Releases: alexispurslane/quake-emacs
Releases · alexispurslane/quake-emacs
General Summary
Still haven't been able to resolve the known issues, but a great amount of refinement and improvement has been made. See #4 for a list.
Known Issues
- Corfu segfaults emacs if you try to prompt an autocompletion while an LSP server is still indexing and starting up, but after eglot has connected to that server. This is an upstream issue, and can be easily avoided
- eglot-ensure does not work, so eglot must be triggered manually
- During initial installation, it will get halfway through installing and error out, and you have to restart emacs to finish the installation, but it installs just fine all the same.
General Summary
I'm using it for my day-to-day editing, and besides the issues listed below, it is stable, feature-complete, and productive. I've also tested to make sure it installs and runs properly on fresh systems. However, unknown unknowns remain until someone else tries it out and I've gotten more time to use it in anger.
Known Issues
- Corfu segfaults emacs if you try to prompt an autocompletion while an LSP server is still indexing and starting up, but after eglot has connected to that server. This is an upstream issue, and can be easily avoided anyway.
- eglot-ensure does not work, so eglot must be triggered manually
- During initial installation, it will get halfway through installing and error out, and you have to restart emacs to finish the installation, but it installs just fine all the same.
Other Comments
If you're wondering what happened to the previous release tag, don't worry about it. I had a bit of a git apocalypse and had to take drastic measures.