AWS Global infrastructure
- Regions
- Availability zones
- Data centers
- Edge locations
Important notes:
- some services may exist only at some regions
- price between regions may differ
IAM - Identity access management, Global service
- Root user
- Groups
- Users
Policies define permissions
Effect: Allow | Disallow
- Least privilege principle (don't give more than user needs)
- Permissions may be binded directly to the user or inherited from the group
- We can create our own policies via json configs or via visual editor
- For security purposes we can define passwords policies
- It is strongly recommended to use MFA (multi factor authentication)
- Accesskey should be generated by each user separately. Better not to share your AccessKeys
CloudShell - allows you to run aws console in your browser (be careful: it is not available in all regions)
IAM Role allows services to execute commands as some users
Types of policies
Identity-based policies with boundaries. You can create boundary policies to boundary policies (permit) Identity policies grant permissions to resources (allow) Effective permissions - intersection of boundary and identity policies
Resource based policies control access for a specified resource
IAM role session - grant access for the session (short period of time) IAM federated user sessions - Organization SCP - limits policies for the entire organization Session Policy -
IAM Access Analyzer policy validation.
AWS Organizations
Global Service Allows to manage many AWS accounts the main account is master account Provides consolidated billing for all accounts - one payment method Plus: discount for EC2, S3, ....
OU - organization unit SCP - service control policy
- whitelist or blacklist IAM actions
- applied to OU account level
Use cases:
- restrict access to certain services
- enforce PCI compliance be explicitly disabling services
AWS RAM - Resource Access Manager
Many accounts can share some resources For example: VPC, private network
AWS SSO May be used to provide access tokens instead of STS
VPC - Virtual Private Cloud
CIDR - Classless Inter-Domain Routing - a method for allocating IP-addresses
CIDR consists of:
- IP
- subnet-mask Example:
/8 => /16 => /24 => /32 => (only one IP allowed)
VPC consists of subnets you can have multiple VPC in a region (max 5 - soft limit)
Max CIDR per VPC = 5 In VPC only private IPs allowed
Your VPC CIDR should not overlap between your networks
For each subnet AWS reserves next addresses: - Network address - VPC router - for AWS DNS - for future use - broadcast address (but broadcast is forbidden)
Internet Gateway Allows resources in a VPC connect to the internet Scales horizontally, highly available and redundant
must be created separately from VPC
one VPC <=> one Internet Gateway
Bastion Hosts - it is your EC2 instances configured to pass requests to the private network
NAT - Network address translation
- must have elastic IP attached to it
- allows EC2 instances in private subnets connect to the internet
- must be launched in a public subnet
- route tables must route traffic from the private instance to the NAT instance
- must disable EC2 instance setting Source/destination check
You should use NAT Gateway instead of NAT instance
NAT Gateway
- AWS managed, high bandwidth, high availability, no administration
- pay per hour usage and bandwidth
- created in a specific AZ, uses an Elastic IP
- Can't be used by EC2 inst
- requires Internal Gateway:
- Private subnet => NAT Gateway => Internal Gateway
- 5 Gbs/sec bandwidth, scaled to 45 automatically
- Security Groups are not required
- Resilent in one AZ, you should create it in all AZ
NACL - Network ACL
- Nacl is like a firewall which control traffic from and to subnets
- One Nacl per subnet, new subnets get default nacl
- newly created Nacls will deny everything
VPC Reachability Analyzer 0.1$ per analyze
VPC Peering for connecting VPCs To they behave like a one network Not transitive (A <> B && A <> C != A<> C)
When we connect two VPC we must don't forget to create Routes
VPC Endpoint allows to connect from the private subnet to AWS resources There are two types of VPC Endpoint:
- Interface endpoint
- Gateway endpoint (only for S3 and DynamoDB)
VPC Flow Logs allows to collect logs
Customer Gateway - for connection between customer network and VPC network (it works through VPN)
Site-to-Site VPN connection
Direct connect (DX) - dedicated connection from your on-premise DC to AWS. Very fast, goes not via internet
AWS Private Link - for exposing one application from VPC to the Peering connection
Transit Gateway - can connect multiple VPC to a one network it's only one supports IP-multicast ECMP - Equal cost multi-path
VPC Traffic Mirroring
IPv6 Egress-only Internet Gateway - like NAT Gateway, but for IPv6 Allows to get the internet from the EC2 instance in private VPC, but doesn't allow reach the EC2 instance from the internet.
- Internet Gateway
- NAT Gateway
- Egress Gateway
Methods of connecting to a VPC:
● AWS Managed VPN
● AWS Direct Connect
● AWS Direct Connect plus a VPN
● AWS VPN CloudHub
● Transit VPC
● VPC Peering
● AWS PrivateLink
● VPC Endpoints
Costs for USA
- Incoming traffic is free
- communication between EC2 instances at the same AZ is free
- communication between EC2 instances in different AZ is paid:
- 0.02 per Gb using public IP
- 0.01 per Gb using private IP
- Communication betwee regions: 0.02 per Gb
You must keep traffic in AWS to minimize costs
S3 data transferring
ingress traffic - free
to internet - 0.09 per Gb
S3 Transfer Acceleration
- from 0.04 to 0.08 per Gb
S3 cross-region replication - 0.02 perGb
From CloudFront to internet - 0.085 per Gb
High performance network
EC2 enhanced networking
- higher PPC, lower latency
- Elastic Network Adapter
- Intel 82599.... (Legacy)
Elastic Fabric Adapter
(only for Linux)
EC2 - elastic compute cloud. Virtual machine
EC2 User data script - for running once, when the machine is started
Security Groups control in and out traffic of EC2. They have only allow rules.
To working with aws from your EC2 it's better to assign roles to your EC2 instances. Using accessKeys may be not so good idea
EC2 main types in pricing:
- EC2 on demand
- short workload
- pay by second
- highest cost, no upfront payment
- EC2 Reserved Instances - for long workloads
- reserved instances
- convertable reserved instances
- ~72% cheaper than on demand instances
- you specify region, instance type, ...
- there are payment options: upfront full, upfront part, ...
- recommended for databases
- may be bought or saled at the marketplace
- may be converted
- Saving plans
- long workload
- commit to a certain plan of usage
- bounded only by price in plan
- Spot Instances
- short workloads
- the cheapest
- not reliable
- Spot Fleets
- Dedicated hosts
- there are on-demand and reserved
- entire server
- the most expensive
- Capacity reservations
- no time commitment
- no billing discounts
Elastic Ip allows to assign fixed IP-address for a EC2 instance.
Placement Groups -
- Cluster - low-latency group in a single availability zone
ENI - Elastic Network Interface AMI - Amazon Machine Instance
EC2 Instance Store - contains own hard drive, has better IO performance. In case of terminaton loses it's storage. Good for: buffer, cache, ...
EBS - elastic block storage (via network)
EBS categories:
- general purpose SSD (16k iops - max)
- IOPS and size are binded. When we increase size, IOPS are increased too!
- highest performance SSD (low latency, high IO)
- 32k IOPS -max, 64k - for Nitro
- can increase IOPS independently of storage size
- io2 has more durability and more IOPS per GB
- size: 4Gb - 64Tb
- io2 BLOCK EXPRESS provides 256k PIOPS
- supports EBS multiattach
- HDD - low cost
- can not be a boot volume
- for big data, dwh, log processing
- max IOPS - 500
- HDD - the cheapest
- max IOPS - 250
Criteries: Size, Throughput, IOPS
Instance Store
- storage binded to directly to a machine
- highest performance
- problem - in case of termination, data may be lost. You need to guarantee replication and backups
EFS - Elastic File System - managed NFS (network file system). Works for different AZ. More expensive then gp2
Use cases: content management, web serving, data sharing Posix file-system Pay per use (not by allocated Gbs)
- EFS Scale
- 1000 concurrent clients
- 10+ Gb throughput
- Performance Mode
- for latency sensetive
- Max IO
- Throughput Mode
- 50-100 Mb/s
+There is Multi-AZ
There are 4 types of balancers:
- classic load balancer (deprecated)
- L4, L7
- application load balancer
- L7
- HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket
- latency: ~400ms
- network load balancer
- latency: ~100ms
- gateway load balancer
- IP
ELB allows to create sticky sessions with cookies. Application or ELB may generate a cookie to bind user requests to the exact application instance.
With ELB we can use cross-zone load balancing: when a ELB in one zone can send requests to application in another AZ.
SNI - Server Name Indication. Works for: ALB, NLB, CloudFront ACM - Amazon Certificate Manager
Connection draining - for graceful reload
ASG - Auto Scaling Groups. ASG is free, you don't need to pay for it, you pay only for EC2 instances. Launch Template describes the configuration for ASG.
RDS - Relational Database Service
RDS allows use to use:
- Postgres
- Mysql
- MariaDB
- Oracle
- Microsoft SQL
- Aurora
AWS provides:
- automated patching OS
- continuous backups and restore to a specific timestamp
- monitoring
- replication
- maintenance windows
- scalability
- Daily backups => 7 days retention (may be increased)
There are backups and snapshots
- backups are created automatically
- snapshots are created manually
Storage may be increased dynamically (automatically) You can set maximum scale size
Replication between AZ is free But! Replication to another region is paid
With sync replication your app may be automatically connected to the replica and replica may become a master for disaster recovery situation
RDS data may be encrypted at launch If master is not encrypted, then replicas can not be encrypted
Also there is in flight encryption with SSL
Unencrypted database may be encrypted by making and restoring a snapshot
IAM athentication allows you to use a token for authentication in database. This token lives 15 minutes
Elasticache - for Redis or Memcache Doesn't support IAM authentication
- multi AZ with FailOver
- read replicas
- data durability via AOF persistence
- backup and restore feature
- Sharding
- no replication
- not persistent
- no backup and restore
- multi-threaded architecture
Aurora API compatibe to Postgres
Data is held in 6 replicas in 6 AZ Out of the box: Multi AZ, Auto Scaling Read Replicas
Can be global for disaster recovery
- Aurora is a proprietary DB
- Aurora is cloud-optimized, it 5x faster than mysql or mariadb and 3x faster than Postgres
- Aurora may have 15 replicas and replication is faster (less 10 ms)
- Failover is very fast (less 30 sec)
- Aurora is more expensive (+20%)
- Aurora is high availability and read scaling (6 copies across 3 AZ, requires 4 copies of 6 to write and 3 copies out of 6 to read) has self healing via peer-to-peer replication
scales from 10Gb to 126Tb
Multi-AZ uses synchronous replication
- Serverless
- Multi-master
Amazon DynamoDB
Fully managed, highle available, multiAZ NoSQL
Million requests per second
fast and consistent performance law latency on retrieval
Enables event-driven programming with dynamodb-streams
There are two classes:
- standard
- infrequent access
Max Item size = 400Kb
Price control:
- provisioned you set read and write capacity and pay for this capacity (you need to plan capacity) also you can add auto-scaling
- on-demand mode auto-scaling pay as you use more expensive (2-3 times) useful for very unpredictable usages
you don't create database, you create table. during the creation table, you install partition_key and sorting_key also you can add secondary indexes
Data Streams
- sent to Kinesis Data Stream
- Read by lambda
- data retention - 24h
Global Table - cross-region table
- for low-latency cross-region
- active-active replication
- requires enabling Data Streams
TTL - for auto-delete
Global Secondary indexes, Local Secondary Indexes
There is Transactions maintenance
Reads can be eventually or strong consistent
DynamoDB Accelerator (Dax)
- fully managed, highly available, seamless in-memory cache for DynamoDB
- provides microseconds latency for cached data
- doesn't require any application changes
Route 53 - for managing DNS records Also it's domain register
You can create public and private domain names
The price for DNS record - 0.50$
CNAME - works only for not root domain Alias - works for root domains too on aws resources
- it's free (no payment)
Route 53 supports Routing policies:
- route traffic to a single resource
- may be a list of A records in an answer
- can't be associated with health-checks
- you can distribute traffic between instances with weights
- DNS records must have the same name and type
- for: load-balancing, test-checks
- you can define main and secondary target instances
- secondary becomes when the main fails down
latency based
- redirects to the closest app by latency
- latency bases on the traffic between AWS and users region
- for routing requests to different instances based on users region
- like geolocation, but allows you to direct traffic based on some value called bias
- for client-side load-balancing
Route 53 can execute health-checks
Route 53 Hosted zone is required to manage your DNS records
Buckets must have global unique names Buckets are defined at region level Max file size is 5Tb
Bucket may have private and public access
It is a good approach to use files verions
There are 4 methods to encrypt objects in S3:
- SSE-S3 - encrypts using keys handled and managed by AWS
- SSE-KMS - encrypts using keys handled and managed by KMS
- SSE-C - by your own keys
- Client-side encryption
S3 provides SSL encryption
- IAM Policy - which API calls allowed for which user
- Object ACL
- Bucket ACL
IAM policy - for user can do Resource policy - what operations are allowed on this bucket
There are accessLogs which can be stored to another S3 bucket
S3 guarantees strong consistency
IAM policy simulator - tool to check policies at Amazon - is a special url with which you can access a lot of information about your EC2 instance
You can enable default encryption to encrypt files uploaded to s3
It's possible to log into access log info about each request to the S3 bucket
Replication - you can replicate content of your bucket into anther (in the same region or another). It requires versioning and replication. This replication is async and it replicates only new changes. Also you can replicate existing objects with S3 Batch Replication. Replication may be applied in complience purposes. By default delete actions are not replicated
S3 Storage classes:
- stantard
- 99.99 availability
- used for frequently accessed data
- low latency, high throughput
- IA - infrequent access
- 99.9 availability
- lower cost than standard, but requires to pay for retrieval
- use-cases: disaster-recovery, backups
- One zone IA
- 99.5 availability
- data is stored in one DC
- Intelligent tiering
- automatically moves object between storages
- Glacier instance retrieval
- price for storage+price for retrieve
- Glacier flexible retrieval
- Glacier deep archive
AWS automatically scales to hight performance with latency 100-200ms. Your application can achieve 3500 rps for writing and 5500 rps for reading per prefix in a bucket. Prefix - part of url (folders). Therefore it may be better to create folders in bucket.
If encryption is turn on for your bucket, you may be affected by KMS performance.
S3 Select & Glacier select allow to perform filtering by rows and columns in your files. It can improve the performance of you application and decrease costs, because less data is transferred by network
AWS allows to customize payment. You can pay just for storing data, but for downloading file requester will pay
Glacier Vault Lock - allows to lock an object and forbid its changes with vault lock policy. May be used for compliance.
Athena-service allows to perform analytics against S3 objects
It can execute SQL queries.
supports: json. csv, Avro, parquet, ORC
Pricing: 5$ per Tb data scanned Tip: use compressed or columned data for saving costs
Use cases: BI, analytics, reporting, logs investigation
Exam tip: analyze data in S3 using serverless SQL
CloudFront - Content-delivery-network
Origin Access Identity - for IAM role for cloudFront
CloudFront Signed Url / Signed Cookie - for controlling read access of objects
- signed URL gives access to an individual file
- signed cookie - gives access to many files
Also there is pre-signed URL for access directly to S3 bucket
There are 3 classes of CloudFront edge locations:
- 1 - all
- 2 - all except the most expensive
- 3 - 100 the cheapest
Cloud Front Geo Restriction allows to provide access only for users from some exact region
AWS Global Accelerator provides Unicast and Anycast IP. Anycast ip directs requests to the nearest edge location
Appropriate for dynamic content
AWS Snow Family - highly secure portable devices to collect and process data at the edge and migrate data into and out of AWS
data migration:
- Snowcone - small device with 8Tb
- Snowball edge - big device with tens Tb space
- Snowmoblie - lorry for exabite data - for more than 10Pb data
Data computing:
- Snowcone - 2CPU, 4Gb memory
- Snowball edge compute optimized - 52 CPU, 208 Gb RAM, 42 Tb storage
- Snowball edge storage optimized - 40CPU, 80 Gb RAM,
can run AWS EC2 instances or lambda functions (using AWS IOT Green Grass) for data processing, ML, ...
You can not import data from AWS Snowball directly to your Glacier storage. You need to import it firstly to S3 and then via lifescycle policies it can be moved to the Glacier storage
AWS FSx - fully managed third party file-system
FSx for Windows - shared file system for WIndows like EFS for Linux. Supports SMB and NTFS, Active Directory and ACL Also can be mounted to Linux EC2 instances Can be configured to Multi-AZ Data is backuped daily to S3
FSx Lustre - parallel high performance, for large scale computing Seamless integration with S3
- can read S3 as file system through FSx
- can write result of computation back to S3
- can be used from on-premise
- scratch file system
- Data is not replicated and may be lost
- persistent file-system
- long-term storage. Data is replicated in the same AZ
AWS Storage Gateway - bridge between on-premise data and cloud data in S3
use cases: backup
3 types of storage gateway:
- File Gateway (for EFS, FSx)
- Volume Gateway (for EBS)
- Tape Gateway (for S3)
Can be integrated with Active Directory
Hardware Appliance - you can install a special server inside your DC which will provide Storage Gateway logic
Amazon FSx File Gateway - native access to Amazon FSx for Windows File Server
provides cache for low-latency
SMB, Active-Directory, NTFS
AWS Transfer Family - fully managed service for file transfers into and out of Amazon S3 or EFS using the FTP protocol
You can provide public FTP-like interface, but keep data in S3 (or EFS)
supported protocols:
- AWS Transfer for FTP
- AWS Transfer for FTPS
- AWS Transfer for SFTP
SQS - Simple queue service
- unlimited throughput, unlimited number of messages in queue
- default retention for message - 4 days, maximum - 14 days
- low latency (<10 ms on publish and receive)
- limit: 256Kb per message
- message can be delivered twice
- at least one delivery
- HTTPS for inflight API
- At-rest encryption using KMS
- client-side encryption
- SQS Access-policy
There is message visibility timeout during which message is not shown again. Default value = 30sec. But consumer may call changeMessageVisibility to avoid message duplication
SQS provides DLQ. You can move many messages as batch from DLQ to the source queue.
SQS supports Delay queues
SQL client works with Poll-approach
SQS supports Request-Response approach. To implement this pattern you can use SQS Temporary Queue Client. It leverages virtual queues instead of creating real SQS queues.
SQS Fifo guarantees the order of messages limits: 300 messages/sec or 3000 messages/sec for batching there is exactly-once capability
SNS - Simple Notification service (publish-subscriber pattern) (From one to many)
Data is not persisted (deleted if not delivered)
SNS + SQS + Fan out
SNS FIltering - json rule for filtering messages
Kinesis - makes easy to collect, process and analyze streaming data in real-time (logs, metrics, IOTs)
Kinesis data-streams - for capture, process and store data retention: between 1 to 365 days
Kinesis data-firehose - load data streams into AWS data stores
- fully managed
- stores data into S3, elastic, ...
- pay for data going through
- supports conversions, transformations, compression
- can send failed data to S3
KInesis data-analytics - for analyze data streams with SQL or Apache Flink use cases:
- time-series analytics
- real-time dashboards
- real-time metrics KInesis video-streams - capture, process and store video-streams
Amazon MQ - Managed Apache ActiveMQ
runs on a dedicated machine, not autoscaled has queue and topics
Can be run in two AZ, requires EFS for storing data
ECR - Elastic Container Registry
ECS Task - for running containers
ECS - Elastic Container Service ECS2 Launch type - you allocate machines EC2 instances and run containers there AWS Fargate
- for running containers
- you don't allocate containers, it's serverless
EKS - Elastic Kubernetes Service
You can mount EFS into your ECS Tasks Fargate + EFS = Serverless (pay as you go) FSx for Lustre is not supported
ECS Auto Scaling
- per CPU utilization
- on RAM
- number of requests per Task options:
- Target tracking - based on metric
- Step scaling - based on specific CloudWatch Alarm
- Scheduled Scaling - based on a specific date/time
There are two options to scale EC2 Launch Type instances:
- Auto Scaling Group
- ECS Cluster Capacity Provider
- memory: 128MB - 10GB
- Max exec time - 15min
- env variables - 4Kb
- Disk capacity - 512Mb
- Concurrent execution - 1000 (may be increased)
- deployment size (compressed) < 50Mb
- deployment size (uncompressed) < 250Mb
Lambda@edge - for running functions in nearest regions (global)
API Gateway
- supports websocket
- API versioning
- multiple envs (dev, test, prod)
- Auth-n, authr-n
- Api keys, throttling
- Swagger, OpenApi to define API
- transform and validate requests
- cache api responses
Api gateway endpoint types:
- Edge-optimized (default)
- requests routed via CloudFront
- API gateway is in the region
- Regional
- Private
IAM policy Lambda Authorizer
- option to cache the result
- helps to use Oauth/SAML
- lambda must return IAM policy for the user
- fully manages user lifycycle
- API gateway automatically verifies from AWS Cognito
- cognito only helps with authentication, not authorization
- can be backed by Facebook, Google, ...
Cognito User Pools
- sign in
- integrate with API Gateway
- Federated Identities (facebook, Google, ...)
Cognito Identity Pools
- for IAM users
Cognito Sync => AppSync
Cloud Watch (like grafana)
Metric - some value Dimension (max 1- per metric)
EC2 Instance RAM is not sent automatically, it should be sent inside from instance
Cloud Watch Dashboard
- global
- can include graphs from different AWS accounts and regions
Dashboard may shared with people who don't have AWS account
Types of monitoring:
- standard - 5, 10 min
- detailed - 1 minute
- high resolution - 1, 10, 30 sec
Provides governance, compliance and audit for your AWS account
you can get history of commands, API calls, CLI, ... Can put logs from CloudTrail into CloudWatch Logs
Example: if some EC2 instance was deleted, you can investigate it with CloudTrail
types of events:
- management (configurations, creating something, modification resources). Can collect read events and write events
- data events (by default are not written). Can collect read events and write events. Also here may be logged lambda functions invokes
- insights - can analyze events and try to find unusual activity. (inaccurate resource provision, ...)
By default events are stored during 90 days.
To store them more, you can send them to S3 and analyze with Athena
Allows to create limits for resources:
- type of EC2 machine
IT DOESN'T PREVENT!!!! it just allows to check!!
allows to deactivate IAM user and allocated resources or create notificatons
(for compliance control allocated resources)
For example: you can detect EC2 machines with open 22 ports for the world
- groups
- stream
- expiration
- export (S3, elasticSearch, ...)
Cloud Watch Alarm
- for some actions (scale, notifications, termitate, ...) If you set an alarm on a high-resolution metric, you can specify a high-resolution alarm with a period of 10 seconds or 30 seconds, or you can set a regular alarm with a period of any multiple of 60 seconds.
command: "aws cloudwatch alarm ...."
CloudWatch Events events from other services (S3, ...) send notifications on some actions (EC2 instance created, stopped, ...)
CloudWatch EventBridge aggregate events from many accounts, regions, ...
allows to provide limited Access to AWS resources token is valid up to one hour (must be refreshed)
assumeRole assumeRoleWithSaml assumeRoleWithWebIdentity
GetSessionToken - for FMA
use cases:
- create IAM Role with some access
- define principles for this IAM Role
- use AWS STS to retrieve credentials (accessToken) and impersonate access
Cross account access, assume some role
Federation allows to users outside AWS to assume temporary Roles for accessing Resources
Allows to use:
- SAML 2.0
- cutom Identity Broker
- Web Identity with Cognito
- Microsoft AD
(User Management is outside AWS)
Better to use Cognito instead of Web Identity Federation
allows to create your own managed AD service you can syncronize your own AD with AWS AD AD Connector - proxy to on-premise
KMS has a limit for encrypted data: 4Kb If size of the data is more, the you can use envelope encryption
KMS is linked to a region. And you can not get key from another region. If you want to move encrypted data from a one region to another, you need to reencrypt data by a key from another region (for example, for EBS volume)
Key policies are similar to resource policies
for AWS managed keys only services who uses these keys can access them Customer managed keys: 1$ per month
Key rotation happens once a year Previous key is active, so you still can decrypt the old data
SSM Parameter Store Secret store for configuration and secrets Serverless, scalable, durable, versioned
Secrets Manager
- newer service (instead of SSM) capable to rotate secrets every X days has integrations with RDS, Dynamo, ..
CloudHSM For hardware encryption You control it entirely multi AZ AWS can not access it
Shield For protection against DDOS Free service, activated automatically
Shield Advanced 3000$ per month protects against more sophisticated attacks
WAF firewall for web-atacks For L7
deployed on ALB, Api Gateway or CloudFront protects against SQL injections, XSS, ... adds constraints on the size of requests geomatch constraints +DDOS protection
Guard Duty Intelligent threat detection explores:
- CloudTrail logs
- VPC logs
- DNS logs
- K8s audit logs
Macie fully managed data security and data privacy service uses ML alert about personal data can discover S3, find personal data and alert about it
Inspector Automated security assessments Can analyze versions of OS in EC2 Only for EC2 and containers!!!
RPO - recovery point objective RTO - recovery time objective
Disaster recovery strategies:
- backup and restore
- Pilot light
- warm standby
- Hot site / Multi site approach
DMS - database migration service
for migrating data to AWS supports homogenous migration (Oracle => Oracle) and geterogenous (MS SQL => Aurora)
also supports CDC AWS SCT - schema conversion tool
Data Sync - for moving large amount of data into AWS from on-premise you can sunchronize to: S3, EFS. FSx, replication tasks may be scheduled (hourly, weekly, ...) - it is not continuous
You need to install DataSync Agent on your system and run DataSync in cloud
AWS Backup Fully managed service
Supports: -S3
- DynamoDB
- FXs
- ...
Cross-region Cross-account
There are backup plan, backup-window
AWS Backup Vault Lock - only read and don't delete