This is a Angular package that provides Nebular based components to be used in Formly forms. In a nutshell, Nebular is a set of Angular components that follows Eva Design Pattern. Formly is a angular library taht supports the dynamic configuration of forms. It provide several features to make it easy to create complex and configurable forms based on javascript objects.
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 10.0.2.
To check who this library is used, we highly recommend to check the project izzy-front-2-backends which provides demo pages for this package in a admin template.
- ngx-formly: 5.10.10
- nebular: 6.0.0
- ngx-mask: 11.1.4
- lodash: 4.17.21
- NbFormlyCheckboxComponent
- NbFormlyInputComponent
- NbFormlyDatepickerComponent
- NbFormlySelectComponent
- NbFormlyWrapperPanelComponent
- NbFormlyWrapperStepperComponent
- SortByPipe
Generate the dist of the package.
ng build ngx-admin-formly-fields
We recommend to test in another application.
cp -r dist/ngx-admin-formly-fields ../application/node_modules/
Update the version in package.json. Publish in NPM.
npm publish --access public