snake game using ncurses and the c programing language implemented for GNU/linux operating systems
how to compile it , first you need to install the ncurses develoment library you can do that in debian based distros with :
sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev
also you will need a nerd patched font and the emoji noto font no see the game rendered in the terminal
and for compiling it you need use:
g++ snake.cpp -o snake -lncursesw
i linked the "w" version of ncurses because it the one that have compability with the unicode characters that i used. and before running it you will need to create a highscore.txt file to write the high score if you dont you will get an error and the game will not start for running it just need to do an:
into a terminal
gracias a paddy en stack overflow, que me ayudo a solucionar un bug.