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231 lines (183 loc) · 6.87 KB

File metadata and controls

231 lines (183 loc) · 6.87 KB


MADBike 3.0.11

  • Updated to iOS 11 and iPhone X.

MADBike 3.0.1

  • Removed "MADLight" alert.
  • Updated Branch, Facebook, Firebase, OneSignal, SmileWeather and SPGooglePlacesAutocomplete.

MADBike 3.0

  • Removed all BonoPark services, login, logout, incidences and profile.
  • Updated Branch, Charts, Facebook, Firebase, OneSignal, Popover and UIKeyChainStore.

MADBike 2.9.1

  • Fixed app rate analytics.
  • Updated Branch, BuddyBuildSDK, Crashlytics, Facebook, Firebase, Google Maps, OneSignal, Popover, Twitter and Zephyr.

MADBike 2.9

  • Added Nextinit Deep Link.
  • Added app rate analytics.
  • Updated Branch, Facebook, Firebase and Twitter.

MADBike 2.8

  • Added NextInit Proposals.
  • New keychain storage.
  • Browse-to-Native Handoff.
  • Universal linking.
  • Minimum requirement iOS 10.
  • Updated Branch, Firebase, GoogleMaps, OneSignal, Popover, SmileWeather and Zephyr.

MADBike 2.7

  • Added station distance.
  • Core Data bug fix.
  • Updated Charts, DGRunkeeperSwitch, DOFavoriteButton, Firebase, GearRefreshControl, OneSignal, Popover and RNCryptor.
  • Removed PushReview.
  • Log level: Info

MADBike 2.6

  • Added station sharing.
  • Added search history.
  • Sending Favorites, ChangePassword and Incidence events.
  • Sending OneSignal tags.
  • Added Login and logout deeplinks.
  • Added Emergency call.
  • Added Air Quality free SMS alerts.
  • Added EMT BiciMAD API.
  • Added reserved bikes to the chart.
  • Station detail redesign.
  • Dark menu background.
  • Fixed weather location issue.
  • Auto Twitter follow request.
  • Updated Branch, Charts, Fabric, FBSDKCoreKit, FBSDKShareKit, Firebase, OneSignal, SVProgressHUD, TwitterKit, InAppSettingsKit, iRate, Typhoon and XLForm.

MADBike 2.5

  • Added tweet, weather and review deeplinking.
  • Sending incidence while reporting.
  • Added OneSignal tags.
  • Added push disabling in Settings.
  • Push pre-permission on start.
  • Custom MADPoints Branch deepview.
  • Real time station deeplinking.
  • Added Firebase App Indexing.
  • Updated Branch, Crashlytics, Fabric, FBSDKShareKit, Mantle, OneSignal, RNCryptor and added BuddyBuildSDK with CocoaPods.

MADBike 2.4

  • Added filters.
  • Added bike directions support in Maps app.
  • Added Spotlight continuation.
  • Added Search deeplinking and 3D Touch shortcut.
  • Added madbike_link deeplinking and push param.
  • Added tweet us option in settings.
  • Added iOS10 notifications.
  • Default map engine is Google Maps.
  • Better station status.
  • Search bar re-styling.
  • Added BuddyBuildSDK.
  • Updated OneSignal, Branch, FBSDKCoreKit, FBSDKShareKit, TwitterCore, TwitterKit, CocoaLumberjack, DGRunkeeperSwitch, Zephyr, Crashlytics, Charts, GoogleMaps, Fabric, SAMKeychain and SFDraggableDialogView.
  • Better Spotlight index.
  • Tracking Spotlight.
  • Fixed Branch Universal Linking.
  • Blur effects again.

MADBike 2.3

  • Added OneSignal.
  • Updated SFDraggableDialogView, InAppSettingsKit, Branch, Crashlytics, FBSDKShareKit and FBSDKCoreKit.
  • Fixed Branch universal linking.
  • Added iOS 10 annotations/markers.
  • Added iOS 10 NSUserActivity Spotlight indexing.
  • Added "Enable notifications" Settings option.
  • Offline "Profile" access.

MADBike 2.2

  • Added "Report" section.
  • All News sections in a UIPageViewController.
  • Added "Close to me" search and station search.
  • Added pre-permissions.
  • Added 3D Touch shortcuts.
  • Added "Twitter logout" and "Clear cache" Settings options.
  • Added PushReview, SVProgressHUD, SFDraggableDialogView, SAMKeychain, Zephyr and GearRefreshControl.
  • Updated ARFacebookShareKitActivity, Bolts, Typhoon, Branch, FBSDKShareKit, JVFloatLabeledTextField, iRate, TwitterKit and GoogleMaps.
  • Removed FTiCloudSync, RegexKitLite and SSKeychain.
  • Prioritized menu gesture recognizer above map gesture recognizers.
  • Added AirQuality, News, Report, Settings, Incidence, Profile deeplinking.
  • Added universal linking.
  • Added Crashlytics logs.

MADBike 2.1

  • Incidence button color changed on report.
  • Twitter loader.
  • Air quality loader.
  • Tweet detail title and status bar color.
  • Branch -> Fabric integration.
  • Added FXNotifications.
  • Updated TwitterKit.
  • Removed Optimizely, BranchInvite, QRCodeReaderViewController, NSURL+BMDocumentsDirectory and BMHealthManager.
  • Notification center observer's selectors moved to the main queue.

MADBike 2.0

  • Added Green Tips section.
  • Added Air Qualities Heatmap.
  • Added ARFacebookShareKitActivity.
  • Using CocoaPods 1.0.1.
  • Updated FBNotifications, GoogleMaps, SmileWeather, TwitterKit and Typhoon.
  • Added BMHealthManager, but not used.
  • Added routes services and models, but not used.
  • Added QRCode reader, but does nothing.
  • Location only when in use.
  • Removed location background mode.

MADBike 1.9

  • New models BMPartner, BMPlace and BMPromotion.
  • Ready to show places and promotions.
  • Added Facebook SDK Release Version.
  • Some pods updated: Branch, CMMapLauncher, CocoaLumberjack, GoogleMaps, MTLManagedObjectAdapter and SmileWeather.
  • Created BMIncidencesManager and quick incidence report menu option when logged in. Thanks Paula Marín!

MADBike 1.8

  • Added BranchInvite.
  • Updated AFNetworking.
  • Updated Branch.
  • Updated Charts.
  • Updated TwitterKit.
  • Updated Google Maps.
  • Google Maps optimized to 60fps and power save.
  • Google Maps markers load faster.
  • Fixed background when rendering map.
  • Fixed notification permission at start sharing view.
  • Highlighted content depending on the map style.
  • New directions icon.
  • New contact us email.

MADBike 1.7

  • Added CMMapLauncher.
  • Added sharing section.
  • Added FBSDK-iOS-4.10.0-Push-beta2.
  • Added notifications on sharing.
  • Added some events to analytics.
  • Google Maps zoom fix.

MADBike 1.6

  • Added Google Maps engine.
  • Updated RNCryptor.
  • Updated AFNetworking.
  • Added OpenInGoogleMaps.
  • Using SVPulsingAnnotationView in MapKit engine.
  • Using INTULocationManager in Google Maps engine.

MADBike 1.5

  • Annotations fix.
  • Twitter timeline optimization.
  • Updated some pods.
  • Log level optimization.
  • Using @import optimization.

MADBike 1.4 (1.4.2)

  • Added TwitterKit.
  • Added News section.
  • Added Tips section.
  • Updated some pods.

MADBike 1.3 (1.3)

  • Updated Charts and other pods.

MADBike 1.2 (1.2.4)

  • Station deeplinking.
  • Station index for Spotlight Search.
  • Added SDK.

MADBike 1.1 (1.1.5)

  • Working without session.
  • Updated cluster and Fabric.
  • Fixed SFSafariViewController status bar appearance.
  • Fixed searching in favorites mode.
  • Added madbike:// URL Scheme.
  • Added Facebook SDK.

MADBike 1.0 (1.0.3)

  • Fixed weather reachability.
  • Added "Potentially outdated information." warning.
  • Fixed empty search cancel on touch screen.
  • Removed legal warning on Sign up and Add balance.
  • Fixed Safari edge gesture.
  • Fixed first install alert.
  • Fixed close session loop.
  • Locked OK button on incidences and remember password.
  • Added clear button on incidences and remember password.
  • Fixed crash on offline mode.