - 'either in the data option, or for class-based components, by ' + - 'initializing the property. ' + - 'See: https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/reactivity.html#Declaring-Reactive-Properties.', - target - ); - }; - - var hasProxy = - typeof Proxy !== 'undefined' && isNative(Proxy); - - if (hasProxy) { - var isBuiltInModifier = makeMap('stop,prevent,self,ctrl,shift,alt,meta,exact'); - config.keyCodes = new Proxy(config.keyCodes, { - set: function set (target, key, value) { - if (isBuiltInModifier(key)) { - warn(("Avoid overwriting built-in modifier in config.keyCodes: ." + key)); - return false - } else { - target[key] = value; - return true - } - } - }); - } - - var hasHandler = { - has: function has (target, key) { - var has = key in target; - var isAllowed = allowedGlobals(key) || key.charAt(0) === '_'; - if (!has && !isAllowed) { - warnNonPresent(target, key); - } - return has || !isAllowed - } - }; - - var getHandler = { - get: function get (target, key) { - if (typeof key === 'string' && !(key in target)) { - warnNonPresent(target, key); - } - return target[key] - } - }; - - initProxy = function initProxy (vm) { - if (hasProxy) { - // determine which proxy handler to use - var options = vm.$options; - var handlers = options.render && options.render._withStripped - ? getHandler - : hasHandler; - vm._renderProxy = new Proxy(vm, handlers); - } else { - vm._renderProxy = vm; - } - }; -} - -/* */ - -var seenObjects = new _Set(); - -/** - * Recursively traverse an object to evoke all converted - * getters, so that every nested property inside the object - * is collected as a "deep" dependency. - */ -function traverse (val) { - _traverse(val, seenObjects); - seenObjects.clear(); -} - -function _traverse (val, seen) { - var i, keys; - var isA = Array.isArray(val); - if ((!isA && !isObject(val)) || Object.isFrozen(val) || val instanceof VNode) { - return - } - if (val.__ob__) { - var depId = val.__ob__.dep.id; - if (seen.has(depId)) { - return - } - seen.add(depId); - } - if (isA) { - i = val.length; - while (i--) { _traverse(val[i], seen); } - } else { - keys = Object.keys(val); - i = keys.length; - while (i--) { _traverse(val[keys[i]], seen); } - } -} - -/* */ - -var normalizeEvent = cached(function (name) { - var passive = name.charAt(0) === '&'; - name = passive ? name.slice(1) : name; - var once$$1 = name.charAt(0) === '~'; // Prefixed last, checked first - name = once$$1 ? name.slice(1) : name; - var capture = name.charAt(0) === '!'; - name = capture ? name.slice(1) : name; - return { - name: name, - once: once$$1, - capture: capture, - passive: passive - } -}); - -function createFnInvoker (fns) { - function invoker () { - var arguments$1 = arguments; - - var fns = invoker.fns; - if (Array.isArray(fns)) { - var cloned = fns.slice(); - for (var i = 0; i < cloned.length; i++) { - cloned[i].apply(null, arguments$1); - } - } else { - // return handler return value for single handlers - return fns.apply(null, arguments) - } - } - invoker.fns = fns; - return invoker -} - -function updateListeners ( - on, - oldOn, - add, - remove$$1, - vm -) { - var name, def, cur, old, event; - for (name in on) { - def = cur = on[name]; - old = oldOn[name]; - event = normalizeEvent(name); - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (isUndef(cur)) { - "development" !== 'production' && warn( - "Invalid handler for event \"" + (event.name) + "\": got " + String(cur), - vm - ); - } else if (isUndef(old)) { - if (isUndef(cur.fns)) { - cur = on[name] = createFnInvoker(cur); - } - add(event.name, cur, event.once, event.capture, event.passive, event.params); - } else if (cur !== old) { - old.fns = cur; - on[name] = old; - } - } - for (name in oldOn) { - if (isUndef(on[name])) { - event = normalizeEvent(name); - remove$$1(event.name, oldOn[name], event.capture); - } - } -} - -/* */ - -function mergeVNodeHook (def, hookKey, hook) { - if (def instanceof VNode) { - def = def.data.hook || (def.data.hook = {}); - } - var invoker; - var oldHook = def[hookKey]; - - function wrappedHook () { - hook.apply(this, arguments); - // important: remove merged hook to ensure it's called only once - // and prevent memory leak - remove(invoker.fns, wrappedHook); - } - - if (isUndef(oldHook)) { - // no existing hook - invoker = createFnInvoker([wrappedHook]); - } else { - /* istanbul ignore if */ - if (isDef(oldHook.fns) && isTrue(oldHook.merged)) { - // already a merged invoker - invoker = oldHook; - invoker.fns.push(wrappedHook); - } else { - // existing plain hook - invoker = createFnInvoker([oldHook, wrappedHook]); - } - } - - invoker.merged = true; - def[hookKey] = invoker; -} - -/* */ - -function extractPropsFromVNodeData ( - data, - Ctor, - tag -) { - // we are only extracting raw values here. - // validation and default values are handled in the child - // component itself. - var propOptions = Ctor.options.props; - if (isUndef(propOptions)) { - return - } - var res = {}; - var attrs = data.attrs; - var props = data.props; - if (isDef(attrs) || isDef(props)) { - for (var key in propOptions) { - var altKey = hyphenate(key); - if (true) { - var keyInLowerCase = key.toLowerCase(); - if ( - key !== keyInLowerCase && - attrs && hasOwn(attrs, keyInLowerCase) - ) { - tip( - "Prop \"" + keyInLowerCase + "\" is passed to component " + - (formatComponentName(tag || Ctor)) + ", but the declared prop name is" + - " \"" + key + "\". " + - "Note that HTML attributes are case-insensitive and camelCased " + - "props need to use their kebab-case equivalents when using in-DOM " + - "templates. You should probably use \"" + altKey + "\" instead of \"" + key + "\"." - ); - } - } - checkProp(res, props, key, altKey, true) || - checkProp(res, attrs, key, altKey, false); - } - } - return res -} - -function checkProp ( - res, - hash, - key, - altKey, - preserve -) { - if (isDef(hash)) { - if (hasOwn(hash, key)) { - res[key] = hash[key]; - if (!preserve) { - delete hash[key]; - } - return true - } else if (hasOwn(hash, altKey)) { - res[key] = hash[altKey]; - if (!preserve) { - delete hash[altKey]; - } - return true - } - } - return false -} - -/* */ - -// The template compiler attempts to minimize the need for normalization by -// statically analyzing the template at compile time. -// -// For plain HTML markup, normalization can be completely skipped because the -// generated render function is guaranteed to return Array. There are -// two cases where extra normalization is needed: - -// 1. When the children contains components - because a functional component -// may return an Array instead of a single root. In this case, just a simple -// normalization is needed - if any child is an Array, we flatten the whole -// thing with Array.prototype.concat. It is guaranteed to be only 1-level deep -// because functional components already normalize their own children. -function simpleNormalizeChildren (children) { - for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { - if (Array.isArray(children[i])) { - return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], children) - } - } - return children -} - -// 2. When the children contains constructs that always generated nested Arrays, -// e.g.