This tutorial focuses in using CSharp with a collection of pre-defined model objects to access SNOMED CT content from the IHTSDO Browser backend services.
If you don't have Visual Studio installed on your system download the free version from the Microsoft site.
Start by cloning the project and then opening the solution file in Visual Studio 2015, and then compile as normal. This should download 2 NuGet packages (Newtonsoft.Json and RestSharp) on compilation.
git clone
The application entry point is the program.cs file which can be found here:
- rest-client-csharp/SnomedClient/program.cs
The client has two defined classes for the returned data:
- rest-client-csharp/SnomedClient/SnomedSearch.cs
- rest-client-csharp/SnomedClient/SnomedConcept.cs
The 'Searching by query' and 'Searching my description id' return the SnomedSearch model, while the 'Searching my concept id' returns the SnomedConcept model.
There is a rest-client-csharp/SnomedClient/bin/Debug/RunExamples.cmd file which will run all the below queries for you:
- SnomedClient.exe findByQuery "heart attack"
- SnomedClient.exe findByDescriptionId 679406011
- SnomedClient.exe findByConceptId 109152007
- SnomedClient.exe findByQueryWithFilter "heart" "procedure"
When running rest-client-csharp/SnomedClient/bin/Debug/SnomedClient.exe on its own, it will return the Usage:
Usage: SnomedClient <command> <arg> [<arg2>]
Sample calls
- findByQuery "heart attack"
- findByDescriptionId 679406011
- findByConceptId 109152007
- findByQueryWithFilter "heart" "procedure"
To see the raw JSON response itself, you will need to edit the SnomedClient.cs and enable the debug option, and set the output directory.
// Just for debugging, set to true to capture responses
private readonly bool _debug = true;
private readonly string _dir = @"c:\temp\";
Searching for "heart attack":
SnomedClient.exe findByQuery "heart attack"
This call writes some output to the console:
Using URL :
Edition : en-edition
Release : 20160131
Searching for text : heart attack
Total entries returned : 13
Searching for "679406011":
SnomedClient.exe findByDescriptionId 679406011
This call writes some output to the console:
Using URL :
Edition : en-edition
Release : 20160131
Searching Description Id : 679406011
FSN Found : Methylphenyltetrahydropyridine (substance)
Searching for "109152007":
SnomedClient.exe findByConceptId 109152007
This call writes some output to the console:
Using URL :
Edition : en-edition
Release : 20160131
Searching Concept Id : 109152007
FSN Found : Bilirubin test kit (substance)
Searching for "heart" within "procedure":
SnomedClient.exe findByQueryWithFilter "heart" "procedure"
This call writes some output to the console:
Using URL :
Edition : en-edition
Release : 20160131
Searching for text : heart
With filter : procedure
Total entries returned : 746